View Full Version : Manga: Medaka Box
Tue, 08-11-2009, 02:51 PM
Taken from Onemanga:
Kurokami Medaka, a first year, is elected as Student Council President, and the first thing she does is establish a suggestion box. Since she was just elected as Student Council President, she's holding all the Student Council's responsibilities, and wearing their armbands. So, she asks for her childhood friend, Hitoyoshi Zenkichi, for help.
-It has some Haruhi-esque characteristics, buts all in good fun.
Onemanga link:
Sun, 09-20-2009, 02:03 PM
Chapter 19 is here:
Mon, 09-21-2009, 09:15 PM
I'm starting to get bored of this manga because it seems to glorify Medaka to the point of absurdity. I know she is the main character, but it has little content aside from that. The side characters really look meaningless in comparison.
Tue, 10-06-2009, 03:48 AM
chapter 21 is out:
Sun, 10-11-2009, 08:03 PM
22 is here:
Am I the only one still reading this? >.>
Sun, 10-11-2009, 09:29 PM
Probably but I'm sure there are others just none of them want to post or say anything about it. I'm still following it though, it's still interesting specially the last page of this chapter...sheesh.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 10-11-2009, 11:44 PM
This kinda remind me of the one example in bakuman where a mangaka tries too hard by giving a regular manga battle themes.
I really would have prefer this as a school comedy.
Fri, 10-16-2009, 12:23 AM
I love this manga. I can easily see how Medaka's God Mode Sue powers would put off most people, to the point that I wonder how it hasn't been canceled yet, but I like it mostly for her absurd audaciousness. The fight with Unzen took things to such a ridiculous level I'm wondering how they'll manage to stay grounded in reality but now she finally has a bunch of other super people to fight against so hopefully things will level out some. Despite their somewhat limited roles I like the side chars a lot too, but I get the impression that the power gap between them and Medaka and these 'Flask' people is going to be too huge to cross so they'll probably have to continue in a cheerleader sort of role for Medaka.
Fri, 10-23-2009, 09:54 AM
23 is here:
Tue, 10-27-2009, 03:00 PM
24 is here:
Tue, 11-03-2009, 04:54 AM
Thu, 11-12-2009, 09:09 PM
Sun, 01-09-2011, 08:56 AM
I can't believe this is from the same author of Bakemonogatari and Katanagatari...
Still, i guess it's mildly popular and there's always the chance he might be going somewhere with this so i decided to give it a shot though chapter one didn't really get my hopes up.
Mon, 01-10-2011, 03:29 AM
Heh, this series doesn't seem to have anything in common with either of those other than featuring characters with ridiculously thought out and ridiculously ridiculous special abilities and lots of OMGWTF moments as said characters crash into each other. When you boil that away though it's really just Tenjou Tenge/Air Gear with a narrower setting and a female main character.
I am currently stalled around chapter 65ish where Medaka's Student Council and allies, mostly defeated and face turned former enemies, were gearing up to battle the third or fourth organized group of super powered bad guys. I'll admit it was a fun ride getting there as there's lots of eye candy and cool moments but I don't think there's much more they can wring out of the concept of Medaka has the cheat codes to life and tries to use them to bring peace and joy to people who don't want it.
Mon, 01-10-2011, 05:37 PM
This series is aggressively bad, i have no idea why i'm reading it but expect major buzzkilling from me in the future
Tue, 04-05-2011, 06:51 PM
As required by yet another lost bet between Arch and I (, I have caught up on Medaka Box, up through chapter 91.
Favorite character: Nabeshima Nekomi. I adored her smirking evilness and delightfully playful nature and expressions. Every time she appears it brings a smile to my face. She hasn't really changed that much since she first appeared. No crazy "rebuilds" or random power-ups. Nekomi has always been herself.
Kujira comes in as a close second to Nekomi. She's just supremely adorable in her own twisted way.
Least favorite character: Kumagawa. No surprise there. Half the shit he says barely makes sense, and the rest is just annoying.
Close second to Kumagawa is Unzen. I hate pompous little kid genius characters like him. His sister's code-talk isn't much better.
Between the reviews on manga-updates and stuff Arch spews in the channel, I expected this series to be the worst thing I've ever read. Now, it certainly isn't great, but it's a pretty good comedy series. I kind of miss how Medaka used to show up emulating someone else's pose, but the funny bits are still present in the recent chapters. One thing that does make this series quite good is the frequent times they take a cliche of the shonen genre and then twist it around right at the last moment. Kumagawa has been especially good for this, even if I really dislike him.
I enjoyed the beginning (mostly for Kikaijima and her fetish with wearing a swimsuit underneath), and when the Class 13 arc began, I felt a similarity to series like Flame of Recca, but with more comedy. Oudo's super arrogance was like reading about DS in a manga. ;) Once Kumagawa showed up I was immediately irritated by his downright obnoxious manner of speaking and hax abilities. I was a bit let down by the Student Council Re-election arc when it began, but it's been turning out okay. However, that and Kumagawa in general has gotten better with the appearance of Ajimu and how her influence causes him to lose control.
Emukae's fight was amusing, and Zenkichi's sorta-confession was amusing and slightly touching. I'm sure her childhood was probably the most traumatic out of all the -13 backgrounds we've seen so far (puppies dissolving in her hands!), but the Student Council and partly Kumagawa's screwup managed to turn her around. One of them needed to get reformed during this arc, and she was probably the best one to start with.
The Hinokage and monocle fight was boring. It went on longer than it had to.
On a final note, I miss Medaka's exposed breasts. It really fit with her character. Why should she hide her fabulous body? I felt she was far too accepting of Zenkichi's mother just fixing it. Thankfully, Kujira refusing to wear certain undergarments makes up for it.
Sun, 05-29-2011, 08:47 AM
Lol, are you kidding me?
Medaka Box, next spring anime by Gainax.
2012/04 めだかボックス 原作 : 西尾維新 / 漫画 : 暁月あきら / アニメ制作 : GAINAX!/cyan3/status/74301405648781312
Mon, 05-30-2011, 06:23 PM
Well, it certainly fits the big G's style. No other series in recent memory has insulted my intelligence so throughly each and every chapter, yet with such skill that I feel compulsed to continue reading.... Hopefully they can at least replicate the unique art without simplifying it down too much. If they can, I predict success.
Mon, 05-30-2011, 06:28 PM
It's utter bulshit, they should be doing Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. That shit is gold, and totally fits their style
Mon, 05-30-2011, 08:24 PM
I agree. Wakusei no Samidare is incomparable to this bullshit. With what Gainax did with TTGL, I'm sure they could pull it off.
Tue, 06-07-2011, 06:20 PM
* @Ryllharu read Medaka Box chapter 97, and is now utterly confused.
<@Ryllharu> But Kumagawa was pretty cool these last two chapters.
I think this sums it up pretty accurately. As much as I hated loathed him before, Kumagawa got to be a little bit cool. I still have absolutely no idea what just happened with the Not Equal/Normal bullshit Anshin was talking about.
Wed, 06-08-2011, 03:47 AM
Seriously, was that poor translation or was even the original that fucking confusing?
I don't know what your deal is/was with Kumagawa, i always found him to be a quirky and interesting character. That goes for many other characters in MB, if not for the pants on the head retarded pos plot this would most likely be a favourite of mine.
Spinoff anyone?
Tue, 08-09-2011, 03:08 PM
Another triple pack of Medaka Box chapters.
Chapters 107 - 109 ( bd&topic=129.0)
Wanitsuka's personality swaps were...unexpected. As was the declaration that he would be forced to marry him if she won. However, I did expect her to continue being lovey-dovey and demand that she be allowed to be both his disciple and his wife. I know she's not a Minus (who totally would do that), but that's the kind of reaction I have begun to expect from this series.
As usual, the series took two full chapters to explain that Akune felt the two of them were very similar, becoming weak and relying on others so long as they didn't have anyone else to protect. What he was trying to say made zero sense the first time, a little bit more sense the second, and then he just flat out stated it the third time.
Tue, 09-27-2011, 05:15 PM
Medaka Box is now heavily rumored to be getting an anime. Should be getting some details either this week or next.
Very interested in who will be playing whom. I honestly don't think I've ever thought about what Medaka would sound like. Plus, that means there is a good chance Nabeshima Nekomi will get some good airtime. I miss her nefarious ways.
Tue, 09-27-2011, 05:49 PM
I wanna know who gets to do Kumagawa ( if the shower ever gets that far )
Wed, 09-28-2011, 07:31 AM
Medaka Box Manga Gets TV Anime (
and so did...
Kuroko no Basuke Manga Gets TV Anime Produced by I.G (
Happy to see both of these getting animes. I'm really looking forward to Kuroko no Basuke since I haven't watched a sports anime since Cross Game.
Wed, 09-28-2011, 03:45 PM
Oh, fun fact from chapter 113 (mentioned in the ANN thread which is what reminded me).
Kumagawa is roughly four times more popular than Medaka now. Kumagawa's 3854 votes to Medaka's 992.
I'm just as happy that Kujira was third, only barely behind Medaka, and Emukae right behind Kujira by a similar margin.
Thu, 10-13-2011, 01:45 PM
The logic behind every characters actions is downright retarded but i can't help but look forward to see what Zenkichi's decision will be
My guess is yes and the character that's been following Ajimu was him all along
Thu, 10-13-2011, 04:20 PM
Yeah the logic kinda jumps around. But I do like where this is going. Ch.117 just came out as well. Man...Medaka is kinda messed up if you look at it now. All she really does care about is fighting her enemies. Become her enemy for a second and she attacks. Still I wonder what Zenkichi win pull out of his ass to actually win this one. Hell maybe you are right Arch and he is the one behind Ajimu.
Sat, 10-22-2011, 03:58 PM
When did Madoka become such a huge bitch?
Sun, 11-06-2011, 11:14 AM
Chapter 121:
They're not even trying to make sense anymore.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Nope but we should have known that whenever he dies he comes back to life with a swapped power.
Wed, 11-16-2011, 10:14 AM
The anime version is being produced by Gainax.
Medaka Box School Comedy TV Anime Made by Gainax (
Wed, 11-16-2011, 03:14 PM
Gainax huh? Not sure how I feel about this. Probably still watch it anyways.
Wed, 11-23-2011, 12:38 AM
34 page spinoff coming next month.
Medaka Box Inspires Spinoff Manga Next Month (
Thu, 12-08-2011, 06:46 PM
Yo. This manga is the best book on the shelves right now. I'm not even joking a little. The Haruhi-esque metafiction the author swerved into is absolutely glorious.
Thu, 12-08-2011, 07:21 PM
Yo. This manga is the best book on the shelves right now. I'm not even joking a little. The Haruhi-esque metafiction the author swerved into is absolutely glorious.
Thu, 12-08-2011, 07:27 PM
I pasted that in IRC right after I read the chapter.
Thu, 12-08-2011, 07:35 PM
The author had me going in his nonsensical ride of a storyline for so long that this tiny yet precious piece of common sense from Zenkichi hit me like a bag of bricks.
"Why have i been doing all this shit? Because puberty."
Fri, 12-09-2011, 01:32 AM
Sense. This manga makes none.
Fri, 12-09-2011, 10:09 AM
A week ago i'd agree with you but the series never made as much sense as it did with this week's chapter.
Thu, 12-15-2011, 02:51 PM
[CxC Scans] Troll Box c.127 - MangaTraders (
Sat, 12-17-2011, 02:25 AM
Medaka Box Anime's Main Cast Announced (
Sat, 12-17-2011, 08:30 AM
Lol, Medaka voiced by Yui? That should be interesting...
Tue, 12-20-2011, 11:01 AM
Tue, 12-20-2011, 11:40 AM
Looking forward to this aren't we Marik?
Tue, 12-20-2011, 01:04 PM
Aren't we all?
Tue, 12-20-2011, 01:38 PM
Not really, I'm not even sure if they'll get to animate the Minus arc and without Kumagawa the anime can kiss my ass.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 02:55 PM
I seriously hope they will animate that arc. It is kind of what I am looking forward to.
Sat, 12-31-2011, 04:57 PM
The entire reason a studio like Gainax would option this is to animate the crazy metafiction shit.
Sun, 01-01-2012, 08:18 PM
The entire reason a studio like Gainax would option this is to animate the crazy metafiction shit.
Except I remember hearing about a Gainax anime adaptation long before the meta arc.
I'm sure Gainax just wanted a safe bet for once.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 04:23 AM
It's interesting that you think there is only one "meta arc" in this series.
Sat, 01-07-2012, 04:00 PM
Probably because it is, the subject has been touched upon a couple of times before but this is the only arc revolving around it.
Fri, 01-20-2012, 09:25 AM
Chapter 130 was a fucking chore to read.
Fri, 01-20-2012, 09:41 AM
I read a few chapters a while ago, surprised to see there's been this much discussion about this manga here.
Fri, 01-20-2012, 03:31 PM
Is that sarcasm? There's 3 pages and 4 of us at the most.
If discussion has increased lately though is because of the manga's most recent arc. I won't go as far as to call it great, but it's certainly interesting to read.
Fri, 01-20-2012, 05:16 PM
Is that sarcasm? There's 3 pages and 4 of us at the most.
If discussion has increased lately though is because of the manga's most recent arc. I won't go as far as to call it great, but it's certainly interesting to read.
Most mangas seem to struggle to get beyond the first page of discussion (and that's if they get a thread at all), so no, no sarcasm.
Fri, 04-20-2012, 10:34 PM
[CxC] Chapter 143 - Direct Download (
Pfhahahahahahahahahahahaha! xD
Thu, 04-25-2013, 07:53 AM
And so it ends. There was too much asspulling for my tastes but the art was good and there were some good arcs.
Thu, 04-25-2013, 09:14 AM
Did Medaka and Hitoyoshi end up together?
Thu, 04-25-2013, 12:42 PM
Pretty much yeah. He said he wanted to fight her to settle things and if he won she'd have to marry him. Then she accepted and said that if she wins he'd have to marry her this time.( Since she asked before )
Too bad they didn't show Kumagawa in his 20's. That I wanted to see. But I think that will be in the bonus chapter about him.
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