Wed, 07-15-2009, 12:00 AM
Reading A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink. Basically he's saying that the job-market dominance of left-brain thinkers like computer programmers, doctors, lawyers, and such will soon fall to the wayside in favor of right-brain thinkers like artists, designers, and those with touchy-feely aptitudes that are more customer service oriented.
Pretty interesting book, and impacts me directly since I've always been a right-brainer but my artistic abilities have been closeted in favor of the more classical career pursuits. It's funny since I'm now studying to be a computer programmer (CS major), so this book is giving me reason to rethink (again) my career choice.
Pretty interesting book, and impacts me directly since I've always been a right-brainer but my artistic abilities have been closeted in favor of the more classical career pursuits. It's funny since I'm now studying to be a computer programmer (CS major), so this book is giving me reason to rethink (again) my career choice.