View Full Version : Bleach 217

Tue, 04-28-2009, 07:13 PM
[Dattebayo] Bleach - Episode 217: Download (http://www.dattebayo.com/t/b217.torrent)

Tue, 04-28-2009, 08:40 PM
Wtf was that!? Gayest Bleach episode ever.
Pff, we'll never get to see Ichigo and U* face off.. :mad:

Tue, 04-28-2009, 09:53 PM
It certainly was a weird episode, but at least it's over. I enjoyed how the two were just saying "ugly" to each other and how Yumichika was laughing his ass off to that fracción's release form. I hope the next few fights are better than this.

Wed, 04-29-2009, 02:20 AM
There might not have been much fighting... but it was pretty funny and flowed quickly. I laughed quite a bit myself.

Wed, 04-29-2009, 09:35 AM
Not sure what to say... gayest thing ever?

Wed, 04-29-2009, 02:19 PM
The INSTANT Yumichika said, "Nobody can see us?" I thought for sure he was going to say "Bankai".

Which, he sorta did, except his bankai isn't his bankai, he just has a second, more powerful special ability?


Wed, 04-29-2009, 02:31 PM
I think Fuji Kujaku isn't his Soul Slayer's real name, but Ruriiro Kujaku is. He just uses Fuji Kujaku so that his comrades will never know that his Soul Slayer is a kidō-type, which I can infer from his "Nobody can see us?" comment.

Wed, 04-29-2009, 03:07 PM
Yeah, he's the unfortunate dude in a squad not quite fitting for him. He should transfer to ladies' man Ukitake's squad.

Wed, 04-29-2009, 04:42 PM
Pff, we'll never get to see Ichigo and U* face off.. :mad:

Haha you have no idea

Yeah, he's the unfortunate dude in a squad not quite fitting for him. He should transfer to ladies' man Ukitake's squad.

He will never leave baldy. I wonder if the crush goes both ways...

Then again i think Ikkaku might have a crush on Zaraki

Wed, 04-29-2009, 10:45 PM
I think it'll all turn out alright because baldy will end up using his Bankai against his opponent, all of SS will see it, after this arc is over, they'll make him a Captain, and Yumichiki will become his Leutenant.

Thu, 04-30-2009, 10:45 AM
i THINK i remember Renji asking Ikkaku to become a captain and Ikkaku refusing.

Thu, 04-30-2009, 12:44 PM
i THINK i remember Renji asking Ikkaku to become a captain and Ikkaku refusing.

You're right. Renji did ask Ikkaku to become Captain, but he refused. Now, I don't think Ikkaku has a choice against these Arrancars since he had to use his Bankai on the last one.

Thu, 04-30-2009, 04:52 PM
i THINK i remember Renji asking Ikkaku to become a captain and Ikkaku refusing.Renji doesn't have the authority to make him a captain though.

If Ikkaku could just refuse, then he'd have no reason to hide the fact that he knows Bankai. I believe that if the Captain Commander tells him he's being made a Captain, then he's not allowed to refuse.

Thu, 04-30-2009, 10:10 PM
Renji was just suggesting that Ikkaku become a captain, and Ikkaku can damn sure refuse if he wants to. Oh and since shinigamis do have the ability to sense spirit energy and the energy of anyone who goes to the real world is constantly monitored. I think anyone who is anyone already knows about his bankai. Ikkaku is just being an idiot, trying to hide his real ability. Same with that other guy in his squad.

Btw it's weird that the topic of Ikkaku becoming a captain always comes up but the topic of Renji becoming a captain never does. I mean not only does the guy already have bankai and a good one at that but everybody knows about it, and because he is always around Ichigo he is always in the middle of the action so you would think it would be a no-brainer. At the very least Renji will be as good a captain as iceboy.

Which, he sorta did, except his bankai isn't his bankai, he just has a second, more powerful special ability?

I think we've seen zanpakuto with multiple abilities before?

Fri, 05-01-2009, 01:49 AM
Well, it's like you said, it's a no-brainer, I always just assumed Renji would become a captain whenever they got around to making new captains.

I wonder if Lt. ever get promoted from other squads...

We know the that a lower member of some other squad can become the Captain of a completely different squad, I wonder if Lt. are the same or if they are always come from the squad they are the Lt. of.

Cause it would be interesting if when Renji becomes a captain if they made Rukia Byakuya's new Lt.

It would be cool if they make Ikkaku the captain of Aizen's squad and then Yumichika his Lt.(since Momo doesn't seem to be able to do the job anymore).

Fri, 05-01-2009, 03:46 AM
For me personally Renji best moment was when his bankai was disabled and he had to fight smart instead of being his typical reckless type. Other than that his bankai is overused(in filler) to do things that insult his character like providing Ichigo with some stairs in one of the movies heh. His been tainted by filler episodes I guess

Fri, 05-01-2009, 04:27 AM
Cause it would be interesting if when Renji becomes a captain if they made Rukia Byakuya's new Lt.

Rukia should be made Ichigo's Lt in the real world. She could use the time to teach Ichigo demon magic so that he wouldn't be so predictable and linear fighter.

Fri, 05-01-2009, 07:29 AM
Rukia should be made Ichigo's Lt in the real world. She could use the time to teach Ichigo demon magic so that he wouldn't be so predictable and linear fighter.

I've said this many times

Ichigo is getting too much like naruto, he needs to be more versatile.

November 11
Fri, 05-01-2009, 09:01 AM
Rukia should be made Ichigo's Lt in the real world. She could use the time to teach Ichigo demon magic so that he wouldn't be so predictable and linear fighter.

That would be awesome but in the end, kids prefer watching their hero winning fights by sheer speed and monstrous strength rather than using demon magic such as binding chain etc, which they probably view as lame/dirty trick.

Oh well, I guess we just be content with watching Ikkaku blinding enemies with his shiny head.

Fri, 05-01-2009, 02:29 PM
Well, it definately was a silly episode, and Charlotte looked as fruity as he could possibly be. I enjoyed his reaction to getting his hair cut. I'm wondering though if that was Yumichika's bankai or just an ability of his shikai. I'm assuming it's the same thing he used against Hisagi back in the shinigami arc which would lead me to believe that it's just an ability of his shikai. I frankly don't see either Yumichika or Ikkaku becoming anything more then a Lt. though unless a number of people die...

Sat, 05-02-2009, 10:13 AM
I kind of feel like they reeeaaaaaallllllyyy dragged out this fight. As if they were trying to waste time and hope no one noticed. Then again, slow progression is still better than fillers. I wanna see Ichihgo.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 01:12 PM
Yes, we need to have a little more Ichigo, after all, even with the Vaizard training, he didn't seem to have that much of a progression other than the Hollow boost and the extend time in that mode.
After all, Kenpachi seems to be more powerfull, eventhough we did not see him train at all. Even vice-captains seem to have progressed more than Ichigo

Also, he's been using his bankai for quite some time now and for some reason I feel he'll be the one to discover a 3rd stage for his sword. Well I may be wrong since that would be so lame... But past his Hollow transformation, what can he do to progress even more?

Sat, 05-02-2009, 01:52 PM
Like Kraco said, Rukia teaching Ichigo how to use magic would be helpful, but that won't ever happen. At least, not until we see it happen. All he can do now is learn how to swing his sword and put on his mask more effectively.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 02:08 PM
Like Kraco said, Rukia teaching Ichigo how to use magic would be helpful, but that won't ever happen. At least, not until we see it happen. All he can do now is learn how to swing his sword and put on his mask more effectively.

Ichigo strikes me as being very much like Naruto though, not really good at the intricate detailed difficult things but making up for it through sheer willpower and expending exorbitant amounts of reiatsu. I doubt he has the control yet to handle demon arts.

David75 The tri-spokes in your avatar make me happy. Haven't thought about those in years.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 02:09 PM
Yeah. In the end it would probably be far better for Ichigo to receive training from Kenpachi than Rukia. I'm not saying he couldn't learn from Rukia - I don't think Ichigo is clinically stupid even if he has surely done stupid things, but his biggest problem is the fact he's afraid to cut his enemies and afraid to make life and death decisions (though he seems unseemly happy to die himself).

It's quite well established that in the Bleach world if you are filled by will and reason to hit and cut, your power level will rise 500%... For Kenpachi the idea that he might not be able to cut somebody down has never occurred, thus he's permanently up there. Ichigo, however, has to learn that every single time he's facing somebody tough, and only after he has been on the receiving end of serious beating for an unsightly long time.

But I suppose textbook shounen can't help it. It's a futile case either way.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 02:25 PM
Well, he could at least work on a second attack for his bankai, instead of just his Getsuga Tensho.
After all, Byakuya has two attacks with his bankai. And Ichigo experienced it.
So he should know there's a next level there too.

Also, his bankai is very small, Byakuya himself was astonished.

So there's room for progression everywhere:
Hollow control

Sat, 05-02-2009, 02:35 PM
Well, he could at least work on a second attack for his bankai, instead of just his Getsuga Tensho.
After all, Byakuya has two attacks with his bankai. And Ichigo experienced it.
So he should know there's a next level there too.

Also, his bankai is very small, Byakuya himself was astonished.

So there's room for progression everywhere:
Hollow control

Byakuya has two attacks, and also hundreds of years of experience in using his Bankai and even more in fighting with a Zanpakto. I agree that Ichigo has a ways to go w/ regards to Swordsmanship, Bankai and Hollow Control; but you can't forget he's just a baby relative to all normal shingami. I think that magic should be his least priority until he leans to control his power better.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 03:19 PM
Ichigo's growth, however, is his biggest asset to his abilities. His ability to grow at an abnormal rate has lead him to achieve Bankai at an early stage. However, like most of the people have said, he has yet to grasp Bankai effectively, or his Spirit Force entirely.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 03:57 PM
Do you think we'll ever get a satisfactory explanation of what makes Ichigo so awesome? Why can he fight like he does, how does he get stronger every fight, advance so quickly, have hollow powers. It'd be cool if they could work in an answer besides enormous reiatsu. Which I think would be a cop-out, and his reiatsu should be a symptom, not a cause.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 04:02 PM
Byakuya has two attacks, and also hundreds of years of experience in using his Bankai and even more in fighting with a Zanpakto. I agree that Ichigo has a ways to go w/ regards to Swordsmanship, Bankai and Hollow Control; but you can't forget he's just a baby relative to all normal shingami. I think that magic should be his least priority until he leans to control his power better.

It sure sounded like Byakuya had hundreds (even thousands) of years of experience with his Bankai when he talked about it, however, from the Vizards in Soul Society arc we can make a reasonable guess that it has been less than 100 years he has had Bankai (probably quite a bit less, 50 or something like that given how long it should take to achieve Bankai).

Where Ichigo goes from here (in a becoming stronger sense) I would guess involves his father, maybe that is just a hope so that we can see what he is all about though...

Sat, 05-02-2009, 05:11 PM
Haha. It's true it's somewhat ridiculous to blame Ichigo for lack of performance considering he has been a shinigami for a shorter time than probably all of the nameless grunts we saw during the SS arc. However, he has been pretty solidly established to be at a captain level by the show itself, so while ridiculous, it's not altogether unreasonable. If we actually do assume gaining mastery and decent fighting skills is no o/n affair, then the way of constantly finding new power-ups is probably the only way to go, even if he's trapped at only using... let's say 30% of their max potential.

Sat, 05-02-2009, 09:56 PM
Ichigo's father would be a good choice to train him next with the early wake up attacks.

Sun, 05-03-2009, 08:39 AM
But past his Hollow transformation, what can he do to progress even more?He may have already obtained the highest level of Shinigami abilities shown so far in the series with Bankai, but as far as his Hollow powers, he's still at the lowest level. He's basically the hybrid of a Bankai-level shinigami and a normal Hollow. From his Hollow aspect he can still progress along the Arrancar path, and he has Nel to teach him how.

Even though it hasn't been directly stated, all evidence so far seems to show that Arrancar's Zapaktous are made up from the pieces of their masks that they remove(e.i. Arrancar have Zanpaktous, non-arrancars do not, and when an Arrancar uses its Resurreccion("Returning Blade"), they're Zanpaktou dissapears and they transform such that their Hollow mask seems to cover their entire bodies). Which means if Ichigo were to become an Arrancar, his mask would either form a second Zanpaktou, or it the pieces would merge with Zangetsu to transform the weapon.

So basically picture Hollow Ichigo, with the plain half of his mask torn off, and wielding a second Zanpaktou that looks just like Bankai Zangetsu, only it's white(just like Negative Ichigo inside his head does).

And beyond that he'd also be able to learn Resurreccion eventually and obtain some kind of full body hollow transformation.

Sun, 05-03-2009, 09:00 AM
He can probably still obtain all the powerups that Hollows can obtain. Which mean he can become an Arrancar, where half his mask becomes a second sword. I just picture Hollow Ichigo, with the plain half of his Hollow mask missing, and holding a blade in his other hand that is identical to his Bankai, only white. And he has Nel to teach him how to become an Arrancar.

And and beyond that he can eventually learn how to Ressureccion, and take on some kind of fully armored Hollow transformation.
That would drag the current arc for a great while.

Also, I feel like the after Espada arc will be in the Kings world because Aizen will find a way of opening a door to that world. So I guess there'll be other paths to take to increase power/abilities.

Sun, 05-03-2009, 02:55 PM
Espada are just the 10 most powerful Arrancar. They're not really a separate power level. Even the Privarion have Resurreccion.

I don't expect him to become an Arrancar in this arc anyway. There really isn't time since I think Ulquiorra will be Ichigo's last fight in this arc.

Sun, 05-03-2009, 04:36 PM
There really isn't time since I think Ulquiorra will be Ichigo's last fight in this arc.

Yammy and Wonderweiss are still there, but I can't consider Yammy a huge threat since he's number 10 and Wonderweiss hasn't shown anything else besides the aloof behavior. Maybe Ulquiorra will be Ichigo's last fight, but who knows what Kubo might extend to this arc.

Sun, 05-03-2009, 07:21 PM
Ulquiora = Kuchiki

So yes it will be this arc's last fight

Sun, 05-03-2009, 10:09 PM
Yammy and Wonderweiss are still there, but I can't consider Yammy a huge threat since he's number 10 and Wonderweiss hasn't shown anything else besides the aloof behavior. Maybe Ulquiorra will be Ichigo's last fight, but who knows what Kubo might extend to this arc.Like I said, Ulquiorra is Ichigo's last fight. If Yammy or Wonderweiss show up they'd probably fight Chad or Ishida or one of them.

Sun, 05-03-2009, 11:15 PM
Ulquiora = Kuchiki

So yes it will be this arc's last fight
:D Followed by Aizen demonstrating his godlike power and demolishing everyone:p. Seriously though, Ichigo is still small fry much like he was in the SS arc. There are still much bigger fish in the ocean.

That is one of the few, very few, good things Bleach still has going for it. Despite all his shonen power-ups Ichigo still can't beat everyone.

Tue, 05-05-2009, 02:35 PM
If history is any indication, all Ichigo needs to do to become powerful enough to defeat Aizen is fight him twice.

Tue, 05-05-2009, 10:55 PM
Do you think we'll ever get a satisfactory explanation of what makes Ichigo so awesome? Why can he fight like he does, how does he get stronger every fight, advance so quickly, have hollow powers. It'd be cool if they could work in an answer besides enormous reiatsu. Which I think would be a cop-out, and his reiatsu should be a symptom, not a cause.
Eventually they will tell us he was born on planet Vegeta... oops I forgot I am not supposed to give spoilers

My real post begins now. Does everyone forget that Ichigo durin his vizard trainin, fought every other vizard excludin Hacchi and he brought all of them to their limits, hence they had to switch out with each other... He also looked totally badass while doing so and did several sweet things... such as surprisin the hell out of the other vizards when one cut him and he shot out more hollow mask fluid (there needs to be a better name for that) and regenerated in an instant... if he was capable of that while unconsciously training and he doesn't make use of it later... I will then regret havin ever watched this show...

Tue, 05-05-2009, 11:31 PM
Sadly, Ichigo hates that kind of unconscious power and tries to rely on his own, which is met with bad results. We won't probably see that form again in a long, long time.

Wed, 05-06-2009, 04:13 AM
If history is any indication, all Ichigo needs to do to become powerful enough to defeat Aizen is fight him twice.

Does the previous wtf ownage even count as a fight?

He fucking caught the sword with his fingers...