View Full Version : XanBcoo is a weirdo: OCD and me

Thu, 04-23-2009, 09:47 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to see a hypnotherapist.

After months and months of putting it off and arguing with my parents that it would be a "waste of time and money" I have finally caved in. About a year ago I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder after seeing a neurologist. It's something I'd always suspected I'd had but never really gave it much thought. It's finally become annoying enough that I've looked for treatment.

I'm not trying to get attention or sympathy out of this. I'm not trying to be patronizing and say "My brain works differently" or "I'm a special flower!" Gotwoot has been kind of slow lately and I thought this might make an interesting read. At the very least I think the therapy part will be a bizarre experience since I think that any type of therapy is extremely hokey and exploitative. So what the hell...

Anyway, OCD is a term people throw around a lot. Usually people think of what is actually OCPD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_personality_disorder) , like what Tony Shaloub in Monk has. Either that or they think it refers to those everyday niggles and preoccupations that I think everyone gets. Like when there's lint on someone's shirt or a painting is hanging crooked and you just have to fix it because ohhhhh myyyy Gooooood! Yeah, I get that too, but that's not what OCD is. Through a lot of research I've realized I have a few more subtle qualities of OCD than I originally thought. In this thread I'll try and describe more about what OCD is and what it's like.

For me, the most frustrating aspect of it all is most definitely the ticks. Since I was about 7 or so I've had a long list of compulsive ticks. I have never been able to make any particular one go away, but fortunately different ticks come and go. I grow out of some and eventually develop new ones. I've had so many I can't recall them all, but some of my older ticks have included:

Shaking my head.
"Popping" my thumb next to my ear.
Blinking hard enough so I could hear the blood rush
Blowing air out of my nose
Fixing my hair
Tapping the ground with my right foot every few steps (this one is current)

All of these were done quite frequently, usually every 1-5 minutes. If I had to explain it I'd say it's like holding your eyes open in front of a fan. Sooner or later it will become unbearable and you have to blink. They are not caused by any specific obsession, but rather an unexplainable sense of physical urgency, and there really isn't any logical reason why I repeat each specific action. These aren't particularly annoying or frustrating and I really couldn't care less about them.

My other ticks are slightly different and more intrusive and strange but still not really that bad. These ticks are caused by a feeling that I've done something "incorrectly" or that specific actions are misaligned in space or generally just done wrong. It's the weirdest feeling and is not something I can explain very well or clearly, but through talking to my parents and friends I've come up with an analogy that seems to make sense.

Imagine that you've got a copy of a very large and intricate painting printed on transparent paper and that you've been tasked with placing it on top of the original so that all of the lines overlap perfectly and it looks like the copy isn't there at all. Even the slightest misalignment means it's wrong. It must be done absolutely perfectly. Using that analogy, here's an example I did in MSPaint, because I like to draw!

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1200/ocdbook.th.png (http://img19.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ocdbook.png)
Here's me reading a book. Now sometimes when I get to the end of the page, I try and turn it, but all of a sudden I get a feeling like, "Wait, that wasn't right..." and everything feels like this:
http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7457/ocdbookwrong3.th.png (http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ocdbookwrong3.png)
Now obviously I don't literally see the red overlapping image, but that's how it feels in my head. Everything is out of place, not correct, misaligned, and just generally completely out of whack. I have to turn the page or read the last word/sentence again and again and again and again until it finally feels ok to continue to the next page. The different actions this has occurred with in the past have included:

Walking through a doorway
Resting my hand/foot/head on something
Turning the page of a book/reading a word
Closing doors/refrigerators/drawers
Checking and tapping my right pocket
Sitting correctly
Exhaling correctly

Until I can do each action "correctly" I cannot do anything else. It's usually a process of trial and error, and I'll have to repeat each action one to maybe twenty times before it finally feels right. The "solutions" are sometimes quite bizarre. Things like holding my hand/head in a certain position or at a certain angle, or concentrating or pressing hard on whatever I'm holding. No, it does not make any sense. Fortunately these don't happen often (maybe once every day, depending on the action).

My current and biggest tick is the most intrusive in my daily life. I've had it since high school and I cannot stress enough how frustrating it is. It's gotten to the point where I can't ride in cars or airplanes comfortably, and sometimes I can't even stand directly next to a person. I don't like to talk about it or mention it to people because I'm pretty self conscious about it. Everyone eventually notices anyway, but usually don't realize it's a tick or I'll make an excuse. The problems caused by this one is what convinced me to seek help in the first place.

This compulsion is caused by a feeling similar to what I assume Germophobia is like. I'm not Germophobic in the least (some of you have seen pictures of my room), but it's often set off by a similar sort of obsession. The action is also subject to the same "incorrect" feeling that I described earlier. So if it happens, and I do it wrong, then I have to repeat it over and over again until I get it "right". That is when it becomes noticeable and it often gets physically exhausting. Like I'll get headaches or feel tired out and stuff. I hate it. So much.

But I am not ready to have medicine thrown at me for this. When I was first diagnosed I was prescribed 2 anxiety drugs, Xanax and Zoloft. I never got those, and I still have the prescriptions in my wallet. Both are primarily anti-depressants, and one of my best friends had a terrible experience with Zoloft's side effects, so I don't feel comfortable taking that route at all.

http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1599/zoloft.th.jpg (http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zoloft.jpg)
Fuck off you depressed little shit. I'm not taking your medicine. Cheer up and go outside.

So then both of my parents suggested hypnotherapy. They said although it probably won't cure my problems, it might make them easier to deal with. I'm not totally against the ideas of hypnosis and suggestion, and I'm aware that they can be quite powerful. I'm a huge fan of Derren Brown (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=derren+brown&aq=f), so I don't think it's a complete crock of shit. Honestly...I don't think it will help all that much, but if my parents are willing to pay for it then I have no problem at least trying it. The experience should be interesting and the worst that can happen is that I end up taking a very expensive nap.

So yeah, just thought I'd share. I'll update once I see this hypno-lady. I'm half-expecting wind chimes and candles. If you guys have any questions or comments it'd be cool to hear what y'all think. I'd like to stress again that aside from my big tick this isn't an extremely intrusive aspect of my life. It doesn't hinder me from doing anything and most of the people I know have never even noticed it about me.

Thanks for reading :cool:.

Thu, 04-23-2009, 10:14 PM
Hypnotism does work, but only select people who are very willing to be put under it. I'm guessing it will do nothing for you, unfortunately.

Thu, 04-23-2009, 10:20 PM
Hypnotism, eh? Well, whatever seems to work best to ease your problems a bit, it's worth a shot. But, I never knew you had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Death BOO Z
Thu, 04-23-2009, 11:54 PM
a friend of mine was also diagnosed with OCD (and several other 'stuff') a few years back (actually, we weren't really in good terms around those days, but still), he had a breakdown and it apparently was really bad for a few months, but he's doing better now.

also, don't let them make you assassin Obama, them Republicans are out to get him, and hypnotized people are the best assassins,

Fri, 04-24-2009, 12:08 AM
Well I hope the experience goes well Xan. I would imagine that neurologists pushing the medication treatment, but I can imagine exactly which side-effect of Zoloft that has you worried. It's not my place to tell you whether or not to take them, but I should suggest that it's probably in your best interest to inform your doctor about your decision. After all, if he doesn't know (that you don't want to take it), he can't help you.

I'm half-expecting wind chimes and candles.

She's a clinical psychiatrist right? You're making her sound like a gypsy lady :p

Hope it all goes well.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 12:09 AM
Okay forget that ridiculous post I just typed. I had trouble composing my thoughts after reading that post, partly because I'm distracted by some news I got today and partly because reading that post just brought me back to somewhere I really don't need to be. Just got that feeling like I was being swallowed whole again, ironically the same way I felt when I read the Do I need help thread. That really can't be a good thing but I guess under the circumstances it can't be helped.

Generally speaking Xan, I think therapy is a crock. It works for some people and it doesn't for others, hypnotherapy even more so. I am the kind of guy who was recognized as different since the very day I was born, even my birth was different. I was self aware from a very young age and I noticed every little detail about the world around me. Anyway sometime I guess about 7 years ago I was confronted by my family. Somewhere along the line they all came to the conclusion that I was a sociopath and sooner or later I would eventually kill them. In hindsight I can perfectly understand their reasoning but to this day I'm still horrified that they actually believed that.

Naturally I went into therapy more to appease them than anything else because honestly I didn't believe it would help and if I'm being completely honest I'm not sure it did. I went through a few therapists (psychologists/psychiatrists) and was told I had everything from OCD to chronic depression to schizophrenia to sociopathy. Naturally I humored them and my family and went through an entire battery of tests. Everything from the good old rorschach tests to your standard IQ test.

My parents, therapists and medical doctors even collaborated and had me do some test which I honestly don't know the name of. All I know is that I was in a room hooked up to various machines monitoring every thing from my heart rate to my brain wave patterns with cameras recording my every move 24hrs a day for about a week, though I really can't be sure how long it was.

The only thing I really got out of that was that I am supposedly and I emphasize the supposedly very intelligent or as most people like to say a genius and possibly a sociopath. The sociopath thing I accept because it makes perfect sense the genius thing to this day I still can't swallow and honestly I think I reject it mostly because I have been hearing it all my life and frankly I'm sick of it because it certainly hasn't done anything good for me.

After that I went to therapy sessions for about five years I guess. Daily sessions turned into weekly sessions and then monthly sessions and so it went until I stopped going all together. After all of that I still can't say for sure that therapy helps. What I can tell you for sure is that it certainly won't hurt, and it did teach me a lot about myself. For one thing it thought me to consider the way other people see me and what other people think of me which for some reason had never occurred to me before then and I eventually learned how to help myself.

Personally I never agreed to hypnotherapy. I don't trust people so I certainly couldn't let anyone hypnotize me. My mom has tried hypnotherapy though and I can't say she gave it a ringing endorsement but I guess it just wasn't for her.

In the end what I'm trying to say is that although its perfectly natural to be hesitant and to think it'll be a complete waste of time you should embrace the opportunity and give it a shot because you never know it just might help. Therapy isn't an exact science but if you're willing and you're lucky enough to find the right person it can help. So good luck and I wish you the best. And only like 2 or 3 of the offices I went in actually had wind chimes and candles but its not nearly as cheesy as you think:D

Oh and I can't emphasize this any more strongly, unless you are a significant threat to yourself or the people around you stay the hell away from any drugs they may want to prescribe you and I assure you they will.

And yeah I know you probably don't want to hear another one of Abdula's stories but I thought you would appreciate the honesty.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 12:48 AM
Oh and I can't emphasize this any more strongly, unless you are a significant threat to yourself or the people around you stay the hell away from any drugs they may want to prescribe you and I assure you they will.

I can't agree more.
Those drugs are for those that are incredibly sick in the head and even tying all limbs on the ground isn't enough to stop them being a threat to themselves or society... For them, the many drawbacks of these drugs are nothing compared to what they can do to themselves or others.

I'd rather spend 2 or 3 years of income in any solution, rather that trying only one of those pills again.

Regarding hypnotism, yes there are many limitations because of the patient, the therapist, what you want to correct and so on. Yes the result may greatly vary and effects may not last.
But if it's a free meal, do not hesitate more than one second, anti-depressants, anxiolytics and so on are poison, I have no doubts about that. And the first thing they destroy is sex drive...

To reduce stress and dark thougts, I take low concentration wort extract pills, and take them half of the minimum prescription. You can take high doses without after effects (so they say), but I like sub-dosing anything that has effects whatsoever. Works well with having dark thougts away, or at least far enough from yourself.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 01:10 AM
I hope this thread can start some good discussion. I don't want it to be completely about me. If anyone wants to talk about a similar experience or problem, please do.

also, don't let them make you assassin Obama, them Republicans are out to get him, and hypnotized people are the best assassins,
If I come back and all my posts are an unintelligible mishmash of letters it's probably because she's made me think I'm a chicken, and the only way I'll be able to type is by pecking the keyboard by smashing my face on it.

I would imagine that neurologists pushing the medication treatment, but I can imagine exactly which side-effect of Zoloft that has you worried.
Like I said, since Zoloft and Xanax are both primarily anxiety medicines, so I don't think they would actually directly deal with my problems. The list of side effects for each one is quite frightening, but the one in particular that my friend had the problems with was "accelerated breathing", which, according to him, is an understatement of the actual effects.

Also, my cousin suffers from Epilepsy, and he spent 5 years of his life going on and off different medications, and it was generally just an awful time in his life. The drug route is risky and would require a lot of trial and error, money, and physical and emotional effects on my life and health. I am not, nor will I ever be, willing to take medication for this. Unless they come up with a magic pill to make my specific symptoms go away with no side effects, I won't even consider it. It's not worth it at all.

Abdula and David75 seem to agree with this. Glad it's not just me.

I went through a few therapists (psychologists/psychiatrists) and was told I had everything from OCD to chronic depression to schizophrenia to sociopathy.
This is an issue all on its own that I'd like to discuss (perhaps in another thread). That is, the inherent problem in diagnosis. If I wanted, I could have looked up some textbook symptoms of OCD, recited them to the neurologist and walked away with a prescription that I didn't need and an excuse to say "I'm different". My diagnosis was more like a confirmation of a suspicion I always had. I've known that I've had these specific and recurring problems my entire life, now I just know there's a name for it and ways to deal with it. From the way you phrased it it doesn't sound like you put too much faith in what the doctors told you. You know your own problems, and what a doctor says has little to do with it.

Over-diagnosis is scary. No one can deny the old ADD craze that happened several years ago. During the 90s and early 00s, everyone and their kid had ADD and was taking Ritalin. Today it's Asperger's Syndrome. People like to look for an excuse for the way they act.

Anyway, the woman I'm seeing tomorrow is unfortunately not a clinical psychiatrist. She has merits from several organizations such as the "Society of Psycholinguistics" but I'm not really sure if that makes her any more qualified.

I said before that I think therapy of any kind is cooky and exploitative by nature. And by exploitative I mean that it convinces weak minded people that they have problems they may or may not really have, but should nevertheless pay lots of money to have someone else deal with. At any rate, it's gotten to the point where I have to do something, so this seems like a pretty safe route.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 01:18 AM
I have very little experience of things like this, but I'd surely suggest going for it. Your past decision about the drugs was certainly the correct one. It's one thing to take antibiotics to fight an infection, but a totally different thing to eat something that will change your personality. Let's hope this will help you.

However, when the hypnotherapist starts to tell you anime is bad and 2D girls aren't cute at all, you know it's time to stop.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 06:10 AM
I heard that hypnosis works best on people who can focus and concentrate easily, but only 1% achieve deep trance.

My grandma had to take some psychotropics drugs, she was thinking that someone wants to assassinate her and saw a guns aimed at her on the street. With Psychological Illnesses is one great problem - how do you know that what you see is not true? As one philosopher said "I'm a butterfly who dreams that he is man, or man who dreamed that he was a butterfly"

And my policy on drugs - don't take them unless its actually last resort. Even if I'm sick and have high fever i prefer to not take drugs -a after i pass through it i my "defense" might get stronger so next time when I'm ill i'll have 37C degrees instead of 39C(i usually have only those 2 fevers - 37 one or 39 one). Also i heard that small percentage of every drug you took is still inside your body.

And antibiotics should be our last resort - 5% of bacteria survive the antibiotic and are immune to this one.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 08:15 AM
Also i heard that small percentage of every drug you took is still inside your body.

That's not exactly true, however some drugs do have a really long half-life, and can stay in the body for a long time. In antidepressants, this "washout period" is particularly important.

About David's taking (St John's?) Wort at half the minimum prescribed dose, there's a thing called a Therapeutic Range, above which the drug is toxic, and below which the drug is ineffective. For example, if you had a minor headache, taking half a Panadol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracetamol) as opposed to the 1-2tabs won't actually have any effect.

But really, whatever works for you. If you feel relieved by taking such a low dose, go for it. Placebo effect can be quite a cost-effective treatment.

I'm actually gaining a lot of insight from this thread. I never realised people objected to antidepressants that much. I know the pros and cons from books and stuff, but hearing about it is another thing.

Fri, 04-24-2009, 08:39 AM
I'm actually gaining a lot of insight from this thread. I never realised people objected to antidepressants that much. I know the pros and cons from books and stuff, but hearing about it is another thing.
Anti-depressant and anxyolitic are too easilly prescribed.
The problem is that their effects are powerfull and side-effects actually happen with them.

Before having them, I had lots of other "said to be minor" treatments for various things, there's always a list of possible side-effects, most of them being minor and even then almost never appearing.

In the case of anti-depressants and anxyolitics, the matter is totally different because it seems that side-effects are way too present and sometimes powerful. Docs do not measure well how dangerous these are and prescribe them too easilly.

For light depression caused by hypothyrodism, I was wrongly prescribed no thyroid hormones, but anxyolitics and anti-depressants instead... lots of trials and errors for 6 months, when my blood test were clearly stating I had hypothyrodism! (I didn't know then...)

I can tell you I was a true zombie, had no reaction to anything pleasant or unpleasant, no sex drive at all (when I'm really active and quite imaginative in the matter). I was able to stay seated the whole day without moving an inch, expressionless, unable to speak even a word. And It was considered light treatment....

Really, docs and patients should think about it a very long time before even speaking about those treatments and use them only in the most severe cases when everything else has been tested and other sources of depression have been carrefully tested and double checked.

I'm now part of an online community thyroid-centered. Everyone there has had a story of taking the wrong path of the anxyolitic and anti-depressant, when they "only" had a thyroid problem that in most cases wasn't even tested when it's normally mandatory!
Then there's the problem of thyroid treatment and thyroid level standards that are way too loose... but this is a bit out of the subject, eventhough some people are fasly given anti-depressant because of that too...

There's really a problem with those medications, for some reason they are too easilly prescribed. Prescribed in cases when the real disease is not even treated eventhough it's obviously there etc...
My paranoïd mode remembers only that:
Cost for anti-depressants and anxiolitics per month: US$150-300
Cost for Thyroid treatment per month: US$15-20

Fri, 04-24-2009, 09:51 AM
whatever works for you. i can't honestly say too much since I'm not really one to try to sympathize with something i can't really understand, but i do hope you do well in getting everything to a level where you'll be comfortable with your life, drug induced hypnotism binge drinking or whatever

Wed, 04-29-2009, 07:42 PM
I've got mild OCD, never officially diagnosed (Asians distrust psychiatry/psychology), but my Freudian super-ego keeps it in check for the most part.

I hope the hypnosis works for you, Xan, or at least helps to alleviate some of the psychosis.

Thu, 04-30-2009, 02:03 AM
you should ask the guy to implant something fucked up in your head...like, if someone says "pineapple monkey" you go blank and punch them in the face. Then you can just blame it on the hypnotherapist.

plus, it'll also prove if he's legit, so its win/win

Thu, 04-30-2009, 10:43 AM
No, he should do like in the Matrix where he implants the knowledge of kung fu in Xan's head so that he can kick some ass.