View Full Version : Naruto Chapter 437
Wed, 02-25-2009, 12:02 PM
I reported the spoiler thread for c436 and no mods got back to me or deleted the thread so I figured why not go for another, especially since this picture might be of interest some of you.
Any speculations on what could have led to this last page of the chapter?
NOTE: I know rough summaries of the chapter are already floating around as well but lets try to stick to speculating rather than just regurgitating the translations, should be more interesting.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 12:59 PM
Dude, that's fucking awesome.
I'd guess something Jiraya related perhaps? Makes me wonder what 7 looks like.
Can't be bothered to check the random translations as they're so often fake anyway.
I don't mind the spoiler pics, they're clearly marked and optional for anyone who wants. =]
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-25-2009, 02:01 PM
Oh...that is incredibly disgusting.It seems like the fox is forming inside out as more tails are drawn upon. Looks like the fox's skeleton is forming Naruto now. I originally thought maybe it's the power Itachi left him (Susano as a protective shield), but this makes more sense, and is nastier. I think the reason he might've been able to push this many tails is because of the natural energy since we've never heard of him skipping a tail, and we've never seen him go past 4. The way the transformations are going, I suspect there to be a sort of role reversal when all 9 tails are summoned. Naruto'd be trapped inside while the fox is out.
Also, I hope Naruto willfully summoned the fox at this point. As in, actually set the necklace aside and just went inside himself to summon. His performance in the last fight was brilliant, on par with the best I've seen, yet, it wasn't enough. If there's ever a time to actually rely on the 9 tails' power, THIS is it.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 02:02 PM
is that 6? Fuck, goodbye Pein, it was nice knowing you ;o
Wed, 02-25-2009, 02:08 PM
So the difference between 4 and 6 is body armor? Naruto's starting to look like a hollow now. I'm glad Kishi brought back the kyubi though, but it is interesting that he could get past 4 tails. Afterall, the only reason he could even reach 4 was because Jiraiya opened the key a little bit.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 03:01 PM
is that 6? Fuck, goodbye Pein, it was nice knowing you ;o Thats exactly what I thought when I saw it lo. I mean how can he suppose to fight against that when Orochimaru had a tough time fighting against 4 tails? I don't know how pain is going to pull this off if he can at all, but I think that he's going to have to do something drastic, careful, and fast all at the same time.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 03:52 PM
Wow, for once Im actually looking forward to Naruto more than any other series this week, even Onepiece. This looks fucking awesome.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 04:58 PM
just read the summary translations jesus Kishimoto
Wed, 02-25-2009, 05:20 PM
Supposing Naruto was using the Kyuubi shroud, how much natural energy could he gather and turn to sage chakra? I mean, assuming he could even concentrate. It would be lots, right?
If he started doing that, the Kyuubi shroud might take on the form of a toad. Is this why Minato and Jiraiya left the "key" behind? So that Naruto would use Natural Energy to subdue and control the Kyuubi, and draw on its full power?
Wed, 02-25-2009, 06:26 PM
just read the summary translations jesus Kishimoto
Overkill is exactly what came to mind. Overkill.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 07:30 PM
Wow, for once Im actually looking forward to Naruto more than any other series this week, even Onepiece. This looks fucking awesome.
Understandable since there is no One Piece this week :D
Damn Yuki... you made me look... awesome page... and if the summaries are to be believed... I will love this chapter forever... for doing that
Wed, 02-25-2009, 08:30 PM
i dunno...if its real, then it kinda makes me sad
Wed, 02-25-2009, 10:01 PM
So the difference between 4 and 6 is body armor? Naruto's starting to look like a hollow now. I'm glad Kishi brought back the kyubi though, but it is interesting that he could get past 4 tails. Afterall, the only reason he could even reach 4 was because Jiraiya opened the key a little bit.
It doesnt look like body armor as much as the Kyuubi's body reforming around Naruto. So basically him coming back to life.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 10:10 PM
I got curious, so I read the summaries.
Epic. It's almost Shakespearean, but with ninjas and shit.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-25-2009, 10:36 PM
It's going to suck really big time if the summaries are true :-( . In the best way possible xD.
Wed, 02-25-2009, 11:56 PM
im kind of sad if hinata is to die lol that would kind of be like =/ id rather have her end up with naruto then sakura-chan cause yep hinata would make good wife =) but yea its just a translation so yep *preys hinata to survive*
Wed, 02-25-2009, 11:58 PM
i dunno...if its real, then it kinda makes me sad
Sad is an understatement. That was just uncalled for.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 12:00 AM
ooo and yea i buy into the idea of the natural energy being able to control the 9-tails maybe thats how naruto would be able to turn back into his normal state after this destruction. like the higher in tails he goes to more he loses himself in the physical form but the more mentally stronger he is inside himself...and i wonder what's happening to the clone thats back at the frog place?
Thu, 02-26-2009, 07:04 AM
Well goodbye whatever-is-left-of Konoha.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 07:15 AM
I can resist but ask, where can I find the summary translations that are accurate?
Thu, 02-26-2009, 12:43 PM
Well goodbye whatever-is-left-of Konoha. No I stand corrected. That's what I was thinking.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 01:10 PM
I can resist but ask, where can I find the summary translations that are accurate?
I'm guessing most people are getting them here? (
Thu, 02-26-2009, 05:17 PM
pein should be able to handle this 6 tails. so... hinata died... shiet, i rather have sakura died.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 08:30 PM
Characters have survived worse, but I hope she's dead.
Don't get me wrong though, I've always liked her character.. it would just be really lame if she survived since it would shatter the impact of the situation.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 08:43 PM
The process is interesting I guess. There's a skeleton in that picture, and the previous 4 or 5 tails were the blood part. So I guess the tail transformations is an actual transformation.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 09:30 PM
The last line in that summary translation is accurate, based on the readable text on the last page posted, so I am guessing that Hinata did get pawned. Hopefully, she just seemed dead, but not actually gone.
Hinata is my favorite character in Naruto. If she dies, all my hope for a good ending dies.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:18 PM
MediaFire ( - SendSpace ( - Online Viewing (
Epic chapter.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:34 PM
Holy Crap
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:38 PM
That was fucking amazing!
I didnt think that she would actually jump in like that, and to say what she did finally. Awesome. Did she die though? And Naruto snapping, very Shonen, but badass none the less. I liked how when she jumped in she only had one byakugan going, and then when she made her speech, the other one appeared.
Seriously Epic.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:45 PM
Ok... Completely awesome that Hinata finally told Naruto. And the explosion into Kyuubi was badass.
But wtf is up with the bones?
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:46 PM
Chapters Out
And I love page 13 and 14
but since the 'action' happened behind a rock... I don't she is dead anyway
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:46 PM
Ok... Completely awesome that Hinata finally told Naruto. And the explosion into Kyuubi was badass.
But wtf is up with the bones?
I said before, I think that the bones are the Nine Tail Fox taking shape. The more tails, the more physical matter the Nine Tails is represented with.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:47 PM
Meh... I didn't notice the thread was already out and posted on the 'spoiler' thread.
Pages 13 and 14 are my favorite (apart from the last one)
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:47 PM
An amazing Chapter.
Never would of thought Hinata to confess her love.... Just to get killed/deeply wounded 3 seconds later.
Kyuubi Naruto after such a long time, yay!
Thu, 02-26-2009, 11:52 PM
Bout time the Kyuubi came out.
Not going to lie though, the love part was cheesy as hell. Hinata loves Naruto? lol. They talked like what..... once or twice? I mean, I can see if Sakura suddenly said it, but Hinata? We know she had a crush on Naruto, but man they never talked.
Still a pretty epic chapter though.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 01:55 AM
Another one bites the dust~
How is Konoha going to recover?
Fri, 02-27-2009, 01:56 AM
Agree w/ it being cheesy as hell. Even though her love didn't come out of nowhere, it still felt like it came out of nowhere. Talk about awkward, huh? But, can't wait to see the 6-tailed kyuubi in action :D
Death BOO Z
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:19 AM
"my pain is greater than yours! I win"
Pa frog probably isn't dead, Hinata is definitely alive (and embarrassed as hell). and unless Gai team can do something really awesome, then Payne is going to win this one as well.
(also, why does Neji know about *Jiraya's* frog, why not Gai or saying it's Naruto's frog?)
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:20 AM
Not only was it cheesy, but it was rather abrupt. Hopefully she's really not dead, because she was one of the few female characters I liked in this series. I would have rather seen TenTen offed instead.
I can't wait to see Neji's reaction to what happened to Hinata. Will he be enraged or just brush it off.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:50 AM
(also, why does Neji know about *Jiraya's* frog, why not Gai or saying it's Naruto's frog?)
Simple. Neji was using his Byakyugan to look ahead and see what was coming up. So he saw Boss toad up ahead before Gai did. Simply put, Neji saw it first.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 03:49 AM
Something tells me that Pain wanted this to happen.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:03 AM
whoa, crap. that was awesome.
when she finally said i love you, it was getting so good, but then like the next page she rushes and just gets hit back instantly, and it felt really pathetic... but then naruto breaks into demon cloak and it was awesome! but then it ended... ahh, next week should be cool.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:08 AM
In the end, Hinata sucked. She got Pein away from Naruto, but stupidly sacrificed herself instead of actually saving him. She didn't even pull the stake out of his hands.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:16 AM
Man, this chapter went waaaay to fast lol. However I enjoyed it and Hinata is awesome.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:49 AM
In the end, Hinata sucked. She got Pein away from Naruto, but stupidly sacrificed herself instead of actually saving him. She didn't even pull the stake out of his hands.
yeah, i thought she was gonna do something more like that. in stead of just charging pain head on.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 05:34 AM
I seriously hope Hinata isn't stupid, and actually knew the story about how pissing off Naruto will get a rise out of him. Maybe she heard that story about him going berserk when Sasuke was supposedly killed.
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 02-27-2009, 07:01 AM
God I hope she's dead. I love Hinata, compared to most of the girls in this story, BUT...her death works for the story, like Neiji and Chouji's deaths would've worked for the story back then. It works so well :-( . If she's alive again...I don't know that, at this point in the series, I can forgive it if it happens.
That being said, this is sad. So very sad. Thus far, the story's been building Sakura up as a love interest for Naruto (yeah she's 'in love' with Sasuke, but as far as serious love is concerned, it's Naruto that she knows). I don't want "them" to come to past. So I hope Hinata is to Naruto as Scheris was to Ryuhou in the anime version of S Cry-ed. Hinata dies on his behalf, confesses her love, Naruto realises he loved her/could have loved her. When Sakura finally confesses her love, Naruto goes "How can you compare to one who gave her life for me?" and walks off. The annoying bitch falls into a depression from which there is no recovery and kills herself...*cough*...she walks away sad but learns to live with reality.
edit: Oh man, one of the most bad ass things in the series just happened. When Pain is like "my parents caught it like this too" and Naruto goes "ohhh..." Like "ohhhhh....hell no..." It doesn't even matter what the guy's saying anymore. Reminds me of that scene in Rambo where the pirates were about to take that missionary chick and rape her before John went all ballistic on their asses.
edit 2: That fox transformation is seriously disgusting.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 07:03 AM
Seriously not cool to confess and die like that Hinata ;(, as much as I hate this development, very awesome chapter.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 07:23 AM
Hopefully she's really not dead, because she was one of the few female characters I liked in this series. I would have rather seen TenTen offed instead.
That was the point. There's no point in TenTen dying because only her tiny fanbase would care... They wanted it to have an impact so they used someone you like.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 09:23 AM
Nooooooooooooooooo!!! God fucking dammit not hinata!! Take sakura instead!
Her death would be great writing by kishimoto but i don't care, i hope she lives.
If she dies i'm pretty sure that sasuke is a goner too since this puts sakura out of the picture for him. I mean there's always the biting girl but i don't really see that happening.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 10:07 AM
lol damn i got a little teary eyed when Hinata told naruto she loved him...then after Pein even stabs her that sucks even more damn...but yea is this just as big as the grieving over kakashi?! but yea i don't think hinata will die because she is needed as the one who inherits the will of fire so if she dies then anyone is up for a death
Fri, 02-27-2009, 10:32 AM
Why the hell does it feel like someone else is writing/drawing this? Naruto's transformation happened very quickly and wasn't over dramatized like usual. But in the end, it turned out way more dramatic than usual. You know, when they show like 20 panels of every single tail popping out and at different angles?
One thing I also noticed, people are dropping to Pain's regular Shinra Tensei, yet Kakashi took one at point blank also and got up like a second afterwards to freaking try to Chidori him. Either Kakashi is that much of a beast, or the fact that the other Pain bodies are dead have increased God Pain's power.
I don't think Hinata is dead though. But then again, I also don't think that Kakashi is dead either.
Edit: On second thought, I hadn't noticed that Pain also stabbed her with one of his little toys as well. Damn, that's harsh.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 10:44 AM
One thing I also noticed, people are dropping to Pain's regular Shinra Tensei, yet Kakashi took one at point blank also and got up like a second afterwards to freaking try to Chidori him. Either Kakashi is that much of a beast, or the fact that the other Pain bodies are dead have increased God Pain's power.
Having all his other bodies destroyed should in theory make God Realm much stronger since he doesn't have to spread out his chakra among the others like he used to but then again he has already wasted alot of his power on this fight so comparisons are impossible.
As for 1-hit owned, kakashi didn't have half a village fall on top of him before facing Pain
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:12 AM
I just find it weird how you guys continue to heap praises on how the whole scene with Hinata was handled. Sure, she had a long history with Naruto but her lack of panel space in the last 50 or so chapters provided no emotional drive when she suddenly professed her love and then got brutally offed in this chapter.
Basically, there was no buildup for her to act wildly out of character. I don't mind characters going 180 and doing something unexpected but this one's too much of a stretch to accept.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:15 AM
Personally... I hope she stays dead. As Honoko said... she hardly appears to become suddenly important. Heck even new-boy-Sai has appeared more in the few volumes that has passed since part 2 began.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:18 AM
I just find it weird how you guys continue to heap praises on how the whole scene with Hinata was handled. Sure, she had a long history with Naruto but her lack of panel space in the last 50 or so chapters provided no emotional drive when she suddenly professed her love and then got brutally offed in this chapter.
Basically, there was no buildup for her to act wildly out of character. I don't mind characters going 180 and doing something unexpected but this one's too much of a stretch to accept.
What is this, the second coming of Abdula?
The building up has begun ever since she decided to fight Neji or decided she would not give up and become stronger. Every time she was with naruto her resolve was strengthened and this was the result.
Personally... I hope she stays dead. As Honoko said... she hardly appears to become suddenly important. Heck even new-boy-Sai has appeared more in the few volumes that has passed since part 2 began.
She's a strong candidate for the main character's love interest, so how exactly is she not important?
Death BOO Z
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:23 AM
Simple. Neji was using his Byakyugan to look ahead and see what was coming up. So he saw Boss toad up ahead before Gai did. Simply put, Neji saw it first.
it wasn't bothering me that Neji spotted the toad, what felt weird is that he immediately recognized it as Jiraya's frog, rather than saying "big frog summoned creature", or "naruto's frog". the first would imply he's surprised to see a summon in the village, and the later would imply that he knows Naruto can summon frogs.
it's simply that I can't recall any reason that Neji should have prior relationship with Jiraya that would allow him to say that frog's are Jiraya's summon, and a much more reasonable response for him would be to associate the frog with Naruto.
it's nothing serious though, maybe in the anime Neji worked once with Jiraya and Naruto, hell if I know.
as for Hinata: I don't think she's dead. I think it's a manga non-written rule never to show bodies up close (I.E the face). In fact, I doubt it that Payne really stabbed her. more likely that he stabbed himself just to agitate Naruto. I'm still hoping that he wants to make Naruto realize the errors of his ways and come willingly with him in order to end the cycle of violence (that's, by far, an impossible outcome).
also, why did that random ninja shout and warn Payne (also, who was that Idiot?) about Hinata, even Naruto was smart enough to keep silence and not reveal her upcoming attack to Payne, and that idiot just gave away her presence and ruined a good chance for her to deliver a decent free attack on Payne.
lastly, predictions for the next chapters. Payne and Naruto fight around for a while, with Naruto dishing out pain and Payne saying his pain is far greater. during that time. the leaf ninjas get closer to the ninja radio station (all ninja, all the time). and then comes Neji, revealing that Hinata is still alive. and that revelation is followed by Payne taking Hinata with him, and telling Naruto that he'll be waiting for him in his ninja dungeon.
(it's been a while since we had a 'chase someone who's been kidnapped\run away' arc, and it's always in the end of those arc that we get to see naruto and Sasuke confront each other)
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:30 AM
What is this, the second coming of Abdula?
The building up has begun ever since she decided to fight Neji or decided she would not give up and become stronger. Every time she was with naruto her resolve was strengthened and this was the result.
Hahha... I dunno, I haven't been back long enough to know what Abdula is like. I'm just criticizing the mangaka's method of storytelling. I acknowledged the long history Hinata has with Naruto. I just didn't like the way he had her popping out of nowhere. That's all.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:31 AM
hopefully naruto we start to get like killer bee and make a pact with the nine-tailed fox
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:33 AM
What is this, the second coming of Abdula?
The building up has begun ever since she decided to fight Neji or decided she would not give up and become stronger. Every time she was with naruto her resolve was strengthened and this was the result.
Hah, actually....I did kind of see it the same way as Honoko when I read the translations. At first I thought they were fake translations...since it seemed too ridiculous/spontaneous.
However, its not unsurprising of Kishimoto to not know what to do with his characters most of the time.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:36 AM
She's a strong candidate for the main character's love interest, so how exactly is she not important?
Personally I don't think she can qualify as the main character's love interest when her whole appearences through almost 50 volumes of manga can't be added to fill 1 volume.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:36 AM
i hope hinata isn't dead but if naruto can't get re-sealed by yamato see might not last long
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:48 AM
Hahha... I dunno, I haven't been back long enough to know what Abdula is like. I'm just criticizing the mangaka's method of storytelling. I acknowledged the long history Hinata has with Naruto. I just didn't like the way he had her popping out of nowhere. That's all.
He's a smug bastard who cries every time someone enjoys reading naruto
And she didn't pop out of nowhere, she had been watching naruto get beaten to a pulp by quite some time now.
Hah, actually....I did kind of see it the same way as Honoko when I read the translations. At first I thought they were fake translations...since it seemed too ridiculous/spontaneous.
Well i do agree with that but not because of hinata's actions, just because the 6 tails "explosion" seemed a bit too unrealistic to me; he should at least have shed a tear or something.
I'm just enjoying thinking about how much they're gonna stretch that out when they finally animate it
Personally I don't think she can qualify as the main character's love interest when her whole appearences through almost 50 volumes of manga can't be added to fill 1 volume.
Quality over quantity, Zell
Fri, 02-27-2009, 11:57 AM
Something tells me that Pain wanted this to happen.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that was his intention. He seems to identify with Naruto so he's going to put him to the test to see whose pain is greater..
I just find it weird how you guys continue to heap praises on how the whole scene with Hinata was handled. Sure, she had a long history with Naruto but her lack of panel space in the last 50 or so chapters provided no emotional drive when she suddenly professed her love and then got brutally offed in this chapter.
Basically, there was no buildup for her to act wildly out of character. I don't mind characters going 180 and doing something unexpected but this one's too much of a stretch to accept.
Yeah the long history you mentioned is the buildup, we didn't need to see her in the last fifty or so chapters, I don't really like when writers do things like that anyway, bring in a long forgotten character and have them get close to the protagonist just so their death has a greater impact. Anyway I think her lack of panel space in the last few chapters is what made this work because no one saw it coming. And as for acting out of character, given the situation, she probably thought Naruto was going to die and she obviously knew if she tried to intervene then she was probably going to die so what reason is there to hold back? Well atleast I thought it was well done.
it wasn't bothering me that Neji spotted the toad, what felt weird is that he immediately recognized it as Jiraya's frog, rather than saying "big frog summoned creature", or "naruto's frog". the first would imply he's surprised to see a summon in the village, and the later would imply that he knows Naruto can summon frogs.
it's simply that I can't recall any reason that Neji should have prior relationship with Jiraya that would allow him to say that frog's are Jiraya's summon, and a much more reasonable response for him would be to associate the frog with Naruto.
it's nothing serious though, maybe in the anime Neji worked once with Jiraya and Naruto, hell if I know
The sannin are world renowned ninjas, and Jiraiya goes around riding on toads and calling himself the toad sage. Back when they were first introduced the only person who didn't seem to know who they were was our dimwitted protagonist.
Anyway awesome chapter, easily one of the best chapters of Naruto ever, if not the best and Pain has without question cemented himself as my favorite character. Too bad Itachi, it was good while it lasted.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 12:00 PM
I disagree. I didn't find her death boring at all. I'm actually looking forward to future chapters more, because of it.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 12:02 PM
Quality over quantity, Zell
Quantity indeed we don't have with her.
But I kinda missed where we got Quality from her. Since her battle with Neji she's never shown anything worth seeing.
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 02-27-2009, 12:07 PM
Personally, I'm a big fan of how this chapter was done, because I'm not seeing it in a vacuum. Hinata's "selfishness" has been forshadowed during the last few chapters, which prevents the story teller from having to stuff all of those panels into one chapter and have people complain "god, too much Hinata for nothing, and then she attacks pain? god, she's so dead next week, this chapter sucked." Every week I go back several chapters and reread them to get an overall idea of what's happening. Someone mentioned it feels like a different writer all together. I'm going to say it feels like the same writer trying a different method. And I think it's working out well.
Prediction for the next couple of weeks. Naruto has his own version of shinra tensei with the demon energy. He used his chakra in his fight against Sasuke to repel a fireball attack (gokakyu no jutsu?). He then used it against kabuto to break every bone in his body. I'm expecting a giant collision of shinra tenseis a la gohan vs. cell, filled with all the pannels showing each fighter's struggle to over power the other.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 12:12 PM
Hinta express her love confession, furthermore ultimately sacrifice her life. Naruto lost control and turn kyubbi mode and not only that he has 6 tails instead of the max 4 tails, to top it off Pein claims its time to take Naurto out..... it seems to rushed...... it was a perfect oppurtunity to show Hinta's growth hence the time skip but it seems Kishi had "other" plans.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 12:25 PM
Hinta express her love confession, furthermore ultimately sacrifice her life. Naruto lost control and turn kyubbi mode and not only that he has 6 tails instead of the max 4 tails, to top it off Pein claims its time to take Naurto out..... it seems to rushed...... it was a perfect oppurtunity to show Hinta's growth hence the time skip but it seems Kishi had "other" plans.
But he did show her growth, the flower blossomed and the flower died. If you were expecting to see Hinata hold her own against Pain then I think you're asking for too much.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 12:59 PM
But he did show her growth, the flower blossomed and the flower died. If you were expecting to see Hinata hold her own against Pain then I think you're asking for too much.
I didn't expect for Hinata to stand a chance with Pein, atleast Kishi could've let her hold her own for more then 2 seconds..........
Fri, 02-27-2009, 01:34 PM
But he did show her growth, the flower blossomed and the flower died. If you were expecting to see Hinata hold her own against Pain then I think you're asking for too much.
That being said, I am now looking forward to seeing if Gai's team can do something useful for the first time in a long time.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:12 PM
it wasn't bothering me that Neji spotted the toad, what felt weird is that he immediately recognized it as Jiraya's frog, rather than saying "big frog summoned creature", or "naruto's frog". the first would imply he's surprised to see a summon in the village, and the later would imply that he knows Naruto can summon frogs.
it's simply that I can't recall any reason that Neji should have prior relationship with Jiraya that would allow him to say that frog's are Jiraya's summon, and a much more reasonable response for him would be to associate the frog with Naruto.
Well, Neji is a Jounin, and Jiraiya is kind of famous in the ninja world. I can believe that. And yea, that guy who yelled out "Hinata!" Was a giant idiot...Very unninjalike.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:31 PM
That being said, I am now looking forward to seeing if Gai's team can do something useful for the first time in a long time.
I'm not expecting them to do anything on this front, not with a six tailed monster running around but I expect they will lead the search to find Nagato, they are perfect for the job.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:47 PM
I'm not expecting them to do anything on this front, not with a six tailed monster running around but I expect they will lead the search to find Nagato, they are perfect for the job.
Also. i think it will be interesting to see Neji's reaction to Hinata's apparent death.
Will he stay his usual cool self or will he lose it and go after Pain?
Fri, 02-27-2009, 02:54 PM
Someone mentioned it feels like a different writer all together. I'm going to say it feels like the same writer trying a different method. And I think it's working out well.
I mentioned that it felt like a different writer/artist only because of the way Naruto's actual transformation was handled. I agree that it's working out though. I might be in the minority though when I say that I don't think that killing off characters is such a great way to add epicness and feeling to this whole thing. I would feel that Kakashi's death was wasted if he is actually dead, and the image of his father by the fire will be wasted. That image sticks in my head and it is the most powerful image to represent the doctrine that has been preached about Konoha since the 3rd's death.
Seriously, here we have Naruto unleashing 6 tails, and Pain is still running his mouth. That shit is pretty badass. And not because I feel like he's going to still own Naruto, but because it's in Pain's character. Another thing I'm liking is the panels with the other Konoha nin doing some logical thinking and maintaining their composure. It feels like they know this is all out war right now and they aren't freaking out, but instead trying to do their part. Finding the source of this chakra is exactly what they should be doing.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:04 PM
This just came mind, what about the last shadow clones in frog mountain?
Will he come into play so the nature energy can somehow return naruto to normal or is he a goner?
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:25 PM
This just came mind, what about the last shadow clones in frog mountain?
Will he come into play so the nature energy can somehow return naruto to normal or is he a goner?
rofl, dang it. i literally just thought of that and came to post the question, only to see you just beat me to it :p.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 04:34 PM
rofl, dang it. i literally just thought of that and came to post the question, only to see you just beat me to it :p.
bah i beat you both to it in the spoiler part of ch 437 thread =)
Fri, 02-27-2009, 05:02 PM
hmm guys am I missing something, I seem to recall Neji's life belonged to Hinita since she was of the main family & he was the branch family with him having a seal to take his life to keep her alive as a form of protection for the primary family to keep the blood limit alive...
Fri, 02-27-2009, 05:15 PM
hmm guys am I missing something, I seem to recall Neji's life belonged to Hinita since she was of the main family & he was the branch family with him having a seal to take his life to keep her alive as a form of protection for the primary family to keep the blood limit alive...
Wow that is so wrong in so many ways -_-
Neji's seal is there as a means to control him, meaning that a member of the main branch may end his life at any time he choses and that in the case of his death the secrets of the byakugan will die with him
Fri, 02-27-2009, 06:17 PM
Wow that is so wrong in so many ways -_-
Neji's seal is there as a means to control him, meaning that a member of the main branch may end his life at any time he choses and that in the case of his death the secrets of the byakugan will die with him
Pray tell how it is wrong?
I mean... the Japanese have no problem to marry off cousins.
And I've always thought the Hyuuga in-breeded to keep the Byakugan pure or something like that. Can't confirm it though, since Hinata doesn't seem to have a Mother. Heck... now that I think about it... I think only Shikamaru has a mother on this damn manga.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 06:32 PM
Pray tell how it is wrong?
I mean... the Japanese have no problem to marry off cousins.
And I've always thought the Hyuuga in-breeded to keep the Byakugan pure or something like that. Can't confirm it though, since Hinata doesn't seem to have a Mother. Heck... now that I think about it... I think only Shikamaru has a mother on this damn manga.
What? Nobody was talking about inbreeding...
When he said it was wrong, he was actually saying that the first guy was incorrect, not inappropriate. Pyro was misinterpreting how the Hyuuga seal worked; he thought that if something happened to Hinata then Neji would be the one affected by it. (ala Dragonheart) Meaning, Hinata would be alive, but Neji would die.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 06:45 PM
My brain is melting so I read wrong. I though I read that Hinata belonged to Neji... not the other way around you just explained. Do ignore my post.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 06:45 PM
I think posting outside the persona thread has had a bad effect on your brain Zell, you should go back.
I mean wtf? Ofc i meant what sidnne said, i really don't see how the hell you misinterpreted it like that.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 07:32 PM
Don't ask me. My brain is melting at work right now.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 10:12 PM
Awesome chapter, but retarded at the same time. Awesome because QB finally came out. I'm one of those ppl that actually like seeing naruto use QB since its part of his power to begin with no matter how much anyone disagrees with it. Retarded because Hinata's death(Hope its all an act). I mean come on, after waiting ever since chunin exam for hinata to finally confess her love for naruto she does it, and dies like 2 sec later. This is retarded.
We don't c the body being stabbed so here hoping that it actually didn't.
Fri, 02-27-2009, 10:20 PM
Awesome chapter, but retarded at the same time. Awesome because QB finally came out. I'm one of those ppl that actually like seeing naruto use QB since its part of his power to begin with no matter how much anyone disagrees with it.
I agree. If Naruto is in charge, it's his power.
Retarded because Hinata's death(Hope its all an act). I mean come on, after waiting ever since chunin exam for hinata to finally confess her love for naruto she does it, and dies like 2 sec later. This is retarded.
We don't c the body being stabbed so here hoping that it actually didn't.
Yeah right. Pein wants to make Naruto feel pain. Anyway, what would Pein gain from pretending to kill his enemy? Hinata had just tried to kill him.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 02:34 AM
We don't c the body being stabbed so here hoping that it actually didn't.
maybe Hinata quickly expelled chakra from every part of her body to form a thin layer of chakra around her and shield her entirely from Pains stabbing attack? just sayin', it's a possibilty.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 05:13 AM
Well, we don't know if he even really stabbed her. It wasn't explicitly shown. If Pain did indeed kill her, then he might go down as the all time shounen bad-ass, even badder than Freiza or Buu. However, something tells me that she is still alive, and so is Kakashi. On a side note...I wonder how Sasuke would fair against the current, semi-competent Naruto. Like, we know he's super fast, has mangekyou, electricity powers and all that; but would Naruto pulverize him in a one-on-one? Can't wait to see that match up.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 06:21 AM
You know what this arc reminds me of......
...fuckin Xmen 3....
The way the series gets spontaneously and irreversibly jacked up for the sake of a sub-plot. The show will never be the same given the current events, and I'm thinking we're hitting the downward spiral to resolution time.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 12:51 PM
Pray tell how it is wrong?
I mean... the Japanese have no problem to marry off cousins.
And I've always thought the Hyuuga in-breeded to keep the Byakugan pure or something like that. Can't confirm it though, since Hinata doesn't seem to have a Mother. Heck... now that I think about it... I think only Shikamaru has a mother on this damn manga.
Kiba has a mom, if you can call that a mom.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 12:51 PM
You know what this arc reminds me of......
...fuckin Xmen 3....
The way the series gets spontaneously and irreversibly jacked up for the sake of a sub-plot. The show will never be the same given the current events, and I'm thinking we're hitting the downward spiral to resolution time.
yeah, i was thinking that the other day.
like, the dude literally just blew up konoha. if that's not a End-of-the-Series arc, i dunno what would be.
thinking about how everything else in the manga which we haven't seen since pain started attacking konoha, and how all of that (sasuke, the rest of akatsuki.. i guess thats it) is gonna be integrated into this seemingly entirely different manga..
Sat, 02-28-2009, 03:21 PM
Well yeah we're running out of bad guys so it shouldn't be too long until the series is over
- Pain dies, Konan follows
- Guy releases all gates and takes Kisame with him
- Weed guy gets killed by someone, no idea who
- Sasuke returns to konoha to destroy what's left of it, fights naruto
- Madara reveals his true plan, naruto and sasuke team up to kill him and sasuke dies in the process
The end
Did i miss anything?
Sat, 02-28-2009, 03:46 PM
Danzou and Kabutoro fight and kill each other
Sakura spontaneously combusts.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 03:56 PM
Naruto fucks the body
Sat, 02-28-2009, 09:10 PM
Iruka becomes hokage
Sat, 02-28-2009, 10:28 PM
Tsunade loses a bet to Tonton and it becomes the new Hokage.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 11:21 PM
What about another time skip?
Sat, 02-28-2009, 11:37 PM
That is exactly what I was thinking.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 11:47 PM
Yeah, naruto could learn ANOTHER fucking rasengan...
Seriously guys naruto is already bringing the fight to Pain, a timeskip at this point would turn him into Chuck Norris
Sun, 03-01-2009, 12:03 AM
Naruto lost the second Konoha got blown up. I am not saying he is losing the fight, but he already lost the battle.
I've got a feeling Pein has a trick for handling bijuu up his sleeve. Akatsuki has been collecting them for a few years now. He might have been defenseless against Naruto's Sage Mode, but if he has a plan for dealing with the Kyuubi, Pein has won. I don't think Naruto is going to win this fight, even with the Kyuubi's help.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 01:47 AM
The village can be rebuilt, but you're right when you say he's already lost.
With the amount of corpses Pain has already left behind there's no way naruto will be able to enjoy his upcoming victory, especially since the most recent developments
I've also been thinking:
Remember a couple of chapters ago when Ebisu was about to die and he had that flashback about how the village slowly began to accept naruto?
Well isn't it a very big possibility that all that hard earned trust will be destroyed when the villagers worst nightmare comes back to life?
I'd like to think that their trust on naruto won't be so easily shaken but with Danzou pulling the strings and half of konoha destroyed things aren't looking too good for our hero
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 03-01-2009, 11:09 AM
Well, lets think for a second. The ACTUAL kyuubi came in last time and ruined the village. A lot of people who were alive to see it are still alive now. So it really comes down to how much damage was done to the village back then, compared to the hurt Pain unleashed. Right now, I'm thinking things can't get much lower for the village. I'm also thinking Pain is at least as big a threat to the village as the nine tails itself, so most adults who survived this should understand that Naruto had to try and match Pain. Plus, it's not like the village has much more to lose. I'm thinking Naruto'll be fine image wise.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 02:35 PM
Yeah, naruto could learn ANOTHER fucking rasengan...
Seriously guys naruto is already bringing the fight to Pain, a timeskip at this point would turn him into Chuck Norris
If Naruto turns into Chuck Norris, then Madara's true identity is Bruce Lee.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 02:45 PM
I don't think so...I bet a lot of the people still have a great fear of the kyuubi, and seeing something that resembles it might bring back those memories and feelings of loss. I mean, only a handful of people have seen Kyuubi-naruto, and it was surprising to most of them when they first saw it. I think something like this could be used by Danzou...and Pain
Sun, 03-01-2009, 05:35 PM
Wonder what sasuke will say when he finds out that Pain beat him to his life's goal of destroying the village :)
Sun, 03-01-2009, 07:14 PM
Probably whine and moan. I don't know if he would match up well with Pain. I mean he has some help, but Naruto had giant frogs helping him1 I don't even think sasuke has any summons anymore, does he? I guess he always has his sharingan hax.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 07:22 PM
He might have been defenseless against Naruto's Sage Mode, but if he has a plan for dealing with the Kyuubi, Pein has won. I don't think Naruto is going to win this fight, even with the Kyuubi's help.
Defenseless really. Anyway I agree, sage mode was something completely expected and not something Pain was prepared to face but having to to deal with Kyuubi is something I'm sure he expected so he should be well prepared.
Well, lets think for a second. The ACTUAL kyuubi came in last time and ruined the village. A lot of people who were alive to see it are still alive now. So it really comes down to how much damage was done to the village back then, compared to the hurt Pain unleashed. Right now, I'm thinking things can't get much lower for the village. I'm also thinking Pain is at least as big a threat to the village as the nine tails itself, so most adults who survived this should understand that Naruto had to try and match Pain. Plus, it's not like the village has much more to lose. I'm thinking Naruto'll be fine image wise.
Its a moot point but one can easily blame the Kyuubi and consequently Naruto for this as well. It wouldn't be far fetched either. Pain attacked the village to capture Naruto to get the Kyuubi and Naruto wasn't there so he destroyed the village and Naruto conviently shows up after the fact.
The facts can be skewed to fit anyone's argument but the point is the village was destroyed again because of the Kyuubi and Naruto. If Danzo is as crafty as they make him out to be he can easily use this. The village is destroyed under Tsunade's watch and then Naruto the reason the village was attacked in the first place shows up, undergoes this disgusting transformation and goes on a six-tailed rampage. It would almost be too easy for Danzo to seize control under those circumstances.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 03-01-2009, 07:27 PM
Payne vs Sasuke?
finally, Sasuke will get his long deserved ass-whooping.
The chidori has nothing against Payne's pull & push skill. the chidori is based on being able to work around the enemy's counter. Payne counter is just to powerful to dodge, especially since Chidori is still a wasteful jutsu in terms of chackra (maybe now not as much as few years ago, but still, Sasuke can't afford to throw them around).
as for the sharingan shanningans, I don't think he has much to support him, Ameretsu is strong, but again, Payne's magnetism probably can take care of it. and tsukiyomi won't have much effect on a person who sees the world in 6D and is constantly on the brink of death.
Like Naruto, Sasuke's best chance is taijutsu.and this time, I don't see him being able to take out any Payne body, with his weak ass taijutsu style.
any Kirin he might try would probably get countered by some crazy ninja chackra understanding that shields Payne from deus Ex shits (he can summon something to take the hit, he can teleport, maybe he could even isolate his surroundings and avoid the attack completely_
all in all, I don't see Sasuke doing any better than naruo.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 07:50 PM
Its a moot point but one can easily blame the Kyuubi and consequently Naruto for this as well. It wouldn't be far fetched either. Pain attacked the village to capture Naruto to get the Kyuubi and Naruto wasn't there so he destroyed the village and Naruto conviently shows up after the fact.
The facts can be skewed to fit anyone's argument but the point is the village was destroyed again because of the Kyuubi and Naruto. If Danzo is as crafty as they make him out to be he can easily use this. The village is destroyed under Tsunade's watch and then Naruto the reason the village was attacked in the first place shows up, undergoes this disgusting transformation and goes on a six-tailed rampage. It would almost be too easy for Danzo to seize control under those circumstances.
I don't think there will be any problems with people rejecting Naruto or repressed memories of Kyuubi from 20 years ago or any of that other crap that people have said. This is a Shonen manga, not a Lifetime made-for-tv movie.
We already saw how things like this play out when Sasori and Deidara attacked the sand village to capture Gaara. Gaara was considered a monster at first too; feared and hated by the village. But they eventually came to accept him, made him Kazekage, and all showed up to rescue him when he was captured, albeit a little too late. But, that is how Kishi does things. The village isn't going to reject Naruto for being the nine-tails or bringing Pein; they are going to admire him for how strong he has become and for facing Pein alone.
I don't think Danzou needs propaganda at this point to gain control. I believe Tsunade is already dead or dying. Notice how we haven't seen her at all since Naruto started fighting Pein? The last we saw of her was when Naruto got her out of the way and then her hands shriveled up. We haven't seen Sakura, who is with Tsunade, since then either. The only reason I can think why we wouldn't see Sakura cheering on Naruto is because she is "operating" on Tsunade or mourning her, and Kishi doesn't want us to see Sakura's reaction to that yet. It would be more dramatic if, at fights end, someone walks over toward Sakura to find her crying over Tsunade's body.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 08:55 PM
OMG, guys! OMG!
Hinata just confessed and professed her love for Naruto to the one and only Naruto himself!
OMG! I'm totally freaking out!
Best love story ever.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 12:42 AM
I don't think there will be any problems with people rejecting Naruto or repressed memories of Kyuubi from 20 years ago or any of that other crap that people have said. This is a Shonen manga, not a Lifetime made-for-tv movie.
We already saw how things like this play out when Sasori and Deidara attacked the sand village to capture Gaara. Gaara was considered a monster at first too; feared and hated by the village. But they eventually came to accept him, made him Kazekage, and all showed up to rescue him when he was captured, albeit a little too late. But, that is how Kishi does things. The village isn't going to reject Naruto for being the nine-tails or bringing Pein; they are going to admire him for how strong he has become and for facing Pein alone.
I don't think Danzou needs propaganda at this point to gain control. I believe Tsunade is already dead or dying. Notice how we haven't seen her at all since Naruto started fighting Pein? The last we saw of her was when Naruto got her out of the way and then her hands shriveled up. We haven't seen Sakura, who is with Tsunade, since then either. The only reason I can think why we wouldn't see Sakura cheering on Naruto is because she is "operating" on Tsunade or mourning her, and Kishi doesn't want us to see Sakura's reaction to that yet. It would be more dramatic if, at fights end, someone walks over toward Sakura to find her crying over Tsunade's body.
I'm pretty sure Tsunade is still alive somewhere, since Katsuyu is still around.
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 03-02-2009, 06:17 AM
Payne vs Sasuke?
finally, Sasuke will get his long deserved ass-whooping.
The chidori has nothing against Payne's pull & push skill. the chidori is based on being able to work around the enemy's counter. Payne counter is just to powerful to dodge, especially since Chidori is still a wasteful jutsu in terms of chackra (maybe now not as much as few years ago, but still, Sasuke can't afford to throw them around).
as for the sharingan shanningans, I don't think he has much to support him, Ameretsu is strong, but again, Payne's magnetism probably can take care of it. and tsukiyomi won't have much effect on a person who sees the world in 6D and is constantly on the brink of death.
Like Naruto, Sasuke's best chance is taijutsu.and this time, I don't see him being able to take out any Payne body, with his weak ass taijutsu style.
any Kirin he might try would probably get countered by some crazy ninja chackra understanding that shields Payne from deus Ex shits (he can summon something to take the hit, he can teleport, maybe he could even isolate his surroundings and avoid the attack completely_
all in all, I don't see Sasuke doing any better than naruo.
No way. Amaterasu is a skill that has no travel time. It doesn't travel from Sasuke to Pain. Pain just starts burning wherever Sasuke looks. Pain isn't pushing or pulling that. Also, I suspect Amaterasu would work against Pain. He has one of two ways to counter, either each body has a separate consciousness, or his rinnegan has some kind of built in counter to Sasuke's type of genjutsu. From what I can tell, Pain's consciousness is shared with all the bodies, so catching one in the genjutsu should effect all the bodies, including the actual Pain. Unless maybe he has some kind of disconnect between himself and the bodies. But considering how what one Pain sees, all Pains see, I suspect he's the "central node" so to speak, and that disconnect wouldn't exist. As far as the Rinnegan itself having a counter to Tsukyomi, we'd just have to wait and see. It certainly had no counter for the genjutsu of Jiraiya's frogs, other than to prevent it from being cast altogether, but that's a counter to everything.
To this day, I have NO CLUE how Sasuke countered either of the techniques.
As far as Naruto being twisted as the cause of all this by the people of Konoha, I'm with rockman and abdula now. People, denizens of a fictional ninja village included, are idiots.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 09:48 AM
So, I'm confused by something here too. Pain once again stated "That's why I started Atasuki."
Wasn't it really Madara who did or some shit like that?
Mon, 03-02-2009, 11:03 AM
So, I'm confused by something here too. Pain once again stated "That's why I started Atasuki."
Wasn't it really Madara who did or some shit like that?
No it was Pain, Madara never mentioned anything about starting Akatsuki and he himself said Pain was the leader. We still don't know how the two came into contact with each other though, or what their relationship is.
From what I can tell, Pain's consciousness is shared with all the bodies, so catching one in the genjutsu should effect all the bodies, including the actual Pain. Unless maybe he has some kind of disconnect between himself and the bodies. But considering how what one Pain sees, all Pains see, I suspect he's the "central node" so to speak, and that disconnect wouldn't exist. As far as the Rinnegan itself having a counter to Tsukyomi, we'd just have to wait and see.
I don't know that I can agree with that, there doesn't seem to be that kind of feedback between the bodies. From how Jiraiya described it each of the Pains see six different points of view so if one were to get caught in a genjutsu the other bodies would of course see what that one see but I doubt they would be affected by it. This ( is the best example of what I mean.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 01:39 PM
Dunno if anyone has seen this one before. I think it's nicely made. (
Mon, 03-02-2009, 01:42 PM
As far as Naruto being twisted as the cause of all this by the people of Konoha, I'm with rockman and abdula now. People, denizens of a fictional ninja village included, are idiots.
I can see this causing a big rift between the adults of Konoha (those in their 20s and up) and the youth. I think many people, like UB said, are idiots, and would probably just freak out about Naruto, while the younger generation of ninjas that actually know him would, of course defend his actions and courage. I do not know what kind of consequence this would have for the rebuilding of Konoha, but it would be quite interesting if Kishimoto touched on that subject.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 03:16 PM
I'm pretty sure Tsunade is still alive somewhere, since Katsuyu is still around.
Katsuyu has nothing to do with Tsunade's existence, other than being summoned by her. They aren't intertwined; Katsuyu doesn't need Tsunade to be alive to remain in this plain.
Sarutobi's gorilla didn't disappear when he died.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 03:36 PM
I dunno, the way Sarutobi's monkey disappeared made it seem like he needed Sarutobi to keep him "in this existence". Otherwise, I don't see why he didn't finish off Orochimaru after Sarutobi took his techniques away. He just kind of said, "I'll at least take the sword out of you" and went poof.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 03:45 PM
I would also say that the summon must be in contact with the chakra of the summoner, but Pa was still around when Jiraiya died...but then again, it seems he can act independently. Maybe it works like, well, the initial chakra is what is needed to bring them from wherever they are, but its not needed to bind them to the physical world. Or, like, the chakra acts as a beacon that ties them to this plane. Hmmm...not really sure, since in the current battle, Pa is incapacitated, yet the Gama bros. are still around.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 08:19 PM
in my eyes it's more of a contractual/honor thing.
When Sarutobi died, the summon had no more reason/right to be there.
*shrug* One possible way of looking at it until Kishi feels like expanding on the topic.
lol, got neg repped for calling Ten Ten's fanbase small. Guess the truth hurts. (waits for another ;P)
Mon, 03-02-2009, 11:30 PM
Haha, I like TenTen in the games, but I had no idea we had a lot of her fans on GW. Weirdos...well, can't really say much, as I am an Anko fan.
Tue, 03-03-2009, 09:55 AM
Yeah, i think its safe to say trapping one Pein in a Genjetsu does not effect the original or the others in any way. When Jiraya got three of them trapped and then killed them, it had no effect on the other three and definately no effect on Pain. Its just a shared vision between the six. Also, I remember Jiraya saying, that the original Pain was a world class Tajitsu master, so I think this frail body thing is a just a ruse.
Tue, 03-03-2009, 12:05 PM
Now that I think about it, we have seen what happens to a summon if the body is killed. When Naruto killed the animal path, her summons disappeared.
Tue, 03-03-2009, 01:34 PM
Now that I think about it, we have seen what happens to a summon if the body is killed. When Naruto killed the animal path, her summons disappeared.
That was a completely different type of summon. Each body has a different, single ability at its disposal; that body's ability is summoning. But those summons were more like bunshins that were directly linked to and created by that body; they weren't contractual summons of an pre-existing entity like in the case of Katsuyu, Manda, the toads, etc.
Tue, 03-03-2009, 02:35 PM
Maybe, but I think its like some one said, we don't know the rules that Kishimoto uses. We can reasonably assume that Tsunade has a contract with Katsuyu, and that she can pump her own chakra into it (as we've seen her do). I would think that if the source of that energy is gone, then either Katsuyu is very depleted, or it disappears. We don't know if Pain had some sort of contract, but it is possible, as Animal Gate always summons the same monsters, and they all have the chakra rods. Maybe they were captured or something by Pain..
Thu, 03-05-2009, 02:49 PM
Naruto lost the second Konoha got blown up. I am not saying he is losing the fight, but he already lost the battle.
I've got a feeling Pein has a trick for handling bijuu up his sleeve. Akatsuki has been collecting them for a few years now. He might have been defenseless against Naruto's Sage Mode, but if he has a plan for dealing with the Kyuubi, Pein has won. I don't think Naruto is going to win this fight, even with the Kyuubi's help.
That is why sasuke is going to show up any minute now.
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