View Full Version : Manga: Veritas
Fri, 01-23-2009, 10:08 AM
Well Veritas is my latest flavor of the month that I've been enjoying. It's a martial arts mahnwa centered on a school that's purpose is to study all the secret arts.
I really like the art and the fight scenes are well done. What I like most of all is the main character. Although not among the strongest, yet, he's a really kickass main character... and the way he goes about doing things make him a complete badass in my book.
I think it has a good enough plot, with tons of conspiracy and underground organization politics. So adding to some cool characters and some well drawn martial arts fights, this series is a complete win for me.
There are some super powers involved, mostly from the influence of Ki, which is also one of the main reason I like the main character so far because of his involvement with it. But I think there's a good balance between the superpowers and actual combat.
Kangryong is a high schooler unlike others. He has always had a dream of being the strongest. One day he meets Youcheon, who teaches him a powerful skill. One year later, people come to see him and announce that his "master" is dead. Because he was his only student, Kangryong has to follow them and go to a school where everybody has supernatural powers.
16 chapters have been released so far by helz0ne: ( ( ( (
Fri, 01-23-2009, 04:32 PM
I've been following this series, and I have to admit, I really have no idea how the dumbass will ever turn this around in order to defeat Vera and that other bitch.
He's got a good natural feel for fighting (I really enjoyed the chapters where he fought the backstabbing girlfriend, slowly luring her into her weaknesses) but the only people he has a chance of defeating are chump change. The primary characters are worlds above him.
His only hope is to follow his master's advice and start refining Ki. I really like the lore behind that concept. The overwhelming majority of shonen/seinen series are about having absurd levels of Ki, Chakra, Spirit energy, Furyoku, etc. Here, his master specifically mentioned it as being a disadvantage to have an absurd amount of Ki. It's "worthless."
It's still early, but Kangryong hasn't shown any aptitude for it.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 11:32 PM
Yep, you nailed it in the head. It's one of the reasons why I enjoy a variety of the mahnwas I'm finding around. Although not always, they often have some sort of refreshing look to what is the shounen/seinen equivalent of mangas. Sometimes the shounen are a bit more seinen like. Sometimes the themes are more serious, and things like that.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 09:38 AM
Here's chapter 17:
Looks like we're going to have a kickass fight in the coming chapter, though I was kinda hoping for Kangryong to kick his ass. You think he's going to increase his Ki?
Thu, 01-29-2009, 04:28 PM
I hope not. I wonder how much of that is a trick or a bribe. Kangryong should know better, he just hasn't figured out the totality of the breathing techniques it seems. It certainly proves that Reunion truly doesn't know a great deal about EOTL. They want to steal it to add to their own fighting teaching methods, but it seems more like one of the arts they will pass onto Vera and other heads of the Academy rather than to everyone.
I'll be really disappointed if he breaks down and goes for the Ki injections or whatever we should call them.
Fri, 01-30-2009, 04:26 AM
Bump for chapter 18:
[chapter content]
Rud isn't all talk after all. Guhoo is strong, but of course he's the typical dumb character without a sense of his surroundings. Not a bad fight, but there have been much better ones already.
[chapter content]
Sat, 01-31-2009, 07:41 AM
Nice, I didn't expect another chapter so soon. About the Ki, not sure if he'll take it... but considering that this Ki might be from another source, who knows what type of sideeffects it will have... so they can do some interesting stuff with it.
Rud was pretty good in this chapter... I'm never a fan of the "you can't hurt me" type of characters, but I thought it was a nice fight. But as you say there have been better ones.
Sun, 02-01-2009, 04:53 PM
Apparently, releases are going crazy over at hellzone:
Veritas 19 (
Sun, 02-01-2009, 06:15 PM
Hmm, damn cliffhanger...
Guhoo was badass in this one, Rud seems to be in deeph shit. With all the ruckus, I wonder if Kangryong will show up. I also like the back and forward between the chick and the short dude, forgot their names...
Thu, 02-05-2009, 08:19 PM
Another fresh chapter, I wonder when they will catch up.
Veritas 20 (
Rud/Jahee (whoever it was) said it right. Shinra (formerly referred to as "that bitch") was very quiet about the whole thing, allowing it to go along, as long as she thought that Guhoo wouldn't lose. Rud and Jahee knew what they were doing from the first moment. They both knew Rud would win easily. Guhoo was too overconfident. Even though Rud slipped up and got hurt, they were carefully choosing a good target.
I don't know if I was just imagining things, but it seemed like Rud may have either an equivalent to, or has managed to refine some of his own Ki. If he's not actually refining it, he's certainly focusing all of it into his one style of attack.
At least Gangryong has decided that he shouldn't get an infusion, even if he's just going to take a look. The dumbass has a good point too. Flashy attacks are pretty cool, but if small precision strikes and subtle movements (like Rud used at the end) are all it takes, then flashy attacks just become telegraphed moves that are easier to dodge.
Thu, 02-05-2009, 08:50 PM
Not to mention you get to avoid paying the costs of the destruction DBZ battles would incur.
Sun, 02-08-2009, 08:42 PM
And here's 21:
Two very good chapters in my opinion. Rud was completely badass with his move, and the latest chapter Vera-centric was quite good.
Mon, 03-09-2009, 10:10 AM
Up to 24 at the moment: 81&board=134.0
He hasn't been injected with the fabricated Ki, but at the moment it seems that at least he has someone to teach him some stuff. Not sure if I like this since I kinda enjoyed him learning shit by himself.
Tue, 03-10-2009, 06:05 AM
I liked the last pages most of this chapter. I never thought about it but it seems that his friend Honso Gu or whatever is name is was actually the third strongest guy of the entire school. And from the looks of the last page he restored his Ki or part of it anyway.
Tue, 03-10-2009, 03:42 PM
NeoCybercoin forgot this:
Veritas 25 ( 2d&topic=933.0)
Really liked this chapter. Not only did I finally learn Gu Honse's name, Gangryong cemented his belief in his master's words that artificial ki is bullshit. It seems I can't say too many times how much I like his attitude. He knows he's going to get his ass kicked, repeatedly, and he intends to learn from those losses, all the way up to Vera if he has to. It's so different from the train in the mountains or in isolation, or in some secret spiritual training ground and then just suddenly know you are going to win by just a little bit that we see in so many other series. Gangryong intends to get slaughtered. No amount of solo training can ever compare to real combat.
It's funny that the very concept that so many other series go with is the one that the Reunion and Student Council group relies on.
Tue, 03-10-2009, 07:04 PM
NeoCybercoin forgot this:
Veritas 25 ( 2d&topic=933.0)
Really liked this chapter. Not only did I finally learn Gu Honse's name, Gangryong cemented his belief in his master's words that artificial ki is bullshit. It seems I can't say too many times how much I like his attitude. He knows he's going to get his ass kicked, repeatedly, and he intends to learn from those losses, all the way up to Vera if he has to. It's so different from the train in the mountains or in isolation, or in some secret spiritual training ground and then just suddenly know you are going to win by just a little bit that we see in so many other series. Gangryong intends to get slaughtered. No amount of solo training can ever compare to real combat.
It's funny that the very concept that so many other series go with is the one that the Reunion and Student Council group relies on.
Heh thanks...I knew I forgot something.....
Wed, 03-11-2009, 02:11 PM
Was it ever explained why Honso Gu lost his Ki? Because by the looks of it he did it to himself, so I wonder why... I don't remember if it has been explained.
Anyways, it seems like the group lost their translator damnit.
Thu, 03-19-2009, 07:23 PM
Veritas 26 ( 08&topic=969.0)
This was a strange chapter considering what's been going on lately, but it did serve to reinforce the revived Honse Gu's point. Resting and recuperating is an important part to training. Pushing yourself too hard to the point of injury is fundamentally moronic.
Lots of comedy, Honse's idiocy doesn't change after he's back into shape (a delightful surprise in series like this). Is this a romantic angle for Gangryong? I was half-expecting them to go the stereotyped route, with Vera fulfilling her crush on Gangryong's Master with Gangryong towards the end of the series, but Shee-yeon (Shion?) might be something else.
Still, they can't be too far from Reunion, so I don't know if we can be sure how normal Shion really is. She's certainly confident enough to hang out with some random idiot (Gangryong) on her own. If she is a part of Reunion, is she after a connection to him in order to get at the secret of EOTL? I suppose it's too soon to do anything but speculate wildly.
I'm hoping she someone completely normal for a change, but we just don't know enough at this point. Also...why is the title of this arc some other girl's name?
Fri, 03-20-2009, 01:19 PM
Nice change of pace chapter. It was quite welcomed... I enjoy this dynamic duo quite a bit.
I bet next chapter they'll have their date, and towards the end some sort of situation will arise that will throw Gangryong in some sort of battle. I bet against some punks that bothering people or something.
Fri, 03-27-2009, 01:23 PM
Fri, 03-27-2009, 04:40 PM
Well, I guess that wasn't too much of a surprise. It's always something like that. Lots of fanservice, another mysterious offer from someone who claims to be strong or know a deceased master...nothing really all that original here. Just more of Gangryong's ruthless realism and admission of his own weaknesses.
I actually enjoyed the tiny omake on the grey page at the end more than the rest of this chapter. I can see where some of the humor in this series comes from if the author really does make car noises while he's working.
Thu, 04-02-2009, 01:24 PM
I disagree that it's always something like. The meeting was quite random to suspect that this what was going to happen. It seemed at the moment like the author was going to give the main character some outside contact and a possible love interest in order to have a setting that is outside of the school in order to expand the plot a bit. Furthermore, it was him that made the contact... he was the one that went after her. And these meetings usually go (or quite often) as I explained above, with them meeting some random bully during their date in which he's forced to kick some ass.
But you had your suspisions of her, so I'll give you props for that.
Anyways, 28 is out:
Thu, 04-02-2009, 04:30 PM
Something in this chapter didn't make a whole lot of sense.
Guhoo killed that girl Rud knew very well, probably on orders from Vera, in order to keep a challenger like that away. But if she was capable of fighting Vera, and we sort of know that Guhoo isn't all that strong, just tough, shouldn't she have been able to kick his ass easily? Rud beat him now, but this chapter just showed how truly weak Rud should be in comparison.
Vera also could have easily killed her herself, but I guess that Guhoo did it in order to insulate Vera, as the head of the class, from the scandal of an unintentional murder.
Aside from that, it sounds like things will get pretty awesome pretty quickly. I only wonder if they are a going to wait until Guhoo and Shinra (Vera's most trusted subordinates) go into isolation training where they cannot protect her. Rud has the vendatta against Guhoo, so sooner or later he's going to get killed too.
Where then exactly, does Gangryong fit into all of this? Are they counting on him perfecting ETOL because it is the only art that can challenge Vera's God's Treasure (or whatever it is that they call hers)?
Mon, 04-13-2009, 09:12 AM
And here's 29:
Will read 28 and 29 tonight.
Fri, 04-17-2009, 03:47 AM
Chapter 30 is out now.
Fri, 04-17-2009, 11:24 AM
Cool chapter, things look like they're starting to move along and fall into place, with people choosing sides, etc. Honse is such an awesome character, I get a kick out of him dragging Gangryong around with his plans.
Thu, 04-23-2009, 03:35 PM
Veritas 31 (
Haha, Gangryong fights like a rabid dog.
Though he's still getting his ass handed to him repeatedly during fights, and only wins by giving out more damage than he takes, he is starting to learn a lot. Honse mentioned that Gangryong took away from his fight against Eunwha that Reunion fighters don't seem to defend their feet too well. Removing someone's mobility is a great way to even out the battlefield.
Thu, 04-23-2009, 04:54 PM
Awesome chapter, so he beat a level 7 without going all out. Nice, its good to see him making proper progress after him getting his ass kicked all the time. Sure he got hit good couple of times but won in the end while holding back ( not counting the wanting to kill him bit )
Thu, 04-23-2009, 09:11 PM
I can't wait to see how he developed his EOTL. I hope he pawns that remaining level 8 (speculation, but probably true) in the next chapter. I wonder if he has any more EOTL skills that he has yet to reveal?
Thu, 04-30-2009, 11:17 PM
Damnit, I missed chapter 31.
Well here's 32:
Thu, 05-07-2009, 09:36 PM
Veritas 33 ( or Onemanga ( if you prefer....
Fri, 05-08-2009, 05:39 AM
As expected from Gangryong he keeps on getting beat up and gets back up. And in the and he manages to use a good move of his....awesome.
For some reason I like the first page XD
Fri, 05-08-2009, 03:58 PM
For some reason I like the first page XD
I loved the first page, everything is so out of character, except maybe Shinra, who is just exaggerated.
Agreed on your other points too, Gangryong isn't that stupid, his primary purpose is trying to figure out all of their moves and counter them as a means of bettering himself, not merely to defeat them. It is a nice change from the standard keeps-getting-up model, where simply beating the enemy is the goal. Gangryong is trying to learn.
Fri, 05-08-2009, 09:12 PM
Are we about to bear witness to a new technique of EOTL? It is kind of weird how Gangryong practically never used EOTL in this fight, considering his master used it wantonly on all of the fights that were shown.
Fri, 05-08-2009, 11:20 PM
If Gangryoung is not one of the most awesome anime/manga characters out there, then I don't know what the word awesome is. I really love the character.
So I finally caught up, any guesses to the level of the dude he's currently fighting (as it been revealed and I simply missed it?)?
Sat, 05-09-2009, 04:10 AM
Most likely 8, judging from the stuff he says and the skills he has shown.
Sat, 05-09-2009, 05:34 AM
He's an 8, but from what he was saying about the other girl Gangryong fought, who was also an 8, this guy doesn't just follow the Reunion model and methods. He has his own rather powerful traditional art. While the two might be the same level, in terms of Gangryong's present non-ETOL fighting skills, this new guy is much stronger than the other girl. He also doesn't have the weakness of giving up when he's about to lose or get hurt.
Sun, 05-10-2009, 10:26 PM
But the Gangryong fighting now should be significantly stronger than before. If he uses EOTL properly, he should be able to beat this level 8. EOTL is quite imbalanced as an art anyway. Most of the attacks are one hit kills.
Thu, 05-14-2009, 08:21 PM
Thu, 05-14-2009, 09:09 PM
Can't believe he lost. EOTL was rendered quite useless by such a simple maneuver. While it was an awesome fight, I dislike the arrogance of that guy too much. Now Gangryong has to beat his ass in a rematch, when I really wanted him to be out of the scene as soon as possible.
Fri, 05-15-2009, 03:06 PM
I was expecting him to lose, it was apparent from the start that that guy was completely different from the girl Gangryong fought before and Gangryong just doesn't have anything strong enough to take him out yet. So like I said I was expecting him to lose and get beaten up pretty badly but tattooing him to the ceiling was a bit much.
That said I'm really starting to like these guys, I thought the nine dragons were mostly just full of it but if Gangryong joins up with them they could be a real powerhouse.
Fri, 05-15-2009, 03:53 PM
Damn...he seriously got his ass kicked. Not just a little. The -get-kicked-into-the-ceiling-and-staying-there kind of ass kicked. Damn...he's barely alive. But on the brightside we see someone who seems to know something bout the Lightning Tiger. That's what I think anyway.
Fri, 05-22-2009, 12:10 PM
Edit: Shit, I want more!
Fri, 05-22-2009, 03:44 PM
Geusong is really weird. The dumbass mask he wears makes me want to hate him, but I guess that is the idea, no one would take him seriously, the same way Gangryong always surprises them (and occasionally wins) because they all think he is a jackass.
Young Madoka and young Shinra were cute. Back before Shinra turned into a total bitch. I like that Madoka's mission is to reunite the two factions so everyone has the possibility to be friends again, rather than the arrogant separatists they have become. Her vision is a little naive after what we've already seen in flashbacks, but it seems she has nasty skills to back it up with.
If Gangryong ever perfects his breathing techniques, and maybe figures out the lightning bolt attacks, he is going to be a true force to contend with. I wonder how someone in the higher levels with some absurd number of sexangery worth of "dirty" artificial ki will act once they see the effects of his ultra-purified ki? Of course, he'd still have to fight like a rabid dog, or he wouldn't be the Gangryong we all know and love.
Thu, 05-28-2009, 08:06 PM
More rabid dog goodness.
Veritas 36 (
Very much an exposition chapter. Detailing the inner working of Gangryong's ki. I do like that because of what Vera did to him, the other damage he has sustained, and then combined with the fact that he waited so long to begin training...actually makes his ki that much purer. It is dramatically harder for him to get quantities of ki, but when he does get it, he can pull nearly as much energy out of it that the artificial users with huge quantities can.
...Now that I look at it, pretty much what I said right above, and Shinra will be the first of the well-informed Reunion fighters to see it.
Judging by the chapter titles, this will be a very Madoka heavy volume, which is never a bad thing.
Thu, 05-28-2009, 08:20 PM
Is this a sign of a huge power-up? Has Gangryong's Ki channels finally opened? As much as I enjoy his rabid dog fighting style, he has never really used EOTL effectively, mainly because he can only use such a limited amount of skills. Maybe this is the turning point where he can start doing fancier and more powerful attacks.
Fri, 06-05-2009, 08:58 AM
Fri, 06-05-2009, 09:48 AM
Lightning Flash!
I hope he learns to use this skill. I hate skills that only come out because of luck or strong emotion. Unreliable weapons are not weapons at all.
Thu, 06-11-2009, 06:06 PM
Veritas 38 ( 3a&topic=1360.0)
Interesting to say the least.
It is starting to make me wonder if Lightning Tiger and Gangryong aren't the only ones who seem to realize that artificial ki isn't the right way to go. Shinra seems content to avoid it due to the now-obvious risks that are involved in using it improperly. But after this chapter, even though it was on the subject of fairness to other students, Vera has not showed that she particularly cares about that sort of thing when it concerns the development of her skills or Reunion's cause.
Maybe her Heaven's Riches art also required purified ki instead of just huge amounts of it. Her specailized techniques are no less flashy and than high-level ETOL and also use energy blasts rather than direct or close contact.
I don't remember if they ever mentioned a quantity of sexagenry worth of ki for her, so I could be wrong.
Thu, 06-11-2009, 07:45 PM
Can you refresh me on how Anichella lost? Did they cheat to beat her? Can't remember the details well, other than Rud blaming himself or something.
Interesting that the two guys that plotted against Honse are the two that seem closest to him currently (Madoka and Guesong) from the old Council.
Mon, 06-15-2009, 04:59 AM
I don't think it was mentioned. it will probably be clarified later on.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 02:02 PM
Chapter 39:
Thu, 06-18-2009, 05:30 PM
That was a really intense chapter.
I'm really confused as to who is allied to whom, and who we should root for aside from Gangryong. Madoka seemed like she was very close to Vera before, but when she first appeared, she seemed like she would be an enemy to Vera. Now I really have no idea where she stands. Honse is probably the closest thing to an ally, but he's clearly opposed to Vera and her faction. At the same time, Vera isn't directly opposed to Gangryong, she's just after ETOL and about keeping order. She's even done a *few* minor things to aid Gangryong (like not kicking him out or calling off vengeance). Shinra doesn't seem to be that bad of a person either, she certainly pays her debts, and she's simply fiercely loyal to Vera. Rudd and friends seem more and more like they are just using Gangryong to get back at Vera and her underlings. Fire Dragon (or whatever his name is) is just using Gangryong to get the secrets of ETOL before Vera does, but at least Gangryong already recognizes this.
...and clearly, Guesong is the worst of all of them.
As for this chapter itself, Vera came off very cool. She called out Guesong's selfishness perfectly. Vera might be rather authoritarian, but she definitely belongs at the top, and possesses the demeanor and insight to be there. Vera earned her place.
The inter-personal relationships are a total mess now that we are learning a little bit more how things really are. I'm sure they will throw us for many more twists in who is "good" and who is "evil." The more we see, it's only becoming more obvious how little we know, and much much less Gangryong will know. Hopefully he won't get used too badly.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 08:52 PM
That was a really intense chapter.
I'm really confused as to who is allied to whom, and who we should root for aside from Gangryong. Madoka seemed like she was very close to Vera before, but when she first appeared, she seemed like she would be an enemy to Vera. Now I really have no idea where she stands. Honse is probably the closest thing to an ally, but he's clearly opposed to Vera and her faction. At the same time, Vera isn't directly opposed to Gangryong, she's just after ETOL and about keeping order. She's even done a *few* minor things to aid Gangryong (like not kicking him out or calling off vengeance). Shinra doesn't seem to be that bad of a person either, she certainly pays her debts, and she's simply fiercely loyal to Vera. Rudd and friends seem more and more like they are just using Gangryong to get back at Vera and her underlings. Fire Dragon (or whatever his name is) is just using Gangryong to get the secrets of ETOL before Vera does, but at least Gangryong already recognizes this.
...and clearly, Guesong is the worst of all of them.
As for this chapter itself, Vera came off very cool. She called out Guesong's selfishness perfectly. Vera might be rather authoritarian, but she definitely belongs at the top, and possesses the demeanor and insight to be there. Vera earned her place.
The inter-personal relationships are a total mess now that we are learning a little bit more how things really are. I'm sure they will throw us for many more twists in who is "good" and who is "evil." The more we see, it's only becoming more obvious how little we know, and much much less Gangryong will know. Hopefully he won't get used too badly.
I don't have anything to add. I'm as confused as you are, especially when you consider how the characters are allied at the moment. Don't know why Honse would be hanging out with Guesong. Also, I have my doubts that Honse is fully fucked up.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 09:32 PM
How can Guesong actually rape Vera? Wouldn't he get killed the moment he tries to open his fly? Knocking her out first is one thing, but doing it while she is conscious is suicide.
Gangryong needs some more interaction with the opposite sex. While it is slightly amusing, I'm tired of him hanging out with Honse 90% of the time.
Fri, 06-19-2009, 12:33 AM
How can Guesong actually rape Vera? Wouldn't he get killed the moment he tries to open his fly? Knocking her out first is one thing, but doing it while she is conscious is suicide.
Gangryong needs some more interaction with the opposite sex. While it is slightly amusing, I'm tired of him hanging out with Honse 90% of the time.
Well, isn't Vera kinda messed up at the moment hence why everyone is doing all these backhanded stuff to ensure that she wins?
Fri, 06-19-2009, 12:54 AM
Oh, was that mentioned before? Or is it speculated from how everyone is acting? Maybe I skipped a chapter or something.
Fri, 06-19-2009, 12:57 AM
Oh, was that mentioned before? Or is it speculated from how everyone is acting? Maybe I skipped a chapter or something.
It was mentioned when she refused to take artificial ki in the hospital, and she has been beating everyone in the tournament without using her ki. That she's actually still messed up is another thing, but I don't think Guesong would have gone as far as he has gone if Vera had been at the top of her game, especially with Madoka being in there also.
Fri, 06-19-2009, 04:05 AM
Oh, was that mentioned before? Or is it speculated from how everyone is acting? Maybe I skipped a chapter or something.
It was mentioned when she refused to take artificial ki in the hospital, and she has been beating everyone in the tournament without using her ki. That she's actually still messed up is another thing, but I don't think Guesong would have gone as far as he has gone if Vera had been at the top of her game, especially with Madoka being in there also.
When Lightning Tiger attacked her in a earlier flashback chapter, which they didn't show again, he gave her the scar that rips down her back, but as we learned in the previous chapter, it also temporarily destroyed/sealed all of her ki at the worst possible time, right before a tournament. It's what we've seen Gangryong do to a few level 6's, but on an astronomically larger scale.
But Munsu brings up a good point, Vera isn't completely helpless now either. She got up to the semi-finals in the tourament with traditional (non-energy) attacks all on her own. Her "friends" only had to intervene at the upper level. While Guesong with energy attacks is probably stronger than she is now, she certainly is far from helpless.
Somehow they did manage to cram him into an isolation chamber, which Shinra remarked he escaped from some time since they put him into it and present day.
Fri, 06-19-2009, 04:28 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot all about her Ki channels being sealed by Lightning Tiger.
I still hope that Vera didn't get violated. That would suck. I'm pretty sure Madoka will make Guesong suffer either way, but I don't want Vera suffering such a fate.
Thu, 07-02-2009, 05:37 PM
Here's 40:
41 should be out tomorrow, or soon.
Sat, 07-04-2009, 04:22 PM
As promised, 41:
Thu, 07-09-2009, 08:19 PM
And now 42
I'm not sure I'm liking how this is turning out. Madoka's fighting style is beautiful, I particularly like how it seems so contrary to her character design and outward personality. It's very different from Vera, who looks like a princess character, and uses a fighting style where she never even touches her opponents most of the time. Madoka's is graceful, yet stunningly brutal.
The problem comes with Guesong. Madoka is now very clearly allied with Vera, who we were to believe was the "enemy" to Gangryong in a number of ways. Rud and pals are using him, but it seemed like Honse was a legitimate friend and ally. But Honse is allied with Guesong (or so it seems) against Vera's faction. Guesong is a complete psychopath. I really don't want to see Gangryong mixed up with that asshole.
In other words, I am completely at a loss in who we should be considering as, "the good guys." I want Madoka to win this fight, but it is starting to look like she will lose, and badly. That means Guesong and the Yardplay faction will soon become the strongest in the school, potentially unseating Vera. Gangryong's fighting style is becoming a lot more like Vera's Class of skills. Reunion is more divided by Classes of fighting styles, so that would tend to make him lean toward Vera and the other ki based skills.
In short, I am confused more than ever, and while not knowing if anyone here are "the good guys" is fairly innovative for a fighting series like this, it seems like Gangryong will soon be used by the worst of everyone we've met so far, even worse that the people who are trying to steal ETOL.
Thu, 07-09-2009, 10:05 PM
I think Madoka will do a come from behind win. She hasn't shown what she has prepared during the time Guesong gave her yet (assuming she has something, of course). Still, I would really like it if she gets beaten up, just because it will lead to a very interesting plot development.
Fri, 07-10-2009, 03:05 AM
The implication is that Guesong's rediscovery of the lost part of Yardplay's traditional art will rock Reunion has been heavily discussed by Guesong, Lifewish, and the rest of the Yardplay faction. That's why they kept emphasizing Guesong is a genius or something like that.
There is more to it than the teleport thing he's been using against Madoka.
Fri, 07-10-2009, 03:33 AM
I think he may be overestimating himself, thinking that he has discovered the secret when he hasn't (yet). He might also be bluffing, trying to stir things up by pretending he has completed the technique. If it is neither, then Madoka will most likely lose simply because of an overwhelming technique.
Thu, 07-16-2009, 06:13 PM
Veritas 43 (
Hmm...well I suppose for now I was wrong. Guesong might still pull something out of his ass, so we can't be too sure.
Madoka is far more capable than Guesong's overconfidence made him seem, simply because she is still friendly with Vera and her underlings. Madoka isn't stupid at all (that was obvious from before), she does her research, and probably more than anyone else we've seen so far. She's been away, so the first thing she does is talk to Shinra and get caught up. Clever.
Loved her line in the last panel of page 17. What a sexy taunt.
Fri, 08-07-2009, 03:53 AM
Veritas 46 (
Quite the interesting revalation that Vera has recieved no artificial ki since the incident with Lightning Tiger. While natural medicine has increased her own ki back up to 30 years, that means she is using pure, refined ki, just like Gangryong. So if anything, Lightning Tiger did Vera a huge favor if she figured out how much stronger her arts are with purified ki.
Fri, 08-07-2009, 04:25 AM
Who was Vera's first? It can't be lightning tiger, can it?
Or was it mentioned and I am just being forgetful?
Tue, 08-18-2009, 10:57 AM
Here's 47:
Finally caught up. I thought the Madoka fight dragged on for a bit. I really hated Guesong, so I'm glad Vera finished him off. I really hate that group that is surrounding Gangryong, except for Honse...
I still don't understand how Honse could still be allied to Guesong.
Tue, 08-18-2009, 04:06 PM
I still don't understand how Honse could still be allied to Guesong.It seems like he holds more of a grudge towards Vera and her allies than he does towards Guesong and the others that participated.
It looks more and more like Vera isn't really the villain of the series, but I suspect the truth of the matter is that everyone is. Each and every factions wants something, and they seem more than content to go to rather ruthless and underhanded means to get it. Perhaps the only reason any of them approach Gangryong at all is because he's an unaffiliated quantity. He's a distraction to Vera/Shinra/Madoka, a novelty to LifeWish/Guesong/Honse, and an opportunity to Fire Tiger/Rud.
Thu, 08-20-2009, 01:55 PM
Here's 48 from a new group called Neo-X Subs... don't know if they are any good:
If anyone checks them out before I do, let me know how they are. I hope there's at least some consistency between the terms. Though HZ has released at a fairly good pace.
Edit: Saw a couple of pages, and thought they were overleveled by quite a bit. I going to wait for HZ for the time being.
Thu, 08-20-2009, 08:20 PM
Well, right on queue, HZ released chapter 48. The forums seem to be down at the moment so I can't get a direct download for it. If any of you manage to get one, hook me up.
Thu, 08-20-2009, 10:41 PM
helz0ne - SendSpace ( - MediaFire (
your link up there doesn't work it says 410 - Gone
Fri, 08-21-2009, 08:20 AM
Free Fist Style countering? Is that what Vera is using now right? Even if they manage to pull Gangryong to a level to fight Vera with a close to perfect EOTL, I don't think he'll be able to beat her Heavens Riches Class martial art.
Thu, 09-03-2009, 12:01 PM
Here's 49:
I liked the latest two chapters, since it brought quite a bit if information of the dealings of the top level guys. And Madoka waiting drunk for Gangryong... looking forward for chapter 50. Any of you wish that Gangryong, Madoka, and Honse would simply form their own faction?
Thu, 09-03-2009, 04:25 PM
Hmm, it's a little confusing for me. So Vera is the leader of the Heaven's Riches Class, or more so a successor to her sister. Then what exactly is the chariman Fire Dragon? Why does he want Vera out of the way? What were Vera's intentions in talking to the elders? Where does Hayato come into play?
What I do know is that Rud wants revenge for his friend killed by the Iron Skin dude so he is in cahoots with Fire Dragon. Guesong was upset over having to damage Honse's Ki channels because he was a threat to Vera and Vera felt no guilt. Madoka just wants everyone to be happy.
Thu, 09-03-2009, 04:31 PM
Hmm, it's a little confusing for me. So Vera is the leader of the Heaven's Riches Class, or more so a successor to her sister. Then what exactly is the chariman Fire Dragon? Why does he want Vera out of the way? What were Vera's intentions in talking to the elders? Where does Hayato come into play?
What I do know is that Rud wants revenge for his friend killed by the Iron Skin dude so he is in cahoots with Fire Dragon. Guesong was upset over having to damage Honse's Ki channels because he was a threat to Vera and Vera felt no guilt. Madoka just wants everyone to be happy.
I'm pretty much as confused as you are. I'm sure everything will click for me at some point.
Thu, 09-03-2009, 06:16 PM
I'll take a stab.
Fire Dragon wants to steal ETOL. I wonder if the reason is so that he can put it into the Reunion curriculum. The irony is that because of Reunion's methods of artificial ki, ETOL would be completely worthless. This assumes that he is part of the faction that is against Traditional Arts. Yardplay, and Hayato is a part of that Traditional Arts element.
Vera stands somewhere in the middle. The Heaven's Riches class of Traditional Arts (which includes ETOL) would have her certainly against Reunion, but she attempts to bring some form of order to the school. On the other hand, it appears that she is determined to stay at the top because it will be a means to rise above her sister's reputation. Her friends keep her at the top as a means of maintaining order in the school. If she wasn't at the top, there may be a continual string of deaths for the leading position, as what nearly happened to her.
Vera also apparently has a crush on Lightning Tiger. He defeated her, and she respects him, but seems to also have lingering feelings for him, which may or may not now be transferring over to Gangryong as his successor. A bit of a stretch, but there were a few panels where Vera was in the shower thinking of it, and where she reminisces about her scar.
Madoka wants everyone to be friends, but she is still fiercely loyal to Vera.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 09:41 AM
Here's 50:
Fri, 09-04-2009, 09:50 AM
Wow even though she was drunk Gangryong took her down? He keeps saying he's not that strong yet but his moves are something to watch out for.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 05:31 PM
I think that was more to remind us that Gangryong has been training the whole time while all this backstabbing and politics goes on. He's still the only successor to ETOL, one of the strongest and most specialized Heaven's Riches class arts. Even if he's still trying to figure it all out, he's making progress.
Gangryong himself was sure to point out that he had been trying to pull that off the whole time Madoka was grabbing him, but only got the hang of it under pressure. He also remarked that she was not only drunk, she was so beaten up she wasn't in any condition to fight in the first place. If she wasn't drunk, was serious, and was anything like when she faced Guesong, she would have killed him while Gangryong was still trying to work out the move.
Also, just when I was sort of starting to figure it out, they add more characters and shift everything around.
Fire Dragon is trying to kill off Vera's allies (one of whom Gangryong is set to fight), and he's trying to recruit Gangryong directly so he can just take ETOL. Which should be impossible for him given that he has artificial ki. Now he has even taken Shinra from Vera. That was somewhat unexpected given how loyal she has always been.
It's starting to look like Madoka is the only really "good" person in the series. I hesitate to call Gangryong "good" because he is really just more like "pure." Brutal as he may be, he doesn't mean anyone ill will, he just wants to fight. Vera is another case on her own. She seems to just want an ordered and disciplined school, but she sure isn't afraid to kill someone.
It might just end up Madoka and Gangryong against everyone else. Not allied, but not enemies. Opposing Vera, but defending her as well (at least until Gangryong is strong enough to return the favor).
Fri, 09-11-2009, 09:13 PM
Veritas 51 (
The end of volume 7.
An interesting development chapter for Vera. There was a strong impression that she had issues with her sister, but I'm surprised (and at the same time disappointed) that they were this bad. Her sister crippled Vera's ki so that she would never become a threat to her complete dominance.
What is surprising is that Lightning Tiger didn't even hurt Vera, she was broken to begin with, and clawed her way up to the top, much like we've all been hoping to see Gangryong do. Lightning Tiger had actually saved Vera back during the aftermath of her attack on Lightning Tiger, when her abilities were at their "weakest," and Guesong attempted to take advantage of her.
She was just starting back from scratch, only finally able to tap into her full potential.
What is disappointing about it is that it cleans up quite a bit of the animosity that Vera might have with Gangryong. Instead, it would be quite easy to see how they could become allies, rather than Gangryong just sticking it out on his own like Vera apparently had to for all those years. Similar situations in growing up and coming to Reunion, both owe Lightning Tiger a great deal, and both strive to be acknowledged.
While it was a great chapter, I have mixed feelings about the development. We may see Gangryong-Madoka-Vera after all.
Fri, 09-11-2009, 10:08 PM
Did they ever mention what happened to Yuri? I feel like I've heard she died.
Thu, 09-17-2009, 07:51 PM
The mysteries of Yuri revealed!
Veritas 52 (
Thu, 09-17-2009, 08:33 PM
How did lightning tiger die then? Fire dragon said that he sacrificed his arm for the attack that disabled Yuri, not his life. If that were the case, when Yuri was completely disabled, lightning tiger should still be alive. Did they trade hits causing lightning tiger to die after? If that was the case, the phrase sacrificing his arm would still be odd.
Could it be that someone else killed lightning tiger after he lost his arm against Yuri?
Fri, 09-18-2009, 08:11 AM
Well that would narrow it down to anyone who would have a grudge towards him. I mean if you wanted to take someone down and that person just lost an arm then that would be the time to do it. So it could very well be someone else who killed him.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 08:42 AM
Like Fire Dragon? He seems to know a lot about what happened for it to be just hearsay.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 10:26 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if he really was his killer. In his weakened state Lightning Tiger shouldn't have been that difficult. If he really did it then he really hated him. I mean killing him AND trying to learn EOTL from the Lightning Tiger's disciple.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 03:18 PM
Fire Dragon seems more interested in reviving Yuri than he does in simply stealing EOTL. He had Gangryong train the robots to endure the lightning so that they could care for Yuri's unconscious body (because most humans cannot touch her), he mentioned that if it is not possible to learn EOTL, he's just as happy if Gangryong can fix Yuri. If Gangryong can't handle her either, he seems to want Gangryong to take the teachings (centered around the pivotal breathing technique) and give it someone else.
I wonder if that is his true goal. He was there that day, either he's in love with Yuri, or he wants to see her become a god by harmonizing with nature.
Since Vera is not the recognized successor, she may not be permitted to perform the ritual, much less know how it is accomplished. I would suspect if it was solely the latter reason that Fire Dragon would be just as content seeing Vera do it. So it may be a mixture of both.
Shinta is right. It's not the only typo I've been having here. I finally got around to spelling 'EOTL' properly instead of 'ETOL'
Mon, 09-21-2009, 09:19 PM
It was Fire Dragon and Lightning Tiger right? Now, I'm not quite sure.
Thu, 09-24-2009, 01:15 AM
I wonder what motivation Gangryong will have in reviving Yuri, considering that it was mentioned that his master died sealing her the way she is, and that you could consider that a part of him is still fighting her as we speak to keep her as is. So why would he go against his master's wishes? Just for revenge? Then that would simply render his master's death meaningless..
Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:53 AM
Hayato was the dude that fought one of the Elders right under Vera's intructions? Deleted the chapters so I don't remember well.
Thu, 10-08-2009, 12:47 PM
Yeah, it was Hayato. I gotta read that chapter again so I can properly understand how awesome Fire Dragon is.
Thu, 10-15-2009, 08:35 PM
Fri, 10-16-2009, 04:38 PM
Even better question is why if he helping yuri when his master died to shut her up?
Wed, 11-11-2009, 12:51 PM
Veritas 58 Onemanga (
Yeah Gangryong is pretty bad-ass. He's like a freaking Sayjian! Hayato was right about him being pretty amazing. I mean only at the school for a half year and already at that level without the school's help.
Thu, 02-04-2010, 12:15 AM
You guys still reading? 65 recently got released:[HZ].rar
Good stuff in this chapter, although it was a short one. Fire dragon kicking ass and we finally see Jeeha fight. I don't think we've seen him... maybe a bit against the chick he likes.
Thu, 02-04-2010, 02:04 AM
Madoka has been relegated to the role of the character who gets beat up without panels.
Thu, 02-04-2010, 09:11 PM
Madoka has been relegated to the role of the character who gets beat up without panels.
To be fair, she was injured... and she's hot.
Thu, 05-06-2010, 05:59 PM
Chapter 72 is out, second chapter following a brief time-skip.
Fri, 05-07-2010, 02:35 PM
Really long chapter... I really want to see Gang kicking some real ass. I really am not following much of what is going on, but let's get some interesting fights in here. With the new facility, hopefully we'll see more Vera also.
Fri, 05-07-2010, 05:26 PM
The plan by the Nine Dragon's members (Rud, Jahee, Gangryong, Honse, Paul, etc) was to fight the other Student Council Members (Vera, Shinra, Guhoo, Yuhwa, Madoka) so that they could have a high enough voting percentage to oust Vera from the Presidency. They really only need to place Gangryong and Honse on the Council to gain a high enough majority.
But...Paul has intended to betray the Nine Dragons for a considerable time (loyal to Fire Dragon). Madoka is loyal to Vera's presidency, but she is friendly to the Nine Dragons side of things. Shinra has switched sides to Fire Dragon recently because she now has an option to gain more power than she previously believed. He co-opted her when she was forced into isolation training along with Guhoo by Vera. She intends to use Paul and the Nine Dragons to oust Vera and install herself as a willing puppet to Fire Dragon, who will be training her directly in return.
So, best guess at the array of various factions and forces:
Vera's Presidency: Vera, Yuhwa (puppet master), Mu Young (bandage guy), Earth Beast
(anti-Yuri, anti-Fire Dragon, pro-Vera, generally neutral toward Gangryong)
Nine Dragons: Rud, Jahee, Honse, Gangryong, Hyunmi (scarf girl), Guesong [deceased]
(anti-Vera, pro-Gangryong, anti-Fire Dragon)
Fire Dragon controls Reunion: Fire Dragon, Shinra, Guhoo (following Shinra), Paul
(very pro-Yuri [just Fire Dragon], anti-Vera, generally anti-Gangryong)
Neutral: Madoka (pro-Vera, anti-Fire Dragon, pro-Gangryong, idealistically naive).
Hayato (anti-Vera, anti-Fire Dragon, generally anti-Gangryong, probably anti-Yuri).
Gangryong (pro-Gangryong, generally neutral toward all others).
Hayato and Gangryong both want to master their respective arts, and they're happy to defeat anyone who gets in their way. Hayato is more invested toward hating others because he has been affected by them more. Gangryong doesn't have the same weight of the past that Hayato does, so he is very neutral. He wants to defeat Vera, but he doesn't despise her the way the others do.
Mon, 06-07-2010, 07:27 AM
Time to update the thread a bit
73 and 74 are out on OneManga.
Veritas 73 (
And Gangryong is just so fucking boss.
Mon, 06-07-2010, 12:04 PM
Yeah, he's awesome. They should make a manga with just him and Oga from Beelzebub.
Fri, 06-18-2010, 09:34 PM
Setup chapter... but what a way to end it.
Sat, 06-19-2010, 02:31 PM
Always knew Honse had to be some kind of monster. I mean back in the day he was considered to be a major threat to Vera. They had him seal his own Ki to prevent him from overcoming Vera one day. And since his Ki paths were healed some time ago....Let's just say I wonder what kind of awesome arts he would have to stand a chance against Vera. Wouldn't be surprised if it was similar to EOTL
Sat, 06-19-2010, 02:43 PM
I think Vera will kick ass easily.
Sat, 06-19-2010, 07:17 PM
That Guhoo flashback sure shows how much of a complete bitch Yuri was. Not only will she not allow her little sister to embarrass her through facing a true opponent, she won't even allow the guy doing the dirty work the satisfaction either. She went out of her way to tell him that she is the reason Guhoo beat Ancella.
Yeah, I also think Vera will win, but I'm not going to say she'll win easily without seeing exactly how Honse fights. It took a whole crew of them to beat him and lock down his Ki channels, as well as betraying him if I remember right.
But I still think that in order to beat Heaven's Riches, another Ki manipulating art is necessary. EOTL is one of them, Northern Broad Strike being the other.
I'm rather interested in Gangryong's fight with Yunhwa. She is usually a support fighter, I'm rather curious how she handles the front lines. Gangryong is pretty stupid, so she should trick him once or twice.
Sat, 06-19-2010, 07:34 PM
The reason I think Vera will win easily, and if not that, at least quite handily is because she still needs to be seen as real practical impossibility for Gangryong.
I think Vera will just toy with Honse, and Honse will get a good shots in, then she'll get serious and wipe the floor with him.
I mean, I think we'll see how badass Honse really is before Vera beats him while showing a big gap between them.
I also have suspicion that we'll never see that fight because we'll get distracted by something else.
Those are my current predicted scenarios.
I also like how everyone keeps making Vera in to the villian, when all is said and done almost none of this have been of her doing... in fact, people going against her wishes. But she just rolls with it and faces all the challenges thrown at her head on.
I really like here and don't want to see her fight Honse since he's another favorite.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 06-20-2010, 01:07 AM
Yeah i don't think this whole Honse vs Vera fight is going to work out either. Yuri has that "final boss" vibe and i'm almost certain that Gangryong and Vera is going to team up to take her down.
The problem right now is that nobody really respects Gangryong even though he's pretty damn strong. I mean he improved tremendously but he's definitely no where near Vera level yet, so we might see a break through from him in this coming match.
Sun, 06-20-2010, 01:52 AM
You know what I would like? Gangryong going after Honse, beating him and then going after Vera himself to test himself. I mean, he'll probably be pissed that Honse was keeping this a secret from him when he was looking for tough oppenents to test himself with.
Mon, 06-21-2010, 06:08 AM
Actually I wouldn't be too surprised if he actually does that. But Honse watched Gangryong train and helped him train aswell. I thought Gangryong also explained a few things bout EOTL to Honse if I recall correctly. And since EOTL is one of the arts that could beat Heaven's Riches, he could very well use a bit of that.
Mon, 06-21-2010, 04:05 PM
Isn't the difference there that only Gangryong was taught the breathing technique? Honse belittled it a number of times, but the purity of Gangryong's Ki is what makes EOTL strong. Unless I'm mistaken, Gangryong was instructed to keep that to himself, and has stood by it.
I'm standing by my suspicion that with Vera getting drained that her strength relies heavily on the same principle of ultra-pure Ki, instead of the multiple sexagenary that everyone else has. Lightinng Tiger may have undone the seal that Yuri placed on Vera, but his attack also left her drained. That let her slowly build back her strength.
No matter who may seem to have the edge, it is going to be a brutal fight for sure.
Thu, 06-24-2010, 08:06 PM
I don't know how I feel about them fooling them from the beginning... I thought it would've been more badass if Honse would've simply recovered somehow. But whatever, loved Vera's reaction at the end.
Tue, 08-10-2010, 10:25 AM
Here's 78:
Things look to be getting exciting, I really want to see Gangryong fight against one of these guys.
Tue, 08-10-2010, 04:02 PM
Unless I misunderstood something, I was assuming the reason Fire Dragon wanted Gangryong on the roof was a last-ditch effort to wake Yuri up. Fire Dragon is touching her, and the Ki is not electrocuting him. I was under the impression that Gangryong barely drained her of the overflowing energy. He took a moderate amount out and at the same time managed to survive. Wasn't she still loaded with energy?
There's no way to be sure though. Fire Dragon is always pretty opaque about his motives aside from pro-Yuri and anti-Vera.
Either that or he's hoping Gangryong displaying Lightning Tiger's skills will startle them enough for him to escape with Yuri.
Sun, 08-15-2010, 07:04 PM
Chapter 79 (
Bad ass chapter.
Mon, 08-16-2010, 04:17 AM
Shit just got real! Fun to see how the only one who is a actual traditional martial artist is Gangryong.
Mon, 08-16-2010, 09:24 AM
And this is how shit really hits the fan... it kinda reminds me of Berserk.
From what I understand there are only 2 chapters left in what is considered Part 1 of the series.
Mon, 09-20-2010, 10:34 AM
Here are the last two chapters:
Hopefully this won't be the end of it.
Mon, 09-20-2010, 03:55 PM
I feel the same. I am pretty sure there will be a second part with this kind of ending. Now from what I could see...Gangryoung pretty much arrived at Lightning Tigers level Ki wise. Plus Linus woke up. Shit is gonna be awesome in the next part.
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