View Full Version : RideBack
Sun, 01-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Trying to hype this series a bit since I think this might be one of the hidden gems this season if done right. It's a seinen series, and that automatically makes me biased towards it since it's a target market that is quite infrequent in anime.
I read the first volume of the manga, and it has quite a few interesting characters that will make this a fun series. There's also a good balance between college life, political/social/war dilemmas and consequences, and probably some racing.
A bit disappointed to see anidb listing this series as 12 episode long as the manga is currently 8 volumes long and ongoing. I hope they don't take any shortcuts just to fit their needs of a compressed story.
First episode RAW is out for those who want to get an early peek:
Anyways, I have a bit of high expectations for this one. Looking at the trailers it seems to have good animation. I hope this doesn't end dissapointing me.
From Shogakukan:
In the year 2020, anti-government student movements are raging again. Having encountered a two-wheeled robot named "Rideback" modeled on a human being, Rin Ogata rides on the "Tetsuma", and the world's destiny begins to change!!
First episode out by Infinite-Zero: ent
Tue, 01-13-2009, 09:32 AM
A good first episode. The background setting for the world is ridiculous, but I suppose it will play some fundamental role later in the show. Since it looks like a military junta world rule, the whole motorcycle (or rideback rather) theme may suggest freedom seeking in general. At first the rideback looked a bit ridiculous in the beginning of the ep but the last bit made it a lot better. Though I wonder why they opted to have a normal internal combustion engine and not some fuel cell technology since this seems to be well into the future. Maybe for the extra grease, eh?
I also at first thought Nana Mizuki would be far too soft and gentle sounding for a motorbike gang member, but when her character's actual indentity was shown, it made perfect sense.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 10:22 AM
I only watched a couple of minutes of the RAW, and the introduction and how things go about are changed from the manga. I'll see it better when I watch the fansub later today. Changes are to be expected if they're really thinking of a short series, which I would really dislike, but it should be good anyways.
With that said, liked the art and the animation... made me think that they should make an anime about ballet, as lame as it is. Seemed to me that they put some money into this series, so that's always something that shows promise for the series.
Edit: Merging Posts.
Sorry for the double post, but I just watched the subbed version...
I really liked this first episode, the changes are welcomed and they still retained a scene from the manga (when she first sees the RideBack Club). There was a bit more comedy in the dialogue in the manga, but it's fine because of the atmosphere they wanted to create in the first episode, and some comments later in the episode (like the panties line) hints to me that we'll see some of the funnier dialogue later on which usually comes from the engineer in the club.
As said before I like the art and animation. Even though I hate CG, I thought it was handled quite well in this episode from what I noticed. I enjoyed the OP and ED too.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 05:43 PM
It was different, but not in any bad way. There was a different approach to a some of the events, and more information at the beginning. The only thing I found a little surprising was that it doesn't seem she entered the theater department at all. It was a much better approach if they are trying to grab an audience in the first episode, especially of a short series. The first volume was a lot slower paced, easing her into getting on the Fuego. But with the way they presented her when she was doing ballet, rushing into things is more appropriate.
The art and animation reminded me a great deal of Makoto Shinkai films. There was a very good mix of CG and traditional animation.
I liked the little embarrassed flash her eyes made when they turned the engine on, and then the crazed look she had as she leaped off the cliff.
No surprise the OP went untranslated. Any MELL song is totally incomprehensible until the lyrics are published.
@Kraco: Why internal combustion? The vibrations obviously!
In all seriousness, the largest disadvantage to all-electric and fuel cells is added weight. Batteries or the cells no matter how high tech they are today, are no where near as energy dense as fossil fuels. Currently, we make up for that with added weight of more of them. If the RideBacks are mostly used for racing by enthusiasts, they want them to be as light and as powerful as possible.
I loved the interfaces on the RideBack. I thought it was one of the most well designed things in the episode. If they made motocycles like that, I would immediately go buy one.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 06:10 PM
In all seriousness, the largest disadvantage to all-electric and fuel cells is added weight. Batteries or the cells no matter how high tech they are today, are no where near as energy dense as fossil fuels. Currently, we make up for that with added weight of more of them. If the RideBacks are mostly used for racing by enthusiasts, they want them to be as light and as powerful as possible.
It does contain significant battery power already as all the initial movement was done with batteries, not the engine. Actually all things considered that's a bit odd. A normal motorbike has no other use for the engine but to power the rear wheel and a small generator, but this thing can transform and has arms and everything. How do those gain their power? It would seem electricity would be far more logical than any mechanical means (like the rear wheels of our day bikes).
But aside from that detail a fuel cell is using chemical energy just like an internal combustion engine. Only it doesn't burn it for mechanical energy but oxidises it to produce electricity directly. The efficiency should be much higher. And it wouldn't produce vibrations, noise, or air pollutants (like oxidized nitrogen and particles), and it would be far more maintenance free.
But I guess those things I listed as negative are actually really important to real bikers...
Tue, 01-13-2009, 06:26 PM
Fuel Cells actually aren't very efficient. The hydrogen inside them has to come from somewhere, and the only method for mass producing hydrogen is electrolosis. Unless you have a fusion reactor on the end of the chain, you use more energy to fill a fuel cell than you get out of it. Once it is inside, sure, they are cleaner and more efficient.
That still doesn't avoid two other problems. They are heavy, as I said before, but they are also very expensive. Even assuming hydrogen is cheap, the catalyst that allows the reaction to occur is not. Platinum is the most commonly used one today, and one of the least abundant metals on Earth. (.003 ppb)
(I went to a university that had a huge fuel cell research facility. We were pretty much forced to learn about them.)
Tue, 01-13-2009, 07:22 PM
The beginning of this episode kinda got on my nerves for a bit. But the RideBack segments relieved all that, and I enjoyed the rest of the episode. It was quite relaxing.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 07:39 PM
'Wow' sums up most of what I have to say about this ep. The show just looks sexy, the premise seems like it could be cool in several different ways, the main character seems quite agreeable to me, though I can't quite put my finger on why, and of course the RideBack scenes were just awesome. I was a little distracted trying to figure out how the thing transfers rotational motion to the wheels but once she started doing tricks I stopped caring and just marveled at the implications and potential fun that could be had with such a machine.
The show looks like it's got a solid foundation and I can't look forward to the rest of the series any harder.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 07:50 PM
You know I just stumbled upon this show and am grabbing the first episode of it right now. Looks to be very interesting!
Wed, 01-14-2009, 02:45 AM
Ryllharu, I'm seriously beginning to think the term science-fiction is alien to you... If we assume nothing develops from its current state in the future, it'll be an annoyingly boring and uninspiring future. And when the oil seriously starts to run out, it'd be folly to convert other far more inconvenient materials into gasoline for the inefficient internal combustion engines, especially for things like cars and motorcycles that could be easily powered otherwise. Although it wouldn't be the first time mankind does stupid things but still.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 05:03 AM
This is going to be a little off-topic...apologies in advance.
Ryllharu, I'm seriously beginning to think the term science-fiction is alien to you... If we assume nothing develops from its current state in the future, it'll be an annoyingly boring and uninspiring future.Science fiction is actually one of my favorite genres (far and away actually) but I've started to lose a lot of faith in inventors and scientists due to patent trolls/squatters, horrible government oversight, and corruption and hubris of [certain] scientists.
Innovation has been utterly stifled by patent squatters. Patent reform in America needed to start a decade ago. There are companies and people out there, who file for the vaguest of inventions or innovations, and just sit on them for a decade. Once someone starts to make money off of something they actually created and developed into a viable source of income, in sweeps the patent troll to the Eastern District of Texas to file a claim. Some ridiculous percentage of claims are filed there assuming the defendants will never show up. It's finally gotten so bad that it is hard for anyone to create anything innovative because patents are so broad. "A method of converting files to a viewable format on portable devices," is an example of the language these trolls get away with. There's no specifics listed below, just this.
But my bigger problem is with government oversight, corruption, and top-heavy adminstrations. Of course this means NASA. Once the pinnacle of innovation, due to both budget constraints and admins determined to see their pet projects be the only choice, they've turned into a joke. They gone from a set one of the biggest dreamers, boldest pioneers, and quickest innovators to a bloated, stagnant organization that can't even do what they were once capable of. While the programs like Cassini and the Mars Rovers do some amazing things, manned spaceflight has become a joke. They are so set on the Constellation Program, that they won't even consider better alternatives. All of these problems the system has were solved 40 years ago, but NASA can't even duplicate what they did.
Lastly, there are things like the Space Elevator. There is a lot of progress being made to try and make this more than a pipe dream. But I don't think the state of nanotechnology will ever be good enough to create the ribbon the crawler is supposed to go up. There are plenty of alternatives to make space development cheaper and faster, like Launch loops (, but the only thing that ever seems to get any press is the space elevator. There is of course tons of merit in developing things that don't ever seem feasible in today's world, that's what innovation is all about. However, there is no reason to completely ignore other viable alternatives that we could build today, though admittedly at great cost.
So to bring this back towards the topic, yes, I do think we needed alternative fuels yesterday. We could easily rebuild the electric grid once battery technology gets back up to spec (see patent troll section, or how an Oil company owns the patents to the battery out of the EV-1 all-electric vehicle) and build enough nuclear power plants (or other high-capacity, base load, non-polluting sources) to get all of the United States on functional electric vehicles.
For racing though, until we do get that battery technology down to lightweight, high-capacity alternatives, fossil fuels will still be a better choice. Everyone else that doesn't need to go 0-60 mph in 3 seconds (or even 8) should be using all-electric. RideBack only takes place in 2020. Assuming there is a war and these same problems I listed above still exist, then I wouldn't expect there to be all that much innovation (aside from the obvious inclusion of ridebacks, which were developed quickly due to their use in war and support from the government, as the episode mentioned).
A RideBack would even be easier to build if it was using electric motors. Drop the motor into or right at the wheels themselves and you can get the same arms-and-legs appearance. No need for complicated linkages or other dangerous mechanical components. Then the internal combustion engine would only serve as a generator.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 05:17 AM
Except for the fact that i dont like it that the lead character is female, great first episode.
And it instantly makes me want to play a game based on these RideBack-machines. I loved the scene where she discovered that the machine reacts to all of her movements, haha.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 11:24 AM
@ Rylharu: There are inventors in countries that aren't America. Maybe in the future one or some of those other countries will be leading the cutting edge of science and invent the really cool stuff for the rest of the world while our scientists flee to avoid letting their talents wallow in bureaucracy.
Anyway, I think you had a good point about electric motors in or near the wheels. That could explain how the engine can be in the torso and the wheels can still have all that power with no obvious signs of direct rotational motion transfer. I hope we'll get to see military-grade RideBacks at some point though, I can only imagine how cool a skirmish between two RideBack mounted cavalry forces might look.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 11:39 AM
Series en Fuego? Hell yeah!!
I was going to wait until I've seen more episodes, but I think I'll stick in my two cents now. Maybe this season has a LOT to offer, but if I thought Kurokami was disturbingly beautiful, I think that RideBack is twice as so. I began to be drawn towards this series from a single picture of the manga, and an odd description of a post war crisis. It seemed interesting to me.
After downloading the codecs enable viewing, I sat there in shock and excitement at the opening monologue and it's following scenes. WTF BEAUTIFUL!! In most other anime or even science-fiction books I've come across, if there is political turmoil, the main character is immediately thrust in the middle. This is a fresh approach. Yeah, all of that shit is happening, and it effects her, but not directly. She has her own adventures for now.
I've always been a fan of dance, and if she can dance with her robot, that's even more breathtaking and beautiful to me.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 01:53 PM
I was absolutely filled with joy watching this once Rin started riding the Rideback. Lately, I've felt I had become jaded and nothing could entertain me anymore, but once she got on the Rideback and lost control I realized I was mistaken.
It was really interesting to have a quiet girl be a heroine, and I'm wondering where it's going to go with her riding the Rideback. I immediately saw the two possible stories of "underdog against the government or rising through the challenges" and "replacing x sport with y sport". So far, it feels like either would be good. I'm hoping for a minor (very minor) romance plot to accompany the main plot, just to see how the characters evolve.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 04:59 PM
@ Rylharu: There are inventors in countries that aren't America. Maybe in the future one or some of those other countries will be leading the cutting edge of science and invent the really cool stuff for the rest of the world while our scientists flee to avoid letting their talents wallow in bureaucracy.
True, but I'm just going with what I know best. If you want to use space development as an example, the ESA is far too conservative to make use of their full talents. The Jules Verne ATV ( is a marvel, but the ESA seems really paranoid about losing any astronauts, so I doubt they will ever perform a manned mission. They just get the US or the Russians to shoot them up instead. The Indians were a total surprise to me, I'm really impressed with what they've done with the Chandrayaan-1 ( in so short a time. But ultimately, I believe the Chinese will make it to the Moon first before the Americans get back there.
But...there is a huge political motivator there. China has been very desperate to prove they are a growing dominant world power.
I hope we'll get to see military-grade RideBacks at some point though, I can only imagine how cool a skirmish between two RideBack mounted cavalry forces might look.I'm having a bit of trouble imagining it for some reason. They showed the military force just rolling straight through, blocking attacks with one arm and shooting with the other. However, with Rin and the grumpy guy at the controls, we saw what RideBacks are really capable of. I bet some would just charge in with them, but more skilled riders might be something else entirely...
Wed, 01-14-2009, 09:41 PM
For those who are in to motorbikes, I am sure the first scene where she finds out the bike reacts to her is something you can relate to. I ride whenever I can and its a feeling I dont think I will ever get used to :) It just rocks!
Tue, 01-20-2009, 08:13 PM
The separate groups once known as Froth-Bite and Ureshii joint effort for Rideback. Should be better subs than I-Z.
[Frostii] RideBack - 01 [720p] (
[Frostii] RideBack - 01 [480p] (mp4) (
Tue, 01-20-2009, 09:22 PM
And here I thought, that there was gonna be a link to episode 2. Boo.
Tue, 01-20-2009, 09:24 PM
Same thing I thought when I saw the link on tokyotosho, sadly.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 07:37 AM
Here's Episode 2.
[I-Z]RideBack 02 1280x720 (B62D9BA1).mp4 ( torrent)
[I-Z]RideBack 02 704x396 (515F32B4).mp4 ( orrent)
Wed, 01-21-2009, 09:46 AM
Good stuff. Seems like there really is an established terrorist organization (unless it was just a plot) and they use riders and rider clubs for scouting new members. Somehow Rin doesn't quite look like a promising terrorist, though, unlike Tamayo. Rin looks like she's just enjoying the ride and how the rideback responds to her movements. But who knows...
The race was nicely executed in any case.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 11:36 AM
Enjoying this series enough I just had to chip in. Seems they're diverging a little more from the manga all the time, but I can't say that's a horrible thing. At least not 'till we get some more episodes and see where it all goes.
Also, seeing that race with the quality of animation this series has was so very, very sweet.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 02:38 PM
Good episode, but I must say the ballet move on Fuego made me cringe.
Nice paced, good feeling episode. However, there's little to no character development, at least not yet. Hopefully we get to see some.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 05:17 PM
The series kind of feels compressed and...dumbed down a bit. It's only supposed to be 12 eps, so a compressed feel is not out of the question, but the rest concerns me a little.
I don't want to keep comparing it to the manga, but there was a lot of stuff tossed in at the beginning of this episode that didn't really seem important given what they've already shown us, like Tamayo's relative. The real problem for me though is that there hasn't really been any focus on politics or student movements. I can't say I'm all that interested in Rin's racing career, and one thing I really liked about the manga was the student politics. There's been nothing on it so far, at all. The first volume of the manga more or less ended here as well.
To me, it feels like they carved out half of the show, and sadly it was the more intriguing half.
It seems like they are breezing through a lot of that to get to Rin riding in competetive races like next episode.
Another thing that bothers me is Rin's brother. They made it out in the first episode like he was some sort of delinquent, never going back home, nasty to his sister and grandmother, and here he is, talking gleefully to Rin on the phone. It was a really abrupt switch in his personality. Sure, people tend to act like that when you talk to them about something that interests them, but they gave us a very different impression of her brother in the first episode.
I didn't mind the ballet stuff. That's just how Rin knows how to move naturally. She's already got a good sense of how to translate different types of motions, she's just applying it to something new. I wouldn't be surprised if she does it a lot in the beginning, until she gets a feel for how she can tighten them up even more, with a lot less dramatics, and fewer excessive movements.
...and I promise I won't talk about the manga again.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 07:05 PM
Well this episode focused on Rin and touched on Rideback's versatility, next episode should focus on it even more on how Ridebacks are set apart from rest of transportation. This episode did slightly touched on political buddies and mentioning White rideback (sorta like police but i doubt they will follow rules). So all in it's own due time.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 08:27 PM
Since I haven't read the manga, I can't really comment and how it compares. But I think the racing style of the ridebacks is pretty entertaining, and her ballet approach to riding Fuego was kinda sweet. I do hope they do talk more about the politics, because it sounded like it would be interesting to see how Rin gets connected with this.
Thu, 01-22-2009, 09:59 PM
Yeah I am definitely enjoying this show far and its high production values. I am an avid motorcycle enthusiast and so its always fun to watch this. I only wish it was so easy to ride like they show it in the show :) But I can definitely relate to the way she feels when she is riding a rideback...the adrenaline and the rush etc etc. I have not read the manga but I am looking forward to the series.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 06:32 AM
[I-Z]RideBack 03 1280x720 (015393D6).mp4 ( torrent)
[I-Z]RideBack 03 704x396 (6847572E).mp4 ( nt)
Thu, 01-29-2009, 12:41 PM
An interesting race, and realistic in a ruthless way. After all, her bike saw much more stress than the others as she had to rise from the bottom to the top in a short time, not simply keep her position.
The bigger plot of the series didn't really advance but based on the preview the next ep might change that.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 12:57 PM
This episode wasn't really about the race but what was so special about Rin (Her ability to make better corrections to balance then computer through she can't make adjustments to keep engine from burning) and Feugo, that was modified by Okakura made Feugo's computer more semi-automatic which made it more difficult to drive for anyone else. Other half episode went on introduction to white rideback's person in charge. He and other person participated in battle with ridebacks that went so bad for one side that it was completely erased from records. Things are piking up fast as next episode we have guns and break through windows.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 01:04 PM
Man, I had the lurking feeling that Rin's brother was gonna get caught right before he heard his sister's name. And I was right. I was hoping he would've known though.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 01:36 PM
good episode...and girls in suits are hot.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 02:50 PM
Man, I had the lurking feeling that Rin's brother was gonna get caught right before he heard his sister's name. And I was right. I was hoping he would've known though.
and girls in suits are hot.
Let's hope he finds out the name before he falls in love with his own sister...
Thu, 01-29-2009, 05:18 PM
Let's hope he finds out the name before he falls in love with his own sister...
Don't stop wincest!
I feel frustrated with IZ right now. I know they have a busy translator, and I understand why it takes them a couple days to get it out, but I've become spoiled by groups that can get it out the next day.
I don't know how they're going to pull this anime off if it's only 12 episodes, but I do like how it introduces it in a more comprehensive manner than the manga. The manga felt like it jumped around too much without developing a certain aspect, while the anime is trying to develop aspects before moving on (from what I can see). I am looking forward to when Rin eventually evolves as a character, and I think it's a transformation I will really enjoy.
So far the anime is more fun for me.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 06:51 PM
This episode was much better than the last ones. I still miss the student politics, but this episode made up for it.
Rin's brother can't possibly find out that the rider he is already a fan of is his sister. That would suck all the humor out of him eventually finding it out. Maybe it won't take more than a single episode, but it would be nice to see him run all around trying to figure out who #711 or even "Rin. O" was. Though Rin asked him a little about it, there's no way he should suspect his ballet centric sister of being a new potential princess of RideBacks.
I don't think it's so much that Rin's reaction time is that far above any other racer, but what Rin has always possessed since she was young. A sense of how her body is balanced and poised at all times due to the ballet. That doesn't make her reaction time any better, but she'd be more capable of feeling the wheels slipping from underneath her, or perhaps even the center of gravity shifting before that ever happens. Her cornering is excellent because she probably feels exactly how far she can move a Rideback's center of gravity before it would start to lose it.
The ACS, "pulls against her," because the Balon's systems are too conservative in their judgement. They were probably programmed by people who don't have that same sensation that a gymnast, ballarina, or even a ninja would have. Either Okakura filled Fuego with total junk, or he's got enough experience with Ridebacks to know the same things.
And rider suits are totally hot. It's like Race Queens but better, because skirts aren't nearly as form fitting :D
Thu, 01-29-2009, 07:12 PM
I cant wait to see this episode. I have a bad feeling though this show is going to be a let down sort of like Nabari no Ou was...just a feeling.
Just got done watching this episode and man I enjoyed it! Really good! Loved the techno style soundtrack during the race! Oh I miss my bike :(
Thu, 01-29-2009, 11:28 PM
Please edit the next time you feel you missed saying something.
I am quite surprised that Rin is already so good at racing after only 1 week of practice. One should consider that if she had started even only 5 positions ahead instead of dead last, she might have won the race, beating even the previous national champion.
Maintaining a lead and trying to catch up are very different things. Being in front means that you can get the best lap time possible due to the lack of other riders getting in your way.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 11:53 PM
I want the techno song that was playing when she was catching up.
Sun, 02-01-2009, 07:19 PM
Just watched episodes 2 and 3, very good stuff in my opinion, but kinda annoyed at some of the things that they haven't touched on... like the politics side of it, but I like how they're setting up the show in the anime. One thing that is really bothering me quite a bit is that it seems like they've completely ignored one of the more interesting characters in the series. I hope they introduce him/her later on (I'll leave it at that).
But overall, good stuff. Good pace, and animation. Looks like we'll be having some action in the next episode.
Tue, 02-03-2009, 01:29 AM
I just watched the first episode of this with my weekly anime group, and got positive responses from everyone (which is actually pretty hard to accomplish with such a varied group as we have) so we'll definitely keep following this one.
Mon, 02-09-2009, 10:17 PM
Episode 4 by some random group called Fansubbing Taken Seriously. Watch at your own risk:
Mon, 02-09-2009, 10:26 PM
Eh, I'll wait on I-Z. They should be back from Sapporo tomorrow.
Mon, 02-09-2009, 11:31 PM
Eh, I'll wait on I-Z. They should be back from Sapporo tomorrow.
Man I was waiting for I-Z to do a proper release. They are doing a bangup job as far as I am concerned...Do they have a website by any chance? I tried googling but my google skills seem to suck unfortunately :o
Mon, 02-09-2009, 11:41 PM
Nah, no website, they only have IRC. #infinite-zero @ (irc:// The last time I went to their IRC they had this message "Episode 4 delayed until next week. Going to Sapporo and will be back Tuesday."
Thu, 02-12-2009, 03:28 AM
They have a forum, but the forum is a dead zone and they rarely update it. The forum is always updated last though, so there's better methods of keeping up.
I'm going to watch the episode 4 and check out the quality and report back on it. If it's poor I'll just stick with Frostii, since their translations make a lot more sense than IZ's.
Thu, 02-12-2009, 12:12 PM
Ep 5 by the random group.
[FANSUBBING TAKEN SERIOUSLY] RideBack - 05 (720p h264) [23BD8A5C].mkv (
Thu, 02-12-2009, 05:40 PM
Thanks Redneck...I am interested in your feedback.
Marik what do you think about the random group that is doing the subbing for Rideback?
Thu, 02-12-2009, 05:46 PM
I haven't tried their releases yet. I may take a chance on them soon, if nothing else comes along.
Edit: Ep 4 by Frostii
[Frostii] RideBack - 04 [720p][DEE3ED30].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 04 [480p][3DC04E19].mp4 (
Fri, 02-13-2009, 12:59 PM
Checked out the Fansubbing Taken Seriously releases, and they're actually good. Spotted a couple of spelling/grammar errors, but other than that they seemed to be fine. Probably about the same as I-Z or even a little better.
Fri, 02-13-2009, 01:50 PM
I watched Frostii's ep 4, and I have to say Rin is one reckless gal. The soldiers must be predecessors to stormtroopers with their level of accuracy, but I suppose it would have made an even shorted series if they had realistic skills. Despite that, the military was shown in a rather good manner. Or peacekeeping force, whatever they were.
Ridebacks are really nice machines. This episode showed quite impressive handwork on their part yet again.
Sat, 02-14-2009, 01:30 AM
That's ridiculous of Rin. A misunderstanding you can easily resolve. But nooo, she has to get off from some cheap thrill and put her friend in danger. Yeah, if it was realistic they'd be swiss cheese way earlier. (Episode 4 Reactions)
Mon, 02-16-2009, 11:21 PM
I checked out Fansubbing as well and their releases are pretty darn good! Episode 4 was a bit weak...but I can kind of see what it was all about. I just dont think there was any other way around the episode being like that...not something unexpected I guess given the tie-in of the heroine, hostage situation, friend and rideback being right almost expected that to happen. Though I must say that dude with the black rideback...his machine looked like the brand new for this year Ducati street fighter :)
Tue, 02-17-2009, 09:34 PM
[Frostii] RideBack - 05 [720p][FDF6955F].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 05 [480p][3029D0BA].mp4 (
[SRSLY] RideBack - 06 (720p h264) [A5DC0665].mkv (
Tue, 02-17-2009, 11:08 PM
Hey thanks for that Marik! I am quite surprised episode 6 is out already! thats what happens when I get a holiday from work on Monday...throws off my sense of time! :P
Wed, 02-18-2009, 10:52 AM
okay episode. i just hope her brother isnt turned into some unimportant side-character, its kind of unfair when a series makes his sister the main character, when he´s really interested in that stuff. oh well, maybe he can become her mechanic later on or such.
im also glad that she´s finally been captured...or at least i hope thats what happens at the beginning of ep 7. ep 5 was rather ridiculous how she escaped from the whole military, and in this episode it seemed as if a whole fighting-lesson comes with ballet, lol.
enough childs play :P
Wed, 02-18-2009, 11:19 AM
Good episode, shit's starting to hit the fan.
Wed, 02-18-2009, 01:44 PM
SRSLY (Fansubbing Taken Seriously) is actually giving us good subs. I'm surprised, to me, they are good enough. Wait, no, they are really good.
About the show itself. Ridebacks are actually something between Robots and Bikes. It could only be more awesome if it had tits and was on fire.
Wed, 02-18-2009, 08:03 PM
I feel bad for Shouko, she's totally traumatized from the attack. Can't really blame her either. Many people were completely crushed by falling debris no less than a 50 feet behind her in the initial attack.
It seemed like Rin's brother was going to get involved with the terrorists. If they are after Rin too for her riding abilities, she'll probably get lured in having to save her brother or something like that.
I'm a little dumbstruck that the reporter went after Tamayo (hot dress before the OP btw) instead of Rin. She has the damn photo, and she stood no less than 5 feet from someone who was wearing the same exact dress and sporting the correct hair length. She goes after Tamayo because of the relation her brother has with the GGP. If she only knew who Rin's mother was...
Sun, 02-22-2009, 02:40 AM
I have to agree that Rin is ridiculously reckless. That being so, she seems to be pulled into these events because those around her are affected. I'm curious to see what happens to the club leader, and it's weird that he's a leader of a school club. Is he the same age as those around him but has all that military experience, or is he just an older person who is in charge of the club?
I'm still not sure how Tamayo figures into all of this. Is she spying for her brother, or just looking out for strange events?
Sun, 02-22-2009, 08:45 AM
Hey guys, what subbers do you recommend? Both HD and SD if groups are releasing one format exclusively, if you don't mind, since I'm low on downloads.
Sun, 02-22-2009, 09:03 AM
Stick with Frostii (Froth-bite / Ureshii). Most people in the thread seem to be sticking with them now that I-Z fell behind. I've been archiving Frostii anyway.
Frostii releases in both definitions.
Sun, 02-22-2009, 09:20 AM
Thanks for that. I'll probably catch up with you guys in a week or two.
Sun, 02-22-2009, 12:17 PM
I have been using Seriously's fansubs and they are doing an awesome job as well. Definitely archiving them. Though I am a stickler for details and they have not subbed the first few episodes so to make my collection homogeneous I may have to go with Frostii...
Sun, 02-22-2009, 12:21 PM
I have been using Seriously's fansubs and they are doing an awesome job as well. Definitely archiving them.
I'll have to give them a shot I suppose.
Sun, 02-22-2009, 03:24 PM
I just downloaded the subs from Frostii and their quality is pretty awesome. They sure have spent some time getting all the japanese texts in the show trnslated in english as well. I am switching over! :)
Sun, 02-22-2009, 03:26 PM
Yeah, frostii is the best, but they are slooow at releasing.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 02:52 PM
[Frostii] RideBack - 06 [720p][487EC634].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 06 [480p][263C499F] v2.mp4 (
Sat, 02-28-2009, 06:29 PM
aw dang. what an episode. episode 6 was awesome.
this is actually what i was expecting the entire series to be like from the start.. kinda sad it doesn't get here until ep 6, and i doubt we'll see more episodes like this.
at the beginning when the reporter guy is like "oh hey, i found that rideback girl" and starts telling the female reporter about it, i was so glad. That's how it should have been done at the beginning. not have the female reporter run off to interview the blond rideback chick who wasn't involved. I'm glad they added that, because it fixes my main complaint about the previous episode...
lol, i kind of wonder what stemmed this rampage through the town.. it would have been better to get a bit more info on the background of it i guess, in stead of just showing the little brother at the arcade, and then next thing you know they're just breaking cars with bats and pipes.. it was awesome, just kinda seemed unwarranted. but awman, when the dude was surrendering, and then the whiterider just slashed him, that was intense. and it shows the watch on the ground.
i didn't get the white riders at all.. at first i thought they were fully robot, but then at one shot it was like they had riders, so i thought they were just normal ridebacks with cops riding them. but then you realize that they were just parked on the side of the road in the back of a truck? how/why would the riders be there in the truck? but then it shows the rider on the ground coughing up blood, which settles it but still leaves the previous question unanswered.
overall it was an awesome episode, with awesome music and animation.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 03:00 AM
Uhhuh. I thought it pretty obvious whoever got the bikes for the gang was working for the military. He simply looked for some hooligans, gave them the bikes in return for some vandalism, and then informed the military everything was set for the first test. The military was then obviously waiting for with the white ridebacks. At least it very much seemed that way to me.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 01:07 PM
Uhhuh. I thought it pretty obvious whoever got the bikes for the gang was working for the military. He simply looked for some hooligans, gave them the bikes in return for some vandalism, and then informed the military everything was set for the first test. The military was then obviously waiting for with the white ridebacks. At least it very much seemed that way to me.
Yep agreed as well. They were just bait, scape goats, fall guys, etc etc
Sun, 03-01-2009, 01:13 PM
Uhhuh. I thought it pretty obvious whoever got the bikes for the gang was working for the military. He simply looked for some hooligans, gave them the bikes in return for some vandalism, and then informed the military everything was set for the first test. The military was then obviously waiting for with the white ridebacks. At least it very much seemed that way to me.
well yeah, i figured that was the reason that the guy gave them the bikes and flares and stuff.
but what drives them to bash in some random persons windshield? maybe it's just teenage angst coming out, or they're just simple delinquents.. really i guess it's not that strange that they would do it. since basically Rin's brother seemed like the only one who wasn't a regular delinquent.
after giving it some thought i don't think it's that out of place.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 06:53 PM
[SRSLY] RideBack - 07 (720p h264) [23F593BD].mkv (
Mon, 03-02-2009, 04:16 AM
I'm curious to see what happens to the club leader, and it's weird that he's a leader of a school club. Is he the same age as those around him but has all that military experience, or is he just an older person who is in charge of the club?
In episode 5 a report shows that he's 37 years old.
I checked out SRSLY and I like their quality for a quick release. Since I love this show and I'm willing to watch it more than once, I've been watching the quick release from SRSLY and then watching Frostii's release. Frostii does a better job, but SRSLY is way better and faster than I-Z.
Episode six made me giddy. I especially loved when Rin did that twirl on the ground and tripped the white RideBack.
I'm downloading episode 7 by Desire-Anon right now to check out it's quality. Once it gets done I'll watch it and edit this post. If it's good I post links to their torrent.
Edit: I didn't like how they handled some of the names in the translation, personally. It's always been a pet peeve of mine when they translate stuff like Kawai-senpai as Mr. Kawai. The font was horrible. But other than that, it was okay to watch. I'm going to compare it to SRSLY's episode 7 tomorrow.
[Desire-Anon] RideBack 07 [1280x720][h264].mkv (
Wed, 03-04-2009, 05:26 PM
[SRSLY] RideBack - 08 (720p h264) [3F5B7E5E].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 07 [720p][B4782BDE].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 07 [480p][791CF011].mp4 (
Thu, 03-05-2009, 03:51 PM
Just watched ep 7 (no SD-version of 8 yet), and...DAMN, i hate Rin. Seriously, SHE is the one character in this show that´s only messing around...and now we, the watchter, are supposed to feel bad for HER situation?
The one i feel really bad for is her brother. Btw he should have been the lead for this show.
Call me when there are rape-doujins with Rin, will read day one.
Also, that military GGP woman looks like a pure whore,....if we´re already talking about pervert things...oh well.
Or a bit more constructive criticism: I wished this show had more realism. No, of course not "completely" realistic, that´d be boring. But a girl that´s simply breaking into a terrorist attack area, that´s toying around with the military AND is messing with the police force (though that is the only action i accept, because she wanted to help her brother from certain death, if otherwise) and people that accept all that. All that while we have her brother, who´s actually interested in Ride Backs, but gets the backseat AND, for an unknown reason, didnt instantly join the Ride Back-club that Rin got pushed into...oh yeah.
Maybe "realism" isnt what i want, but...cohesivism. On one hand we have that 100% serious government "side" of the show, on the other we have Rin, who´s acting as if this is some kind of low quality shounen series. Doesnt fit too well, imo.
Thu, 03-05-2009, 04:30 PM
[SRSLY] RideBack - 08 torrent Xvid avi (
there's the sd for 8.
Thu, 03-05-2009, 04:35 PM
there's the sd for 8.
Not actually released by SRSLY, though.
Thu, 03-05-2009, 04:48 PM
oh opps, you're right. says it's unofficial.
Fri, 03-06-2009, 05:28 PM
Just watched ep 7 (no SD-version of 8 yet), and...DAMN, i hate Rin. Seriously, SHE is the one character in this show that´s only messing around...and now we, the watchter, are supposed to feel bad for HER situation?
The one i feel really bad for is her brother. Btw he should have been the lead for this show.
Call me when there are rape-doujins with Rin, will read day one.
I think that's the idea actually. Rin hasn't had any idea what she wants to do with herself since she failed at ballet. Maybe she likes the sensation she gets driving Ridebacks, or maybe it's just the vibrations. Rin was languishing around doing nothing, with no ambitions at all anymore until she accidentally wandered into the Rideback Club's garage.
The whole series seems to be about Rin finally finguring out what she wants to do with herself, whether she's found a new passion, or maybe even a cause to support. Should she go against the GGP, should she just enjoy Ridebacks for the hell of it like Tamayo?
As for her brother, while I did feel pretty bad for him the way they were torturing him (permanent hearing loss anyone?), he deserves to be the main character the least. He'd be just another cookie-cutter shonen retard hero. The kind that is really passionate about something already, but doesn't have the money to get into it, then suddenly gets something handed to him. Yeah, he's soooo much more interesting.
Also, that military GGP woman looks like a pure whore,....if we´re already talking about pervert things...oh well.The first time we saw her, the first second thing that popped into my head was how horribly unprofessional she looked for being in the miltary. I love anime chicks with the mole on their cheek like hers, but even if she is a spy (Intelligence Division it seems), no proper military would tolerate that much cleavage in dress uniform. I guess that goes into your realism/cohesiveness complaint.
All that while we have her brother, who´s actually interested in Ride Backs, but gets the backseat AND, for an unknown reason, didnt instantly join the Ride Back-club that Rin got pushed into...oh yeah.Her brother is in high school, Rin and the rest of the Rideback Club are all in University. He lives at home further away, she lives in the dorms and he never talks to yeah.
Fri, 03-06-2009, 05:40 PM
He'd be just another cookie-cutter shonen retard hero. The kind that is really passionate about something already, but doesn't have the money to get into it, then suddenly gets something handed to him. Yeah, he's soooo much more interesting.
Well, imo, there are far too few of such shows nowadays. Majority of today´s anime features female leads, which really annoys me by now. And its not as if you couldnt splice up such "typical" scenarios.
I guess that goes into your realism/cohesiveness complaint.
That, too, though i was talking more about Rin´s behaviour.
Her brother is in high school, Rin and the rest of the Rideback Club are all in University. He lives at home further away, she lives in the dorms and he never talks to yeah.
Ah, i forgot that. Was it mentioned why they didnt talk to each other? Living far from each other isnt really an explanation for that imo.
And if Ride Back"ing" is as popular in this world as we´re made to believe, i find it hard to believe that there´s no "proper" Ride Back club in her brother´s home area. Oh well...
Fri, 03-06-2009, 06:14 PM
Was it mentioned why they didnt talk to each other? Living far from each other isnt really an explanation for that imo.
And if Ride Back"ing" is as popular in this world as we´re made to believe, i find it hard to believe that there´s no "proper" Ride Back club in her brother´s home area. Oh well...She's the semi-famous daughter who was following in her super famous mother's footsteps...and he's her younger, untalented (classical talents anyway) brother, who probably didn't get too much attention from their mother before she died. There's a good chance he's a little resentful. He's also of the age where teenage boys get rebellious, especially if they lack a father figure and live with their grandmother.
As for why there's no proper RideBack club where he goes to school, remember that these are more expensive versions of sport motorcycles. Did you know anyone who owned a street bike when you were in the last years of high school? I knew two in a school of ~3000 at legal driving age. Most people Rin's brother's age can't afford something that expensive. It also looks like they cost a lot of time and money to maintain, more like helicopters or racing bikes than a normal street bike.
Except for Tamayo's and Okakura's, the RideBacks used by the club are communal. Rin gets to use Fuego more exclusively because she's the only one who can actually keep it upright.
Sat, 03-07-2009, 05:04 PM
[Nipponsei] RideBack OP Single - RIDEBACK [MELL].zip (
Wed, 03-11-2009, 02:00 PM
[SRSLY] Rideback - 09 (720p h264) [91DC85C7].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 08 [720p][DD126BE3].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 08 [480p][F7AD3BB8].mp4 (
Thu, 03-19-2009, 12:13 AM
oh crap.. i saw the [Desire] release of episode 10 and got it thinking it was the next one.. after watching it I went to my MAL to update, and I noticed it still said 8, so I was like "huh. guess i never updated?" and so i checked my files to see if I had ep 9, and i don't...
so i just skipped ep 9 and watched 10... dang it, thats annoying.
Thu, 03-19-2009, 03:03 AM
heres the link for episode 10 by Desire, its DDL:
Thu, 03-19-2009, 11:04 AM
[SRSLY] Rideback - 10 (720p h264) [79C71E4C].mkv (
Fri, 03-20-2009, 07:09 PM
It was obvious what would happen as soon as the protesters started confusing Suzuri for The RideBack Girl, but I didn't expect them go down that road. On the other hand, I'm also pleasantly surprised that Rin's reaction to all this is to retreat even further from wanting to get back onto Feugo. She blames herself for encouraging her, and setting an example for recklessness. It's also far more natural reaction for someone like Rin's character, as opposed to the more commonly seen Anger and Revenge cycle. Suzuri is the kind of person who would do that anyway, but it's the appropriate reaction for Rin to take.
Shouko is going to need so much therapy after all that she's been through in the past few months.
I was surprised that the GGP Whore (still haven't figured out her name) is out to depose her own boss for reasons mostly unknown at this point. Everyone is against that Authoritarian backstabber.
Fri, 03-20-2009, 08:54 PM
Please, dont let them bring the dead back to life. It would feel terrible.
" Oh it was just a flesh wound. "
" Oh noes decoy shi- Rideback. "
Sat, 03-21-2009, 03:46 AM
I really dont like how one-dimensional all of the story is. Of course, there´s some mystery going on in the background, but as far as it is related to Rin....WHAT kind of super-pussying was that scene, where the 2 guys and Suzuri kept talking about HOW great Rin is? SIGH. That scene was awful.
And then Suzuri...i really hoped she´d become a more integral part of the story, looking back how she was introduced in the very first episode. Now, she´s been sed as a plot device, and in the cheapest possible way. It was totally "NO, KRILLIN!", only that she wont be coming back.
At least...well,...was she beheaded? To me it really looked like they cut off her head, at least the flying helmet and the big blood fountain would imply that. Rather gross way for an official police unit to stop someone.
Sat, 03-21-2009, 10:58 PM
[Frostii] RideBack - 09 [720p][BE6420EC].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 09 [480p][4364DF5A].mp4 (
Thu, 03-26-2009, 12:10 PM
[SRSLY] Rideback - 11 (720p h264) [5D18906F].mkv (
[Frostii] RideBack - 10 [720p][1F73117D].mkv (
Tue, 03-31-2009, 05:17 AM
[Desire] RideBack 12 [h264][1280x720][DBC22AB3].mkv ( 20%5D%5BDBC22AB3%5D.mkv.torrent)
[Desire] RideBack 12 [XviD][LoReZ].avi (
I was thinking about waiting for Frostii, but with so many series dropping soon, I figured it'd be better to get some shows finished up first.
well, I enjoyed these last two episodes. The series really did not start off as I was expecting, and I was highly contemplating whether or not to drop it up to like episode 5 or so. I'm glad a stuck with it, because it really made a comeback, and though most of the time I didn't really care for it, it did have those moments when I thought it was fantastic.
I'm gonna give it a 6/10.
Thu, 04-02-2009, 01:29 PM
[SRSLY] Rideback - 12 (720p h264) [BBF3DDE4].mkv (
The End.
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