View Full Version : GAME: Spiderman Web Of Shadows (PC version)
Wed, 11-05-2008, 10:55 PM
Another activision game. The psp/ps2 version sucks but I heard the PC/Xbox/PS3 version are way better. You get to chose which sides you want to be.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 09:34 AM
Finished this on my xbox a little while ago, the combat is definitely the best thing about this game it's fluid and it really feels like spider-man. Can get a bit repetitive, though i blame that on the missions. The story is original, graphics okay and the voice actors are pretty bad. But for me atleast this is the best spider-man game made
Thu, 11-06-2008, 09:54 AM
I was watching the review on GameTrailers and it seemed ridiculously bad, haha. They even said that the Wolverine boss fight boiled down to him asking Marvel Trivia mid fight? Loooool.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 02:56 PM
I was watching the review on GameTrailers and it seemed ridiculously bad, haha. They even said that the Wolverine boss fight boiled down to him asking Marvel Trivia mid fight? Loooool.
It seems to vary alot, the review score is ranging from 5 - 9.8. But i guess you'll be able to see if this is your kind of game or not
Thu, 11-06-2008, 03:08 PM
I just finished beating this game n I too say its one of the best spiderman games out. The questions that wolverine asks durin the fight didn't feel wierd to me atleast.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 06:19 PM
My brother wants to get this game, and I asked him what the reviews say. Since he's a big spiderman fan, I guess I'll recommend this one to him based on what you guys say.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 06:26 PM
well would he mind waiting a bit then? im almost done with quantum of solace, then ill install spiderman and tell you what i think about it.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 07:31 PM
I'll make him wait :D Thanks DS.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 08:10 PM
Sandldan is right. The voice acting is bad. But the action is superb. If your brother is a die hard fan of spiderman then he should get this. Symbiote suit is amazing. I'm just having trouble with the graphics of the game. There are no choice to lower the graphics settings. You can only change the resolution of the game. So if you don't have a "strong" pc then running this game would be impossible,
Thu, 11-06-2008, 08:17 PM
The previous spider-man game on the PS3 almost made me throw the controller out the window with its stupid combat and lousy frame rate. Never would I expect spider-man to have problems being surround by female thugs who seem to have super human strength. I'm a huge spidey fan, but I was so disappointed by spider-man 3 (the game and the movie) that I'm going to stay away from this one.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 08:33 PM
Psyke noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, this is easily the best spider-man game, give it a chance, rent it, try it in a video game store, ANYTHING! :(
Thu, 11-06-2008, 08:57 PM
Really? Perhaps I'll try the PC version first...... Just a question: did you like Spider-man 3 (the game)?
Thu, 11-06-2008, 09:30 PM
Spider-man games i liked
Spider-man 1 and 2 (PSX)
Maximun Carnage (SNES)
Spider-man 1 (PS2)... it was so so
I liked Spidey 2 a LOT (PS2) mostly because of the swing mechanic
Spider-man 3? no... just no..
Ultimate spider-man was awsome... the 3 hour it lasted >_>
Thu, 11-06-2008, 09:35 PM
Spiderman 2 was the best game in the series, though that's not really saying much. Friend or Foe was garbage, and by the looks of a lot of reviews this doesn't look to be doing to well either.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 09:39 PM
I played a lot of Spider-man 2 back then too, because of the swinging. I got sick of getting balloons for kids though. So hows the swing mechanics in this one? From the videos it looked good, but that's not going to save the game.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 10:06 PM
Well, been playing er for two days now, and yeah, the voice acting and missions are kinda crud, but its easily an incredible pack of fun. The swinging and action really get you into it. I can't bring myself to stop until I genuinely need to take a break.
The movements and animation are top notch. Both the spidey and venom suit are sick, especially when you've got most of the actions unlocked, it flows like water.
Fri, 11-07-2008, 12:41 AM
User reviews looking good....I'll hear out DS as well, out of both interest and courtesy :)
Side question, Activision didn't use SecuROM did they? Cracks are always available, but it'd be nice to know how different publishers are going about things.
Fri, 11-07-2008, 09:24 AM
I'm glad I didn't run out and buy this when it first arrived. I saw a lot of pissed off buyers who jumped the gun on the psp/ps2 versions only to be disappointed with the side scrolling half-assed versions of the game.
Funny how all the websites displayed screenshots for the game that were taken from the next gen consoles, but anyone could tell there was no way they were actual shots from the ps2 or psp. *smh
Fri, 11-07-2008, 11:02 AM
Why would anyone waste their money buying this for the ps2/psp? Its next gen are nothing, they were just asking to be screwed.
Anyway I have a friend that bought the game and according to him this is the best spidey game yet, that said its still just a spiderman game. The things you expect from a Spiderman game are there, the swing mechanics are great, the combat is awesome, the controls work really well and the game is alot of fun. However he got bored and stopped playing after only four days.
Sun, 11-09-2008, 05:54 PM
User reviews looking good....I'll hear out DS as well, out of both interest and courtesy :)
Side question, Activision didn't use SecuROM did they? Cracks are always available, but it'd be nice to know how different publishers are going about things.
sry for the delay, ive been mostly struggling to get this to work on my pc, but it runs like absolute shite.
Though even through my shitty performance, I had a lot of fun >_> combat is nice and fluid, swinging is great even though simplified. Spiderman no longer always attaches his web to a building, but to magical clouds, mostly to make swinging even smoother now.
Wallrunning and wallcrawling has been improved greatly and not to mention the really cool wall (and air) combat.
Graphically the buildings and such look about the same ( perhaps better cant remember ) as spiderman 3, but spiderman himself looks a lot better, same goes for any other character or attack that uses a lot of shaders/sfx, animation wise it's off the hook
Oh and spiderman can swim this time.
Even though this game runs like shit on my pc, massive stuttering and such from streamloading, from what I did manage to play it already seemed like the best spiderman game to date ;), They should've titled it Spiderman: spidey unleashed or something ;P.
p.s. saving falling civilians rox <_<.
Sun, 11-09-2008, 07:02 PM
p.s. saving falling civilians rox <_<.
Fighting in the air next to a car that was launched into the air followed by it exploding leaving a civilian in the air. Quickly taking a leap from the enemy activating some pretty nice automatic short slow motion, catching the civilian mid air carrying him to safety. Time elapsed: 4 seconds
Yeah, it's awesome
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