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Fri, 07-01-2011, 06:01 PM
Actually i wouldn't mind being able to shift into a panther at will, would be pretty damn cool tbh, tho i'd much prefer to be turned into a vampire instead if a had the option.
Fri, 07-01-2011, 06:22 PM
Yeah, but don't you get a creepy dirty vibe from the werepanthers? I want to see some majestic werepanthers.
Tue, 07-05-2011, 10:35 PM
Yeah, but don't you get a creepy dirty vibe from the werepanthers? I want to see some majestic werepanthers.
They are realy dirty. I hope Jason doesn't catch any panther STDs (although it kind of seems like it is allegorically an STD). I like the confident Bill too. I just hope Tara does not start getting all whiny again.
Fri, 07-08-2011, 06:39 PM
They are realy dirty. I hope Jason doesn't catch any panther STDs (although it kind of seems like it is allegorically an STD).
I'm not seeing that allegory. I think all were-animals spread themselves by biting -- "classical" werewolves are like this, and it seems that the were-panthers are too. The girl is having sex with him because she wants were-babies.
Sat, 07-09-2011, 08:46 AM
Okay, I'm all caught up. The way the last season ended left me a bit reluctant to start this one, and now I regret doing so.
In regards to the werepanthers: They're swampfolk, and panthers are swamp critters. It makes perfect sense to me that redneck weres would be panthers.
Sorry, this is going to be long.
tl;dr version:
Jason = awesome as always. Tara = totally loathe (more than ever!). Lafayette = Cool, but worried about where he's going. Sam: Glad he's getting better, the Navajo shifter is super hot (though she's so obviously Indian). Tommy: Hesitant about him. Jessica & Hoyt: She's great (better than last season), but I like that they are having "normal" problems. Arlene & Terry: She's lovably crazy, he's the coolest dude ever. Sookie/Eric/Bill: Nice to see some actual development in Bill, Eric is still cool too, Sookie is dumb as ever, but I can't really hate her. She's just a busybody.
Long version:
Jason: He's been one of my favorite characters all along, and I was glad to see him gain some responsibility. I did kind of expect Jason to have done a little bit more for the Hotshot family. Like teach them a trade or something (he does have a lot of skills that he could pass on to them). The father and Krystal's half-brother-whateverheis kept them down so long, I would have liked to see Jason have given them a little independence. It was working for the teenage boy and eldest girl, but he could have gone a little farther. I'm interested in seeing where this is going now. Maybe after Jason changes, he'll get more involved with them. They're family now way or another.
But overall, I'm not certain I'm liking this trend. It feels like the creators think they have to make everyone special.
Tara & Lafayette: My god I hate her so much. I just can't like her. They've made her a lesbian now...but it's because she's so traumatized from being attacked over and over again. That kind of ruins the whole lesbian angle. She's not making a new life for herself...she's still just running away. Then at the coven...her stupid ass getting caught yet again (and totally her fault, shouldn't she know better?) caused Lafayette to accept the wrongness of what the coven was doing, and solidified and legitimized their actions. Only a few of them were willing to go along with it, and now most of them are. This is going to have to be Lafayette's show. If the vampires can't stop them, it's Lafayette's job to play peacemaker and end this before it gets him and Jesus killed. Hopefully they'll kill the necromancers (or assist in the act). It's wrong for anyone to control anyone else. A nice turn of the tables for the vampires...but they already got a taste of that with Sookie. Bill knows knew better, and Eric was starting to learn.
Sam, the shifters, and Tommy: Still liking the darker, angrier side to Sam. Glad he's found a few people he can trust in. The Navajo shifter (who is obviously Indian (, they're not fooling me), Luna, is really hot. The angle they introduced with her is very interesting, and I'm not going to be at all surprised if at least one more shifter (either Sam or Tommy or both) ends up going for the same thing. Tommy is as always...hard to trust. The way they've done that plot thread has been really great. It's so hard to tell when Tommy is sincere because he lies all the time. When he first walked in all properly dressed and hair all combed I knew he was full of shit some way or another. I loved that it only made Sam angrier and angrier. I really like the other two shifters as well. We've only seen shifters as outcasts or runaways, but the other two are clearly very well off and accepting of their situation. It's a pleasant change, and the knowledge of it seems to have given Sam a huge sense of relief. He could finally see his condition as something less than a curse. That said, I'm betting Tommy kills his mother and gains the power, and then Sam will have to kill him (gaining it himself).
Jessica & Hoyt: Like others have said, I kind of like that they are having "normal" people problems, and not being interfered with a third party (yet). Hoyt is finding it harder than he thought to deal with her being a vampire, and she's finding it hard to deny herself of being...herself. He's self-sufficient, but he easily fell back into his old ways of wanting to be taken care of. She's started to grow more independent and can't really deny what she is. That speaks a great deal to Bill and Eric's discipline. The other vampires are right, Jessica is still "young," and hasn't really had the chance to develop her skills, control, and true sense of self. I would like to see Jessica view Pam as a mentor (because Pam could always use a bigger part) and figure herself out. Maybe she belongs with Hoyt, maybe she doesn't.
Arlene & Terry: I don't know what to make of the Rosemary's Baby situation yet, but it's a bit of a pointless side plot. Arlene is lovably crazy as always, and Terry is the fucking man. He's certainly got the right idea. I know she's not entirely wrong (something is clearly wrong with that baby), but unless it really is possessed, it seems like more of a case of lack of control (again...why must everyone have powers). So Terry's got the correct idea.
Sookie/Eric/Bill: I don't really know why I can't hate her, but I can't. She's just so dumb most of the time. Maybe it's pity that I feel. The fairies thing was a definite "wtf" moment. I'd honestly prefer a great deal less of that (a big part of the reason I didn't start this season right away). Bill's past and him being King is kind of cool. I liked the way he coldly took out Sophie Ann. No need for honor when she was so selfish and weak at the same time. Eric is still way better. He's just a cool guy. His persistence is endearing. I do hope Sookie can sort out what happened to him quickly...because screw this amnesia bullshit. I hate that plot device so much.
Sat, 07-09-2011, 09:11 AM
Epic post!
Good read, and i agree with pretty much everything except i don't seem to hate Tara as much... in fact, i like her more than i like Sookie.
On another note, i've been really wondering who the oldest vampire on earth is, because surely there must be one who is older than all the others, and whoever that is must be freakishly powerful... man i really want to know these things! (and i ain't gonna read the books to find shit out!) :P
Mon, 07-11-2011, 08:25 AM
Nice to see that Sookie's already taking every opportunity to brainwash Eric.
Also Bill is badass.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 12:18 PM
Hehe... Snookie.
Did Jessica just hypnotized Hoytt? bad bad girl. I bet 5 dollars either Tommy or the fatty one putting those dirty dolls on their house.
I predict we`ll finally get a real Eric/Sookie relation this season, queen Bill is going to rage.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 03:30 PM
If Snookie/Eric hook up, it's totally rape.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 05:11 PM
I wanted Pam to rip Tara's head off. She's such a obnoxious fucking bitch. All. the. time. It pisses me off that she thinks she's all big and badass now that she's got that dinky little pistol. Does she even remember that Jason did all the work at the end of last season? She's all bluff and gruff, and it is ten times more annoying than it was in previous seasons.
Are we supposed to recognize the spirit that the witches are summoning? She looked vaguely familiar, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions.
I sort of feel bad for Jessica, but she kind of had to do it. Hoyt doesn't really listen to her. She should have just gotten his attention, told him something completely innocent, and then eased back out of it so they could actually talk it over. In addition, she's so hot.
I was surprised that brainwashed Eric is so nice. I figured he be all super-predatory. It makes for a lot of funny scenes (like the last one :p). He's more like a lost puppy. And yes, Sookie is still dumber than a sack of hammers. At the beginning, she drives away from Eric, but doesn't roll up her window, allowing him to do a cliché horror-movie grab.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 05:57 PM
Yes he did listen, he was just pissed off. He deserves to be brainwashed 'cuz he doesn't want her fanging around, as was previously agreed on?
Mon, 07-11-2011, 06:01 PM
I didn't say it was right.
He doesn't listen to her. He has this idea of how things should be, and it seems like he keeps viewing Jessica as a normal girl rather than what she is. Her value system isn't the same as a human anymore. What she did could be viewed as no different to running off to the bar for a stiff drink. Granted, her running off to bleed some other guy isn't right either, and she was prepared to apologize, but he didn't want to listen.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 06:06 PM
He WAS listening. Listening isn't the same thing as agreeing. He heard/LISTENED to her all right, but he got pissed off too.
It doesn't matter how he views her, they agreed to remain "bite monogamous" or whatever, he has every right to be pissed off (in accordance with his values, not hers). She should have asked to bite other people before running around and doing it if she didn't want him flipping out.
As for whether the agreement was retarded or not, that's another topic.
Anyway, I hope they break up. Obviously aren't happy together.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 07:41 PM
I wouldn`t go THAT far, they`re having issues sure and they`re in a bad moment in their relation where the commitment they made to each other is suddenly having a lot of weight in their heads, but i wouldn`t say they should break up, maybe temporally at most so they can clear their minds, this is just a phase.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 08:29 PM
lol Is Hoyt ever going to become a vampire? He ain't getting any younger. He gunna look like a pedo soon.
Edit: When Bill talks about love he looks all emo and dramatic. For all the previous seasons he was like "SOOOOKIE!!!!!!" and he looked all conflicted and depressed.
Then, when he's king, he has this charm and charisma to him in his interactions to others. It's almost as if his teeth are sparkling in his own charm. He looks happy, confident, and badass. But when what's-her-face proposes sex, he gets all emo again, being all vulnerable and and sad and conflicted again saying "I will never love you," probably thinking about Snookie.
So the moral of the story is a relationship with Sookie traumatized him and made him less of a vampire.
Fri, 07-15-2011, 04:03 AM
Did anyone else catch when Eric called Sookie, Snookie in this week's episode (3)? I lol'd
Tue, 07-19-2011, 11:14 AM
Is that a Jassica relationship i forsee?
Mon, 07-25-2011, 06:50 AM
This show is amazing buddy.. Now i am watching true blood season 4 episodes..
Tue, 07-26-2011, 07:03 PM
Did anyone else chuckle when Bill said "Vampires have always held positions of power within human society. In the 1600's it was the Catholic Church,'s Google and Fox News"
Wed, 07-27-2011, 03:23 AM
The witch is owning everyone MMO style with her Area of Effect spells. We need a (legit) priest up in this bitch to cancel her magic!
Wed, 07-27-2011, 08:31 AM
I`m calling it now, next episode we`ll get the mandatory Eric/Snookie sex scene... then Queen Bill will come and interrupt everything :/
Wed, 07-27-2011, 08:47 AM
I'm surprised that Snookie hasn't conned Eric into giving her the house back, yet.
What does Snookie see in mind raped Eric anyway? He's like a pliable teddy bear who's afraid of the dark.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 02:59 PM
What does Snookie see in mind raped Eric anyway?
He's like a pliable teddy bear who's afraid of the dark.
Eric is has been faking for a while now anyway.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 04:02 PM
That would be hilarious if his memory has already returned and he's just faking amnesia now lol
Tue, 08-16-2011, 03:47 PM
Did you guys stop watching this? I caught up this morning after missing two.
Good for Hoyt.
Billy is a douche, though I would be tempted to misuse people-shifting powers too.
So the mom-ghost wants revenge on the Bellefleurs?
Wed, 08-17-2011, 08:36 AM
Good for Hoyt? More like "what the fuck, Hoyt?"
He went waaaay too far when Jess wanted to break up, now i don't like him at all.
Fri, 08-19-2011, 08:59 PM
I got to admit i`m currently loving this season, Jason as a respectable (more or less) adult, Tara was not annoying that one episode. Best part of the season so far? Eric and Snookie fucking their way out of the woods, into her house where they can fuck some more, then having queen Bill arrive JUST as they were done but early enough to notice all the mess in the house, no doubt caused by the aforementioned sex scene.
Hoyt was really really mean to Jess, but i don`t hate Hoyt, we must remember this is his first time getting dumped and after all the shit he did for her he felt betrayed, even though he saw it coming miles away, all the time he had to prepare himself for the break up probably did some huge build up thing that made him explode when the moment of truth happened, still can`t help but feeling bad for Jess (props for not simply glamouring Hoyt), since she ended up in bad terms with Hoyt, got kicked out by him AND Jason, not exactly how she dreamed and thought it would end up huh?
So the mom-ghost wants revenge on the Bellefleurs?
Huh? Arlene`s family was staying at the Bellefleurs after their house burned, the mom-ghost went into their mansion to kidnap Arlene`s baby.
Tue, 08-23-2011, 03:00 PM
Huh? Arlene`s family was staying at the Bellefleurs after their house burned, the mom-ghost went into their mansion to kidnap Arlene`s baby.
Mom-ghost also burned down Terry Bellefleur's house. And had been freaking Arlene and Terry out for weeks/months. And kidnapped his son, as you mentioned. It was all about the Bellefleurs, because of what that Bellefleur baby-daddy did to her and her baby in the distant past.
Tue, 08-23-2011, 06:17 PM
Jesus better be able to have a brujo incantation that can banish or even annihilate certain souls in a similar manner to the way he released Mom-ghost, because I'm getting real sick of Antonia always winning. I had the same problem in season 2 when Maryann was always getting away with everything.
Again, Tara is really stupid. She's worse than Sookie. She gets herself into these messes every time, then just gets all angry and blames everybody else. At least Sookie has the decency to blame herself for everything, even the things that's aren't her own fault.
I'm not sure what Debbie's angle is. She hates Sookie, she tries to make up, she's jealous of Sookie, she tries to let it go, she's angry at her, she wants to be trusted, she wants to help, she betrays her, she feels bad, going to do whatever the hell she is doing in the preview for next week (trying to seduce Marcus?). She'd be a good person like she wants to be if she would just stick to one thing at a time. She's like a nervous chihuahua. Quivering in the corner one minute, trying to chew someone's face off the next.
Woot. Go Jess!
Tue, 08-23-2011, 11:00 PM
Just watched the first episode of this since I watched the first season years ago and for some reason can't get into it. Not trying to sound like a male chauvinist but it kind of looks like soft core porn for women. The plot is terrible and the execution is mediocre.
Wed, 08-24-2011, 10:33 AM
Not trying to sound like a male chauvinist but it kind of looks like soft core porn for women. The plot is terrible and the execution is mediocre.
Yeah that basically sums it up.
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 08-26-2011, 02:25 AM
My brother watches this show religiously and I'd follow it on and off with him over the years, but I started paying attention this season pretty closely. Right now, I'm totally in love Antonia. I've always had a bad taste in my mouth about how the vampires in the series pretty much treat humans however they want to and there's little the humans can really do about it. Antonia presents a way to fight back. It seemed like Tara was going to learn from her the episode before last, and I was kind of excited about that, but they went ahead and irrationally fucked with Antonia's development and made her into an unreasonable, heavy handed bitch. This of course begins the process of turning her from a badass anti-hero into a flat out villain to be killed off. Bleh.
Concerning Jessica and Hoyt...I totally loved how that happened. Jessica had that dream where Hoyt was a crying, needy little bitch when she tried to break up with him, and she killed him. Then she went in for the actual break up and...well, he wasn't quite the pussy she thought he'd be xD. And good god I couldn't stop laughing at her when she was tied up in the cell with bill and that other vamp, crying like an overdramatic teenage girl. Oh wait...xD.
Mon, 08-29-2011, 08:03 AM
Oh god, why'd they have to do the whole "gear up for battle and walk in slow-mo" at the end... that's sooo overused :p
Mon, 08-29-2011, 08:24 AM
Hi Sookie, your Deus ex Machina is showing.
Sun, 09-04-2011, 09:24 PM
Fucking Sookie`s Deus ex Machina powers are getting out of control.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:28 AM
Sookie, your dues ex machina is flaring up. You might wanna see a doctor.
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:33 AM
Yeah...I'm dropping this show.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:47 AM
I might drop it too.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 08:54 AM
I`ll watch the last episode, if it`s bad i`m done.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 10:34 AM
Wow. Though crowd in here. I would never drop it for this. As long as Eric, Pam, Jessica, Jason and Lafayette keep on delivering I'm good. Although they are trying to fuck up some of them. Also the stupidity of having to make everyone special or involved in something special. Like Andy. WTF. Can't some of the people stay normal and keep on living normal with unnatural things happening around them? Look at Lafayette in season 1. Nothing unnatural about him or his existence. Only thing was that he provided service for a vamp and received V in return. And his character was awesome. And in season 2 when he got dragged in to the vampire world and got chained in the basement and a dealer for Eric i could understand it. He dealt with V so i forgive. But then he became a witch or shaman or something. That was fucking shit up.
Same with Jason. All the shenanigans and BS he did and went through in season 1 and 2 i didn't mind. It's what made Jason, Jason. But the whole Werepanther stuff was just fucked up.
And same with Arlene and Terry's baby. Had to make something unnatural with them too. And now Andy too. And i actually felt sad now that Tommy is gone. He might have been whiny and selfish but i actually liked some of the drama he produced.
If i could overlook all that and continue to watch to show, Sookie's fairy powers don't even register.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 12:19 PM
This whole ordeal was totally worth it just for that scene when Eric ripped that dudes heart out and drank from it like a juicebox.. fucking awesome!
Mon, 09-05-2011, 12:25 PM
That was the best part of the series.
Sat, 09-10-2011, 09:49 AM
This episode was ridiculous, why did sookie just stood there when eric was going to die and when she was going to die? couldn`t she at least TRIED to use her hands of overpoweredness? and how was eric going to die anyway? didn`t they had regular bulles? Marnie was a pathetic villian. I just hope Lala doesn`t gets killed out of this whole ordeal.
Mon, 09-12-2011, 07:45 AM
Well the season is over, pretty good compared to the last episode, i have a lot to say about this episode but for now i`m going to dedicate this post to one single thing.
Mon, 09-12-2011, 10:28 AM
Yeah.. with ghosts and mediums and whatnot, i strongly doubt we've seen the last of Tara -.-
So.. the reverend dude is a vampire.. was he the one who escaped from under the garage floor? (personally i'm kinda hoping it was Russel ^^)
I do like the whole thing with Eric and Bill teaming up and co-operating towards whatever goals they have now :P
Mon, 09-12-2011, 11:33 AM
Yeah.. with ghosts and mediums and whatnot, i strongly doubt we've seen the last of Tara -.-
A man can dream.
So.. the reverend dude is a vampire.. was he the one who escaped from under garage floor? (personally i'm kinda hoping it was Russel ^^)
Well considering Newlin was never trapped in concrete chained up in a construction building, i`m going to go with it`s probably Russel.
Mon, 09-12-2011, 09:21 PM
Andy has confidence now that he got laid kukuku.
Hoyt is fucking insane.
Cuban psychopath came back and it was hot.
Gran is just random wtf? But she's a soul reaper so that's cool.
Sookie gets high? OK? Oh and she's a cold-blooded murderer too, so that's nice.
Mon, 09-12-2011, 10:20 PM
I didn't think she was high as much as experiencing a faint sensation from blood loss.
Tara is dead, fantastic.
Russel Edgington is back, even better.
Mon, 09-12-2011, 10:21 PM
Sookie said, "I can't block out thoughts when I'm high" when she was offered weed.
Are they retarded? Why didn't they kill Russel in the first place?
Mon, 09-12-2011, 10:39 PM
why DIDN'T they? it was to make him "suffer for millenia" wasn't it? That was down fight retarded.
When you said sookie gets high, I thought you meant right after Bill and Eric were feeding on her.
Wed, 09-14-2011, 07:04 PM
Kinda sad to see Jesus go. His and Lafayette's relationship seemed to be the best on the show, and the actors had very good chemistry with each other. And I was really getting tired of that Eric-Bill-Sookie emotional fingercuffs crap.
Thu, 09-15-2011, 11:10 AM
This show is very Whedon-esque in that sense. Whenever a couple finally settles down into a happy, functional, long-term relationship either someone dies or something ridiculously bad happens. It gives me the impression that it's more difficult for the writers to keep a relationship going than it is to create drama for the sake of drama (and violence).
Thu, 09-15-2011, 12:56 PM
It gives me the impression that it's more difficult for the writers to keep a relationship going than it is to create drama for the sake of drama (and violence).
That or they're all single. :p
Thu, 09-15-2011, 06:11 PM
That or they're all single. :p
Nah, they are far too well versed in the bizarre power games, and showing the right amount of both people being miserable periodically for them to be single. If they were single, the relationships would seem like they never left the honeymoon stage until one dies out of the blue. They show unhappy couples, just like real relationships are. I don't mean to say that couples in relationships are unhappy. I mean to say that real relationships have periods of unhappiness. The inevitable outcome of living so closely with someone for long enough.
Thu, 09-15-2011, 06:50 PM
^^I meant more so that the relationships never last. But yeah you are on target.
Mon, 06-11-2012, 12:39 PM
Just letting ya'll know, first ep of the new season is out!
Tue, 06-12-2012, 10:44 AM
I think I'm still on season 3, will see about catching up during the Summer.
Sun, 08-19-2012, 12:08 PM
Season 5 is pretty good so far. I'm catching up, but some highlights:
* The ex-sheriff telling Andy to fuck off, he's busy getting laid.
* Tara!
* The Authority plot
* Eric glamouring Alcide.
Sun, 08-19-2012, 12:26 PM
Yeah, this season is WAY better, i suddenly love Tara so much, and i was quite the hater.
Sun, 08-19-2012, 12:45 PM
The one issue i have about this season, and its a pretty big issue (for me atleast), is that they have way too many stories/arcs 'n shit going on at the same time.
Hopefully all the stories converge into an epic finale or something..
Mon, 08-20-2012, 09:51 AM
Ep 11 is out.
Next ep is the season finale, and going by all the shit that went down in this ep, it's going to be one hell of a finale! BRING IT!
Mon, 08-27-2012, 12:33 PM
God damn cliffhanger ending! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Mon, 06-17-2013, 02:21 AM
UGH!!! I don't even know wtf is going on anymore, but I know I'll relentlessly keep watching every week. -_-
Oh, it was so obvious Jason was talking to Warlow the entire time. Anthony Hopkins/Dracula picks up a totally bloodied and rambling (and schizo) Jason... how is that not suspicious? LOL Even Warlow was like "who do you think i am?!" LOLLLLLLL
CONJECTURE: inb4 Bill uses his Lillith powers to protect Sookie and Sookie retardedly falls for him again because this probably requires Bill to sacrifice something, or at least appear to
Mon, 06-17-2013, 05:41 AM
Dafuq? Did you just confuse Rutger Hauer with Anthony Hopkins? lol
If Warlow really is Lilith's disciple, how fucking old is he? o.O
Mon, 06-17-2013, 08:58 AM
No, but Rutger clearly also gives off a Jack Nicholson vibe.
LOLLL He's literally old, too. For the oldest living vampire, he sure is having a hard time (taking his time?) getting to Sookie.
Fri, 06-21-2013, 04:57 PM
I liked how bored he was at Jason's story.
Mon, 06-24-2013, 12:54 PM
Oh shit it wasn't Warlow?!
This episode was great!!! And Bill's power level is like KAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!
Also great ending theme song.
Sat, 06-29-2013, 12:15 AM
This show is falling fast on my favorite shows list. Hell, I think that I only watch it because it is on during the summer time when nothing else is on.
Sat, 06-29-2013, 12:35 AM
Really? I think it's finally starting to get good.
Sookie's not even pissing me off as much as she did before! Except the whole "I wanna stay away from your kind cuz it gets me into trouble" thing is what EVERYONE was telling her before.... but it only sinks in when she's fully developed relationships with the vampires? -_-
Sun, 08-04-2013, 10:34 PM
lol! It's so funny how every guy Sookie went to totally blew her off, and she ended up having to go to her parent's graves (who she hates).
I'm guessing Sookie (NARROWLY) got out of becoming a fairie vampire! Damn it.
Andy's daughter needs to find a way to protect herself...
Good season!
Totally agreed with this (
Tue, 09-03-2013, 01:45 PM
Next season is confirmed as the final one. (
Tue, 09-03-2013, 10:59 PM
Right when it starts to get good?!
Wed, 09-04-2013, 07:54 PM
Deuces TB.
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