View Full Version : Why was the economy during the 90's so great?

Thu, 08-07-2008, 03:11 PM
My friend recently gave me a book on Ron Paul and his views and in one chapter he talks about for about 4 pages why we should reinstate the rules of the Clinton administration to todays economy. Is it that fixable? Can it be done? Why was the economy doing so well in the mid to late 90's anyway? Why did we have so many tech billionaires and jobs in the country? Why was gas the pump really so low?

I personally think Clinton did a hell of a job running the country. Most other people say that Bushs' dad (the first president Bush) set it up for him. Others say that Reagan was the man behind the forward years that really set it up. Some even say that when congress has a democratic house and a republican president, the economy/country runs the best.


Death BOO Z
Thu, 08-07-2008, 03:38 PM
Economy was 'great' in the 90's because we just got out of the 80's energy crisis. and we 'westerns' had China and the far east for our cheap employee supplies.
now the far east wants it's share of the cake, and the American economy, being the 'spend all you can and make the charts look great by bending every basic law of finance' that it is, falls harder, and drags the rest of the world with it.

Energy crisis isn't that special, the bubble burst because crap was running for far too much time, and now it's time for things to get normal again.