View Full Version : Slayers Revolution

Sat, 07-05-2008, 06:26 AM

"Having lost the Sword of Light in the previous battle, Lina and Gourry continue their journey in search of a replacement weapon. On the way, the two of them meet up with Amelia and Zelgadis in the kingdom of Luvinagard while taunting some pirates. Lina is happy to reunite with her old friends, but appearing before her is Luvinagard's Inspector of the Special Investigative Unit; a man called Wizer. However, Lina is amazed at his unusual behavior..." -ANN

AniDB (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5818), ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=9500), Official (http://www.starchild.co.jp/special/slayers_revolution/)

Episode 1 h264 - SS-Eclipse (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2001%20(1024x576%20h264)%20%5bF53CCBD8%5d.mkv.tor rent)
Episode 1 xvid - SS-Eclipse (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2001%20(XviD)%20%5bE0408A74%5d.avi.torrent)

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Slayers is a familiar title for great many people who have seen anime from 90's. Indeed, it has been some ten years since the last Slayers title. Slayers was a 90's anime, through and through, and thus it was doubly interesting to see whether they kept the old feeling and atmosphere or modernized it. I was glad to see they retained it, while obviously using modern methods for smoother animation and clearer picture. Even the particular, more...how should I say it, artificial (not robot like but kind of high-strung and overly stereotypical and emotional) sounding voice acting is still there. That trait pretty much started to disappear with the modern 00's anime. I haven't always been a fan of that, having dropped some series because I couldn't bear listening to some high-pitched high-school heroines, but it fits Lina Inverse & co perfectly.

Other than that, it seemed like a promising start for a series. Not much to say yet about the story but no doubt it will surface before long.

There was one sub release before SS-Eclipse as well, by Tadashi-wyvern, and I found it funny how there were so many differences between SS-Eclipse and them. Some lines were translated totally differently. Well, it's not like I'd need to think twice which one to support...

Sat, 07-05-2008, 06:37 AM
Got a ton of catching up to do anime/manga/tv-show wise... if somehow I get the itch to watch all the previous series/movies/ovas, I'll give this a look. If not, this is a series I'll probably pass on for the time being.

With that said, a couple of years back I watched like 16 episodes of the first series, so I got a bit of a head start.

Sat, 07-05-2008, 10:44 AM
I dont generally jude a series by the first episode (and I dont plan to do so here either), but so far I like what I see. Im still debating on the animation though and whether I like it or not. I can say, however, that Im not too keen on the digimon looking thing thats shooting off dragon slaves.

Shadow Skill
Sat, 07-05-2008, 12:27 PM
Been waiting 7 years for this. I Love it!! :)

I hope they keep it as enjoyable as this first episode.

Sat, 07-05-2008, 01:10 PM
tee hee i almost forgot how much fun Lina is, but i will say i don't like the idea of someone who can do the same things she can i hope theres a good reason =/

Sat, 07-05-2008, 01:55 PM
it was pretty generic... hope it gets better >.>
the animation was good... by the way, can someone tell me what happened to gourrys sword? (i know it will be spoiler, so you can pm me?)

Sat, 07-05-2008, 02:01 PM
Dragon Slave shouldn't be any Lina exclusive spell anyway. What was her exclusive spell again... Giga Slave? We should get worried if the strange creature attempts to use that as well.

One of the things that bothered me about this show is indeed the seemingly limited amount of spells and the fact just about anyone can use them. Zel also had a super spell in the beginning, Ra Tilt was the name if memory serves, said to almost rival Dragon Slave, but then suddenly also Amelia could use it, despite the fact she was presented as quite a clumsy Defender of Justice. At that point I ceased to think even the bigger magics were anything special in Slayers, except for that one cataclysmic spell of Lina's.

Sat, 07-05-2008, 03:09 PM
I really did not feel I was missing anything... I mean... I only watched first season when it was aired in Mexico, but never saw past them.
Still, it would be good to see the previous seasons, but I feel it would be a pain to find and download them. I'll probably download a couple more episodes before deciding if I'll follow this series or not.

Sun, 07-06-2008, 04:42 PM

[Plenty of info from previous seasons/movies and a little bit out of the books (the books are slightly different and give more details than Slayers and Slayers NEXT do)

It's not unusual at all for more than one person to use the Dragon Slave. A lot of people in the old series could use it, Lina was just very well known for having no sense of restraint on what is essentially a nuke. In fact, back in season 1, Lina taught Amelia how to use it, who leveled a burial mound. It was weaker, but that was understandable. Then, at the end of season 2, Sylphiel revealed she had learned to cast it. More specifically, specialized in it. So much so that Lina, even when her magic was boosted by the set of talisman she bought off Xellos, was not able to match Sylphiel's version.

As for the Rah Tilt, Amelia was strong is white/shamanistic magic in addition to meddling in black magic, while Zelgadis only used shamanist magic. The Rah Tilt is the pinnacle of Astral spells (detailed in that episode of season 1) so I suppose that somehow puts it between white and shamanist magic.

As a sidebar about the Giga Slave, that one is unique to Lina. There has been speculation in the past that Lina was a reincarnation of the Lord of Chaos, just as her older sister had a shard of Sylfeid (the water god who fought to the death with Shabernigdo) inbedded in her, and leading to the reason Lina is so terrified of her sister.

Sun, 07-06-2008, 04:55 PM
Yes, that exactly is the one thing I don't like about the whole Slayers universe, like I said before. You would think a spell that can level whole towns (like a nuclear bomb) would be somewhat difficult, demanding, and thus a rare skill, but nah - it's there like a fireball in other stories; for any magic user showing a little interest.

What comes to Amelia and Zelgadis, let's not forget Zelgadis was a villain at some subleader level in the beginning, and a direct underling (and creation) of the big bad guy. It makes sense he knows some devastating magics. Amelia, however, is some spoiled kid who got a bright idea of saving the world with justice of her own making.

Well, Slayers never was any deep series and thus skills and details come and go according to what is needed by whatever flimsy plot currently happens to be in control of the characters.

Sun, 07-06-2008, 04:58 PM
I think you are mis-characterising Amelia. She's not just some spoiled kid. She's the crown princess (since her older sister ran off, lots of speculation who she really is), but Amelia also was sent through thorough training at the academies in her kingdom, often remarked as the center of White Magic on the continent.

I expect her to know so pretty powerful spells herself.

Sun, 07-06-2008, 05:34 PM
I expect no such things from somebody who first climbs to the top of a tree to shout out her opinion of justice and then falls down head first.

But like I said, it's a moot point in this series in any case because with the exception of the one end-of-the-world spell every other major spell is known by every groom and even their horses.

Shadow Skill
Sun, 07-06-2008, 07:57 PM
So... Anyone else notice that digimon bunny looking thing had a zipper on it?

Mon, 07-07-2008, 03:21 PM
Sheesh Kraco, casting the Dragon Slave is not supposed to be impossible it's just hard to do it properly without blowing yourself up.

Slayers spells seem to only require a verbal component to invoke, but require magical talent/skill in order to be controlled and harnessed usefully.

I doubt the chant for the Dragon Slave is all that big a secret like the other spells Lina learns in season 2. But mages should also know there's rarely a good reason to use such a doomish spell and the risks involved in miscasting it are so great that few are willing to try it in order to master it.

I suspect more than a few people who tried to learn it end up having it explode in their faces, taking out not only the caster but the entire town around them as well.

Mon, 07-07-2008, 03:52 PM
I'm certainly not the first to say you can't take Slayers even the slightest bit seriously. Just look at most of the dialogue and situations in this episode.

Back to Kraco:
You also can't forget about Lina's geographical location.

In the first and second season, in addition to all the OVAs, the Slayers cast are all trapped on a single "continent" (you can see it focused on in the OP of NEXT). The barrier drops at the beginning of TRY, and the Slayers are sent to explore the remainder of the world.

Which we are immediately informed does not know anywhere near the amount of magic that the continent Lina and the others hail from. All these magic weilders had been concentrated in such a small space.

So who exactly did we see capable of high-level magic spells throughout the episodes?
a) Lina, world reknown sorceress
b) Her two friends, Amelia and Sylphiel (Zelgadis really doesn't know that much magic comparatively, flare arrow and astral vibe on his sword are most common)
c) various members of the MONSTER race (or demon gods)
d) dragons (Filia and a few others)
e) Naga

It's really not that much if you think about it. The only place where commoners know any amount of magic is their isolated continent where everyone is concentrated together. Lina and her merry band (or Naga) outshine nearly everyone there by far. Outside of the Seyruun/Sairaag area, no one seems to know magic at all.

To take it even further, Sylphiel, Amelia and (debatably, but I believe it) Naga, are special cases due to their famed lineages.

So claiming that "everyone" knows all this high level magic is pretty misrepresentative just from the overwhelmingly biased view we get following Lina and her overly capable companions. Lina has killed three gods, more or less on her own, and her companions don't die every time, so they have to be up towards her level of supremely overpowered.

Mon, 07-07-2008, 04:40 PM
Alright, alright. I tried to come up with things to defend my case but the truth is, I reveal it now, is that I'm just a big Zelgadis fan. I've always liked sympathetic yet cool, tragic villains, far more than any heroes, and Zel started as one. Plus he's pretty much the only cool hero in this whole show.

And so I was pissed off when the goofy next to useless defender of justice Amelia knows all the spells Zel does. Zel who obviously has gone through much more than the little girl. I felt like my favorite character in the whole show was reduced to just another name of little importance. In the beginning he still seemed like somebody who could even stand a little while against Lina (minus Giga Slave obviously). But if Amelia can do all the big things Zel can do... Give me a break. That's nobody to respect anymore.

That's it. I'm not generally speaking taking this series seriously at all, just this single thing.

Mon, 07-07-2008, 05:01 PM
To defend Zelgadis...he dabbles in black magic, specializes in Shamanism, and is a swordsman who is on par with most, though many of the villains have to be very skilled to compete with Goury.

Zel is a jack of all trades. But he doesn't focus on anything...and it shows only because of who he happens to be with. It's exactly the same with Amelia and Sylphiel. When the latter is around, with her pathetically weak, carrot-shaped Flare Arrow, Amelia's white magic is a total joke. The same went for Filia, who had both dragon strength and as a focused priestess, was stronger than Amelia as well. When either of those were around, Amelia doesn't stand out at all either because her black magic is only slightly stronger than Zel's.

Now, not that she'd ever show up, but if Naga was compared to Zelgadis, his Shamanist magic would look equally weak. Her golem summons are something he has never even shown aptitude for.

All this said, there is a reason I like the movies more than the latter two seasons of Slayers (especially the midway of NEXT). In the series, Lina pops off Dragon Slaves like fireballs. In NEXT, she even does abbreviated casts.

Compare this to the movies. Not that Naga makes it more serious, but it takes Lina FOREVER to start up a Dragon Slave. They put a lot of art into her charging up the spell, and the incantation takes at least twice as long as the longest of casts in the series'. All the magic in the land slowly gathers into her hands, and she dramatically lets it fly.

That puts a lot more emphasis on the spell, and how much harder it is to master. Perhaps since the movies chronologically proceed the three series, Lina has developed immense skill with the Dragon Slave, though certainly not to the power levels that Sylphiel did (and the abbreviated casts are weaker).

So the series are even easier to not take seriously compared to the movies, which strangely enough are filled to the brim with completely unserious plots.

[and yes, of all the characters, Naga is probably my favorite, Lina right behind]

Mon, 07-07-2008, 05:42 PM
Well come on now, Zelgadis is awesome regardless of anyone else's spell repertoire. Being the jack of all trades that he is makes him much more useful overall than anyone other than Lina. While there are plenty of situations where Zel can't be the shining hero saving the day I can't think of a single situation where he was a liability in battle.

Zel is a support character and that's just the way it has to be, but he's one of the better support characters out there. He can be relied on to take care of himself in pretty much any situation, unlike Amelia, and to some extend Goury, who sometimes have to be saved from something immune to their area of expertise that's a non-boss. He may not be the heavy hitter with magic that Lina is or with swordplay that Goury is but if you need someone at your back and you have no clue wtrf is around the next corner Zelgadis is definitely your man.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 07-08-2008, 07:53 AM
ok here is a few things about the Slayers universe that might helps make some sense.

The Lord of Nightmares is the ultimate being in the slayers universe who is neither good or evil.

The Lord of Nightmares created 4 worlds, each with it's own Demon and God so to speak.

Lina world is where Ruby-Eye Shabranigdo is the demon and the Flare Dragon Ceiphied is the God

Shabranigdo created 5 Demon Lords that served as his lieutenants. The only 3 that i can name are Demon Dragon Gaav, Hellmaster Phibrizzo and Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium.

now as for the spells, there are three branches of magic with consist of black, white and shamanic.

White and Shaman magic call upon the user own power in order to cast the spell.

Black magic however is something the Demon Lords give the humans in order to cause more chaos and destruction. Black magic spells call upon the power of the Demon race instead of the caster.

The Dragonslave for example call upon the power of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdo. So i guess to an extent it's base on how much of the Demon powers the user can harness which will determine the effectiveness of the spell.

The Giga Slave is special to Lina and i'm not really sure when and how she learned it. It call on the power of the Lord of Nightmares which seems to be the only thing that is capable of killing the Demon Lords. In Slayers Next Lina also manage to learn the Ragna Blade which is another spell that calls on the power of the Lord of Nightmares but only to a lesser extent making it less dangerous.

A lot of this was drawn from memory of the stuff i've read from light novels and the first few seasons so if there is anything wrong feel free to correct it.

On a side note: A lot of peoples are speculating that Zelas-Metallium is in the OP because there is one scene where you see Xellos with the lower body of a woman standing in the background and since Xellos serve as the priest for Zelas peoples are assuming that figure is Zelas.

Thu, 07-10-2008, 01:59 PM
Anyone else's spell repertoire:

Episode 2 h264 - SS-Eclipse (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2002%20(1024x576%20h264)%20%5bA593DE49%5d.mkv.tor rent)
Episode 2 xvid - SS-Eclipse (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2002%20(XviD)%20%5b83C5D68D%5d.avi.torrent)

Thu, 07-10-2008, 04:16 PM
If what the little thing says is true, this plot seems a lot more like one of the movies or the OVAs. Which is by no means a bad thing (could be better with Naga though...).

I half expected Lina to start chanting the beginning of the Giga Slave and have Gourry stop her before she got too far...or maybe a bit more realistically a Ranga Blade and cleave a huge swath in the forest.

For those more familiar with the series:
Is that waitress in the OP who I'm hoping it is?

Thu, 07-10-2008, 04:59 PM
Unfortunately looking at the waitress brings nothing at all into my mind... So, I can't say anything one way or the other.

But yeah, I was also half expecting her to start to chant Giga slave. However, rarely enough, Lina herself also recognized the spell is a dangerous one, if I remember correctly, so it would have been slightly unlikely. Still, I had totally forgotten also those magic amplification crystal things, so it was all good.

The plot seems now quite promising. Not too straightforward. At least it has potential not to be.

Thu, 07-10-2008, 07:16 PM
It's less about what she looks like, and more towards the fact that she is a waitress. It's the occupation rather than the appearance. There's a famous appearance of a silhouette of a sinister waitress in the OP sequence of Slayers NEXT. It was never brought up in that series, but her identity was pretty clear to those who have watched all three seasons or read some of the novels. I shall leave it a mystery for now.

But yeah, Lina would never use the Giga Slave all the way to completion ever again. Half of NEXT was all about that, and I think they mentioned it in TRY as well. I just thought it would be a good joke.

The birds spell was definitely my favorite gag though. I really thought Lina got all flustered and misspoke one of her more trademark spells.

Fri, 07-11-2008, 03:26 PM
Those interested in the previous seasons... here is a 30GB torrent with them all...including ovas and movies. Good luck downloading it though...

http://www.datorrents.com/download.asp?id=4981&name=Everything%20Slayers%20%28TV%2C%20Next%2C%20T ry%2C%20Book%20of%20Spells%2C%20Excellent%2C%20Per fect%2C%20Return%2C%20Great%2C%20Gorgeous%2C%20Pre mium%2C%20Lost%20Universe%29.torrent

Fri, 07-11-2008, 05:39 PM
I'm big Slayers fan(it was my first anime), but i can't find translated light novels on the net. Meybe someone have them stored on disk or smthg?

And i hope that the waitress is the one we hope for.
And back to Zelgadis, well he could cast Rah tilt before Amelia could(remember first fight against Shabranigdo?). and there is spell that only he used - it was in 1st series(big stone spikes from ground - one of my fav spells).

No, i cant buy novels in my country, and i dont know japanesee enough to read them without translation

Death BOO Z
Fri, 07-11-2008, 08:17 PM
I've watched the two episodes (youtube quality, since my computer is out).
it feels like having a childhood friend coming over to hangout, but then he brings out the sega-gensis...

seven years are a long time. the animation looks old, the fighting scenes don't flow well, only the humor and (hopefully) are keeping this thing together.

I'll watch the anime, only because it's Slayers. and I used to like the first slayers season five years ago.

new audience would probably enjoy this season greatly, I, however, want to get some ties closed, and some progress done, let the fuckin' charecters grow already.

even though nothing beats a dragon slave...
"Darkness beyone midnight, Crismon beyond blood that flows.
buried in the stream of time, in thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness.
let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I posses.

Mon, 07-14-2008, 06:14 PM
whats wrong with playing genesis nowdays? genesis still has great games... and actually the last scene of episode 2 was intriguing (who the hell is that rat/digimon?)
i hope that this country is trying to go to war so we can have some politics too...

Thu, 07-17-2008, 06:08 PM
"Lord of the dreams that terrify. Sword of cold and darkness, free yourself from the heaven's bonds. Become one with my power, one with my body, and let us walk the path of destruction together. Power that can smash even the souls of the gods: Ragna Blade!"

[SS-Eclipse] Slayers Revolution eps 3 [1024x576 h264] (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2003%20(1024x576%20h264)%20%5b27E69BE6%5d.mkv.tor rent)
[SS-Eclipse] Slayers Revolution eps 3 [low performance version] (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2003%20(XviD)%20%5bEA56D320%5d.avi.torrent)

Thu, 07-17-2008, 06:20 PM
It's not actually HD. It's just HQ with 576p resolution.

I'm starting to like the OP and ED more as I keep listening to them. The first time I thought they are nice enough but nothing special and while I still don't think they are special they are gaining my favour nonetheless.

This episode, however, felt like a filler. Unless the once mentioned prince backing clandestine research turns out to be a prominent character later, I can't see what possible purpose this served. Even the voice acting in this ep sounded somehow tired, especially the villain's acting. He sounded like he had stayed up for 36 hours before the recording session...

I also wish the others would finally fight seriously. Now it seems like they are just bystanders because everything so far has basically been Lina trying to prove herself innocent and so the others won't do much and let her do everything to prove herself. Gourry should also get a decent sword so that he could do something.

Thu, 07-17-2008, 06:57 PM
There. Fixed.

I also like the OP/ED the more I hear them. They're not as catchy at the ones from Seasons 1 and NEXT or the OP from TRY, but they're definitely growing on me.

As for the episode itself, I didn't think it was filler. It was a pretty good way of getting rid of Wiser for the time being. He was starting to get annoying enough that I wished Martina would come back. Yeah, that bad. Although I was hoping that the mention of the Ruvinagard (sp?) royalty might bring an arc in, but that sadly seems to not be the case. Then again, Pokota did mention that he/she was the inventor of the tanks that they are using for some kind of military push.

The little plan actually made up for most of the dumb shit Wiser was doing all along.

The first thing I thought of when the guy revealed the super Chimera was Pantyhose Tarou from Ranma...and then they named it Tarou. An homage to Ranma 1/2?

Death BOO Z
Sat, 07-19-2008, 06:16 AM
intersting,, it didn't occuer to me..
though, it may be that both are from the latin "taurou", and it just sound 'right' in japanese.

I never realized how hard it's going to be to watch slayers on a weekly basis... I WANT ACTION! PLOT! MAGIC! COMEDY! FUNNY GUYS (I could on without Xellos, though, I wasn't such a fan of him in TRY)! MORE EPISODES!.

yes, I'm not so good with waiting.

Fri, 08-01-2008, 12:45 PM
weird no one posted new episodes...
ss-eclipse's slayers revolution episode 4 (h264) (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2004%20(1024x576%20h264)%20%5b51F6F402%5d.mkv.tor rent)
ss-eclipse's slayers revolution episode 4 (xvid) (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2004%20(XviD)%20%5bF464955A%5d.avi.torrent)

Fri, 08-01-2008, 06:12 PM
I wasn't really able to watch the previous seasons of this anime. Can I still watch this even if I don't know the past seasons?

Fri, 08-01-2008, 07:37 PM
im watching this anime, and im pretty sure i only saw the first season, not even ovas or movies... and the only weird thing is gourry not having his light/beam/star wars sword

Fri, 08-01-2008, 08:36 PM
[SS-Eclipse] Slayers Revolution - 05 (1024x576 h264) (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2005%20(1024x576%20h264)%20%5b4EB1F64E%5d.mkv.tor rent)
[SS-Eclipse] Slayers Revolution - 05 (XviD) (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2005%20(XviD)%20%5bD97FBC98%5d.avi.torrent)

I am severely dissapointed that what I had hoped was a waitress turned out to be a maid. While she has some pretty amazing powers for a Combat Maid. I was still hoping for the appearance of one particular part-time waitress.

Well, with the most recent episode they do discuss things that happened in the first season. They did give a brief recap, but Slayers has always been pretty light anyway.

You can read the novels or watch the anime series. The only huge difference is how the Sword of Light is lost. In the anime, they lose it during Slayers TRY by defeating some form of nearly extinct dragon that the Gold Dragon race nearly killed off (or something to that effect). In the novels, the Sword of Light was taken in exchange by the Lord of Nightmares (who had possessed Lina and killed Hellmaster Phibrizzo, who was attempting to lure Lina into destroying the universe) in exchange for Lina to take her body back.

Fri, 08-08-2008, 01:54 PM
Nearly killed off:

Episode 6 h264 - SS-Eclipse (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2006%20(1024x576%20h264)%20%5bF9B1F79A%5d.mkv.tor rent)
Episode 6 xvid - SS-Eclipse (http://torrents.no-sekai.de/eclipse/%5bSS-Eclipse%5d%20Slayers%20Revolution%20-%2006%20(XviD)%20%5b7B66DB32%5d.avi.torrent)

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Edit: It was a somewhat entertaining episode even though I thought it'd be a total filler of little merit. Well, it was a total filler but watchable. The next episode could already have some more intelligence but the setting still sounds dubious. I really wonder what kind of a script this series has with so many random episodes between the sensible ones.

Fri, 08-08-2008, 03:11 PM
I really wonder what kind of a script this series has with so many random episodes between the sensible ones.
Exactly the same as any other Slayers series.

I can recall a tennis episode, two crossdressing ones, a theater one (or two), various dumb rival ones, a fishing episode, and all the plots of the movies/OVAs. That's just the first two seasons and the films.

Sun, 08-24-2008, 04:52 AM
With Eclipse dropping the series, I guess it's time to scrape the bottom of the barrel for any possibilities available.

Episode 7 HQ - VivaLaRevolution (http://tracker.anirena.com/download.php?id=12268)
Episode 7 SD - VivaLaRevolution (http://tracker.anirena.com/download.php?id=12267)

Sun, 08-24-2008, 02:36 PM
Kraco, is VLR any good so far? or should I skip them & wait for the DVDs to come out who knows when from now?

But I will say if it's Funimation that licenses it I WON'T buy their crap DVDs till it hits like $20 for the box set, 18-23/dvd with 2 to 3 episodes of low quality audio/video just is not worth it. Hell I've seen better audio/video quality on fansubs then on the official R1 DVDs erm rant over lol

Sun, 08-24-2008, 02:57 PM
It wasn't that bad. Download it. And let's hope it wasn't just this one episode but they will continue to sub it till the end.

Tue, 09-02-2008, 06:18 AM
The next batch from the barrel:

Episode 8 - VivaLaRevolution (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=31081)

Sat, 09-06-2008, 01:14 AM
Episode 9 - VivaLaRevolution - Mininova (http://www.mininova.org/get/1763931)

Sat, 09-06-2008, 02:41 PM
Slayers Revolution is not the end:


Mon, 09-08-2008, 07:15 AM
Interesting. I wouldn't mind a new series after this one. It's too bad the characters don't really develop anymore in the series, haven't much develop since the first eps of the first series, thus creating a rather stale setting, but the jokes are still good enough often enough.

Wed, 09-10-2008, 05:59 AM
EP 10 HQ VivaLaRevolution:



Fri, 09-26-2008, 10:11 AM
The end is near:

Episode 12 - VivaLaRevolution (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=33796)
Episode 11 - VivaLaRevolution (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=32781)

Death BOO Z
Sun, 10-12-2008, 07:22 PM
finally got around to finish it.
I stand behind my first impression.

it's more of a re-hash than TRY! was.
didn't make any plot sense (by the end of the season, I'm expecting to know the WHY of the villain), characters were stale (and except for Lina, didn't do a thing), it was a composition of every bad aspect of fantasy anime (too much loud magic, every baddy is completely indestructable).
it wasn't even funny. I hated Pokota from the moment I saw his character design, and he didn't even do something.

(yes, I'm aware that the other seasons were like this as well, but they are enchanted by Nostalgia!)

Sun, 10-12-2008, 11:21 PM
The end of the season:

Episode 13v2 Final - VivaLaRevolution (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=35773)

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I have to agree with DBZ. This season was really bad. Nobody except Lina did anything at all, and even she hardly did anything that made any sense or differerence most of the time. Some of the characters were there all the time, like the inspector, but ended up with no purpose or sensible reason for existing whatsoever despite having been there all the time. I still don't really understand why Duclis first chose to be such a villain and then suddenly switch sides right at the end.

It was a total nonesense season as far as story writing goes.