View Full Version : Game: Metal Gear Solid 4
Thu, 06-12-2008, 10:21 PM
Just got it today at gamestop... Was scared it would be sold out since it had a midnight release, but there was 2 copies left. Yay. :D
Anyways, did anyone else get this yet? This game is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! Still in the beginning. I haven't tried MGO yet, will probably do so tomorrow because I need to buy a longer ethernet cable.
For the record, this game got rated a 10 on
Thu, 06-12-2008, 10:48 PM
I got the game, only played for about 1:30 hours and then turned it off. What I did play I liked.
I found myself playing this game like COD4, shooting everything that moves and leaving no survivors....
Thu, 06-12-2008, 10:59 PM
I believe there was already a thread on MGS4, just that no one posted there for a long time. :)
Anyway, I've played around 8hrs, and enjoying myself crawling under vehicles and shooting soldiers in the head with a customised M4. The cut scenes are long, but nonetheless still interesting and sometimes its a interactive cut scene so you get to play around a bit.
As for MGO, I've gotten my ID and password, logged in, created my character but for some reason I can't connect to the server to start the game. Anyone else got the same problem?
Fri, 06-13-2008, 08:53 AM
I only played for a couple hours but it seemed really good.
I'm not really sure how i feel about the collecting weapons for points idea, or how every dead body gives you a ration or ammo if you take the time to pick them up. i mean... I have like 1000 m4 rounds, 20 rpg rockets and tons of other stuff after only a couple hours of play.
I did enjoy using a soldier as a human shield ! until i dove into a blown up building.
Fri, 06-13-2008, 01:49 PM
btw, why don't they release this game on PC?
they did release msg1 and 2 which I liked very much....
What was wrong with those 2 games that they won't release the third or fourth on the PC? not enough fans?
Fri, 06-13-2008, 02:33 PM
lol i also thought that but if Msg4 comes to the Pc then that isnt going to sell more, because for playing a game like that you need a PC that has the recommended specs for playin the game good. The most of the gamers doesnt have that.
You can compare it with UT 3 it would be a awesome game for the pc but few ppl have bought it because of the high specs you need for it.
Sat, 06-14-2008, 01:46 AM
nah, that won't be a problem... people upgrade their PCs just for games like this one.
and the graphics won't be a problem for mid-class PCs and even less for High-end PCs today.
I'd even say that MSG4 will look much better on the PC than it does on the PS3. That has been the case for a lot of games which came out on consoles at first and later on the PC
take Lost Planet for example (many shader + detail improvements), I did not believe that my PC was able to run this game so smoothly because it is a rather weak one (over 2 years old)
and I'm not sure about UT3 but it always depends if the programming was done right...
there are games with much better graphics than others, which have much higher spec requirements. You are able to programm awesome graphic games today which don't need very good PCs
and that wasn't the only reason for UT3 failing to sell, the game is simply not as good as the others anymore.
Shooters like quake or UT don't need graphics, its simply pointless.
Sat, 06-14-2008, 03:34 AM
Even if it would be headed for the pc it would not be at the launch of the console game. The other pc ports was released quite a bit after it's consone counterpart, as always. So you cant rule it out to a 100% but i strongly doubt it. One reason being that Kojima did say he filled up a whole Blu-ray disc with the game (50gb) so it would be quite unpractical for the pc.
Sat, 06-14-2008, 10:13 PM
big machine gun.... 100 rounds.... laser sight :) woot!
Sun, 06-15-2008, 10:28 PM
Just completed the game in 21 hours. Took so long because I was messing around and watched all the cut scenes. Simply one of the most massive and epic game ever, and there's just so much to do and accomplish that I'm going to start my second run through straightaway.
I still can't join any servers in Metal Gear Online, but I can host games and it was fine as over a dozen players joined in no time. Got thrashed though as it was my first experience and wasn't too familiar with maps and the settings.
So, anyone game for online multiplayer? :p
Sun, 06-15-2008, 11:15 PM
So, anyone game for online multiplayer? :p
Soon....very soon....
So by gaming standards, is 21hrs a big game? I have to say, I haven't been much of a gaming person. The only game I've actually finished is CoD4, and that was like....a few hours? I blame my brother for this. He always finishes games before me, and I end up watching him, so I just never quite have the time/motivation to pull it all off.
Sun, 06-15-2008, 11:59 PM
21 hours of this quality sure is a big game. Finished it myself in around 20 hours too. Have just played a little online so far, it has a pretty high learning curve and requires a whole lot of teamwork but it's quite fun.
And i'll soon start my third playthrough where i will try to get this emblem;
Big Boss: Get the Big Boss Emblem. When you wear this mask, it causes enemies near you to cower in fear and/or run away screaming.
But to obtain it theese are the requirements
Big Boss: Successfully complete the game in Single Player mode on the hardest difficulty using no continues, instigating no alerts, killing no enemies (including Bosses), using no life recovery items, using no stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and with a completion time of less than 5 hours.
Mon, 06-16-2008, 12:20 AM
I just got the official guide book, and will also be playing my second run to find out much I've missed. The Big Boss emblem is crazy though, due to the insane requirements. 5 hours is really tight, and even on normal difficulty I found it very hard to avoid getting detected, especially in Act 5. Most probably I'll just keep playing till I get enough DP to buy the stealth or bandanna items......
Mon, 06-16-2008, 07:37 AM
Soon....very soon....
So by gaming standards, is 21hrs a big game?
depends on the genre
RTS will need more than just 21 hrs most of a time... while ego-shooters like CoD or Crysis
only need a few ours... I played through CoD4 on the same day I bought it (on the hardest mode... was it veteran?)
However 21 hrs are pretty much for non RPG/RTS games
hmm but I havn't played that many games in a while.. only short ones I completed on the same day I bought or lent it... Tomb Raider Legend, CoD4, Half Life 2, Halflife ep 1 AND 2, Cod2/Cod1 (damn the SP is too short! yet its so much fun), Lost Planet etc.
as you can see they are all more or less a shooter. I got the new settlers too (rise of an empire)... bought it last month or so and havn't played through it yet (RTS game)
Mon, 06-16-2008, 09:30 AM
Gotta love the amount of easter eggs that's been put into this game, keep discovering new ones all the time.
Here's one i found pretty hilarious;
Mon, 06-16-2008, 10:26 PM
I thought there were less easter eggs than the previous sequels, but they were still awesome. I'd love to talk about some here, but they'd count as spoilers so its best to let the people who are playing find out more themselves. I also enjoyed the many references to the original MGS game, especially in Act 4 & 5......
Tue, 06-17-2008, 02:39 AM
Do you guys find the cutscenes to be too elaborate and take away from the gameplay? That's the reason I couldn't stand MGS2, too many damn cutscenes breaking up the action. It's also bothering me a little in GTA:IV, but at least they are humorous so it's not so bad. Plus you can skip past them and not lose anything.
Tue, 06-17-2008, 06:57 AM
hmmm I played mgs2 on the PC and actually the cutscenes are the best thing about the game xD.
or are you referring to all the "walky talky" stuff? I know that this is legend in MSG, but that was back in MSG1 (which was really good because of this) but in msg2 it got annoying because the phone rang all-the-time.
Tue, 06-17-2008, 08:48 AM
Do you guys find the cutscenes to be too elaborate and take away from the gameplay? That's the reason I couldn't stand MGS2, too many damn cutscenes breaking up the action. It's also bothering me a little in GTA:IV, but at least they are humorous so it's not so bad. Plus you can skip past them and not lose anything.
Personally, I think the cutscenes make the game what it is. Without them, there is no extremely elaborate storyline, and without that, what's the point of playing a game, past the violence factor? I am a huge fan of storytelling and the fact of the matter in my mind is that MGS is once of those franchises that blows the others away. The only exception would have to be the Halo series. When someone is able to tell a story in a gore-filled, mindless market such as that of videogaming, that's a gift. Kojima has this gift, and unfortunately for the gamers, that gift is expressed as long, and sometimes drawn out, scenes. But see, this is his own background coming into it. He has always been in love with movies, and he wants MGS to BE LIKE a movie, rather than a game. (I hate to say it, but yes, I know there's a movie coming out about MGS - good thing is, he's writing it.).
Tue, 06-17-2008, 11:28 AM
I haven't had much time lately to play MGS... Just starting Act 2. Btw.... How is MGO? Does it have potential to be one of the top online games on console?
Tue, 06-17-2008, 09:09 PM MGS4 is based heavily on MGS3.
There's no way I'd be able to play MGS3. Would you recommend I wiki it to get the background, or better off just starting plain with MGS4?
Tue, 06-17-2008, 09:46 PM
@ Buffalo: Check out the torrent I linked before. But to answer your question, I recommend taking a look at MGS3 before you start MGS4. You'll be lost if you don't check out Snake Eater (or Subsistence, same thing).
Metal Gear Solid cutscenes torrent ( Liberty__Snake)
For anyone that doesn't want to play the games to catch up on the story, the torrent I just gave has the cutscenes from each MGS game (MGS1 uses the Twin Snakes version). The guy who did the editing basically took out the gameplay parts from the game and left the codec cutscenes and the rest of the in-game events. Some parts were left out but its nothing really important that you wouldn't understand what was going on.
I used this torrent myself to refresh myself before MGS4 came out. :D Hopefully it'll be helpful to anyone that needs it. However, I still highly recommend you play the games since they are worth going through.
Tue, 06-17-2008, 10:07 PM
Thanks for that. :)
Tue, 06-17-2008, 11:27 PM
or if you have a modded ps2, just get the existence bonus disc for mgs3, its basically mgs3 as a 3 hour long movie.
Fri, 06-20-2008, 01:32 PM
see, i'm in the same boat...
They have alot of charactors and refrences to the previous games... I have played the first for psx through probably 10 times but i didn't play sons of liberty and i barely played mgs3.
i just finished last night (@ 3am, having to be up at 6 for work!) total 22+ hours of play time, but alot of that was my looting dead bodies for items and going on killing sprees. I was satisfied overall.
There were some funny parts in the game.
-did anybody else not 'kill' the beasts? i tranquilized one and then did the other one w\ the shotgun v-shot or whatever that takes away psyche... I think if you do that instead of killing them you get to use their face as camo if you want.
There is just so many ways you could possibly go in this game, i'm going to play through it again on the hardest level to see how that goes.
Fri, 06-20-2008, 04:01 PM
Yeah Im playing it normal then im gonna try and get most of the emblems on my new game+. Its crazy though that you have to wall sneak and crawl for an hour to get the others. But yeah I made an online konami id, anyone up for a game ? :)
Fri, 06-20-2008, 05:30 PM
-did anybody else not 'kill' the beasts? i tranquilized one and then did the other one w\ the shotgun v-shot or whatever that takes away psyche... I think if you do that instead of killing them you get to use their face as camo if you want.
There is just so many ways you could possibly go in this game, i'm going to play through it again on the hardest level to see how that goes.
tranq killing always yielded unlockables, guess you should've played the previous games.
Thu, 06-26-2008, 02:48 PM
I just beat the game yesterday and I just have to say the final battle with liquid was bad ass. The 2nd phase was hard in which I died like 3 times.
SPOILER ALERT QUESTION: I don't get it (Never played 1 and 2, only played half off MGS3), that the other Big Boss was a clone at the end? Its like all the information that I have been trying to watch during the 20-30 minute long ass cinematics throughout gameplay is still not sinking in.
Thu, 06-26-2008, 03:23 PM
This post will have heavy spoilers if you haven't beaten it so don't read it if you don't want to be spoiled.
The Big Boss at the end was THE Big Boss. The very original who Solid, Liquid, and Solidus were cloned from. In Metal Gear 2, Snake defeated him there once and for all. His body was destroyed but Major Zero had retrieved his body and wanted to keep it preserved as a symbol for The Patriots. But on the other hand, we have Eva, Ocelot, and Naomi who had plans to bring him back to life. Liquid and Solidus were both defeated in MGS1 and MGS2 (respectively). They used their body parts to reconstruct the original Big Boss and used Solidus's body to replace Big Boss's body as the main key to The Patriot's system since he was a true clone of Big Boss (he had both the dominant and recessive genes, nothing was taken out besides being able to reproduce and pass his genes on). Hope that helps.
End Spoiler
Fri, 06-27-2008, 12:32 AM
I get it! I felt so slow, I also read that encyclopedia that you can download from the ps3. Thanks
Fri, 06-27-2008, 07:30 AM
I just got to complete the game in normal mode. It was great, though I never played the previous MGSs but one of my friend is kind enough to explain the previous plots to me. And thanks for the info, NM. I was wondering about that too.
Sun, 07-13-2008, 10:31 AM
Just completed the game in 21 hours. Took so long because I was messing around and watched all the cut scenes. Simply one of the most massive and epic game ever, and there's just so much to do and accomplish that I'm going to start my second run through straightaway.
I still can't join any servers in Metal Gear Online, but I can host games and it was fine as over a dozen players joined in no time. Got thrashed though as it was my first experience and wasn't too familiar with maps and the settings.
So, anyone game for online multiplayer? :p
I am...Only about 13 hours in (Act 3). I'm interested in the multiplayer, but cant ever join a game. my ps3 id is the same as my gotwoot^^
Sun, 07-13-2008, 10:36 AM
I think MGO is region locked though...right?
And the PSN ID is separate from the MGO one (except you have to use your PSN ID to log on to the internet first).
My MGO one is DanTehMan777. I'm up for a game if you guys are. Hopefully you all have mics so we can chat on there too. :) Maybe we should make a separate thread to start up some MGO games? And a GotWoot clan would be awesome too.
Sun, 07-13-2008, 10:47 AM
People actually fall for the box trick - all the time. It's hilarious.
Sun, 07-13-2008, 10:48 AM
My MGO ID is Psyke80, though I haven't been playing much and is still at level 1. :p
Sun, 07-13-2008, 11:05 AM
I am...Only about 13 hours in (Act 3). I'm interested in the multiplayer, but cant ever join a game. my ps3 id is the same as my gotwoot^^
Damn, i finished it multiple times at ~4 hours, heck I finished it 3 times a day two days ago >_>, ( yeah unlocking stuff)
Sun, 07-13-2008, 11:06 AM
I'm level 2... ID is Xstar. My favorite modes are Base and Rescue. Sneak is pretty cool too and whenever I get tired of them I just do some good ol TDM.
My record is like..... 160 kills 140 deaths... lol.. horrible.. I should jsut remake my char. :)
Mon, 07-14-2008, 02:28 PM
my ps3 id and konami are the same^^. i havent even played yet, but a GW clan sounds like a good idea.
Tue, 07-15-2008, 06:47 AM
Metal Gear Online Gene Expansion Dated (
Wed, 07-30-2008, 11:11 PM
I tried playing MGO earlier, but it took so long to set up games. I only got to join one game, but dc'd from it 2 minutes in so I gave up. Anyone else have problems?
Wed, 07-30-2008, 11:15 PM
I can't even get to play the normal game without getting killed after 10 minutes(first time ever playing a MGS) so... I'll keep away from MGO for now.
Seriously... I had to spend over 10 retries before I finally passed the first scene after act 1 begins.
The place where the tactical demo took place.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 07:44 AM
"while ego-shooters like CoD or Crysis
only need a few ours..."
Ego-shooters is NOT a games genre - its some wierd shit made up by one german magazine - its called FPS or TPS or just shooter.
As for MGS4 - it looks wierd to me that you take so long to finish game - i watched all cutscenes and it took me 14h.(stealth killing style :]) now i'll try Big Boss Hard no kill/stealth run. and MGO is imo best net shooter - perfect mix of fast action gameplay(CS lacks this - its just too damn slow), tactical gameplay(UT lacks this) and fun. I'm playing on europe - nick Xelbair. but damn i hate one thing - i chosen my country(Poland) when creating account and now i cant buy Gene exp pack -.-
Mon, 08-11-2008, 11:57 AM
I digress, the best net shooter is definitly Lost Planet, its just so damn fun online.
Tue, 08-12-2008, 04:32 PM
Lost planet wasn't so fun to me - i prefer mgo - i waited for long time for a fast action tactical shooter - well i'm ut fan(not quake - ut and doom only!) so i love fast action, but other team shooters other than "The Shittiest Game of Universe"(tm) Counter Strike are non existant.
But mgo has it bad parts - if you have bad luck you can search for ppl on Gronzyj Grad for whole round and dont kill anyone if there are less gamers than 5 AND i have one thing - they dont allow polish ppl to buy addons! i really hate them for it.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 08:55 AM
I've been trying to get back into MGO now that I have a little more time after work these days. However, I keep getting owned so badly that its become rather demoralising.
Well, part of the reason might be that I play with players with higher levels than me, since auto-matching doesn't work for me and I have to host a free battle to play the game. Another reason is that I'm really bad with the right analogue stick, and have trouble getting head shots. At least, I'm slowing improving but it's not fun when you're there as practice targets for the expert players.
Anyone else still playing this? The new expansion packs look quite interesting, with the possibilities of playing as Meryl and Akiba.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 09:03 AM
Anyone else still playing this? .
I'm still waiting for my MGS1-3 cutscene torrent to finish :(
I've been watching too many shows, so there's jack all quota left every month to spend on it.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 12:07 PM
I play it maybe once a week now. I love the game to death, but I just get bored after 20-30 minutes too easy.
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