View Full Version : Preferred Gaming Platform
Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:50 PM
What's your favourite modern gaming platform? I think I honestly prefer the Xbox 360 due to it's well implemented Online play and multiplayer support(I'm not mistaken in thinking the 360's the only one listed that supports up to 4 players per console without having to by other bits and pieces?).
That's what I'd prefer, but strangely, I've been using the PC for years, and I intend on buying a PS3 instead, because I like it more (self-contradiction :)). How about you guys?
Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:01 PM
Actually, most of the games I played were emulated from handheld on the PC.
I think it's a perfect combination, the fun and quick action of hand held, with the battery power and quick save abiliy from the PC.
Board of Command
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:04 PM
I only play games on PC. I'm not a hardcore enough gamer to justify buying a game console and new games every once in a while. Plus, there's no Team Fortress on consoles.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:05 PM
It's the PC of course.. it beats the xbox and ps3 in every extent
The only negative thing about it is that it cost much and that you have to upgrade it often, but the graphics and gameplay are clearly superior in my opinion.
There is however one thing I like about the 360... its Halo ^^ and that many games are possible to play in Coop-mode nowadays... Coop is the funniest of all things to do in first-person shooters.
But since I like strategy games very much, I would never give away my PC for a xbox360.
especially when starcraft 2 is comming out soon ^^
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:12 PM
Where's the option for SNES or the PS2? Both of mine still work and still get use, SNES being the greatest console for platformers and the PS2 being the single greatest console for Fighters/RPGs. I'd even go ahead and say the SNES is the greatest gaming platform of all time, if not for the existence of the Commodore 64.
But the batteries have died in a few of my old SNES carts, so I've largely switched to emulation or handheld ports of my favorite classics.
So I voted PC. That's not to say my 360 hasn't been getting some use recently...
The only negative thing about it is that it cost much and that you have to upgrade it often, but the graphics and gameplay are clearly superior in my opinion.
...but this statement hits the crux of the matter perfectly. It's hard to keep up with the newest titles when your motherboard is 5 years old.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:16 PM
PC.... It has everything(From emulators to anime to porn to everything else). The only time I buy consoles are for fighting games and RPG games.... Which I have a PS3 for ready for the crapload of fighting games coming out this year. Still waiting on some PS3 exclusive RPGs that ISN'T FF though.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:51 PM
Err... so this thread is for rich guys only? I still only have a ps2 from way back when but i download games every now and then
If i could buy one of the new ones it would probably be the ps3 just because of FFXIII
Sat, 05-31-2008, 08:25 PM
At first I wanted to list only the latest-gen consoles, but right after I posted it, I realised I should have put in an "Other" option at the very least. I can't change the poll now though. :(
Archie, I didn't mean to make it exclusive to rich people. Only console I have is my Playstation bought in 1997, and I still jump on it for some Streetfigher once in a while.
One thing that popped into my mind when I was writing that though, is when games on PC will start using Blu-Ray format. Obviously when Blu-ray becomes more of a norm for PCs, but that won't be happening anytime soon unless you push for it with products.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 08:41 PM
I don't think PCs will ever bother with Blu-Ray. In fact, I consider it a superior-but-soon-to-be-dead format as it stands today. Much like Laserdisks, but slightly more affordable. They have a rather large advantage for the consoles, being able to keep huge amounts of data without installing anything (most of the time anyway...)
But digital distribution will take the forefront, not just with games, but with movies and television as well. With publishing platforms like Gametap, Steam, and EA's individual efforts, physical media for games will likely be a thing of the past. The three are hugely successful, and large amounts of data are transferred directly to the overabundance of hard drive space that comes incredibly cheap these days (1 TB for around $200).
Digital distribution eliminates loading times associated with optical media, and compression methods have been better than ever (take note at the xbox 360's efforts with Live Arcade and Xbox Originals for that). You can experience it for yourself by taking an ISO of a game and loading it into a drive emulator like Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%. Blu-Ray has slower read times than DVD9 already, it's likely the market will skip directly to localized files like Steam users already do.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 09:26 PM
I voted Pc because its definitely my favorite and I love RTS games. That being said I haven't played a PC game in years. Constantly upgrading just to be able to play new games is not only expensive but its time consuming. It used to be easy enough to do when I was at home and either my father or my cousin used to provide me with parts free of charge but no more.
So while Pc is definitely my favorite I never ever play on it not even to run one of the many emulators I have. Its actually makes me sad now that I think about it. The majority of my play time what little there seems to be lately is spent on my 360. I can't say exactly what it is but the 360 is just charming and its the perfect system for me. After that it'll be my Wii and then my PS2. Heck I even play my good old gamecube with my mom sometimes. I don't know about PS3 something about it just turns me off so I didn't buy one and I haven't been interested in the PS3 exclusives that have come out thus far, not into FF or MGS
Plus, there's no Team Fortress on consoles.
Never heard of The Orange Box?
Sat, 05-31-2008, 09:29 PM
PC, everything I want to play/watch is only just a click away.
And beside, I lost all interest in consoles after the N64/PS1 generation. The only game I wanted to play on console after that, was Twilight Princess(I love the Zelda series), which is way I bought a Wii, but now it's collecting dust on my shelve.
But that doesn't include Handheld, I like my DS+R4 combo, but there's no good games recently...(None for me at least)
Sat, 05-31-2008, 09:57 PM
PC. But I recently got a PS2 and then an Xbox360, so I'm playing games on those now. But PC is still champ for upgradability and variety.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:22 AM
I dont have a ps3 just yet, but i do have everything else and even though my playtime between consoles is pretty much equally divided, and pc being the least played on, I do enjoy playin on pc the most.
For online play i would say x360 though.
Board of Command
Sun, 06-01-2008, 01:01 AM
Never heard of The Orange Box?
I didn't know it existed for consoles until now. I don't think anyone plays it on consoles.
I don't have Orange Box. I have Black Box.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 02:20 AM
I don't have Orange Box. I have Black Box.
You got it by buying a Graphic Card? Because otherwise, you can't have the package called "Black Box", it was abandoned in favour of the Orange Box before the release but was left for a while with some Graphic Cards from ATI. Though it's basically the same thing, except if I remember correctly, the Black Box only contained Half life 2 Episode 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal.
I heard the console version was shit compared to the PC version though. (Like slow online mode and stuff like that)
Sun, 06-01-2008, 05:58 AM
Btw I just bought the Half-Life episode pack yesterday for 20€, since I love the Half-Life story very much (it's one of the best in my opinion).... did they change the graphic or something? It looks fucking awesome even on my 2 year old PC, if I move the camera very fast, it has blur effects and everything and I'm just playing @ 1024/800.... I don't know why Crysis doesn't work on my PC (only on very low graphics... and not even good) if this game works without any lags.
It makes me somehow angry that there are so many PC games, which simply don't look "that" much better, but require a PC twice as good as mine.
I never understood why they improve the graphics so extremely unnecessary, if it stay at the level of CoD4 everything is fine... but just yesterday I heard of Far Cry2.... and they did the most stupid thing I've ever heard... If you shoot at a tree or rip of some plants, they will grow again very slowy... (the same goes for grass etc)
so I question myself... why? who does sit next to a tree for like 500 days and watch it growing? And I'm sure it will eat a lot of ressources, because the processor will have to do a lot of math just because of this "stupid" feature.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 06:35 AM
Btw I just bought the Half-Life episode pack yesterday for 20€, since I love the Half-Life story very much (it's one of the best in my opinion).... did they change the graphic or something?
The engine valve use is ever changing, but with each episodes/games released, the change is even more obvious.
(And yes, the Half Life story is very good.)
It makes me somehow angry that there are so many PC games, which simply don't look "that" much better, but require a PC twice as good as mine.
Couldn't agree more.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 09:11 AM
You got it by buying a Graphic Card? Because otherwise, you can't have the package called "Black Box", it was abandoned in favour of the Orange Box before the release but was left for a while with some Graphic Cards from ATI. Though it's basically the same thing, except if I remember correctly, the Black Box only contained Half life 2 Episode 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal.
I heard the console version was shit compared to the PC version though. (Like slow online mode and stuff like that)
BoC works/worked for ATI/AMD, so it'd be no surprise if he had the Black Box.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 10:48 AM
PC. But I recently got a PS2 and then an Xbox360, so I'm playing games on those now. But PC is still champ for upgradability and variety.
Yeah, thats pretty much the truth right there. You can get so much more out of your PC which can easily match the PS3 and the 360 in terms of graphics. And while I'm not a hugeeee fan of FPS's since there's so many out there, I prefer to play them on the PC because of the keyboard and mouse. I don't really have a "preference", its just that the PC has alot more to offer than the consoles. I have the Wii, PS3, DS, and PSP and I'm quite happy with all of them.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 11:00 AM
I only play games on PC. I'm not a hardcore enough gamer to justify buying a game console and new games every once in a while. Plus, there's no Team Fortress on consoles.
On the contrary, I think people who play games on PC tend to be more hardcore.
Casualfags usually prefer consoles.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 11:11 AM
Hmmm that was the case before the consoles had internet access. I wouldn't be too sure about that now.
Board of Command
Sun, 06-01-2008, 11:39 AM
You got it by buying a Graphic Card? Because otherwise, you can't have the package called "Black Box", it was abandoned in favour of the Orange Box before the release but was left for a while with some Graphic Cards from ATI. Though it's basically the same thing, except if I remember correctly, the Black Box only contained Half life 2 Episode 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal.
I heard the console version was shit compared to the PC version though. (Like slow online mode and stuff like that)
I "took it" out of a video card box.
I haven't used it though. I bought Team Fortress 2 separately, and got the Black Box later. I don't know what I'm going to do with it.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:36 PM
Err... so this thread is for rich guys only? I still only have a ps2 from way back when but i download games every now and then
If i could buy one of the new ones it would probably be the ps3 just because of FFXIII
Stop doing drugs then you can use that money to buy one. =)
Sun, 06-01-2008, 02:17 PM
I would go with PC if my PC didn't suck testis... I mean, it can't even play Source. D:
So XBOX360.
Fri, 06-06-2008, 09:43 PM
Anyone know of a game on PS3 that's 4 players or more? I've read that it supports up to 7 simultaneous controllers, but really, 4's about as much as you can split your screen, no matter how HD you go.
Fri, 06-06-2008, 10:47 PM
Anyone know of a game on PS3 that's 4 players or more? I've read that it supports up to 7 simultaneous controllers, but really, 4's about as much as you can split your screen, no matter how HD you go.
I want to say maybe some sports games. Those don't require split screens.
Tue, 06-10-2008, 07:11 AM
I'm split. I don't actually own a PS3 (yet), but I like that the best out of every option listed. Second favorite would have to be PC ('cause of Warcraft and awesome FPS like Half-Life and Source, not to mention if you keep up on it, it tends to look a whole shitload better than half of the current console games) and thirdly is my trusty old PSP. I love that little thing. Heh, I do half of my GW posting on it; the only bad thing is is that I haven't bought any games for it since Rainbow Six Vegas (which I've beaten multiple times over now, on every difficulty, plus all extra content). I did have MGS: Portable Ops and I loved it, but some damned fool had to smash the UMD. I miss my awesome online multiplayer.
The big thing I'm waiting for is MGS4. I've been a Kojima-fan ever since MGS for the Playstation, and goddamnit, I can't wait to pick the story back up. It'll be interesting to see what Snake's up to, and what hype is true.
Tue, 06-10-2008, 07:52 AM
You can always downgrade your PSP then put a custom firmware on it and play downloaded iso's on your PSP to your heart's content.
I love my PSP too, I can play almost every PSX game imaginable, and it's able to emulate a lot of stuff (SNES, GBC, GBA, NeoGeo, MAME, and N64 to a lesser extent)
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