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View Full Version : Stereotypes

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:12 PM
Do you believe in them, are you one of them or do you consider them to be both false and ridiculous?

I think they exist for a reason. Of course there are exceptions but i do believe them to be true although i don't relate to any of them personally or at least i don't think i do.

What about you?

Feel free to vote in more than one option.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:18 PM
~AA's spelling has gotten better lol

I'm a Feak (see above)

You spoke too soon Sapph

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:22 PM
An honest mistake... If only we could all be as perfect as you buffalo...

Is there a way i can fix it myself or do i have to ask a mod to do it?

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:26 PM
And you talk about me jumping on your posts... how 'bout when you jump on others'? Give it a rest. For the topic: I'm a nerd. I've accepted this awhile back.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:29 PM
There's nothing wrong with being a nerd if you're happy with your life as it is.

As for jumping, bufallo is just making rude and snappy remarks on an honest mistake, plus his 666 post count is freaking me out a little bit.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:29 PM
What's the difference between geek, nerd and dork again..?

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:32 PM
I think that a geek is someone that is smart while not having many friends and a nerd is someone that plays alot of videogames and doesn't necessarily have to be smart. A dork is a mixture of both those stereotypes i guess.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:34 PM
My feelings on the issue coincide with those of Ryan North (http://www.qwantz.com/archive/000407.html). I think a lot of stereotypes, like good jokes, are rooted in some truth, but obviously can't be held as fact.

And a dork has always seemed to me like someone who's really goofy and embarrassing, but also somewhat charming. Maybe I'm just thinking too optimistically.

Edit: I fixed the spelling mistake for you.
Edit2: I voted "other" for "dork"

Board of Command
Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:35 PM
I'll have to vote geek.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 11:03 PM
As for jumping, bufallo is just making rude and snappy remarks on an honest mistake, plus his 666 post count is freaking me out a little bit.

Rude & snappy? Sorry if I jumped on your nerve there Archie. Thought I'd play a little. Guess Rockmanj's words had some truth. (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=376254&postcount=151)

I voted for other, but if I find a way to add another vote, I guess I'll also click nerd. I'm not too fad on games, but I'm hooked on my anime.


Don't let it deter you, keep posting. Be true to yourself! Don't change for anyone! (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=373156&postcount=60)

As for jumping, buffalo is just making rude an... :) No hard feelings Archie.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 04:26 AM
I can't consider myself a Nerd nor a Geek.
So I will go with Other for No-Life/Anime fan/Fanboy(Nintendo).

Sat, 04-12-2008, 08:13 AM
I'm not any of those. I somehow love anime and am fairly intelligent while having a large group of friends from all over. Funny how that works.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 09:11 AM
I am all and i am none... i go to the gym and lift weights, i like star trek, i love playing games. I like cheetos.i watch football weekly with a couple of friends.i like science while i am a very religious person... i could go on.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 12:36 PM
I'm not any of those. I somehow love anime and am fairly intelligent while having a large group of friends from all over. Funny how that works.

that pretty much sums me up too

Sat, 04-12-2008, 01:41 PM
I'm a geek but I've been trying to fight that most of my life. I don't want to be a cool guy or a jock either though, just normal.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 03:05 PM
I am all and i am none... i go to the gym and lift weights, i like star trek, i love playing games. I like cheetos.i watch football weekly with a couple of friends.i like science while i am a very religious person... i could go on.
So how many personalities have you counted? XD

Why do you fight being a geek, Ani? There's absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Tue, 04-15-2008, 10:59 AM
I'm a geek but I've been trying to fight that most of my life. I don't want to be a cool guy or a jock either though, just normal.

Well if you're fighting it do it for yourself. There's nothing wrong with a litle self-improvement but changing who you are for the sake of others just sounds idiotic to me.

Tue, 04-15-2008, 01:30 PM
Well if you're fighting it do it for yourself. There's nothing wrong with a litle self-improvement but changing who you are for the sake of others just sounds idiotic to me.

I don't know.....it can work out for the better sometimes. Think Beauty and the Beast

Tue, 04-15-2008, 02:55 PM
Well real life is far from a fairytale but i see what you mean.

Still, you would have to think that the beast wouldn't have changed if he was happy with who he was. Beauty just came along and gave him a little push in the right direction.

Tue, 04-15-2008, 03:12 PM
Well how could he be happy with himself, being a beast and all? He can only get so much companionship from the animated inanimate objects in his castle. If he wants to meet people and make connections, he needs to conform a bit, or find some other half-beast/half-people to hang out with. Same with people. If you're a geek/nerd, the chances you will be able to score with hot chicks is relatively slim. Doesn't mean you have to change everything about yourself, and it definitely doesn't mean you're changing for someone else.

Tue, 04-15-2008, 03:36 PM
I think you guys are splitting hairs. Basically anyone can agree that if you're a disgusting shut-in then you need to change.

Tue, 04-15-2008, 04:27 PM
I'm not a disgusting shut-in.

I am relatively (book)smart, have a large friend-base, I love videogaming, I loathe going outside and manual labor, but love playing and watching sports. I know, it's an amalgamy, but if I had to characterize myslef, it would be nerd. As I said before.

Death BOO Z
Thu, 04-17-2008, 11:28 AM
I don't have a perssonality, I'm a chameleon, I adapt my behavior and history according to whoever I'm talking to.

I never knew there was a diffrence between a geek and a nerd, though, speaking of which, if you post in online forums, you belong to that group.

Thu, 04-17-2008, 11:35 AM
I'm something of a chameleon too. I call it being a middle man. But I do have my firm beliefs that I won't change, but I don't always present either. People just aren't ready to hear the truth.

I think it goes geek > nerd > dork, with social acceptance and aptitude declining as you move right.