View Full Version : Gundam 00 Episode 25
Sun, 03-30-2008, 04:18 AM
Gundam 00 - 25 Nyoro~n Fansubs ( 20-%2025%20(FINAL).mkv.torrent)
Sun, 03-30-2008, 04:41 AM
Dam you beat me too it.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 05:19 AM
man im not sure if its a good or bad thing this is so open ended might have to blame CG for this, might be a trend.
in any case anybody know if this will be wraped up in an OAV or are we just gonna have to sit back and wait for season 2?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 06:23 AM
All I can say about this "ending" is what the hell was that. Seriously I don't even know where to begin to comment and I need a better sub before I try.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 07:00 AM
Patrick is alive!!!!
ok episode in my opinion (the end was the best part, since the last boss felt contrived and the GN Flag was very underwhelming. Well maybe Graham will get a GN Flag 00 or something)
And yea, we'll probably have to wait for season two to find the reason for the NAME of the show!
EDIT: now for half a year of Geass! then half a year of Gundam?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 07:44 AM
Off topic, yes but..
Code Geass..
Someone please give me a quick summary to tell if it's worth downloading/watching?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 09:49 AM
Best to go to this topic then Code Geass (
Back on topic: I think it was a good episode. The big golden Mobile Armor was just lame. Even with fighting. And afterwards it was so predictable. Exia defeats Mobile Armor and a Mobile Suit pops out of it. That was just downright lame.
Graham fight was alright. The GN Flag looked alot better then those GN-X suits. Hallehjuah fight was cool. But why do characters with split personality always get their hair up when they become one?
Can't wait till the next season. So far Patrick is alive. Ali is pissed/alcoholic because he doesnt have a job anymore. Graham is the new Neo in the next season. Tiera and Louise...I think she is just with him to get her hand or something.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 12:08 PM
Why do we automatically assume Ali is an alcoholic? can't the man enjoy a drink?
the Tiera and Louise thing is actually very puzzling. i think it has to do with her family. and... what did they do with the two extra furnaces they have? (actually they have three more if you count the fake one)... GN-000, GN-0000? a new ship? could be interesting.
one thing about the ending. the fact that the series is named after a bot that appears in the last ep denotes at least little bit of foresight that was absent from GSD.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 12:22 PM
if you consider that Tieria is the one with the most direct link to Veda (even though, after Aolia's death, i think Veda is deadzo), you could infer that Louise has joined the new Celestial Being...
and seriously... was anyone not expecting Graham to be the awesome masked guy of this Gundam series?
now, we are not surprised that Ali is alive, but Patrick!? wtf?
and here we've got Livonze, the key villain everyone thought he was, with a whole posse of... shrouded in shadow faced dudes... presumably all like him/Tieria... which could result in a posse of seriously dangerous computer/human hybrid opponents...
and again, no surprise that Saji's in space now... i'm curious as hell to see what the new Celestial Being looks like as far as mobile suits and members...
all in all, exactly the knock-down, drag-out brawl and build up to cliffhanger i was expecting for the finale... even down to the elapsed time scenario for everything...
and btw, not just Code Geass next week... Macross Frontier's starting up as well.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 01:30 PM
Damn! I really had it in my mind that the opponents could be similar to Tiera! In the second serie we'll problaby see major cleansing of "inferior"-beings. That might be fun to watch if they do add a heavy weight on the political..stuff.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 03:40 PM
They still have all 4 Solar Furnaces. None of those got destroyed. And I am wandering on what side Nena is on. I mean..Veda is still in use considering the fact that Nena hacked into it and was watching them talking and showing the new Gundams. So I'd say it's still functionel.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 04:06 PM
this is only true if Nena isn't part of the neo-CB or allied with the chinese girl... then they could just be sending her a video-feed
edit: after rewatching the scene, i hadn't realized she had the eyes... so yea she was accessing Veda... but i really doubt she's acting on her own tho.
I also wanted to say... it seems that the "shot of the face/cockpit exploding" rule doesn't work anymore... with this, we have to wait until we see people watching a completely mangled and distorted dead body before anyone can be pronounced dead!
Sun, 03-30-2008, 07:07 PM
Noooo scary water is down ;_;
And i wanted to watch this before i went to sleep. So this is the last episode? Or will there be an sequel on this one after Code Geass?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 07:59 PM
This is the Season One finale. Season Two, which will also be 25 episodes, will air in fall, presumably in October, like this one did.
and really... it looks to me like this first 25 episodes was written solely to fully establish things for the next 25.
and in the interim, we can all sit back and enjoy Code Geass season 2 and Macross Frontier...
Sun, 03-30-2008, 08:50 PM
For a bit of random information on who actually survived caution spoilers ahead.
A random note being none of the pilots were shown from the first series in the flash forward that wasn't Tieria standing with Louise either. Apparently according to the credits its a completely different character voiced by the same person who does Hitsugaya's voice in Bleach. So basically its also likely a actual woman this time.
Also purely on speculation it seems that Setsuna has a future as a AI to Gundam 00 based on his speech in the end and him being killed off thats the only thing I can think of that would warrant his death because his true goal was always to be exactly that a Gundam.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 09:04 PM
That would certainly be an interesting take. As for my two cents, I felt the Graham/Sestuna fight was a bit contrived. The episode set things up nicely, i suppose, but it didn't feel as good as the previous ones.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 09:29 PM
That would certainly be an interesting take. As for my two cents, I felt the Graham/Sestuna fight was a bit contrived. The episode set things up nicely, i suppose, but it didn't feel as good as the previous ones.
Honesty this whole episode was so rushed it was hard to enjoy. Graham/Sestuna was the epitome of completely pathetic seriously Graham goes out of his way to wait for his flag to be upgraded basically writing himself out of the last 1/3rd of the series. Then he comes in with a Epyon clone and fights to a draw with Setsuna after he had already used transam and been in major battles back to back at that point. He had every single advantage and still barely got a draw from one Gundam thats just pathetic after all the hype he built up over the season.
Plus don't even get me started on the possibility of a worthless character like Patrick being alive after we clearly watched him be killed.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 09:48 PM
Yea, Patrick...that was weak. I swear if everyone that died comes back, then I'll equate this show with GSD...not a good thing.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 11:38 PM
They just wanted a reason to give Patrick a mask.
Mon, 03-31-2008, 03:53 PM
Dude...Patrick was shown saluting along with Katie or w/e her name is. He did not have a mask. The one with the mask is most likely Graham.
Mon, 03-31-2008, 06:28 PM
Graham, will be back. And thats what matters.
Mon, 03-31-2008, 08:53 PM
Dude...Patrick was shown saluting along with Katie or w/e her name is. He did not have a mask. The one with the mask is most likely Graham.
Whoops. Got confused with names.
Tue, 04-01-2008, 07:33 AM
Awesome series. Never thought I'd be sad for it to end. Thought I would be ecstatic now that CG's returning to us, which I still am; but still, great effing series.
Wonder how season 2 will turn out.:rolleyes:
Tue, 04-01-2008, 12:18 PM
It looked like a decent ending to me. People died. Although the preview was a somewhat sad by showing some of the dead are a bit too lively for their own good, after all. Still, I'm very happy Ali is not dead. He can't be too happy in a world with no wars but we all know the next war is just around the corner so nothing's lost yet.
Tue, 04-01-2008, 12:50 PM
Gundam 00 - 25 - [Shinsen] (
Tue, 04-01-2008, 04:34 PM
I'm not that sure Setsuna's dead... if he is though, your theory makes sense. maybe it'll be a pilotless Gundam (like those... things in FMP)...
Tue, 04-01-2008, 05:05 PM
I also feel the news of his death has been greatly exaggerated. For one, Setsuna always struck me as the main character of this show. And stories where the main character dies in the middle are somewhat rare (though not nonexistent). The fact this one had a whole cadre of central characters does make it more plausible to kill even the one right in the middle, but when we are talking about anime and not French novels from the 19th century I can't avoid the feeling it's wise to reserve some leeway.
Besides, if Setsuna is not there, who is Ali going to have his final clash with? Those two are the ones with history and it still remains to be resolved which one of them was right (that is, the last man standing). And in a sense it would be a beautiful end for Ali - who no doubt wants to die fighting - if he was killed by a man he trained himself.
Tue, 04-01-2008, 05:18 PM
I really enjoyed it.
Neither Soma nor Sergei died. That alone made my day. I was expecting one of them to go, especially after Al/Hal started working together, and they came up with a reasonable explanation for what each part had been doing all this time. Looking back, it had stayed consistent. One was brutal but occasionally got in too deep, and one was thinking too much to be any good.
Sure, Setsuna's fight was a little lame, but Lasse (who's name I finally learned) got to be really cool before he died, and show off his own combat capabilities.
The best part was how much mystery was still left over, even before the epilogue. Why is Soma "Marie" and where exactly does Al/Hal know her from? All hostile forces were leaving (Soma and Sergei), neutralized, or destroyed. Yet even with Sumeragi and Felt nearby in one of the ships, Setsuna was sure he was going to die, and Tieria even ejected his core. wtf?
The Epilogue:
Tons of good stuff here to speculate about for months. Some has been said, some not.
- I thought it was pretty clear Nena was working for Liu-Mei now. They had a conversation, "Mistress" from Nena, during the scene where Shirin with much longer hair was leaving Marina. I doubt that CB would allow any kind of spying in their facilities, so it Nena was probably receiving a feed from Liu-Mei. She also had the same unique model of space suit that Liu-Mei was wearing (large princess shoulders, glowing shiny lines everywhere).
- No sign of Soma. That made me sad.
- Louise and Tieria together. Louise looked a bit like a nun...but moreover. Tieria was a girl now! If you listen just carefully enough, you hear the little smirk out of Tieria. Only this time it was clearly not the actor playing Tieria all season, but definitely a female voice actress.
- Libbons little crew will obviously be the evil Meistars for next season.
- Saji is going where exactly? It looked less like a colony, and more like a large spacecraft. Perhaps going to Jupiter? [Only speculation at this point, but the mystery behind the original solar furnaces is far from over.]
EDIT: heh. I can finally check randomc's ( anime blog (been avoiding the gundam post for days), and I see they came to many of the same conclusions I did.
Tue, 04-01-2008, 05:50 PM
Since they mentioned they also hinted they had Exia's GN drive I would wager that he came back alive. Allelujah I'm not so sure about, but we don't know who Marie was yet so he might have managed to survive somehow too.
I remember saying Patrick and I guess I was right. When his suit was hit only the upper half was destroyed. The cockpit of the GN-X sits fairly low on the chest and it was clearly intact when we see the remains float away.
Someone had to be piloting the new Original GN Drive bearing Gundam Saji saw and I suspect it would have been one of the original pilots (Setsuna or Allelujah), or possibly Felt.
The Tieria look alike is also a Shirin look alike and the laugh sounded like her so hopefully he'll stay dead and we won't have to choke down a Tieria clone factory plot line.
the biggest mystery though is will OO Gundam be better than the Wing 0 it is doomed to be a clone of? Or might it actually surpass the godhood that is Strike Freedom.
Tue, 04-01-2008, 09:41 PM
The Tieria look alike is also a Shirin look alike and the laugh sounded like her so hopefully he'll stay dead and we won't have to choke down a Tieria clone factory plot line.
It wasn't Shirin. Her hair had grown to waist length, was still brown, and she was presumably leaving Marina the same time Tieria-chan was with Louise.
Tieria has had an identity crisis all season long. The way he addressed himself and the whole Nadleeh mythology tied it all together. Starting with "ore" (the manliest) and slipping into "boku" later in the season and when Nadleeh first came out, he used "watashi" once. It's possible that in four years time, Tieria has embraced that other part of himself/herself and gone into hiding. Somehow meeting with Louise, how, we'll have to wait and find out.
Wed, 04-02-2008, 03:58 AM
Tieria also has little curls now, which reminds me of Sumeragi. Maybe he'll be taking the tactician role next season? I really don't think this could have ended any other way. Personally, I loved Hallelujah's combo attack the best. It looks like he dies this season, but with all these dead people around the place, who knows. I know I'll be happy if he's back. I'm gonna bet that 0 Gundam was the one that saved Setsuna in ep1. The stage is set up nicely for season 2. First we had a divided world in conflict, then we have a united Earth under the Livonze Empire. Only a matter of time before what I think will be a Empire vs Republic/Separists war. Can't think of any more to say right now. Patiently counting down to October.
Wed, 04-02-2008, 01:24 PM
I don't know, I'm sure they have dye and scissors in the future.
The similarity between those two has always made me suspicious and something as simple as a haircut doesn't do much to ease my suspicions. Most of the characters in the show look different enough from one another that I don't feel comfortable blaming the similarities between Shirin and Tieria on lazy character designers. Plus, they had similar personalties in terms of their pragmatism and their condescending and arrogant demeanor towards their more idealism driven foils. The Setsuna/Tieria dynamic was somewhat similar to the Maria/Shirin dynamic, though Tieria was wrapped up so tightly with Lockon, being a Meister, and his own personal issues that it wasn't always obvious. I would find it fitting that there be some sort of Tieria/Shirin relationship that somehow reflects the Setsuna/Maria relationship.
And something that seems to have been swept totally under the rugare the Observers. Where the heck did they go? I would think they would have had something to say when the GN-X's came out, but we didn't hear a peep from them after the recap ep. Hopefully they'll make an appearance of some sort in Season 2 otherwise I'll have to light another candle on the alter to Sunrise's missed plot opportunities.
Wed, 04-02-2008, 03:55 PM
I will concede that it might not be Tieria-turned-girl (the cyborg angle he always had can lead to clone situations), but I guarantee that it is NOT Shirin.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 12:11 AM
You're not writing the show so why are you so willing to guarantee something that's within the realm of possiblity won't happen? I mean, Mwu La Flagaa came back from the dead. How can you guarantee anything won't happen? And look at it this way, Shirin had next to no importance to the plot in the first half of the season and no importance in the second half, yet despite this she was shown in the final montage. I think it's quite possible she was a lot more than she seemed.
While there currently is no compelling evidence to believe Shirin cut her hair and started smiling creepily around one handed co-eds she does look a lot like the person seen with Louise and what evidence do we have that she isn't that person? All we've got to go on at this point is a montage.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 04:27 AM
Because we saw Shirin during the same time period in a completely different location and under completely different cirumstances. Moreover, it is implied that Tieria has turned into a girl, who's masculinity/femininity issues have been hinted at all season long.
It's a special case of Occam's Razor. Sure, it could be Shirin, who somehow dyes her hair and cuts it for no reason after it grew to such length over the four years, or it could be the far more logical and simple conclusion that Tieria (who has known gender issues for 25 episodes) is now in hiding as a girl. The fact that Tieria would become is a girl would be more complicated, but since they've been playing with the idea all season, it becomes the simplest one.
To what purpose would they show Shirin with incredibly long hair, only to have her cut it and dye it into Tieria-purple? That's overly complicated.
I think the issue is you are taking the fact that Tieria-chan (for lack of an actual name) wears glasses, Shirin wears glasses, they both have lazy Sunrise-animator narrow eyes, and just running with it to the most complicated solution.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 07:12 AM
I thought Tieria's haircut was more Lockon-esque than like Sumeragi. I thought it was some kinda homage to him or something.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 08:52 AM
I don't have any issue with your idea and I agree that it makes sense, however I certainly don't trust Sunrise to choose the path that makes the most sense (look at the outcomes of Nena+Gundam vs Ali+Pistol, 30 Gundams vs 4 Gundams, and 900 MS's vs 4 Gundams) so I disagree with your flat denial of the possibility that you're wrong based on reading between the lines and applying logic.
Anyway, my primary motivation is that I don't like the idea that Shirin was just a throw away tertiary character. If she just walks out of the story and that' the end of her then there was no real point in having her in the show at all. However if she somehow ties in with Tieria and his gender issues then her character has a place in the main story and thus more room to grow.
And I never said I thought the Tieria looking person with Louise had to be Shirin, only that said person and Shirin could have some sort of connection which gives Shirin a purpose.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 03:44 PM
Who said Shirin was a throwaway character? She had one purpose in Azadistan. Making Marina more than a simple figurehead leader. Muslim nations do not exactly have great reputation for their women's rights (except Pakistan, one example being the late Benazir Bhutto) especially in the areas where Azadistan is supposed to be. Marina started the series coming off as more of a concession given all the strife the region had.
However, Shirin proved time and again early in the series that she was a very shrewd and capable woman in politics, even if she lacked the position to truly use her intellect and insight.
I took her leaving Marina and changed appearance proves she has a significant chance of being a major player in the second half of the series. Why would the creators bother with the appearance. This isn't Kiddy Grade, where people change appearance (entire bodies) like they change clothes.
I viewed that scene as Shirin deciding her work in Azadistan was done, and now, particularly in a new worldwide government, a person of her caliber can now do quite a great deal. It's not just three large countries with everyone else trapped between anymore.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 05:58 PM
She's only a throw away character if season 2 rolls around and she's not there at all. I see little value in her presence and actions in the story looking back on just season 1. My concern is that if Marina is not meant to have a bigger part in the future and Shirin also doesn't get any bigger part then her legacy would have been to have given support a low tier secondary character which, in my opinion, is a waste of potential.
If she becomes a politician or something on the world stage I think it would be great, because it would at least put her at secondary character status. But if she turned out to be involved with CB or even Ribbons's faction it would serve make her even more important to the story, since those factions are likely going to have fewer characters attached to them. The more Shirin there is the better.
Fri, 04-04-2008, 02:49 AM
But if she turned out to be involved with CB or even Ribbons's faction it would serve make her even more important to the story, since those factions are likely going to have fewer characters attached to them. The more Shirin there is the better.
I'm not sure Ribbons really had a faction of his own until lately. Though he no doubt had the plans but did he have already people working under him? Especially in so far-fetched places as in the government of some third world country? In general I think Ribbons is the kind of dude who would have only a core team of trusted people. In my opinion he's not charismatic enough to lead masses as such, unlike even Corner would have been.
Fri, 04-04-2008, 08:04 AM
So, what you mean is that it's another guy leading over him?
Fri, 04-04-2008, 09:56 AM
No, I mean he would be ruling from the shadows through a select number of puppets, who might be more pleasing to the greater audience than the robotic dude himself.
This is of course only my impression of him.
Fri, 04-04-2008, 10:34 AM
I still have it in my guts that the new group wants more than to dominate the universe. Inferior being harvesting! I'm going to stick to that theory until I am utterly proved wrong.
And actually, I am quite curios who was piloting the Original Gundam.
Fri, 04-04-2008, 05:44 PM
I'm predicting a plot like " The bad guy dies. "
Sat, 04-12-2008, 03:37 PM
Could someone please tell me wut was the point of upgrading a flag with fake GN drives if its functionalty became that bad that it couldn't even beat exia after the use of trans-am? Not to mention exia was in a fight before the trans-am too. Damn Graham lost a lot of cool points there. He doesn't show for a while and then at the end of eps he gets beat down by weak exia.
Sat, 04-12-2008, 04:00 PM
Nothing more, nothing less. Graham was so settled into the idea that the Flag, and subsequently the Overflag, and then the GN Flag was superior, that he would not settle until he had beaten a Gundam with it and then proven that it was great.
But you are right, in the end, the piece of shit GN Flag was worse than the Overflag. Graham couldn't beat Setsuna in Exia's depleted state. They "tied" and though it looks like neither pilot actually died, the entire purpose was for Graham to stroke his own ego.
Mon, 04-14-2008, 12:10 AM
Menclave Gundam 00 Episode 25 ( rent)
Wed, 04-16-2008, 10:29 PM
after going through the first season, for some reason I get the same urge to watch it as I did with gundam wing. Great first season.
Thu, 04-17-2008, 12:53 AM
it's a decent first season, but the whole thing languishes at certain moments, only to rush at the end clumsily. it's all very good ideas, but the execution still isn't consistent...
I think they'd have been better off making all they packed into these 25 episodes into a full 50 episode series. then you can have your Zeta Gundam drawing off of it later... lots of things I thought they could have spent an entire episode on (Al / Hal combining, Licht, Lasse) they just sorta throw at you all in one second... I don't like the fact that any of the four supposed main characters are more or less dead, going into Part 2. Well, I guess Lockon was fine with me, but it all still feels too rushed.
Honestly, my overall mood on this series as a whole at this half-way point is undecided, underwhelmed confusion as to whether this is actually good or not. It's certainly got its moments, but...
Graham rushing in there was lame as hell. Love. Lol. I thought the most touching moment was when Soma came to help Sergei... I really wish they showed people dying for sure in this show more... All this speculation is annoying. There's certainly lots of potential, and hopefully Livonze and his cutie computies will get some good evil stuff rolling along with Wan Mei Ling. All the characters I really care about are back anyway, (well, except for Hal...), so maybe it can still be good.
I think they're trying to do too much though... especially with these poorly coordinated part 1 and part 2s... And I don't blame Code Geass, I blame Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny
Thu, 04-17-2008, 05:27 PM
that was a mask? i though it was just burnt flesh...
Sun, 04-20-2008, 10:37 AM
I think they're trying to do too much though... especially with these poorly coordinated part 1 and part 2s... And I don't blame Code Geass, I blame Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny
I feel also this huge weight about that to. For me, they've been focusing more on realistic themes, like the Jupiter exploits, the meaning of certains name but what they have done is an empty serie. Lot's of things happen but they really did miss one thing..
Something like...this serie doesn't really mean anything.
For example, Lockon's death. The script of the episode were very good but actually, it was just another character that did die but it was showed more "meaningfull".
I don't mind eye candy watching as long as it...uuh.. feels?
Fri, 05-09-2008, 11:59 PM
seeing as how this episode was the last.
was there any mention anywere if they were gonna do a second part to this series, i really enjoyed it.
Sat, 05-10-2008, 02:17 AM
seeing as how this episode was the last.
was there any mention anywere if they were gonna do a second part to this series, i really enjoyed it.
The second half of this series will air around September/October this year.
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