View Full Version : Japanese ISPs to ban file sharers?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 12:03 AM
What does this mean for uploads and distribution of RAWs?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 12:24 AM
What the hell, I don't watch that many animes but my mangas, movies and all that other good Japanese stuff what would I do. They can't possibly be serious. Wow I would have never thought that a country like Japan only has four ISPs, hell the tiny little island I was born on has 3.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 12:25 AM
I saw this news on TV a few days ago. This is going to hit hard, particularly on the P2P users, in Japan or otherwise.
But, are raws illegal to begin with? The episodes were broadcasted over TV, and as long as the distributors are not getting any profit from the shows, I'm not sure if they are really violating Japanese copyright laws.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 12:26 AM
Well I know some scanlation groups get their Raws from China and California. Might be a big deal for non-mainstream manga though...I guess....
Sat, 03-22-2008, 02:32 AM
File sharers...
I understand they can control bitorrent or edonkey or any open P2P protocol.
But then encrypted ones are coming. Of course their behaviour patterns can always be tracked, but I wonder if you can block someone based on this.
And then it's always possible to send files to servers via single upload.
if it's encrypted... they can only rely on quantity of data... but then it' very unlikely they can do anything about it.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 02:47 AM
I saw this news on TV a few days ago. This is going to hit hard, particularly on the P2P users, in Japan or otherwise.I can't dl media where I live and work, so last time I was in Japan, I dl'd several GB of J-dramas at the hotels I stayed at that had highspeed. I guess those days are over :o .
But, are raws illegal to begin with? The episodes were broadcasted over TV, and as long as the distributors are not getting any profit from the shows, I'm not sure if they are really violating Japanese copyright laws.Good point, but just with like sporting events broadcast on TV, they probably have the disclaimer that the footage is not allowed to be reproduced or rebroadcast without the express written consent of the owner. At least that's how they stifle us in the states.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:28 AM
But, are raws illegal to begin with? The episodes were broadcasted over TV, and as long as the distributors are not getting any profit from the shows, I'm not sure if they are really violating Japanese copyright laws.
The media is copyrighted to the copyright holder. They can do what they want with it, so if the TV station holds it and wants to broadcast it, they can. We're allowed to watch it, but it's actually illegal to record any of it. That's right. The practice of setting the VCR to record a program while you watch something else is a violation of the law. But no one bothers arresting you for it, that's all.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:03 AM
I've already seen in the ANN news a few times that anime uploaders are going to jail for uploading a few episodes of Sailor Moon and what not. And I'm sure all those pro dub activists would cry at joy at this news while shoving a 10 episode "Gurinn Login" DVD in our faces for the low price of $24.99.
But assuming this new protocol thing is -effective-, what does that mean for those of us who don't want to wait 2+ years to buy anime that might never be licensed? It will be a sad, sad day for US anime torrenters if these new lawls, I mean laws work more than we hope.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:33 AM
People will find a way around this sort of restriction. The only hurdle to evading detection is sheer bandwidth usage. Besides streaming media, what else besides downloading illegal content takes up so much bandwidth? It makes it easy for ISPs to narrow down who to target.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:35 AM
This will have repercussions, but it's not really as bad as you think. As Sapphire said, the "anti-fansub" activists were already cheering happily that they get to wait 2 years to buy anime at $35 for 4 episodes, but most of them really don't have any idea what channels most groups use to get their raws (manga or otherwise).
Most raws are snagged from Winny, the p2p program the Japanese police have yet to crack the file sharing encryption on. The forum feature however, is trackable, but that should not be an issue for most raw grabbers that use Winny. (source: wiki (
The other method by which most raw grabbers (particularly manga scanners) obtain the material to work off of is by far more secure means. Many fansub groups have a member who records the raws off cable with a video capture card in their PC, and then they upload it over considerably more secure channels, like the group's ftp or through some other method.
Manga scanners on the other hand, usually purchase the magazines or tankoubon and have them shipped abroad, where they are scanned and edited.
At worst, we may see some of the older series torrents foiled by this legislation, or some of the trashsub groups die off as they are unable to obtain their own raws by using a program in a language other than their own.
@Sapphire: I would not call them "pro dub" because that unfairly lumps those who really don't have any issue with dubs (like myself for several choice series). More specifically, the faction on ANN you are referring to is more of an elitist anti-fansub group over a "pro dub" grouping.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:45 AM
I'm more concerned about the loss of J-dramas and Japanese media like music performances and variety shows. I think the people who distribute these types of media aren't as sophisticated as the anime or manga groups, so they will be the first to suffer from the crackdown.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:45 AM
@ Ryllharu: Sorry, I specifically meant the people who believe that the anime industry is dying because a lot of people in the US who prefer to watch something over Youtube or download it. (Maybe I should have said extremist rather than activists) There's this excruciatingly long post on some other forum of people who pretty much say if you download anime rather than buying it, you're helping kill the anime industry in both US and Japan. (Which I believe is completely wrong btw) I don't know if they are on ANN or not. XD
I don't have a problem with dubs myself. as long as they are skillfully made and nothing is edited out and they still manage to capture the intended tone of the original series.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:49 AM
The bigger question is, what will happen to gotwoot forums if people can't get fansubbed anime anymore?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 08:52 AM
Well, we all doubt this will happen, but:
We'll all be forced to get.... OMG LIVES? Noooooo!!!@^@one!@@eleven!
I think I would last awhile slowly watching everything that's already been subbed..
Sat, 03-22-2008, 03:07 PM
regarding raws, it's always possible to capture them live, outside japan borders...
Sat, 03-22-2008, 03:25 PM
regarding raws, it's always possible to capture them live, outside japan borders...
How's that? The overwhelming majority of anime airs late night, on cable channels (often premium ones at that), subject to Japanese laws and copyrights.
Broadcast anime is mainly Doremon, Crayon Shin-chan, and a few sparse others.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:24 PM
Damn, this is all happening right when R2 is about to air. I wonder if they can warn you for simply being "suspicious of distributing illegal content." It's not like they can take out a warrant and scan your computer for using large amounts of encrypted bandwidth. They mentioned "special detection software." Is it true Canadian ISPs can crack encrypted torrent traffic? If that's the case, I don't see why the technology's been limited to Canada.
The bigger question is, what will happen to gotwoot forums if people can't get fansubbed anime anymore? I don't want to think about it.:( This place has become an alternate society for many of us. Losing it is like losing a circle of friends. We'd lose more than just fansubbed anime.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:32 PM
The media is copyrighted to the copyright holder. They can do what they want with it, so if the TV station holds it and wants to broadcast it, they can. We're allowed to watch it, but it's actually illegal to record any of it. That's right. The practice of setting the VCR to record a program while you watch something else is a violation of the law. But no one bothers arresting you for it, that's all.
Downloading any video of music for personal use is entirely legal here, please dont generalize.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:39 PM
what the hell? i have to give up on anime? around 90% of the animes i watch will never come to germany lol.. and the other 10% only 3 years later...
if this is true, then i m going to be veeeery sad :(
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:58 PM
Downloading any video of music for personal use is entirely legal here, please dont generalize.
Where abouts it that? So, like downloading CDs and stuff rather than buying it is perfectly legal?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 01:58 AM
How's that? The overwhelming majority of anime airs late night, on cable channels (often premium ones at that), subject to Japanese laws and copyrights.
Broadcast anime is mainly Doremon, Crayon Shin-chan, and a few sparse others.
So I was wrong in thinking anime aired on satellite?
Shame on me.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:49 AM
Where abouts it that? So, like downloading CDs and stuff rather than buying it is perfectly legal?
I'll guarantee you it's not legal in any of the civilized countries. Darkshadow must be in China.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 08:24 AM
I'll guarantee you it's not legal in any of the civilized countries. Darkshadow must be in China.
Stupid ignorant fucks like you can just lick my balls, like i said its perfectly legal to download or make a copy of a movie or music for PERSONAL USE here, you arent allowed to share said copy or downloaded file.:
"De auteurswet staat iedereen toe om "enige exemplaren voor eigen oefening, studie of gebruik" te maken van een tekst, film of muziek. Dit heet een thuiskopie"
"The copyright law allows everyone "some copies for their own exercise, study or use" of a text, film or music. This is called a thuiskopie(homecopy)."
if you want to enlighten yourself from your ignorant views have a read here ( translated by google translate):
Sun, 03-23-2008, 09:17 AM
Stupid ignorant fucks like you can just lick my balls, like i said its perfectly legal to download or make a copy of a movie or music for PERSONAL USE here, you arent allowed to share said copy or downloaded file.:
"De auteurswet staat iedereen toe om "enige exemplaren voor eigen oefening, studie of gebruik" te maken van een tekst, film of muziek. Dit heet een thuiskopie"
"The copyright law allows everyone "some copies for their own exercise, study or use" of a text, film or music. This is called a thuiskopie(homecopy)."
if you want to enlighten yourself from your ignorant views have a read here ( translated by google translate):
Calm down Beavis. I didn't know Germany was a backwards country where intellectual property rights have no meaning. Unless your country is as ass-backwards as you claim, I think you're misinterpreting the law. Like I said, in all the civilized countries, it's not legal to download stuff for personal use or otherwise. We have a term for acquiring stuff for your personal use, it's call "buying a copy".
Sun, 03-23-2008, 09:22 AM
copies =/= downloads...
it just means that you can copy a music CD/video/programm when your FRIEND (inner circle of friends) gives it to you AND if you don't have to crack it while burning the game or whatever it is, on a DVD or CD..
you have to OWN it (or at least your friend has to own the original)
in germany for example downloading was "ok" (greyzone) until its forbidden to download music for free (unless the copyright-owner allows it)
uploading was never allowed.
but thats the case nearly all over europe actually..
btw animeniax dutch= the Netherlands, not Germany..
Sun, 03-23-2008, 09:31 AM
copies =/= downloads...
it just means that you can copy a music CD/video/programm when your FRIEND (inner circle of friends) gives it to you AND if you don't have to crack it while burning the game or whatever it is, on a DVD or CD..
in germany for example downloading was "ok" (greyzone) until its forbidden to download music for free (unless the copyright-owner allows it)
uploading was never allowed.I'd be surprised if the rule was not more restrictive, meaning that you are allowed to make copies of your own stuff for backups and use at home or the office. Allowing people to share amongst their friends is as bad as letting them decide what constitutes their "inner circle of friends." You're going to get the broadest interpretation possible, which means sharing with the entire world.
btw animeniax dutch= the Netherlands, not Germany..It's all the same gibberish to me.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 09:38 AM
I'd be surprised if the rule was not more restrictive, meaning that you are allowed to make copies of your own stuff for backups and use at home or the office. Allowing people to share amongst their friends is as bad as letting them decide what constitutes their "inner circle of friends." You're going to get the broadest interpretation possible, which means sharing with the entire world.
you can say that "the whole world is your friend" but if you stand before judgment, they will laugh and make you pay some thousand €.
btw this just goes for music, for example a music CD for you friend since its his birthday and so on.... games normaly do have a copy protection for example.. and if you have to crack it, then its illegal.
as long as you own the original music/movie, its not a problem because its the same as when they come to your house and watch the movie there.. and thats NOT illegal because of the so called perform-right ( i don't know if this word actually exist, in germany its "Vorführrecht" or something like that)
and i say it again, as soon as you have to crack a protection, it becomes illegal.. so making copies of games is illegal because 99.9% have a copy protection
but i want to know what happens to Anime-now....will they find a way to send the raws to us :(?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:12 AM
KrayZ, where did i ever say games or cracking protections? HUH?
And do you honestly believe i would state something if i didnt know how the fking laws in my country were? ( this is about copies =/= downloads)
"In Nederland geldt dat downloaden legaal is als het gaat om een thuiskopie. Zo is het altijd toegestaan om muziek en films te downloaden, ook als de bron onrechtmatig is. Voor software geldt dit niet. Wie een programma gekocht heeft, mag er een reservekopie van maken, maar software downloaden is echt wat anders dan een reservekopie maken."
google trans:
"In the Netherlands that downloading is legal when it comes to a thuiskopie(homecopy). It is always allowed to download music and movies, even if the source is unlawful. For software, this is not. Anyone who has bought a programme, there may be some back up, but software is really something different than a backup."
again, i said TEXT, MOVIES and MUSIC, i never mentioned software or cracking protection.
To summarise:
Downloading or making a copy for personal use regarding TEXT, VIDEO and MUSIC is perfectly legal
Sharing said copies is NOT
Download or making copies for personal use regarding SOFTWARE is Illegal unless you own the original.
Sharing said copies is NEVER legal, even if you own the original.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:25 AM
ok then
Downloading any video of music for personal use is entirely legal here, please dont generalize.
the one who shouldn't generalize is you then... because thats probably only the case in netherlands (and very(!) few other countries)
i just read that kazaa is legal in netherland too. (even before the filter etc.)
nice country... i want to do it legal too 8[
Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:36 AM
And do you honestly believe i would state something if i didnt know how the fking laws in my country were? ( this is about copies =/= downloads)
google trans:
"In the Netherlands that downloading is legal when it comes to a thuiskopie(homecopy). It is always allowed to download music and movies, even if the source is unlawful. For software, this is not. Anyone who has bought a programme, there may be some back up, but software is really something different than a backup."
I wouldn't be surprised if you were mistaken about the laws in your own country. I can't see any of the country's trading partners being ok with them allowing copyright infringement and piracy. Like I said, there is a legal way to get a copy of a song or movie. You go buy it. I guess I won't feel so bad downloading stuff made by the Dutch. What am I saying? That country doesn't produce anything worth downloading.
Well, that's enough going off-topic about what a cesspool the Netherlands is. This thread is about Japan blocking our access to stuff we care about.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:43 AM
i just read that blank disk costs more money there to compensate the losses, is that true? how much do they cost there?
do you have to pay taxes for the CD-burner too?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:48 AM
aww look at you ranting on my awesome country cause we are more liberal then others ;'(
yes thats true krayz, awesome agreement eh? ill look up the fees in a second.
For which media there is a fee
By November 5, 2007, the following rates:
Blanco analog video tape: € 0.33 per hour
Blanco audioband analog (tape): € 0.23 per hour
Blanco digital MiniDisc: € 0.32 per hour
Blanco digital audio CD-R/RW: € 0.42 per hour
Blanco digital data CD-R/RW: € 0.14 per disc
Blanco DVD-R/RW: € 0.60 per 4.7 gigabytes
Blank DVD + R / RW: € 0.40 per 4.7 gigabytes
Blank DVD-RAM: is exempt
practically nothing...
and no, no fees on burners.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 11:15 AM
lol.... I like how Animeniax knows more about the laws of one's country than the individual who lives there... It must be hard to possess all of that knowledge. BTW what industry did Animeniax say he was in? Oh nvm just had to check one of his 1000 some odd posts, all of which seem to include the fact that he is in the IT industry.
I think its pretty well known that the Dutch are pretty laid back to criminalizing and legally processing minimalistic incidents such as these...
Sun, 03-23-2008, 11:51 AM
You'd be surprised how ignorant people are about the laws in their own country (well I wouldn't be surprised if we're talking about ignorance and IHFTT). I also wouldn't discount the fact that someone like darkshadow has the most liberal interpretation of his country's laws, which may or may not be the actual letter or spirit of the law.
What does my career field have to do with this? And what's with your last sentence? Did you have a school assignment to use the following big words in a sentence?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 11:57 AM
Ani, please just shut up. I am far more interested in how people are going to maneuver around this little hindrance, than watching you tell people you think you know more about their country than they do or that you think they are incapable of understanding anything. Secondly why is it that every time something happens you go on and on about Japan being the greatest country in the world and how the Japanese people are god's gift to mankind yet you're not even Japanese. Just get back to the damn topic.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 11:59 AM
this has gone past ignorance and plain retardism, what I have been explaining and linking is not MY fucking interpration, its the damn law now just stfu and go back to talking about how awesome you think japan is.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:00 PM
@Abdula: you know that's not going to happen, so why waste your time typing that up? But please try to stay on topic, this isn't the flame pit.
@darkstain: I couldn't understand the translation of the site you posted, it was some really good english. I can see why you'd be a little confused about the laws too.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:01 PM
Dang, plain trash talking and fighting is uncalled for, at least move your hand a click down a little to navigate yourself to the flamepit dude.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:07 PM
"The copyright law allows everyone "some copies for their own exercise, study or use" of a text, film or music. This is called a thuiskopie(homecopy)."
WOW, if you couldnt understand that, they MUST only hire retards in the IT SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Animshit, you really crack me up dawg :o
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:12 PM
Ani, please just shut up. I am far more interested in how people are going to maneuver around this little hindrance, than watching you tell people you think you know more about their country than they do or that you think they are incapable of understanding anything. Secondly why is it that every time something happens you go on and on about Japan being the greatest country in the world and how the Japanese people are god's gift to mankind yet you're not even Japanese. Just get back to the damn topic.If you were really interested in that you would have asked darkshadow to shut the f*ck up a few posts back, when he went off-topic talking about the Netherlands. What does that useless country have to do with Japan banning filesharing?
"The copyright law allows everyone "some copies for their own exercise, study or use" of a text, film or music. This is called a thuiskopie(homecopy)." That's weird, I didn't see that part. I did see this on that website however:
You could almost forget that consumers according to the Copyright Act for their own exercise, study or use a copy may create a copyrighted work. You can register a copy of this beautiful CD of the neighbours, for example.Yeah, that explains it clearly.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:13 PM
Well, I won't disagree that there are people ignorant to the law, there's certainly no doubt about that. As for the relevance of your career field, I was pointing out you don't claim to have a career in the study of any form of law (and just throwing in that you seem to include that fact in the majority of your posts so we won't forget, I suppose...), so theoretically you're just as ignorant as anyone else. Reading wikipedia and news sites doesn't mean you're an expert at something... So naturally, I, and assumingly anyone, would be more inclined to believe someone native to the area about their legal system... Or any subject for that matter... rather than a "42 year old anime fan"...
edit: BTW what the hell does any of this have to do with Japan banning filesharers?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:16 PM
If you were really interested in that you would have asked darkshadow to shut the f*ck up a few posts back, when he went off-topic talking about the Netherlands. What does that useless country have to do with Japan banning filesharing?
What is wrong with you I told you to stop yet you're acting like a child in a fight and saying why did you tell me to stop when he started it, you know why because it doesn't matter and although his post was a bit off topic it was actually interesting and revelant and you're the one still dragging it on. I bet you're so sorry you weren't born in Japan because really no other country is worthy of anything in your opinion.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:22 PM
Nah, just the countries that legalize piracy. The worst part is that they lose nothing because who is downloading dutch music/movies/animation? It's a pretty lopsided deal.
Well, I won't disagree that there are people ignorant to the law, there's certainly no doubt about that. As for the relevance of your career field, I was pointing out you don't claim to have a career in the study of any form of law (and just throwing in that you seem to include that fact in the majority of your posts so we won't forget, I suppose...), so theoretically you're just as ignorant as anyone else. Reading wikipedia and news sites doesn't mean you're an expert at something... So naturally, I, and assumingly anyone, would be more inclined to believe someone native to the area about their legal system... Or any subject for that matter... rather than a "42 year old anime fan"... Fair enough. I am in the IT industry so piracy is at the forefront of our trade. To keep up to date with changes in software and technology, you pretty much have to pirate a lot and know a bit about file-sharing and security. So I may not know the exact wording or spirit of another country's laws concerning piracy, but I do have a clue about the subject. You don't have to take my side, but just remember the other guy is a 22 year old from the Netherlands. He's probably smoked his share of pot.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:31 PM
You don't have to take my side, but just remember the other guy is a 22 year old from the Netherlands. He's probably smoked his share of pot.
Wow... and you are really 45? i think not.
you know people made a big war because of prejudices. just 60 years ago.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:35 PM
Wow... and you are really 45? i think not.
you know people made a big war because of prejudices. just 60 years ago.My age says 42 :confused: I think you started this whole off-topic discussion, so don't blame me.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:38 PM
but just remember the other guy is a 22 year old from the Netherlands. He's probably smoked his share of pot.
that hurt my feelings.... i don't even smoke ;'(
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:38 PM
My age says 42 :confused: I think you started this whole off-topic discussion, so don't blame me.
funny that your age is the only thing which concerns you after reading my comment
and no... i didn't start this discussion.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:39 PM
Will you people stop whining about hurt internet feelings and go back on topic?
I'm gunna go look for the pro-dub activist post
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:44 PM
hahaha! I agree, Animeniax mom is such a fatass. I totally agree with japan banning her from the food court. I mean come on shes eating up all the whales. Something has to be done. Besides, *somehow* when she went to japan, the national health center noticed an instant jump in STDs. Oh and #gotwoot !!!
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:46 PM
You see what you people caused, this dude crawled all the way out from the depths of IRC just to say that and its all because of Ani.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:51 PM
Ok guys, I'm sure you have all heard about the Anime Industry being in trouble thanks to those who just sit and download the subs of their favorite anime from the internet.
Because of these sub-watchers the anime industry, both american and japanese, are dying out from the loss of money. Guys, the DVDs distributed here do give the option of switching from dub to sub with subtitles. But because of the lack of knowledge and DVD sales, everyone is suffering.
What many do not know is that America is supporting Japan financially so that people DO have anime to watch. Because of those who buy the DVDs it's giving money to Japan and America, so that more anime can be made. While the sub-watchers are just on the train-ride and not doing a thing to help. They're basically getting it free.
That's not right.
Everytime I see talk about "where to download subs" or "Sub is better than dubs" It makes me upset because everyone is suffering from it. I don't want to see anime go because I like it and do my part, as a consumer, to purchase the DVDs so that more can be made.
It doesn't matter whether you prefer Dub or Sub, because both are available on the DVDs. Everyone has their own opinion and likes and dislikes.
So please, what I'm asking, buy the DVDs. Get off the computer and spend a mere $20. Why is it that no one buys it? Is the price? Is it the lack of episodes on a disk? Is it the lack of extra features? Speak out!!
It costs a lot of money to make anime... And it's dying because of this reason.
And without anime, there won't be any conventions...there won't be any chance to meet your favorite voice actors... the voice actors won't have a JOB in voice acting.
C'mon, guys.
Help out
Words of a pro dub activist, leeping in joy at this new devolopment (probably)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:51 PM
I do tend to draw the bugs out of the woodwork. Really there's not much more to say about the subject until the law comes closer to being passed. It'll basically be a bunch of "oh noes, how am I going to get my animes now?!?" So it's not too much of a loss if this thread dies.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:52 PM
So we all agree that his mom should be aids tested and banned from japan?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:56 PM
I do tend to draw the bugs out of the woodwork. Really there's not much more to say about the subject until the law comes closer to being passed. It'll basically be a bunch of "oh noes, how am I going to get my animes now?!?" So it's not too much of a loss if this thread dies.
So you planned to kill the thread from the outset?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 01:03 PM
Words of a pro dub activist, leeping in joy at this new devolopment (probably)
i dont agree with this, simply cause if you werent going to buy it in the first place, they aren't LOSING any money on you, since you never intended a purchase.
And yeah discs are waay to expensive for the meager amount of eps on a disc, especially with series like dbz ( omg that just costs a fortune), i dont mind buying movies or 12 ep series though. I will if i really like it.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 01:03 PM
So you planned to kill the thread from the outset?
Not as such, but just thinking about it, there's not much to be said beyond supposition and theoreticals and a lot of whining, at least until they actually pass the laws. I've read recently that they're watering down the law anyway, where ISPs can't ban users, but they can punish them.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 01:09 PM
Honestly I think ISP's are getting too much damn power same with the video game industry, you buy their product but then they want to tell you how you can or can't use what you purchase. Althought technically ISP's define their service as leasing but still.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 06:34 PM
the agreement would see copyright holders tracking down file-sharers on the Internet using “special detection software” and then notifying ISPs of alleged infringers.
From the sounds of that, it doesn't look like ISPs actively monitoring packets, but more the right for the copyright holder to access that info through the ISP, and tell them when they reckon it's happening. I'm still lost as to how they're going to do it, but really the battle's between Winny Encryption vs "Special Detection Software". In other words, it doesn't seem they're banning P2P entirely. Bad news for me though, as I searched the topic.
The Australian government is sensitive to the requests by the IFPI for a stricter file-sharing policy, Australia's communications minister Stephen Conroy told the Sydney Morning Herald. The powers that be plan to "examine any UK legislation on this issue [including any three-strikes policy] with particular interest."
Luckily, internet in Australia is expensive (I'd never thought I'd say this), and our ISPs aren't too happy with having to perform costly deep packet inspection on all the traffic. Unlike Winny though, torrent encryption only scrambles the signal, it doesn't hide your IP.
On a side note, how popular is Linux in Japan? Just wanting to see if it's believable to palm all your traffic off as Linux distributions. And is the Winny software Japanese only? I have a feeling we'll need that encryption source in the near future. (That or we all flood back to IRC)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 08:49 PM
Honestly, enough dooming and glooming.
Since it doesn't start until April, we really have no idea what they are going to do, or if they will even enforce it. They have in the past breached Winny from foolish users and the integrated forum feature, but the hoops they used to actually get the IP out of it were fairly excessive.
We also have no idea how much they will enforce it. If it is anything like Comcast in the States, the ISPs may soon see a severe backlash for this kind of behavior.
To me, this seems far more like a "Scare the more-inclined-to-be-honest folk by announcing it rather than actually persecuting the violators." Just like the moron cell phone while driving laws here. Those that didn't do it often still won't, but always get caught when they do it on accident. Those that did it before, resulting in the creation of moronic policy, continue to blatantly do it, and never seem to get caught.
No point in flipping out about all this until something actually happens after it goes into effect.
There will always be other avenues. This is a little like the black market. If someone wants it, someone else will provide it.
Tue, 03-25-2008, 03:04 AM
I just read on another forum about someone from Singapore who got fined $2000US for downloading anime. I guess some countries will enforce laws against illegal activity, regardless if it's another country's products being downloaded illegally. Singapore is where that kid got caned for littering right? Get 'im boys!
Tue, 03-25-2008, 05:03 AM
I just read on another forum about someone from Singapore who got fined $2000US for downloading anime. I guess some countries will enforce laws against illegal activity, regardless if it's another country's products being downloaded illegally. Singapore is where that kid got caned for littering right? Get 'im boys!
On that issue of downloading anime illegally, the company which was threatening to sue downloaders and demanded out of court settlements is now being sued for violating consumer rights. Thus, people who were fined have a chance of getting their money back, and downloaders can carry on with their downloads. Woo hoo~
And for the record, it was for vandalism, not littering. :)
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