View Full Version : The Question Game
Wed, 02-27-2008, 08:11 AM
Get to know people in Gotwoot!
I don't know if this already exists or not, so feel free to lock/merge if it does. Basically, the object of the game is to ask and answer questions.
I'll start off by asking something, and someone else has to try to answer it. And then they ask a question. Try not to ask stupid two word ultimatums like 'peas or shoes?', or answer with one word.
For example.
Q: What country have you always wanted to visit?
A: I've always wanted to visit Russia! I wonder what the Vodka tastes like there..
Q: What would you do in a situation where you were kidnapped?
(Now you answer! And ask a question in return..)
Wed, 02-27-2008, 02:17 PM
a: devise a clever plan of escape and then beat up the kidnapper. ooooor huddle in a corner and cry until someone rescues me.
q: do you believe in reincarnation?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 05:38 PM
A: I think it is a really nice thought, but I definitely do not believe in reincarnation. That would go under the idea that there is a set limit of "souls" (or prana if you want to use the Hindu idea). I'm more of the school of thought that relies on infinite number of those, maybe they repeat, maybe they don't, but there are far more of them to ever determine it one way or the other.
Q: What is your favorite picture book from when you were little (or even today)?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 05:39 PM
A) Ummm the one with the ants and/or caterpiller and the tree. I don't really remember, but it had a lot of cool colors. It's like a classic. And if you give a moose a muffin. And those tree house timetraveling ones. *So many* Wait does Naruto count as a picture book? >.>
Q) If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 06:29 PM
A) Control over time hands down; Hiro Nakamura anyone?
Q) What is your favorite past-time? Dont you dear answer anime. ^^
Board of Command
Wed, 02-27-2008, 06:40 PM
A) Writing. I like to write stuff.
Q: If you're given the opportunity to become an "immortal ghost" after you die, would you do it? By this, I mean you become a being with no physical form and can't interact with anything in this world. All you can do is observe the world for all of eternity, and there is no way for you to ever die or cease to exist. Would you want this kind of "immortality" at the cost of losing all social/material interaction forever as you live in solitude?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 07:03 PM
A: No. I'm pretty sure existence without any social or material interaction would drive even a monk clinically crazy in not so many years. There's only so much you eagerly can observe without any interaction. I mean, you couldn't even use the net or open a book or turn on a TV. And if you became crazy, it wouldn't really be you anymore, rendering the deal pretty meaningless.
Q: If you had an equal 50-50 opportunity to, in only a year or two, make a billion dollars/euros (clean, legit) or die, would you try your luck?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 07:21 PM
I would most definitely take the opportunity. I mean.....firefighters, soldiers, police officers do the same with worse odds for even less ya? If one wouldn't take such a chance, I'd say one doesn't deserve to live; life's all about risks.
Say you got your hands on say $10,000 with no effort on your part; you won a raffle.A friend of yours with no financial support gets into some serious debt with no way of paying it off. A close friend mind you, one who you've known for sometime and shared good times with.With this $10,000 you could pay off all your friends expenses and give them another chance at being somewhat successful throughout their lifetime.
So what would you do?
Would you spend or invest said money; or would you give your friend a helping hand?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 07:35 PM
A) Depends on what they did to get in debt. If they got 10000 or whatever in debt from gambling and buying shoes, then screw them. If they got in debt by say, cancer treatment, I'd give them a few k, invest the rest, and possibly give them more if they still need it, after I've made more money.
Q) If you could take 10000s of dollars from a safety deposit box, would you do it, or push the money further into the box? Mind you, the money is probably money from a business, large or small.
Wed, 02-27-2008, 08:41 PM
A). Push it back in the box and tell the owner. It doesn't belong to me, and I don't steal.
Q) Would you follow a set of beliefs if you were intellectually convinced by them, even if that meant going against how you have lived your entire life?
Dark Dragon
Wed, 02-27-2008, 10:29 PM
A: Yes, because i believe that life is a learning process. It is better to accept what you truly believe in and change your ways than to live a life of lies.
Q: If you can solve one single problem that exist in the world today, what would it be?
Wed, 02-27-2008, 10:29 PM
A) Mortality. At least mine.
Q) Would you risk your life for another?
High Wind
Wed, 02-27-2008, 10:35 PM
Hmmm, quite an intriguing thread; and an even more stimulating question, posed by DB_Hunter. I hope I can do such a thought-provoking question justice with my simpleton answer.
Recently I've been reading up on Transhumanism ( and related works (Raymond Kurzweil, FM 2030, Nick Bostrom)
For those who don't know, Transhumanism is a particular train of thought that supports the use of science and technology to enhance human mental and physical capabilities. This movement derives the name "Transhumanism" from the basis that continued modification of a human will have an end result of something "more than human", something better, thus, "Trans-human".
Transhumanism intrigues me. It piques my curiosity and stimulates me intellectually by posing questions like: how far we can push the human limit; if such things are even possible, and if so, what the world would be like in such a future.
However, transhumanism is also rife with controversy. A lot of the things proposed by it can be deemed morally grey. So, whlie the topic of Transhumanism remains an exceptionally captivating prospect intellectually, I find myself hesitant in following it completely. However, this may change when I'm older, wiser, and more learned.
Haha seems like I went a bit overboard there. But, the length of my post is a testament to the quality of the question. Thanks DB_Hunter.
If someone were to put a gun to your head and threaten to take your life unless you agreed to follow their religion for the rest of your living life, would you do it? For the sake of argument, this religion is different from your own and you would have to observe all of its traditions and values.
Edit: Damn, it seems my lengthy post didn't come out quick enough. Just ignore my question and answer Sapphire's.
Wed, 02-27-2008, 11:34 PM
A: Depends on who you're risking your life for.
Q: What should one value the most in life?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 12:13 AM
A: Life itself is the most important, I think
I'll ask High Winds question for him:
Q: If someone were to put a gun to your head and threaten to take your life unless you agreed to follow their religion for the rest of your living life, would you do it? For the sake of argument, this religion is different from your own and you would have to observe all of its traditions and values
Thu, 02-28-2008, 08:46 AM
A: oh man thats difficult... first: it depends which relegion, you know there arn't only good ones out there and it depends on the traditions.. i don't want a religion where i have to kneel every and so on..
well if it is something i totally disagree with i would probably let myself be killed.. but then again i can't possible know how i will react when it comes to this situation, at the moment i feel like "dying standing is better than living on your knees"
edit:ahh question
Q: What is the best way to die in your eyes? (for example as a hero in pain so everyone will remember you, or painless while sleeping, in the hospital with your family around you etc. etc.)
Thu, 02-28-2008, 09:12 AM
A) Hellz no I would never want to die near people alive and well. I would prolly just want to die suddenly of old age. Not in an old folks home though, omg, or in Hospice.. *this is depressing, pushes from mind*
Q) Roughly how many anime (without listing all of them) have you seen?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 09:16 AM
A: i think about 50 (24 currently on the PC wtf, and i thought i don't have that many)
its probably even more than 50 then
Q: Downloading anime is illegal, are you scared to get caught :(?
(btw sapphire i think dying of old age is boring, getting old in general is boring xD "the one who does not want to become old, must hang himself young" or so :P)
Thu, 02-28-2008, 09:28 AM
Q) I'm more scared about getting caught downloading American stuff. XD I discovered a long time ago that no one cares about anime, ahah. Also, I don't think it's illegal until it gets licensed, but who cares enough about that to keep track? Funimation? (Oh snaps, sued by Funimation)
...Reminds me of a dream I had last night. I got caught movie hopping the Dr. Suess movie, so the owner chased me around, caught me, and dragged me by the hair. And then I threatened to sue them. ((Edit: Kray, I don't want to die at all, I want to live as long as possible ^^; But come to think of it, dying in an epic batle sounds pretty cool. But then you're dead infinitely, and that sucks. If I ever become old, I will be one of those crazy old people from either Kekkaishi or Denno Coil))
Q) What's the wackiest dream you've ever had?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 12:57 PM
A: well i have a lot of crazy dreams... one for example involved the death of nearly everyone i know, they died in the most crazy ways, in that dream i killed my father and was really sad after i did so, i was on the top of a small mountain and my weapon was a harpoon, my father had a catapult (or is it called sling? you know, the thing the arabic people used to throw small stones more effectivly)
well i dodge nearly every of his attack and we actually had a lot of fun until i accidently pulled the trigger of the harpoon and hit my father, who was dead then i suppose.. at least it looked like it and my brother and me cried.... well i don't remember everything in the dream but some time later me and my friends were swimming in a reservoir... for some reason nobody of us was able to swim but we kept moving into it deeper and deeper until a friend of mine drowned.
well i dream a lot and mostly they don't make any sense at all however i can remember only a few (i had that dream i just described like 8 years ago for some reason i m able to remember some scenes and i don't know why... then on the other side i even dream of computer games or even books/anime/manga if i keep watching/playing till its late and go directly to the bed after doing so... thats pretty cool actually and i would like to have more of that kind. there was this one cool dream where i was an EVA pilot for example. geez
and then i had a dream about Elfen Lied too... i was a soldier who was killed by Lucy *sigh* oh man, i m weird
Q: Imagine a situation where you have to choose... between the live of your love or 100 other victims you don't know personally.. what would you do?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 01:26 PM
A: easy, life of my love. I probably couldn't stand any of the 100 if I ever got to know them.
Q: Do you support eugenics?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 02:10 PM
A) I looked on wiki and eugenics seems to canvas a wide range of things. I don't believe in abortion, but I believe in the practice of genetic altering if it could mean that there will be less people susceptible to genetic diseases in the world. (This will allow genetically disadvantaged people to give birth without worries) In vitro fertilization, umbilic stem cell research seems fine to me, as long as it doesn't kill people. Like for example they are figuring out that stem cells can be used without the death of cloned fetus'. I however don't think science is ready to begin doing these things. We should have more, say, experimentation of nonhumans before we try to research on human lives. (Except perhaps in vitro fertilization) /rant
Q) How often do you cry because of a drama and/or anime?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 04:14 PM
A: hmmm there were 2 animes which made me really cry (with tears)... naruto when zabuza died and Fate/Stay Night... that ending was simply overhelming.. just remembering it makes me sad (oh man now i have to re-watch it.. i hate such endings and love them at the same time).btw, normally i cry in nearly every movie which is about... James Ryan etc...
i don't know if that is "often", "normal" or whatever, well i like the feeling of tears running down my chin (when i m alone.... in the dark... alone..dark...emo)
Q: what was your favorite ending in a movie/anime/series
Thu, 02-28-2008, 11:08 PM
Hmm there's been lots of great endings, and lots of unsatisfactory ones. But the best ending I remember at the top of my head was the Kaze no Stigma ending. Sniffing hair was never so romantic. >.>
What is your opinion on energy drinks? Do you hate them? Love/addicted to them? Like coffee or water more? Have an adversity to all liquids in general?
Thu, 02-28-2008, 11:47 PM
A: energy drinks are an unhealthy fad that will hopefully fade like beanie babies. It's a poor alternative to eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and living healthy. They taste like crap for the most part. I'm starting to like V8 type drinks more, especially the ones from Japan that taste amazing and are smoother going down than V8.
Q: Do you support negative eugenics, whereby we improve the human race by breeding out undesirable traits, like being short or curly hair or freckles or allergies or chunkiness. I want my Kwisatz Haderach.
Fri, 02-29-2008, 12:04 AM
A: If you mean to forcibly do it, no. It should be part of the natural selection process, though with medical advancement, it's a bit hard to let them die out. But either way, no. To me it's an infringement of human rights.
Q: If the internet was to regulated in such a way that there are no more malicious software/codes, but illegal distribution of copyrighted material is also nonexistent, and information you want to release has to be censored and published/reviewed by a thrid party. Would you embrace or reject such a change?
Fri, 02-29-2008, 02:57 AM
A: Reject. Like they say in New Hampshire "Live free or die." If you can gets it into the tubes, you can put it on the interwebs. I have anti spy-ware programs and other free programs that keep my compy alive anyhow, so this censorship bullshit would not be worth such a trade off. Also, piracy will continue.
Third, your ambiguous "third party" smacks of evil Big Brother overtones to me.
Q: What is your greatest weakness?
Mr Squiggles
Fri, 02-29-2008, 04:46 AM
A: I swear I'm socially retarded. I'm pretty outgoing and friendly with my few close friends I've known for a long time, but otherwise I'm very shy when it comes to talking to people I don't know and just end up having these really awkward conversations/moments because I have no idea what to say. Same thing when people start talking about feelings and relationships and whatnot, i'm just completely clueless as to what I'm supposed to do/say. Needless to say this means I have 0 skill when it comes to girls, and just end up being ronery. Sad part is I'm not even bad looking either (though I'm no Brad Pitt or anything).
Q: if you were in a room with Oprah, Tom Cruise, and a Clown, and HAD to shoot one of them(but only one, you cant shoot them all) who would you shoot?
Fri, 02-29-2008, 04:48 AM
A: I'm very very forgetful. I tend to forget faces, names, very easily and it gets embaressing some times. Example is that I tend to forget the nicks in this forum and get them confused at times. Other than that I also find it hard to memorise hard facts, but strange enough some times my memory surprises even myself by suddenly remember long lost experiences.
edit oops: 2 minutes late. Guess I'll leave my answer to the previous question here but answer Mr Squiggles's as well.
A: I'd shoot the clown. I hate clowns.
Q: Which is more important? Job satisfaction or a well paid but boring job?
Mr Squiggles
Fri, 02-29-2008, 05:06 AM
A: Job satisfaction all the way. As long as I make enough money to afford a place to sleep, food to eat and a little on the side, money's not that big of an issue for me.
Q: What are your thoughts on marijuana? Is it bad and should stay illegal? Do you think it the laws are unfair and that it should be legalized? Or do you not really care either way?
Fri, 02-29-2008, 05:10 AM
EDIT: Shit, too slow.
A: Job satisfaction, hands down. You can do a job that's well paid for a while, but it slowly eats at you. If you hate your job, you will become a miserable person (probably depressed) very quickly. It's kind of like a sliding scale. Though there is a limit to how low you can be paid (mine happens to be minimum wage of $7.65. With $20/hr, I would be very happy as long as I loved my work). Right now I somewhat enjoy my job (as a recent hire, I don't always have stuff to do), but I'm paid really well.
Moving on....
A: I think pot in the US should be legalized but under strict gov't regulation and taxation. It's the only way the fuddy-duddies in D.C. would ever agree to it. It could also bring in some decent revenue. As long as you make it competitive with the dealers, some government group can make sure that all of it is safe (not laced with something bad like you occasionally hear on the news), and it will destroy the drug revenue that causes the crime they are so worried about. It would empty a lot of our prisons and solve a lot of our problems. I don't use pot myself, but it's a problem we should deal with since the "War on Drugs" is an utter failure.
Q: What foreign culinary dish would you really like to try and learn how to make? (It cannot be a dish from your own country, if you're not sure if it is or not, we'll forgive you.)
Fri, 02-29-2008, 07:41 AM
A) Oh wow that's a tough one, since I already know how to make what I eat daily. I would prolly want to learn how to make spanish rice. I kind of know how to make it my -own- way, but not the delicious restaurant or authentic way. That and the yellow rice from like India or something (with no peanut oil, since I am allergic.) Different kinds of rice, I guess.
Q) Are you allergic to anything? If you are, what is the worst reaction you've ever had? If you aren't, what is the worst reaction you've seen?
Fri, 02-29-2008, 03:06 PM
(lame) Answer: i m not allergic and i havn't seen a really bad reaction yet, just some very red faces or crying eyes
Q: what would you do with your last day in life? (you know you gonna die within the next 24 hours)
Sat, 03-01-2008, 10:35 AM
A) Become insane in an extremely short amount of time, or try to contact everyone I know and tell them I love them. Maybe write out a will if it matters.
Q) Are you good at math?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 12:09 PM
A: I can't remember, it's been so long. But do you mean basic math or more complex stuff like Calculus or Diff Eq?
Q: Do you think anyone can learn anything if they just put their mind to it?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 01:06 PM
((I meant any math. I am good at everything up to Calculus, and then I need helppppp))
A) Yes, as long as they aren't lazy, given enough time.
Q) What is one thing in the past that you have been obsessed with?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 01:14 PM
A) Mortality. I've had several brushes with death or close calls one would say and ever since I was a kid it seems as if I've always been surrounded by it. Guess I'm just unlucky.
Q) Do you believe in fate, in destiny. Do you believe that what you will become in life has already been predetermined?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 01:21 PM
A: I believe the general guideline has been laid out, especially the major points (wealth, spouse, children) but how you fill in the rest is up to you.
Q: So if you think anyone can learn anything, then the entire population of the world could become quantum physicists who understand the intricacies of the space-time continuum? Also, anyone can learn complex mathematics that currently grant genius status to the few who can do it?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 01:45 PM
A) Yeah, if they have the time and resources then everyone has the potential to learn these things. I believe you can make yourself get smarter through hard work, though there are also many people naturally gifted who don't have to work as hard.
But of course many people in the world are too lazy, not interested in those subjects, don't have the resources, etc.
Q) What's your favorite sport? If you don't like sports, what's your favorite activity? (Other than anime! XD)
Sat, 03-01-2008, 01:55 PM
A: hockey, since it blends aspects of all the other sports so well.
I call bs on your theories about people learning whatever they put their efforts and resources into, but that's for another thread.
Q: Do you watch American Idol?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 02:52 PM
A) I watched some of the first season, but never again
Make one then~! >P
Q) If you could control one element, what would it be and why?
Board of Command
Sat, 03-01-2008, 03:01 PM
A: I would control air because depending on the level of control you have over it, you can potentially kill people from a distance without leaving any sort of trace. Innocent until proven guilty, but there's no proof. It's just air.
Q: If you were given the opportunity to go back to one moment in time in your life, but at the cost of losing all memories of the time you lived past that moment, would you do it? (eg. you go back 3 years and it would be as if those 3 years never happened and you're not aware of the time travel)
Sat, 03-01-2008, 04:13 PM
A: Yes. I would do something I would never do under normal circumstances, and then go back several hours in the past and eliminate the consequences. I'd have to seriously consider what to do, but I'm sure I'd give my "Id" a real workout.
Q: Do you want to have children? How man? Boys or girls?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 07:56 PM
A: 1, a girl... since they listen to a father more than boys do (normally) and they have it easier in life. well 1 boy and 1 girl would be fine, too. So i can play computer games or console with him later :P
but it cost tooooo much money to raise 2 kids 8[
Q: What was the most embarrassing situation in your life so far?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 09:19 PM
A. I wasn't too embarrassed about it then, but looking back, I am now.:o In primary school, I got into the change room from swimming class, and found out I didn't bring my clothes in, so I went outside to retrieve them....forgetting that I took my togs off already. Luckily, no one remembers this too well.....
Q. What do you guys think on America's take on terrorism? Should Bush have sent troops to Afghanistan/Iraq? If you're from around there, do you think he should keep his nose out of other people's business? Or do you think it's provoked more, or actually targeted terrorism?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 11:46 PM
A: I think and know it is a cover. We're not there to stop terrorism, we're there to exert our influence on the region. It's not really other people's business, since events in the region directly affect us back in the states, ie the cost of oil and gas. The US has always wanted a base of operations in the Middle East. Now they have one, and anyone would be a fool to think they'll relinquish it. We won't stop terrorism, that's impossible.
Q: Would you watch hockey more if there was no fighting?
Sun, 03-02-2008, 08:30 AM
A: no, the fighting is neither bad nor good... its just "there" but i don't care about it... i just love the tackles and the control of the puck... its so amazing that they can make goals while falling and spinning in mid-air......with their eyes closed and the hands behind their back.. sometimes i just cant believe it that they are able to push the puck towards the goal
you are talking about icehockey don't you?
Q: how and why did you start watching anime?
Sun, 03-02-2008, 04:03 PM
A: iMUSTbeTHEdevil made me sit through dbz marathons on toonami.
Q: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Sun, 03-02-2008, 05:02 PM
A: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Russia/Azerbaijan/Kazahkstan/Siberia, fluent in 3 or 4 languages, having already done the linguistic groundwork and come up with an alphabet for an unwritten language, working on a dictionary for them, and having an awesome time.
Q. What's your favourite board game and why?
Sun, 03-02-2008, 05:36 PM
A. Monopoly. I remember my older brothers playing it infront of me when i was a toddler, so it has nice memories. Plus I actually enjoy the game itself.
Q. Would you rather kiss ass and rise through an organisation quickly, subjecting your dignity to much damage, or take an independent but tougher route to an uncertain success?
Mon, 03-03-2008, 12:05 AM
Only ass I'm kissing is my girl's. I'll make all others subject to me (meaning I never would have the intention of rising in an organization, I'd be the one owning it). So I guess the latter? :o
Who would win? Jackie or Jet Li?
Mon, 03-03-2008, 12:11 AM
A: Easy Jet Li without question, he is just way too fast.
Q: How do you define Intelligence?
Mon, 03-03-2008, 01:26 AM
A)The ability to understand concepts from a wide range of subjects
Q) What is the integral of 2xdx with bounds from 10 to 13? (math joke) from:
Wanna (integral)2xdx[10-13] ?
High Wind
Mon, 03-03-2008, 01:38 AM
Hahaha mathematical sexual innuendo. I chuckled. But it made me feel stupid going through the effort of doing the math for such a joke =P
By the way the answer is 69
What is one moment in your life that you will always remember?
Mon, 03-03-2008, 04:30 AM
there are plenty.. but they are all bad.. for example their was this time when my friend and me went "swimming" (we were about 6 years old and could barely swim) and there was this "whirl-walk" (i don't know how it is called)... well we were playing in the non-swimmer area when this "whirl-walk" pulled us nearer and nearer into the swimmer-area because it was so strong!.. we started to laugh because it felt funny but we ended up IN the whirl-walk and nearly drowned then.. i think i'll remember this for the rest of my live because people couldn't tell whether we were laughing or drowning, they thought we are nuts(or playing) and didn't help us ^^...
Q: (2 short questions) What is the woman of your dreams (in fantasy, she doesn't have to exist)? and how does she look like?
Mon, 03-03-2008, 10:26 AM
A: The woman of my dreams is someone I can hold an intellegent conversation with. It may sound dopey, but I want someone who enjoys just being together sometimes, and not always doing something. She has to enjoy going out and having fun in general, and she has to be independent. I dont want a girl who is spoiled, I'd much rather someone who can stand on their own like I do. As for how they look, dark hair and deep eyes. Eyes are my kill point :p . After that, some one who doesnt have to wear alot of makeup.
Q: Do you enjoy your job? Why or why not?
Tue, 03-04-2008, 05:46 AM
A) No, because I don't have one. My 'job' is school.
Q) Should I get a real job?
Tue, 03-04-2008, 06:15 AM
A: Not while you're in school, unless if relates to your field of study. Unless you're seriously short on cash and need it, you should concentrate on studies and finish it.
Q: Do you think you are good looking? ie, when you look in the mirror, do you like what you see, and do you think others like what they see of you?
Tue, 03-04-2008, 03:32 PM
A. Sometimes I think... meh, im ok. Other times I think, with great power comes great responsibility.
Q. Is a good friend someone who lies to you to try not to offend you or one who tells the truth?
Tue, 03-04-2008, 11:29 PM
A: Well a good friend would tell me the truth no matter what and not be concerned about whether it would offend me or not, although for that to happen I would have to trust the person enough to not get offended if they are telling me the truth.
Q: If you could meet one GW member( obviously someone you haven't met before) who would it be and why?
Wed, 03-05-2008, 01:17 AM
I'd love to meet a bunch of dudes and ladies on this here forum, but if I had to hang with just one for one day I'd probably choose Terra since he seems like a fun guy to party with.
The whole "having sex with men" thing weirds me out but I guess I could ignore it.
Question: What did you want to be when you were little? Is it radically different than what you're doing/planning on doing now?
Wed, 03-05-2008, 01:35 AM
When I was little, I wanted to become a famous author. I used to read books compulsively, to the point where I read nearly half of my local library (it's a very small library, but still that's a substantial amount of books). I remember I wrote this story about polar bears when I was in grade 5 that I was so proud of, and I was convinced that I would grow up to be a writer. I absolutely hated science with a passion throughout all of elementary school. There was no subject I disliked more. This carried over halfway through highschool, until I found that a lot of science is just math, and that I was actually pretty good at math. And then I got an engineering degree. I don't write anymore, with the exception of my family short story 'Science Fiction Story Contest' every Christmas.
Q: Who is someone that you admire? (alive, or dead)
Wed, 03-05-2008, 11:11 AM
Someone I admire is actually my friend Luis. I've known him since I was ten, and he was originally my Instuctor in Taekwondo. As I got better, I got to know him better and better, and he eventually become on of my best friends. I admire him because he has a lot of problems and issues, but he somehow overcomes them, using all of his issues as his strength to keep going. He outlets his problems through his music, and he makes it drive him to become better than he was the day before so it doesnt happen again.
Q: Who from the forums do you actually talk to outside of the forums (meaning on AIM, thorugh E-Mail, Facebook, real life, etc.)?
Wed, 03-05-2008, 12:01 PM
a: from here? i think assasin and i message each other randomly on facebook, once every two or three months, and that's the most contact i have with anyone here outside of GW
q: i just attended a seminar on this. what are your opinions about the social and mental impacts the "obesity epidemic" has on children and youth?
Thu, 03-06-2008, 12:09 AM
A) I watched a special on the other day called 'Thin Like Me', about of bunch of anorexic girls in a health care facility. I think that eating disorders are seriously messed up, and an unnecessary waste of emotions, food, money, etc.The sad thing is that most of it comes from stupid insecure children who like to tease others who happen to be weak and susceptible, or snide adults who are bitter and have to take out their pain on others, But as for the media coverage on 'obesity epidemic', I think kids might watch it and be amazed while they are watching it, and not care later. But stuff at school and home is what really affects kids.
Q) What instant messaging program do you prefer, if any?
Thu, 03-06-2008, 12:39 AM
a) i only use msn. and i use the term "use" loosely, because i hardly ever talk to anyone on it these days.
q) who/what is in your avatar, and why (if at all) is it special to you?
Thu, 03-06-2008, 12:45 AM
A)<---Look at her, it should be self-explanatory
Q)whats your most event happening within the next 6 months?
Thu, 03-06-2008, 08:09 AM
A) I am graduating. @_____@
Q) Which type of school did you hate the most? (Elementary, middle, high, college, etc.) Which do you like the most?
Thu, 03-06-2008, 09:01 AM
A: high school, because it's pointlessly easy. That's also the reason it's not worth celebrating high school graduation. You might as well expect a gift for crossing the street without getting hit by a truck. It should be middle school -> vocational school / college prep school.
Q: Is there someone that you really hate? I mean hate in that you could see them killed right in front of you, and not care because you know it would make the world a better place if they weren't here.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 03-06-2008, 09:32 AM
A: A few policial / national figures around the world, but I know whoever replaces them won't be much better.
Q: for those older than 20, are you living lives as adults? I maen, on your own expence, in a house you're paying for (renting, whatever) with a real job, and all?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:02 PM
A: *cough* that last question sort of killed the game, and since I'm not over 20, I'll answer the question before that.
Q: What is the longest time you've gone without eating and why?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:16 PM
I guess about 3, 3.5 days. I just didn't feel like eating. Its not the longest I've gone without eating but the longest period of time I've voluntarily gone without eating.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:32 PM
yep, Abdula shows us exactly how badass he is, he's so tough that he eats rocks once a week, and when he shits he kills whoever made him mad the past week.
Question: Did you ever walk out of a movie (in the cinema) in the middle? which movie?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:35 PM
Nope. ^^;
Question: Do people ever look at you funny? Or in a weird way?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:36 PM
A: Yes.
Q. What's the longest you have not gone to crap for?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 02:26 PM
My bad for starting the habit, but don't answer with one word!
A: I really have no idea. Over a day?
Q: What is the wackiest thing you've ever done to your hair?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 02:29 PM
A. Something involving an industrial quantity of hair gel...
Q. Did you ever kick someone's ass?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 02:32 PM
Yes...when I was younger, I believe. It was my cousin. I dunno for what tho...I was jealous or something.
Question: Can you control yourself when it comes to food, snacks, etc?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 03:02 PM
A. More than most ppl actually, except for yewllow m&m's lol
Q. When was you first kiss?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:32 PM
A: Kindergarten... it's so embrassing to say this.. i forced the kiss lol
i "raped"( ^,^ ) a 4 years old i m such a badass. the funny thing is i can still remember how she looked back then and where i kissed her (i mean the surroundings dont get the wrong idea) i think i can remember her name too (but i m not sure if its the right one)
poor girl i really *stole* her first kiss.. and wasted mine too.. or did you mean with tongue and stuff?
Q: in which anime-series would you like to live in? why? what kind of character would you like to be in this anime?
edit:2 ok i should stop editing my posts after posting them and re-read them while typing them.. sry again dude lol ^^
Death BOO Z
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:34 PM
anything goes, as long as I don't get any responability with that great power.
power ultimatly curropts. Ultimate power is pretty sweet.
don't have any questions, so lets have someone else answer this one as well.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:39 PM
A: I would want to be some fighting character in an anime like Naruto or possibly Bleach. Or some really wise strong character like Urahara or Yoruichi. If I was in Naruto I'd totally want to be in Akatsuki. Or someone who is neutral yet powerful, so I get to watch all the exciting stuff. Or a spy who never actually gets caught. *rants*
Q: What anime would you most HATE to be in?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:02 PM
there are plenty... all the childish ones like pokemon or yu-gi-oh
if i mention one-piece in the same group as them i m pretty sure my head will roll for it.. but ya i think one-piece is for kids (~12 years) too
i would hate to in any gundam series.. but only as a hero.. i wouldn't mind to be a pilot of a ZAKU and own with it since it looks pretty cool.
well that pretty much was everything.. i don't watch animes i don't like so i can't name many
edit: SEE? i forgot to re-read everything again i have to make up a question first just wait
Q: what is your favorite weapon? (fist,gun,sword,axe,mace,sniper,bazooka etc.)
for example, i m really attracted towards swords.. respective swords with jewels and engravings ( for example) i think its because i m a fan of knights.. so not only do i like swords but their whole armor (especially the helmet)
so whats your favorite?
edit: i don't mind Death BOO Z
thats the revenge for editing all my posts after you already answered them.^^
Death BOO Z
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:05 PM
most Shoujou mangas.
any action animes.
anything but pokemon, basically.
Question: when you lived with your parents, what was the longest time you didn't speak to them?
Edit: sorry, I missed out KrayZ33 post.
edit 2: answer to KrayZ33 question
this mofo. gutts you faster than a speeding bulet. (
and it's all mine...
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:09 PM
A. Goku in dragonball. The dude has power, women and immortality, what more can you ask for?
Q. What's the weirdest thing you've ever said to a girl?
EDIT: Well my sisters internet conexion sucks so...
A. I dont know but not too long, i never really got pissed at them
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:20 PM
hmmm difficult... i think it was "my balls are itching" when i was a bit drunk and didn't realise that i m actually talking to a girl..
well i m sure i've said worse things or even weirder things to a girl but i can't remember right now.
Q: i ll copy mine
"what is your favorite weapon? (fist,gun,sword,axe,mace,sniper,bazooka etc.)
for example, i m really attracted towards swords.. respective swords with jewels and engravings ( for example) i think its because i m a fan of knights.. so not only do i like swords but their whole armor (especially the helmet)
so whats your favorite?"
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:25 PM
A. well if my life was on the line id go for a glock cause its light and easy to use. If were talking about coolness id have to go for swords, btw that one u linked is badass
Q. Would u prefer the power if flight or mind reading?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 09:35 PM
no utlimatum questions!!
and anyway, i'd prefer flight. mind reading would get boring after a while.
q: who's your favourite superhero?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:17 AM
A. Well when I was young it was Superman, now it would probably be me.
Q. How long do you actually spend thinking of a question for this thread?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 08:57 AM
A: About 4 seconds
Q: What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought? How much was it
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:26 PM
A. My lameass xbox when i was a kid, that crappy thing costed me 500 euros
Q. Whats the longest time you made out with a girl?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:27 PM
A: I've never made out with a girl
Q: What is your favorite novel?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:32 PM
A. I hate novels
Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:33 PM
A: Don't ask stupid questions
Q: Where is a place in the world that you have always wanted to go?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:38 PM
A: There are far too many to name. Basically anyplace with a lot of historical significance especially pertaining to war or the military.
Q) Can someone ask a good question I can't think of any?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:52 PM
A. ill answer the otehr one the, I alwaus wanted to go to brazil.
Q. You think naruto will ever be worth watching again?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:57 PM
Wait didn't see say no stupid questions and the answer is yes btw.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:59 PM
Now you ask a question..
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:28 PM
ill ass the question then..
you have the chance for 3 wishes what are they (immortality ..killing someone.. and woman are not a option)..
*mine would be simple, to be or have everything i wanted from every anime (basically if i wanted to be a saiyan or have every gundam or the guyver i could. prefect body and eternal youth.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:30 PM
Wait so you asked a question just so you could answer it.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:33 PM
Abdula, go away if you can't follow the rules in a game. Ask a question and then answer one. >O
A: Hmm I would wish for the ability to warp physical reality, wisdom, and fighting strength
Q: Would you rather live a life of complete and utter sadness with no happiness at all, or go back in time and change one thing, but this negating your own existence and causing you to never have existed in the first place?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:35 PM
edit: ups answered to the other question sorry.
A. Health, Money snd happiness ( aka more money )
Q. What do you consider to be the ultimate sin?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:37 PM
edit: wtf i fail... someone else pls.
2 people were faster than me
btw sapphire how is it possible, that something which happened before i started to live , can make me feel so sad?
because if it isn't something i caused myself then i won't risk my own existence to change it unless its caused by the person i love the most maybe.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:41 PM
Abdula, go away if you can't follow the rules in a game. Ask a question and then answer one. >O
A: Hmm I would wish for the ability to warp physical reality, wisdom, and fighting strength
Q: Would you rather live a life of complete and utter sadness with no happiness at all, or go back in time and change one thing, but this negating your own existence and causing you to never have existed in the first place?
Easy the latter.
edit: ups answered to the other question sorry.
A. Health, Money snd happiness ( aka more money )
Q. What do you consider to be the ultimate sin?
A; Sin is over rated, I suppose the logical answer would be murder but it really depends some could argue rape but in my book not standing up for what you believe in is an even greater offense.
Q: Are you religious if you are, then are you okay with living your life by the rules defined by someone else and if so do you believe living that life and believing in a god(s) without any concrete proof of their existence is true faith.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:46 PM
A; Sin is over rated, I suppose the logical answer would be murder but it really depends some could argue rape but in my book not standing up for what you believe in is an even greater offense.
Omg Abdula you're so full of it XD Not satanding for what u believe in is worse than murder? What are you naruto now?
A. I believe in Atheism
Q. What's the worse thing you ever wanted to do to a person?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:47 PM
A. Thats like two or three questions in one. So a) yes i am religious b) rules being defined by someone else doesn't exactly mean the same thing in this context and c) I don't believe without proof.
Q. What's up with the sometimes deep and other times slapstick questions on this forum? Is it the onset of puberty or something?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:48 PM
edit: WHAT THE FUCK can i delete posts?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:49 PM
Could someone else answer my question this kid is annoying. NO I'm not Naruto you idiot but you obviously don't know what I'm taking about whether its race, nationalism or religion standing up for those kind of things is what I'm talking about grow a brain or start using the one you have.
A. Thats like two or three questions in one. So a) yes i am religious b) rules being defined by someone else doesn't exactly mean the same thing in this context and c) I don't believe without proof.
Q. What's up with the sometimes deep and other times slapstick questions on this forum? Is it the onset of puberty or something?
Thanks. Yeah I know it doesn't exactly mean the same thing in context I was hoping it would be liberal enough that people could apply it to whatever they choose. Nowadays religion itself has a pretty vague meaning.
To answer you're question I have no idea and I don't know what KrayZ is doing.
Q) Can someone get rid of Archangel.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:54 PM
Q) Can someone get rid of Archangel.
U know u love me Abdula *winks*
A. I guess the questions varie as how the ppl asking them are feeling.
Q. Do you prefer the sunrise or the sunset?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:08 PM
A: The sunset cause I think the shimmer brings out the sun more beautifully. Plus I'm a night person. :D
Q: If your life is in the Matrix and you would know about it, would you want to stay in or get out of it?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:12 PM
A. Im no Neo, i'd make the same deal the other guy did, forget all about it and go live happily.
Q. What's your favourite anime?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:17 PM
A. For sheet first time joy, DBZ.
Q. Drive or walk?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:18 PM
Edit: fuck
A: Drive, but no license. Thus walk.
Q: Wich fighting style would you consider ultimate?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:18 PM
DB - That's a two word ultimatum
A: Any martial art fighting style is awesome in my opinion. But guns and bombs are ultimate.
Q: What is your favorite sport and why do you like it?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:19 PM
Edit: Argh fot owned by the 2 ppl above
A. DRIVE!!! Im getting my licence now lol u americans r so lucky that u can get it at 16. Here in Portugal y have to w8 till ure 18
A2: i prefer soccer cause youre always running and having fun while palying it
A3: Boxing quite simply because it's all about brute streght. I dont care if u know all the fighting styles known to man u get hit by one of those punches and its over.
Q. Which do you prefer: Bleach or Naruto? ( think about the whole series, not just the latest eps)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:20 PM
A. Used to be cricket (no prizes for guess where I am from). I liked it because I was good at it. Doesn't mean I didn't like others too though.
Q. Long hair or short hair?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:21 PM
A: Shot hair if you're slim, long if your fat.
Edit: unless it's girls, then it's always long. :D
Q: Do you google alot, or do you get your knowledge elsewhere?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:24 PM
A. Always google, sometimes wiki
Q. Which do you prefer: Bleach or Naruto? ( think about the whole series, not just the latest eps)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:24 PM
If you guys are going to do ultimatums, do ones that are actually thought provoking (or at least are complete questions that make sense)
A: I prefer Naruto because of the feelings, the characters, and skills and fighting.
Q: Why do guys like football?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:26 PM
A. Read my answer above.
Q. Which do you prefer: Bleach or Naruto? ( think about the whole series, not just the latest eps) ( Someone answer my question ffs XP )
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:27 PM
STOP ASKING THE SAME QUESTION (PS - You are breaking the rules by asking a two word ultimatum)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:28 PM
Edit: K in that case my bad, but im still curious how ppl feel about those animes since one started slow and hes getting better and better while the other is doing the exact opposite.
no one has answered it yet saphire... but whatever...
New Q. What's the worst possible way to die you can think of?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:47 PM
Question: What's the worst date you've ever been on?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:52 PM
A. One in which my parents showed up in the middle of it... seriously, that experience alone is grounds for insanity im telling you.
Q. What's the most embarassing thing that ever happened to you/a close freind? ( in case ure too ashamed to share your own experience lol )
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:54 PM
A: Someone threw a box of peanuts at me at elementary school, and I fell back off a bench and rolled down a hill. Actually that was pretty funny. PS I am allergic to peanuts
Q: What is the hardest (to understand) novel you've ever read?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:55 PM
A: None, don't read any.
Q: What do you think of strippers, hookers and all those other related occupations?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:59 PM
A. Well, many of them are in that situation because they dont really have any option and the ones who do chose that life aren't really doing anything bad for others so i guess im cool with them
Q. Do you agree with the death penalty. Justify your answer pls.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 04:04 PM
A: I do not, cause it is not the best punishment one can come up with.
Q: Are some hobbies you can't do without? Also justify that one.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 04:11 PM
A. Well this might sound weird but one of them would have to be going to the gym and workout. It would suck if i couldnt do it not only because i find it relaxing it's actually a cool place to hang out where i know lots of great people.
Q. What do you think is the most ridiculous of all urban myths and why?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:10 PM
Answer: Most urban legends are stupid. It's hard to pick just one.
Q: What is the hardest (to understand) novel you've ever read?
I'm gonna answer this because you keep asking questions about novels but get cut short and ignored by people who don't read.
Lord Jim ( is the most complicated and confusing narrative I've ever read. It has changes in time, speaker, and medium of story telling every few paragraphs. If I recall correctly, it also had at least one instance of a """triple quote.""" Reading it as a High School Sophomore, I really had no idea what was going on about 4 chapters in. Completely lost me.
Question: What is undeniably the worst movie you have ever seen, and why?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:15 PM
A. My boyfriend's ex-girlfriends, since the trailers made it look like a comedy while it really was an annoying chick flick with 2 or 3 jokes.
Q. Whats the most retarded thing you're computer has ever done? ( blue screen, shutdown, files missing for no apparent reason, etc. )
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:18 PM
A: Well one time my computer was flung from a flight of stairs, and later on it worked BETTER. I think that's pretty retarded lol
Q: What was the last game you played? Did you enjoy it?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:36 PM
A. Wild Arms XF and no i didnt enjoy it cause my psp crashed and i had to restart the game from scratch :P
Q. Have you even been in loved?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:42 PM
...what? i can think of two ways that question can go, and the answer to both is yes. unless you somehow meant to say "involved", which doesn't make any sense o_O
q: war, what is it good for?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 06:02 PM
A. Getting morron presidents reelected
Q. If you could be an animal, what kind would you be?
Sun, 03-23-2008, 06:38 PM
A. Getting morron presidents reelected
Q. If you could be an animal, what kind would you be?
something stealthy and sneaky... hmmm
i like owls (they look beautiful) panthers... and especially wolves! (because i like how the hunt in a pack)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 06:49 PM
Q: How do you guys reckon the Olympics will turn out this year, with China/politics/protests and all. Be a bit in depth please?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 01:59 PM
k... that qustion basically killed the game but ill try to revive it
A. I honetly don't have a clue, i just hope they crack under the pressure since the olympics are always so great to watch
Q. What kind of girls/guys are you attracted to?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 05:09 PM
A: An intelligent person with a good sense of humor and a sense of seduction and romance. I'm also impressed with people who have a good talent in any certain thing.*cough and muscles.
Q: What is your favorite subject in school?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 05:17 PM
A: even though my english skills don't show it, its english and history.
Q: do you prefer big or small breasts xD and why? ^^ (sry but i couldn't come up with anything else)
Wed, 03-26-2008, 05:57 PM
A. Big because... i'm a guy
Q. What's love in your own words?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 06:00 PM
A: The ability to completely accept someone, even through their flaws
Q: How many pullups can you do without passing out?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 06:05 PM
A. I never passed out but i get really tired at about 30
Q. How many pushups can u do b4 passing out?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 06:46 PM
passing out? i don't think thats even possible ( btw just because you are a guy doesn't automatically mean you like big breasts ^^ AA <--- i m gonna call you that now its a nice short form of your name "A"rch"A"ngel and you can do nothing to prevent me from doing this! )
A: at around 10 i start feeling it. at around 30-40 my arms start shaking so much that any more would be impossible and i have to pause... i m not doing any strength training, i don't really care though
Q: Did you ever have a moment where you said "if i am to die here and now, then its fine"
and why was that?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 06:54 PM
Lol omg kray you girly man * Does schwarzenegger laugh *
A: Well i'm not gonna go into details because i still don't know you guys that well but i went thruu a mild depression when i was 15 and yeah my life didn't really matter alot at that time
Q: What's the worst thing someone could ever say to you?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 07:37 PM
A: girly man
Q: who else does think that AA's pics deserve some more paintshopping?
xD btw i thought in a different direction when i made my question, but thats fine too..
it was more meant to be something like : "ahhh... i feel so good now, if i have to die.... then its fine because i feel so good" :/
ah and i think 30 pushups are fine when you do nothing except playing football or something like that :P
well my muscles might not be trained well, but i've got a great condition.. i m probably able to jog for like 2 hours without beeing so much exhausted as others. ^^
well ok i would be totally exhausted as well but i know people who would probably be near collapsing i think.
Wed, 03-26-2008, 07:50 PM
If you don't do any exercise then there's no way in hell u can run for 2 hours dude.
A. Absolutely no one in the known universe
Q. What country would you like to own?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 08:08 PM
If you don't do any exercise then there's no way in hell u can run for 2 hours dude.
A. Absolutely no one in the known universe
Q. What country would you like to own?
uhm i do have football(soccer) training 2 times the week and 1 game on weekends. and 1-2 other days i play football with friends.. thats pretty much the same. and during holidays the whole team goes jogging around a canal or sea and thats why i know i can jog 2 hours long without collapsing ^^ at least i was able to do it half a year might changed a bit (because i have to learn for my last school tests) but well 1h30min shouldn't be a problem. i mean how am i supposed to play a football game which lasts 90 minutes if i have no stamina.. sure in a game you can pause sometimes.. however 80% of the time i m "*running*" after a ball which i might never hold longer than 5 minutes throughout the whole game (lol football is such a stupid sports if you lay down the facts)
i just don't go into a fitness center or something like that. i pretty much only do things with my legs. my way to school is like 15 minutes away with a bicycle so even if i don't do so much sports i wouldn't grow fat i think because i ride 2-3 times a day there and back again. (my plan sucks so much, that i m there for like 2 hours... then home for like 2 hours, then there again and so on)
A: actually no country is worth owning... they all suck. i would create my own states if i could
Q: What do you think about Cloning? it has good and bad sites. which do you think have more value?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 08:16 PM
lol funny how your legs are strong but your arms r weak
A. I think it's a technology worth exploring
Q. If u could bring anyone back to life who would it be?
Wed, 03-26-2008, 08:31 PM
lol funny how your legs are strong but your arms r weak
A. I think it's a technology worth exploring
Q. If u could bring anyone back to life who would it be?
well "strong" legs.. its not like i have legs like (. . . . . . . . . . .) and arms like (. . )
i think a good stamina comes automatically if you play in a sports team, it doesn't matter which one. my legs might be a bit more "muscular" but thats only because i do *kick balls* (lol) you know what i mean, i think it shouldn't be underestimated.
and 30 pushups is a normal amount (btw i m talking about 30 in a short amount of time and not like 1 in 6 seconds or so lol ^^). nearly every ordinary guy can do about this much even if they don't do it everyday and nearly every ordinary guy can do about 30 pullups its not that difficult. the difference is the feeling AFTER you have done them.. someone who trained his arms well won't feel much, however someone not lifting any weights or so might feel that his arms feel somehow "weird" because their muscles are very tense after doing it.
they probably will feel very light and think they are able to do twice as much but if they do ~10 more then they'll see, thats the limit and this "light feeling" will suddently switch to a "FUCK-THIS-STARTS-TO-HURT-A-LOT feeling" ^^
A: to be honest... at the moment nobody... i would wait a bit and save up the "spell" ^^
Q: What is your favorite main dish and how did you discover it ^^? (oh my questions have such a high-class)
Thu, 03-27-2008, 08:58 AM
A: Karni Kabritu Stoba ku Panbati. It's Antillian cusine and I discovered it by me mums. Dominican food rocks also.
Q: What do you consider it takes a friend to be your best friend?
Thu, 03-27-2008, 05:09 PM
A. Quite simply someone who will put up with my bullshit and laught about it.
Q. Is there someone who you actually hate in your life?
Sat, 03-29-2008, 08:31 AM
A. No, as of now. There has been occasions in the past, mainly with bullies and dip shits in junior high who make you feel like shit. There was a group back then who used to go around with huge rubber bands and whip you in the leg as you walked past, or get you on the back in class. That was the closest thing to hating someone for me.
Q. Why/How did you guys come to join this forum? AnimeONE releases, friends or perhaps a google link?
Sat, 03-29-2008, 04:32 PM
A. I found it on google while seaching for some renders
Q. Who's your favourite candidate to be USA's next president?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 09:09 PM
A) Obama because I like some of his ideas, though I disagree with some too. I will just wait till he wins the primaries election and stops focusing on the liberals so much. XD
Q) What is a place you never want to visit?
Mon, 03-31-2008, 04:19 AM
A) China, but I don't really want to start another culture discussion :p
Q) What did you buy with your first pay cheque? (Or going to)
Mon, 03-31-2008, 06:27 AM
A) Clothes. I got tired of having my mum pay for them, and when you get to a certain age, it suddenly looks weird going clothes shopping with your mum as a guy. Also, since this doesn't happen often, when I see something that I really like, I'd like to turn a blind eye on the price tag.
Q) At what age would you like to retire? When you do, do you want to settle down anywhere in particular? How'd you like to spend your good old times?
Mon, 03-31-2008, 01:34 PM
A) Well i can0t really answer that question very well since im not even working yet but i think i'd retire only when i believed when i just couldn't do my job anymore regardless of my age. I'd like to stay close to my grandkids and just take it easy till my time came to end.
Q) What would be the ultimate anime battle? Name characters involved and the scenario.
Thu, 04-03-2008, 03:35 PM
A: Lucy from Elfen Lied and Ichigo from Bleach. Simply because of the awesomeness levels - kinda like Chuck Norris and Mr. T. To be honest, I have no idea under what circumstances these two would be fighting, but it would definitely be something to see.
Q: If the former is the latter and the latter is the former, and both had been switched from their original state, which would you choose if I told you there was only one correct answer? And if there was a third?
Thu, 04-03-2008, 06:04 PM
wtf?!? do you try to kill the thread with that quesiton xD? or am i the only one who doesn't understand it. - sry if thats the case
Thu, 04-03-2008, 06:58 PM
A: I'm just going in circles no mather how i look at it so it really shouldn't make a difference which one i'm gonna pick.
Q: If there's one thing about yourself you could change, what would it be and why?
Thu, 04-03-2008, 09:18 PM
A: probably my schoolwork slacking, for obvious reasons. Though I am doing much better with that.
Q: When are you most happy? (can be time of day, a month, or whenever). Why?
Thu, 04-03-2008, 10:10 PM
a: honestly, i don't really have any major reasons to be unhappy. so, i'm happy most of the time.
q: what is one thing you would absolutely never change about yourself?
Fri, 04-04-2008, 11:16 AM
A. I would never change anything about myself because that would mean that i wouldn't really be myself anymore.
Q. What's your favourite Tv show?
Fri, 04-04-2008, 12:21 PM
A. That will have to be NCIS
Q. If you could pick one country besides your own, where would you live?
Fri, 04-04-2008, 01:42 PM
A. Brazil, because they also speack portuguese there and if you can avoid the "favelas" then it's a great place to live
Q. When was the moment you were most afraid in your whole life?
Fri, 04-04-2008, 03:51 PM
A. Brazil, because they also speack portuguese there and if you can avoid the "favelas" then it's a great place to live
Q. When was the moment you were most afraid in your whole life?
A: when i was about to drown (i think i was like 6 years old?) i can remember really every second of it... at first me and my friend laughed because it was so much fun to get drawn deeper and deeper into the pool because of a artificial stream.
but then it got so strong that i nearly drowned there, i even know that i said to myself "is your life alrdy over?" <---- omg i was 6 years old and i really said it thats somehow weird
Q: what do you think about the Trolley problem?
what would you do if you get into such a situation? push the fat man to rescue more people?
Sun, 04-06-2008, 08:55 PM
A: since moral wrongs are already in place in the situation, flipping the switch constitutes a participation in the moral wrong, making one partially responsible for the death (when otherwise the mad philosopher would be the sole culprit).
^^I agree with that.
Q: What's the unhealthiest meal you've ever had?
Sun, 04-06-2008, 09:10 PM
A: Pretty much everything I eat. I have almost no self-control.
Q: What is your favorite pastime activity besides anime, and why?
Mon, 04-07-2008, 07:07 AM
A: they are on the same level: Gaming, Drinking, Soccer
because they are fun, however i don't drink much because i always get really bad hang-overs, i don't know why.. maybe allergic?
Gaming -> because i'm pro ! :)
Soccer -> most boring sport to watch but one of the best sports if you play yourself..
Q: Whats your favorite sport
Mon, 04-07-2008, 07:18 AM
A) Soccer!! Followed by basketball, volleyball and dodgeball. Favourite spectator sport is tennis, followed closely by volleyball.
Q) What's your favorite animal and why?
Mon, 04-07-2008, 08:57 AM
A: I like wild cats like mountain lions. In fact I had a dream there was a baby mountain lion loose in my apartment yesterday. @__@
Q: How fast do you type?
Mon, 04-07-2008, 09:56 AM
A: I like wild cats like mountain lions. In fact I had a dream there was a baby mountain lion loose in my apartment yesterday. @__@
Q: How fast do you type?
"Du hast 409 Punkte erreicht, damit befindest du dich auf Platz 3901 von 266959
Du schreibst 509 Zeichen pro Minute
Du hast 90 korrekt geschriebene Wörter und
Du hast 0 falsch geschriebene Wört "
in english this means
"you reached 409 points, your position is 3901 out of 266959
you type 509 letters/minute
you typed 90 words correctly and
you typed 0 words wrong"
i don't know if there is a english version of this game
the german one won't work for you :P
Q: how many fingers do you use to type
Mon, 04-07-2008, 10:14 AM
A. I use the index and the midlle finger with both hands
Q. Wha's the most perverted thing u ever did? ( If you consider this a stupid question or are too embarassed to answer it just write the most stupid thing u ever did)
Mon, 04-07-2008, 10:43 AM
A: Hmm I dunno. Molestation fests every week in anime club.
Q: How do people only type with 4 fingers?! *faint**
Mon, 04-07-2008, 10:47 AM
A. I like to save my other fingers for other activities...
Q. What was your first thought after reading that answer? ( Try not to be perverted... )
Mon, 04-07-2008, 02:06 PM
A: That's a loaded question. I dunno, I'll say eating.
Q: Do you write often? If so, what? If not, WHY the hell not?!
Mon, 04-07-2008, 02:15 PM
A: Stories and screenplays
Q: can you do a handstand?
Mon, 04-07-2008, 02:24 PM
A: Absolutely not.
Q: If you were running out of time to live, and you could ask one question before you died, to ANYONE in the world, who would you ask, and what would you ask them?
Mon, 04-07-2008, 04:03 PM
A. Well if i was sure i'd get an honest answer i'd ask the pope if he actually believes all that bullshit
Q. Where are you going when you die? Besides 5 feet below ground.
Tue, 04-08-2008, 02:58 PM
A: I'm not religious, and I don't believe in 'heaven' or 'hell' as so-called final resting places (Imagine that, a non-zealot American!). I figure that when I die, my spirit will probably either be floating around as a non-entity or reborn. I haven't decided whether to buy into the whole 'rebirth' idea, and I really don't feel like killing myself to find out. I suppose I'll see it when it happens. Until then I can only speculate.
Q: Does the fact that you'll eventually die disturb you?
Tue, 04-08-2008, 04:25 PM
A. Yes, because i'm faitly certain that i'll neither go to heaven or hell, i'll just disapear from existence
B. What would you do if you got your hands on death note?
Tue, 04-08-2008, 05:13 PM
A. Yes, because i'm faitly certain that i'll neither go to heaven or hell, i'll just disapear from existence
B. What would you do if you got your hands on death note?
A: i would help people who are in pain and let them die peacefully.. something like "fullfilling their last wish" if that is possible somehow..
Q:do you "believe" in death penalty? do you think its right to kill people? do you think the goverment sets a wrong example if the say "its allowed to kill people"?
Tue, 04-08-2008, 05:18 PM
A: Capital punishment isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I wouldn't say it's a good thing either. It all depends on the crime. If it's something like mass rape, then no, I don't like it. But, if it's murder or something like that, yes, I do believe it's necessary. The government can say anything they want and get away with it, whether we agree with it or not. America isn't a democracy, despite whatever we may think.
Q: What is true democracy in your eyes?
Tue, 04-08-2008, 05:32 PM
A. Some people do deserve to die but i don't believe in the death penalty because the system isn't perfect and there are inocent people incarcerated
Q. Who do you admire the most?
Wed, 04-09-2008, 07:14 AM
i don't really admire anyone... but if you ask me i would probably say "people who won in the lottery"... you know.. so much money, they don't really have to work anymore if they are clever.
Q:spree killers -> victim or culprit? (for example kids who get go amok because of bullying and so on, i don't want to know whether its right or wrong to kill people btw ^^ because everyone knows that its wrong. i think you get the idea.)
Wed, 04-09-2008, 07:19 AM
A: Culprit. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, they are definitely not victims. Try telling the true victims that the killer was supposedly one. I don't get people who call these fools the ones we should be admiring for whatever reason. It just isn't right. It isn't anyone's fault but their own for taking things too damn seriously.
Q: Since nobody (ahem, Archangel) answered my question, I restate it. What do you believe to be 'true' democracy? Is it a political scenario where the people truly rule? Or is it a place like America: the people vote for their favorite representatives to vote for 'the popular decision' without giving everyday citizens any say at all into what laws are passed? (I know, we can actually say something, but the fact that we can't go into Congress and debate our point for ourselves before the law is passed is somewhat disheartening.)
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Wed, 04-09-2008, 07:22 AM
A: Hmm. I think though this government was initially created to offset the power of a king and give power to the congress, (which is what, 535 people?) America as a whole has given too much power to the president. I don't know really when this started happening. America has begun to shift blame to the president, instead of his advisors and even the congress, probably because it is easier to blame one guy then 535 or even 2/3 of the 535 people. Of course in times of emergency we give the president power in one or two days to decide things because it's simply his right and that is his job, but over time we've made simply a military position more like a "king" like position. But then that depends on the presidents popularity. If everyone loves him or is scared or something, congress basically will write him a blank check to do whatever, but if he is hated, as I believe Kennedy was, congress won't let them do crap. People only rule as much as they get involved. The election turnout was rather high last election, but before that hardly anyone cared. Your job as "citizen" is to contact your congressman and tell them issues, so they might bring them up as bills to be passed. But instead the only people who do that are lobbyists, so unequal voices are heard. I don't know what law you're talking about, I don't even think the president can go and debate something to the congress, he's only allowed to present bills and veto them. (Actually he is allowed, I remember seeing Clinton debating health care reform all the time [which failed, by the way]) Sorry, you'd just have to get your congressman to do it for you. (You prolly don't know enough about the constitution, or past cases and politics to debate something anyway). In my opinion it's way better for a congressman to be reelected if he takes all the credit for a bill himself, that's why we never see lobbyist doing any talking. /rant
Q: How conservative are you? How liberal?
Wed, 04-09-2008, 07:28 AM
A: i m in the middle of both, because both sides are a bit crazy but both have some good points
Q:arranged marriage.. a good, or bad thing?
Wed, 04-09-2008, 07:56 AM
A) Modern times: bad, because it infringes out right to choose. Of course, there's always divorce nowadays. :rolleyes: Back then, good. Since it ensures you get married quickly and raise kids before you die at like 30.
Q) Tell us about a dish that only your Mum or Dad can make just right?
Wed, 04-09-2008, 08:17 AM
A) My mom can make very good stew with tomato sauce, brussel spouts, shrimp, spinach, spices, ground beef (to put on rice). She used to make really good "spanish" rice with picante sauce, and my dad can make really good tomato sauce (to put on rice)
Q) Do you or did you challenge yourself in school?
Wed, 04-09-2008, 08:24 AM
A: I used to, before I found that it was rather useless. School systems aren't really my thing. I've said this to my friends before, and I'll repeat it here: grades are only conductive to see how lazy or productive you are. It doesn't matter how smart you are; only how much effort you put into it. You can pass on blind luck and rote memorization. Until they mark grades on how much you've actually learned, I don't believe in the stupid system they have in place. So, no, I don't challenge myself in school.
Q: What do you believe will happen (politically, socially, etc.) in the next ten years?
Wed, 04-09-2008, 10:08 AM
Sorry bout that python i guess i missed your last question
A. Well, people feel so safe with the current system that unless something happens i'm not really seeing any change in the next 10 years. If it did change it would probably have something to do with either the USA, China, Iraq (terrorism) or all of the above.
Q. Where do you feel completely safe?
Sun, 04-13-2008, 05:23 AM
A) I feel the safest at home. More so in my room. It's not so much that it's "safe" from danger. It's more the idea that you're familiar with it. An environment that you see day in day out. You feel that no matter what changes, your home is always there for you. (yes, exceptions.....hurricanes......but that's what I feel anyway.)
Q) What's your favourite season?
Sun, 04-13-2008, 05:51 AM
A: Winter. People are less obnoxious when they're shivering with cold. Everything is more serene and peaceful, especially with a nice thick layer of snow covering everything. You can walk outside without breaking a sweat and you feel so refreshed and clean. It's great. Plus you can warm up in front of a fire or under the comforter and spend an entire day just content.
Q: Do you think countries should require service in the military for all males after high school?
Mon, 04-14-2008, 09:27 PM
A: No.
Q: Do you find it sexually arousing to watch Animal Planet?
Mon, 04-14-2008, 09:30 PM
A: No I don't, as I'm attracted to humans and not animals
(Try not to answer with one word)
Q: What is something that you wanted to do as a kid, but think is silly now?
Mon, 04-14-2008, 09:40 PM
A: Run away from school, build a sled and travel to the north pole, taking only a Power Rangers hoodie with me because it would obviously have been enough to keep me warm.
If you meant as a career, I wanted to be a "scientist" so I could build Zords and fly around in them all day long. Yes, I really liked Power Rangers.
Q: What's something you think is silly now, but will probably end up doing later in life?
Mon, 04-14-2008, 09:44 PM
A) Acting like a kid when I'm 70.
Q) Do you want to get married? If not, why not? If so, at what age and why?
Tue, 04-15-2008, 06:42 AM
A: Eventually, in about ten years. I think it would be good to finally be out of the high school "oh you can just get another one" ideal.
Q: Taking a look at the world today, what do you believe will happen in the next fifteen or so years? Is there anything you could possibly think or act on changing the trend?
Tue, 04-15-2008, 08:07 PM
I think the world is going to end in 2012 because of the Mayan calender and the shifting of the poles.
If men could have babies would you?
(hopefully a man responds next)
Tue, 04-15-2008, 08:14 PM
A. I think that last question is now obsolete. See this link. ( But no. For that to happen, there would need to be me and another no.
Q. What do you think of the justice system in your country, or place of residence? Are the police/laws corrupt? Impotent? Money paves the way? Draconian?
Thu, 04-17-2008, 05:12 PM
A: The American justice system... now that's a laugh. I don't think its corrupt or even draconian... it's just highly stupid. Too loose sometimes in my opinion.
q: What is the most illegal thing you've ever done? Why did you do it?
Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:01 PM
A Stole a playstation 2 because i wanted one.
Q. What the trait about yourself that you treasure the most?
Death BOO Z
Fri, 04-18-2008, 06:45 PM
my fine, accurate memory of things that nobody cares about and jokes that nobody gets.
I talked to my brother about this a few weeks back, and we came to a conclusion that I'm gonna end up as one of those people that keeps refering back to tv and games and nobody gets the joke. like family guy.
Q: What's the name of this song that's been playing on MTV for a while. it goes like "I just want to talk to you and tell you how I feel... What you gonna do, what you gonna do..." and the clip has some british collage kids dancing and some hot black girl showing her panties. it's sort of a rap/dance song.
hey, its' a question, and google doesn't help much, believe me I tried.
Sat, 04-19-2008, 11:16 AM
A: That sounds like whats it gonna be by h20?
Q: Is there really a reason for me to even vote for the 3 presidential candidates? The candidate I had wanted (and most of the internet as well) was Ron Paul, and none of these guys even come close.
Sat, 04-19-2008, 11:31 AM
A. If you don't agree with any of them don't vote but then you loose all right to complain about the way your next leader runs the country
Q. Why did you join this forum?
Sat, 04-19-2008, 11:40 AM
A: Because I am an Anbu-Aone fan forever. Then I noticed that they had cool chats. I think I joined because of the Itachi discussion thread that no one remembers.
Q: What is your favorite place to buy clothes from? What type of clothes?
Sat, 04-19-2008, 11:46 AM
A. Pull and bear (
Q. Who's the hottest anime character ever?
Sat, 04-19-2008, 12:28 PM
Sanzo from Saiyuki *drooooooooools*
Who is your favorite character to use in Super Smash Bros. Brawl? =D
Sat, 04-19-2008, 12:46 PM
what is your favorite movie of all time.
Sat, 04-19-2008, 01:10 PM
A. Heart if a knight/ Sweeney Todd
Q. What's the thing you most regret in your life?
Sun, 04-20-2008, 04:28 AM
A. After thinking about this I guess I don't regret anything. Anything that I didn't do or something that I did wrong turned in to a learning experience for me, and still ends up serving me now.
Q. Lust or love?
Sun, 04-20-2008, 07:11 AM
A. That will have to be love.
Q. What's the one thing you want to do before you die but haven't done yet?
Sun, 04-20-2008, 07:44 AM
A. Make a grave for my Pc
Q.If there is someone who is able to fulfil your wishes. What is your wish then?
Sun, 04-20-2008, 11:27 AM
A: Hmmm, being a superhero or something like that would be good... well at least something which gets you out of an ordinary life. I'm not the type who wants to live a peaceful life all the time. I need some action :). It's a waste to live the same way every day. Since I'm a fan of knights in full armor + swords or other medieval weaponry, i'd probably wish to be a noble Knight or Samurai,but i would dislike the hygiene in those ages :P). So I'd wish to be a superhero-swordsman nowadays...probably xD and surely I'd wish for a lovely woman at my side *g*
Q: i can't come up with a good one...
hmmm, which time-period do you think was the coolest?
Sun, 04-20-2008, 01:46 PM
A. The 80's of course, lots of unprotected fun back then :D
Q. How's a bad day in your opinion ?
Mon, 04-21-2008, 11:37 AM
A: I think you mean "What makes a bad day," but oh well...
A bad day for me is mostly during times when I catch a cold or the flu. I can't go to school (wow, a guy who LIKES going to school?), or hang out with anyone. It's miserable staying in the house when you live with people like the ones I'm forced to. Huh.
Q: How do you spend vacations most of the time? Do you travel, or do you stay at home?
Mon, 04-21-2008, 01:34 PM
A. I usually travel either south of the country or Spain but always where i can find sunny weather.
Q. What's your favorite urban myth?
Mon, 04-21-2008, 03:08 PM
A.Monster Of Lochness first i thought it was real, but when i downloaded a documentary about the monster of was fake!
Q.When was it that you scared for the first time?
Mon, 04-21-2008, 04:18 PM
A. I'm not sure if it was the first time but i think it was this weird dream where some robbers killed my mom... dam i was scared to go out after that one
Q. What's your happiest memory ever?
Mon, 04-21-2008, 07:20 PM
When I thought no one would show up at my birthday party (damn summer birthday) but then a lot of people actually surprised me and showed up!
Would you rather trip and fall in a big lecture hall or fart in a small classroom?
Tue, 04-22-2008, 02:47 AM
When I thought no one would show up at my birthday party (damn summer birthday) but then a lot of people actually surprised me and showed up!
Would you rather trip and fall in a big lecture hall or fart in a small classroom?
A) Fart in a small classroom. They might not know it was you.
Q) What do you think of euthanasia?
Tue, 04-22-2008, 11:37 AM
A: Once again, this is one of those 'it depends' questions...
I'd say that euthanasia is needed in some cases, not in others. It's up to whomever decides to put the pet down, and I won't say anything about whatever they choose; although if it is something small like, say, a broken bone, I'd probably disagree with the euthanasia, but if it's something serious like chronic asthma that springs up whenever someone walks in the door, then yes, I'd agree with it. Like I said, though, this is one of those 'it depends' situations.
Q: Do you own a pet? What's its name? How old is it, and what is it?
(Sorry for question spam... I didn't want the one-word answers to be put on me...)
Tue, 04-22-2008, 12:39 PM
Yeah I have a pet...his name is Assertn...he's 20 something...
j/k hehe (Don't kill me!)
But really, I don't have a pet. I concluded I wasn't capable of raising a pet when my aquababy fish passed away from being too fat...
Do you think space exploration is necessary or a waste of money?
Tue, 04-22-2008, 02:00 PM
necessary for the future... as we know many planets hold a big amount of raw materials. we need them once the earth has none left.
Q: Whats your favorite colour and why? ^^
Tue, 04-22-2008, 03:40 PM
A.Black, because if you are in a dark chamber everything is black and then you get hallucinations and you see freaky things like a woman without a head and then close your eyes and a couple of minutes is it gone.....damn it was dream.
Q.Why is it so hard to tell the truth but Yet so easy to tell a lie?
Tue, 04-22-2008, 04:17 PM
A: Simple. People are afraid of hurting others. Well, that's me. I can't speak for anyone else.
Q: If given an epic quest, would you complete it, even if it meant sleepless nights, long travel, and nearly impossible challenges? Or would you leave it alone, possibly missing out on immense riches and a chance at romance? Why/why not?
Tue, 04-22-2008, 06:06 PM
A) I would def. complete it cuz it sounds like uber fun. As old people like to say, it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. (correct me if that saying has no relevance to the matter).
Q) Would you rather be gay or fighting in iraq?
Wed, 04-23-2008, 01:35 AM
fighting in iraq. death before dishonor.
what is your favorite family guy quote *gimme a break we all know you watch it.
or even *assy mcgee adultswim saturday nights ..if you havn't watched it check it out.
Thu, 04-24-2008, 02:52 PM
... I hope that was some kind of bad joke sangai.
A. I don't like any of those quotes
Q. Do you believe in gay rights such as marriage?
Thu, 04-24-2008, 03:14 PM
A: Sure why not. I don't like them being gay, but as long as they're with each other they aren't hitting on me. Might as well give them benes.
Q: Do you prefer weekly, biweekly, or a monthly paycheck?
Thu, 04-24-2008, 03:47 PM
A: Well.... Biweekly. That way, it seems like you're getting more (And you probably aren't - you're probably getting less with all the taxes taken out. Same goes for monthly.). In that case, I suppose weekly... damned taxes.
Q: What is your 'dream job'?
Thu, 04-24-2008, 04:16 PM
A. Mangaka :D But i lack both the skill and the imagination
Q. What made you smile today?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 01:10 AM
fighting in iraq. death before dishonor.
A) jokes my new history teacher made.
Q) Ketchup or Catsup?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 07:24 AM
A Ketchup
Q. Best gotwoot moment ever?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 07:37 AM
A. When i first post a post on GotWoot:D
Q.Best,coolest,awesome anime fight(s) you ever seen?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 07:45 AM
A) Opening scene of Karas Episode 1
Q)What do you(girls) prefer? Turtle neck or no turtle neck?
(Interpret it whatever you think I mean)
Fri, 04-25-2008, 07:49 AM
A. Err... dude if we have to wait for a girl to answer that this thread is going to die. Post something everyone can answer pls.
Q. Worst gotwoot moment? ( More original than "when you joined" pls )
Fri, 04-25-2008, 09:42 AM
A... Err, dude, if we have to wait for someone to answer that without saying "when you joined" this thread is going to die! Post something everyone can answer without lying :)
no really, there wasn't a "bad" moment here... why should there be one? I can just give you a "best" moment.. and that was when BioAlien helped me to find Fate/Stay Night (game).
Q: Who's the coolest/most badass (etc) anime-character in your opinion and why?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 12:12 PM
Thx for that kray you just made my day XD
A. Light yagami cause he kills with his mind, not his firsts
Q. What are your thoughts about the recent invasion of mutant fruit on the forum?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 01:05 PM
Q. What are your thoughts about the recent invasion of mutant fruit on the forum?
I find it quite unnerving and wish there was a remedy for it.
Also, RE: Light: I find it really scary how many people idolize him as a character. There's an unnerving amount of fans who don't see him as the villain he is.
Question: If your parents are still married, how did they meet and how long have they been married?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 01:07 PM
A. they met in Africa about 28 years ago
Q. Do you consider Light Yagami a hero or a villain ?
Q.2. If you don't know death note, what's the best anime anti-hero you know?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 04:29 PM
I know deathnote but I want to answer .2
A: Can Lelouch be called an "Anti-Hero" ? Well either him or Archer from FSN.
The one from Kaze no Stigma is good too. These 3 are my favorites.
Q: Did you ever watch an anime where you wanted the villain to win? if yes, why and which anime was it?
Fri, 04-25-2008, 05:45 PM
A. Again, Death Note because for me Light makes the perfect hero/villain :D
Q. What do you look for when searching for a new anime to watch?
Edit: For the one who bad repped me for posting on this thread too much, kiss my ass i like this thread and i'll post on it all i want.
Sat, 04-26-2008, 02:53 AM
A. First off all i go to for the newest anime to watch If there is a new action anime out then i download it
Q. How will the world be when there is no anime and games?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 09:00 AM
A. I believe they already have a name for that: Apocalypse
Q. Whats the coolest weapon an anime hero can use?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 11:28 AM
A.Self Destruction awesome Xplosion dude!! Like Majin Vegeta
Q.How Long are you behind the computer?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 11:51 AM
A: actually I sit in front of it most of the time. So i guess I'm like ~5 seconds behind it , turning off the switch, to save me from a way to high electricity bill
(btw I know what you meant -> ~5 hours a day if I have nothing to do. It depends, but I play pretty often or read/watch animes/movies/books on my comp
Q: What is the first thing you do, when you come home (from school or work)?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 12:56 PM
A: I check my email. On teh PSP.
Q: What are you planning for Mother's Day?
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