View Full Version : The Question Game
Sat, 04-26-2008, 02:38 PM
A. Hmmmm i think i will buy chocolate in the form of a heart and some roses:)
Q.What kind of electric apparatuss do you have?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 05:23 PM
There's too much spam here. Before you participate again on this thread 4 people should've posted since your last post. Also, let's stop with the anime spoiling... really haven't seen any, but keep it in mind.
A: I just bought myself a sandwich grill. Best invention ever.
Q: Why is Jack Bauer better than John McClane?
Edit to below: We'll see how 4 people in between goes for now. I don't think it'll die that quick. 13 pages of the same 2 or 3 people making shit posts is quite enough. John McClane is the dude from Die Hard. "Jack Bauer is better because he has the one-handed killing Bauer choke," would've been an acceptable answer.
Sat, 04-26-2008, 05:47 PM
((Okay - But the thread will probably die. How about 2 people and four for AA, lol?))
A: Because I have no idea who the second dude is.. (and I don't care)
Q: Have you ever attempted a backflip? If so, why? If not, why not?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 06:36 PM
A: I've never tried a backflip because I'm completely uncoordinated. I can't even do tumbles correctly, so I'd probably kill myself trying a backflip.
Q: What was your favorite tv show as a child? Did you used to pretend you were the characters from it when you would play?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 06:38 PM
A) Hmm, where to start.....I think my absolute favourite would have to be Pokemon. Best thing ever when it came out. You bet I pretended to be different characters. I think I changed my "favourite pokemon" changed on a daily basis.:)
Q) What do you want to when you leave your studies, or what are you doing now? Is it different from your childhood dream job (eg, police, astronaut), and why did you change?
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 04-26-2008, 06:43 PM
A: I've never tried a backflip because I'm completely uncoordinated. I can't even do tumbles correctly, so I'd probably kill myself trying a backflip.
Q: What was your favorite tv show as a child? Did you used to pretend you were the characters from it when you would play?
Darkwing Duck. I even tried to save up enough frosted flakes proofs of purchases to get his gas gun, but it shot bubbles. I failed :-(.
Q. Would you watch the one you cared for most die in the slowest, most despicable manner possible, if it was the only way to save mankind?
Edit: Damn you Buffalobian! Answer to buffalo's question: Research in molecular chemistry. As a child I wanted to be a doctor, but biology bores me for the most part.
Sun, 04-27-2008, 03:44 AM
A: That freakin question was hard. Well, I don't want to be selfish so I guess I would watch the person I care about the most die. Then become a Buddhist monk.
Q: What is your favorite drinking game?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 03:59 AM
Dammit Munsu, your question would have been great in the "Here Comes a New Challenger" thread.
A: My buddies like to see who can chug a glass of beer quickest. Otherwise we feel there's no need for games when it comes to getting wasted. Keep in mind there's a lot of people here who are underage and probably don't drink.
Q: Do you believe humans are the cause of global warming or is it just a cycle of the Earth and we're just in a warming period?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 09:14 AM
A. I believe we are the cause for most of this planet's misfortunes.
Q. What do you consider worse, physical pain or psychological pain?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 09:18 AM
A: Psychological. They are a bitch to heal.
Q: Have you ever attempted to learn a new language and failed?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 01:48 PM
Q: Have you ever attempted to learn a new language and failed?
I tried to teach myself Tagalog online last year but gave up pretty quickly. I couldn't figure out where stress went in words and the idiots I asked about it gave me the usual bullshit "ummmm, I don't think Tagalog has any stress." :rolleyes:
Q: What do you eat for breakfast? If you miss breakfast, do you go straight to lunch or eat a "breakfast" food later in the day anyway?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 03:38 PM
A) I don't usually have breakfast, since I wake late for early starts and pretty much just get up in time to fix myself and catch the bus. I have a stash of muesli bars in the kitchen that I grab&go to eat when time allows, usually after the first lecture.
Q) How well do you like the idea of Daylight Saving Time? Probably considered an old topic and the norm for some, but some parts of the world haven't embraced it yet. Was it a good idea or just a hassle?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 03:55 PM
Thanks, Munsu. Much love.
A: Back in the day, it was probably 'the shit', but now, it's something of a hassle on the day it happens. Personally, I don't really care, though.
Q: Are you going to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year? If so what do you plan on writing (in terms of genre)
Sun, 04-27-2008, 05:38 PM
Q: if you could change into an animal.. which would it be.. and why..
Sun, 04-27-2008, 06:09 PM
A A falcon because i've always wanted to be able to fly
Q. What's your wildest and most unattainable dream? (Ex. being able to fly, king of the world, doing a super model, etc. )
Mr Squiggles
Sun, 04-27-2008, 06:12 PM
EDIT: doh!, too slow
A(Turkish-S): an Octopus: because their really awesome and hilarious. especially this type
I'd be an underwater ninja... with tentacles
A(The Archangel): Having telekinetic powers would be ridiculously awesome, too bad they don't exist :(
Q: If you could become immortal, would you? I'm talking about existing for all eternity and absolutely no way to die should you wish to end your existence later on.
EDIT BELOW: lets say you have regenerative powers, and you can teleport anywhere you want to should you wish to(be it to escape or simply just for shits and giggles). Also you will always look as old as you do right now
Sun, 04-27-2008, 06:31 PM
A: It depends. Will I still exist when the whole Earth blows up, when the Sun swallows up the Earth, when a comet crashes into Earth? If a nuke falls on me, what would happen to me? Will immortality also include some sort of regenaration powers? I wouldn't want to be immortal if I run the risk of losing my dick or an arm, or a leg, or my head for all eternity. Do I risk being captured by some bad motherfucker and not be able to die when they keep turturing me, cutting my fingers one by one, etc.? How old will I look? If there's some way around all those concerns, I would say probably... yes.
Edit to above: Then the answer would be yes, I could never get tired of living... I think.
Q: Are people who drink Diet Coke and think it tastes better than regular Coke delusional? Do they actually think it's better, or are they tricking their minds for the sake of losing weight?
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 04-28-2008, 02:16 AM
A. I'm sure some like it better and some don't, as it's a subjective thing. If I had to pick just one answer though, I'd say they're delusional, because clearly diet coke tastes like shit, and my opinion might as well be fact.
Q. Would you rather, while restrained and completely immobile, have your gonads smashed with a hammer, or your eyeballs removed with a sharp piece of glass? (twisted questions are just more fun)
Mon, 04-28-2008, 02:31 AM
you know ima have to pick have my nads smashed with a hammer.....
i just can't handle people fuckin with my eyes...
how old were you when you first started watching anime, and what was the first series you ever watched.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 03:04 AM
Like...4 years old. It was Doraemon!
What are you plans for the summer?
Mon, 04-28-2008, 05:38 AM
A.First of all a few days rest. Buy a Ps3 with 20 gb, joystick and what other things and 2 inclusive game that you can choose.
Watch anime play games thats all.
Q.When did you something good in your life and what was it?
Sat, 05-03-2008, 08:58 AM
(thread cpr)
A: Good? I was nice to someone at school who everyone is mean to. I suppose that's good.
Q: You wake up to the smell of something burning. You quickly realize it is your house. What is/are the first thing(s) you grab before running out?
@ Xan: I tried to learn Tagalog online too! lubz ya din?
@Xan again: I think araw is sun, since magadang araw is good morning or something. XD
Sat, 05-03-2008, 01:53 PM
A: My guitar, laptop, and probably phone (since it's small). Those are the only things I have hear that I can think of that aren't easily replaceable. Maybe a box I have of my old drawings too. I haven't really thought about it before.
Q: When was the last time you were drunk? If you've never been drunk, then why have you never been drunk? Is it a choice or just circumstance?
@Sapphire: All I remember are the words for fish and sun, "Araw" and "Isdaw". And honestly, I can't even remember which one is which anymore.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-03-2008, 03:14 PM
last year in July.
I was in vaction in Eilat, and I bought a really cheap scotch (it cost 20 NIL, which at the time was worth about 4.5$). Basically, airplane fuel.
I got drunk, acted stupid infront of strangers, threw up a bit and dragged myself to the hotel (about one and a half hours walk).
Q: how much to you pay for your cellular phone (mintues, services, the phone itself)?
Sat, 05-03-2008, 06:58 PM
A. My phone costed $150, and my prepaid rate is 25c per connection, 35c per 30s. I don't use any extra service, calling is the only thing I do. All values are in AUD.
Q. How well do you guys take the idea of bringing extinct animals back to life, Jurassic Park style?
Sun, 05-04-2008, 09:06 PM
well i think it'd be awsome to be able to bring back extinct animals, watched somethign were they said by 2015 they think they could actually be able to bring back some sort of extinct species.
phone bill..112.65 a month, 1k mins, 5 people unlimitaded calles, 3 phones on the blan, mine was a black berry pearl two friends got like 150 dollar on all three phones...
who you voting for...mccain, barrack or Clin TUN...
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-05-2008, 07:21 PM
Probably Barrack. He tackles every attack against him head on and actually comes out looking better for it, and he has some halfway decent ideas about what policy, both foreign and domestic should be like.
I've read an article about a transgendered male (once female, now male) deciding to get pregnant, and actually making it happen. Do you think this is something that society should allow? Why or why not?
Tue, 05-06-2008, 02:45 PM
A: I guess since there's no official recognition of whether one is male or female, then this person is allowed to have children even if she considers herself a man. I think it's messed up and the poor kid is going to have a tough life, but there are no legal reasons why she/he couldn't. Or are there?
Q: When fighting an enemy of lower intelligence/moral standing/wisdom, is it acceptable for you to sink to their level, or take the moral high ground and let them win?
Wed, 05-07-2008, 08:15 AM
A. Man, that question took a bit of interpreting. At first, I thought you were saying that if I'm fighting a dumber and dirtier opponent, will I "sink to their level", as in fight dirty as well to win(since you said acceptable), or uphold my morals and fight honourably but lose. But then you say they're of lower intelligence/wisdom, and to let them win, like letting a 5 year old cousin beat you at checkers, assuming you're better.
In either case, it really depends on the stakes of the fight. If it was for nothing much, like just a game, or the prize was a chubba-chub, then I wouldn't abandon my morals for something so trivial, or make a little kid sad coz he lost.
If it was a serious case, then that'll be quite different. Say for example, if there was a bank robbery, or someone was being raped, I wouldn't think twice about throwing sand in their face or kicking their balls. Self integrity just doesn't weight up.
Q. Would you rather have gained and lost, or that it never happened at all? (Interpret it however you wish. Possible examples: loved ones, wealth, drug addiction, weight....)
Wed, 05-07-2008, 08:52 AM
A: In the first case, you have that tiny shred of happiness for a short amount of time. In the second, you can have all the happiness in the world without any such attachment. Most people pin their contentness on stupid material things, or physical attachments. I agree, they're great and all, but it's not all life has to offer (bolded for emphasis). Most people fail to realise this, and when whomever decides they want to burst the person's bubble, that person falls into a depression because they lost this or that. So rather than put my happiness on the line for one single thing, I want to have ALL options available. No, this isn't going to say (in the case of love) that I condone or want to be a poligamist, but instead that I take life as it comes to me. Be it wrapped in a red bow or covered in crap.
Q: Are you pro-choice or do you uphold the "godly" Christian values of anti-abortion? Go ahead, give me a nice paragraph if you will.
Sun, 05-25-2008, 09:49 AM
Yeah... that question killed the thread.
A. That's question is too controversial for me to just answer with a yes or a no, it differs with each situation
Q.What's the oldest anime you can think of?.
Sun, 05-25-2008, 10:02 AM
A: Oldest I've seen or oldest I know of?
The answer to the first is Superdimensional Fortress Macross (1983), though I missed a few episodes here and there. The oldest I know of is Tetsujin 28-gou, also known as Gigantor (1963).
Q: Are you for or against Nuclear power and why?
Sun, 05-25-2008, 10:26 PM
A. That's question is too controversial for me to just answer with a yes or a no, it differs with each situation
What do you mean? How does it differ with each situation? The question is simple: pro-choice or anti-abortion? Do you mean that one ethnicity should be less able to abort than others, or one religion, or one person? It's a simple question, it's just too hot an issue for some people, I guess.
Q: Are you for or against Nuclear power and why?
A: Against it, because otherwise, there'd be more stupid Al Gores and other fools around telling us the folly of our ways and spreading their arrogance around as if it was everyone's business to know how awesome they are and how much they care for the world.
Q: Why is it - in your opinion - that people tend to shy away from controversial topics?
Mon, 05-26-2008, 12:31 AM
A: I think they are afraid or reprisal. Being called a racist, bigot, disgusting, etc. It's hard to speak one's mind when you are sure that you would be ignorantly ridiculed simply on the grounds that your beliefs differ. Lynching don't just occur because you are different, sometimes they do simply on the basis you think different.
Still, as long as you can stand by and support your ideas, you should not have any reason to fear speaking your mind.
In short, I think it's an effort to fit in, not rock the boat, and not be viewed negatively because you believe one way on an issue that gets people really agitated and angry.
Q: What's your favorite backyard game that you play with family or friends?
Mon, 05-26-2008, 03:07 AM
A: When I was younger? "The Ground is Lava" or its variation "The Ground is Lava: and the dog is a lava monster"
More recently: Flashlight tag at night, Soccer, or Baseball.
Q: Do you have a secret aspiration that you someday hope to achieve, but fear it will probably never happen?
Mon, 05-26-2008, 06:52 AM
A. I sort of want to go to Africa, or similar, and volunteer work as a doctor for some time, like probably 6 months or longer. It all depends on if I walk down the practitioner route, or stay on the pharmacy track though.
Q. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on global warming, climate change and foreseen energy shortage. Have you taken up any practices that address this issue due to the coverage? If you do that already, would you like to tell us in what way do you do your part for this planet?
Mon, 05-26-2008, 11:31 AM
A. I recycle and walk alot but that's just about it
Q. Who's the hottest girl or guy you ever made out with?
Edit to below: Lighten up :)
Mon, 05-26-2008, 12:44 PM
sry, I'll edit my post maybe... or some moderator will delete it... but are you serious? what is this question lol? why do you want to know that, and what will you do if I tell you it was Jessica Alba... or some person you don't know... maybe Nataly Quetzcoatl?
Q: What would you do if you are involved (as a hostage) in a bank robbery and they are about to kill another hostage and you know a bit of martial arts... would you try to rescue the other hostage?
edit: to above: there is no need to lighten up its not that I'm angry with you or something like that, its just that it won't help you if I tell you her name was Jessica, so here I answered your question, but you won't get the last name :P
or wait... you don't except me to upload a photo of her sitting naked somewhere do you?
Mon, 05-26-2008, 02:42 PM
A - Yes, if the risk is relatively low, which is dictated by my level of skill in martial arts and the level of skill the robbers have with what they have. I am no hero.
Q - Do you think gender labels should be abolished?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 12:05 PM
A. You mean stereotypes? I don't believe in them, everyone is an individual but there's nothing wrong with a stereotypical joke now and then.
Q. What's the worst kind of pain you've ever felt?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:07 PM
A: The pain of seeing your posts...
No, but really, my worst pain was probably when I got in a fight and nearly got my nose broken. Interetingly enough, I've never actually gotten a broken bone.
Q: What is your favorite movie; why?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:11 PM
Funny after seeing your photos i would think your worst pain would have something to do with mirrors python
A. Heart of a Knight, because it's a great movie of the middle ages about a guy that reached for the stars. PS: RIP Heath Ledger
Q. What's your favorite dead celebrity?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:29 PM
Q. What's your favorite dead celebrity?
Also, I don't care what people would say. I would wear those pants every day.
Q: Short question: do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:32 PM
A: Definitely cold. I moved from Florida to Connecticut, and right now the only thing I'm missing is my friends. I'd bring them all up here if I could.
Q: What's your favorite sport to play in summer? In winter?
Mon, 06-02-2008, 12:17 AM
A. Winter=soccer, Summer=basketball. I do like volleyball and of late, dodgeball in summer though.
Q.What religion do you belong to? Have you always been that way? Are you what you are now because something happened, or this is just where life got you?
Mon, 06-02-2008, 12:29 AM
A) jewish, just cuz i was born that way and have a prominant nose w/ curly hair and good at math and money management.
@python, i live in CT too, what part do u live in?
Q) Would you rather be gay or have a polar bear bash into your classroom in the middle of class and truck you?
Mon, 06-02-2008, 03:46 PM
Q) Would you rather be gay or have a polar bear bash into your classroom in the middle of class and truck you?
.... seriously WTF mizuchi
A. I choose all of the above, if i'm gonna be gay i'll at least be a happy one
Q. How twisted is Mizuchi inside going with a scale from Mother Teresa to Freddie Krueger
Mon, 06-02-2008, 04:54 PM
A: I'll say a notch below The Archangel's. =P
Q: Did you ever have a weird summer job? If you did, what was it?
Sat, 06-14-2008, 07:22 PM
A. Never really had a weird summer job. What makes this one interesting though, is that one summer I was hired for a few weeks as a laborer for doing some renovations at a pharmacy. I didn't have any of the technical skills, so I just did the laboring type of stuff. I learnt quite a bit about the pharmacy stock that way. I left with my paycheck after a few weeks when it was all done.
On a summer a year later, I didn't know I'd go back there again, but this time, as an assistant with 2nd year rates :D. Because of location and time problems though, I only stayed there for the summer.
Edit: assistant=pharmacy assistant, 2nd yr BPharm student rates.
Q. If there's one thing you don't want to die of, what is it?
Sun, 06-15-2008, 07:32 AM
A: Boredom.
Q: What do you think about suicide? Why?
Sun, 06-15-2008, 08:05 AM
A: It's the coward's way out. Instead of toughing it out and making positive changes in your life, you end it. It's pathetic and I'm ashamed to say the Japanese are so fond of it.
Q: Do you get more nervous or more confident when you have the support of family and friends in the audience?
Sun, 06-15-2008, 11:27 AM
A: confident
Q: If you could be any fruit, which would you be?
Sun, 06-15-2008, 06:04 PM
A. A banana
Q. What's your favorite gotwwot member not counting yourself and why?
Sun, 06-15-2008, 06:14 PM
A. No one. I hate you all.
Q. Which is better, Fridays or Saturdays?
If you choose Friday, you suck.
Sun, 06-15-2008, 08:36 PM
A. Saturdays, because Sundays come after.
Q. If you did something and failed, would you keep trying and trying till you got it, or just move on to something else, as it's obviously something you're not good at, so stop wasting your time?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 06:18 AM
A: It is not the matter of whether I am good at it or not, but rather whether I am genuinely interested or enjoy that thing that would decide how far I am willing to go to achieve results.
Q: What is the difference between a loli-con and a pedophile (if there is) in your opinion?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 07:17 AM
the difference is that a loli-con wants to protect the loli (like his own child maybe?) while the pedophile wants to have sex with the loli xD
At least thats what I read somewhere and I think its true... for me: Lolis in trouble are like my little sister getting bullied by someone or so^^
protect the loli at all cost! (or so they say)
and Pedophilia is a mental illness in my opinion, whle a Loli-con is someone who is acting on a sign stimulus maybe? You know, if a woman sees a small child with a big head, big eyes and chubby cheeks they are all like "Oh so cute... let me hold it!" and want to protect it from everything etc. The same goes for a Lolicon :)
I watched a lot of animes where I said to myself the same thing: "Don't do that to the Loli!!!! nooooo" and got angry at the (main) character for doing something like that ^^
best example -> FSN Illiya + Gilgamesh
Q: What is a "Loli-character" in your opinion? every anime character under 16/18? How do you measure it?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 09:53 AM
A: The character has to look like she is under 15 (or something around that, the point is the predominance of childish features though not necessarily completely for there are exceptions).
Q: Do you actually believe that all Lolicons simply get an urge to protect lolis without any sexual or erotic satisfaction?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 12:16 PM
You're both confusing "Lolicon" with "Moe". A Lolicon is someone who is obsessed, sexually, with children. It's come to refer exclusively to anime (and hentai), but the original meaning is basically synonymous with a Pedophile.
Mon, 06-16-2008, 12:55 PM
You're both confusing "Lolicon" with "Moe". A Lolicon is someone who is obsessed, sexually, with children. It's come to refer exclusively to anime (and hentai), but the original meaning is basically synonymous with a Pedophile.
I admit failure, sry. I shall withdraw from this game 8[ because then, a lolicon and a pedophile are just the same, only that a lolicon likes fictive they are the pussy version of Pedophiles?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 01:29 PM
Where the hell be the questions? You all fail!
Q: Why aren't there any questions in the Question game thread?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 07:52 PM
Because obviously we all suck
Q: What would be your last meal if you where on death row?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 08:37 PM
A. Probably something home-cooked by Mum. One last time. <cry>
Q. Do you believe capital punishment should exist? If so, what do you reserve it for? ( I think it's a given that answers should be somewhat informative/insightful rather than one-word-ers)
Mr Squiggles
Mon, 06-16-2008, 09:19 PM
A. No, and for multiple reasons. Firstly, because if it turns out that a person was wrongfully convicted (which happens more often than we'd like to think) and you execute him before he had a chance to prove his innocence, then you've murdered an innocent man. On the other hand if he is convicted for life there is always a chance that new evidence becomes found or the case be reopened in the future and the injustice can be rectified. Secondly, because it is simply barbaric. I find it appalling that cultures that claim to be civilized still follow the "an eye for an eye" mentality. Murdering someone because he murdered someone else isn't justice, its just plain revenge. As Gandhi said: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Thirdly, because, at the risk of sounding naive and idealistic, I believe that everyone has the ability to change. Although it probably doesn't happen very often, some of these criminals might truly regret what they have done and try to change after then, but if you kill them off, you're not even giving them the chance.
Q: What is your greatest regret?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 10:05 PM
A: I have to pick just one??
I guess I'll go with a cop out answer and say "not being braver in my life," which applies to countless instances in the past.
Q: What kind of phone do you have? What do you like or hate about it?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 10:18 PM
A: I have a Sony Ericsson M600i. I hate it but have not much of a choice because I need a phone without a camera (due to work and security related reasons). It was one of the few smart phones that didn't come with a camera.
Q: Won anything before in a lucky draw?
Tue, 06-17-2008, 08:31 AM
A. Nevah. I have the worst kind of luck in the world for those things
Q. How do you usually approach girls when asking them out?
( This question could make a thread in the pit... )
Tue, 06-17-2008, 08:38 AM
A: That is a difficult question to answer since, how you approach a girl will of course depend on the girl herself and the situation or circumstance in which you meet her.
Q: What is the single most important thing in your life, at the moment?
Tue, 06-17-2008, 08:42 AM
A: I suppose this is probably a given, but I'd have to say getting out of high school using methods that don't include dropping out or failing. Other than that, nothing is really that important to me. Everything is expendable. Yes, even family.
Q: Where is your favorite place to sit and contemplate the day? Is it somewhere nice and quiet or is it full of traffic and other fun stuff? Why is it your favorite?
Tue, 06-17-2008, 09:56 AM
A: My favorite place is laying in bed at the end of the day and thinking about the day I had and the future, knowing in another 5-10 minutes I'll be fast asleep. I sometimes leave the lamp on, but with my contacts out, everything is blurry so I feel sleepy even more.
Q: What do you dislike most about yourself?
Mon, 06-23-2008, 07:10 PM
A: That I do not have the power to change some things that I would like to.
Q: If you had the chance to make your greatest wish come true, but in exchange you had to kill your best friend (you are guaranteed you will not be caught), would you do it?
Mon, 06-23-2008, 10:47 PM
a: hell no. the thought of deliberately hurting anyone makes me sick, and i'm happy enough with my life that i wouldn't consider it a huge loss if my greatest wish didn't come true
q: how long does it take you to think of questions for this thread?
Mon, 06-23-2008, 11:25 PM
A) about 153 seconds.
Q) How long did it take you to grow out of the "fluffy cuddly teddy bear" age? If you didn't have one, WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE A "FLUFFY CUDDLY TEDDY BEAR" AGE?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 06:02 AM
A) I didn't have one. Why? I lived in communist Russia, the government owned all of the bears.
Q) Live a life of Happiness or a life of meaning?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 09:24 AM
A: I'd hope you can have a meaningful life that brings happiness as well, but if it had to be one or the other, I'd take the life of happiness. What is it to live a meaningful life anyway? Do you have to be famous, or discover something to help people, or save lives, or be rich, or what?
Q: Blondes or brunettes or red heads?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 10:13 AM
What, no black hair?
A: Brunettes then.
Q: Is it better to be a dissatisfied Socrates or a satisfied fool? Why?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 11:13 AM
A. I'll be a happy fool, life is too short to waste it on philosophical shit
Q. Were there any times you just acted without thinking? Do you do that alot?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 11:43 AM
A: No, because it oftentimes leads me into trouble that sometimes I don't necessarily feel like getting into. Besides, it takes a bit less work to think than to get out of trouble.
Q: Is there, in your opinion, such a thing as 'test anxiety'? If you think so, why?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 01:15 PM
A: Definitely exists in my opinion. I know because I'm not just the club president, I'm also a client. I used to get so anxious before tests that I'd forget everything I studied and just panic through the entire test. It was weird though; usually when I thought I did bad on a test, I ended up doing well, and vice versa.
Q: If you cook something or mix a drink and it comes out not exactly right, do you eat it anyway or throw it out?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 01:18 PM
A: I eat it anyway. Not gonna waste food and effort.
Case in point, I always put too much water in rice, so when it's done cooking I get a soggy mess of disgusting paste. I always try and eat as much of it as I can stomach though. I guess it also depends on if it's completely inedible or not.
Q: I'll go with another cooking question. What is your favorite thing to cook?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 01:46 PM
Case in point, I always put too much water in rice, so when it's done cooking I get a soggy mess of disgusting paste. I always try and eat as much of it as I can stomach though. I guess it also depends on if it's completely inedible or not.
Porridge/Rice congee!!! Yummy!!
A: I like making kimchi bokkeumbap. I like eating it more. =DDD
Q: What is your favorite restaurant to go to? (Fast food does not count!)
Tue, 06-24-2008, 02:30 PM
A: I'd have to say that it's the most recent one I've been to: Red Robin. I know, I know, it's a burger joint at heart, but it still makes some kickass burgers. Definitely my favorite.
Q: Do you watch the Food Network? If so, have you picked up many helpful hints/tricks that make your cooking better?
Tue, 06-24-2008, 02:41 PM
A: Yes. Food Network is the perfect channel to have on in the background while you do other things. I picked up all kinds of cooking tips and recipes from Everyday Italian and Boy Meets Grill and Alton Brown's shows.
Q: Are you a T or A man/woman?
Wed, 06-25-2008, 06:17 PM
A: Depends on which way she's facing.
j/k, old joke.
It depends on the person, and what she's wearing. Some people know what their particular assets are, and are very capable of making them stand out. I guess I don't have any real preference for one or the other, but that's just the opener. If her personality is obnoxious and/or voice is annoying, deals off, no matter what she looks like. Now, on the other hand, if her voice is that hot, I can overlook the rest. I guess that makes me neither.
Q: Have you ever defended a dissertation you wrote? If so, what was it on? If not, what would you do one on?
Tue, 07-08-2008, 02:30 PM
A: Never did a dissertation, but it would be about the self-destruction of humankind, or something about computing.
Q: Would you rather be thin and not able to put on mass, or have body mass but no tone?
Sat, 07-12-2008, 05:12 AM
A) That's really hard. Being asian, (one you'd consider asian too, Ani ;) ), I think it's more socially acceptable to be thin. Most likely healthier too. Plus I can eat as much as I want...:D
Q) If you were given the opportunity for a sex change (completely new body, appearance of your choice) for an indefinite amount of time, with a 50% success rate of changing back (original form+aging), would you take it?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 02:39 AM
A: I don't think I would. It takes more to build.. manly parts from nothing, than it does to take them off. I'd feel like less of a man for the rest of my life if that happened. I also feel as if I was born a girl in a girl's body, so I don't see why I would want to change.
Q: And.. a small survey that went around in our school: If you could.. do the 'horizontal tango' with anyone in the world, would you tape it? If yes.. would you tell someone or/and show it?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 02:51 AM
A:Jessica Alba, and no I would not tape it, I would like the memories of the "tango" to myself.
Q:If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 03:10 AM
A) First thing that came to my head is a Giraffe. No idea why, but that would be pretty cool, having an enormous view the whole of your life. Itchy necks would be a bitch though.
Q) What's your favourite dessert?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 04:46 AM
A - Apple Crumble
Q - Would you rather be a loli-con or a sis-con? Why?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 03:35 PM
A: Well, I don't know what a sis-con is, so I can't really say I'd rather be that. Also, I'm going to a convention where I'll be dressed up as a Qi lolita, so I'd have to say loli-con. Not only that, but I can pass off as being younger than I really am, sometimes :D Getting cheaper movie tickets because you say you're twelve is always fun.
Q: If you could splice your genes with any animal, what animal would it be and why?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 04:33 PM
Also, I'm going to a convention where I'll be dressed up as a Qi lolita, so I'd have to say loli-con.
... GotWoot demands photos!
A. A hawk maybe, cause i've always wanted to have wings ( Archangel.... get it? )
Q. Is there a reason why you chose the nickname you're using here on gotwoot?
Sun, 07-13-2008, 06:25 PM
A: My name shinta|hikari is actually the names of the two main characters for the manga I am planning to write sometime in the future, Shinta and Hikari. I chose it because those two characters represent a lot of myself.
Q: If you could become a serial killer (specifics are up to you as long as you kill in series) would you? Why?
Mon, 07-14-2008, 12:02 PM
A:If I had to do it hands on, no, I wouldn't not become a serial killer. It's too messy and it's dangerous for my tastes. It's also easier to leave pieces behind if you're actually at the scene. Also, there's the decomposition of the serial killer, they're bound to slip up or lose it if they continue for a long time. So I'd probably go crazy, and then I wouldn't feel good about myself.
Now if I had a death note, I might be more willing, with tiny little stops through the years.
Q: In spirit of the last question. If you could have any enchanted item out of the normal to kill someone with or do damage with (no swords, guns, etc.), what would it be and how would it be used? I was watching Speed Grapher while coming up with this question >.< keep that in mind.
Mon, 07-14-2008, 12:25 PM
A - Something compact, mobile, and easy to use would be good. A mobile phone that kills a person when 1) you take a picture of that person using the camera function or 2) you write down that persons name in a message. I don't really care much about the manner of death, so as long as it does not involve innocent people I would be fine with it. Think of it as a combination of death note, speed grapher and mirai nikki. I would use it to kill people who I believe deserve to die. I do not intend to justify my standards for that to other people so do not ask me to elaborate, but the killing would definitely be for a reason.
Q - What reason would be enough to justify killing people with premeditation? Why? This of course excludes killing out of passion or emotional outbursts.
Mon, 07-14-2008, 12:27 PM
A: Revenge of course.
Q: Do you prefer linear, scripted games or games with open worlds where you can do whatever whenever?
Mon, 07-14-2008, 01:06 PM
A. I enjoy the freedom of non linear gameplay but it has to have some good directions on where to go to from time to time so u don't get lost in the process and have to go to gamefaqs every 10 minutes
Q. What's your favorite sport?.
Mon, 07-14-2008, 02:41 PM
A. You mean as in watching or doing it yourself?
For watching it's football (soccer).
If i'm playing myself it's tabletennis.
Q. What's your favorite place to go on holiday, and why?
Mon, 07-14-2008, 04:14 PM
A. Benidorm in Spain because it has the best beaches on the world imo
Q. What's your dream job?
Mon, 07-14-2008, 04:46 PM
A: My dream job would most definitely involve games and computers. If I had my way, I'd be a game designer or possibly a writer. I don't know why, but it's been something I've wanted to do since I played the original Metal Gear Solid way back in '99.
Q: Which game have you played the longest (in terms of replaying and how long it's been out)?
Mon, 07-14-2008, 04:58 PM
A. Probably World of Warcraft... I wasted so much time on that crap i'm ashamed of myself
Q. What's the event in your life you're most ashamed of?
Tue, 07-15-2008, 08:02 AM
A: Agreed..... Picking up a box of world of warcraft....
Q: What is the event in your life you are most proud of?
Tue, 07-15-2008, 08:16 AM
A: When I was told that I had true Andreia (courage).
Q: What was the best compliment you have ever received?
Tue, 07-15-2008, 09:09 AM
a: when i was told that i was not only wonderful and an angel, but a brilliant woman as well. it would've been much more impressive, though, if it wasn't an overweight, middle aged man who'd said it... :S
q: do you have any siblings? if so, do you like them? if you're an only child, do you like being one?
Tue, 07-15-2008, 11:15 AM
A: I have a little brother who was cute when he was little, but is not a major pain. I beat him up when I don't think I'll get punished, because that's what an older sibling is for. But, I do like him. He has his moments.
Q: If you could live a week in any game, what would it be?
Fri, 07-18-2008, 09:48 AM
A: As in play a game for a week straight? Call of Duty 4. I already have.
....As in "live" in the game world for a week? Any game that is big and visually stunning.
....Oblivion or any Final Fantasy games would be good candidates. Ero Sennin from Ultimate
....Ninja Storm would be good to live as for a week. :D
Q: What was the last movie you saw that you thought was absolutely brilliant?
Fri, 07-18-2008, 09:57 AM
A: I recently saw No Country For Old Men, Michael Clayton, and Sideways, and I thought all three were brilliant in different ways, with Sideways being the least brilliant of the three.
Q: If you tasted something amazing, like a food or drink, would you rather have an endless supply of it available to you, or would you rather have it be scarce so you have to look long and hard for it, so when you finally find it you can savor the taste again?
Fri, 07-18-2008, 02:52 PM
A: I've had it with foods before that when i ate them they tasted great but i simply ate way to much of it till the point that i can't even stand it anymore. So for me i'd have it be scarce and hard to look for.
Q: Who's your favorite band/artist in music?
Fri, 07-18-2008, 03:08 PM
Answer: Three way tie between Queen (who's music got me into music in the first place), The Who, and Buckethead, who tie on the grounds of their creativity, prolificness, and general rockability.
Question: What is your favorite album by your favorite band and why?
Wed, 07-30-2008, 06:35 PM
A. Hybrid theory by Linkin Park because it was the Cd that introduced me to the band
Q. What's the most annoying music you've ever heard? ( link it from youtube if possible )
Wed, 07-30-2008, 07:31 PM
A) You Spin Me Round - (though it does get very addicting)
Q) If a man came to your house with a gun and told you to have sex with your mother or else he will shoot your father, would you do it? (Being guaranteed that everyone will be safe if you do it).
Wed, 07-30-2008, 07:57 PM
Answer for my own previous question (
A. Omfg Lelouch... I'd take the gun and rape his ass...
Q. What do you consider to be your greatest flaw?
Wed, 07-30-2008, 08:11 PM
A) My laziness. It's probably the only thing holding me back.
Q) Would you like to live somewhere near the arctic (always cold and dry), or somewhere tropical (hot and humid)?
Wed, 07-30-2008, 08:15 PM
A: Tropical, I've lived in a place like that my entire life. Even though snow is fun once in a while.. when you go north.
Q: If you could change one thing about someone, who would it be, what would it be, and why?
Wed, 07-30-2008, 08:54 PM
A. Paris Hilton so she could stop being such a prude
Q. Who do you think is the biggest slut on TV today ?
Thu, 07-31-2008, 01:57 PM
A: I'm kind of out of touch on the latest skanky starlet, but I'd guess it will soon be Miley Cyrus. I actually feel bad for her, soon to be another strung-out child starlet recovering in rehab.
Q: Do you feel any remorse for these celebrity girls who get propelled to stardom, then taken advantage of, over-exposed, and inevitably thrown away?
Thu, 07-31-2008, 02:35 PM
A:Not really. Most of them have more chances to get better than everyone else because of their stardom and money. Most of them waste those chances away or don't take it. If they want to keep putting themselves out there, then that's their choice, and why should I feel bad for people who don't care enough to help themselves?
Q: What would your perfect/ideal tele program (show, cartoon, reality, etc) be about?
Thu, 07-31-2008, 06:00 PM
A: The perfect show for me would involve gaming, food, and computers. Maybe it'd be something like a game show... hmm. Now I've got myself thinking.
Q: What 'guilty pleasure' TV show have you recently found yourself watching?
Fri, 08-01-2008, 12:30 AM
Q: What 'guilty pleasure' TV show have you recently found yourself watching?
A: Roseanne on Nick at Nite. Goddamn it's one of the most unfunniest shows I've ever seen, but it has its moments and I really like John Goodman. I always end up getting caught up in it when it marathons.
Question: What TV show can you not stand at all?
Fri, 08-01-2008, 01:12 AM
A) Big Brother. After like a decade, they've finally decided to take it off for good.
Q) If your girl/guy wanted to you change something about yourself, will you change for them, or think "they can either accept you, or go find someone else"?
Fri, 08-01-2008, 02:25 AM
A) It depends. If they want me to take out the garbage, that won't happen till...well...ever.
Its not something to end a relationship over with though. That situation could be used for a fight and then hot make-up sex afterwards. ^^
If its a change the way you act or i'm leaving you then I can do without er.
Q) Do you think you could take a vow of celibacy for a period of least a year?
Absolutely no sexual relations? Even with your hand?
Fri, 08-01-2008, 03:20 AM
A: Yes. Easily, too. :D
Q: Going off the question from above, if you could only have it once, the real thing, and you'd die right after, would you? You'd also know that you'd die before committing the act.
Fri, 08-01-2008, 01:09 PM
A: Male instinct says yes, but logic responds with a resounding no. I say logic wins this one.
Q: Which would you prefer; normal sex or kooky, wierd sex. Why?
Fri, 08-01-2008, 07:04 PM
A) Normal sex. Because I'm normal. And a conservative.
Q) I guess I'll stay on topic. If you were making hot love, and the phone rings, will you pick it up, or ignore it? (Yanking it out of the wall and putting it on silent are not options :p)
Q: Going off the question from above, if you could only have it once, the real thing, and you'd die right after, would you? You'd also know that you'd die before committing the act.
Black Widow anyone?
Sat, 08-02-2008, 12:52 AM
A. I'd keep at it, the ringing kind of turns me on
Q. Would you pay to have sex with your dream babe?
Sat, 08-02-2008, 02:30 AM
A: Nah. I don't wanna pay prostitots. I'd want it free. Plus, I don't think I'm into babes.
Q: Wud you liek tentacles with your secks?
@_@ I'm all out of normal questions to ask on that topic
Black Widow anyone?
Oh, and I meant it as that one animal.. that dies after doing that. I think it's some sort of crustacean. I heard about it once in bio.
Sat, 08-02-2008, 05:07 AM
A) No. I don't really want to think there's something else around other than me and Co. I'm sort of shy.
Q) (Stupid question :p) Would you like eels?
Sat, 08-02-2008, 07:02 AM
A. Go screw yourself ( Wtf Bill? I thought u were one of the few sane ppl around here )
Q. Who's the tv personality u most despise?
Mon, 09-29-2008, 09:22 PM
Thread Revival!!
A) None, I barely watch TV anymore. (and I pride myself in my mix of rational thinking and borderline insanity :D)
Q) What is/was your favourite fast food outlet?
Fri, 10-03-2008, 05:46 PM
A: It's hard for me to choose, because i love fast food places. Taco Bell/Panda Express/Chick fil a/and fried chicken place :D
Because I love all types of food.. but, I guess, out of just picking one, I'd say Chick Fil A.
Q: Do you believe that people should shave their legs, arms, chest, or underarms?! :O
Death BOO Z
Fri, 10-03-2008, 05:50 PM
A: hair should be kept from growing wild. if your arm-pits hair is out when you're wearing a t-shirt, it's cutting time. It doesn't mean you have to get a perfect shave, but keep it in manageable proportions.
Q: what's your favorite brand of beer?
Sat, 10-04-2008, 12:47 PM
A: I'm not sure which direction you're taking this in, but I take the sexist route and say that women shave, men shouldn't.
Q: What's the weirdest thing you've done evar?
Edit: This was before I realized DBZ posted.
Beer? Beer!
Sat, 10-04-2008, 08:04 PM
A1) Fav brand was Toothy's Extra Dry Platinum. I like the strong crispy taste. I'm not sure if I can drink beer anymore though.
A2) Weirdest thing?......I got into a one-piece was......interesting......
Q) What were your aspirations as a kid?
Sat, 10-04-2008, 08:55 PM
I've wanted to be a doctor ever since I can remember. I think I first got inspired when my mother got me those pretend plastic doctor kits from the library before I started school. I want to be a medical researcher now.
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian and why?
Sun, 10-05-2008, 06:26 AM
A. Probably Jeff Dunham because i really like his dead terrorist comical sketch (
Q. Who would win in a fist fight between Simon Powell and Paulo Abdul and why?
Dark Dragon
Mon, 10-06-2008, 02:08 AM
A: I suppose Paula would win since Simon looks like the kind of guy that is only good at talking crap.
Q: After you have lived a satisfied life and died, if given the choice between resting in peace or coming back as a different person, which would you choose? and why?
Mon, 10-06-2008, 01:38 PM
A: I would choose coming back as different person. I really enjoy life, and if its so awesome why don't have more of it?
Q: Wich one you prefer Meat or Vegetables? and why?
Wed, 10-08-2008, 02:24 PM
A: Meat... why? hmm because it tastes better I guess. Difficult to explain though Oo
at least I couldn't live as a vegetarian... I like meals with meat AND vegetables... and since I couldn't imagine myself eating bread without some nice meat on it sometimes, I'd say: Meat!
Q: What do you think of Rick Astley and his MTV EMA "Best Actor" nomination. Rick Roll? Or REAL!?
Wed, 10-08-2008, 09:21 PM
Q: What do you think of Rick Astley and his MTV EMA "Best Actor" nomination. Rick Roll? Or REAL!?
What the hell do you mean? It's not a hoax. He was nominated by voters online, for obvious reasons.
It's an intended "Rick Roll" but the nomination itself is legit.
Question: Where is your favorite place to study?
Sun, 10-12-2008, 11:03 AM
A: At home, at my desk. I can't do it anywhere else with the same productivity. I never seem to have everything I need at uni, and having people around me when I'm trying to study is more uncomfortable than it is distracting, even if I don't know them. At home, I've got my floor space, my textbooks, internet, water, bed, comfortable clothing, you name it. The fact that I can close my door and exclude the outside as I feverishly cram knowledge into my head is also a big plus.
Q) What sort of hair products do you use? Do you style your hair all the time, only when you go out, or only when you have something important (date, wedding etc)? And in general, do you love or hate your hair?
Mon, 10-27-2008, 09:51 AM
Thread lost its appeal I see.
a) I do my hair whenever I go out and also after my shower. Proper styling (currently anyway) would mean wax on the top for some lift and shine, then gum on the back for separation. I then rub the gum residue left in with the top for added separation. Spray to finish.
After showers, I just use a tiny bit of wax to lift it, but I don't bother styling it.
I used to hate my hair, and still do to some extent, because it curls whenever it starts growing to short-med/medium length. I've always wanted long hair, and curly (and towards the thin end of the scale) is rather hard to manage. I've kind of learned to live with it now, and just cut short styles, which look good anyway.
Heck, I think right now, I'll be able to live with male baldness without much complaint. It's pretty likely I'll get it, looking back on past generations.
Q) Do you take dietary suppliments (vit&minerals) or complimentary medicines (ginko, gensing etc)? Why or why not?
If so, is it out of belief (think it will work), experience (know it will work), habit (mum made me take it for 2X years) doctor said it was good (professional advice)?
Fri, 11-07-2008, 11:50 AM
A) In the past yes. When I was a kid my mom used to give me all those vitamins. Especially vitamin C. But now.. Hmm I guess when I'm sick I always drink a couple of vitamins.
Q) Do you guys know about the Oscar vs. Pacqiao fight? who do you think will win?
Fri, 11-07-2008, 02:22 PM
A) Sadly, I don't know who Oscar or Pacqiao are, but I'll say that Oscar will win.
Q) Do you ever stop to think that you might be hurting others unintentionally? If so, how do you resent that statement? If not, do you think you've been living life as a lie?
Fri, 11-07-2008, 05:07 PM
a: o.O what? no. what would i be doing that would be hurting others? i'm pretty sure that's not hurting anyone. ...i'm also pretty sure i'm not living life as a lie.
q: what's your sig about?
Fri, 11-07-2008, 05:11 PM
A: Spengbob was a viral youtube video almost 2 years ago. It's only about 40 seconds long, and it's beautiful.
Then Apples took over my sig and ruined it.
Question: Who are your favorite, and least favorite actors/actresses and why?
Fri, 11-07-2008, 09:28 PM
A) I like Norio Wakamoto, Shin-ichiro Miki, Sōichirō Hoshi, and the list goes on, but they all have wonderful voice acting skills and fit their character personality the best, being sarcasm or what not. I don't have a least favorite voice actor, but I dislike all actors who don't put forth emotional effort in their acting.
Q) What would you do if your loved one was being hurt and you had no one else to rely on?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 01:09 PM
A) Call the police ( Enough with the lovey-dovey questions Nadoku )
Q) If you had super speed what weapon would you choose to use with it?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 01:58 PM
What the hell do you mean? It's not a hoax. He was nominated by voters online, for obvious reasons.
It's an intended "Rick Roll" but the nomination itself is legit.
Have you not seed anonymous action? 3 votes for rickroll per 4 seconds by nearly 80% of /b/?
A: Sword - because i know how to fight with it.
Q: Do you drink tee?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 02:50 PM
Have you not seed anonymous action? 3 votes for rickroll per 4 seconds by nearly 80% of /b/?
A: Sword - because i know how to fight with it.
Q: Do you drink tee?
A: Yes, green herbal.
Q: How many hours do you clock in a game?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 03:37 PM
A: Yes, green herbal.
Q: How many hours do you clock in a game?
A: Depends on the game, RPGs and shooters hours upon hours, others still alot but not as much.
Q: Whats your favorite toy from your childhood and do you still have it?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 03:48 PM
Q: Whats your favorite toy from your childhood and do you still have it?
A: Hmm, a doll, and I still have it. :D
Q: You just won $1,000,000! What do you do?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 04:24 PM
Q: You just won $1,000,000! What do you do?
A: Buy a house while the prices are still super-cheap, furnish it, and store the rest in the bank.
Q: Do you have any particular artistic/crafting talent (painting, woodworking, sculpting, etc) and if so what is it?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 04:55 PM
Q: Do you have any particular artistic/crafting talent (painting, woodworking, sculpting, etc) and if so what is it?
A: I have an artistic taste for painting, but many people find it unusual. :p
Q: What are you eating, or were eating?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 05:04 PM
A) You stole that from my thread :mad:
:p (breakfast here, so some danish and a coffee)
Q) Would you become a vampire to live another 500 years without sunlight?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 05:20 PM
A: Yes i would, only if i could give the "Night's Gift" to somebody else. 500 years without any girl would be bad
Q: If you could receive any superpower - what would it be(of course - no omnipotence)
Tue, 12-23-2008, 05:28 PM
Q: If you could receive any superpower - what would it be(of course - no impotence)
HAHAHAHA, that's what I read :o ......sorry, continue.......
Tue, 12-23-2008, 05:45 PM
A: Yes i would, only if i could give the "Night's Gift" to somebody else. 500 years without any girl would be bad
Q: If you could receive any superpower - what would it be(of course - no omnipotence)
A. Flight, and it would be nice if it came with some angel wings too
Q. What's your favorite Internet meme?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 05:45 PM
A) You stole that from my thread :mad:
My bad, but which thread is it? :p
Q: If you could receive any superpower - what would it be(of course - no omnipotence)
A: I like to travel at the speed of light. :o
Q: Transformation (changing bodyshape) or Werewolf (mutation)?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 05:59 PM
Q: Transformation (changing bodyshape) or Werewolf (mutation)?
A: Transformation. You could Quincy people in real life all day.
Q: Butter, margarine or pure lard?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 06:18 PM
Butter, pedobear, Werewolf with option to freely change shape between those 2.
Q: Do you prefer to have everyting sorted and tidy in order, or rather chaotic?(chaotic here)
Tue, 12-23-2008, 06:25 PM
Q: Do you prefer to have everyting sorted and tidy in order, or rather chaotic?(chaotic here)
A: Neatly organized.
Q: What personality trait suits you the best?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 06:30 PM
My bad, but which thread is it? :p
Q: Do you prefer to have everyting sorted and tidy in order, or rather chaotic?(chaotic here)
A) I call mine chaotic order. Stuff lies around the place, but I know it's around here somewhere... since that's where I always put it. If I had to choose a side, it'll fall under chaos.
That's just the state of my room though. If it's what I'd prefer to have, then tidy. It's nice to have a tidy room (even if it takes half a day to reorganise and half an hour to return its state)
Too late
Q: What personality trait suits you the best?
According to Myers Briggs, I'm 60% ISTJ (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) and 40% ESTJ (Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
Q) When was your first crush?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 07:07 PM
3 years ago, damn she was perfect and fun - but already with boyfriend and she lives really far away from here. And I'm the same as you Bill, but I prefer chaotic rather than tidy.
Q: If you could receive gift to play any instrument masterfully, which instrument would you choose?
Tue, 12-23-2008, 07:20 PM
Q: If you could receive gift to play any instrument masterfully, which instrument would you choose?
A: The piano! Then, I could power everyone up (a cookie to whoever gets this reference).
Q: Which one of the five senses can you sacrifice and live on like normal? :p
Wed, 12-24-2008, 10:09 AM
a: smell, but only if i have taste left!
q: What is your idea of greatest christmass day?
Wed, 12-24-2008, 10:24 AM
A: All the family around and just hangin out joking and opening gifts, just having fun no worries.
Q: What song would you want played at your funeral?
Wed, 12-24-2008, 10:31 AM
a: Most typical funeral songs, but metal version, also Made of Hate - My last Breath, or something by Iron Maiden(Fallen Angel), Metallica(Cyanide or To live is to die), Megadeth(Symphony of Destruction or Five Magics), slayer(Jesus Saves, Raining Blood), etc.
q: Would you like for magic to exist?
Wed, 12-24-2008, 01:30 PM
Q: Would you like for magic to exist?
A: Too scary to even think about it. They defy laws that we've studied so hard to even notice, so I don't like to have magic to even exist.
Q: Candle... or flashlight when in the dark?
Wed, 12-24-2008, 03:02 PM
A. Flashlight when i'm alone, candle when with other people so i can scare the living hell out of them :P
Q. What's the worst anime ever in human history ( be original and don't say sailormoon ) ?
Death BOO Z
Wed, 12-24-2008, 03:31 PM
A: big fuckin', incredibly long list...
But I'll put my answer on Fire-storm. which is really bad.
Q: do you vote on tv competitions (american idol and co.)?
Wed, 12-24-2008, 03:50 PM
A. No, i like my money too much to use it in such an awful matter
Q. Who's the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?
Thu, 12-25-2008, 04:40 PM
A: Her name is Alicia, but she already have boyfriend... dammit Archie - you just made me depressed day after Christmas eve, and she is smart too.
q: Do you find night beautiful?
Thu, 12-25-2008, 08:06 PM
Q: Do you find night beautiful?
A: Yes. Night's about the only time where the stars in the sky even become visible.
Q: Type of drink?
Thu, 12-25-2008, 08:08 PM
Alcoholic? White Russian. Just because I love The Big Lebowski.
Non-alcoholic. I only drink Water, milk, and tea.
Question: What was your favorite Christmas present.
Fri, 12-26-2008, 03:57 PM
Question: What was your favorite Christmas present.
A: A video game that I wanted for a long time. :D
Q: Homecooked or fast food?
Fri, 12-26-2008, 05:44 PM
Homecooked, it just taste wonderfully.
q: why stereotypical drummer is said to be stupid?(Terra - don't kill me again)
Sun, 12-28-2008, 12:17 PM
q: why stereotypical drummer is said to be stupid?(Terra - don't kill me again)
A: I don't know... drummers need a lot of practice and coordination to play correctly. If you're talking about their intellect... I wouldn't know. I never talked to one before.
Q: Conquer the world? Or save the world?
Sun, 12-28-2008, 02:42 PM
A: Conquer it in order to save it. Like Leto in God Emperor of Dune.
Q: T or A?
Sun, 12-28-2008, 02:55 PM
Do clarify.
Sun, 12-28-2008, 03:13 PM
Are you a boob or butt man?
Sun, 12-28-2008, 03:40 PM
A) I'm neither a fan of (overly) big breasts or butt. I hold the face as a higher priority. A nice, healthy & full, yet not "big" figure would concur to my ideals. That said, if this perfect girl of mine asked me which I'd like to "up-size", I would go for breasts. But not too much.
Q) What would be your favourite pet (If you could have anything you want)?
Sun, 12-28-2008, 04:33 PM
From fantasy creatures: small dragon
From real world creatures: Wolf
Q: Do you like music games(Singstar, ultrastar, guitar hero, rock band, Taiko(FTW!) etc)
Sun, 12-28-2008, 04:41 PM
Q: Do you like music games(Singstar, ultrastar, guitar hero, rock band, Taiko(FTW!) etc)
A: Yes.
Q: Do you act as the "bully" or the "defender"? Neither is an option as well! :p
Sun, 12-28-2008, 06:10 PM
Neither, but if girl was bullied near me I would be defender.
q: Do drumsticks eat your rational thoughts too?
Mon, 12-29-2008, 08:34 PM
A. Errr... no?
Q. What is the ugliest human being in history? ( Physically and psychologically )
Mon, 12-29-2008, 09:57 PM
A. Too much to put the weight of all of humanity's crap on one person. I would say the ugliest person is he who is consumed by arrogance, pride and prejudice. So really it could be anyone or more than one.
Q. If the going gets tough, would you abandon a hard path which would lead to the betterment of others or would you continue despite personal loss?
Mon, 12-29-2008, 11:00 PM
Q. If the going gets tough, would you abandon a hard path which would lead to the betterment of others or would you continue despite personal loss?
A: If you never overcome the "hard path", you'll never evolve. And if you don't evolve, then you'll never learn how to overcome the obstacle again.
Q: Loud noises or soft music?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 12:18 AM
A: If you never overcome the "hard path", you'll never evolve. And if you don't evolve, then you'll never learn how to overcome the obstacle again.
Q: Loud noises or soft music?Yeah but if the hard path kills you, you won't evolve either. Your kids might learn and surpass, but that hardly makes up for it.
A: Depends on my mood, there's a time and place for each.
Q: Would you rather lose the ability to have kids or lose pleasure from sexual intercourse?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 12:57 AM
Yeah but if the hard path kills you, you won't evolve either. Your kids might learn and surpass, but that hardly makes up for it.
A: Depends on my mood, there's a time and place for each.
Q: Would you rather lose the ability to have kids or lose pleasure from sexual intercourse?
A) I'd....rather have kids. I think having the love of a family and all will more than make up for sexual pleasure. It's a hard choice really. Just as you can gain pleasure from other sources (food, hobbies etc), you can have other people to love, and be loved by (existing family, friends, partner). I think I'll still take kids, since I (..think I...) like them.
Q) Given you had the opportunity to go space exploring, looking for a new planet to settle on, would you do it? You can take your immediate family with you, and invite some close friends etc (the ship is big, think Macross or something), but you will never have the chance to visit Earth again. Still, would you do it?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 01:29 AM
Yeah but if the hard path kills you, you won't evolve either. Your kids might learn and surpass, but that hardly makes up for it.
Heh, with today's presentations, our choices are narrowed to easier options. But, it's harder to adapt to those changes so quickly.
Q) Given you had the opportunity to go space exploring, looking for a new planet to settle on, would you do it? You can take your immediate family with you, and invite some close friends etc (the ship is big, think Macross or something), but you will never have the chance to visit Earth again. Still, would you do it?
A: Hmm, I would rather stay on Earth because of the time spent in it. Old memories may fade away, but true feelings will never die.
Q: Do you like your food SPICY!, or do you like them cold (other variations exist too)?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 04:08 AM
A: Definately spicy. I sometimes take chili along on trips. :)
Q: What is in your opinion the best and worst way to die?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 04:26 AM
A: Definately spicy. I sometimes take chili along on trips. :)
Q: What is in your opinion the best and worst way to die?
A: Best: "died of natural causes". Just sleeping peacefully, while the last thing you do is say goodnight to those close to you.
Worst: dying from something that's been tormenting you for years, be it cancer, uncontrolled infection, or even hunger. It's not so much dying as it is physical pain and the despair of trying everything without success.
Q:Have you ever been bullied at work/school? Why, or why not, do you think? How do/did you deal with it?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 01:15 PM
Q:Have you ever been bullied at work/school? Why, or why not, do you think? How do/did you deal with it?
A: Nope. I don't do things that irk people like talking out loud or bother people. If I was ever bullied, I would ask that bully out for a 1v1. :p
Q: Do you like the sea (Navy) or do you like the ground (Army)?
Death BOO Z
Tue, 12-30-2008, 04:02 PM
ground. for obvious reasons.
same type: in case that the tank was full, submarine or airplane?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 04:30 PM
Airplane, submarines scare me.
q: Do you visit lair of destruction and fags known as 4chan?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 04:55 PM
q: Do you visit lair of destruction and fags known as 4chan?
A: Nope, don't know what that is.
Q: Optical illusions, or mirages?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 05:12 PM
Both, you don't know what that is? really good for you and your mind.
q: Do you prefer to listen to music in headphones or via speakers?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 06:04 PM
you don't know what that is? really good for you and your mind.
I see. :p
q: Do you prefer to listen to music in headphones or via speakers?
A: Headphones.
Q: Which color seem to soothe your mind?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 06:20 PM
A: Blue, especially dark or light since I like the ocean and the sky.
Q: What food if you had to eat it everyday for a year would you choose?
(Me, ramen)
Tue, 12-30-2008, 06:25 PM
Q: Which color seem to soothe your mind?
A: Blue-grey, not unlike the colour of the sky when a storm's approaching in winter. The solemn feel of it seems to get me thinking about nothing.
Q: What food if you had to eat it everyday for a year would you choose?
(Me, ramen)
I'm honestly surprised your answer ain't salmon.
A: Mine would also be ramen, but it's nearly already the case with rice and noodles. For sake of variety, I'll say pasta.
Q: How much water do you drink a day?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 06:31 PM
a1: One kind eh... damn hard - Grilled chuck i think
a2: really a lot, sometimes even more than 3 liters.
q: Where would you love to live(except your actual place)?
Tue, 12-30-2008, 06:39 PM
q: Where would you love to live(except your actual place)?
A: I would like to live in a cold place, like where it snows everyday, as long as I have my electricity and sanity up, I'll do fine.
Q: Help people out or deny their requests?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 12:45 AM
A: I'd teach them to fish so they could take care of their own requests.
Q: Do you prefer to get plenty of sleep each night or sleep less and spend each extra waking hour doing something worthwhile which really isn't that worthwhile but at least you're not being lazy and sleeping so much?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 01:03 AM
Q: Do you prefer to get plenty of sleep each night or sleep less and spend each extra waking hour doing something worthwhile which really isn't that worthwhile but at least you're not being lazy and sleeping so much?
A: Lots of sleep helps me prepare better.
Q: Who do you like more: Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, or <insert some other person>?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 01:06 AM
Q: Who do you like more: Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, or <insert some other person>?
What's the condition for liking them?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 01:50 AM
What's the condition for liking them?
What do you like about them? Like Jackie Chan has both action and comedy (to an extent) and Jet Li can perform tricks. Bruce Lee is just overpowered. :D
Wed, 12-31-2008, 09:33 AM
Bruce Lee for skills, Jackie Chan for comedy and "accidental" skills. in his movies it always seems that he defeats his opponents by luck, not by skills, but it's damn hard to play that way(my friend who is at acting school told me so.)
no idea for question - i'll let someone ask it.
Wed, 12-31-2008, 07:03 PM
A) I kind of like Jet Li. His "skill", in that sense, can be attributed to his background. He was the National (Chinese) Martial Arts Champion the year he competed, and those competitions have a lot of focus on technicality of various martial arts forms, as well as weapons. He trained with the Beijing Wushu Team. Jackie Chan and a selected few (7) at the Pekking Opera School. While neither is inherently more skilled, the I would imagine the former to have a lot more focus in displaying that skill, and it shows in the movies.
Can you imagine Jackie Chan playing The One and Jet Li poking fun at Chris Tucker? I guess their aura, as well as build, kind of determines their roles. Chan's movies have been more refreshing and innovative, while Li's roles are more standard and stereotypical, albeit awesome.
Bruce Lee's in a league of his own. He was hardcore.
Q) Do you wear sunglasses often?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 07:07 PM
Q) Do you wear sunglasses often?
A: Nope! Never had a need to wear them.
Q: What television show interests you at this moment (anything is fine)?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 07:29 PM
A: Nope! Never had a need to wear [sunglasses].
Q: What television show interests you at this moment (anything is fine)?
Say hello to cataracts in 20 years...
A: Life, on NBC. America has it's fair share of cop dramas, but this was the first one in a long time to be genuinely funny. It has some good characters, and a lot of mysteries/conspiracies to keep you interested outside of the commonly episodic series. I would say Weeds, True Blood, or Dexter, but those are done until summer.
Q: Ideal vacation spot inside your own region (N. America, S. America, Europe incl. Eastern Russia, East or SE Asia incl. India and Oceania, Africa)?
Wed, 12-31-2008, 07:50 PM
Say hello to cataracts in 20 years...
Maybe. :D
Q: Ideal vacation spot inside your own region (N. America, S. America, Europe incl. Eastern Russia, East or SE Asia incl. India and Oceania, Africa)?
A: California. Been there once, and it was nice. Warm weather and constant breeze.
Q: Old fashioned, going with the trend or just naturally do what you want?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 12:23 AM
A. I wear what i want, i have my own style.
A. Whats the manliest anime character you can think of? ( look at the sig )
Thu, 01-01-2009, 01:54 PM
A: Lucy from elfen lied, archer was just cynical and cool.
Q: What type of movies you like the most?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 02:06 PM
Q: What type of movies you like the most?
A: Comedy with action, or Tradegy and Romance.
Q: What type of sports do you like (opened to all)?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 02:36 PM
A: Any physical sport with lots of body contact, like hockey used to be or current MMA.
Q: When eating, would you rather walk away over-stuffed or still feeling hungry?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 02:56 PM
A: Over-stuffed i just love to eat.
A: and for the sports - Swordfight(yes i do this with my friends) and Basketball.
Q: what is the best move that have you seen?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 03:10 PM
Q: what is the best move that have you seen?
A: Move or movie? For move, I would say countering because it's pretty tight to know your opponent's weakness and strike it down when it's shown. For movie... I have no idea, there are a lot of good movies around.
Q: Exercise at home (with equipments), or at the gym?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 03:17 PM
A: Home, i prefer to train alone without anybody else.
Q: Who do you love the most at gotwoot?(Everybody loves complich8 so anybody else than our beloved database pimp)
Thu, 01-01-2009, 03:55 PM
Q: Who do you love the most at gotwoot?(Everybody loves complich8 so anybody else than our beloved database pimp)
A: Not really love, but like. I like the attitude here at GotWoot, which is more structured than most of the other boards that I've lurked. GotWoot would probably be my first board I've ever joined, to be honest.
Q: What systems do you currently own?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 04:16 PM
A: I own a system... of a down.... get it? it's a bad pun.
No really I own a 360, gamecube, n64, super nintendo, ps1 and ps2, and a PC.
Q: Would you rather have sex with the one person of your choice and die? Or live the rest of your life without sex?
Thu, 01-01-2009, 06:49 PM
A. Being a virgin aint that bad, i was one for 15 years and it didnt kill me so i'd go with that.
Q. Whats the most wtf power in the history of anime.
Fri, 01-02-2009, 07:38 PM
Q. Whats the most wtf power in the history of anime.
A: I've seen a lot of "wtf" power moments in animes, but I guess I'll go with Aizen Sōsuke's Kyōka Suigetsu. Even though its Bankai powers are unknown, it's still considerably strong in its Shikai form. Only people who close their eyes are immune to its effect and even then, the sword still has a lot of power.
Q: What genre of books do you like?
Fri, 01-02-2009, 08:17 PM
Q: What genre of books do you like?
A) My "already read" list is heavy on fantasy. I do like thriller, and recently I've been wanting to read some biographies. It's a pity that I don't read as much as my high school days anymore.
Q) Who is your favourite superhero? (DC, Marvel type ones) [Has this question been asked before?]
Fri, 01-02-2009, 08:22 PM
Q) Who is your favourite superhero? (DC, Marvel type ones) [Has this question been asked before?]
A: Batman because he's got a pretty interesting history.
Q: How many languages do you know (even for those who slightly know the language)?
Fri, 01-02-2009, 08:24 PM
A. 5
Q. What was the first thing you would do with 1 million dollars?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 08:30 AM
Get a penthouse, stuff it with, big tv, Wii, Xbox360(i have ps3 so no need to get that one) deposit rest in bank.
and for languages - 3. Polish, Japanese, English, German(i don't count it - i just hate this damned annoying language with vulgar-sounding words...(from polish point of view))
Q: How would you feel if you found out that you are clone of somebody?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 09:11 AM
Q: How would you feel if you found out that you are clone of somebody?
A: It wouldn't be so bad, at least I have real feelings, not artificial ones. :p
Q: What kind of musics do you listen to?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 10:05 AM
A: Metal, Metal, and did i mention Metal?
Q:What is the weirdest custom that you know of(from any country)?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 10:11 AM
Q:What is the weirdest custom that you know of(from any country)?
A: Indian customs. I think they are cool and weird. :D
Q: Your head or calculators?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 10:36 AM
A: head, it's faster for me to calculate in head than to use calculator...except for weird physics numbers that go like (1253.0361274+37.23574)/153.623846 etc.
Q: Do you use spellcheck while writing posts?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 01:53 PM
A. I spell check from time to time especially being a newbie to gotwoot i rather start out with a good first impression rather then starting off with a bad one,
Q. If you was given a suitcase and there is a 50 % chance it contain a bomb and a 50% percent chance it could contain 500 million dollars would you choose to walk a way from the suit case in fear of being instant killed or would you say hell to this its. 500 million dollars and open the suit case taking a gamble?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 03:56 PM
A)I'll leave. 500 million for myself isn't worth risking my life. I'd most likely never earn that much, ever, but 500 million ain't happiness. I'll find something else to substitute. It can add to it though ;)
Q) How often, and for what functions do you use your mobile phone for?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 04:47 PM
A) Every day, usually for texting
Q) What's your favorite type of music?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 08:08 AM
Q) What's your favorite type of music?
I think I've answered this before :(
Meh, right now, I'm liking Cantonese contemporary pop. The new stuff gets crapper and crapper every year with few exceptions though, so I'm digging some 90s pop. They were pretty gold.
The lyrics these days too....argh.
A) What webmail system do you use? Why? If you use a client, why do use that? Isn't it hard to look up old mail on other computers?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 09:31 AM
A: Gmail, its google, fast, and necessary for google documents.
Q:What is your favorite book?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 09:58 AM
A: Niccolo Machiavelli — The Prince
Q: Out of all the 3 new video game Generation Systems 360, PS3, and the Wii which one would u prefer? and do you own any of the systems you favor?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 12:00 PM
Q: Out of all the 3 new video game Generation Systems 360, PS3, and the Wii which one would u prefer? and do you own any of the systems you favor?
A: PlayStation 3, but I also own a Wii.
PlayStation 3 has a powerful hardware, and the controller can be used with relative ease. Xbox 360 is nice, and has a lot of shooting games, but it suffers from the Red Ring and weird controller, so I never bought one. Wii is the king of multiplaying, so invite a few friends over, or online, and ease your boredom a bit. I prefer the GameCube controller over the Wii Remote because of usefulness.
Q: If, by chance, you were ever a Vegan, what kind of vegetables would you eat, and why?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 12:07 PM
A. I'm not a vegan but that doesn't exclude me from eating vegetables. I eat all vegetables, they just have to be prepared right.
Q. One for the guys (actually girls can throw in their opinion) - beard or no beard? If yes, what kind?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 01:01 PM
A: Bear here - connected with mustache, or just T shaped one.
Q: Which one you prefer - Long or Short hair?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 01:21 PM
A. Depends on the style . I used to have long hair before but now I have short. I want longer haor again but I can figure out how to get that without looking like I'm growing a deformed mushroom on the top of my head.
Q. Razor or trimmer?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 01:32 PM
A: I prefer Trimmer, razors don't really agree with my skin :(
Q: Favorite all time Video Game and why
Mon, 01-05-2009, 02:25 PM
A. Hmmm close call between Super Mario Kart and Street Fighter II Turbo (on the snes). I can' decide between these two, they really smashed it in the playability section that even though they have outdated graphics you would still have an enormous amount of fun playing them today.
Q. Panasonic Plasma TV or Sony LCD TV?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 02:55 PM
A. Please wait till four people have posted since your last post before posting again in this thread. Sony LCD TV in my opinion. I was going to buy a Sony Bravia myself, but went with the Vizio 32LF.
Q. What do you do with most of your money... do you spend it or save it/invest it?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 03:08 PM
A: I have 2 "modes" spending and saving, once i start spending i will nearly always spend all my money, and then I'm saving again. This spending mode usually starts with something minor like - hmm lets get a new game! and i end spending 90% of my money on lots of other things.
Q:Are rules made to be broken or to follow them? or if you prefer do you play by the rules or break them?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 06:39 PM
A, I prefer to work my way around the rules, it's way much more fun that way.
Q. What is the worst TV show airing right now?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 11:18 PM
A. Real chance of love on vh1
Q. As a young child what was one of the worse nightmare you have ever experience ?
Death BOO Z
Tue, 01-06-2009, 12:50 AM
A: my microwave oven making a countdown towards my heart attacks... creepy.
Q: do you drink coffee when you wake up in the morning? if so, what kind?
Tue, 01-06-2009, 03:12 AM
A) For a period I did, but that was just some instant coffee, nothing special. I'm surprised that this Nestle Latte could taste so good, while this generic brand's Latte tasted absolutely horrible. However, the generic Mocha was pretty good. I'm thinking about stocking up on some V or Red Bull (Energy drinks sold here) when Uni starts to get me kicking again. It's got the caffeine, but I'm a very "last minute" person when it comes to waking up, so a cold, mobile drink will be more convenient. I'll take the sugarless versions though, those things are loaded.
Q) Do you live in a single-story, two-ore-more story house or an apartment? Or anything else I haven't mentioned (caravan, tent....baracks)? What do you like and dislike about this current place you live in?
Thu, 01-08-2009, 10:42 AM
A: Double storey. I don't really hate anything...except that downstairs gets really cold in winter.
Q: What's the worst job you've ever had and why? *hopes this hasn't been asked already*
Thu, 01-08-2009, 12:15 PM
a: at a fast food restaurant in the mall food court. man that sucked. don't think i need to explain why
q: what is your favourite movie, and why?
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