View Full Version : Bullying
Sat, 02-23-2008, 09:58 AM
omg I'm on a topic roll. provided this hasn't been done before...=)
Even been bullied at school, work, or any other place? Or better yet...EVER DONE THE BULLYING? >_> And how did you deal with it, etc.
Bullying--> harrassing, physical, sexual...all forms I suppose. o.o
Sat, 02-23-2008, 01:32 PM
is this cuz of Death Boo Z? if he's bullying you, just tell me and i'll ban his ass back to the army :p
Sat, 02-23-2008, 01:38 PM
Never, anywhere. I'm not good material for this thread. I always had a good bunch of friends back in school, and people with steadfast friends don't get systematically bullied (unlike in anime/manga/visual novels where all your friends suddenly disappear if you get bullied even once). Well, there wasn't that much bullying in general in those schools I attended.
Board of Command
Sat, 02-23-2008, 02:47 PM
I've never been involved in bullying. I've "harassed" people but they were cool with it because it was just for fun.
Sat, 02-23-2008, 02:56 PM
What is the definition of bullying atleast as far as this thread goes. I think I have been or atleast people have attempted to bully me. I was and still am completely antisocial for the most part, so despite being popular I usually am and would much rather be all by myself. So always being by myself and being a quiet guy most people usually assume I'm good fodder which is exactly what I like.
I don't have much patience for stupidity so any attempts to bully me or even intimidate me are met with a strong front. Whether that means talking people down or breaking their jaw depends on the person.
Sat, 02-23-2008, 04:12 PM
Considering my shy nature, I've been bullied a lot.. I hated it of course, one day it went a bit too far during music class, they kept punching me on my shoulder (By some shear coincidence, they were sitting right next to me), I snapped, I hit one of them with my instrument and glared furiously at the other one.. they were laughing.. those two bastard were having fun at me snapping.. I decided to take my stuff and leave, the stupid blind/deaf bitch of a "teacher" asked why I was leaving and .. I don't even remember what I said, but one thing I know, I ended up quitting that fucking school and went to a "special" school(Inside a recreation center) for "drop out" and "problem students"(Not that there was any.. all students were pretty much 13-16 years old), heck I even made friends there, something I didn't manage to do in a normal school.
I really liked my two years in that school, we were only 50~ students, 3 teachers, 1 "directer", 1 psychologist and some other personnel I rarely saw.., we only had the primary subject and 2 other(French/English/Math/PE and IT).
There was only 1 "bully" there, and he ended up getting expelled from school.. less than a month after his arrival.
After those 2 years, I went to an adult school, where fighting/bullying were sanctioned (Heck, there was camera pretty much everywhere) by expulsion. I didn't see any bully there, some idiots, but no bully.
Sat, 02-23-2008, 06:21 PM
My middle school had pretty clearly defined cliques. I was not part of the "popular group" so I spent 3rd-8th grade being called gay by white trash and lower-class Hispanic kids. A few of my friends had that problem too. At the time I'd say it was easy to ignore because I knew they were idiots, and I had some good friends, but thinking back I do feel a little disappointed in myself for not really "standing up" as much as I should have.
High school was pretty rad and aside from more morons, there were no "bullies" and most people were decent guys (that is, by 17 year-old standards).
I'm happy to have found out that many of the people from my middle school aren't very well off now, and the few that are are the people I'd always suspected would be.
Sat, 02-23-2008, 06:30 PM
My middle school had pretty clearly defined cliques. I was not part of the "popular group" so I spent 3rd-8th grade being called gay by white trash and lower-class hispanic kids. A lot of my friends had that problem too.
As did I, except without the white trash. My middle school was probably like 90% hispanic, totally ghetto (though it wasn't in a bad area or anything), and I was pretty miserable the two years I was there. Lots of mexicans picking on me.
There was one guy in high school that picked on me a bit, too. I remember he used to smack me in the elbow with a book as a way of saying "hey," which hurt like hell. I almost snapped a few times but for the most part I was able to keep my cool, just because at the time I was a goody-two-shoes and didn't want to get expelled. Anyways, the kid fell into the emo/scene thing later on and got made fun of by virtually every person that even shot a cursory glance in his direction, so karma played its part I guess.
Other than that, I haven't really been picked on.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 02:38 AM
lol, ahh i remember the first time someone tried to bully me, lol i ended up with a expulsion from school i was up... guy pushed me down, so i picked up a rock and bashed it into the bridge of his nose..soon as the his face came down the knee went right into it.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 08:38 AM
I was probably bullied in like elementary school, but if I was it was my own fault. Haha. I haven't seen anyone in high school get "bullied", but there are a lot of e-thugs out there who try to e-bully, haha.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 02:19 PM
after having a fall out with the 'cool kid' in elementary school, I logically became the target of a good amount of teasing. it didn't help that my parents were absolutely clueless as to how a kid's life had changed since the '50's.
At first I handled it exactly as I'd been raised, turn the other cheek, defend myself with logical arguments, and then go cry somewhere when I was sure nobody could see me. After about a year and a half of that, I opted for fighting instead. I was a little crazy, challenging kids to fight after school over just about any stupid thing they could tease me about. But, even though I didn't always win (maybe half the time, if that), it was enough to have kids back off from teasing me.
I didn't have to deal with much bullying in high school, and, by the end, I'd actually picked up the habit of being pretty mean to this one little shit who always tried to worm his way in with my friends. By then it was more about having a decent comeback than knowing how to fight.
So, yeah, my advise is to fight back. It doesn't matter if you lose, what matters is that you're willing to stand up for yourself.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 02:27 PM
I wouldn't really consider it bullying since I have usually picked on people who are able to defend themselves, and usually deserve it because they pick on other people. I guess you could call that rationalization, and in that case it makes me a bully. Other then me maybe bullying a bit I have never really been bullied, but I have never been a shit disturber either... same cannot be said about my friends though, lol.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 04:03 PM
I guess I had it really easy.
Both my middle schools and high schools were large enough that most people found their own respective places. Sure there were cliques, but their either intermingled or kept far apart from each other.
My grade alone in elementary/middle school was over 100, huge considering how small the town is. There were a choice few people who were ostracized, but they hung out in their own little groups and most cliques didn't bother each other. Basically, you either played a 30 person game of touch football, a 15 person game of touch football, played basketball, or sat around at recess. There were fights, sure, but bullying never really happened.
My high school was even larger, probably 550-650 people per grade level, so everyone had a place in one group or another. Cliques didn't really exist at all. A lot of people moved between the groups from day to day. You ate lunch with whoever was around at the time, and due to the staggered schedule to fit all the students into the cafeteria, people came and went during lunch, mixing when necessary.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 04:07 PM
Actually now that I come to think of it, people in middle school could be pretty viscous. Hell, I see them often now and they think it is okay to laugh or talk about people who are different from them, tease them/attempt to make them feel bad about themselves, etc. Middle school kids are pretty lost. D;
Sun, 02-24-2008, 04:13 PM
Actually now that I come to think of it, people in middle school could be pretty viscous. Hell, I see them often now and they think it is okay to laugh or talk about people who are different from them, tease them/attempt to make them feel bad about themselves, etc. Middle school kids are pretty lost. D;
It's probably worse nowadays since every 12 year-old has a myspace or a facebook.
I'm sure that doesn't help matters at all. Sort of overlaps with the e-bullying you mentioned. The he-said/she-said gossip must be impossible to deal with.
Wed, 02-27-2008, 10:24 PM
Life ( is an awesome drama about bullying. Everyone watch it!
Fri, 02-29-2008, 03:55 PM
is this cuz of Death Boo Z? if he's bullying you, just tell me and i'll ban his ass back to the army :p
Aw no. <3 He's cool. XD
but there are a lot of e-thugs out there who try to e-bully, haha
I've seen too much of this. o.o This concept is ridiculous. XD Yet true. So much e-flaming and drama and's like Real Life. Only anonymous style.
Hey BioAlien, it's always us shy people that are targets. D: We're like bully magnets. >.>
These days, GIRLS are being bullied by BOYS which is just terrible. =/ It happened at my old school. I kept getting sexually harassed by these group of guys and I just decided to leave the school. Wow. I'm so brave. ^^; But now that I'm at an all girls school, I've been much happier.
Fri, 02-29-2008, 05:13 PM
A lot of conflicts like that or not like that arose when I was a kid, particularly middle school in Cali. Those sort of ended in violence, though. *cough*
Fri, 02-29-2008, 06:08 PM
There was a kid that moved into a house down the block from me when I was in maybe second or third grade. I tried to talk to him when he was moving in, and he called me names and told me to leave him alone, so I did. Figured, if you're going to be a jerk, why waste my time on you. He was a year younger than me.
Over the next couple years, he made friends with about 10 kids around the neighborhood -- basically all the rich spoiled asshole kids with rich spoiled asshole parents. And since my walk home from school was the same route as theirs, we tended to interact. Generally, they tried to antagonize me and I ignored them. Started walking a different route to go home (adding a block or two of walking) to avoid them.
Well, then they started following me however I went. One day the "leader" kid who lived right down the street threw one of those plowed-up ice chunks at me. Bounced it off my thigh, hurt like a bitch. I snapped, chased him down about a quarter mile, threw him to the ground and pounded on him until I got bored. His friends just stood around shocked at what was happening. Then I got up and chased the "second in command" all the way to his front door. Everyone else scattered. Then I went home.
Couple hours later, cops come to my house to take statements... apparently his dad tried to get them to arrest me. But they got the story straight, and told me that next time I should press charges against them, and that anything I did was pretty clearly in self defense. The school principal give the whole group half hour detentions every day for the next month to give me plenty of time to get home at my leisure without dealing with them.
The leader never said another word to me, and his family sold the house and moved away at the end of that school year. The rest of the group generally left me alone too. It was good times after that.
Fri, 02-29-2008, 06:14 PM
Way to go. Sounds like your typical bully rich, spoiled, gutless and can't fight worth a damn and the parents always think their child is so innocent. I used to love beating the crap out of those kinda people.
Fri, 02-29-2008, 07:25 PM
Being chased by complich8 must be horrifying. Dude's a giant.
These days
Sexual harassment is nothing new. Still, if it was bad enough to make you leave the school, then it must have been pretty awful. Shame.
I'm also reminded of that case where the 13/14 year-old girl was harassed on myspace and ended up hanging herself. Good times.
Fri, 02-29-2008, 07:39 PM
Come to think of it, I think I seem 'unaffected' by annoyance and/or bullying, and then suddenly have the urge to hurt said person and suddenly act on it. I never really considered it "bullying" though. If I was ever bullied as a child, it was from older kids and I think I just assumed all younger kids were treated that way. I can recall some of the fights I got in, way back when, though.
Like one time my neighbor whipped out a pair of scissors and started cutting down all the roses in front of my house that I had been working on for nearly three years. Yeah. I punched him for that one. There was some other time that he started picking a fight with someone who wasn't giving him problems at all. He looked so lame. You know, the kind of hitting where you are looking the other direction, making swift movements that may or may not hit desired target? For some reason, I really don't remember why, I stepped in or told him to back off. He started hitting me. I had a plastic bat or something in my hand, so I used it to shield myself and he kicked it. (Or maybe I hit him?) lolz, after that he only tried to harass me when he was with other people, for some reason he thought that was protection... it wasn't.
Anyway, I think I would rather get in trouble by kicking someone's ass when they are harassing me to the point of leaving a school.. than leave and miss all my friends... IMO. (Or kick their ass, say it was self-defense, then leave... maybe I like fighting too much) It doesn't really happen much in the upper grades of high school, though. Yaay high school!
Sometimes I find myself nearly punching the idiots who bother me nowadays. But I usually stop myself in mid punch and make it a light tap when I realize what I am doing. @___@ They notice and usually stop antagonizing XD
Sat, 03-01-2008, 03:52 AM
I never got bullied. I was always friendly with everyone in my school. And I never bullied anyone either. I have too big of a guilty conscience to be pulling that stuff. Of course, I get teased and stuff for being asian considering i'm in an all white school with the exception of a few black people.
Well, I won't lie, I wasn't cool with EVERYone. There are a couple of kids who just take the racial slurs and stuff too far. I was never good at comebacks right off the top of my head, so it was either ignore them, or do something about it physically. Some I've ignored, but 2 unlucky kids had to meet my fists of fury. One met it back when we were in junior high, since then we're like buddies now. Then another met it freshman year in high school.
I eventually came to realize, I should just ignore them... Considering I won't see half of them for the rest of my life ever again after high school was over.(2nd year in college at the moment.)
But yeah, i was friendly with pretty much everyone... Ranging from preps, to goths, to the skateboarders, and to the urban people. I hung out with everyone, never stuck with just one clique.
Outside of school... I'd have my Asian friends, so I didn't hang out with the friends from my school that much. Of course, I still go to their parties every now and then.
Sat, 03-01-2008, 04:26 AM
Sometimes I find myself nearly punching the idiots who bother me nowadays.
This totally reminded me of WD's awesome fight story ( That was an excellent tale of putting bullies in their place.
Sat, 03-01-2008, 10:20 AM
This totally reminded me of WD's awesome fight story ( That was an excellent tale of putting bullies in their place.
Oh snaps, that's a really good story. :]
Sat, 03-01-2008, 10:55 AM
I wonder what ever happened to WD? She was one of the better posters.
Sat, 03-01-2008, 01:24 PM
Sexual harassment is nothing new. Still, if it was bad enough to make you leave the school, then it must have been pretty awful. Shame.
I'm also reminded of that case where the 13/14 year-old girl was harassed on myspace and ended up hanging herself. Good times.
Yeah XD
harssed ONLINE and then she committed suicide? o_o Seriously?
Anyway, I think I would rather get in trouble by kicking someone's ass when they are harassing me to the point of leaving a school.. than leave and miss all my friends... IMO. (Or kick their ass, say it was self-defense, then leave... maybe I like fighting too much) It doesn't really happen much in the upper grades of high school, though. Yaay high school!
>.> Not all of us risk our lives. My parents would most likely blamed me and kicked my ass.
And that's one classic fight story.
Sat, 03-01-2008, 04:06 PM
harssed ONLINE and then she committed suicide? o_o Seriously?
Megan Meier Suicide (
It's a pretty sad that it happened, but the girl was already pretty disturbed. She had been diagnosed with Depression long before the incident occurred. Even if she didn't have a myspace, it's likely that something like this would have happened anyway.
Board of Command
Sat, 03-01-2008, 07:09 PM
She wasn't exactly bullied, so to speak. She got played and became overly emotional over some online encounter. Her problem stems from the fact that she's way too attached to her internet buddies for her own good.
Sat, 03-01-2008, 10:14 PM
Seemed at first she came on to talk about nerdy things, got dissed, busted a cap so to speak, and left.
Sat, 03-15-2008, 09:04 AM
Yes, 2 weeks later a reply. >.>
Megan Meier Suicide (
It's a pretty sad that it happened, but the girl was already pretty disturbed. She had been diagnosed with Depression long before the incident occurred. Even if she didn't have a myspace, it's likely that something like this would have happened anyway.
Yeah, that's really sad. I expected more from an adult.
I think Sara-chan was totally bullied man. XD Sure, she was a bit of a whore, but really.
Wed, 03-19-2008, 09:53 PM
Bullying is so cool you should try it sometime XD
Its so easy u just have to mess the kid up a litle bit and take his stuff lol
Thu, 03-20-2008, 04:30 AM
Its so easy u just have to mess the kid up a litle bit and take his stuff lol
Bullying is so cool you should try it sometime XD
Minor teasing is okay, but I really hate all forms of bullying that comes to mind right now.
Thu, 03-20-2008, 09:03 AM
well actually.... bullying is a crime (at least in europe), so No... bullying is NOT cool... unless you are able to pay a lot of money for this "fun".
in childhood years you won't get caught easily but later you will.. most likely
Thu, 03-20-2008, 10:29 AM
Errr guys i was completely wasted when i wrote that XD
Anyway i despise bullys
Fri, 03-21-2008, 09:00 AM
Becuse I'm short I used to be aggressiv, wearing wierd stuff and well, look angry. So, I've bullied, been with bullies and stuff.
Later, I finaly understood that one day, after just randomly hitting a person, making him cry ( I was in a Fight Club thinhy) I quit.
I used to be the one that stopped fights, even though my body size.
But hey, I used to also train Kung-Fu 8 days a week ^^!
Sat, 03-22-2008, 11:29 AM
8 days a week? wow. hectic. XDDDDDD
anyway, I had no idea it was a crime in Europe. Do they classify it has physical harassment and stuff?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 04:40 PM
Yeah, thats y they changed the name of that game "bully" to "CANIS CANEM EDIT"
Sat, 03-22-2008, 04:43 PM
Wow thats a bit far to go, did they heavily edit the game or just change the name because if all they did was change the name then its pointless.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:33 PM
Yeah, thats y they changed the name of that game "bully" to "CANIS CANEM EDIT"
as far as i m informed that only happend here, in germany... and not all over europe
@ junior
bullying itsself is not a crime however if it goes against your personal rights, health (mental or physical) or even honor(!) and you can prove it (letters,recordings whatever) then as a bully, you are pretty much fucked ... if it happens on your workplace you will instantly lose your job (the bully, not the victim :P) and you'll have to pay a lot of pain and suffering money
@ abdula
its probably exactly the same
even though everyone complains about censorship here, its not that bad... you know the game god of war? they removed a bit of blood and deleted ~2-3 ways to kill an opponent...
same goes with age of conan..
even call of duty 4 was censored.. i heard that the US version a lot of blood is spilled when u shot that black dude with the sniper the german version, you just see his arm falling off ^^ (however it still looks pretty good)
however all of these games are for 18+ (i don't know if it is the same in the US, probably its +16 there)
censorship is pretty rare btw... because people won't buy it and so its either fully indexed or 18+
edit: well the whole thing is so complex that its annoying to talk about it *lulz*
Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:35 PM
Nah all they did was change the name and it was all over europe not only on germany
Death BOO Z
Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:42 PM
I saw someone playing that game, it didn't seem very fun.
walk around, take pictures of the girls, throw snowballs at someone, race something with something, trigger some game-events (that reminded me of Tony hawks games) to wedgy someone or lock him in the bathroom. seemed like too much of a work to be a fun game.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:08 PM
edit: hmm back to topic. (sorry death booZ for deleting everything i just wrote but i wanted to stop the "censorship" discussion i started :P)
you people know why i don't bully someone?
i m scared that he will start running amok and kill everyone in school
i always say to myself "well be nice to him, when he fails to graduate then he will kill everyone except you and say: " i spare your life since you were nice to me" ^^
i actually have a candidate in my class... but he's a real weirdo because his parents are really catholic.. he's 18 (19?) and he is only allowed to watch TV during weekends.
actually i want to beat the shit out of his parents because they ruined his life...when i talk to him in ICQ he's so different.. in school he is very(!) shy because he simply doesn't know what we are talking about...
however i did one baaaaaad thing.. i gave him a big amount of animes... and you know what? he learned every sign from naruto (the jutsuu stuff) and is like:
*moves his hands very fast* Gokage-no-jutsuu (or however its spelled) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CLASS
well i told him to shut the fuck up and so on but i think he still does this stuff at home.. its like he catches up on his childhood
Death BOO Z
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:15 PM
I'm not saying that wedgying and snowball throwing is good, nor is locking him in the bathroom.
(I think you've gotten yourself confused, taking pictures doesn't mean taking pictures of the girls naked, it's yearbooks pictures)
but heck, that ain't bullying. it's just being an ass, most people became less pyshical asses and more of a perssonality jerks over the years. not something to worry about to much.
the game didn't include (as far as I know) waiting for someone weak to go home and then jump him on the way with the gang and assualt him, or consistantly stealing the same guys pocket money and blackmailing him to traffic drugs.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:31 PM
i m scared that he will start running amok and kill everyone in school
i always say to myself "well be nice to him, when he fails to graduate then he will kill everyone except you and say: " i spare your life since you were nice to me" ^^
actually i want to beat the shit out of his parents because they ruined his life
I think you've been watching too much tv and as for his parents ruining his life, him and a few million other people, atleast he is still alive and looks like he has one good friend.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:36 PM
however i did one baaaaaad thing.. i gave him a big amount of animes... and you know what? he learned every sign from naruto (the jutsuu stuff) and is like:
*moves his hands very fast* Gokage-no-jutsuu (or however its spelled) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CLASS
well i told him to shut the fuck up and so on but i think he still does this stuff at home.. its like he catches up on his childhood
Now that is a true Naruto fan. Bring him on the forums so him and Abdula can argue about which sign is the coolest.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:38 PM
Alrgiht Sapphire I don't know whats up with you but now you are just asking for it. Why the hell would I be doing or care about hand signs?
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:40 PM
I think you've been watching too much tv
i wont deny it... when i go swimming in the ocean i always swim behind a few other people because i think "ok if there is a shark out here, it will eat the people in front of me first.. so i ll have enough time to get back to the beach"
and you know what? one of my best friends does exactly the same...
ya.. watching TV really can change your life. (the great white shark)
@ sapphire
i think he knows about this side because i told him that i get my information about the newest animes from this forum :P
maybe he signed up already? MAYBE HE IS ABDULA!? Yo Marian, wazzup?
(oh please tell me your name is marian too abdula)
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:41 PM
Lol, dude you really are KrayZ
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:42 PM
I'm not saying you'd care, just that I'd still be your friend you if you did. Are you calling me a nerd because I think it's cool if people know handsigns? T_T
and lol @ Kray. You're a true survivor!
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:45 PM
No I'm not calling you a nerd, I happen to know almost every single handsign that has ever been done in Naruto, surprisingly there aren't that many but I certainly don't do them or go around shouting whatever no jutsu. I just know them because well I don't even know why I know them, I just do.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:49 PM
because you-are-a neeeeerd *sings* ^^
bullying in a bullying-thread
how fitting.
to be honest i m a real zabuza fanboy.. i tried to mimic him in every single way when he fought kakashi for the first time.. his speech (oh man, his voice is awesome! especially the scene when he says "that sure was a lot of fun").. his looks and his water-dragon-no-jutsuu..
after failing 2 times however... i stopped
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:50 PM
Yeah Abdula! Calling me a nerd! *cries*
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:54 PM
because you-are-a neeeeerd *sings* ^^
Well not really I had this amnesia thing a few years back, completely lost my memories, the majority of which still haven't come back and probably never will. Anyway since then I've been reluctant I guess would be the best word to use to let any little scrap of information go.
@ Sapphire I never called you a nerd, you insulted me by insinuating I would enjoy something as childish as which hand sign is the coolest. No biggie though.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:59 PM
Well we -did- argue in the "Is Kabuto evil" thread. I guess that means I am childish. *cries*
Also Kray, I must say I am an anti Sakura fan. SHE MUST DIE!!!!
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:13 PM
Also Kray, I must say I am an anti Sakura fan. SHE MUST DIE!!!!
i do not complain.. in fact i liked it when she got knocked out by kabuto who again got knocked out by narutos blastwave on the bridge.. the sound she made.. so beautifull <3 ^^
well but we should start bullying or talk about bullying again.
then again, i think this topic is pretty much exploited.
Mon, 03-24-2008, 07:40 AM
Yeah, it's running dry if you don't really have a story to tell.
There's also going to be ...
"Bully Edittion", remake on Xbox Live.
Tue, 03-25-2008, 03:19 PM
KrayZ33, your sig looks like Ichise from Texhnolyze. o.o;
Anyway, do you think video games...promote bullying? o_o it's such a retarded cliche question, I know. ^^; But when I look at Grand Theft Auto, I wonder if anyone tries that at home.
Tue, 03-25-2008, 03:22 PM
young people do trie those things out... but once they hit 16 or 18 it won't have an effect anymore i think
kids however are influenced easily by those games.
not every child.. but surley a big part.
Wed, 03-26-2008, 02:40 PM
"They" also did sue the game "Bully" when it landed on the paper and wasn't even in motion.
Was a rumor that in Grand Theft Auto IV, somewhere in the beginning of the game, your mission is to blow up a advocate that motto says "People doesn't kill each other, video games does."
Tue, 04-08-2008, 07:11 PM
lol Dr. Phil.
What do you guys think?
They talk about what we discussed.
Tue, 04-08-2008, 10:29 PM
I think I stand by my initial reaction.
I'm really happy Phil was able to help the XBox Live guy get through to Microsoft (seriously, everyone harps on Dr. Phil but he really does help people), but it seems like most of the people he had on that show didn't understand that "getting your feelings hurt" on the internet isn't reason for legal involvement. Two entirely different cases were presented on that episode under one catch-all term. One person was targeted and violently threatened, and the other was just subjected to the same kind of bullying that's always existed, just in a different medium.
It annoyed me that the only person to understand the issue correctly was that weird lady with a taste for unfunny jokes.
Wed, 04-09-2008, 08:52 AM <<how lame. That girl might be blind now. Would you guys have defended yourself against 8 people or taken the beating and put their ass in jail with an even greater offense?
As someone observing I would have taken the thing behind me and beat the girl with it after a couple hits (maybe the first hit, and call it self defense. I've learned that if one person is initially beating you up, no one will step in to help or hurt them or you, they will just stand there like zombies and watch). I've hit people for less. But then again there's eight people, and I don't know what my odds would be. Very low. (This makes me want to take martial arts even more now). That pisses me off though, people have to team up in groups so you have NO CHANCE of winning. How petty and disgusting. Actually now that I rewatched I think she was knocked unconcious before hand. Now that is even more fucked up.
Wed, 04-09-2008, 12:18 PM
Little bit more info on that:
meanwhile, the girls accused in the attack joked in a holding cell after their arrests and wondered about missing cheer practice after the alleged attack, according to a report.
"They seem to have absolutely no remorse at all," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said. "I don't understand the sheer violence."
Video of the Florida girl being punched and beaten at a Polk County home has gained national attention in recent days.
Judd said that he now wants the six girls and two boys involved in the attack charged as adults.
Wed, 04-09-2008, 02:27 PM <<how lame. That girl might be blind now. Would you guys have defended yourself against 8 people or taken the beating and put their ass in jail with an even greater offense?
As someone observing I would have taken the thing behind me and beat the girl with it after a couple hits (maybe the first hit, and call it self defense. I've learned that if one person is initially beating you up, no one will step in to help or hurt them or you, they will just stand there like zombies and watch). I've hit people for less. But then again there's eight people, and I don't know what my odds would be. Very low. (This makes me want to take martial arts even more now). That pisses me off though, people have to team up in groups so you have NO CHANCE of winning. How petty and disgusting. Actually now that I rewatched I think she was knocked unconcious before hand. Now that is even more fucked up.
I really hate the idea to "just stand and let things go"-people. Atleast when someone so fucking innocent is being beaten up. Their attitude are also in numbers, wich I also really DO hate as many can talk but not walk the park.
This dude in my class has really attidude problem against almost everything but when he's alone his attitude drastically change. He can ALMOST have a decent "normal" conversation.
Atleast I hit the guy becuse he pulled down my pants for no reason at all.
Wed, 04-09-2008, 04:24 PM
Bullying is intolerable. And at that level, even more so.
I actually have a story that fits in with the original topic of this thread, though.
All through middle school, I was pretty much tormented from every side. It didn't quite help that I was a white kid going to a southside school. People kept calling me 'nerd,' 'punk,' dumbass,' and whatever else they could come up with off the top of their head. I was also chided for not believing in any religion. I remember this one fool who simply kept asking me "Why not?" and going all thriough the hallways shouting, "This kid doesn't believe in God!" That was embarrassing.
Eventually it got to a point where one day, I was walking my morning pathway to class, and someone said something to me (I can't exactly remember what it was - I was too angry to really care). I flew completely off the handle and simply started hitting the first person in front of me. It happened to be my friend. So he begins hitting back. Make no mistake, I definitely 'lost' the fight, but at the same time, I got some pretty good punches in. Later (a few minutes), I'm sitting in the AP's 'waiting room', waiting for judgment. My friend walks in the door and seats himself across from me, on the opposite side of the room.
We get called into the office and we both explain ourselves. After listening to both sides, we both get sentenced to two or three days of In-School Suspension (ISS). After my friend and I exit the office, he says to me, "That was a pretty good first punch."
We served our time in ISS rather nonchalantly, doing whatever schoolwork the teacher gave us and doing whatever activities the ISS monitors wanted us to do. Those were three very quiet days.
Our friendship grew stronger after this, but I was still getting picked on by various parties. The ordeal I went through with my friend taught me to simply let it go sometimes, and I did. Eventually, it stopped, and I had a peaceful few years in school. Then, I eventually get to high school. It wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought that since middle school was essentially hell for me, why shouldn't high school be? I was completely wrong. Everyone was so peaceful. I suppose it was the larger amount of people there. Incidentally, I was still the white kid going to the southside school, who didn't believe in God, and was definitely still a nerd.
Sorry about the story. I felt I needed to get it off my chest. But, my point remains. Bullying is intolerable to me. That's why I keep it mostly to the 'pit.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 02:02 AM
Was bullied from age 9 to age 16, so more or less during all the "important years".
And look how awesome I turned out!
Thu, 04-10-2008, 02:56 AM
Was bullied from age 9 to age 16, so more or less during all the "important years".
And look how awesome I turned out!
Woah Terra's back! O.o
Anyway, I was bullied more during my elementary school years. I was more of a quiet person in high school thought I did have a close friends.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 04:27 AM
Bullying for me was more in Grade 7~9. I got on rather well with everybody in the other years. I guess there's a period in between not knowing other people's differences, and accepting other people's differences where all this happens. (in my case anyway.)
Thu, 04-10-2008, 05:28 AM
Atleast I hit the guy becuse he pulled down my pants for no reason at all.
well he might have had a reason to do this... maybe he's gay and wanted to see your pooper or your... p-p-ponos!
i can't believe that so many people got harassed... in school there was only 1 guy in my class who had no friends at all but i think, he didn't even get harassed by us..
we just didn't want to be friends with him because he was a nerd..
well he is now one of my better friends though (lol huh?).. but he was one of the "god and jesus > all" fraction so nobody really liked him and he opens one taboo subject after another when he talks that its embrassing to stand even near him... well i got used to it over the years and he doesn't do it so often anymore as he did when we were younger.
but i really can't imagine someone being harassed over YEARS! well i can't imagine bullying in the first place... because its so LOW to do that... i m happy that i visited a good school now (not on an iintellectual level, but a school with "good" people)
thats sad to hear...
i won't deny that people in my class, or even me myself mocked some people SOMETIMES... but it never went so far that we tried to embarrass him in front of the whole class and so on and i m sure that our teachers and my class would have done something if that would have ever happened (our teachers got angry very fast in these cases :P)
well i remember different situations in parallel classes.. but something like in that video sapphire postet did NEVER happen , i know that this is extremely rare(at least i hope so!) but not even a BIT close to that..
it makes me angry to see something like this, as i said... this is so low..
btw sapphire i would have defended myself and put them into jail after that (the first thing doesn't exclude the other one right). but i think i wouldn't stand a chance a chance against 8 people. even if i have something to beat them with, for example a baseball bat or so, i wouldn't be able if they come all at once...
but i wouldn't get so cornered in the first place i think, even if they drag me into their house i would run to the kitchen or something and grab a knife.. a big knife... and then try to get my way out of there and call the police.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 11:45 AM
in school there was only 1 guy in my class who had no friends at all but i think, he didn't even get harassed by us..
we just didn't want to be friends with him because he was a nerd..
At my high school there was this one guy who everyone hated/picked on. I thought it was just the usual schoolyard dynamics of "cool people > geeks" going on, and kinda felt sorry for him until I actually spoke to the guy. Took me about 15 seconds to realize he was not only socially retarded, but also a complete ass-hole. He completely deserved everything he got.
btw sapphire i would have defended myself and put them into jail after that (the first thing doesn't exclude the other one right). but i think i wouldn't stand a chance a chance against 8 people. even if i have something to beat them with, for example a baseball bat or so, i wouldn't be able if they come all at once...
Yeah, a lot of people keep saying that she should have defended herself, but she really didn't have that option. She was ambushed and kidnapped by her friends, beaten until she was unconscious, and beaten again when she woke up, yelled at some more, was refused to leave, and beaten again. I'd imagine it's damn near impossible to keep a clear head through that.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 01:14 PM
Exactly. Even the fact that she was unconscious first changes everything. And part of it is she has probably never been hit in her life. I'm sure if you are a girl, possibly with a concussion, never been hit in her life (she prolly doesn't even have siblings) and wake up with what you think were your friends that is plenty of justification for not hitting back. But of course, in hindsight it's smart because it is all on tape. However, if you're in a situation where you think you are going to be killed, which she was, then that changes things too. Camara or no camara, if I thought I was going to be killed, I would prolly have fought back and not stayed there for half an hour getting my ass kicked.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 01:59 PM
I know it's obvious but you really do need to keep in mind that many can talk but not walk.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 02:29 PM
I know it's obvious but you really do need to keep in mind that many can talk but not walk.
The tubby, redneck ringleader of those girls could obviously do both.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 04:07 PM
Her mom is an idiot. (
Thu, 04-10-2008, 05:09 PM
kids are cruel... i don't know why but if my child would have done something like that i would beat the shit out of him/her... well this is wrong too but i wouldn't care anymore then. i can't believe her mother somehow tries to "justify" it... or to make it look like its "not as bad as it seems"..
man i remember a story where 3 kids "kidnapped" a cat at one night and set it on fire (the people woke up because that cat screamed out in pain so loudly) .. i can't believe human beings are able to do this, something must have went wrong during the upbringing of those kids, i can't explain it otherwise.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 05:35 PM
I'd like to think it's some extremely poor upbringing. Parents nowadays seem to make themselves too busy so they don't have to deal with their child. And when the kids get in trouble, it's small talk and a slap on the wrist. I'm happy to not have parents like that.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 08:39 PM
I'd like to think it's some extremely poor upbringing. Parents nowadays seem to make themselves too busy so they don't have to deal with their child. And when the kids get in trouble, it's small talk and a slap on the wrist. I'm happy to not have parents like that.
I agree a lot with that statement. It may not apply to all parents, but to many. I see tons of kids going around in gangster or semi-gangster clothing, swearing their mouths off like it's nothing and walking around like they own everything. Heck, I've seen elementary school kids like this.
Has our society really crumbled this much? I remember growing up where that kind of thing was completely unimaginable.
Board of Command
Thu, 04-10-2008, 10:38 PM
It's definitely more prevalent in today's society. Back in the day (10 years ago), elementary kids seemed much more behaved than today's kids. Back then, kids in grade 5 or 6 actually appreciated things like FF7. Nowadays, they don't know shit.
Thu, 04-10-2008, 11:55 PM
Haha. They hardly even know what Nintendo DS Lite is. I love that little thing although pretty much blows that I only had 1 game for it's lifetime.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 12:29 AM
At my high school there was this one guy who everyone hated/picked on. I thought it was just the usual schoolyard dynamics of "cool people > geeks" going on, and kinda felt sorry for him until I actually spoke to the guy. Took me about 15 seconds to realize he was not only socially retarded, but also a complete ass-hole. He completely deserved everything he got.
The thing about that is, a lot of the way he acts now is self-defense to all the other bs he's put up with in his life. He's going to spend the rest of his life on guard, just waiting for the next person who was nice to him to suddenly turn their back on him and treat him like shit. It's a vicious cycle. Is he the cause of his pain, or the product of it? Probably a bit of both.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:12 AM
I know a kid like that from class. Everyone's agreed not to mess with him, but he still says stupid crap that makes everyone jump on him. It's an unfortunate circumstance.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:49 AM
It.s probably too late at this point, he's screwed for life until something big changes him. All generalizations of course, but I learned from experience and that's how it was for me.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 08:05 AM
he would change if you ignore what he says and once you get closer to him you could start to ask him... maybe this will have an effect.
at least thats what happened when i talked to the nerd of our class :P well, he's able to talk to me without annoying me.. i don't know what exactly changed. the guy i m talking about was "suuuuper-shy".. if you talked to him the first thing he did was lowering his head and it was impossible to hear what he has to say because his voice was like a whisper..
other people of my class bullied him a bit because of that (not really bullying but more ignoring)... i don't know why but me and one of my friends didn't do it, but the funny thing was that he was even weirder to the people who CARED about him.. as soon as we said something against him and his attitude he was like his world was going upside down.. after a while my friend got annoyed by this and stopped caring for him and i was the only one left and now over the years he turned out to be somehow normal (well still a little fucked up but thats because of his parents, i m pretty sure it is... a 16 years old boy wasn't allowed to watch TV during the week lol.. and now with 18 i think he still isn't allowed to watch TV or play PC :/)
i think it turned out this way when i found out that he likes animes.. (i can't remember how i found that out though) i think this was the first time that someone talked with him about a subject HE likes and the OTHER person likes... and then everything started to change (slowly)...
what i want to say is that i believe no one is screwed for just have to break through the shell that surrounds them ^^ (ah thats sounds lovely) but the problem is, that most people don't care enough to do that because its exhausting
edit: i just remembered what he did that everyone bullied him, when he was a bit younger he was stalking a girl (oh my gawd)... the girl said to him that she does not really like him (or more hate him), but he kept talking to her and so on...
he simply couldn't understand why, i guess he felt betrayed or so..
well the girl wanted to involve the police etc and thats when the guy i m talking about apoligized to her with a letter and explained to her that he's very sorry, in the letter was written that he never had a girlfriend before and all the guys he sees and know do have one and so on... you know i can't write it the way it was explained to me but that made me somehow very sad.. it simply shows how fucked up he was in his head.
btw even though he turned out to be a more "normal" guy through the years he still has a problem with girls ^^ i think he needs to get laid or so :P
Fri, 04-11-2008, 01:14 PM
The thing about that is, a lot of the way he acts now is self-defense to all the other bs he's put up with in his life. He's going to spend the rest of his life on guard, just waiting for the next person who was nice to him to suddenly turn their back on him and treat him like shit. It's a vicious cycle. Is he the cause of his pain, or the product of it? Probably a bit of both.
Probably is a bit of both. The only reason people gave him bs in the first place was because of the way he acted. People's reactions to him just propagated that behavior.
There was also a kid who pretty much stalked girls (from other schools) at my high school. That wasn't the least of his problems, but it was something that he did repeatedly. He was also blind to people's dislike for him to a fault, and would always include himself when he wasn't wanted. Me and several friends had to ditch him once. Several people have confronted him about his social problems, but he never really seems to get it.
My point is you can try and befriend everybody, but there really are "lost causes" out there.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 01:46 PM
I agree. I just try real hard not to make it onto any of their "lists".
Fri, 04-11-2008, 03:16 PM
i don't know why but me and one of my friends didn't do it, but the funny thing was that he was even weirder to the people who CARED about him.. as soon as we said something against him and his attitude he was like his world was going upside down.
It's often like this. They don't think that they can trust anyone after being pelted with insults for so long. It's sad, but they'd rather push people away than have them come in and criticize him. See, to him, that's essentially the same thing as being picked on, since he has no idea of the difference. Of course, that also depends on whether or not it was constructive criticism (i.e. "This and this is wrong with you, but if you do this, you'll be better off"), or just having said something to him along the lines of "Hey dude, so and so is wrong with you."
I'm not the most talkative guy on the planet (that's why I have you guys), and most of that's from being bullied around from third to seventh grade. The thing is, I don't push people away from me when they approach, though I am oftentimes rather skeptical about what they're coming to me for. I think that's what you're describing, but his skepticism is more involved than mine is. Those are the saddest stories - the ones where the kid can't make any friends because his conscience just can't let him. I think the best way to handle it is just as you said: keep at it. Eventually, he'll come around and be quite a bit easier to talk with or hang around with.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 06:49 PM
I'm one of those guys who are a bit shy and don't really talk to you if I don't know you well. I'm still polite, but not talkative. Break that barrier, and my friends know I don't shut up. :).
There weren't any stalkers at my school. But I do remember two guys that were bullied, even up to senior high. One of them was just plain annoying, looked a bit like a rat, and just a real douche really. I never had much sympathy for him. He knows what's causing it too, but I guess he's happy with the few friends he has who could put up with him.
There was another little tubby guy just had a slightly weird sense of humour, and a bit childish. I didn't mind him, and since he was in like half my classes, I just talked to him a bit and stuff. I think I became one of his closest friends outside his group. He left before the last year of senior to get a job, and the whole class ends up missing his weird humour. In the end, he did become an integral part of our classroom lives.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:05 PM
Lol yeah i keep reading this thread about so many people find bullying so wrong and intorable and bla bla but the fact still remains that you've probably witnessed many acts of bullying and did nothing about it.
Shity truth of the world - In school bullys are kings
Better truth of the world - Most of them are gonna die young or get shity jobs
Just ignore the fuckers and they'll leave you alone eventually i guess, if they don't stop bitching about it and do something to prevent it either by working out yourself, making tough friends or just by being a snitch.
Sat, 04-12-2008, 02:48 AM
You don't really go around everyday thinking that their going to die first or get shitty job. If your number 1 affected by bullys then it's almost impossible to stay longer alive than them.
As long as you havent inherted a "strong personality" it's almost impossible to keep the mood up.
Sat, 04-12-2008, 03:13 AM
That's one stereotype of the schoolyard bully. Don't forget the other, were you have the rich guy who got in a prestigious school with his parents' money, and everybody likes him since he's so popular. Then there's the poor guy/girl who got in via a scholarship, and can barely get by with her part time job after school. Bit hard for her to think he'll die sooner, or get a crappier job than her.
Then you have the workplace bully, who is often stereotyped as your senior or boss. Same situation, unless you are recognised by the higher ups or a different comp who can see past the BS your boss is putting forth.
But yeah, the key is making friends. Emotional support is the best when dealing with these situations. That....and numbers.
Sat, 04-12-2008, 03:26 AM
Wich is extremly hard, as in my prevous post, that if you really wasnt born with strong personality, it's extremly hard to get past these things.
Sat, 04-12-2008, 12:22 PM
Shity truth of the world - In school bullys are kings
Better truth of the world - Most of them are gonna die young or get shity jobs
Just ignore the fuckers and they'll leave you alone eventually i guess, if they don't stop bitching about it and do something to prevent it either by working out yourself, making tough friends or just by being a snitch.
hmmm thats not always true... it depends on which school you are going to, in my school (academic high school) bullys were definitively not the "kings". but i think, most people here do not talk about "bullys", most of them say something like "the whole class" etc. and i think thats something different, yeah they are cases where one guy you "fear" says something like "look at him, he's weird everyone who gets near him is weird too!" and they believe him... but thats not the case everywhere. in my school, bullys were often the ones who were left alone because nobody wanted to get near those assholes. If people were left alone this didn't happen because only 1 certain person said that he doesn't like him, but because he was really weird or an asshole, but in the end there were always people who could get along with their attitude.
as i said one of my classmates was weird too... i got along with him and nothing really changed, my other friends still don't like him but its not like they are now ignoring ME because i go over to his house sometimes or so.
well i have to admit thats not the same in every school... but i m happy that this is how it went in mine ^^
Sun, 04-13-2008, 12:22 PM
lol wut
Sun, 04-13-2008, 01:52 PM
That is simply wrong. And the guys only got talked to? I would have fired the dumbasses! What if the girl does it again? WTF!?
Sun, 04-13-2008, 02:05 PM
That is too funny, someone is using youtube to post the names and addresses of the 8 accused and they are getting death threats. Great way to use youtube to strike back on these idiots. The empire would be proud.
Talk shows have a history of shady behavior looking for notoriety and exposure. Remember when the gay guy got killed after being on Jenny Jones? What a mess.
@python: they could retract the bail if they want to. I guess at this point they'll not make it a bigger mess by doing that.
Sun, 04-13-2008, 02:57 PM
lol wut
I'm completely stumped. I don't know what the fuck Dr. Phil was thinking. They can't even get her on the show, so he basically bought her a "get out of jail free" card when none of those girls should ever see the light of day again. What the hell is this?
Mon, 04-14-2008, 07:05 AM
@python: they could retract the bail if they want to. I guess at this point they'll not make it a bigger mess by doing that.
My point is that they shouldn't have done it at all. If they didn't want to be seen as criminal sympathizer, they shouldn't have paid the bail. Oh well, what's done is done. Let's see what the girl does now, now that the whole world's against her.
Mon, 04-14-2008, 07:17 AM
Well it probably (maybe) wasn't Dr. Phil himself, but show producers looking for a big scoop. The article says that "staff members" posted the bail. Of course, they might just be scapegoats, which would be why they weren't fired. Either way, it was a poor judgment call, not really vicious or anything. Typical talk show garbage.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 04:06 PM
Oooh, I wanted to bring this thread back because of the serious cyuber-bullying issues that have been happening. They're making a pretty big deal out of it here.
So...anyone done it or been on the receiving end?
I know a girl here(I think it was here) lost in a school sport competition and a few learners made a hate site dedicated to her and said some pretty bad things. One comment said something like: "This site is an example of cyber-bullyiing. YAY!"
It's not really joke. At all.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 04:37 PM
Wouldnt most of the activities that go on the in flaming pit be considered "Cyber-bullying"?
Wed, 01-14-2009, 05:42 PM
The flaming pit was made for people to "have fun, diss each other, and all the other shit we don't let you do outside."
Different actions carry a different meaning in different settings. In cyber bullying, you really mean it. It can be read by the public. You ain't kidding.
But the main thing is, it hurts.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 10:23 PM
Cyber-bullying is a good alternative to real life bullying because there is no threat of physical violence. It's also completely a battle of wits, and the mentally strong survive which is how the world should be.
Wed, 01-14-2009, 10:43 PM
Wouldnt most of the activities that go on the in flaming pit be considered "Cyber-bullying"?
In short, no, they're not the same thing at all. Cyberbullying refers more to constant harassment. Archangel and Animeniax trading petty insults in the Flame Pit is not an example of that.
The best example I can think of is the Megan Meier case, which I linked to earlier in this thread.
Edit: And the Xbox guy Sapphire linked to on page 4 .
Wed, 01-14-2009, 10:47 PM
To be honest I do feel like I'm bullying sometimes because I'm older and more experienced that some of these kids here. But they started it, so it's their own fault.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 07:29 AM
Cyber-bullying is a good alternative to real life bullying because there is no threat of physical violence. It's also completely a battle of wits, and the mentally strong survive which is how the world should be.
That's a load of crap. Bullying is not restricted to physical violence. Some people may be physically weak and for them physical violence is bullying. Others may not be used to verbal bitching and to them that is bullying. Neither is acceptable and if that happened at Gotwoot then it should be stopped. I would say the mods should be the ones to do it but after being here for so long I know some of the mods take part in it themselves.
And to say the world should be about wits, well that's never going to happen. You use all assets you have, physical and mental, to get what you want.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 07:57 AM
That's a load of crap. Bullying is not restricted to physical violence. Some people may be physically weak and for them physical violence is bullying. Others may not be used to verbal bitching and to them that is bullying. Neither is acceptable and if that happened at Gotwoot then it should be stopped. I would say the mods should be the ones to do it but after being here for so long I know some of the mods take part in it themselves.
And to say the world should be about wits, well that's never going to happen. You use all assets you have, physical and mental, to get what you want.Now you're arguing against Darwin, and you just can't win that argument. Cyber-bullying is easy enough to avoid, just log off or go elsewhere. Physical bullying not so much.
The thing about mental bullying is that you can lose but you'll live, then recuperate and join the fight again. Physical bullying causes physical and mental anguish, and leads to escalating violence.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:16 AM
People can be douches over the internet where else they wouldn't dare in the real world due to anonymity. People shouldn't care about losing an internet argument because it just shows the person lacks confidence. Because at the end of the day, getting your ass kicked over the internet just really doesn't make any sense.
In the future you'll be able to punch someone through the internet. I could only hope.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:21 AM
In the future you'll be able to punch someone through the internet. I could only hope.Works both ways. You're not the most popular poster either.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:26 AM
Works both ways. You're not the most popular poster either.
I don't see how this has anything to do with my popularity. I can take hits. And I'm sure 90% of the trolls on the internet would cry after getting a bitch slap across their face.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:54 AM
Now you're arguing against Darwin, and you just can't win that argument. Cyber-bullying is easy enough to avoid, just log off or go elsewhere. Physical bullying not so much.
The thing about mental bullying is that you can lose but you'll live, then recuperate and join the fight again. Physical bullying causes physical and mental anguish, and leads to escalating violence.
Bullying is bullying, mental or physical. This is not about people's preferences on what way they would like to get bullied. Its wrong to pick on someone just because they are weaker than you in anyway.
And I pretty much agree with what animus said. Cyber bullying is pathetic becuase you are sitting far away from the person you are picking on, and is even more cowardly than normal.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 09:11 AM
Bullying is bullying, mental or physical. This is not about people's preferences on what way they would like to get bullied. Its wrong to pick on someone just because they are weaker than you in anyway.
And I pretty much agree with what animus said. Cyber bullying is pathetic becuase you are sitting far away from the person you are picking on, and is even more cowardly than normal.
Tell that to the animals and Darwin. There are alpha males and then there are the rest of the pack. In the information age, it is the thinkers who will rule, and cyberspace is just another medium in which to display their dominance.
I don't disagree that bullying is for shit, but at least with cyber-bullying the victim can log off or find some other forum or irc channel to visit. Real-life bullying is much tougher to deal with.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 09:14 AM
Cyber bullying isn't limited to forums though. It happens on sites like myspace and facebook etc, and there, the influence is big. It can even affect your normal life's interactions in those cases.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 09:43 AM
Now you're arguing against Darwin, and you just can't win that argument. Cyber-bullying is easy enough to avoid, just log off or go elsewhere. Physical bullying not so much.
The thing about mental bullying is that you can lose but you'll live, then recuperate and join the fight again. Physical bullying causes physical and mental anguish, and leads to escalating violence.
I agree with the statement in bold to an extent. I mean you can simply just log off and leave the forum or website if you so choose, but why should you have to? That is like saying that all the people at are getting bullied in really life should just leave their school, work, or just avoid going out all together to stay protected. Is that right? Is that fair?
Thu, 01-15-2009, 10:33 AM
Exactly my point. I think if you have that attitude you need to seriously think things through. Why should someone have to leave becuase someone else is being an arse? I think that person who is trying to exert their 'dominance' needs to be bitch slapped down as soon as their act becomes apparent because bullying is just a form of insecurity and its an issue the bully has to deal with. If he/she can't deal with it themselves then it needs to be made clear to them in no uncertain terms that you will not be taking out your issues on people you think are vulnerable.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 10:44 AM
if it's something like "internet-flaming" on forums and sites I agree with Animeniax
how do you say... "The cleverer give in."
Thu, 01-15-2009, 10:48 AM
Cyber bullying isn't limited to forums though. It happens on sites like myspace and facebook etc, and there, the influence is big. It can even affect your normal life's interactions in those cases.
Just quoting this for clarification. Cyber-bullying does not refer to occasionally flaming someone on internet forums. We actually do have rules on this forum against legitimate harassment.
Animeniax, whether you were being serious or not, you can stop patting yourself on the back for being an "Alpha Male". Calling someone out for being obnoxious, or a bad poster is not tantamount to "cyber-bullying". Repeated, and gratuitous harassment of that person, as well as making racial comments, or posting of their personal information, is.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 11:16 AM
I agree with the statement in bold to an extent. I mean you can simply just log off and leave the forum or website if you so choose, but why should you have to? That is like saying that all the people at are getting bullied in really life should just leave their school, work, or just avoid going out all together to stay protected. Is that right? Is that fair?
Unless it's a site that requires payment, you get what you get from it, fight back, or you leave.
Exactly my point. I think if you have that attitude you need to seriously think things through. Why should someone have to leave becuase someone else is being an arse? I think that person who is trying to exert their 'dominance' needs to be bitch slapped down as soon as their act becomes apparent because bullying is just a form of insecurity and its an issue the bully has to deal with. If he/she can't deal with it themselves then it needs to be made clear to them in no uncertain terms that you will not be taking out your issues on people you think are vulnerable.
That tough guy act doesn't stop bullies in real life, and it won't work online either.
Just quoting this for clarification. Cyber-bullying does not refer to occasionally flaming someone on internet forums. We actually do have rules on this forum against legitimate harassment.
Animeniax, whether you were being serious or not, you can stop patting yourself on the back for being an "Alpha Male". Calling someone out for being obnoxious, or a bad poster is not tantamount to "cyber-bullying". Repeated, and gratuitous harassment of that person, as well as making racial comments, or posting of their personal information, is.Shrug, wasn't talking about me. I don't think what goes on here counts as cyber-bullying. Problem is, it's all subjective. One man's joking around is another man's harassment.
Fri, 01-16-2009, 03:09 PM
Wow...I always love reading Gotwoot's opinions on things. They're always...well...intelligent as opposed to hndf834f3hf38fwe i haaate bulling!11
Anyway, I really like Dr DB's logic. ( and I don't think I could add anything to it that would sound awesome or intelligent)
Real-life bullying is much tougher to deal with.
In a sense, maybe...but at the same time, it's really different to cyber-bullying. Words always hurt more than physical pain. Scars heal but you'll always remember nasty things people say to you.
And I'm sure 90% of the trolls on the internet would cry after getting a bitch slap across their face.
Quoted for truth.
I find it sad that bullying is now even on the internet. Don't we all come here to just have fun? It's annoying that some idiots come there to boost their ego by harassing and bullying people. It's even more annoying that trolls come across so confrontational online, but offline, they're always people who avoid confrontation. I mean, what? Do you brag saying what a badass you are on the INTERNET? What's the point of that? Go work at bettering yourself offline.
Besides, the chances are, people who come on the internet are just like you. Low self-esteem bullying low self-esteem in an attempt to get higher self-esteem. That's just not...fair. At all.
This kind of thing really upsets me. :( It's just not fair. I've seen a lot of cyber-bullying on forums. Too much.
When I heard about cyber-bullying, I started being a LOT more nicer on the internet (more nicer than I normally was) and I try my best not to be mean (seriously) or anything. I don't want to ruin someone's internet experience because I feel like being an ass. Afterall, cruelty, like charity, begins at home. XD
I don't think what goes on here counts as cyber-bullying. Problem is, it's all subjective. One man's joking around is another man's harassment.
I haven't seen any serious bullying here. Everything sounds like light humour to me...Anyway, I'm sure we'd tell if it was bullying. it'd be a lot more...constant?
/end of long post.
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