View Full Version : Theories

Tue, 02-12-2008, 04:57 PM
I just thought it would be fun for us to expose some theories we have on bleach, mainly about espada, their ranks ans stuff. Manga readers get the f*ck out :P ( pls )

Well my first thoery isnt very original: Im guessing ulquiorra is the stongest espada.

Second, im thinking nel is way more powerful than we think, and im talking espada level here, maibe aizen did something to her or shes one of those vasto lords that developed on its own.

Im also thinking that aizen wants inoe to do something to the litle black thing (lol no way i can spell that) so it can fully develop more quickly.

Ill post some more along the way, you're all welcome to post aswell, just theories never confirmations obviously. If u think of something funny go ahead and post too lol .

Wed, 02-13-2008, 04:58 AM
I also have a feeling Nel is more than she looks like. The other two arrancars seem to be pure useless comedic sidekicks (at which they fail completely as far as I'm concerned, except for the useless part where they excel). Nel, however, just sticks to Ichigo and in my opinion she hasn't really been yet proven one way or another, as if they are saving her for something. Maybe she has a release or something (though I don't remember seeing her with a sword), and she will save Ichigo in an important furute fight.

Though it might be just my logical mind speaking. After all, I wouldn't understand why they even exist if none of them have some fundamental role. So far they have been all without any purpose. And honestly after the past eps I'd like to see Nel with a good role rather than either of those two bloody idiots.

Wed, 02-13-2008, 02:31 PM
The other 2 are obviously comical relief and so is nel for that matter but im guessing that in some important fight after ichigo gets his ass handed to him she's gonna do some sort of release of her true powers. Probably not with jearjackes since the fight between him anbd ichigo is gonna be so personal but maibe with ulquiorra. I just hope this doesnt turn out into one of those "she transforms and then dies to save him" bullshits , i like nel.

Thu, 02-21-2008, 10:52 PM
I assumed she had a Release based solely on the fact that she IS an Arrancar. I mean, even Grand Fisher had a Release didn't he?

She doesn't seem to have a zanpaktou, but maybe she's got like a switchblade in her pocket or something. :p

Fri, 02-22-2008, 10:22 AM
Well we've seen zanpaktous take all sorts of forms so u can never know maibe its a pocket knife lol .

More theories:

I think jearjackes is actually much stronger than we think, maibe he just got the number 6 because he wouldnt listen to aizens commands or something like that´.

Tue, 02-26-2008, 08:39 AM
A couple more:

Aizen is still hiding his tru goal, y the hell go for all that trouble just to wack some king dude if you dont gain anything from it? Then again you could say that his true goal is to become legendary.

Tue, 02-26-2008, 11:05 AM
My theory is that Inoue's idependant actions will result in Aizen's plan completion.

Fri, 02-29-2008, 09:59 AM
Thats what i said in the first post dude :P

Aizen is totally manipulating her, she thinks that she can destroy the Hōgyoku but she'll just end up powring it up i think

Fri, 02-29-2008, 10:48 AM
we all know that her powers are time distorting or something like that, but did we ever saw her make something dissapear? so i think her healing powers just make something get back in time, and thus making the black pearl getting back in time when sandal hat created it, before he sealed it... something like that

Fri, 02-29-2008, 08:33 PM
Well my first theory just went down the toilet lol.

But with it come some new ones:

- There just no way in hell that Ichigo and friends can keep up with the top 5 espada, im not even sure if they can keep up with anyof the 10, so im guessing that its about time for a strategic retreat, a litle more training and some new tricks until winter, when aizen strikes, and then well have some serious fights.

Sun, 03-02-2008, 10:47 PM
Well my first theory just went down the toilet lol.

But with it come some new ones:

- There just no way in hell that Ichigo and friends can keep up with the top 5 espada, im not even sure if they can keep up with anyof the 10, so im guessing that its about time for a strategic retreat, a litle more training and some new tricks until winter, when aizen strikes, and then well have some serious fights.

Inoue can change reality right? So i think it would be wiser to retrieve her before retreating, have her train intensively, and have her learn how to bring Kira from Death Note into the bleach world. All hes gotta do is write aizen's name in his little book and BOOM headshot.

Mon, 03-03-2008, 01:24 PM
Lmao, inter - anime kill for the win XP

Wed, 03-05-2008, 12:12 AM
All hes gotta do is write aizen's name in his little book and BOOM headshot.

Death notes can't kill shinigamis :P at least, that was the impression i got.

Wed, 03-05-2008, 12:42 AM
Lol, I don't know if it was your intention or not but that was really funny, way to shoot 'em down.

If this arc ever ends hopefully it will soon, the only thing they could possibly hope to accomplish is rescuing Orihime and leaving because they are too weak to do anything else. Even that is pointless because its not like she was in any danger of being killed or anything like that and if Aizen decides he wants her back there is nothing they can do to stop him.

Anyway when this arc is over they need to go back and do some more training because by then they would have realized how weak they really are, besides they are just there to rescue Orihime and sadly since their attempt to resuce Rukia their logic hasn't improved at all. So hopefully they'll get her and get the hell out of there because I believe it was already stated that the final face off would take place in Karakura Town so all that they are doing now is for nothing. If anyone is taking this seriously they have gotta to be kidding because breaking into SS was one thing but to think that they could break into HM where millions of hollows are supposed to have free roam is just illogical. The very fact that they are even there means Aizen is allowing it to happen.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 09:20 PM
Sorry, but no way in hell they're gonna manage to save Inoue in this arc, not with ulquiora on top of her 24/7 and , like you stated, if aizen wished it they would have been gone a long time and we know that Aizen wants something out of Orihime.

I predict that either ichigo is gonna be able to use the mask longer or we're gonna see a new transformation sometime soon, since the fight with grimjaw seems inevitable.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 11:46 PM
I have a feeling that some people are writing his name wrong cause unless Jaerjackes is another character along with grimjaw (which I doubt) I thinks it's supposed to be Grimmjow Jaggerjack?!? I agree with The Archangel btw.

Sun, 03-23-2008, 06:26 PM
Time for some new theories ppl:

- My original assumption was that they were going to retreat but after seeing how ichigo got owned by ulquiora and still kept going for more im thinking another thing: reinforcements. U guys remeber that shinigami tha was in the menos forest? He looked prety powerful maibe he can help. urahara san, the cat lady and the shinigami captains are another, unlikely, option.

- Another thing im starting to think about is how the espadas look so much like their shinigami counterparts in terms of appearence. I could do a couple of image comparissons but im too lazy to google all of them :P Not sure if it's just to make them look like the evil counterparts or if there is more to it. Ill update as i get more information.

Sun, 03-23-2008, 08:14 PM
Time for some new theories ppl:

- My original assumption was that they were going to retreat but after seeing how ichigo got owned by ulquiora and still kept going for more im thinking another thing: reinforcements. U guys remeber that shinigami tha was in the menos forest? He looked prety powerful maibe he can help. urahara san, the cat lady and the shinigami captains are another, unlikely, option.

Unless something goes TERRIBLY wrong, a filler character won't be helping them out in any meaningful way here. I wouldn't doubt captain backup, Byakuya already seems to be helping Rukia and Renji out but a full appearance would be amazingly sweet.

Also, I get the impression that they are saving Urahara for something cool and soon but not this arc soon.

- Another thing im starting to think about is how the espadas look so much like their shinigami counterparts in terms of appearence. I could do a couple of image comparissons but im too lazy to google all of them :P Not sure if it's just to make them look like the evil counterparts or if there is more to it. Ill update as i get more information.

You mean the robes and stuff being opposite colors much like H-Ichigo vs Ichigo? or are you talking their faces?

Fri, 03-28-2008, 09:31 AM
I'm talking about their faces. Check it out:



Just one of many examples

Fri, 03-28-2008, 06:59 PM
someone did it for you

not sure about some of them tho

I'm sure you know better than posting pics with characters that haven't been introduced yet

Fri, 03-28-2008, 08:27 PM
Yeah that's about right. But i would replace soifon with the cat lady.

Sun, 03-30-2008, 06:06 PM
The last time we saw Urahara, whats-her-name and Ichigo's two loser friends were seeing him.

If Uruhara shows up, it'd be badass if all of a sudden those 3 had inexplicable powers(since every normal human that hangs with Ichigo spontaneously manifests powers).

Mon, 03-31-2008, 01:30 PM
Tha's because his massive reiatsu affects other pluses so they can show their true powers.

Your theory is highly unlikely, and that's exactly why it kicks ass :D Keep posting darthender u always have some sick theories i love to hear

Fri, 04-11-2008, 08:52 PM
Anyone have theories that smexy blonde Arrancar woman in ep 165 or 166? I like her. Her wise melowness prolly shoots her up the ranks as very powerful. I don't want her to really fight, I just want to listen to her talk and own people instantly like Tosen or something.

And if reinforcements as AA said end up coming, then I hope it's the Vaizard people, I totally want to see them go all out.

Board of Command
Fri, 04-11-2008, 10:46 PM
She had much more underboob in all those Google pictures I've seen. They really covered her up in the anime.

Anyway, I'm guessing she's above Ulquiorra in rank, so #3 at the minimum. She wasn't at all fazed by Grimmjow's release or Ichigo's vizard form.

Mon, 04-14-2008, 06:15 AM
I suspect the guy that beat Chad might actually be Espada #1. He said he was the strongest Espada after all.

Mon, 04-14-2008, 10:49 AM
No spoilers

Tue, 04-15-2008, 10:39 AM
Wtf Y?? This is for anime viewers, go post your spoilers somewhere else moron.

Anyway as for the blond arrancar i can't really be too sure about her rank since we can easily compare her "cool" attitude with, lets say, Soifon and she turned up to be a big disappointment in terms of power at least in my opinion.

I don't really agree with your opinion ender, if we believed everything these hollows say then they would all be number one. Besides, if he really was the strongest espada i don't think he would feel so compelled to repeat it to his subordinates..

Wed, 04-16-2008, 02:47 AM
Anyway as for the blond arrancar i can't really be too sure about her rank since we can easily compare her "cool" attitude with, lets say, Soifon and she turned up to be a big disappointment in terms of power at least in my opinion.I dunno. The only person she's fought has been Yoruichi. Who, as far as we can tell, is super strong. And she didn't even do that bad.

Wed, 04-16-2008, 07:47 AM
I bet she's like rank #2 or something. Have we discovered #2? PS - #1 is awesome, I'll be surprised if anyone manages to hurt him (at their current levels). But who knows how many power jumps there will be. :(

Wed, 04-16-2008, 01:26 PM
Why the sad face? Power jumps kick ass, if anime made sense i would just go watch big brother or something.

Well you have a point there ender but after all that talk of how she would destroy anyone who would opposed her i just didn't see that much of an ownage coming, at the end Yoruichi was just playing with her and she started crying ... i was like, wtf?

I don't know why but i have a feeling that the number 1 espada is the silent black dude. Just a hunch tho.

Sun, 04-20-2008, 03:29 AM
I was just wondering, does anybody understand the whole king's key concept? So there's just some king, we don't know exactly what they do, obviously not part of the government as they said. He's in a different dimension and you can get there with a special key. And then what? If Aizen gets there what exactly is he going to do? It didn't get too specific about what exactly he could do once going there. Maybe his goal is to take over the kingship by force, but apparently it's just a title for show like they said. Are there any theories on this? Or did I miss something where they explained it?

Sun, 04-20-2008, 05:07 AM
Yeah, we haven't seen that black guy do or say anything yet. Not even some kinda sidescene with him and his Fractions like we have with the chick and the guy laying in bed.

But I think #1 is the old guy. Since so much of this arc mirrors the SS arc, it wouldn't surprise me.

Sun, 04-20-2008, 08:07 AM
Umm... you mean Tousen? Dude, he is part of Aizen's clique, along with Gin. They all control Las Noches and are above the Espada.

Sun, 04-20-2008, 11:29 AM
Umm... you mean Tousen? Dude, he is part of Aizen's clique, along with Gin. They all control Las Noches and are above the Espada.

He's talking about the very tall black guy with the mohawk that we saw when Aizen had that meeting with all the Espada quite a few eps ago.


Sun, 04-20-2008, 01:53 PM
Nah i don't think the old guy is number 1 since he wouldn't make much of a cool enemy. My bet is in either the black guy or the loli loving guy.

No way its the dude with the half moon sword, he's 3 or 5 at the most.

Mon, 04-21-2008, 01:14 AM
so 5 at most?

Mon, 04-21-2008, 04:31 AM
I would say 5 at the most. But if we go by coolness or looks, Grimmjow feels stronger and he's nr6 right? So i would think he's nr7.

The old guy just looks and feels like Nr1. At the very least he's nr2.

The female Arrancar seem stronger then Grimmjow the way se acted in the Grimmjow fight so that would make her 2,3 or 5. I just can't see her as nr1. I would guess for 2 or 3 because i think the black guy is nr5

The loli guy seems like nr1-3. He's the only one i could see that would be nr1 if the old guy turns up to not be the one.

What was most surprising was when it was reviled that Ulquiorra was nr4. Before that i though he would have been nr 1 or 2.

Tue, 04-22-2008, 04:57 AM
Another thing is, it might not even matter. If they really want to be a soul society clone, number one might not be the strongest. Some might be hiding their 'true power' so to speak for some reason.

Tue, 05-13-2008, 09:57 PM
Guy who beat up chad can't be number 1.

He's looking for people to beat up, inter arrancar fighting seems to be discouraged.

So, only way to up him from 2 or 3 (I guess 2) is to find a really beefy non-arrancar to kick the shit out of.

Sat, 05-24-2008, 09:42 AM
I don't think he's on the top 3,

I'm guessing he's of lower level than ulquiora since he didn't show him any respect and ulquiora seems to respect all his superiors and higher level than grimjow because it looks like he's going after ichigo and it wouldn't make any sense to make him fight a weaker arrancar than grimjow so maybe he's number 5

Sat, 05-24-2008, 07:49 PM
I don't think he's on the top 3,

I'm guessing he's of lower level than ulquiora since he didn't show him any respect and ulquiora semens to respect all his superiors and higher level than grimjow because it looks like he's going after ichigo and it wouldn't make any sense to make him fight a weaker arrancar than grimjow so maibe he's number 5

ahahha lol havent laughed in ages thanks. :D

i know this is a stupid question but who do u think is will win?? between ichigo and ulguira??
i think ichigo has no chance.

Wed, 06-04-2008, 11:21 AM
ahahha lol havent laughed in ages thanks. :D

i know this is a stupid question but who do u think is will win?? between ichigo and ulguira??
i think ichigo has no chance.

Ichigo will win and Ulquiorra will be the last Espada he fights in this arc, their final encounter made sure that their following battle will be quite personal.

Sun, 08-23-2009, 04:59 AM
I came up with a new Theory today.

Basically, I think the Spirit King is actually Ichigo's father.

I think Aizen is gonna to through all the trouble of getting to the King's Domain, defeating Zero Squad, and then he's gonna burst into the Spirit King's throne room and it's gonna be empty. Then someone will tell him, "The Spirit King? He fell in love with some human woman like 20 years ago and went to live on Earth."

Which would explain why Ichigo is ridiculously powerful for no real reason. Because he's the son of the Spirit King.

Sun, 08-23-2009, 05:48 AM
Ichigo as the Spirit Prince.. that actually sounds like it could work.

Or Ichigos dad is the son of the Spirit King and the King is Ichigos Grandfather, either way, nice theory ^_^

Sun, 08-23-2009, 09:59 AM
I believe it's more likely Isshin was in the Zero Squad then him being the Spirit King

Sun, 08-23-2009, 11:37 PM
Maybe not the spirit King/Prince, but the Kurosaki's are probably one of the top noble families in Soul Society. Similar to the Kuchiki family. I agree with Neo that he's probably zero squad. Some how i can't quite imagine that goofy dad character as that anime world's version of an omnipotent god.

I'm also interested in the character motivations of Tousen and Gin. We know Aizen wants to sit on the Spirit King's throne. But what are those two after?

Tousen, justice after the murder of his supposed mentor by the hands of her husband. But Gin? That's a bigger mystery to me.

Fri, 08-28-2009, 03:28 AM
Maybe not the spirit King/Prince, but the Kurosaki's are probably one of the top noble families in Soul Society. Similar to the Kuchiki family. I think if that were the case, someone would have mentioned it to him by now. It's not like he hides the fact that is name is Kurosaki. If the Kurosaki's were one of the Four Great Houses, someone would have said something.

Fri, 08-28-2009, 08:48 AM
I think if that were the case, someone would have mentioned it to him by now. It's not like he hides the fact that is name is Kurosaki. If the Kurosaki's were one of the Four Great Houses, someone would have said something.

Well, does the Kurosaki name come from his mother or his father? I don't know how that works in Japan

Sat, 08-29-2009, 12:14 AM
Well, his dads name is also Kurosaki, so I assume it's his dads.

Sat, 08-29-2009, 04:30 AM
I thought he meant that if his mothers name was Kurosaki, and then when his dad married his mom, they got Kurosaki as a common name, but his dad might have had a different one before that.
(were they even married? i can't remember if this was mentioned in the anime)

When you marry in Japan, do u take the man or the woman's name?

Sat, 08-29-2009, 08:07 AM
I thought he meant that if his mothers name was Kurosaki, and then when his dad married his mom, they got Kurosaki as a common name, but his dad might have had a different one before that.
(were they even married? i can't remember if this was mentioned in the anime)

When you marry in Japan, do u take the man or the woman's name?

Yeah that was my question

Even if it's common to take the man's name they may have taken the woman's to leave the past behind

Just saying, there may be some merit to the Ichigo royalty theory