View Full Version : How important is internet access to you?
Fri, 02-01-2008, 02:28 AM
I work in a place where you only get satellite internet through the company and they block all kinds of websites and traffic, and they monitor internet usage and fired people for bandwidth utilization abuse. I'm currently on vacation in a place where high speed internet runs full speed with no restrictions and I'm downloading everything I can before I head back to the slave camp and our ultra-restrictive molasses-net. I'm starting to wonder if this job is worth it, keeping me from getting all I can from the internet, like my current favorite anime, music, tv shows, movies, software, and websites.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 03:08 AM
How important? Life & Death! I'm Lazy and i have memory like a goldfish so sometimes i have forgotten to pay my ISP bill and ended up without internet for all from a few days to several weeks. And that is really the worst time in my life.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 03:31 AM
Dam important, most of school related logistics is done through the internet for me, as well as being the primary way I communicate to certain friends of mine.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 06:43 AM
I can't be here without the Internet, so highly important I guess..
Though I may get cut tomorrow or so.. since I have almost reached my download/upload(combined) limit for the month, currently at 99.3GB(limit: 100GB))
And my period of usage starts the 3 th day of each month..
Worst thing is.. My hard drive is only 80gb.. So I don't know how I can download so much.. Damn you porn! Damn you!! :mad:
(Nah, just kidding, I only download a lots of anime I guess.. and some visual novel..and some eroge...)
Fri, 02-01-2008, 09:11 AM
Let's just put it this way, I can live anywhere in the world as long as there is high speed internet.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 01:22 PM
Pretty important. I love downloading. Anything and everything.
So it's important.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 02:11 PM
Not really important. I could and have gone months without using it but that depends on whether school or work requires me to use it, then again there are very few things that I care about.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 04:28 PM
I don't even download anime anymore, so that's not really a factor for me. Music, maybe.
The internet isn't exactly crucial for me, as long as I can check email/facebook/news from time to time I don't really feel the need to be connected 24/7. Of course I post here just about everyday, so I certainly enjoy using the internet a lot, but it's not at all a necessity.
Board of Command
Fri, 02-01-2008, 08:10 PM
I'd probably kill myself if internet is no longer available.
Fri, 02-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Its not an essential necessity to me, but my standard of living would most likely plummet without access to H-Network. I'd be at the library or somewhere else getting my porn fix.(JK)
Sat, 02-02-2008, 04:31 AM
I basically can't do my job without internet access.
Sat, 02-02-2008, 05:19 AM
I'd probably kill myself if internet is no longer available.
Just a level below you in internet addictivity BoC. Well, addictivity isn't really the best way to put it. I'm not using the internet all the time, but if it's not there when I want it to be, :mad:
Anime, email, wiki, uni, gotwoot, to a lesser extent, music....internet is a MUST. I'm on 64kbps right now since we busted out peak quota, and it's slowing strangling me to death. Only thing that's saving me is my full speed off-peak quota.
Sat, 02-02-2008, 05:51 AM
Well I'm on board with those of you who can't do without the internet. It's not that I spend that much time on the internet, it's the access to everything and the necessity for living and work. I need it download media (for demo-ing before buying), check news, research, shopping, email, forums, etc.
The last job I accepted in a remote location where I was one of maybe 10 Asians in a small town in the Midwest, I told my boss that all I needed was an internet connection. I didn't realize how pathetic that probably sounded to him, but it was the truth. Now I'm at a job at an even more remote location and with all the restrictions and slow speed, I'm starting to rethink how much longer I can work here in these grueling conditions, even though I'm making as much money as I am. Since I'm on vacation right now and have high speed access again, it makes it that much more difficult to go back to work in two weeks.
Sat, 02-02-2008, 11:53 AM
I don't download anything at work... but I do check email, forums and fanfiction...
Gmail is currently blocked, becase the webmanager is an asshole that can't read google's own solution to block gtalk and the google chat in gmail. He is fucking lazy, so he completely blocked google at first. The top boss yelled at him and he only blocked gmail later on.
He also bought a license to the ever annoying websense (webshit) that blocks webpages without any sense... fanfiction gets blocked for being 'a forum' and several more idiotic reasons. Websense is so bad it still allows you to open the page if you hit enter twice of thrice after the warning. That just money thrown to the garbage.
Sat, 02-02-2008, 01:34 PM
I've lost my Internet before, and that sucked. I've been reduced to mere Dial Up before, and that was worse. I've learned to cope though. I got my friend to send me like 400 dvds of anime, and I've learned how to read again in case I need to resort to books..
Sat, 02-02-2008, 02:17 PM
I basically can't do my job without internet access.
So does that make internet important to you or not ;) ?
@RyougaZell: they use Smart Filter where I work and it's pretty much hack proof and easy to administrate so they block everything. The only way around is via proxies that are always failing and slow, so it's not really worth it. I have high speed internet in the hotels I'm staying at here in Japan, and I'm bogging down their networks with downloads :D .
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