View Full Version : Naruto Chapter 386
Fri, 01-25-2008, 12:26 AM
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Translation for chapter 386:
"There's something else besides having the eyes to tame the Nine-Tails?"
イタチ「そうだ…そのもうひとつの秘密 それが最も重要な秘密だ」
Itachi: "Yes. And that remaining secret is the most important one."
Sasuke: "Important secret? What is it?"
Sasuke: "Answer me! What is it?"
イタチ「少し昔話をしてやろう うちはの歴史にまつわる話だ」
Itachi: "I'll tell you a little story. One dealing with the history of the Uchiha."
「かつてマダラにも兄弟がいた…弟だ 幼き頃より二人は互いの力を高め合い競い合った」 競い合った"
"A certain Uchiha Madara once had a brother of his own...a younger brother. When they were young, they competed against each other, both growing in power."
「そして二人は写輪眼に開眼し 兄弟の名は一族の中でも特別なものになっていった
"As a result they awakened to the Sharingan. They became known as special brothers even within the clan."
二人は成長を求め競い合い 兄弟はついに万華鏡写輪眼を開眼したのだ」競い合い
"By seeking growth via competition against one another, the brothers finally attained the Mangekyou Sharingan."
「それはうちは一族始まって以来の事だった そして兄弟はその瞳力うちはを束ね
"That was from the beginning of the Uchiha clan. So with their powerful eyes, the brothers took control of the clan."
兄のマダラはリーダーになった しかし順調だったマダラの身にある異変が生じ始める
"The older brother, Madara, became leader. However, strange abnormalities began to grow upon his otherwise healthy normal body."
さっき話したな…この眼は特別だと 使えば使うほど封印され行き着く先は全くの闇
"I said it before...these eyes are special. The more you use them, the closer the complete darkness approaches which seals it away."
これが万華鏡写輪眼の末路だ 大きな瞳力を…力を得る代わりにその力は自ら閉じ 光を失う」
"This is the end of the road for the Mangekyou Sharingan. In exchange for that great will shut your 'eyes'...parting with the light."
「マダラは光を取り戻すためあらゆる手を尽くすが何一つ効果を得られるものはなかった "
"Madara exhausted all means for the sake of returning his light, but nothing was effective."
絶望した そして万華鏡に取り憑かれたマダラは光を求め…」
"He despaired. And so, possessed by the Mangekyou, Madara sought the light..."
Madara: "Forgive me."
Younger brother: "Gyaaaaa!!"
Itachi: "He plucked his brother's eyes."
「マダラは新たな光を手に入れた そしてもう二度とその眼の光は閉じることがなかった
"Madara gained a new light. And never again was his light ever shut away."
永遠の万華鏡写輪眼! 弟の眼は新しい宿主を得ることで永遠の光を手に入れたという…」
"The eternal Mangekyou Sharingan! Being the new host for his brother's eyes is what is said to give him a new light."
「そしてそればかりか変化を起こした 特有の新しい瞳術がその眼に生まれたのだ
"And so, whether it was just that or not, it caused a change. A unique doujutsu was born from those eyes."
ただし瞳のやりとりは一族間でしか行えない それにこの方法で誰もが新しい力を手に入れるわけ ではない」
"This is all provided that the exchange of eyes would not be done outside the clan. And by this method, no one would know how to acquire this new power."
"After that, a reality of countless victims piled up over the course of this history... That is the remaining secret of these eyes."
「マダラはその力を使いあらゆる忍一族を次々と束ねていった そして忍最強と謳われていた
"Having those powers, Madara brought all the shinobi clans, one by one, to heel.* And so he was called the strongest of all shinobi."
森の千手一族と手を組み新たな組織を設立したのだ その組織こそが後の木ノ葉隠れとなる」
"Joining hands with the Mori no Senju clan (or can be read as the "Senju clan of the forest"), a new establishment was founded. It was that establishment that became Konohagakure."
「その後マダラは千手一族のリーダーであった後の初代火影と里の方針を巡って対立 その主導権 争いに
"Afterwards, Madara met with the leader of the Senju clan who would later become the Shodai Hokage, and with whom which he had a confrontation over matters of village policy. The conflict over the right of leadership."
敗れはしたが マダラは今もその瞳力と共に在り続けている」
"Though defeated, Madara continues on even now along with the power that lies in his eyes."
「新たに“暁”を組織し その影に姿を隠してな」
"The shadow of his newly organized "Akatsuki" does its part to hide his visage."
「十六年前 九尾が木の葉を襲った事件はもちろんマダラが起こしたものだ
"It goes without question that the attack by Kyuubi upon Konoha that 16 years ago was caused by none other than Madara. It was prevented regrettably by the Yondaime."
Sasuke: !
イタチ「今のマダラは負け犬だ…うちはの高みを手にするのは奴じゃない …あの男 マダラを超 え本当の高み へと
近づくのはこのオレだ そして今! ! オレはマダラを超える力をようやく手に出来る!
Itachi: "Madara as he is right now is a failure. He isn't the one who will attain the heights of the Uchiha. The one who is getting closer of attaining that true height, of surpassing that man, me. And it's now! I finally will be able to get the power of surpassing Madara!"
Itachi: "Sasukee! You are my new light!"
Sasuke: !
Itachi: "You are my spare! The Uchiha clan originally had friends kill one another for the Mangekyou Sharingan-"
永遠の瞳を得るために親兄弟で殺し合い そうして力を誇示し続けてきた汚れた一族なのだ!
"To attain the eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, they had brothers kill each other. And by doing so they stained their hands with blood, continuing to display their power."
そしてその一族の中に生れ落ちた時からお前も この血塗られた運命に巻き込まれている!
"And so, you too are enveloped by this blood-stained destiny, from the very time you were born within the clan!"
"Now come, brother! Once I kill you, I will liberate the clan from its destiny and attain true change!"
制約を抜け 己の器から己を解き放つ!」
"I will drop my limits and release myself from my "capacity"*!"
~Sasuke flashback
イタチ「お前とオレは唯一無二の兄弟だ お前の越えるべき壁としてオレはお前と共に在り続ける さ」
Itachi: "We are unique brothers, you and I. I act as the wall you must overcome, so that you and I can continue existing together."
イタチ「お前はこのオレを越える事を望み続けてきた だから生かしてやる…オレの為に」~
Itachi: "You continued hoping to surpass me. That's why I let you live...for my sake."
Itachi: "We are each other's spares! That is what binds us as brothers of the Uchiha!"
Itachi: "Seems you were able to see enough of my true self."
Sasuke: "So it was all for this..."
~Sasuke flashback
サスケ「名はうちはサスケ 嫌いなものならたくさんあるが好きなものは別にない
Sasuke: "Name: Uchiha Sasuke. Lots of things I don't like, and I don't really like anything."
それから…夢なんて言葉で終わらす気はないが 野望はある 一族の復興と ある男を必ず」
"And I have no intention leaving the word as "dreams". I have ambitions. The resurrection of my clan, and...-"
「殺すことだ」 ~
" kill a certain man."
Sasuke: "All or nothing...this is it."
*Means that it was under Madara's control
**Itachi used the word "onore" 己 which can refer to either Itachi or Sasuke. I believe it's referring to Itachi though.
source -
Fri, 01-25-2008, 12:45 AM
It's all making sense now. How it was said that you have to kill your bestfriend to get mangekyou, how Kakashi was able to attain the Mangekyou, etc.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 01:21 AM
I would post a long reply, but Y, Assertn, DS and I have already discussed this on IRC. I liked the chapter and liked the radical change of Itachi (if you showed the spoiler pic he goes nutzo), but alot of people probably don't or won't.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 06:54 AM
Soooo..... Now I'm confused. To obtain MS, you just need to train? To gain eternal MS, you must kill another Uchiha who already has MS or I'm assuming that Uchiha just has to have the potential. I'm leaning towards the just have to have potential side since Itachi is saying Sasuke is his spare, but he doesn't have MS yet. It wasn't said if it had to be best friend or not.
So what about the whole Sasuke having to kill his best friend to gain the MS then? Sasuke's best friend was Naruto, but when they fought Sasuke was just gaining the 3rd tomoe for his Sharingan. The kind of training you have to go through to obtain MS must be some kind of emotionally twisted type of training.
I never understood why the Uchiha clan was called a cursed clan. But now it all makes sense.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 08:09 AM
I think that Madara got his MS by training, and then it was written that it could be obtained by killing your best friend. To "get the light back" you have to kill your brother.
The thing that I dont get is that if Itachi was banking on using his brother's eyes somewhere down the line, why would he just let him live his life? I mean he did send him on the path to hate, but what if Oro had gotten to him first? Or maybe he didnt feel as thought someone from the Uchiha Clan would be killed so easily? I dunno. Damn good chapter though!
Fri, 01-25-2008, 10:36 AM
i think they mean that they both gained it through a brotherly rivalry. not just by training. Well i think that is just a plot device so sasuke does have to kill naruto anymore and to further justify killing tobi and itachi.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:51 AM
I can't say I didn't see this coming but still how could Kishi do this to Itachi, this is an abomination, this is blasphemy. Damn you Kishimoto, you genius Mangaka.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:53 AM
I could be wrong, but the way I took it (and few more of us on IRC did) is this:
It is possible to gain MS through training. Just like Madara and his brother did, but at the same time you can sort of cheat like Itachi did by killing your best friend to gain it. I am assuming Madara didn't know this when he gained it, but that's irrelevent. Also I think that an MS gained Madara's way is stronger than an MS gained Itachi's way.
Now for the Eternal MS you need to have three things: to have gained MS yourself, to trade eyes with someone who has MS (or potential to), and to kill your brother. Obviously your brother has an even greater bond than your best friend, and who knows Kishi may even being throwing in something about genetics there, but I doubt it.
Now one question arising is; does the donor need to have MS or have the potential of MS. I personally believe the latter, but I don't think every Uchiha has the potential which is why Itachi has put Sasuke through all of this, and why he didn't just take one of the sets of eyes of the rest of his family. To gain MS there has to be some form of emotional stress, even if it's obtainable through means other than killing your best friend, but the quickest way is to kill your best friend which is what Itachi was obviously wanting Sasuke to do, but I am assuming after seeing the progress Sasuke has made he knows that Sasuke has the potential to get MS.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 12:03 PM
Meh, I just wonder if Madara would actually allow Itachi surpass him.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 02:22 PM
this is basically what came out of our discussion at irc:
[ 01:55:58 ] *[ @Y ] ok so originally the mangekyou sharingan was obtained by killing your friend
[ 01:56:08 ] *[ @Y ] then kakashi grows one, that isn't at all the same one as before
[ 01:56:23 ] *[ @Y ] now the two original guys with it just developed it out of talent
[ 01:56:54 ] *[ +Joker-kun ] lol
[ 01:56:58 ] *[ %DS ] which is the confirm thing i think
[ 01:57:11 ] *[ %DS ] i dont think it NEEDS a friend kill to get it
[ 01:57:16 ] *[ @Y ] yep
[ 01:57:21 ] *[ @Y ] you just need to be screamo enough
[ 01:57:27 ] *[ %DS ] i think you get a different one depending on how you got it
[ 01:57:48 ] *[ +Joker-kun ] yeah... apparently to get this "eternal mangekyou" you need to kill your bor and take his eyes, so I guess killing your best friend is just cheating to get the regular one
[ 01:57:53 ] *[ +Joker-kun ] since there's still a close bond there
[ 01:58:21 ] *[ @Y ] so basically kakashi's mangekyou sharingan is the real one
[ 01:58:27 ] *[ %DS ] yeah
[ 01:58:37 ] *[ @Y ] that explains why itachi's powers are shitty
[ 01:58:40 ] *[ @Y ] hahaha
[ 01:58:41 ] *[ %DS ] lol
Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:37 PM
RAW on Narutofan (
Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:41 PM
great chapter. itachi is freakin nuts now. I can't believe this whole time it was all for his brother's eyes, haha crazy, this definitely disproves all those claims that he was ever a good guy. This next chapter will definitely be exciting, now that the real fighting can begin.
This kind of brings up some questions like what is the difference if you obtain an eye from a friend (Kakashi's case)? Secondly, if Madara is immortal and has the eternal sharingan, why does he hide behind tobi's mask? Is he too weak to fight?
Fri, 01-25-2008, 06:59 PM
more like, he is supposed to be dead.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 07:37 PM
I don't think Madara is completely useless. After all he helped in killing off the entire police force, and was still able to somehow dodge Sasuke's and Naruto's attacks.
This is complete speculation, but I think the reason he has weakened (assuming that is what Itachi meant by him being a shell) is because of the nine-tails. He must have used his own chakra in some way to control it or whatever and i'm guessing because the nine-tails was sealed so was some of his chakra or something like that.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 08:57 PM
Now that was a good chapter and it certainly answers a TON of questions. This chapter was much better then last weeks and thankfully it gets rid of any worries Itachi was ever a good guy at any point. Now we can have a death match that matters.
The downside is .... sense when did Sasuke have the Mangekyou Sharingan? I'm either completely forgetting him obtaining it in the first place or in no way should his eye's currently be of use to Itachi in the first place. Also I thought only Itachi, Mandara, apparently Mandara's brother has ever gained the Mangekyou Sharingan so why is it now that this happened constantly in the clan between brothers and its never been even remotely hinted at until now.
Also is Kakashi's perfect and it doesn't cause him the blindness as a result of it being transplanted from Obito or is Kakashi going blind?
Fri, 01-25-2008, 10:39 PM
And I liked Itachi too.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 10:56 PM
Is this even real? If so, it's a really long chapter.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:12 PM
they have the scantilation up at
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:17 PM
Scan by Binktopia (
Black Knight
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:49 PM
Everyone's missing the point of the chapter. At the end of the chapter, right before he's about to fight Itachi, he took off his forehead bandages. Did anyone else notice there were no cuts?? Now, let's flash back to the past. Anyone else remember his big fight with Naruto? What did he do right before he fought Naruto..? Took off his forehead protector. See a pattern?
So obviously, Sasuke's uncovered the Ultimate Mangekyou Super Sharingan where he's able to see through his forehead and possibly shoot laser beams into Itachi's eyes. This was hinted at in Volume 28, chapter 249, page 6.
No, but seriously. I always thought Itachi's reason for leaving Sasuke alive was pretty weak. I'm glad it panned out.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:51 PM
It's about time Itachi plucks out eyeballs out of Sasuke's eye sockets.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:55 PM
Also is Kakashi's perfect and it doesn't cause him the blindness as a result of it being transplanted from Obito or is Kakashi going blind?
I'm going to have to say Kakashi's won't make him go blind. Considering Kakashi has the MS, I'm also gonig to assume that he knows the secrets of the Uchiha. He probably doesn't know the whole Madara story though.
But Kakashi's won't be as strong because he isn't a pure Uchiha.
Blinktopia seems to have a better translation. You kill your friends for MS, but you need a brother for a spare. But then I don't see why Itachi had to kill off the whole clan.
Isn't Zetsu watching Sasuke and Itachi? I wonder if Madara knows all about this. I'm not sure if Itachi is just trying ot pass Madara for the sake of it, or he's going to try to kill Madara too.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:29 AM
I really hate how Kishimoto puts all this development into the Sharingan. How the hell is the Rinnegan supposed to be better than this shit?
Rather annoyed atm.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:40 AM
Everyone's missing the point of the chapter. At the end of the chapter, right before he's about to fight Itachi, he took off his forehead bandages. Did anyone else notice there were no cuts?? Now, let's flash back to the past. Anyone else remember his big fight with Naruto? What did he do right before he fought Naruto..? Took off his forehead protector. See a pattern?
I don't know if this was a joke or not, but the point of this chapter was the story Itachi just told. And no, when Sasuke fought Naruto, he didn't have his forehead protector on because he believed he was much stronger than Naruto. Towards the end, he had to put it on.
@animus. I'm wondering the same thing too. The Sharingan has all these cool features and backstory while the Rinnegan doesn't seem too impressive at the moment.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:41 AM
Isn't Zetsu watching Sasuke and Itachi? I wonder if Madara knows all about this. I'm not sure if Itachi is just trying ot pass Madara for the sake of it, or he's going to try to kill Madara too.
Who says Zetsu is going to tell him?
Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:42 AM
Who says Zetsu is going to tell him?
I don't know, I just thought maybe Zetsu was the lookout who tells the leader everything or something.
Black Knight
Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:56 AM
I don't know if this was a joke or not, but the point of this chapter was the story Itachi just told. And no, when Sasuke fought Naruto, he didn't have his forehead protector on because he believed he was much stronger than Naruto. Towards the end, he had to put it on.
Stick to your gut next time.
Rinnegan: Does anyone other than Itachi/Madara (and now Sasuke) actually know how powerful the Sharingan actually is? Because that would explain why the Rinnegan is supposed to be stronger.
As a sidenote, Madara's brother must not have been as exceptional a ninja as they let on. How is a bedridden Madara, who was supposedly his brother's equal, going to go and pluck NOT ONE, but BOTH of his brother's eyes. Maybe he used some sort of trickery.
Madara: Hey bro. Let me show you a magic trick.
Brother: Okay--!
Madara: Ha! Got your nose!
Brother: Wow!
Madara: Ha! Now I got your eye!
Brother: Owwee!
Madara: Come back here. Let me put it back.. Ha! Got your other one.
^^Retarded? Yes.^^
But so is the idea that a half blind ninja on bedrest somehow bested another ninja who's supposedly as strong as he is (but in peak condition)
Sat, 01-26-2008, 01:23 AM
Thinking about it some more the reason for killing the entire clan becomes kind of clear.
Think of it this way Itachi didn't always hate Sasuke if he ever did so basically he was approached by Mandara and gained MS. Now he also learned how to make it permanent. The thing is they said this could only be done between people of the same CLAN not the same blood. Essentially Itachi was likely killing off each person in the clan with Mandara looking for a donor that could work to give him the final stage. In the end they didn't find anyone else in the clan capable of using it and so Sasuke was left alive as Itachi's final hope allowing him to gain the MS on his own. Being they were of the same blood its reasonable to believe Sasuke would be capable of doing it with the right motivation and so Itachi gave it to him.
Its also possible after summoning the 9-tails Madara's MS lost its power as he spent the potential of it and so he was using Itachi to gain the same eye's he got from his brother in a attempt to upgrade himself again. Basically this allows Itachi to die Sasuke to upgrade his eye's and leaves Mandara a reason to continue going after Sasuke all nice and neatly.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 02:22 AM
In this chapter, Itachi said that a new eye technique ("the last piece of the puzzle) could be gained after gaining the eternal MS. I thought it was the ability to control Kyuubi but Sasuke asks "There's more than being able to control the nine-tailed fox?" and Itachi refers to it as "the last piece of the puzzle."
Is the eternal MS the new new eye technique Itachi is referring to?
Second, I'm not sure if I understand how Madara is now a shell of his former self.
He got the eternal MS and managed to become immortal. Since Tobi has one eye, I imagine he lost one of his eternal MS eyes after he went off into anonymity. But that cant be the case since Itachi says "He remains alive and well, as do his eyes and their power."
I think Itachi feels that Madara more or less "dropped the ball."
Even with the eternal MS, Madara lost his fight against Shondaime to determine who would become leader of Konoha. And even when he was able to place Kyuubi under his control to attack Konoha, he was once again defeated, or rather his plan was thwarted by Yondaime.
I guess Itachi feels that if he had eternal MS, he would not fail in whatever goal he chooses the way Madara did and surpass Madara.
I'll save my next inquiry for another post as the idea for it was already brought up in this thread.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 04:05 AM
I really hate how Kishimoto puts all this development into the Sharingan. How the hell is the Rinnegan supposed to be better than this shit?
It's not. Madara is in charge of Akatsuki. But only Pein, Itachi, and a few other members know who he really is. To protect his secret, his orders come from Pein and Zetsu.
If there's any possibility of it being stronger, it's because it works as a P2P doujoutsu.
Still, I don't expect Jiraiya (our source of information on the Rinnegan) knew very much about the MS, considering he had never seen Itachi's black flames before his brief fight with Itachi and Kisame.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 04:50 AM what happens if sasuke plucks out itachis eyes instead? Does he get MS?
Sat, 01-26-2008, 04:50 AM
I wonder how Madara switched the eyes....he must be a hell of a surgeon. I hope that account was dramatized, becasue as of now it doesn't really make much sense.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 04:58 AM
I wonder how Madara switched the eyes....he must be a hell of a surgeon. I hope that account was dramatized, becasue as of now it doesn't really make much sense.
He's a ninja of course he can rip out someone's eye's and exchange them with his own while blind can't they all?
Sat, 01-26-2008, 05:23 AM
ok one question since you get a permanent MS sharingan when you get another's eyes why didn't madara take his brother's eyes and give him his?...also since they have awoken their MS probably on the same time since they are so equal and everything his brother's eyes should also be on their end so when the eyes go to another's body da-tah eyes fixed?another thing i noticed is that madara's MS and his brother's were different but even after he got his eyes the MS remained the same as it's up to the body to give the MS shape and power(itachi has the sun-moon power or whatever it is called and kakashi can send things into another dimensions)
Sat, 01-26-2008, 05:29 AM
im guessing they killed of the rest of the clan so that no one will be a threat against them in the future. It's obvious they wanna destroy the leaf with sending the nine tails and all, especially with itachi saying it was unfortunate that the 4th stopped the attack.u need ure brother for the transplant not any sharingan from what the translations say,
for the dude that said they killed the uchiha to see which eyes were compatable, they didnt go thru all the uchiha to see who would be compatable, just how would that work? u pull out ure eyes use theres and if it doesn't work put back in ure eyes? lol that just doesn't make sense i dubt they can just see the eyes and say "hey those are compatable eyes to gain perma MS lets take em."
The rinnegan being the strongest, who knows we haven't seen all abilities from it yet. we do know unless u kill all the bodies they can be revived which is pretty damn powerful. We dont know how madara is still alive so we can't say perfect MS makes u live 100+ years or w/e.
Madara stealing his bros eyes i guess he got them easily cause his bro was shocked at what happened, i dont think u would think ure older brother would steal ure eyes now, would u? The shock must have paralyzed him lol. It's awesome how itachi looked crazy there for a second can't wait for this fight :) :D.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 05:59 AM
.....I think eternal mangekyou is superior to rinnegan.
This explains why Madara > Pain > Itachi
Itachi didn't kill the clan for power....he killed the clan because the clan had grown soft from the days prior to Konoha. They had lost the dominance they once had under Madara's control, and have even gone so far as to break the MS lineage by giving up on their heritage in favor of a more pacified lifestyle. Itachi and Madara are both thinking on the same wavelength, except that Itachi expects to go even farther than Madara.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 06:31 AM
As for Sasuke, I don't think he wants the MS. He wants power a different way like he has said before. Sasuke could develop MS during this fight with Itachi though. I mean, Madara and his younger brother developed it while training together competitively. The only difference is, Sasuke and Itachi will be fighting to death.
However, there's still a possibility Sasuke won't get the MS because of his emotions. All he wants to do is kill Itachi. It's not like Sasuke is really close to Itachi and then all of a sudden going emo and killing him. He has been hating Itachi for years and years now.
This is assuming to gain MS, the condition must be some emo-like stuff.
As far as I know, MS only provides you with forbidden jutsus anyway, so it's not like Sasuke will be missing out on anything too significant if he doesn't gain MS. He can still gain power his own way.
But... If he decides he wants to steal Itachi's eyes after winning, then yay for him I guess.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 07:06 AM
Its cool to see that Madara has a completely different set of MS eyes than anyone else. Even before he killed his brother. I would like to know what kind of jutsu he is using now as Tobi to make himself practically invincible.
Kind of cool how Sasuke isnt afraid to fight this time. He got his ass kicked last time. Lets see how he does with Itachi going all out. This should be goood!
Death BOO Z
Sat, 01-26-2008, 07:59 AM
what an amazing development, the magical eyeballs can do even more than we previously thought, I'm already in loss for words to describe how ridiculous this shit is.
super vision? cool.
copy abilities? rational enough.
mega hypnovision? plausiable deniablity.
black flamey fireballs? where did that come from?
space implosion blcak hole blast? aren't they supposed to be ninjas?
controling the strongest being in the universe? that's just doesn't make sense.
immortality? wait, who, how, when, WHAT?
so, what's next in line? to power to create matter from nothing? the power to kill the baby form of the enemy in the past? the ability to locate high-risk mortage owners?
we're still at the same page since Sasuke's first flashback. Itachi did something nasty to make Sasuke stronger, and when sasuke finally kills him and gets the super power, Itachi will tell him that now Sasuke is qualified to kill the true villian who set the bad events in motion. Kishi is just blowing the same story into mega-epic propostions and confuses us even more.
the sasuke series is getting more and absurd, they should focus abit around the side charecters, such as Naruto and stuff
Sat, 01-26-2008, 11:24 AM
So... if a Sharingan becomes 'eternal' if its transferred.... what happens with Kakashi's?
Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:13 PM
Kakashi wasn't an Uchiha.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 03:53 PM
No offense but some of you are completely dumb, others need to reread this chapter however many times it takes for you to understand it, and some others just need to stop reading Naruto because you will never get it.
Anyway, I don't know why you guys are already saying that the Rinnegan isn't as strong as the sharingan. It was said to be so until its proven it isn't , it is. You can't even compare the two of them for one simple reason because you don't know. The sharingan was introduced years ago and we still don't know the limits of its abilities, the rinnegan was just introduced so obviously Kishi will take sometime to develop it so don't try to compare them.
You guys going on and on about Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Madara, Sharingan most of you don't even know what you're talking about.
Black Knight
Sat, 01-26-2008, 08:00 PM
No offense but some of you are completely dumb, others need to reread this chapter however many times it takes for you to understand it, and some others just need to stop reading Naruto because you will never get it.
Anyway, I don't know why you guys are already saying that the Rinnegan isn't as strong as the sharingan. It was said to be so until its proven it isn't , it is. You can't even compare the two of them for one simple reason because you don't know. The sharingan was introduced years ago and we still don't know the limits of its abilities, the rinnegan was just introduced so obviously Kishi will take sometime to develop it so don't try to compare them.
You guys going on and on about Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Madara, Sharingan most of you don't even know what you're talking about.
No offense, but putting a disclaimer before telling us all we're dumb only proves to us that you're a pussy. But who am I to judge?
Anyways, maybe you should read the thread again. The discussion isn't about the sharingan's superiority to the rinnegan so much as the ridiculousness of the sharingan's strength. The question is, if the sharingan is THAT strong, then how the hell is the rinnegan going to one up it.
Everything else is just SPECULATION on whether it's true or not. Whether Jiraiya was misinformed, or if it actually IS stronger.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 08:20 PM
The disclaimer was there simply because people always think I'm trying to insult them even when it isn't the case. Sure I was being very critical but I didn't intend to personally attack anyone which is why I didn't mention any names and no I don't think nor did I ever say that you're all dumb .
I don't know why you think I need to know what the thread is about. I already read the thread, I merely chose to address to topic of whether or not the Rinnegan is stronger than the sharingan because it was mentioned in the thread.
When this battle first started I had no idea that it would turn out to be a battle to the death. I honestly though that this would just be more teaser, I can't believe that this could be the end of Sasuke and Itachi. Kishi has been killing off major characters ever since the time skip but I just can't imagine either Itachi or Sasuke being gone.
Speaking of Sasuke he looked really impressive when he removed the cloak and the bandages. So the real battle is about to begin. Its interesting that Itachi himself is so repressed that he can't even show his true self as he put it.
In any case it was confirmed that Madara is the one who formed Akatsuki which means that Akatsuki must have been around for ages which both answers and raises alot of questions.
Anyway one of the most interesting things here is that so far we've seen four MS users and the MS is different for everyone of them. I wonder how Kakashi's MS is going to be involved in all of this and it seems his role is only becoming more and more important. I wonder what Kishi really has planned for him.
Sun, 01-27-2008, 02:19 AM
Heres the online viewing for you guys
Sun, 01-27-2008, 11:10 AM
I just love how all the uber powerful stuff in Naruto HAS TO BE life threatening. I mean it does create a balance so that 1 person doesnt have the strongest moves with no consequence, but come on dude~!
Sun, 01-27-2008, 11:27 PM
in the videogame world, we call a move broken when it has low risk and high reward. I dont know about non-internet manga/anime fans, but everyone here outside of fanboyland would be tearing over a character with abilities that are broke. where's the fun in that?
Tue, 01-29-2008, 04:33 PM
.....I think eternal mangekyou is superior to rinnegan.
This explains why Madara > Pain > Itachi
Itachi didn't kill the clan for power....he killed the clan because the clan had grown soft from the days prior to Konoha. They had lost the dominance they once had under Madara's control, and have even gone so far as to break the MS lineage by giving up on their heritage in favor of a more pacified lifestyle. Itachi and Madara are both thinking on the same wavelength, except that Itachi expects to go even farther than Madara.
I'd have to agree with this, because in this chapter, it clearly says that he gained a new eye technique (supposedly stronger than MS) and showed a brief picture of a cool looking unidentified eye
Because Tobi (Madara) stopped&delaying the Konoha members from reaching Sasuke, I'd have to guess that Madara for some weird reason is supporting Itachi confronting his brother. But I don't see how that would make sense because Itachi would just gain similiar powers to Madara. Unless Madara didn't tell Itachi the complete truth since Itachi wasn't alive to confirm the validity of the story back then, and Madara needs Itachi's eyes or something.
So disappointed in Itachi losing his cool. When he went nuts, I thought I was reading a fake chapter because his picture looked so "comic"
Tue, 01-29-2008, 04:53 PM
I think I mentioned this before but Itachi didn't "lose his cool" as he said to Sasuke he simply showed his true self and I found it interesting that Itachi is so repressed or "controlled" that he couldn't show his "true self" without using genjutsu.
I don't find it strange that Madara is supporting Itachi. As I said before I saw this coming. Since the very beginning all Itachi, Oro and Madara talked about were Sasuke's eyes so this eye stealing deal is not that surprising. I think Madara is supporting Itach either because he thinks Itachi will gain the power to accomplish what Madara couldn't, whatever that maybe or he simply plans on taking Itachi's or Sasuke's eyes once this is all over with because I didn't get the impression that he cares which one wins.
If he already has the eternal MS I don't know why he would need their eyes though but it appears that for some reason he has lost his power, not to mention that his body is completely different. I don't even know what his motivations are at this point. All I know is that he gained MS, lost to the first and then created Akatsuki to hide himself, so it could be that his battle with the first had some permanent side effects.
Wed, 01-30-2008, 07:16 AM
Isn't Zetsu watching Sasuke and Itachi? I wonder if Madara knows all about this. I'm not sure if Itachi is just trying ot pass Madara for the sake of it, or he's going to try to kill Madara too.
They're fighting through genjustsu... Zetsu doesn't know shit about what's going on.
Wed, 01-30-2008, 06:45 PM
I wonder how that transfer things supposed to work. You pop out your brother's eyes, then your own and put them in your sockets? Eat them? Juggle them? Like I said earlier, I just hate all the development Kishimoto is putting into Sharingan. I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that there was like only 2-3 MS users in the clan's history. Then they just bomb us with the fact that the clan's been gaining MS left and right. I hope some more stuff gets introduced and developed cause I'm pretty sick and tired of the Sharingan now.
Wed, 01-30-2008, 07:43 PM
Yea I agree I think we are reaching the point of Sharingan overload.
Wed, 01-30-2008, 07:43 PM
I wonder how that transfer things supposed to work. You pop out your brother's eyes, then your own and put them in your sockets? Eat them? Juggle them? Like I said earlier, I just hate all the development Kishimoto is putting into Sharingan. I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that there was like only 2-3 MS users in the clan's history. Then they just bomb us with the fact that the clan's been gaining MS left and right. I hope some more stuff gets introduced and developed cause I'm pretty sick and tired of the Sharingan now.
What u mean the clan has been gaining it left and right? @ brother that were extremely talented gained it, and another ninja that was extremely talented gained it. in 100-150 years thats not to bad, and maybe sasuke who knows, who was pushed by his brother to probably learn it. Kakashi isn't apart of the clan so i wont count him since u said the clan, plus his sharingan is diffrent from itachis.
Wed, 01-30-2008, 08:33 PM
I'm pretty sure the chapter said that the clan has a history of turmoil, and murdering their own to achieve the Mangekyou.
Edit: On page 13, Itachi says "For decades, the Uchiha have killed their friends to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan..."
Wed, 01-30-2008, 11:32 PM
No one ever said that there were only 3 people to use MS in the clan. Itachi said that there currently were only three people who could be capable of MS, not including Kakashi ofcourse, and that was when he killed the clan.
Other than that the only mentions of MS were when they said Madara was the first one to use it and when Sasuke's father said that during the clans history only a select few members were capable of gaining MS and that it had special requirements.
We have no idea what he meant when he said a "few." I think he just meant that not everyone was capable of it and that could have simply been him attempting to hide the secrets of the clan from his then innocent son.
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