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Tue, 01-01-2008, 05:51 AM
Rosario To Vampire


Due to poor grades, Tsukune Aono, an average high school student, has been unable to get accepted into any private academy of his choice. By exceptional accident, the only school to accept him turns out to be anything but ordinary; the school is attended by youkai disguised as humans. Fearing for his life, he attempts to escape only to meet Moka Akashiya, a beautiful girl who just happens to be a vampire. Despite this, Tsukune decides to stay at the academy, hiding his human nature from students and teachers. Tsukune also discovers that when the rosary around Moka's neck is removed, her true nature emerges. -ANN

The series will launch 3rd of January.

AniDB (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5273)
ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=8517)
Official (http://www.rosa-vam.com/)

A short promo subbed by Ayako-BakaWolf (http://tracker.bakawolf.mine.nu/torrents/%5bAyako-BakaWolf%5d_Rosario_to_Vampire_-_CM_%5bXVID%5d_%5bE0E27E05%5d.avi.torrent).

- - -

Being a huge vampire fan, I have been somewhat sad that not too many good vampire series are around. In the manga world there are a few more, and Rosario+Vampire is one of the better ones. Thus, I was very glad the other day when Bud mentioned it was going to be adapted into an anime form. It should be a good one. The manga is an odd mix of very light comedy and rather harsh action, and I hope that will remain true for the anime as well.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 07:58 AM
Cool.. another vamp anime

Tue, 01-01-2008, 08:08 AM
Err... the first few words of the promo may lead to misinterpretation... at least in english :D
I don't know for the original language though.

I hope it will be a fun show.

I like the double "disguise" idea.
Everyone at school hides their monster forms, while the main character has to hide he is only human :D

Tue, 01-01-2008, 08:48 AM
I read some of the manga, and it was OK. Kinda typcal, with it's introduce new villain to be defeated every week, or female character to join the posse.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 09:23 AM
Yeah. I can't say there would have been anything that original in the manga. In general few vampire stories seem to introduce anything truly original or novel. But as far as execution (of the old elements) goes, this isn't bad at all.

Moka's voice in the promo sounds softer than I'd have expected based on the manga. While she is something of an airhead for sure, she's still not nearly worthless. But I have a feeling they are going for a really vast contrast between Moka with the rosary and Moka without the rosary.

Board of Command
Fri, 01-04-2008, 10:58 PM
First episode out. I might give it a go later.

Ep 1 - AEN (http://www.animeen.com/animetorrent/down.php?date=1199480760&hash=21ae91dd41c117764b11b13e8c03c638b66ace9e)

Fri, 01-04-2008, 11:03 PM
I haven't heard good things from that AEN group, so download at your own discretion... I myself will wait for the Menclave version to come out and give it a try.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 01:45 AM
well i liked it, its good clean fun/humor not gonna change my life for sure but the visuales are clean and the effects/music were pretty good

however i gotta say i dont care about speed subs but this AEN group is kinda off i think the picture quality seemed fine but some of the sentences are odd for instance.

"Who cares, I heare there are lot of pretty cute girls too"

if these types of things bug you ya might wanna pass

Sat, 01-05-2008, 02:52 AM
Rosario+Vampire - 01 (XviD)- [Ayako-BakaWolf] (http://tracker.bakadownloads.com/torrents/%5bAyako-BakaWolf%5d_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_01_-_%5bXVID%5d%5b704x396%5d_%5b16CF2365%5d.avi.torren t)
Rosario+Vampire - 01 (1280x720 H264)- [Ayako-BakaWolf] (http://shurl.org/rv01h264)

Watched the AEN version, didn't care for the myriad of blatant missed or misspelled words, but hey, no one ever said they weren't a bad group. Ayako has been surprisingly not annoying recently so I'll probably settle for them. I have a completely unfounded suspicion that menclave is soon going to take on Conclaves old position as the slowest active group around.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 06:15 AM
Hmm... My initial impression is that this loses to the manga as a vampire story. It's pretty evident, at least in my opinion, that the anime emphasized more the cuteness, ecchi, and comedy aspects. It's kind of pity because certain amount of darkness can be considered necessary for vampire stories in general. Well, of course it could only be my personal interpretation of the manga as well. Who knows. Still, this was only the first episode so time will tell.

But I surely hope Moka's henshin scene borrowed from mahou shoujo series was the first and the last time. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, the surprisingly harsh (and cool!) looking action scenes are one detail that makes the whole thing work so well. It shouldn't be ruined by stupid looking transformation scenes.

Other than that, I don't have much to complain about. The art was clean like NeoBear said, the voice actor cast quite interesting, and generally it looked well worth watching.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 06:51 AM
Henshin scene, last time I saw one was like 20 years ago... And I'm clearly not into that.
It reminded me of Mahô no Princess Minky Momo... and gave me the creeps :D

There are a lot of pantyshots too, I'm amazed there were that much.

As a side not, having a 1280*720 sub is really a great thing. Doesn't happen that much, but it's very more confortable. There are still some picture compression, but overall it's a lot cleaner and adds a lot to the watching experience, like for Nodame Cantabile.

I'll try ep 2 and maybe I'll drop this because I didn't enjoy it that much.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 09:27 AM
Well, regarding the transformation scene, I got a good laugh at hearing the Ghostbusters Proton Pack noise while the bats made her ass and breasts bigger. Utterly pointless, very amusing.

I've always been a fan of the manga, of course it's stupid, but it has Mizuki Nana.

It's always good to have a few light-hearted series each season.

EDIT: The sky changes too, so I guess her transformation is actually a Reality Marble? :D

Sat, 01-05-2008, 07:18 PM
Not having read the manga, I expected this series to be more of a light hearted one from the promos. Having some darkness will add a bit more flavour, but I'm willing to go along with what's happening now. Yes panty shots are through the roof, but that's okay too. :D. Everybody was so confident that humans can't enter that barrier. I wonder if Tsukune ends up having some sort of demonic powers after all, yet being human. Or maybe he was a distant relative of one, and still had monster blood but no powers.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 07:30 PM
Not having read the manga, I expected this series to be more of a light hearted one from the promos. Having some darkness will add a bit more flavour, but I'm willing to go along with what's happening now. Yes panty shots are through the roof, but that's okay too. :D. Everybody was so confident that humans can't enter that barrier. I wonder if Tsukune ends up having some sort of demonic powers after all, yet being human. Or maybe he was a distant relative of one, and still had monster blood but no powers.

Is the barrier already there at the bus stop?
Because since he has been "Kapuchued" by Moka pretty quickly, that could explain why he was able to go through. I admitt it's far stretched and your idea is nice.
Or just beeing near Moka was enough.

I do hope the second ep will be a bit better, cause I'm already investing in this show...

Sat, 01-05-2008, 09:51 PM
im hoping at some point the dude gets turned into a vampire. i also really liked how they seem to have a hierarchy set up, with vampires being s-class monsters. i hope we get introduced to various classes and get a more detailed background instead of just a 'skool life' anime.

oh, and i really liked how the transformation made her tits and ass bigger. best transformation ever.

Board of Command
Sat, 01-05-2008, 10:25 PM
Very entertaining first episode. This series looks like a keeper.

Sun, 01-06-2008, 03:14 AM
What can I say episode 1 amused me so I'll be watching some more of this. I like these light hearted funny series that are sometimes action packed out of nowhere.

Sun, 01-06-2008, 03:59 AM
im hoping at some point the dude gets turned into a vampire.

That would be nice indeed. It's somewhat reasonable to assume the opponent of the first fight wasn't the most potent of the monsters in the school (he certainly looked like nothing but a goof), yet Tsukune was somewhat... nah, totally powerless in front of him. I don't really like series where the main character is entirely dependent on other characters. Still, at least the guy had guts when Moka was in danger.

Sun, 01-06-2008, 04:20 AM
That would be nice indeed. It's somewhat reasonable to assume the opponent of the first fight wasn't the most potent of the monsters in the school (he certainly looked like nothing but a goof), yet Tsukune was somewhat... nah, totally powerless in front of him. I don't really like series where the main character is entirely dependent on other characters. Still, at least the guy had guts when Moka was in danger.

Or was it only because he decided when, where and how he wanted to die? :D

I hope they won't choose a solution like in Monster Princess...

Sun, 01-06-2008, 05:01 AM
It would be kool if he became either a 'hunter' or some sort of 'wizard'.

Both scenerios would lead to him becoming stronger, but without a cheesy explanation. With the hunter scenario he'd be an enemy, and with the wizard he'd be one of them. both would result in a pretty interesting story.

however it seems very unlikely that that would happen....maybe i should just creat my own manga

Sun, 01-06-2008, 07:37 AM
If I saw the preview right (and it was written plain as day), we get a succubus in the next episode. I've yet to see a series with a succubus that I haven't liked.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 05:34 PM
Ep2 is out. I wonder if we should wait for a 720p version

Board of Command
Sat, 01-12-2008, 06:05 PM
I'll definitely wait for the hi-res version. SD is no longer good enough.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 06:15 PM
Not a long wait...

Episode 2 HD - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://tracker.bakadownloads.com/torrents/%5bAyako-BakaWolf%5d_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_02_-_%5bH264%5d%5b1280x720%5d_%5b6ABD912F%5d.mkv.torre nt)

Sat, 01-12-2008, 06:24 PM
Not a long wait...

Episode 2 HD - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://tracker.bakadownloads.com/torrents/%5bAyako-BakaWolf%5d_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_02_-_%5bH264%5d%5b1280x720%5d_%5b6ABD912F%5d.mkv.torre nt)
Well I couldn't wait... just finished the SD version...
Panties and big Breats.
76 Seconds


Sun, 01-13-2008, 01:37 AM
good episode. seems like the next one will introduce another main recurring character....after that hopefully we'll get into a deeper storyline.

seeing as how he's gonna let her suck his blood from now on, its not that hard to see him eventually becoming a vampire in the later part of the series, either by accident, or intentionally. I dont wanna see moka protecting him all the time.

also, that bat is starting to piss me off.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 03:54 AM
Yeah, the bat is annoying. It detaches from immersion into the story. But based on two episodes now there's no doubt this is indeed concentrating strongly on the lighter elements. Well, obviosly if they intended to make even a bit darker story they couldn't include questionable elements like the bat.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 04:53 AM
Yeah, the bat is annoying. It detaches from immersion into the story. But based on two episodes now there's no doubt this is indeed concentrating strongly on the lighter elements. Well, obviosly if they intended to make even a bit darker story they couldn't include questionable elements like the bat.

I was also a bit sad that dark-moka san was so nice to Tsukune.
In fact as of yet, the greatest harm he got was from nice-moka san, when
he was thrown to that vending machine...

Sun, 01-13-2008, 05:06 AM
Seeing what Tsukune has already gone through, like that wending machine, punches by that orc, dropping from the air through the tree branches (having been hanged by the tail just prior to that as well), it looks like he's right at home at the academy with such resistance to physical damage. I mean, a lesser man would have a few broken bones and internal bleeding already, not to mention concussions and other minor annoyances...

Sun, 01-13-2008, 05:58 AM
Seeing what Tsukune has already gone through, like that wending machine, punches by that orc, dropping from the air through the tree branches (having been hanged by the tail just prior to that as well), it looks like he's right at home at the academy with such resistance to physical damage. I mean, a lesser man would have a few broken bones and internal bleeding already, not to mention concussions and other minor annoyances...

He has been kapuuchued for the first time very early in the story. Maybe this explains things.
However, that full speed bike collision should have had a stronger effect on him, but he seems perfectly fine. Strange because being hit in the back that way isn't the best case scenario.

Well, we need him for the story, it's only normal he suffers great pains as he gets to be the center of such a magnificent harem. Balancing beetween good and bad things again.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 08:54 AM
High resistance to physical damage is a staple of any harem series. In addition, even though the fights are all short, when was the last time you saw a series with these elements where the protagonist actually broke bones?

No love for Kurumu-chan? Her tiny body and ridiculously oversize breasts aside, I certainly like her better than normal Moka so far. (I'm a sucker for the silver-haired maidens, so dark-Moka will probably always be one of my favorites.) When she's not actively trying to kill or seduce Tsukune, Kurumu seems like a more light-hearted member of his ever growing monster harem.

And who doesn't love succubi wherever they appear?

Sun, 01-13-2008, 09:39 AM
Is she really meant to be called a succubi? Just a little confused, since I swear the Kanji says "dream demon." Her appearance in the anime definitely seems to portray her as a succubi.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 10:20 AM
Is she really meant to be called a succubi? Just a little confused, since I swear the Kanji says "dream demon." Her appearance in the anime definitely seems to portray her as a succubi.

I didn't know what a succubus was before Ryl mentionned it for the first time in this thread.
And from what I read and now remember, Succubi drain power from people when they are dreaming dreams they created for them.
So Dream Demon would fit if my memory and data are correct ;)

It's true that Kurumu is a lot more lively than Moka. She's determined too. Moka is portrayed as the naïve and even clueless lover. She would be quite boring without her dark side.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 10:22 AM
Well, a succubus is a dream demon...

They appear in men's dreams and suck them out of their precious life. I guess if it's a really good dream they can suck something else out as well...

Sun, 01-13-2008, 10:25 AM
Well, a succubus is a dream demon...

They appear in men's dreams and suck them out of their precious life. I guess if it's a really good dream they can suck something else out as well...

Hentaï fantasm detected :D

Well the kapuuchu thing is a tad provocative in its way too... at least it was in the promo. But then I have a very perverted mind. So it's only natural I see that everywhere.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 02:53 PM
as far as i m informed a succubus is simply a female demon which rapes you at night and steal your lifeforce while having sex with you Oo. however you won't wake up during the act. you might dream of a beautiful girl and ejaculate.... jews and christs used to explain this for unwanted ejaculation at night... so its not a "sin" because there was a much greater power which "forced" it out of you... its even mentioned in the bible i think.

so basically you can say that they steal your sperm!

Sun, 01-13-2008, 03:52 PM
Wings, Tail, Hypno-eyes, sexy body.

What else could she possibly be? I have to admit, I'm surprised there was any discussion at all on this.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 07:01 PM
Succubus was even said in engrish by Moka's alter ego and Moka herself.

Sun, 01-13-2008, 09:42 PM
I'm semi-pleased with the way the story is going. A lot of the darker elements are getting grayed, making it rough to imagine what's going to happen in the storyline further up. I do like this series, and I agree that the 'bat' isn't needed. And I vote for S-Class Vampire Moka version all the way! :)


Thu, 01-17-2008, 01:42 PM
seem like its gonna be good. been a while since some good vamp series came out(the one genre thats lacking in anime)

Fri, 01-18-2008, 12:30 AM
I cant say I agree with the people that like this series. It seems too poorly done. The premise may be a tad different (well not really) but the setting and characters are way too sterotypical. It is true that many series like this are out there, but they dont take themselves nearly as seriously as this one. The mixture of comedy and action in this show just doesnt blend right. I havent read the manga, so maybe it is the adaptation that caused this to turn out so bad.

Fri, 01-18-2008, 02:29 AM
shinta|hikari I really think it's just the adaptation that's ticking people off. If you look at the show for what it is with no knowledge of the manga it appears to be another normal guy with a magical harem story so far, nothing new, but it's doing a good job at hitting all the staples of its genre. As long as one doesn't mind watching an old story with new characters they'll probably like this. If not, then you'd think people would criticize it for being derivative.

However, much of the negative commentary I've read both here and elsewhere seems to bring up the differences between the tone of the show and the tone of the manga as evidence that the show is bad. Not being a manga-reader and being a fan of archetypal shows of the magical girl harem type, this show seems to be shaping up to to be a pretty entertaining instance of that genre. Whatever may happen in the manga doesn't really factor in for me because after two eps I'm not looking for any serious action or plot developments, I'm looking for Monster of the Week + Relationship Hurdle of the week with a slight chance of hidden past relationships, pantsu, and maybe some sappy drama mixed in.

Fri, 01-18-2008, 05:50 AM
I can actually tolerate that formula as well, and I have watched practically all anime (yes all) shows with that formula. Its a bad habit of mine (finishing what I started, regardless of quality). Even with that standard, I cant say RxV is any good. It may be ranked mediocre to bad for me, simply because (aside from the white haired Moka) everything is just poorly done, which includes the transformation scenes, abruptness of the relationship of the two main characters, lack of tsundere, and many more. Still, its not bad enough to stop watching, at least for me, and probably for many others. I guess Im just stupefied as to how the manga got such a high rating while this show bombs this much.

Sun, 01-20-2008, 04:50 PM
There's nothing aside from the white haired Moka. Or should be.

Episode 3 h264 - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://downloads.spiegeleixxl.doesntexist.org/%5bAyako-BakaWolf%5d_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_03_-_%5bH264%5d%5b1280x720%5d_%5b80B386F4%5d.mkv.torre nt)
Episode 3 xvid - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://downloads.spiegeleixxl.doesntexist.org/%5bAyako-BakaWolf%5d_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_03_-_%5bXVID%5d%5b704x396%5d_%5b10222199%5d.avi.torren t)

Sun, 01-20-2008, 05:22 PM
Hmm, m.3.3.w (http://m33w-fansubs.com/)says it's an upscale. Has it always been an upscale?

Sun, 01-20-2008, 05:29 PM
Hard to say. There are HD raws from different sources. Could they all be upscales? I have no idea. Maybe I should try to look at the picture quality more closely, but that's hard due to all the pantsu...

Edit: What on earth are they doing to this story, for heaven's sake? I know I was lenient and understanding in my previous posts but during this third episode I'm beginning to really agree with shinta|hikari. Not only do some parts (many) look very cheap, like characters standing still for long times or waving around stiffly like some paper dolls but why on earth do they keep repeating the henshin scenes? Even in actual mahou shoujo shows, well at least in the respectable ones (not counting those for little kids), they are only shown for a few times, in the beginning and then prior to important events or after power ups and such. But here we have it every bloody time.

I don't honestly understand how they are going to even manage to tell the story at all. It's rare that I've read the manga of an anime I'm watching and many people here probably have experienced something like this often, but I'm baffled. Grim action, decisions, and characters play quite a role not much later in the plot, and here were are watching witless ecchi, henshins, and cheap comedy. Had I drunk any of my sake before watching this I'd be weeping right now.

Board of Command
Sun, 01-20-2008, 11:18 PM
Hmm, m.3.3.w (http://m33w-fansubs.com/)says it's an upscale. Has it always been an upscale?
It's very possible that it's an upscale. You can generally tell from the thickness and crispness of the edges. Hayate no Gotoku is an example of a true HD source, whereas H2O is a very shitty upscale.

Sun, 01-20-2008, 11:24 PM
why on earth do they keep repeating the henshin scenes? Even in actual mahou shoujo shows, well at least in the respectable ones (not counting those for little kids), they are only shown for a few times, in the beginning and then prior to important events or after power ups and such. But here we have it every bloody time.

I dunno, I'm kinda liking the anime. But then again, like the others, I really like the archetypal anime, and will watch almost anything.

As for repeating the henshin scene (or transformation scene for those that don't know the lingo), we're 3 episodes into the anime... It might be that they think they're drawing in viewers for the first 5 episodes or so, and so need to show it for what might the viewers first time, and then after that, drop the transformation sequence. Or it could also be that this is trying to be a moderately ecchi anime, and the henshin scene has some ecchi components, so they're showing that to get some bonus "ecchi'ness" in.

Shinji Ikari
Mon, 01-21-2008, 02:59 AM
I don't see them using the henshin for half the anime. I can't say for certain of course, but to me this anime is kinda like Green Green and thus I think it will end after 12 or 13 eps since the story isn't really laying out any big questions or things to be achieved.

Other than that, I think this ep sucked balls. I knew that little kid was gonna bring trouble from the first time I saw her on anidb.net. And not to my surprise, I hate her and she made this episode suck balls. I hope we see as little of her as possible in the future eps.

Wed, 01-23-2008, 05:56 PM
for those of you that have read the manga, is it worth checking out?

Wed, 01-23-2008, 06:01 PM
I've only read maybe 9 or 10 chapters, but it's kinda generic imo. Meet a new enemy/new member every chapter, recruit/defeat them and have random ecchi scenes here and there.

Wed, 01-23-2008, 06:39 PM
I've read all the scanlated manga and it's one of the best mangas I'm reading currently. It seems quite generic especially in the beginning but that lessens somewhat afterwards (though not entirely), and it gets really good. While it doesn't ever get dead serious as such, it's a lot more serious and dark than this anime.

Of course, I'm a huge vampire fan, so take my evaluation with a grain of salt.

Thu, 01-24-2008, 05:34 AM
I wish Dark-Moka was as badass as Good-Moka is naïve, clueless and nice.

Somehow what they've been showing from Dark-Moka let us think she's quite balanced.
She warned good-moka when Tsukune was in great trouble through the rosario.
She's there to deafeat vilains when the situation becomes dangerous.

Her only badass lines were those when she thought of stripping wings and tail from the succubus :D

Yay, more Dark-Moka deep action please!

Thu, 01-24-2008, 07:16 AM
Moka is a kind of peculiar character. Since her true identity is a vampire, that is, without the rosario, which is an artificial element, the Dark-Moka is the true form. And true personality as well. The rosario apparently not only seals her powers, or most of them, it's hard to say, but also a good portion of her personality, leaving behind that airheaded construction. I wonder just how fake Good-Moka is. Or could she be what the pre-rosario Moka would have wanted to become without some obviously tough past (that made Dark-Moka such an outwardly cold, badass kickboxer).

Thu, 01-24-2008, 09:34 AM
Man they are skipping manga chapters here. I doubt that they are gonna show those. The past chapters of the Manga recently have been kickass thats for sure but I am hoping that they can bring out the same effect the manga had with this anime. And since the "biting" has changed into a kiss, I doubt it would have the same effect >.<;

Anyway I keep on praying it will become alot cooler next time.

Thu, 01-24-2008, 11:07 AM
Thats it. This anime is dropped for me. Knowing that the manga does real bites instead of that fucking kiss thing that doesnt even draw blood makes me regret even trying this anime out instead of reading the manga from the beginning.

Thu, 01-24-2008, 04:47 PM
Give it a break. I could understand if it was cutting out massive amounts of quality content (I'm glad to say good riddance to the monster-of-the-week chapters), but the fact that they go with an implied bite instead of showing it?

It's not like they have no reason to show it. They have shown blood. His back was sliced wide open in just the last episode. It's not censorship here. (Not to mention all the ecchi shots throughout).

Aside from one of the very first bitings in the first episode, most of Moka's sucking is reserved for the end of the episode, they even rework episodes to put it there. Always with the ever present "To Be Continued..."

It's being used as a stylized visual cue. Many episodic content series like R+V use them. Jigoku Shoujo had them, as did Lucky Star (in the form of the Lucky Channel sign dropping over the screen), and many others in the past.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to drop this series (weak plot, too much ecchi, irritating characters, etc). I used two of those to vehemently criticize H20. Dropping it because they don't actually show Moka sucking on his neck is weak at best.

Thu, 01-24-2008, 05:06 PM
Thats it. This anime is dropped for me. Knowing that the manga does real bites instead of that fucking kiss thing that doesnt even draw blood makes me regret even trying this anime out instead of reading the manga from the beginning.

Of all the things to complain about...

Thu, 01-24-2008, 06:46 PM
Me, I'm dropping the series because:

1. Story is no good.
2. Animation is mediocre.
3. Characters are somewhat annoying.
4. Too much ecchi. I don't mind little or some, but this is too much.

If the series gets any better, I'll probably pick it up again.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 07:53 AM
@Ryll and animus - You guys must not understand the beauty of vampire shows.

It is the bite, the darkness in the transfer of blood, the atmosphere it projects, and what it implies that makes a vampire show good. Ive hated that fake bite thing since I saw it, since the vampire concept has been practically liquidated. I mean, Moka can be a freaking ghost that needs life energy or some kissing demon (which she is) with this presentation. If you read blood alone, or love vampire shows like me, you should know what Im talking about.

Its true that it does not take away much from the "show" itself. but it totally ruins it as a "vampire show". And that is why I am dropping it for such a reason.

EDIT: BTW, Im assuming that the manga doesnt just use the bite as a presentation device like in the anime, but actually has some plot and character relevance.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 08:39 AM
The concept of vampire and it's traditions vary a lot nowadays.

Besides, this was never a serious anime from the get go, so there should be no reason why they had to implement such a serious, gruesome aspect of the vampire bite.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:03 AM
Which is why Im dropping it. Im not dropping it solely because of that though. I have mentioned other things that really bother me about this, but the bite thing is the last straw. Why should I wait week after week for a show which has nothing to offer, when its manga form is better in practically all aspects (including the bite, which indicates a more serious and dark tone)?

Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:21 AM
If a show has 'vampire' in the name you would think there would be at least some blood sucking. Even Karin had blood sucking if I remember correctly. I'm still watching for the gratuitous ecchi and absurdity humor because that is entertaining enough for my purposes, but I must say I was expecting something more from this based on the reviews and hype surrounding the manga.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:31 AM
It is a "bite", she actually drinks blood from him, but it leaves no puncture marks or anything.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 02:15 PM
Isn't that how biting usually works? Leaving marks and all?

Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:34 PM
I would not say the manga is better in all aspects. A lot of time is wasted on the "monster-of-the-week" chapters, and the art was atrocious in an attempt to differentiate dark-Moka from cute Moka. It has only become consistent now, at volume 5 or so. A much longer period than most artists take to even out their art.

To each their own in the end.

Mon, 01-28-2008, 11:35 AM
With marks or not, biting goes on all the same.

Episode 4 h264 - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://providemoar.com/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_04_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5B20C7EA4E%5D.mkv.torre nt)
Episode 4 xvid - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://providemoar.com/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_04_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B755E6B5D%5D.avi.torren t)

Mon, 01-28-2008, 02:43 PM
Just a little aside for the people complaining about the lack of "bite marks" and a double comment to those who say the Manga is any different.

First off the manga is no different on the lack of marks its stated specifically that a vampires bite marks instantly heal after they are done sucking the blood. Its simply something this series does. Seriously would it make any sense for him to walk around with a bleeding wound on his neck everyday? The series clearly needs that in either the anime or Manga of this series to give it any chance of working.

Don't get me wrong she drinks his blood the kiss mark is left by her lipstick none of that seems out of place or odd but instead a needed bit of the plot as hiding she's a vampire is suppose to be part of the plot so having her with blood everywhere and him with bleeding wounds all the time would never in any way make sense.

The manga is actually pretty good and this series clearly doesn't follow the manga but its also clearly based on events in the manga just in a very modified order of events. Essentially this is a playful ecchi anime and in no way a action anime like Naruto or bleach or anything like that. They certainly could have and still could go another direction with the actual manga plot at a later date and I can certainly see dropping this for anyone who was dead set on a exact manga translation. Its a lot like what they did with Ichigo 100% where they took a very long running manga and condensed some of its essence into a 12 episode series. You can't expect everything to be handled the same they don't have the time so in this case they are forced to quickly introduce characters and make the best of it.

onto episode 4

Now what I found the most interesting about this was the opening now contains a 5th girl despite the 4th not being introduced yet also we have our 3rd new ending for the series in the first 4 episodes. Also this new ending is awesome and the new opening is good at the very least.

I found this episode really odd actually I don't even think those 3 guys are in the manga at all and that fat guy I don't have a clue what he was suppose to be except maybe a hungry ghost of some sort? Overall another fun episode and it actually looks like after the modification of character introductions that they are really getting a bit more on track with the manga.

Mon, 01-28-2008, 04:25 PM
At least Dark Moka had more than a One-Line script this time.

I kinda like the Boobs vs Belly battle :D

Other than that, this ep was fairly weak, even for what we've seen of the series yet.

Mon, 01-28-2008, 05:23 PM
This episode was just plain but +1 for Boobs vs Belly.

Well next one should be more fun. Who can say NO to swimsuits?

Mon, 01-28-2008, 06:06 PM
I have to say that there's nothing more annoying in anime than these Girl-Idol Fanclub guys. Not only is it lame beyond belief, it's not funny, and it's so overused.

Sorry, just needed to vent a little on how much I hated the use of these type of characters in anime.

Mon, 01-28-2008, 06:22 PM
Roger that. It seems like we got rid of them during this single episode, though. It would have been too painful to watch them any longer. Especially since they were so miserable monsters. If Tsukune had known some kung fu, he could have beaten them by himself.

I hope we will get serious opponents soon. Well, I could say I hope but honestly between the bat and the panty shots, I'm not sure whether I'd really even like to risk seeing anything serious in this series...

Mon, 01-28-2008, 07:19 PM
Now what I found the most interesting about this was the opening now contains a 5th girl despite the 4th not being introduced yet also we have our 3rd new ending for the series in the first 4 episodes. Also this new ending is awesome and the new opening is good at the very least. For lack of a better name at this time, [Witch Hunter Robin] was always in the first OP and ED. Her face was flashed quickly with the other four just as it is now, and she was the white outlined girl with six wings in the original ED. But now we get to see her in color and in full goth-loli style. The "first" ending (on the first episode) was the OP of the second and third episodes.

Do I sense that Dark Moka is a tsundere? "You're just food," is a variation, but fits into the mold quite nicely.

As for the fan perverts, there's something seriously wrong with the Yukari one. In just the last episode they said that she skipped several grades and she's four years younger than them. That means she's 11 or 12.

If the 6 or 7 figures at the very end of the ED are any indication, we should have some serious opponents fairly soon. Swimsuit episode aside, it can't be more than one or two episodes away.

As a fan of Dark Moka, how can I not love the new ED?

Mon, 01-28-2008, 07:20 PM
Well, if the new ED sequence is any indication of later episodes, I'm in. :D.

Who can say NO to swimsuits?

NO swimsuits. They can come out without them.

Mon, 01-28-2008, 09:13 PM
I want to know what the driver meant by "As expected of his choice", referring to tsukune

Tue, 02-05-2008, 01:52 AM
[Nipponsei] Rosario to Vampire OP ED Single - STARCAMP EP [Mizuki Nana].zip.torrent (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Rosario%20to%20Vampire%20OP%20ED %20Single%20-%20STARCAMP%20EP%20%5BMizuki%20Nana%5D.zip.torrent )

edit: Wonder what happened to my weekly fanservice....this was the swimsuit episode too. :(

Fri, 02-08-2008, 03:05 PM
I do believe the raw came out last week...anyone know why they didn't release?

Fri, 02-08-2008, 03:17 PM
[Nipponsei] Rosario to Vampire OP ED Single - STARCAMP EP [Mizuki Nana].zip.torrent (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Rosario%20to%20Vampire%20OP%20ED %20Single%20-%20STARCAMP%20EP%20%5BMizuki%20Nana%5D.zip.torrent )

edit: Wonder what happened to my weekly fanservice....this was the swimsuit episode too. :(

Hum, may I guess they needed time to recover from that swimsuit ep :p

Fri, 02-08-2008, 05:43 PM
Happy Chinese New Year

Tomorrow marks the first day in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, opening the year of the rat. Hopefully, we won’t see any [S.Q.U.3.3.K]s. We apologise for the lateness of Rosario + Vampire because half the crew working on that project also celebrate the Lunar New Year. It’s definitely a busy time of the year with lots of relatives around. And with almost a quarter of the people in the world being Chinese, it is a rather major celebration.

The Chinese Lunar Calendar is divided into twelve 28 day months. With every third year having a leap month (a 13th month) to normalise the solar cycle. To all those out there celebrating, we at m.3.3.w & Baka-Wolf wish you another prosperous year.

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Well, that's where Bakawolf's crew went atleast. I'm sure there were other groups doing this as well. Maybe they are indeed recovering.

Sat, 02-09-2008, 07:20 PM
WTH with the new ending? its better than the OP. what annoys me is that this show will probably go the way of that witches harem show (forgot the name) while it could have been downright awesome (the premise is actually pretty good, and if you think about it, Tsukune is in a REALLY dire situation).

then again, i might be wrong (with last week's showing of the bruises Tsukune got from the beating). either way, i'll keep watching. Vampires are cool!

Tue, 02-12-2008, 10:28 AM
Does a vampire in a swimsuit get a nice and crisp tan?

Episode 5 HD - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_05_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5B103B2400%5D.mkv.torre nt)
Episode 5 xvid - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_05_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B7FDC6D9A%5D.avi.torren t)

- - - - - - - -

Edit: I have to confess I skipped parts of this episode, namely the part where the characters were singing and doing other shit. And I was disappointed we still get the henshin, and what's more, we still get the explanation. I mean, could somebody really have such a spongiform brain that he wouldn't have learned yet what happens when the rosary is removed?

Somebody should also buy a goddam shotgun and shoot the "joking" bat out of the sky.

Tue, 02-12-2008, 03:00 PM
well the whole pool singing and dancing thing was a homage to key Metal Idol or something like that one of those random idol shows did the same crap. Overall not a great episode unless all you want is fan service but on the bright side it finally gets us into a spot where they can start in on the more serious part of the plot if they so choose in the future. I'm still amused by this show and at this point I think we just need to get over what its not and go with what it is. Another season has been confirmed and chances are this one will be mostly girl introduction with next season taking on the more serious plot aspects. Its a shame as they should easily be able to handle both at once but its still what we get and I enjoy a few of these relatively mindless comedy/romance anime's in between all of the over serious series.

Tue, 02-12-2008, 08:52 PM
Filler chapter in the manga = terrible episode in the anime.

I didn't really care for the monster of the week chapters, and this illustrates a perfect reason why some of the worthless intro chapters were cut and they sped up the introduction of Kurumu and Yukari.

I didn't have an issue with the bat this episode. Without it, Moka or dark-Moka would have to explain the specifics of why vampires are weak to water and it would look even more out of place than if the bat broke the flow of the show and explained it.

Wed, 02-13-2008, 10:29 PM
Rosario to Vampire 06. This one's about a werewolf.

xvid (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_06_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5BE983D718%5D.avi.torren t)
h264 (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_06_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5B614A10AE%5D.mkv.torre nt)

Shinji Ikari
Thu, 02-14-2008, 09:52 AM
How come that ever since the chibi witch joined the party, this anime has sucked? I just can't enjoy it when she is close by

Thu, 02-14-2008, 05:42 PM
ya... i hate that girl too... ~desuuu....

its just that she looks so freaking bad and is so freaking young that it always reminds me of a pedophile jerking off to her when she joins the scene...she isn't even "cute" like other childs in animes... (that one from fate/stay night for example, whats her name... "someone from einzbern")

succubus > all..

Thu, 02-14-2008, 06:07 PM
Yeah, I have to admit she's the most annoying character around. And pretty much useless so far as well. Well, uselessness is quite common in this series. Moka is pretty much the only one handling fights and everything (or at least finishing them)... And as we saw, Tsukune continues his gullible way of life as well.

Thu, 02-14-2008, 07:56 PM
(that one from fate/stay night for example, whats her name... "someone from einzbern")

succubus > all..

That's Illya. Being a witch, she seems to only use summoning spells, like barrels and such. That's pretty useless. Then again, we've been shown this time that even Moka can't handle super speed all that well if it's at her level.

The best part of this episode was the Oh Yeah.... voice over, that was gold. :)

Thu, 02-14-2008, 10:04 PM
I don't agree!!!! It was a fair fight... and Gin lost only because of crappy surroundings. hopefully, he'll be back.

(i was seriously annoyed that Moka won the fight so easily... although her kick was awesome)

Thu, 02-14-2008, 10:20 PM
I don't agree!!!! It was a fair fight... and Gin lost only because of crappy surroundings. hopefully, he'll be back.

(i was seriously annoyed that Moka won the fight so easily... although her kick was awesome)

Umm??..........I said Moka was the one having a hard time....

Fri, 02-15-2008, 01:48 AM
She was until the clouds blocked the moon. Before that she was having trouble, but during that period of BS, she was able to catch the werewolf and beat him handily...

...these are some lousy fights.

Fri, 02-15-2008, 09:15 PM
Umm??..........I said Moka was the one having a hard time....
Sorry... my "I don't agree!!!" was my reaction after seeing the werewolf beaten. it wasn't in reference to your post

Fri, 02-15-2008, 11:12 PM
Ah, okay. My mistake. You're probably right, the OP did feature the werewolf, abeit only a few seconds, so he's probably gonna be hanging around, unlike the ones before. He's the head of the newspaper club after all.

Fri, 02-22-2008, 11:43 AM
Rosario+Vampire - 07 (1280x720 H264) - [Ayako-BakaWolf] (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_07_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5BFE817849%5D.mkv.torre nt)

Rosario+Vampire - 07 (XviD) - [Ayako-BakaWolf] (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_07_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B75DB78E7%5D.avi.torren t)

Ice Princess?

Fri, 02-22-2008, 08:11 PM
In Mizure's words, she's cuter than I thought, though perhaps anti-social to begin with. Darknodin was right about Gin hanging around, but without the moon, he's just another good looking pervert. :P. Now that we're up to episode 7 and have introduced all bar one major character, hopefully we can get the plot moving a little now. I'm not expecting it, but it'd be nice if it could do a Shana II. If not, it'll still serve it's purpose as 30mins of weekly fanservice.

Tue, 02-26-2008, 01:32 PM
I don't know if AnimeSS are any good. Hope they sub in English too... Anyways quality doesn't really matter for that show.
Here's ep 8 HD mp4

Same ep SD Xvid

Some low voice speech wasn't translated. The first time it was maybe impossible, the second time I think it was possible.
A song wasn't translated/karaoked in the middle of the ep.

Nothing much to say, maybe they need to really make Dark Moka a bit more convincing so that the ecchi doesn't seem like it's the only thing there is in this show.

By the way, does anyone have the audience charts for this show?

Wed, 02-27-2008, 07:52 PM
[Ayako-BakaWolf]_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_08_-_[XVID][704x396]_[3C72A78C].avi (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_08_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B3C72A78C%5D.avi.torren t)
[Ayako-BakaWolf]_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_08_-_[H264][1280x720]_[5A60DF56].mkv (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_08_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5B5A60DF56%5D.mkv.torre nt)

edit: same sort of stuff again this ep. They kinda prepared for this ep by showing last ep that teachers can be the offending monsters too. At least they had some decent music this ep though.

Wed, 02-27-2008, 10:05 PM
Whose paper was the ice girl holding in the end?

Thu, 02-28-2008, 07:49 AM
Whoever it was, it wasn't one of the major characters we've come across yet. It was a funny shot though, I wonder if she knows about the name change...

Thu, 02-28-2008, 08:10 PM
I actually find her to be the most interesting side character... the other two just plain annoy me...

Fri, 02-29-2008, 05:20 PM
Is the series going to continue like this...will it ever get serious? It's just the same thing every episode

Sat, 03-01-2008, 02:25 PM
It appears to follow the manga. Just in a different order. But yeah it will become serious. IF it continues to follow the manga however.

Sat, 03-01-2008, 03:25 PM
They are going for a very different timeline. I have no idea why they are going with this method, but they skipped a really good Kurumu development episode, and one of the actual action arcs rather than these pathetic monster-of-the-week eps that end with a 15 frame fight.

It seems they're going after introducing all of the girls first. Don't know why, but expect the series to pick up very substantially in the second half.

Though many people who are still on the fence about this series will be long gone.

Sat, 03-01-2008, 04:41 PM
I'll stick to it just to see how it follows or not follows up to the Manga. But yeah it's a shame they didn't do that Kurumu episode. Or they might still do that. I personally hope they will do that episode.

Wed, 03-05-2008, 08:38 AM
AnimeSS released EP9:


will watch it later, much later.

Is it starting to be good at last?
I know this sub isn't stellar, however it's more than enough, so if you can stand it ;)

Wed, 03-05-2008, 04:46 PM
useless post. to be erased (option not available in edit mode?)

Wed, 03-05-2008, 05:12 PM
Sleepy hollow, eh? Scarecrow and all.


Has that tree always been there?

Fri, 03-07-2008, 03:10 AM
Haha that's pretty interesting...

Fri, 03-07-2008, 11:58 AM
Sleepy scarecrows:

Episode 9 HD - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_09_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5BED34EE74%5D.mkv.torre nt)
Episode 9 xvid - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_09_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5BDE2D4C97%5D.avi.torren t)

Fri, 03-07-2008, 06:46 PM
Looks like we finally hit our first serious arc. I realize that they wanted to accelerate Ruby's introduction (yay, a goth loli in a monster series! big surprise) but surely she could have waited while they did some serious incident at the school first.

We should have a pretty good idea how this will all end though, considering Ruby is part of the harem.

I'm always surprised that Moka is the only one who knows Tsukune is a human. It seems so stupidly obvious, but the other girls never have a clue. I'd think Kurumu would at least have a good idea too, considering Succubi and Vampires are somewhat similar. Then again, she's dumb as a rock.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 08:55 PM
Yay, finally. The last few seconds with the girls all serious was 0.o, even more so than all the fanservice, but that's 'cause I'm probably so used to it now. :D. If I remember correctly, it's the first episode that didn't end with a Kapucchu. I was also glad to see the rosario on the verge of breaking from the sheer power leaking from Moka. Sets the mood very nicely. (until we see flying panty kicks.)

Sat, 03-08-2008, 02:55 AM
Thank goodness there's an episode with some seriousness to it. Honestly, if they had made the entire series a more serious one, it would have been better. Oh well. Good to see everyone incredibly pissed at the end. Too bad the bat didn't get eaten...

Sat, 03-08-2008, 03:19 AM
Thank goodness there's an episode with some seriousness to it. Honestly, if they had made the entire series a more serious one, it would have been better. Oh well. Good to see everyone incredibly pissed at the end. Too bad the bat didn't get eaten...

In fact it's precisely because this show has been so light and useless up to now that this 180° turn (is it really) is working so nicely due too a strong contrast...

Sat, 03-08-2008, 11:52 AM
anime SS EP 10


This episode is a epic fail on all levels it was bad enough I might actually stop watching this series entirely at this point so beware.

Sat, 03-08-2008, 04:43 PM
I disagree... well, i don't completely agree...

the problem with that ep was with the framerate... they can improve in the future...

Sat, 03-08-2008, 04:57 PM
I was really disapointed the last scene from the previous ep was trashed like this.
There sure was actions and pantsu, but they could have come up with something for that last scene that is left untouched in that ep...
Or will they develop in a special or something?

Sat, 03-08-2008, 05:15 PM
As David75 said... the last scene from ep 9 was trashed & followup was skipped over which makes ep 10 a failure, not to mention how little it follows the original manga...

Anyone know off hand if there's gonna be a 2nd season to keep up w/ the Manga or a few OVAs to cover all the content they skipped?

Sun, 03-09-2008, 01:04 AM
What a terrible episode for logic.. First they're suggesting this girl just come to school with them, nevermind them asking her age or if she wanted to and totally ignoring her Master who would still be in the same predicament even if she just left.

And then why were they like "Oh noes, Ruby is gone! D:"...?

She lives on top of the hill, she probably just went back to her nice, big, soft bed...

Tue, 03-11-2008, 12:10 PM
[Ayako-BakaWolf]_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_10_-_[XVID][704x396]_[20F3C982].avi (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_10_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B20F3C982%5D.avi.torren t)
[Ayako-BakaWolf]_Rosario_+_Vampire_-_10_-_[H264][1280x720]_[03F96156].mkv (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_10_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5B03F96156%5D.mkv.torre nt)

Tue, 03-11-2008, 06:47 PM
Wow...this episode sucks on too many levels.

1) Animation is beyond horrible. They appear to have used approximately 600 yen on this episode.
2) The storyboarding was done severely intoxicated. There was absolutely no flow, none of it made any sense unless you had read the manga.
3) I believe it was at least 4 chapters of the manga. Now, that's not bad for a series like...Bleach or Naruto, where most of the panels are taken up by action and it's 10+ chapters to a volume. R+V has only four chapter to a volume.

That's right, this was vaguely an entire volume of manga crammed into a single episode.

This arc of the manga was pretty good, one of the better ones the series had to offer, but they really turned it to shit. It's not enough to make me drop the series, because I still have a lot of hope it can turn around with the number of episodes they have left, but don't let this abomination of an episode turn you away from this series too quickly. (Unless...I won't spoil, but it would be pretty easy for them to compound this fuckup, I hope they don't utterly bastardize the storyline to do it.)

Now, I can honestly say that this has been one of the worst adaptations of a pretty decent manga. Still, it's certainly not Negima! (or Negima? or Negima Live Action). So far, it's probably been around the levels of Black Cat. Badly done and ruins a good storyline by adding in crap with the bat (in the manga simple narration) or cutting out decent storylines to fill the harem as quickly and pointlessly as possible. But they could have still saved it if this series was 24 or 26 instead of 13. There probably isn't too much hope for it now, but I might as well see it through.

Wed, 03-12-2008, 08:57 PM
With 3 eps to go, I'm not gonna drop it, but I was disappointed. Action wise, didn't expect much from it, but the story, as Rul said, doesn't flow at all really. It never made any sense why her manifestation of her master was completely different from the kind one we were shown. Oh well, no real use thinking too hard about this series. Maybe the manga, but not this. Are those bad guys at the end EVER gonna appear?

Wed, 03-12-2008, 09:13 PM
yep, in season 2 :) or a cameo in the last episode. but most of the bad guys you see in the ending creds came right after the ruby arc... so who knows we might get 3 episodes of good action.

Thu, 03-13-2008, 09:45 PM
Uh, just catched up watching episode 10.
Its sad, the first episode actually showed awsome potential, but it only got worse from that on. Too episodic for my liking.
Moka turning into her real form in every episode got tiring soon.

And ep 10 was a real letdown. I watched ep 9 and the ending was, finally, really intense, Tsukune looking like really heavily wounded...only to start the next ep with a super happy follow up *sigh*

Anyways, did you already discuss the "hottest girl of the show"-topic? :P
Kurumi <3

Sat, 03-15-2008, 12:55 PM
Disappointing, really. I don't know if I should bother watching the next season

Sat, 03-15-2008, 05:49 PM
:confused: :confused: There's a next season?

Sat, 03-15-2008, 08:17 PM
oops sorry meant that as a sarcastic Joke Buffalobiian... :) just because the bad guys seems to be hiding & will never show in this season aparently.

if there is a 2nd season I hope they follow the manga alot more then the 1st season...

Sat, 03-15-2008, 08:46 PM
Was there even a point to this season then? With a only a few eps left, they've done nothing. If they don't make another season, then this looks very silly

Sat, 03-15-2008, 09:03 PM
two words... "Fanservice/Pantsu" The manga itself was dark with a good plot. it'd be nice if there was a 2nd season that told all the story this season skipped plus the end of the first run of the manga.

Sat, 03-15-2008, 10:52 PM
Another season has been confirmed and chances are this one will be mostly girl introduction with next season taking on the more serious plot aspects. Its a shame as they should easily be able to handle both at once but its still what we get and I enjoy a few of these relatively mindless comedy/romance anime's in between all of the over serious series.
From earlier in the thread, dunno where the info is coming from though.

Sat, 03-15-2008, 11:40 PM
At the time that confirmation came from the Bakawolf forums. Now however I'm thinking that might have been in reference to the recently released season 2 of the manga which apparently takes place following volume 10.

Given it could have still been about the anime but I'm not positive at this point and the way they have handled the anime I get the feeling they are not attempting for a season 2. Of course those "enemies" in the ending can't be handled in 3 episodes so anything is possible.

Sun, 03-16-2008, 04:33 AM
oops sorry meant that as a sarcastic Joke Buffalobiian... :) just because the bad guys seems to be hiding & will never show in this season aparently.

if there is a 2nd season I hope they follow the manga alot more then the 1st season...

I thought that, but then there was more discussion about S2, so I thought it was true. It'd be really out of place if there was a season two, since it would make season 1 very pointless, not to mention inferior, save for perhaps pantsu shots. I'm guessing the manga has all these panty shots as well as dark moments?

Sun, 03-16-2008, 05:24 AM
The manga has panty shots but I never thought they were so... aggressive. And not so numerous. The manga is a strange mix of humour similar to the anime (though no bats and such) and then the major plot, which is pretty dark. The manga also started with the "monster of the week" kind of stuff, though, so it's not like the anime would be that different in that sense. If there's going to be a second season of anime, I could see how they might opt to end this first season by making a cliffhanger with the really interesting stuff that they could start in the last eps. If not, this will be one bizarre series of nothing at all happening.

Sun, 03-16-2008, 11:14 AM
Kraco, the bat was in the manga :) all be it the bat was only plastered all over Moka's notes & not a narrative character like it is now.

Kraco, if all the AWOL enemies show up think they'd start w/ the enemies they skipped or the ones that would have shown up in the ARC they're about to reach?

Sun, 03-16-2008, 12:10 PM
To be fair, there's a difference between having the bat as a decoration and giving it as much screen time as the teacher, for example (plus it's bloody annoying).

Since this is an anime only based on the manga, they don't really need to make it exactly similar to the source material so they might very well skip some things and enemies. In the long run and at this point it wouldn't yet need to matter that much. Things developed pretty slowly in the manga, all things considered, so it's not like skipping something and making up for it later would break the bigger picture in any severe manner. Since this is soon enough ending, they will, I pray, make an ending that makes sense and is somewhat artistically stylish, even if it's not exactly like the manga.

Sun, 03-16-2008, 11:05 PM
I guess they can make a decent ending, but honestly if they leave it as is, it's just an anime series with a bunch of incoherent episodes. Nothing to really remember

Mon, 03-17-2008, 11:48 AM
Kraco, I'm not so much worried about it being exact to the manga, but the fact they left out a VERY Important plot line that extends off the newspaper club is what I'm hoping they cover within the anime before it finishes up for the season.

Thu, 03-20-2008, 11:52 PM
I might hate myself for this but they claim it contains story

Ayako/Bakawolf Episode 11
http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_11_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B59799AC7%5D.avi.torren t
http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_11_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5BC2DB415B%5D.mkv.torre nt

Fri, 03-21-2008, 01:54 PM
DDBen, it's passable in the progressing the story a bit, still more fanservice then story but it does make a good path for the next episode(s)

Fri, 03-21-2008, 02:24 PM
DDBen, it's passable in the progressing the story a bit, still more fanservice then story but it does make a good path for the next episode(s)

Well ep 10 start was a huge letdown compared to what we had expected after the end of ep 9...
So I wouldn't have hope based on the end of ep11

Fri, 03-21-2008, 06:28 PM
Well well, they weren't wrong. Finally the proper bad guys appear. In this case, in the form of the school's S.S. Troopers. The top guy sounds evil enough, and sounds like a match for a vampire, so I wanna find out who he is. Dark Moka's singing was coolness. Beats any pantsu kick she's done so far. :D

Fri, 03-21-2008, 09:49 PM
Still disappointing but less so then last week. They have officially given up on the manga plot entirely at this point and that was made fairly clear with the disaster that was last weeks episode.

Essentially my issue with last weeks episode is it was really a turning point for this series that arc had a lot of important moments that were crucial to the manga plot. Up to that point most of what the glossed over could be forgiven and while they did change around some things and greatly enhance the fanservice they still could continue with the real plot and my hopes were with the introduction of Ruby they would do so.

Instead the episode threw away the awesome ending of episode 9 and on top of that the episode was virtually unwatchable no matter who you were. If you read the manga it was a entire volume crammed into a episode where they skipped many important moments and on top of that made it 100% impossible to continue the manga plot. If on the other hand you were taking the series as a stand alone the episode still made no sense at all everything happened WAY to fast and it was like someone stuck a tape in your VCR and hit fastforward giving you a vague voice over on what was happening.

Now we have this episode and I'm just confused. I mean they have shown 7 major enemies and this is episode 11 of 13? Well at least I use to think this was a short series but for them to finish this in 2 episodes seems completely impossible. I assume spider woman was 1 of the 7 enemies and that leaves 6 more so what 3 fights a episode? Or maybe everyone gets one enemy in 2 episodes?

Fri, 03-21-2008, 11:00 PM
DDBen, if I recall correctly within the manga they didn't fight all of them, they duked it out with a different monster & put it in the news paper, that monster gave tribute to the school goons to get vengence which brought up the fight with the Spider woman who sucked the blood outta those she caught & the head guy. That course of action leads to a darker path for T... lol not gonna try spelling his name out from memory.

Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:23 AM
DDBen, if I recall correctly within the manga they didn't fight all of them, they duked it out with a different monster & put it in the news paper, that monster gave tribute to the school goons to get vengence which brought up the fight with the Spider woman who sucked the blood outta those she caught & the head guy. That course of action leads to a darker path for T... lol not gonna try spelling his name out from memory.

Would this be classed as spoiling? lol.

Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:37 AM
I'm still pissed they cut out the character development chapter for Kurumu, thus making fanservice her sole purpose for being in the series. Shirayuki, Ruby, and Yukari all got their own development beyond their introductory episodes, but Kurumu gets nothing, and given how that scenario played out, there's no way to ever go back to it having already had both the Ruby arc and this episode.

They took a character who is admittedly a little more shallow than the others, but kept her that way instead of doing anything useful with her.

It's a shame, as she's my favorite right after Dark Moka.

I highly doubt there will be a sequel, given how poorly the series is being done. Which is too bad because all the good storylines and developments start after this arc.

Sat, 03-22-2008, 09:42 AM
erk sorry bout that Buffalobiian was tired when I wrote that. :) it'd be a spoiler for the manga ya but the anime seems not to have followed it at all other then for faces and a few guide posts.

but if it turns out to be a spoiler for the next season I'll give someone my addy to punch me in the back of the head for retribution.

well back off to packing for the move. Hopefully the next episode shows a good fight.

Rhyllharu I'm hoping for a 2nd season, with any luck there'll be a 2nd season & we'll see more come from the anime that should be coming from a Vampire Flick :D

Sat, 03-22-2008, 10:28 AM
Was it just the characters face, or was spiderwoman drawn really poorly right up until her transformation?

Or maybe it was just me... *considers the manga instead at this point*

Sat, 03-22-2008, 05:14 PM
erk sorry bout that Buffalobiian was tired when I wrote that. :) it'd be a spoiler for the manga ya but the anime seems not to have followed it at all other then for faces and a few guide posts.

but if it turns out to be a spoiler for the next season I'll give someone my addy to punch me in the back of the head for retribution.

well back off to packing for the move. Hopefully the next episode shows a good fight.

Rhyllharu I'm hoping for a 2nd season, with any luck there'll be a 2nd season & we'll see more come from the anime that should be coming from a Vampire Flick :D

Don't worry, I don't think spoiling will do much at this point. :) Good to know that the manga at least isn't as disappointing, so I'll have something to fall back on if I ever want to find out more. I really don't mind whether they come out with another season 2 or not, but whether I'll watch it depends on how they end this one I guess. I doubt DVD sales will go well though.

Sun, 03-23-2008, 11:00 PM
Apparently they decided to start subbing faster

Episode 12
http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_12_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B1E912701%5D.avi.torren t
http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_12_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5BEEADCDBA%5D.mkv.torre nt

edit: Doh miss numbered it.

Board of Command
Sun, 03-23-2008, 11:10 PM
It's actually episode 12.

2 episodes left. This series is epic fail.

Mon, 03-24-2008, 09:01 AM
I haven't seen episode 12 yet but I have to agree...the series really had alot of potential from the beginning. And Kurumu has always been my favorite in the show. A shame they didn't stick with the manga. I'll finish this up anyway, came this far, might as well go all the way. But R+V is definetly not on par with Gundam 00 or Spicy Wolf. :(

Mon, 03-24-2008, 09:28 AM
I haven't seen episode 12 yet but I have to agree...the series really had alot of potential from the beginning. And Kurumu has always been my favorite in the show. A shame they didn't stick with the manga. I'll finish this up anyway, came this far, might as well go all the way. But R+V is definetly not on par with Gundam 00 or Spicy Wolf. :(
Ep 12 is a bit better honestly. You are about to find out ;)
Let's hope this goes on to the end of the season and if we get a second one, they get consistent in having better quality arcs.

Mon, 03-24-2008, 01:37 PM
The first half of this episode was pretty terrible animation wise. Then they kind of brought it back on track and I can see where they are trying to go at this point. The ending should be fine but the overall series still lacks. A big issue about trying to compare this to the manga at all is nothing is remotely in order so its very easy to be confused where you are I was confusing these guys with a later group. Of course that has to do with how they used and butchered arcs and events that should have taken place in a completely different order. I can also see what they would use for at least the start of a second much more serious season.

I'm not happy with what they did to this but I'll finish it despite my regular complaints. Given I still feel they are all well founded and am not found of the fact they made this relatively plotless fanservice but whats done is done.

Mon, 03-24-2008, 06:58 PM
I'll agree, this episode was much better then some of the mindless fanservice and if they finish the season with this Arc I believe it's a total of 5 volumes of Manga they blew through - sorry I don't have the manga infront of me right now, lol it's half hr away at my new place.

I will say this route they took is different then the --omitted till I remember the spoiler tag code--

For those of you who are disappointed in this series & haven't read the manga, I'd suggest you read it soon 8 Volumes plus a few chapters of Volume 9 have been scanlated so far..

Mon, 03-24-2008, 07:05 PM
#F1F1F1 <-- the color of the background. Gotwoot unfortunately has no spoiler tags, but it is kept that way for all the right reasons and to discourage the practice in general.

Well, Shirayuki stalking the stalkers made me smile.

Mon, 03-24-2008, 07:13 PM
Well, it's never too late to turn a series around. Better 2 eps than never. I've been spoiled into knowing something about Tsukune, the convicted human, so that's making me anxious to see if it'll show up in here. I wonder if the main police guy's a vampire too.

Mon, 03-24-2008, 07:26 PM
He can use fire, so I'd guess that he was something else. Maybe a generic demon or perhaps some obscure Japanese spirit I'm not so familiar with. Maybe a Nue (Japanese chimera) or maybe some form of Oni?

He's got those Japanese eyebrows you usually only see on Princesses in Samurai period movies, so I'm going to guess the latter.

Tue, 03-25-2008, 05:29 PM
I'm beginning to think it might be better if this thing didn't continue with a second season. With all the deviations from the manga (as has been mentioned) and generally only emphasizing secondary things (like boobs and pantsu), this is such a sad excuse for an adaptation of a decent manga that it could be better buried for good. Honestly, before these last eps the plots of the arc were somewhat irrelevant in the bigger picture, aside from introducting the heroes, but I don't think they can suddenly change their stupid approach and make it a good series in the second season (nor is it going to happen in these final eps).

I'll have to agree with BoC. Too bad. Fortunately the manga continues exciting, though.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 09:39 AM
The series (finally) ends:

Episode 13 Final h264 - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_13_-_%5BH264%5D%5B1280x720%5D_%5B7608B35D%5D.mkv.torre nt)
Episode 13 Final xvid - Ayako-BakaWolf (http://a.scarywater.net/ayako/%5BAyako-BakaWolf%5D_Rosario__Vampire_-_13_-_%5BXVID%5D%5B704x396%5D_%5B39F1DCC6%5D.avi.torren t)

- - - - - - - - -

I'm at a loss for appropriate words here. I mean, even in the manga the beginning of the story was pretty much "a monster of the week" kind of stuff and introducting the characters. But then eventually something tremendous and very very cool happened, and while you basically knew it was supposed to happen, it was still executed in an exquisite manner. And that is of course Tsukune's first awakening. And it was bloody nothing like what happened in this ultimate piece of shit sorry excuse for an anime. I really hope Gonzo paid good money to the manga author for the rights to rape this series and especially rape and mutilate beyond recognition the coolest moment the manga had in this final anime episode. Seriously, this is the first series I watched and am now thinking of not archiving at all. And I even watched and archived series like Soul Link so I do have some perspective.

I seriously hope they won't make a second season. Unless they need to pay more money to the manga author.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 12:13 PM
I can't agree more with Kraco about this one I mean my god that was a trainwreck.

Given episode 10 was still likely the single worst episode this one came in a close second and with a ending like that made a real run for the title. I'm also with you on deleting this pile of trash instead of archiving it. That depends on if the size of the series makes decent filler space wise on a DVD I'm burning anyway though.

All I can say from this series is read the manga people its just WAY better its not even comparable at this point.

I really feel like all I'm doing is bitching about series ends this season but man have they been bad almost across the board this time.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 12:16 PM
Kraco, I agree I'd rather get bent over at the gas pump & fill a suburban then watch this series again. All it has is fanservice/pantsu oh & a loli :S ehh I guess that's what I get for hoping for a good manga translation to anime.

hmm 13 episodes covering 3 to 5 volumes of content "trying to remember, don't have the manga infront of me right now"

Kraco, I'm gonna disagree on 1 thing... I hope there's a 2nd season BUT it has to be done by someone else, and they have to release OVAs to re-tell everything up through the Ruby Arc. but... if they do release more episodes/ovas/movies/whatever & they screw it up this badly again I will swim to japan & shove my shoe up someone's butt then lecture them how they've destroyed a semi decent manga story.

Well I'm back off to work and hope the next anime lineup doesn't have stinkers as bad as this was.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 01:52 PM
Haha, I started deleting it underway aaages ago =P

Shame though, might have to check the manga out. Oh well, thanks for the company/commenting while watching it guys, I doubt we'll see more of this one.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 02:41 PM
I wouldn't bet there won't be a second season to this.

At least the last bad guy was semi-cool with nice features.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 07:52 PM
Just watched the 2 last episodes...man, what wasted potential is what i have to conclude.

The last 2 episodes were all that what i wanted after seeing the first episode...you know, Tskune being the only human, in a different, dangerous world, and therefore having difficulties. But instead they make a series of filler-ish content. Moka´s episodical transformation, the annoying information-bat, and so on.

While the series overall was bad, the last 2 episodes make me want to see a 2nd season. But one question: When Tsukunde saved Moka, he clearly had vampire-powers. At the bed scene, though, he didnt have red eyes. Does or doesnt Tsukune have permanent vampire powers now? I hope so, was too cool to finale see the main character kicking some ass.

Tue, 04-01-2008, 08:48 PM
MFauli, check your PM I messaged you the answer

Wed, 04-02-2008, 06:56 AM
Ah, ok, thx.

Rather lame then ;)

Wed, 04-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Wow, I could not even skim it for 5 minutes.

First off, they play the stupid audience card by explaining what Moka was doing before she did it. She should have just bit him, and let the others think she was taking one last drink of his blood. It looks the same.

Then...suspensefully, Tsukune wakes up and saves her. Instead, we get firm knowledge that what she was about to do would heal him completely, sooner or later.

I don't think I can stomach coming up with more reasons why this series sucked, even without even comparing it to it's original manga. This kind of series (ecchi/harem, monsters, some fighting) writes itself. Especially these kind of scenes.

Ugh. I'm still deciding if Negima! (first series, definitely not the live action) was the worst manga adaptation I've seen or if this now takes the prize.

Board of Command
Wed, 04-02-2008, 08:28 PM
Here's another reason:

They looped that same Kurumu scene (where she was sitting on the bench) at least 6 times.

Wed, 04-02-2008, 09:09 PM
That was terrible. That's all that needs to be said.

edit: but deep down I'm hoping for a good OVA adaptation.

Thu, 04-03-2008, 03:09 AM
They looped that same Kurumu scene (where she was sitting on the bench) at least 6 times.

Heh. When that was happening I actually thought at first there was some video corruption/malfunction in my download... but then I remembered I'm watching Rosario+Vampire.

Thu, 04-03-2008, 03:47 AM
Started the manga. Funnier I would say (Only at chapter 3 now).
Regarding the Bat: it's also there and I would say the anime adaptation follows the principles in the manga.
The characters in the manga look younger than in the anime, the art isn't very consistent, characters seem different from time to time. But it's enjoyable.

Regarding the anime, up to where I am, it ressembles the manga a lot, although the manga is a little more precise in side details. Moka teeth are a lot sharper too :D and this is a real bite too.

As a matter of fact, as crappy as the anime is, it's still enjoyable for someone who did not read the manga. Of course it started pretty slow. towards the end, even if a bit foggy in plot, it was still enjoyable. The main concern is the overload of fanservice and panstu, and at times low animation quality (and other times pretty nice to the eye)

Again, it's only for someone who didn't read the manga and only sought for enjoyment rather than anything else. If you don't hold too much hope, you're not that deceived ;)

Thu, 04-03-2008, 03:58 AM
First off this is my first time posting here so don't take my opinion too seriously.

Normally I'd agree that most anime's when taken at face value aren't too bad if you haven't read the manga and I've checked out the manga for quite a few anime's that have peaked my interest. This was one of such anime. Oh boy did they butcher it. I only watched up to episode 10 or so and was so thoroughly disgusted with the anime I had to drop it.

Its just really a shame that they had to do this to the story line of the much better manga. I would have really enjoyed the series if they had kept it even remotely closer.

Thu, 04-03-2008, 04:53 AM
Btw, what also annoyed me is how Tsukune is such a super-nice guy. I mean...you can be nice AND fuck Kurumu, when she wants you to, like in the very 2nd episode....anyone disagree??? :P

Thu, 04-03-2008, 05:10 AM
Btw, what also annoyed me is how Tsukune is such a super-nice guy. I mean...you can be nice AND fuck Kurumu, when she wants you to, like in the very 2nd episode....anyone disagree??? :P

You can also be a 15 years old that is afraid of his first time...
Plus Kurumu isn't exactly a human... and is so sticky that having sex with her is prone
to trouble. 5 minutes of pleasure (or 30seconds for a 15 year old first timer) and months or years of doom...

Thu, 04-03-2008, 05:20 AM
Plus the one Tsukune likes is Moka. And since he's such a super-nice guy, I don't think he wants to have anyone else. It's too bad every time he tries to get closer to Moka he only gets his blood sucked...

Thu, 04-03-2008, 05:36 AM
Plus the one Tsukune likes is Moka. And since he's such a super-nice guy, I don't think he wants to have anyone else. It's too bad every time he tries to get closer to Moka he only gets his blood sucked...

They are 15...
Plus Blood sucking is pretty much a metaphor for sex... with roles exchanged as in this sex mimic, Moka is Always the lead (usually said to be male) and Tsukune the follower (usually said to be the female)

By the way, when we are able to stand zero no tskua&#239;ma seconde season, R+V isn't that bad. ;)
And I think that a second season can only be better, which would be nice, as it would be the exact opposite to ZnT

Thu, 04-03-2008, 06:01 AM
You can also be a 15 years old that is afraid of his first time...
Plus Kurumu isn't exactly a human...

Which makes her only hotter :P

But yeah, he´s too nice and only wanted Moka, meh.

Thu, 04-03-2008, 06:12 AM
Which makes her only hotter :P

But yeah, he&#180;s too nice and only wanted Moka, meh.

Only now he wants both Mokas. It would be interesting, if Dark Moka and Moka had conflicting ideas, and Tsukune had to pick one to agree with.

Thu, 04-03-2008, 06:34 AM
Well, the concept of the 2 different Mokas is actually something i dont like so much.
In the first episode it was said, that the Rosario is there to supress Moka´s real powers.
Now there are 2 personalities.
Supressing powers shouldnt create different personalities.
And even then the series takes it rather light-heartedly...i mean...the captured Moka is actually the real Moka, while the Moka we see most of the time is a artificial personality, created to get along with other people....hm...

Thu, 04-03-2008, 09:18 AM
I actually think Moka's two personalities is a very good part of the story. Of course it wasn't really explored that much (the anime didn't divert in that from the manga), but it could potentially allow some really interesting history for Moka. Now we only know she was in the human world in a human school and was apparently bullied but it's safe to assume she was there as the airhead Moka, not as the super vampire Moka.

Like I said, nothing has been said so far in the scanlated manga, so I'm only speculating but perhaps Moka has some really dark history that forced her to become the kickboxer super vampire. Yet I very much doubt that is her dream personality, that is, something she really wanted to be, as made evident by the nature of the rosary suppressed Moka. For example, if we take some really miserable place on Earth, like Burma or Afghanistan, there could be any number of men there that became merciless and highly efficient killers yet if they had lived somewhere else, they could have happily became good doctors or gardeners or who knows what. Perhaps Moka escaped whatever past she had by getting the Rosary and starting to go to schools. It would have been a shortcut in changing herself but since we are talking about monsters and magic, why not...

Thu, 04-03-2008, 12:15 PM
The last two episodes were much better than the rest of the series. If only the whole series was serious, it'd would've been a decent one.

Are there plans for another season?

Thu, 04-03-2008, 12:32 PM
Kraco, there's a very little bit about inner Moka's past in the 2nd series of the manga, chapter 3 I think.

Also within some of the manga she admits the vampires by nature are warlike creatures

Thu, 04-03-2008, 03:59 PM
By the way, when we are able to stand zero no tskua&#239;ma seconde season, R+V isn't that bad. ;)
And I think that a second season can only be better, which would be nice, as it would be the exact opposite to ZnT
...maybe not, and would certainly be a bad omen toward more decent source material-turned-shit-anime since a third season of Zero no Tsukaima has been announced (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=9200).

Not to mention that though bastardized, ZnT was a lot closer to it's own source material for a great deal of the two seasons. Sure, they stumbled a bit at the end of each one, but nowhere near as badly as the end of this was. ZnT was a series of novels. R+V is a manga. It's already storyboarded. No reason to fuck up what's already "directed" out better than the pile of crap these last episodes have been.

Thu, 04-03-2008, 10:34 PM
Well, this anime was epic fail. :( I was hoping it could end somewhat decently but it ended up with Moka just doing the same fighting crap over and over after reviving Tsukune.


I think I'm going to read the manga. You guys have good things to say about it and I liked the characters in the series so might be worth the read.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 12:24 AM
Of all the series that didn't really need a sequel


Fri, 04-04-2008, 01:27 AM
Lol, WHAT? It just finishes airing, and they grant permission for a second season without so much as looking at DVD sales feedback. What are they thinking?

Fri, 04-04-2008, 01:36 AM
Lol, WHAT? It just finishes airing, and they grant permission for a second season without so much as looking at DVD sales feedback. What are they thinking?

Japanese men like panties thats about all I can say.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 01:58 AM
It will continue the story of the first 13-episode series...

At least they had the decency to say it continues the story of the first anime season. After all, it failed to follow the story of the manga...

For the first time in my life I've to judge the Japanese men like pantsu a little bit too much if even a series like this is a success.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 08:06 AM
ANN said that they'll introduce more characters from the manga AND anime exclusive ones too....sounds like its just going to be the same filler stuff in this new season.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 09:38 AM
My Money is on the new character will be his cousin he was talking to on the cell phone in episode 1 that's already classified as a new anime exclusive character.

if I watch the 2nd season it'll be because the lineup then sux & I need something to pass my time. :) who knows it might be good for a laugh at that time, even though I hold no hope for it redeeming itself on the storyline.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 09:50 AM
Oh hell, why not I suppose...

Might pick up the manga so I can compare the two.

Sun, 10-05-2008, 04:42 AM
I revive this thread with the first ep from season 2:
Let empty eps and ecchiness prevail!

[Chihiro] Rosario to Vampire Capu2 01 [h264][4E1054EB] mkv 229Mb @ Mininova (http://www.mininova.org/get/1877042)

Sun, 10-05-2008, 07:31 AM
The series never follows the manga (which given how they butchered the first season, it might be better if they went with an original slant like the producers of To-Love-Ru did), the series is fairly vapid, the background music obnoxious, and there are more panty shots than Najica, but for some strange reason, I watch it anyway.

The series is stupid fun, and despite all the faults in the story, the series has earned a reputation for excellent animation, and the cast is really strong. Nothing has changed here, the series is perhaps one of the best animated of the season so far. Mizuki Nana's range covers the dual personalities of Moka excellently, and the rest of the cast is still perfect for all of their roles.

...and despite her being a total bitch, she's still drawn cute, and there's finally a place for that fucking bat (apparently her pet) other than being annoying as hell. We got to see her squeeze the hell out of it, much to my satisfaction.

Sun, 10-05-2008, 07:33 AM
The series never follows the manga (which given how they butchered the first season, it might be better if they went with an original slant like the producers of To-Love-Ru did), the series is fairly vapid, the background music obnoxious, and there are more panty shots than Najica, but for some strange reason, I watch it anyway.

The series is stupid fun, and despite all the faults in the story, the series has earned a reputation for excellent animation, and the cast is really strong. Nothing has changed here, the series is perhaps one of the best animated of the season so far. Mizuki Nana's range covers the dual personalities of Moka excellently, and the rest of the cast is still perfect for all of their roles.

...and despite her being a total bitch, she's still drawn cute, and there's finally a place for that fucking bat (apparently her pet) other than being annoying as hell. We got to see her squeeze the hell out of it, much to my satisfaction.

I think part of the reason was the crappy raws. Animation may have been good last season, but the dodgy upscale killed it. You're almost making me interested again though Ryll.

Almost. :)

Sun, 10-05-2008, 07:51 AM
The ending's animation is quite nice.

Sun, 10-05-2008, 09:03 PM
The ending was the best part of the episode. Do they use some kind of motion capturing for the animations? They are like...real-life-like. Looks really similiar to some of the dancing-animations in Macross Frontier.

Anyway, WHAT was it with all those panty-shots?!? I may be wrong but i cant remember that from season one. Was kind of annyoing.
Also, the whole point of the series was to..."reveal" that the new girl is Moka&#180;s sister. I havent read the manga, but i instantly just knew that she&#180;d be her sister, from the very first scene on. Kind of non-climatic. And why did Moka beat up the two monster-boys? It was her sister who caused the trouble, the boy only reacted. Sigh

Seriously, they should just turn this into a straight-forward hentai-series, and it would be better. Also, over and over repeated transformation-sequences are so 1997. We&#180;re in 2008, i dont want to see it in every single episode...well, i guess i&#180;ll have to bear with it...

Sun, 10-05-2008, 11:35 PM
The pantsu shots were alright just as prevalent in season 1. And it seems they grew no wiser with season 2. It must have taken them now all 3 seconds from the beginning to show Moka's pantsu... It's ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as the thinking faculties of the director of this show. I can't really explain why I even watching this episode, but it must have been just to see how badly they raped the story this time and how deeply they turned it into another idiotic pantsu fest. And they truly did.

I guess I'll go back to waiting for the manga chapters, however slowly they are released. Such woe.

Sun, 10-05-2008, 11:35 PM
TAnyway, WHAT was it with all those panty-shots?!? I may be wrong but i cant remember that from season one. Was kind of annyoing.

If they did anything successfully in S1, it was pantsu.

I'm hearing all this stuff about good ending. Are we referring to the ending of Season 1 here, or the ending sequence for S2?

Mon, 10-06-2008, 01:43 AM
If they did anything successfully in S1, it was pantsu.

I'm hearing all this stuff about good ending. Are we referring to the ending of Season 1 here, or the ending sequence for S2?

The episode has a very flashy Poppy ending for it. This is likely actually the opening for the show but its at the end of Capu 2 episode 1. Oh yeah and as for pantsu this episode absolutely destroyed any record for pantsu shots S1 could have hoped to hold it was completely out of control. Heck the "preview" at the end is done over a background of 2 shaking asses of course this was the one instance they managed to avoid a panty shot.

That ending aside this was pretty terrible its clear they are not doing anything different then episode 1 so unless your goal is to watch a mindless harem I would likely pass on this.

Here is a Youtube link to the ending they are talking about.

Mon, 10-06-2008, 02:39 AM
wow that ending they must be useing some brand new TEC or something it almost looks like cgi but im not sure and even if it is its silky smooth id like to see a whole show animated like that or something but with COMBAT!

Mon, 10-06-2008, 02:41 AM
Well. I must commend them for the ED or OP sequence, which ever it is. It's as you guys said, good animation, and the song was pretty well suited. They actually managed to make the girls appealing without flashing breasts or underwear. (Well not much compared to what they usually do anyway).

Tue, 10-07-2008, 03:29 AM
Based on the framerate and accuracy of the animation it looks like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotoscoping to me.

It's not a fun process.

I don't think I can be bothered with the second series though.. *waves farewell*

Wed, 10-08-2008, 06:33 PM
Strangley enough, if you like the OP/ED (whichever it is, I'm assuming ED) from the first episode, the single was out before the series aired. Unlike most OP/ED, we don't have to wait until the series is almost over to get the songs.

[Nipponsei] Mizuki Nana - Trickster (mp3 - 320 bitrate) (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Rosario%20to%20Vampire%20Capu2%2 0OP%20ED%20Single%20-%20DISCOTHEQUE%20%5BMizuki%20Nana%5D.zip.torrent)
[LonE] Mizuki Nana - Trickster (.flac Lossless) (http://losslessone.fansub-torrents.com/%5BLonE%5D_Mizuki_Nana_-_Rosario_to_Vampire_CAPU2_OP_ED_Single_-_Trickster_%5Bw_scans%5D_(FLAC).rar.torrent)

The ED is the second track, DISCOTHEQUE.

I don't know if the Nipponsei version has the album scans (they usually do) because I downloaded the lossless version which had them as well.

Sun, 10-12-2008, 07:58 AM
[Chihiro]​_Rosario​_to​_Vampire​_Capu2​_02​_[XviD][C1EA8551].avi (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=35874)

[Chihiro]​_Rosario​_to​_Vampire​_Capu2​_02​_[h264][21C2555C].​mkv (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=35755)

Sun, 10-12-2008, 09:27 AM
lol @ Marik and his bold, Italic links (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=402033&postcount=203)

Sun, 10-12-2008, 09:54 AM
I like the way it looks. If it bothers anyone, I'll change it.

Sun, 10-12-2008, 09:56 AM
I really don't care, to be honest.

I'll let you get back to your capuchuu discussion...:)

Sun, 10-12-2008, 12:19 PM
Fair enough, I will start.

I wonder why exactly that Moka needed to have her power bound, while Kokoa still does not. Where Moka has the absurd strength that we are supposed to associate with vampires, Kokoa seems only to have it enough to lift the huge weapons the damn bat turns into. Dark Moka easily overcomes Kokoa's unbound strength. They are no longer that different in terms of age, so why does Kokoa not share the same level?

Perhaps it has to do with their different mothers.

Also, any guesses on the eldest sisters names? Hazelnut? Mousse? Yoo-hoo?

Tue, 10-14-2008, 11:38 AM
Wasn't Moka before this monster academy in a normal school for humans? I think in such a place it would be pretty much impossible to not appear suspicious if you had such power all the time turned on. Why she still sticks to it after joining the demon academy is another question, but I reckon she doesn't want to abandon anymore her gentle and happy outer Moka personality. The sealed Moka is rather more monster like personality compared to it, and, who knows, much less happy.

Tue, 10-14-2008, 05:01 PM
Moka sticks with it at Youkai Academy because it is the cardinal rule (that everyone breaks). The academy was introduced as a place where young monsters can learn safely and not in the fear of human discovery while they learn to blend in. There was a page or two where they showed Tsukune doing very well in some classes because he already *is* human.

I don't think Dark Moka is that unhappy, there are scenes where she shows a slightly softer side, or little touches of how much she actually treasures Tsukune's friendship. She may pass it off as the other Moka's personality, but in the end, they are the same person. She's just cold, reflected by her power, ego, and rank within the monster world.

Still doesn't explain why Kokoa never got the same absurd burst in power that Moka has, requiring her to be locked down.

Wed, 10-15-2008, 11:16 PM
A little late on the uptake, but m33w is doing a joint with Ayako, for those that dislike Chihiro for archiving.
[Ayako-m.3.3.w.] Rosario + Vampire Capu2 - 01 (h264) (http://forum.anirena.com/viewtracker.php?action=download&id=14963)
[Ayako-m.3.3.w.] Rosario + Vampire Capu2 - 01 (xvid) (http://forum.anirena.com/viewtracker.php?action=download&id=14964)

Sat, 10-18-2008, 07:10 AM
[Chihiro]_Rosario_to_Vampire_Capu2_03_[h264][7485EA2D].mkv (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=36491)

[Chihiro]​_Rosario​_to​_Vampire​_Capu2​_03​_[XviD][B6EB00A9].avi (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=36719)


Also, bad news. Tokyo-MX censored this episode, and will probably continue to. There are no uncensored channels left, so we’re forced to release censored. The good news is this may make for earlier releases, since neither we nor chinese need to wait for unsubbed. Bad news is that we all want panties.

Also, this is from a transport stream instead of a share raw, so it should look better.

Sat, 10-18-2008, 07:31 AM
I have no idea what there is to censor in the first place. I mean, they did always have panties, didn't they? It's not like we would have got an upskirt with no pantsu.

Sat, 10-18-2008, 08:02 AM
It used to be uncensored by two TV stations and censored by the other two stations. Now it's censored by all four. Panties will now be covered by bats. They'll zoom way in on some scenes or way out also. Here are some comparisons from the 1st ep.

Sat, 10-18-2008, 08:07 AM
When a series that is all panty shots loses the panty shots...what justice is left in this world? The whole plot lines of the anime have been for setting up each successive situation where the audience will either get a panty shot or something even more suggestive, while the manga has more of a plot and less focus on the ecchi.

At least one good thing came out of the series. The title track on the OP/ED single, Trickster, is a really catchy song, moreso than the OP or ED.

Sat, 10-18-2008, 08:47 AM
Lol, there goes my reason for ever considering the second season.

Sat, 10-18-2008, 08:50 AM
Here are some comparisons from the 1st ep.

That's it. Series dropped. I hated that fucking bat in the first place, and now I'm supposed to watch it in all the 202 pantsu shots per episode? Right. A seppuku would be far less painful.

Sat, 10-18-2008, 03:27 PM
Censorship for pantyshots, but the face to sex wasn't censored... go figure.

Mon, 11-24-2008, 01:29 PM
this is another anime that i watched before reading. i actually came across it on youtube one day when i was just aimlessly browsing. there arent too many episodes, which kinda saddens me, there's always room for more evil moka san, and absolutely Mizore Shirayuki. i did end up liking the manga more though, the finishing kick of vampire moka does get old, but its amusing nonetheless. wish there were more episodes, and for all who haven't seen or watched the anime, its worth seeing. only a few episodes

Thu, 12-18-2008, 04:15 PM
I actually did the same thing,i happened upon it just browsing You-tube and loved it. For some reason the bat amuses, i remember one episode he just flies across the screen and goes "I'm a bat!" lol

Sun, 12-28-2008, 04:18 PM
[Chihiro] Rosario to Vampire Capu2 13 [h264][639DE728] mkv 230.1 MB @ Mininova (http://www.mininova.org/get/2128298)
Last ep for season 2.

Loads of pantyshots again

Wed, 07-22-2009, 04:14 PM
Did this anime turn out to be somewhat watchable?

I remember that I watched the first 3 eps or so, when that little witch joined the party
so I probably missed the best character in the series (the girl with the lollipop in her mouth, at least 4chan seems to like her so much :P)

and when I browsed on you-tube I came across the opening of season 2 with a different song and was really amazed by it


this sounds/looks really cool.
So is this show entertaining? I'm not really expecting drama, just some carefree comedy.

btw they really did a *great* job with the opening animation, didn't they?

Wed, 07-22-2009, 05:17 PM
I thought the first season was horrible. I think Ryll said the second season turned out better, but I never gave it a chance.

Wed, 07-22-2009, 06:08 PM
I thought the first season was horrible. I think Ryll said the second season turned out better, but I never gave it a chance.
The first season was okay...until they trucated something like 2 volumes of the manga into two episodes. It was usually pacing about one long chapter each episode. Then they just sort of butchered it.

The second season looked like it was going to be better, largely because they were just sort of going with it, and managed to make a more smooth adaptation of smashing the final arcs of the first series (R+V) with character from the second series (R+V II).

Unfortunately, they crippled the second season with terrible censorship, far exceeding the light or at the very least creative censorship of the first season. So if you are going to watch it at all, make sure they are DVD rips. As I said, when a series only has ecchi going for it, censoring out the ecchi destroys the series.

Thu, 07-23-2009, 04:18 AM
uff I know what you mean, I dled ep 11 from ayako+meew just now..

the censorship is *really* horrible...extremely ugly and extremely large sized "stickers"
hmmm... which group subbed the DVD?

I found a german subbing group
it says R+V Capu2 1-13 Uncut. I guess that means it's uncensored?

edit: oh cool it's uncensored

Sat, 10-24-2009, 12:21 PM
I want to download this, and am thinking of getting both seasons from Ayako and co but i've read that both seasons are heavily censored.

Should i try to get DVD rips instead? If so, any suggestions?

Sat, 10-24-2009, 12:53 PM
Or you could not waste precious disk space. But if you do want to..then I say go for the DVD Rips.

Sat, 10-24-2009, 05:08 PM
Or you could not waste precious disk space. But if you do want to..then I say go for the DVD Rips.
I agree, don't waste the space. Read the two manga series instead. If you need voices...the cast is pretty good, but you will regret watching the series no matter what order (manga first or anime first).

Sat, 10-24-2009, 05:11 PM
It's that bad? O_o

Someone recommended it to me... should i hurt him?

Sat, 10-24-2009, 06:07 PM
In comparison to the manga, yes. I had a lot of faith in this series, and here's a non-spoiler excerpt from this thread.

[Concerning eps 10]That's right, this was vaguely an entire volume of manga crammed into a single episode. This arc of the manga was pretty good, one of the better ones the series had to offer, but they really turned it to shit.

Now, I can honestly say that this has been one of the worst adaptations of a pretty decent manga. Still, it's certainly not Negima! (or Negima? or Negima Live Action). So far, it's probably been around the levels of Black Cat.The manga has ecchi moments, and the earlier parts are very monster-of-the-week. However, the anime is godawful. They throw in as much fanservice as possible, most of which wasn't there in the first place, and drag the series down further. The casting was great, and that's really all you can actually say in any complementary means. The animation is quite high quality, but it degrades very very quickly in the later half. They cut out huge swaths of content as well.

Don't waste your time.