View Full Version : Naruto Shippuden Episode 35

Thu, 11-22-2007, 10:10 PM
DB's release. (http://www.dattebayo.com/t/ns035.torrent)

Edit: Another frikking long episode, though the name calling part from Sai was fun.
Slightly better animation too. Nice and crispy.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 12:44 AM
For a non-action episode it was very good.

Animation was superb. Liked the shadows and everything.

And LOL at Sai pissing off Sakura as well.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 01:30 AM
What is it, Shippuden or Shippuuden?

Fri, 11-23-2007, 02:04 AM
From the hiragana spelling, 疾風伝 = しっぷうでん = Shippuuden.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 02:37 AM
'Kay, some mod has to change the title then, if it's necessary...

Fri, 11-23-2007, 03:47 AM
Most people spell it as Shippuden, and wiki spells it as Shippūden. I'm not sure what the 'ū' is supposed to mean though.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 04:52 AM
It just means it's a long "u". Just like if you wrote it "uu".

I think wikipedia writes "ou" as "ō", in a similar fashion.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:20 AM
Hmm, Naruto has already been up to 4 tails eh, and he almost killed Jirayia when he did it. That was the most interesting part of this episode.

Man, 4 tails already. Feels like things are moving ahead too fast! I didn't even really get to see 2 and 3 tails in action!

Fri, 11-23-2007, 07:32 AM
this was one of the best episodes ever!

i have to admit that there was just very little action, but still the animation and details (story/character design/movement/shadows etc.) were so good that i enjoyed it more than 95% of the other naruto-episodes...

and it was very funny too... and man, is it just me or does someone else think that naruto starts to get somehow skilled.. until now i always thought about naruto beeing a 12 year old but in this episode he looked cool... so did sakura too..

the Root-Anbu who talked to Sai was very cool too ^^ and yamato seems to be an interesting character (i started to like him in first episode he appeared... his teleport move was badass)

Fri, 11-23-2007, 09:30 AM
This was a pretty good episode. No action but none was needed because any story needs portions like this as well. It was also established that Sai has no intention whatsoever to become friends with the other two members of the team. Jolly good. I hope he will continue to launch lines like that also in the future. It'll keep things more dynamic.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 10:49 AM
Well. Based on the ending sequence, I say we will keep seeing so.
Sai is just awesome, despite the clothes.

Yamato must be thinking: "why me?"

Fri, 11-23-2007, 11:35 AM
Man, 4 tails already. Feels like things are moving ahead too fast! I didn't even really get to see 2 and 3 tails in action!

What do you mean you didn't even really get to see 2 and 3 tails. Either you did or you didn't and you didn't.

this was one of the best episodes ever!

.and it was very funny too... and man, is it just me or does someone else think that naruto starts to get somehow skilled.. until now i always thought about naruto beeing a 12 year old but in this episode he looked cool... so did sakura too..

the Root-Anbu who talked to Sai was very cool too ^^ and yamato seems to be an interesting character (i started to like him in first episode he appeared... his teleport move was badass)

This was an okay episode, the animation keeps getting better and better but this episode was just average.

Its just you and he is 15 now that is all, I didn't see him do anything in this episode that would cause you to think that he is "somehow skilled."

Was that all it took for you to like him, a "teleport move."

Fri, 11-23-2007, 12:08 PM
This was a great episode, I daresay it was the best in all of Shippuuden so far. Yeah it had no action. But there were so many interesting things that it didn't really matter: I liked it more then the awfully stretched Sakura / Chiyo vs. Sasori where they would re-use the same material over and over again. This episode just didn't feel stretched at all, even though it was going on at a rather slow pace.

Naruto almost killing Jiraiya when he got four tails was very interesting as well. Humongous scar on his chest, omg.

And you know Abdula, just because you're in love with Sai doesn't mean you have to copy his annoying behaviour. It's pathetic.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 12:17 PM
the Root-Anbu who talked to Sai was very cool too ^^

Yeah, especially when he almost killed a cat with his kunai. :o

Fri, 11-23-2007, 12:56 PM
And you know Abdula, just because you're in love with Sai doesn't mean you have to copy his annoying behaviour. It's pathetic.

Lol, I'm not in love with Sai and I'm not trying to imitate him, or I would call you a useless, dickless pantywaist too. I just think that because the last arc was really stretched out and the animation was poorly done in some episodes that everyone is getting all excited just because the anime is just beginning to get back on track like it was in the beginning. No one seems to remember how good the animation was in the beginning of the Gaara arc when Naruto and the others were still in the village and the Gaara vs Deidara battle but whatever albeit its a little better now than it was then.

Oh and all I said was that Naruto hadn't shown any exceptional increase in skill especially in this episode sure he has gotten better but that is to be expected from not only being older but from have 3 years more experience as a ninja under his belt. I expected a lot more from Naruto and I'm sure you all did too I mean look at what Gaara accomplished in the same amount of time, so I would have thought that Naruto being a Jinchuuriki and a more powerful one at that would have been better than what he is presently.

The only thing you people could've possibly found insulting was my questioning whether KrayZ33 could like someone simply because he could use a "teleport move." I like Yamato too but not because of some teleport move, because he seems to be an extremely strong ninja and his personality is very similar to Kakashi's which is what I would expect from ninja and a former Anbu member, he doesn't stand out and he doesn't draw attention to himself plus Kakashi was either his teacher/mentor or lead a squad he was part of at some point which is why he refers to him as senpai so I would expect a lot from him.

@Psyke: That was funny but there was obviously someone there and it seems it might have been Yamato.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 01:36 PM
What do you mean you didn't even really get to see 2 and 3 tails. Either you did or you didn't and you didn't.Because he had two tails, but you didn't get to really see them in action, because Kakashi sealed him before he got to do much. Hence "I didn't even really get to see 2 and 3 tails in action!"

I hope this explanation allows you to sleep at night.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 03:08 PM
All people need to know about this episode is that Sai called Sakura an ugly bitch.


Fri, 11-23-2007, 04:14 PM
Always so bitter and resentful.

Guess they covered the other danzou stuff in this episode after all.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 04:55 PM
Always so bitter and resentful.

Well I've had a horrible life so as a result I have a very nasty disposition besides that I've had to become a very cold and calculating person just to survive and since I was that way since I was about 3 I don't have a lot of practice dealing with people. Plus not having emotions beyond the anger and resentment I use to motivate myself doesn't allow me to understand other people well. I hold myself and the people around me to a ridiculously high perhaps unattainable standard and I criticize absolutely everything in the hopes the perfection will somehow make up for all the crap that has happened in my life.

Understanding me is impossible and anyone who assumes they know anything about me beyond what I've told them really aggravates me. Sorry if people never understand my words or my intentions because that is simply due to lack of experience.

Anyway, I'm beginning to think that that is when the stuff about Danzou was first mentioned in Tsunade's conversation with Sakura because Shizune and the others already knew about him.

They only made the Danzou/Root situation more confusing because in the last episode they said root was disbanded and it is obvious from the conversation Sai had with the root member that that is not true. Especially because Tsunade said "Danzou is the leader of a powerful military faction and Sai's superior."

Fri, 11-23-2007, 05:24 PM
Great episode, the story is actually interesting. Heres hoping that it doesn't get destroyed by slow pacing and terrible extra "fights".

Oh ya...

Well I've had a horrible life so as a result I have a very nasty disposition besides that I've had to become a very cold and calculating person just to survive and since I was that way since I was about 3 I don't have a lot of practice dealing with people. Plus not having emotions beyond the anger and resentment I use to motivate myself doesn't allow me to understand other people well. I hold myself and the people around me to a ridiculously high perhaps unattainable standard and I criticize absolutely everything in the hopes the perfection will somehow make up for all the crap that has happened in my life.

I'm sure your life has been real rough. Reason enough to be a dick-wad full time!

If an entire post of yours is there to argue and tell people that their OPINIONS are wrong then you are simply trolling. Trying to make people sympathize with your "horrible" life won't change that.

The real answer here is that if you are using your past as an excuse then you don't really want to change. Like Janusz said, pathetic.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 05:44 PM
Off-topic clean up.

All pertinent Naruto related points of this post have been preserved

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:11 PM
Yeah I got to admit, stories ar developing in this ep. But still, very slooow.
Somebody bad repped me, but left no reason. I suck now, thank you.

Sirs, you use a forum to talk about certain topics. Stay on them.
If y'all really need to do this, start a new thread or, for my part, post in the bitching thread.

Get back on topic. Everybody.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:16 PM
My question is whether Root was disbanded or not although the answer seems to be an obvious no but they it is and one episode later it isn't. What do you think?

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:17 PM
Was there something here besides off-topic rambling...?

Probably would have been better for you two to take your little, completely unrelated to Naruto, squabbling to PMs or the Flame Pit. That way I don't get to delete it

Warned for offtopicness

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:21 PM
I think DB is doing some bad subbing as the story they present to us coincides between episodes. I don't know the actual story, don't read the manga's.

I'm going to keep this to two posts for all involved. <3

Thank you.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:39 PM
i think the best part of the episode was the end credits when they advertised next weeks double episode, i love those. and hopefully things are going to get crazy really soon

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:40 PM
the animation this ep really was leaps and bounds better than usual. probably about on par with ep 1.

when people talked it was often much more than just animated lips. things like that. I hope they keep this up.. but alas..

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:47 PM
On topic. Whether you read the manga or not doesn't matter its just something I was wondering because it effects Danzou's motivations and what role Sai is going to play in the future. Speaking of Sai I think he fits in with the group better than Sasuke did. Sasuke was always the cool guy who never really said much outside of battle. Sai is an outspoken opinionated person although that may all just be an act but he definitely fits in with Sakura and Naruto even if they don’t get along.

the animation this ep really was leaps and bounds better than usual. probably about on par with ep 1.

when people talked it was often much more than just animated lips. things like that. I hope they keep this up.. but alas..
As long as they don’t draw out battles like they did in the last arc it’ll be okay because that was unnecessary and poorly done especially when you consider that they were talking breaks everyone couple weeks.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Sai fits better in than Sasuke? Not a chance. Sasuke was loved by Sakura and admired by Naruto. On the other hand Sasuke was grateful to Sakura and saw Naruto as someone worth competing with, in the end. The only thing that kept Sasuke apart was the fact he had a single goal that had nothing to do with the team.

Sai, however, very much looks like he wants to stay apart and in somewhat hostile or at least not friendly terms with the others. I suppose it could be related to the secret mission he got from Root. Maybe it will require him to betray the rest of the team (abandon them or something at some point, or even get rid of Naruto, who knows, or snatch Sasuke for their own purposes). It's not like Sai would have appeared that social even in his very first scene, but any person with half a brain could mix better in if he wanted, which means he doesn't.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 07:09 PM
Okay but I talking about how outspoken and opinionated the three of them are but you are right although I don't remember Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura getting along when they first met.
I don't think that Sai doesn't want to mix I just think he doesn't know how, remember he is/was a part of root and they didn't show emotions at all not even smiles so I think he just doesn't know how to get along with them. I think Sai would've been far more inconspicuous if he did fit in with the group because then they would be more likely to trust him and not pay so much attention to the fact that he has a secret mission.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 07:25 PM
@ Abdula: Kay, what I think is that Root is indeed disbanded and still secretly active. Also, obviously others have a say besides the Hokage and decide to add someone from Root to team Kakashi. Danzou probably has ties with either one and persuaded them to do this or are part of this. Dunno what but I'll see.

As for Sai, he's carrying around a book from his childhood. Which means he still has some emotion. And for Naruto being Naruto he'll probably touch Sai's heart sooner or later.

Just stating the obvious.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 07:43 PM
I don't think anybody would call people dickless wussies and ugly bitches knowing what those words mean and still thinking it's the normal way of talking to team mates.

Using reverse psychology this approach might be a good one for Sai if he indeed at some points need to do something nefarious. Because this way Naruto and Sakura will have other things to occupy their minds than trying to chat to him and probe about his past. And knowing Naruto, especially, he will be too hotheaded and angry to even consider Sai might be just keeping him occupied for special purposes.

Or maybe Sai is just uber arrogant and a real bastard, and he doesn't bother to try to please people that he might consider to be of no use to him. While I hope there's some dark plot behind everything, I also hope Sai was just being honestly himself. That would ensure we will get more funny scenes in the future.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 07:53 PM
I hope that is the real Sai too because he is funny as hell. I don’t think Sai has to waste any of his time trying to distract Naruto and Sakura they are completely preoccupied with getting Sasuke back. One thing I found funny about Shippuden is that Naruto still flinches every time Sasuke’s name is mentioned.

@ Abdula: Kay, what I think is that Root is indeed disbanded and still secretly active. Also, obviously others have a say besides the Hokage and decide to add someone from Root to team Kakashi. Danzou probably has ties with either one and persuaded them to do this or are part of this. Dunno what but I'll see.

As for Sai, he's carrying around a book from his childhood. Which means he still has some emotion. And for Naruto being Naruto he'll probably touch Sai's heart sooner or later.

Just stating the obvious.

For someone reason I never thought of that. The idea that a secret society could exist in peace loving village like the leaf just never crossed my mind, maybe if it was the sand or the mist but that definitely explains a lot.

Its obvious that the two elders don't like Tsunade , I think they were Sarutobi's former teammates, which would also be another connection they have with Danzou but I don't think they would plot to overthrow Tsunade but they is no indication that that is Danzou's intention. You are right though the three of them seem to all have their own plans for the village and they are definitely going to do whatever they deem fit whether they have to go over Tsunade's head or not.

This reminds me of Chiyo and her sister but instead of isolating themselves from the sand village as those two did they are taking an active role in it and trying to effect actual change to get the village to be what they want it to be. The village must have been really strong when the third was hokage because not only were all three Sannin still a part of the village but the fourth Hokage, The white fang(Kakashi's father) and the Uchiha clan was still alive.

That is the one thing I dislike the most about Naruto "This mysterious power he has." First it was Haku, then Neji and Gaara even Tsunade and Jiraiya and now Chiyo as well. I really don't like that, yeah he is a nice guy and he is very likable but this softening peoples hearts thing sucks. Well atleast it doesn't work on Sasuke so I can be happy about that.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 08:13 PM
For someone reason I never thought of that. The idea that a secret society could exist in peace loving village like the lead just never crossed my mind,maybe if it was the sand or the mist but that definitely explains a lot.
How childish the series might be, we're still talking about Shinobi's here, so expect the unexpected. :p

This reminds me of Chiyo and her sister...
I think you mean Chiyo and brother right?

And yeah, I guess the whole special power thing is a little bit soapie, but his attitude kinda makes up for it. And Í don't pay much attention to it really.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 08:35 PM
Idk if anyone answered this yet but Roots was "disbanded" officially but I guess the members just chose to continue following Danzou.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 08:48 PM
Yes I meant brother. I know we are talking about shinobi its just that when looking at Naruto it is rather easy to forget, and the leaf village is far more peaceful and civil than I would expect a ninja village to be. We haven't seen many other villages other than the leaf but from what I saw of the sand village I think that in most of the other villages the ninja:civilian ratio is higher. Anyway it looks like the show is going to have a more serious tone in future so that should be good.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 08:55 PM
The only thing you people could've possibly found insulting was my questioning whether KrayZ33 could like someone simply because he could use a "teleport move." I like Yamato too but not because of some teleport move, because he seems to be an extremely strong ninja and his personality is very similar to Kakashi's which is what I would expect from ninja and a former Anbu member, he doesn't stand out and he doesn't draw attention to himself plus Kakashi was either his teacher/mentor or lead a squad he was part of at some point which is why he refers to him as senpai so I would expect a lot from him.

@Psyke: That was funny but there was obviously someone there and it seems it might have been Yamato.

actually the fact that hes a member of ANBU and his appearance in front of tsunade was making him look cool yes.... (for me its enough i m easily satisfied and i don't mind it :P)
and what makes you think that he is strong? he doesn look strong in his normal clothing, in fact he looks like a jerk with his eyes..

and well...kakashi is also the teacher of naruto/sakura etc. and still they don't look like they are strong, do they?

in addition to that i would like to say that it was not the skills naruto used that made him look a bit more like an adult.. it was the animation-style. for example when he left the house in the end of the episode or when he introduced himself to sai (btw funny sequence).

compare these scene with the one when kakashi used the seal on naruto and the demon fox... he looked like a clown to me..
+ he seems to be moving differently now.. maybe just my imagination but he seems to be more lazy and i kinda like that
(its the same with shikamaru... arms shrinked behind the head or hands in his jeans... well maybe he did that before allrdy but somehow it looks different now.

also very funny in this episode: the part when the root-boss (danzou?) moved all the way (like 10 seconds) to tsunade just to flame her and move away again (10 seconds) the question from Shizune "isn't it time for you to go Sakura?" did underline all this xD

Fri, 11-23-2007, 10:17 PM
Maybe sai just likes seeing the reactions people make, considering that he himself is devoid of emotions.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 10:49 PM
he has prolly lived in isolation all his life to train and has no social skills at all. remember he said facial expressions are hard for him? his clothes aren't exactly socially accepted either. he just doesn't have a clue.

or maybe saying that kind of stuff to people gets him off.

either way its pretty funny.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 12:00 AM
I agree I think he just doesn't have a clue but it could be both because he definitely seems to be enjoying himself, I'm not basing this on anything though.

@KrayZ33: I think we can all agree that the animation now is way better than it was during the Gaara rescue arc. I think it was bad wording on your part though because better animation can't make Naruto more skillful, I just wanted you to explain your reasoning about that. Would've been nice if it had come earlier but I "guess" we all have lives.

The term teacher is used very loosely because in my opinion the only one Kakashi taught was Sasuke, he didn't teach Naruto or Sakura anymore than Guy taught Neji so I guess a better term to use would be trainer. I like how everyone is talking about the humor now because it is something that the series lost nearing the end of I don't know what the best term to use would be but I would say the first half of the show. Some of the fillers were very funny but they were fillers so I don't really count them and the humor then was very juvenile although one could say the same about the humor now but now its directed at a more adult audience which in my opinion should have been the target audience for Naruto in the first place.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 01:01 AM
The social skills thing is funny. Most of us don't learn to call other people "dickless pansies" and such from a book. You mostly get that through social encounters. What makes him different from other swearing characters is that he acts all polite, and it come out of nowhere (as well as very provoking). It's interesting that someone mentioned Yamato was actually spying in that tree when the kunai hit. I had the impression that he thought Tsunade's suspicion was too much. But he's ANBU, so following orders is his job.

Another reason that Naruto might seem more mature now is what he's doing around the village. In the older seasons, we was seen running around all the time, and talking about training and stuff, kind of like a kid with an obsession. Now he's seen walking, not running, mostly, and is socializing like older teenagers. Lazy was correct in a sense.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 01:09 AM
Yeah that was me and I'm pretty sure it was Yamato especially since Tsunade and Shizune were waiting for him and he showed up late without a reason and she just shrugged it off indicating that she might have actually sent him to spy on Sai or he might have just done it on his own. Naruto is still a kid with an obsession he just believes now for some reason that he has gotten so much better because of his training with Jiraiya but as we've all seen he hasn't and he definitely has a rude awakening coming his way.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 07:18 AM
Maybe sai just likes seeing the reactions people make, considering that he himself is devoid of emotions.

So you are saying that he is a typical teen hellbent on shock value? Sounds like any artist of that age that I know. Works for me.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 11:53 AM
I think he does it to prove what terrible ninjas they are. If Danzou controls root and he's "emotionless and logical" then Sai probably is too.

And by insulting them he's proving what shitty ninjas they are compared to him by showing how they let their emotions control their actions.

Sun, 11-25-2007, 12:23 AM
It kinda is my idea of a real ninja though. Not even like Sai, cause he's socializing to much and having a opinion. But real ninja's are trained to do what others aren't capable of, physically and mentally. So the no emotion, logical attitude is fitting for what they're meant to do. At least that's my idea. We obviously see a happier side of ninja's (which is unlikely) in Naruto, but it seems that Root is producing more ninja-like ninja's then the others I've seen in the series so far. When Sai was in his room with the other Root member I kinda felt that long lost sinister ninja feeling... :o

Sun, 11-25-2007, 04:19 AM
The "devoid of all emotions" part may be a common aspect amongst all the ANBU departments, though variation is bound to occur. We've been pretty much lead to believe that these "masked shinobi" do all the work that you'd not want to be recognized for. The expressionless masks also lead us to believe that they're the more emotionless, indistinguishable, stereotypical ninjas, though their mission success rates have shown otherwise.

I was more focused on the other stuff they Sensi said to Sai about root, how they're unseen, underground and forever supporting the great tree known as Konoha. Drilling that stuff into you makes you feel your actions are correct in every way.

Sun, 11-25-2007, 07:07 PM
The social skills thing is funny. Most of us don't learn to call other people "dickless pansies" and such from a book. You mostly get that through social encounters. What makes him different from other swearing characters is that he acts all polite, and it come out of nowhere (as well as very provoking). It's interesting that someone mentioned Yamato was actually spying in that tree when the kunai hit. I had the impression that he thought Tsunade's suspicion was too much. But he's ANBU, so following orders is his job.

Another reason that Naruto might seem more mature now is what he's doing around the village. In the older seasons, we was seen running around all the time, and talking about training and stuff, kind of like a kid with an obsession. Now he's seen walking, not running, mostly, and is socializing like older teenagers. Lazy was correct in a sense.

Well, it won't be the first one who didn't do that. One great name echo's in my ear. Uchiha Itachi.

At first I had my doubt about Yamato being a spy for root in ANBU, but after the encouter with Kakashi that doubt vanished. I just had that feeling. He could have easily been a team member once, or his subordinate as he says senpai to Kakashi.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 02:13 PM
At first I had my doubt about Yamato being a spy for root in ANBU, but after the encouter with Kakashi that doubt vanished. I just had that feeling. He could have easily been a team member once, or his subordinate as he says senpai to Kakashi.

Tsunade handpicked Yamato for the assignment with the clearest of intentions to have him watch Sai carefully. I see no reason for her to pick someone she didn't have complete trust and faith in. Of course, I may be giving her a bit too much credit here, but I always thought of her as being a reliable leader. I think Yamato can be trusted based on that alone.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 02:24 PM
Tsunade handpicked Yamato for the assignment with the clearest of intentions to have him watch Sai carefully. I see no reason for her to pick someone she didn't have complete trust and faith in. Of course, I may be giving her a bit too much credit here, but I always thought of her as being a reliable leader. I think Yamato can be trusted based on that alone.

The possibility is that since his youth Yamato has infiltrated the ANBU for the root. Since the root only use skilled shinobi's it's not that weird. Maybe far fetched, but at first I really had that feeling.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 08:14 PM
The Anbu are the hokage's personal ninja they are all hand picked by the hokage so it is very unlikely that someone would be able to infiltrate it. When Yamato was young root would have still been in action so I don't think there would have been any need for root to infiltrate the anbu.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 08:20 PM
The Anbu are the hokage's personal ninja they are all hand picked by the hokage so it is very unlikely that someone would be able to infiltrate it. When Yamato was young root would have still been in action so I don't think there would have been any need for root to infiltrate the anbu.

Where does it say that they are all the Hokage's Personal Ninja? Cuz as far as then being ANBU, "special ops", they could just be higher trained in stealth and smaller groups, I know the Hokage does have a say in the rankings, but never heard anything about them being hand picked directly from the Hokage.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 08:38 PM
I can't remember exactly when it was said, it was very early in the series though. The anbu work directly under the hokage and follow his/her orders.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 09:52 PM
I don't know if they are each hand selected by the Hokage but the organization itself definately answers directly to that position. This fact makes the Root situation somewhat confusing since it was supposedly a branch of the ANBU but it wasn't under the direct control of the Hokage, my guess would be it was given to Danzou to appease him since he lost out on becoming Hokage or some such.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 12:27 AM
That makes sense but for them to do that then they must have viewed him as a possible threat of some kind, and I don't know if you would want to give someone who you view as a threat a bunch of elite and completely loyal ninja. He could have just formed the group by himself since it appears that the members are very young he could have just chosen some exceptional ninja to raise and train using his own methods, similar to what Orochimaru did, while I doubt anyone in Konoha would've liked that it seems more plausible.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 02:52 AM
finally got around to watching this. Sai is as eerie and emotionless as you'd expect a life-long trained ninja to be. I really liked his conversation with the other Root guy.

Good feel to this episode. The tracks fit and there wasn't a lot of action, but the animation did seem better than normal. What I really liked was the use of shadows and darkness, gives the show a serious tone that fits what is supposed to be a more 'adult' show now in Shippuuden.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 04:15 AM
I can't remember exactly when it was said, it was very early in the series though. The anbu work directly under the hokage and follow his/her orders.Everyone in the village does that.

Naruto is just a Gennin but every mission he's ever gotten has been from the Hokage.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 07:27 AM
Everyone in the village does that.

Naruto is just a Gennin but every mission he's ever gotten has been from the Hokage.

Well, obviously they don't or else Tsunade wouldn't have to debate with those two gran's about who to add to Team Kakashi. If she could have overruled them, she probably would have, because she wasn't the least bit happy with Danzou picking someone. My guess is there's some sort of council that has some authority as well (like in the sand; see the beginning of the previous arc when we saw Gaara in some sort of debate).

Tue, 11-27-2007, 07:51 AM
Obviously there is, because at least the "good" countries (villages) don't seem to be autocracies. I guess it wouldn't be too far off the mark to say Tsunade is the supreme military commander but not necessarily the supreme political leader of the village. So, there's some sort of a government she belongs to but is not the exclusive member of. I suppose in Konoha the atmosphere is such that she can't just dictate everything but has to listen to the council, lest there'll be some sort of a counterreaction.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 02:27 PM
When Jiraya was approched to be Hokage the two old farts implied that some sort of council made the decision that he should be the next one. From this I gather that the council shares authority with the Hokage in a sort of Legislative vs Executive relationship. I would guess that the council is also the go between for people coming in and requesting the services of the village while the Hokage who is the person in charge of actually getting those missions carried out. I think the difference between ANBU and regular ninja though is that while all missions are assigned to ninja by the Hokage, ANBU missions don't necessarily have to be justified, or even reported, to the council since they may not always be in line with the public face of the village. Things like assassinations and infiltrations are not suited for being discussed in open council.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 02:28 PM
Just to add my two cents. The villages are part of countries, specifically they are the primary military force of a country, the country is ruled by the feudal lord. So while the hokage may be able to make decisions about what missions ninjas take she is not the leader and there is a council of elders above her who make decisions. Tsunade is more of a general her mission is to protect and do what is in the village’s best interest but the village is there to protect the country so while she may be able to make some military decisions she is not involved in the politics.

I think the difference between ANBU and regular ninja though is that while all missions are assigned to ninja by the Hokage, ANBU missions don't necessarily have to be justified, or even reported, to the council since they may not always be in line with the public face of the villiage. Things like assassinations and infiltrations are probably not suited to be talked about in open council.

Yeah, that would be the difference, the anbu perform covert missions that the hokage would not necessarily want the public or the other villages to know about.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 04:16 PM
Does anyone remember if Narutoverse countries also maintain regular militaries in addition to ninja villages? I know Ninja villages are seen as infinitely more useful than regular military training camps, but in this world did they completely give up on using huge armies of relatively unskilled fighters or are they just not brought up much in the anime?

Tue, 11-27-2007, 04:30 PM
I think they do although I'm not basing this on anything. The ninja villages although they have elite fighters don't have the sheer numbers that would be necessary to launch a full scale assault on another country or sustain a long term war. There were a few references in some filler crap but nothing conclusive. Orochimaru mentioned something like that in his flashback with Kimimaro. There must be a large military force separate from a ninja village though because not only would a country be defenseless if a village was destroyed like the leaf was but there must be some insurance policy if a village was to attempt to secede or attack the countries leaders. Zabuza and Kisame had both supposedly attempted to kill the feudal lord before, in fact the entire mist village seems insubordinate, so I think there is a large military outside of the village.

I think we haven't seen any thing about that because the ninjas seldom travel outside the villages and the great wars are over, and since the show is so heavily focused on the villages them selves I think it has just been neglected. This is all just speculation though.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 08:11 PM
Well, it won't be the first one who didn't do that. One great name echo's in my ear. Uchiha Itachi.

At first I had my doubt about Yamato being a spy for root in ANBU, but after the encouter with Kakashi that doubt vanished. I just had that feeling. He could have easily been a team member once, or his subordinate as he says senpai to Kakashi.
Just as Tsunade said, Danzou is a cold, calculating strategist. He came in, asked about Tsunade's choice for the leader, and then left. Then there's the previous episode, where she was confused about why Danzou would only select 1 teammate when he could select 2.

Also, Yamato showed up late to the hospital right after the scene with Sai and the masked guy.


Thu, 11-29-2007, 12:39 AM
I don't think anybody would call people dickless wussies and ugly bitches knowing what those words mean and still thinking it's the normal way of talking to team mates.

Using reverse psychology this approach might be a good one for Sai if he indeed at some points need to do something nefarious. Because this way Naruto and Sakura will have other things to occupy their minds than trying to chat to him and probe about his past. And knowing Naruto, especially, he will be too hotheaded and angry to even consider Sai might be just keeping him occupied for special purposes.

Or maybe Sai is just uber arrogant and a real bastard, and he doesn't bother to try to please people that he might consider to be of no use to him. While I hope there's some dark plot behind everything, I also hope Sai was just being honestly himself. That would ensure we will get more funny scenes in the future.

Im sure its been said before, but Sai has no emotions, and doesn't know how to act sociably. I bet that he doesn't even know the negative meanings of those words and probably takes it too literal in his head. I mean come on, if you don't even know what face expression to make all the time, how do you expect to know if your words will anger (what is anger? is it bad? ) the people you talk to?

As for Danzou, I seriously think someone needs to assassinate that old geezer. He tried to build his own division of ANBU until it fell apart, which is kinda like making a mini army within an army. (possibility of rebellion?)
Not to mention, he kept calling Tsunade as Hime(Princess) Tsunade, rather than saying Hokage or just Tsunade. Its basically implying that he doesn't see her fit as a hokage, especially since he used to compete for that chair so desperately.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 03:10 AM
Im sure its been said before, but Sai has no emotions, and doesn't know how to act sociably. I bet that he doesn't even know the negative meanings of those words and probably takes it too literal in his head. I mean come on, if you don't even know what face expression to make all the time, how do you expect to know if your words will anger (what is anger? is it bad? ) the people you talk to?

Are you saying he doesn't have emotions or he's an idiot? Because only an idiot wouldn't understand what happens when you insult somebody. Emotions have nothing to do with it, other than they would either motivate you do it despite the consequences or not make it due to the consequences. Besides, he does have emotions. They are just supressed due to his Root background.

As long as a real AI hasn't been developed, humans can't even imagine what an intelligence really without any emotions would be like. Emotions are so deeply coupled with our own intelligence.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 08:50 AM
Sorry Kraco, but that is wrong. Several types of Schitzophrenia include symptoms of lacking empathy and emotions and it can come from other kinds of psychological or physical stress/injury. The exact term for it is called Alexithymia.

(The lack of empathy part would be the one that makes a person unable to know how anything would affect anyone else and what faces to make in any given situation)

Lack of emotions is real, imagining how it "feels" is probably close to impossible for normal people, but it happens.

Take autistic people as a different example.. People with autism have social impairments and often lack the intuition about others that many people take for granted, these which you say you have to be an idiot to not understand. (No, I'm not saying he's autistic... Just an example of how the brain -can- work)
</psychology lecture>

Thu, 11-29-2007, 08:58 AM
Fine, you might be right, and I'm certainly no expert at psychology... But I still can't personally imagine it. And from my point of view Sai certainly doesn't appear to be a person without emotions, but a person with supressed emotions and either a somewhat twisted personality or a highly calculative nature (goes along with suppressed emotions) with a as of yet unrevealed plan.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 02:43 PM
Well I don't have to imagine what it is like, its not so much that you don't have emotions but that you don't experience them the way a 'normal' person would. Sai doesn't have a twisted personality and his calculative nature could just be a defensive mechanism he has to protect himself. Besides having a calculative nature is a good thing, I mean he is a ninja. He has also obviously gone through some intense emotional training and conditioning. Anyway just felt I should comment on this because I have that problem and I can assure you that I have no idea what people find offensive and it is a very difficult thing if you don't have experience with socializing especially with a diverse group of people.

As for Danzou, I seriously think someone needs to assassinate that old geezer. He tried to build his own division of ANBU until it fell apart, which is kinda like making a mini army within an army. (possibility of rebellion?)
Not to mention, he kept calling Tsunade as Hime(Princess) Tsunade, rather than saying Hokage or just Tsunade. Its basically implying that he doesn't see her fit as a hokage, especially since he used to compete for that chair so desperately.

I don't know why you would want him assassinated, sure he has his own division of anbu but he hasn't done anything that particularly threatens the position of the hokage or the well being of the village so there is no just cause in killing him. He didn't imply that she isn't fit for the position of hokage as a matter a fact I don't think he has a problem with that or he would've had some objections back when it was first suggested. If he has his own division of the anbu, and the village elders obviously hold him in such high regard, and he is such a cold, calculating militaristic person if he didn't want Tsunade to be hokage she most definitely wouldn't have been.

Secondly calling Tsunade Hime is not disrespectful, it is obviously something she was called when she was young because she is the granddaughter of the first thus earning her the status of princess. Others have addressed Tsunade as Hime in the past including Jiraiya of all people. Danzou is her elder, he was competing for the position of hokage against her teacher so to him she is a little girl, so while some might find addressing the Hokage like that to be disrespectful in his case it isn't.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 03:51 PM
I have that problem and I can assure you that I have no idea what people find offensive and it is a very difficult thing if you don't have experience with socializing especially with a diverse group of people.

You are lying if you say you don't know if calling a guy a dickless wussy is or a girl an ugly bitch is offensive. I could buy something far more subtle, even accidentally, or more slight but not those ones.

You know, people with impaired emotions can fake emotions and learn how to read and manipulate them nevertheless. And from the point of view of an outside observer, there's no difference or such a person might even seem far more pleasant and friendly like is the case with certain types psychopaths (until the psychopath no longer finds you useful at which point he will discard you without a second thought due to those impaired emotions).

And I never said Sai would be a bad ninja. I just said he does have emotions, no matter how hidden behind walls, and he knew what he was doing when he said those things.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 04:08 PM
I don't know about Sakura he seemed genuine there but of course he was intentionally insulting Naruto he doesn't seem to respect him at all not that he has any reason to yet. I think the first words most other ninjas say to Naruto is usually an insult, Neji, Gaara, Kiba and Sasuke are perfect examples.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 06:34 PM
On the lack of emotions part and all, I don't see Sai insulting Danzou or his teacher. Whatever problems/attitude he has, it's selective. We'll see what he says to Yamato.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 10:27 PM
Aye Abdula, you need to get out of the house some. I stayed home from work today since I was sick, and found you arguing in every Naruto thread I read.

Regarding Sai, there is essentially no basis to form an opinion about him. He started off on the wrong foot. Big deal.

Fri, 11-30-2007, 03:30 PM
I guess that depends on what you definition of arguing is besides what else is there to do on this forum anyway. I don't know about getting out of the house more because that wouldn't affect the amount of time I spend on the forums because it isn't much.

There isn't much we know about Sai but if we all just waited until we did know something then there wouldn't be much to post in the Naruto thread would there. Every one starts of on the wrong foot would Naruto, well atleast most of the ninjas he meets because he is the complete opposite of what one would expect a ninja to be.

I want to see Sai in action his fighting style is quite unique the closest thing we have seen to it is deidara but his "art" was completely different.