Thu, 11-15-2007, 10:50 PM
Hello everyone, I am conducting an experiment (as part of my course), to find out if "real life relationships are influenced by online social mediums".
I hope you can spare the time to fill out my questionnaire and thus help me analyse whether real-life friendships might be influenced by online friend ratings on a social network such as myspace.
Empirical Research Questionnaire
Please select your response in the following situations:
1. Your best friend moved you from first position in their myspace friends list to 5th position do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
2. Your 2nd best friend moved you from second position in their myspace friends list to 8th position do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
3. A friend moves you from fifth position, to out of there top myspace friends list do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
4. Someone you hang around with at TAFE deletes you from there myspace friends list do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
5. Someone you met at a party the other night and spoke with briefly adds you to myspace and then deletes you the next day:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
Please comment your answers or send them to
Thankyou for your time and if anyone is interested I will happily place the final results of this experiment once it has concluded for discussion, dave
I hope you can spare the time to fill out my questionnaire and thus help me analyse whether real-life friendships might be influenced by online friend ratings on a social network such as myspace.
Empirical Research Questionnaire
Please select your response in the following situations:
1. Your best friend moved you from first position in their myspace friends list to 5th position do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
2. Your 2nd best friend moved you from second position in their myspace friends list to 8th position do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
3. A friend moves you from fifth position, to out of there top myspace friends list do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
4. Someone you hang around with at TAFE deletes you from there myspace friends list do you:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
5. Someone you met at a party the other night and spoke with briefly adds you to myspace and then deletes you the next day:
A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them
Please comment your answers or send them to
Thankyou for your time and if anyone is interested I will happily place the final results of this experiment once it has concluded for discussion, dave