View Full Version : Naruto shippuuden 33 online english subs

Thu, 11-08-2007, 12:28 PM
Here it is, Naruto 33 with english subs

Hope you enjoy! =)

Thu, 11-08-2007, 03:18 PM
well, it's pretty poor video quality, and needs QC like woah, but it is the genuine article...

i lol'd at Gai, as always. i still can't listen to that OP...

actually, it's almost better with the uncorrected, rampant typos.. 'God work, Kakashi!' 'Mester!' 'Bonito!'

the episode itself is quite funny, and it's good to see a bunch of the Konoha ninjas again. i really liked this part in the manga, so it's good to see some justice done to it here.

Thu, 11-08-2007, 08:51 PM
Out by DB


Thu, 11-08-2007, 10:39 PM
I liked this ep. The funniest part was Gai using Kakashi to point to Lee when he told him that he was actually in third place.

Thu, 11-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Wow, did I hear 2 new soundtracks? Both of them during Tsunade's talk with Sakura and Shizune. The second one when Naruto popped up. They sound cool, makes it feel like the old series agian.

LOL at Naruto's comment "Sakura-chan likes eye-candy so he can't be too good looking."

And damn, Sai looks fucking badass.

Anyways, not much going on this episode, but it was quite humorous. Decent episode I'd say.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 12:30 AM
Sai looks badass? He has the gayest (literally) character design since that Tea country guy that always had a boner.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:18 AM
I must concur with mage, Sai just screams "I'm yaoi fodder, please draw me with things inside me that don't belong there." Even his ninja skill is gay...he draws stuff. I mean once you look past the what he draws, which isn't so bad, you're left with a guy who whips out his calligraphy brush when it's time to fight.

As to the rest of the episode it was quite funny, Shino's depression was new and different , and of course Gai's Kakashi puppet was good for quite a laugh. And Hinata, how those two and a half years have blessed you!

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:34 AM
Freakin great episode.

Shino still freakin rules, even if he's developed an invisibility complex.

Just so many funny moments in this one.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:44 AM
I thought it was funny how naruto still tried to see kakashi's face.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 04:53 AM
Awesome episode really it moved along nicely despite the lack of action.

I'm also forced to fully agree with Mage and Yukimura on Sai and it will only get worse once he opens his mouth.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 06:43 AM
Sai is some kind a emo gay ninja with a pencil.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 07:36 AM
And not particularly strong so far.

I mean, so far all he seems to have is a really slow clone jutsu.

If the ink-dogs were stronger, it might be cool. But they die in one shot and they don't fight very well.

Naruto's clones are better than that and he doesn't have do nearly as much work drawing them all out first.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 08:18 AM
Wow this was definately the best episode of shippuuden so far. Animation was better than in any episode so far, no stretching or useless stills. Just great, tho I'm not too fond of the new guy. He's a bit too feminine for my taste.

He reminds me of Gin Ichimaru with that cunning smile.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 08:59 AM
Wow, did I hear 2 new soundtracks? Both of them during Tsunade's talk with Sakura and Shizune. The second one when Naruto popped up.That second one is definately not new. It was the song that played when team Gai was defeating their clones.

It IS an awsome song though and was one of the main reasons I didn't hate that scene like so many other people did. It's definitely got that "classic Naruto" sound.

I did hear a song or two I don't remember hearing before when they were reintroducing some of the old characters. Was wondering if any of those were new "character themes".

Fri, 11-09-2007, 09:11 AM
Aye, this was a fine episode. In fact I can't immediately afterwards recall any scenes that would have been bad. It was good to see the old gang again, and the way they were presented also was fine.

It's somehow fitting even turning off the alarm clock is too troublesome for Shikamaru... And Hinata has got some beauty to add to her already existing cuteness. Still, it would be necessary to see the new old people in a serious fight to see how much they really have or haven't changed (actually we still haven't even seen Lee and Neji in a proper fight).

Looking good so far. Although Sai could certainly look less gay. But in the end that probably won't bother me that much as long as we won't get too many episodes centered around him entirely.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 11:40 AM
"oh my god i'm gonna catch teh ghey from N@Rooto!11"

lol at all the Sai bashing, seriously. His fairly weak looking jutsu aside (although the upside of being able to draw shit that comes to life offers absurd possibilities), people are seriously complaining about his character design and how he dresses?

I don't remember Shikamaru's fish-net undershirt, Haku's cross-dressing, or any of the other fugly character outfits getting flack like this.

Sounds like a bunch of queens at Fire Island gossipping about "the new boy's" lack of conformity... "Oh my god, can you believe what he's wearing?" "You can't just let your clothes do the talking for you, girlfriend"

also, lol to see the people who read the manga voice their strong opinions and then half the other people go "oh yeah, i agree, i feel the same way"

/rant over

In all seriousness though, this episode stands out for the comedy. I thought Shino was weird as hell in it, like Darth said, "an invisibility complex". He never struck me as the kind of guy who'd get all dejected because retarded Naruto didn't remember his name. Seriously, outside of filler episodes, they've exchanged all of ten words maybe, when Shino was fighting Kankuro at the end of the Invasion of Konoha? Honestly, that was the gayest thing in this episode. Funny though.

The bit with Kakashi's face was humorous too. Also, watching that extremely bad video on the website added to the comedy, as the typos and errors just gave it that B-grade flavor.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:02 PM
lol at all the Sai bashing, seriously. His fairly weak looking jutsu aside (although the upside of being able to draw shit that comes to life offers absurd possibilities), people are seriously complaining about his character design and how he dresses?

I don't remember Shikamaru's fish-net undershirt, Haku's cross-dressing, or any of the other fugly character outfits getting flack like this.

Sounds like a bunch of queens at Fire Island gossipping about "the new boy's" lack of conformity... "Oh my god, can you believe what he's wearing?" "You can't just let your clothes do the talking for you, girlfriend"

if you weren't bi sexual you'd be saying the same thing

sai is straight up gay, but apparently you like it.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:13 PM
Even if it's a joke, posting manga images for stuff that hasn't happened yet isn't allowed.

Sai isn't gay!!! How dare you guys. :(

... Oh wait...

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:22 PM
Sai makes deidara look like rambo

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:22 PM
why u posting gay sex spoilers?

Fri, 11-09-2007, 01:45 PM
if you weren't bi sexual you'd be saying the same thing

sai is straight up gay, but apparently you like it.

I just thought he looked badass the way they had him sitting on top of the roof. His pose or whatever is like Sasuke.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 02:34 PM
I don't get what all the fuss about Sai is about. He is a great character although he could use a serious change of clothing but it doesn't bother me whatsoever. His jutsu's are good I mean what is cooler than bringing your drawings to life, gives naruto a nice artistic flavor, besides he obviously isn't fighting seriously and I can't really think of anything that can stand up to one of Choji's punches.

If all it takes to get your panties in a bunch (http://www.theonion.com/content/node/32499) is a bare midriff that for some reason seems to captivate you all then you obviously aren't secure about your sexuality.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 09:52 PM
I don't remember Shikamaru's fish-net undershirt, Haku's cross-dressing, or any of the other fugly character outfits getting flack like this.You need to remember harder if you don't remember anyone raising an eyebrow over Haku.

And Shikamaru negates his fishnet shirt by being a tremendous badass. When Sai does the same, people will stop complaining.

To be honest, I think Sasuke's new look is pretty gay too. The way he has his shirt open all the way down his chest.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 12:20 AM
hmm. i don't care what sai looks or dresses like. i'm just excited to find out what he's all about. actually, i barely noticed his clothes because i was so occupied by his awesomeness in that scene.

also, i'm intrigued by the artistic turn this show is taking. first deidara, then sasori, and now sai. wonder what that's all about.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 04:19 AM
by the way where is Ino?,she is the only one from the old naruto friends that didn't appear

Sat, 11-10-2007, 09:27 AM
by the way where is Ino?,she is the only one from the old naruto friends that didn't appear

Was it just filler, or does Ino really take up medical shinobi training like Sakura did? As for Sai, yeah, I thought he was pretty...different, first couple of times I saw him. But now, I'm like, meh, okay, he dresses funny, now show me what he can do. Drawing is a new concept, and could have some potential to look either interesting, or just simply odd. I found the black and white style of drawing those dogs was a bit out of place, but then again, you have to have some way of distinguishing them. I probably won't take much notice of that after a few more episodes though. Kinda like graphics and gameplay. Good enough storyline/gameplay, don't really rant about no AA or soft shadows and such. I really want them to go through how he got this ability to animate drawings though. The closest technique would be that Genjitsu painter girl from the fillers.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 01:32 PM
this episode has actually given me hope for this arc!

Sat, 11-10-2007, 04:14 PM
This arc just started. What are you talking about?

Sun, 11-11-2007, 07:11 PM
if you weren't bi sexual you'd be saying the same thing

sai is straight up gay, but apparently you like it.

sai is a pretty mysterious and decent char
the only thing you see in him is his feminine style of clothing
there is no need to make fun of masa for seeing a character for its worth in a story rather than his character design
idiot viewers like you give naruto a bad name

btw, was it just me or was Sai's skin completely white? Maybe it was just the version of the video I watched online?

Sun, 11-11-2007, 10:15 PM
Naruto used to be a place where everyone could be friends.

Thanks, mage.

Mon, 11-12-2007, 02:15 AM
btw, was it just me or was Sai's skin completely white?

Sai is ghostly white. You should rewatch the part where he summons the beasts while Naruto's charging. He's almost as white as they are.

Mon, 11-12-2007, 05:28 AM
Omg! Sai is drawing!!

Mon, 11-12-2007, 09:28 AM
I thought this episode was pretty good. In fact, I can't remember when was the last time I actually enjoyed a Naruto episode.

Not that Sai has anything to do with it, but I thought they animated his jutsus very nicely. I was kinda anticipating that they would turn out hideous in the anime.

Tue, 11-13-2007, 04:23 AM
Sai makes deidara look like rambo

There is much truth in this.

also, i dig when Naruto jumped down onto the rail next to Tsunade and just said "Later" or something then jumped away. unusually cool of him :P

Tue, 11-13-2007, 07:09 AM
Haha, yes it was. You'd almost be fooled into thinking he wasn't retarded watching that scene.

Tue, 11-13-2007, 09:00 AM
This arc just started. What are you talking about?

well being as this episode was better than 90% of the episodes in the last arc

thats what im talking about! im not saying the whole arc is good, just if it starts good it gives me hope the rest of it is going to be better than the last arc

not too complicated really...

Tue, 11-13-2007, 11:33 AM
The last arc started great, I remember being really impressed when watching Naruto and Sakura face off against Kakashi, not to mention Gaara but it didn't last long did it. Lets hope this one doesn't fizzle like the last one did.

also, i dig when Naruto jumped down onto the rail next to Tsunade and just said "Later" or something then jumped away. unusually cool of him :P

Haha, yes it was. You'd almost be fooled into thinking he wasn't retarded watching that scene.

Yeah, great moment shows you what Tsunade thinks of him, too bad it won't last though Naruto is just too dumb to keep that up, would be a major improvement if he could, then he'd be more like Sasuke.:eek: NO.

Tue, 11-13-2007, 12:36 PM
You like or at least tolerate sai right now, but you wait and see there's good reason as to why he's one of the most reviled characters in naruto history.

But who knows, maybe he'll come across better in the anime then he did in the manga. I'm so glad that they finally put a finish to the rescue garra arc. No doubt there was some good stuff in the arc but studio pierrot ridiculously stretched out some very thin material (Garra's revival, Team Gai Clone fights, Kakashi's pursuit of Diedara, etc). I hope they don't do the same here but seems like since this arc as you can obviosly already guess invovles sasuke they're going to treat with high reverence (since everyone in Japan loves sasuke).