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Fri, 05-21-2010, 08:03 AM
idk what it is.... maybe the really good people are playing ssf4 and i just never played them in sf4... idk..

But, I have been getting some REDICULOUS matchups. I played a couple last night. One C Viper basically juggled me until I was dead, I literally couldn't do anything. Same w\ a seth, and vega. They have some nearly infinite juggle combo's where you can't even move!

Fri, 05-21-2010, 08:08 AM
There's a Super Street Fighter IV Patch coming out on June 15th. Here's what will be changed......

• Fei Long's infinite combo loop against Juri will be removed.

• Unblockable Ultras will be fixed. This is where you throw a fireball and the Ultra flash made it so your opponent could not block.

• Guy will no longer be able to be thrown while he's crouching and in a hit stun animation. A bug made it possible to combo throw moves while he was in this state.

• Ibuki's invincibility window on wake up — under certain circumstances — was too long, this will be fixed.

• The 2nd hit of Ibuki's Spinning Kicks missing Chun-Li will be fixed.

• Counter hit damage on M. Bison's (Dictator) Ultra 2 was too low.

• Sagat's Angry Charge was not working properly in some instances (EX-Tiger Uppercut doesn't get damage upgrade in some cases).

Note: This is the same day the free Tournament Mode DLC will be made available, these fixes will be rolled into the package.


About Tournament Mode itself......

• Tournament Mode is a head-to-head in single-elimination tournament with brackets, which works with 4 or 8 players.

• You can watch other tournament matches in progress while you're waiting for your turn and voice chat. Players competing can hear you as well, but if it annoys you, there's a mute option.

• To help with lag, spectators will be a little bit behind the actual match that's being played.

• Tournament Mode works with SSFIV's extensive recording feature.

• There are no battle points or rankings, but Tournament Mode will give players unique and special online titles, which can be won and lost from other players.

• Like SSFIV's other online modes, character selection is double-blind.

• Tournaments will continue on even if a participating player drops out.

• While the max amount of people a tournament can hold is 8 players, a 9th person can be there as the host. If the host drops, another will be found.

Fri, 06-18-2010, 09:33 AM
I just realised that Jon Foo, who played Ryu in Street Fighter Legacy, also played Jin Kazama in the Tekken movie (http://wwws.warnerbros.co.jp/tekken/). No wonder he looked so familiar.

Tue, 07-20-2010, 08:16 AM
Have you guys been playing tournament mode?

I've been playing SSF4 for the past few days and have found tourny mode ( when you get a full lobby ) to be pretty fun.

It's pretty cool to have the set number of people and progress through a bracket, especially if you keep players through a couple cycles, despite playing fewer matches i found it more enjoyable than doing arcade mode w\ ranked match invites.

Fri, 07-23-2010, 10:24 AM
The Arcade version of Super Street Fighter IV is out at test locations and the character select screen shows 2 extra slots. There's also a Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UdX0iKwtMQ) of someone playing the Arcade Version. You can see the 2 extra slots at the 10:08 mark.

People are saying that the new characters will be Alex and Rolento. I was hoping for one new female at least. (Karin)


Sat, 07-24-2010, 03:37 AM
So, the home version of this will be Super Street Fighter IV Turbo?

Sat, 07-24-2010, 03:40 AM
There probably won't be a "home version" just DLC. Super Street Fighter 4 was the last SF4.

Sat, 07-24-2010, 03:41 AM
They'll just make these 2 new chars DLC and probably charge us for them.

Moving onto the home version of the game, Famitsu asked the obvious question: will all those arcade adjustments make it into the home via an update? Replied Ono, “For me, the IV series ends with Super SFIV. We want both Super SFIVs to be played for a long time, so we’ll listen to feedback after the arcade version is released to determine if players want the home version updated.”

Famitsu also asked if any such updates for the home version would be free. Replied Ono, “If it’s a tuning update similar to the June 15 update, I believe we’d be able to offer it for free. However, if it’s the kind of update that adds new moves, it’s possible that it could be paid.”

Sat, 07-24-2010, 10:38 PM
Street Fighter IV's producer Yoshinori Ono announced that more costumes would be available for Super Street Fighter IV this Fall. Ono said that after shipping more than 4 million copies of Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV, the demand for new, even more flamboyant world warrior costumes is not falling on deaf ears.

He also announced that the blank character slots for Super Street Fighter 4's arcade version, wouldn't be revealed until the Tokyo Game Show in September.

Sat, 09-11-2010, 01:33 PM
Yun & Yang in SSFIV Arcade + List of Changes (http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/sep/10/rumor-ingrid-super-street-fighter-4-arcade)

Sat, 09-18-2010, 02:58 AM
New Trailer with Yun & Yang (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY7-plLwFTk)

Ono Talks Super SFIV Arcade Version with Famitsu (http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/09/18/super_sfiv_ono/)

Edit: All of the Currently Revealed New Alternate Outfits (http://shoryuken.com/content/every-new-super-street-fighter-4-arcade-alternate-outfit-1814/)

Sat, 09-18-2010, 04:11 AM
Those new threads are awesome.

Sat, 09-18-2010, 10:28 AM
Those new threads are awesome.

Yeah. I'm looking forward to them. There's a trailer for the new alts.

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Trailer: New Costumes Alternate Outfits (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhZH0acMpYE)

Tue, 09-21-2010, 06:53 AM
Yun Ultra 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYiI2TJTIBM)
Yun Ultra 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ8XCspQKUU)

Yang Ultra 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM8M6aCrNks)
Yang Ultra 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d78tMdZcgLw)

Edit: Super Street Fighter IV Alt Costumes Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc_otsSd9Mw)

Wed, 09-29-2010, 03:15 AM
Super Street Fighter 4 3DS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTN6PR03AB0&hd=1)

Looks fking awesome, N3DS can't come soon enough ;D

Fri, 10-15-2010, 07:44 PM
There's going to be a patch for Super Street Fighter IV on October 26th and it will apparently be a big download.

The first costume pack in Super Street Fighter IV's second round of download content will be available on the 26th. This time, you're going to have to do just a bit of preparation if you want to get those new Ultra Arrange Costumes in your copy of the game.

On the 26th, Capcom will make available a title update. Boot up your copy of Super while connected online, and the game will automatically update to the new code. The update is mandatory.

New costumes that you've purchased from Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Store will appear in the character select screen as Alternate 3 or Alternate 2, depending on the character. It should be noted that, different from the original set of costume packs, whose data was already on the disc, the Ultra Arrange costumes are physically downloaded to your system when purchased, so you'll need to have ample space (Capcom hasn't said how much just yet).

So what happens if you want to play against a player who's using a costume you haven't purchased? In this case, you'll see a message stating that the costume the player has selected does not exist, and you'll end up fighting against the default costume. This also applies to the Replay Channel mode.

Xbox 360 owners will be able to remedy this situation via a free "Catalogue" item. Once this is downloaded, costumes you haven't purchased will appear in fights and Replay Channel bouts. The Catalogue will be released in two sets, one on 10/26 (includes Challengers Pack 1, Shoryuken Pack, and Beauty Pack) and one on 12/21 (includes Challengers Pack 2, Gowan Pack, Shadaloo Pack, and Classic Pack).

Fri, 12-03-2010, 08:18 PM
Yung, Yang, Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma


Fri, 12-03-2010, 08:29 PM
Yeah. Back on Monday their achievements (http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/nov/27/ssf4-achievement-images-show-yun-yang-possibly-evil-ryu/) shown for the 360 version.

Sat, 01-22-2011, 08:25 PM
Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma have been unlocked in Arcades finally. There are some vids out, but they're all cell phone eyecancer quality.

EXCLUSIVE: Oni Akuma and Evil Ryu Media, Move Sets & Impressions » (http://iplaywinner.com/news/2011/1/22/exclusive-oni-akuma-and-evil-ryu-media-move-sets-impressions.html)

Sat, 01-22-2011, 10:15 PM
Awesome to finally see them, guess I'm dropping all the other chars I play like flies for evil ryu, since I mained him in CvS2 ;D.
This still leaves room for 2 more chars though ....(karin and Q?)

Sun, 01-23-2011, 06:08 AM
This still leaves room for 2 more chars though ....(karin and Q?)

I'm hoping for Karin and Elena, myself. I doubt Elena will make it in though, since Super has already added 5 characters from 3rd Strike. (Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Yun, and Yang.)

Sun, 01-23-2011, 12:32 PM
Reasonable quality of both new chars (15mins)


Sun, 01-23-2011, 12:41 PM
Here's another vid. 18:39


Mon, 01-24-2011, 08:10 AM
It seems the characters being unlocked wasn't supposed to happen yet, all videos of them are being pulled by capcom lol ;P.

Mon, 01-24-2011, 08:16 AM
Yeah. It seems someone used a password to unlock them ahead of time and now Ono (SSFIV Producer) is taking heat for it.

Mon, 01-24-2011, 11:09 AM
Yeah, shame really, since capcom already kinda showed them in the last trailer. But I guess having them actually playable confirms a console DLC release, with the previous leaked image of the achievements and all (which people labeled as fake).
I'm guessing capcom is mostly pissed about that and not so much about the chars themselves.
Though now they have to hurry the fuck up and release a "reveal" trailer asap.

Thu, 01-27-2011, 05:05 PM
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Unlocked Characters To Be Re-Locked (http://www.empirestategamer.com/bloggery/gaming/super-street-fighter-iv-arcade-edition-unlocked-characters-to-be-re-locked)


Sat, 01-29-2011, 07:04 AM
Lol yeah silly stuff, the damage has already been done regardless.
Anyway it seems the PC version is still happening?

Mon, 03-28-2011, 10:32 PM
UK ratings board the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has confirmed the home console release of Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.

In a listing on its website the BBFC confirms it has given a 12 rating to six and a half minutes of new cutscenes, passing them with no cuts made.

The scenes in question are presumably intro and outro movies for Arcade Edition’s new characters. Street Fighter III: Third Strike twins Yun and Yang were included in the game upon its arcade release last December; Evil Ryu was unlocked last Friday and another, Akuma variant Oni, is known to be in the game as well.

UPDATE: The BBFC lists a release date for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 24th June 2011.

Thu, 04-07-2011, 10:08 AM

Sat, 04-09-2011, 01:17 PM
The SSFIV: AE header has started appearing on the German Xbox Live Marketplace.

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/6118/foto0167ir.th.jpg (http://img695.imageshack.us/i/foto0167ir.jpg/) http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/6713/foto0168m.th.jpg (http://img861.imageshack.us/i/foto0168m.jpg/)

Hrmm, the header is on the U.S. Marketplace as well.


Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJXFdQVRMpw&hd=1)

Photos of some DLC content for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition emerged today. These shots of the Super Alternate Costume Pack were taken from the German in-game marketplace somehow. The Arcade Edition header on top only confirms what we already know, and what Capcom will most likely be announcing once Captivate's embargo lifts next week.

Mon, 04-11-2011, 08:03 AM
Anyway it seems the PC version is still happening?

There's an ESRB listing for a Windows PC version now.


I cant twit about it topic... Plz wait until 12th Apr. 8am PST. ;) RT @IceBreakker (http://twitter.com/IceBreakker):When will we have SSFIV for PC?

That's when the embargo on the Captivate event will be lifted. :)

Also the video I posted in post #273 (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php/15366-Game-Street-Fighter-4?p=482219&viewfull=1#post482219) is working again. I guess Capcom removed the copyright claim on it.

Mon, 04-11-2011, 08:14 AM
Yeah I read that earlier, great news but quite useless if they don't include the upcoming AE dlc with it, or at least offer the DLC on pc as well. I mean numerous character fixes, at least 4 new chars and a revamped replay channel.
If it's just SSF4 I don't really see the point in getting that.
At least when SF4 pc released SSF4 was still like a year away from release. Releasing it as just ssf4 with no AE dlc would make no sense, and I hope capcom realizes this....meh we'll see tomorrow.

Tue, 04-12-2011, 09:09 AM
With a release date of June 28, 2011. (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%22super+street+fighter+iv+arcade+edition %22&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A%22super+street+fighter+iv+arcade +edition%22&ajr=3)

Siliconera: Amazon Say Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Is A Standalone Game, Too (http://www.siliconera.com/2011/04/12/amazon-say-super-street-fighter-iv-arcade-edition-is-a-standalone-game-too)

The trailer is back without the logo.


Tue, 04-12-2011, 10:15 AM
Adding new characters, an all new balancing update as well as an enhanced Replay Channel, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition will deliver the definitive version of Street Fighter when it releases on Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows PCs this summer. More specifically, the add-on version of Arcade Edition will be available as a downloadable upgrade for existing Super Street Fighter IV owners on June 7 for 1200 MS.

awesome :D


Tue, 04-12-2011, 10:33 AM
Captivate 2011: SSFIV Arcade Edition Gameplay Trailer 1 HD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3rMqfDKXmA&hd=1)

Captivate 2011: SSFIV Arcade Edition Gameplay Trailer 2 HD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4eXJH4CVP0&hd=1)

Arcade Edition Ends Street Fighter IV (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-04-12-arcade-edition-ends-street-fighter-iv)

Gamespot: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition confirmed for PC, PS3, 360 (http://www.gamespot.com/news/6308118.html)

DLC release date: June 7, 2011
DLC Price: $14.99 USD or 1,200 Microsoft Points
Disc release date: June 24, 2011 for Europe, 28th in North America, 30th in Japan.
PC release date: July 2011.
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

I think I'm hold out and get the retail version of AE. I'd rather have it on disc than on HDD. I just hope they don't do something lame and have it setup where it's just SSFIV with a DLC code in the case.

Fri, 05-13-2011, 11:25 PM
Everything You Wanted to Know About Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition but Maybe Didn't Ask (http://www.capcom-unity.com/neodeus/blog/2011/05/13/everything_you_wanted_to_know_about_super_street_f ighter_iv_arcade_edition_but_maybe_didnt_ask)

I'm glad to see that the AE costumes will be available.

Thu, 06-23-2011, 01:19 PM
Super Street Fighter 4: AE is getting its first costume pack, the Arcade Challengers Pack. Unsurprisingly, it features new outfits for Oni, Evil Ryu, Yang, and Yun. What is different from previous packs is that this one includes two outfits per character. They are set to be released in Japan on July 5 for 320 Microsoft Points or about $4. There is no word yet on release and pricing for other territories, but you can probably expect them to be similar.

via Impress Game Watch (http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20110624_455393.html)

Tue, 12-13-2011, 06:23 PM
On Tuesday, December 13, the daring new dramedy webseries "THE STREET FIGHTER" premieres on The Game Station.

It's the story of Phil, a journalist who loses his job and enters the world of pro-am fighting game tournaments to earn the respect of his son. Guest starring a host of famous YouTubers including iJustine and KassemG and competitive gamer Alex Valle.

"THE STREET FIGHTER" is a six-part narrative (twice a week, all thru December!) shot on the RED EPIC and directed by The Game Station's own Layne Pavoggi. "THE STREET FIGHTER" is written by Aaron Umetani ("THE BROTHERS MARIO") and produced by Aaron Zaragoza.


Here's Episode 1


Wed, 12-14-2011, 04:21 PM
Wait, no, okay:

So a man, who gets fired from his job, becomes a SUPER-PRO Street Fighter champion, and goes to take on THE BEST IN THE US to prove to his son that he can be hang with the cool kids. BUT when his streak inevitably summons THE BEAST FROM THE EAST, DIEGO UMEJUAREZ, can Phil continue to win, thus earning his son's undying respect?

Or will he fall to the wayside, like so many scrubs before him?