View Full Version : TV: Stargate Atlantis
Wed, 10-03-2007, 09:54 PM
does anyone else watch this show? the premiere of the 4th season aired in the US last week, and i just finished downloading and watching it. i don't want to spoil anything, so i'll just say it was pretty good episode. despite a few character changes, it's looking to be a good season.
Wed, 10-03-2007, 11:44 PM
Have i mentioned i love you saman? :p
I've been meaning to make a thread for SGA for a while, but there dont seem to be too many fans of the show here. I remember the SG1 thread i created like a year back got like no responses.
anyway, i saw the first ep a few days ago, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. My memory is kinda fuzzy atm, but i had a few gripes. Particularly when the micro asteroid punctures zaelinca's suit, he seems to be bleeding thru the hole, but the suit somehow manages to retain its atmosphere.
I love the way the episode ended though.....a heist at the enemy's stronghold. Though somehow i doubt they'll go thru with it, and if they do, it wont be as awesome as it should be. But we'll see i guess.
Its definitely looking to be a great season. I can't wait for the next ep this friday.
Thu, 10-04-2007, 03:36 PM
Have i mentioned i love you saman? :p
no, but there's always a first time for everything :P
anyway, i saw the first ep a few days ago, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. My memory is kinda fuzzy atm, but i had a few gripes. Particularly when the micro asteroid punctures zaelinca's suit, he seems to be bleeding thru the hole, but the suit somehow manages to retain its atmosphere.
yeah, that was kind of weird. maybe his suit was insulated in a particular way to make that happen. they did say he would lose atmosphere, but maybe it would've been gradual instead of all of a sudden.
my gripe was that they pushed the whole crisis on top of crisis thing a little too far. the asteriod belt coming in out of nowhere was a bit over the top, and didn't really have any consequence except for getting zalenka hurt, and, okay, taking out the whole hyperdrive chamber, but fixing that didn't really do anything anyway.
Sun, 10-07-2007, 03:54 PM
so, elizabeth's gone. another loose end. what does that make it now, three? still, good episode.
Sun, 10-07-2007, 06:32 PM
it seems like too much happened too fast...they secretly break into replicator central, steal a zpm, reprogram thier base code and when it finally looks like they'll get caught, the cavalry shows up, just in time. It really doesn't do justice to the whole "the city is on the verge of destruction" thing, especially when theres only 4 people who seem to be doing anything at all.
Btw, we've got elizabeth and ford MIA, but who's the 3rd person?
Sun, 10-07-2007, 10:25 PM
i was counting michael too. he's not MIA since he wasn't part of the team, but he's still a loose end.
yeah, they do the cavalry showing up at the last minute thing a lot. that and last minute saves. usually done by mckay or sheppard.
Sun, 10-07-2007, 11:03 PM
i like mckays saves cuz they're all scientific and stuff....sheppards usually involve more brute force. although he occasionally has some nice ideas.
i wonder what'll happen with sam though....from the intro it seems she'll be joining the cast, but in the ep she said she wont be. I guess she'll be a recurring character or somehting. Having both mckay and sam on atlantis (while sure to provide alot of great moments) mite be a science overkill.
Mon, 10-08-2007, 11:34 AM
I love Stargate!
Anyway, I figure they'll tap Sam to run things with Weir gone regardless of her wishes, she just goes where she's ordered. And the unthinkableness of Stargate escape scenarios should be nothing new to us by now. Bad shit happens, they get out of it, in getting out of it they discover an even bigger problem, they make a really bad decision to try and solve the problem, it sort of works but doesn't leading to another bad situation, and then everything just sort of works out at the last minute, that's how it's always worked. (Giant asteroid in SG-1 anyone?)
Though I wonder if Elizabeth will show up again in some form. McKay made the replicators fight the wraith but there are two loose ends that could come up in the future. First, Teyla is part wraith, and second did McKay turn on any kind of be nice to people from Atlantis code?
Mon, 10-08-2007, 01:03 PM
yay another stargate fan!
we'll definitely be seeing elizabeth again, i think. in the stargate universe, you can't assume that anyone's gone unless you see their dead body, and sometimes even then *coughdanielcough*. actually i think dr. beckett might make another appearance too.
i agree that they'll probably get sam to take over atlantis in elizabeth's stead. she's the perfect choice. strong, lots of experience, and she's a woman. having a man to run atlantis would change the atmosphere of the show too much. unless it's sheppard.
Mon, 10-08-2007, 06:39 PM
but they didn't want a military leader for atlantis to begin with...i really hope we dont get a season of bureaucratic issues/episodes with some random "love to hate 'em" lawyer.
Tue, 10-16-2007, 03:25 PM
well, that settles that. sam's the new head honcho. the random scene with teal'c was really nice. uhh, i don't remember what else happened in the new ep, but i remember liking it, so it must've been good.
Tue, 10-16-2007, 07:06 PM
lol...ronin met up with this buddies who turned out to be wraith worshipers. It was a nice twist, and i didn't see it coming, so that was a plus. It was kind of odd to see sam going along on the mission, since she's the new boss, and it would've been really stupid if she'd been captured or killed rite away. i mean, obviously its not gonna happen, but within the SGA universe, it was a stupid move. Also, the wraith were apparently 'prepared' for a rescue mission, but somehow the one jumper was enough of a decoy....and what's with them sending only 2 darts after it? a child would know that the first jumper was a decoy. The writers are really starting to slack off this season.
We did learn that it was the wraith who originally turned off the replicator attack code...but then why did the Lanteans destroy them? plot hole perhaps?
Mon, 10-22-2007, 01:45 AM
I watch the show and have for the past season and more but I'm always left sorta wanting a more developed show. McKay getting annoying when its the same always.
Its like the style of the show is to simply gloss over so much that its hard for me as a fan to be really serious about it.
Oh a sad note, I hear this show is also on the block, they started the season when tho normal regular season of other networks and are expecting it to carry/hold its weight compared to everyone. I haven't heard any numbers but keep an eye out it might be in trouble.
I like Samantha, want to see her more active like her old role which I know I cannot expect to see.
Btw, the MMO for Stargate got a projected release date of late Q4 2008, dont' believe it will release then but just another stargate tidbit.
Mon, 10-22-2007, 12:07 PM
Yeah Samantha has been seen about as much as Weir was when she was the boss, which is not much at all compared to the screen time she got when she was on SG-1. I hope she starts to show more signs of her old character in her new role but it seems like she's doomed to fade in the same way O'Neil did when he became a general.
As to the ratings, it's up against Numbers, Men in Trees (?) and Las Vegas. The only show of those three that I've heard anything about is Numbers which seems interesting enough. But I would hope that Sci-Fi has figured out is that they can't be both a niche market network and the top dog most popular network. If they just want ratings they should just scrap all their Friday shows and all their sci-fi based shows in general and put on generic mystery/dramas like everyone else. If they want to make people who want to watch Sci-Fi happy I think they should stick with Stargate. People who would rather watch Numbers or Las Vegas than Stargate would probably rather not watch anything else sci-fi might put out anyway.
Wed, 10-24-2007, 01:30 AM
Not trying to stray out of the stargate theme, but I'll mention that Numbers was the casuality in my household this year in that time slot. Never watched Men in Trees. We watch either Las Vegas or Stargate: Atlantis live and record the second one to watch later, last year Numbers was in our rotation for this time slot.
Las Vegas seems a lot like Stargate: Atlantis in that both shows want to be silly before they want to be serious. Meaning that the actors are always talking fast like they are comedians up on stage and the action is second stage to their smart aleck fast ways talking.
I am not a fan of Las Vegas anymore it wore off, I suspect Stargate hasn't totally worn off on me because of its Sci-Fi theme which I keep wanting more of that rather than Shephard and McKay and Ronin doing their slapstick talking a lot. I'm like the women chararcter in the team can't think of her name, Talia? When she drops a big sigh when they do their talking, not taking situation serious type of thing.
Sun, 10-28-2007, 10:12 PM
So, another race has been introduced into the mix....any thoughts? i liked the gritty look of their ships....can't really say much more till we meet them properly. the show's becoming kind of cliche though....we need more ancient weapons/gizmo based episodes
Sun, 10-28-2007, 11:08 PM
i actually really liked this episode. don't particularly know why. it just had all the right action in all the right places. although i was surprised that the wraith actually left like they said they would. that wasn't really...right. and i remember thinking at at least one point in this episode, "i wonder what elizabeth's going to do about that. oh, wait...i miss elizabeth"
Mon, 11-12-2007, 01:19 AM
oh noes! teila is pregnant! either that or she has cancer. but my money is on pregnant. no real plot advancement this ep...just some character development for the doc, but nothing special.
Mon, 11-12-2007, 07:22 PM
dun dun duuun! i bet she's pregnant too. i don't get where the athosians are now. sheppard called it new athos, but are they still on the old lantean planet? if so, where did that big stargate beam thingy go? and how did they get a new stargate? or did they relocate again?
Wed, 11-14-2007, 01:04 AM
Im assuming they relocated when the whole giant orbiting laser thing happened. or maybe even before it happened.
Sun, 11-18-2007, 09:06 PM
well, teyla is pregnant after all. i really liked this episode. and it's nice to see sam coming into her own as the leader of atlantis, but i also miss the old technical sam that even rodney couldn't hold a candle to.
Shadow Skill
Sun, 11-18-2007, 10:33 PM
Been watching since Season 1. Great show. Nowhere near as epic as SG-1 though. :)
Mon, 12-03-2007, 12:30 PM
waugh this is so frustrating! twice in the latest episode rodney asked someone for help. both times i thought it was going to be sam and got all excited. but no, sam wasn't even in this episode. it was disappointing.
Fri, 12-07-2007, 02:42 PM
i actually like the eposides with his sister. they have great chemistry on screen. I wish she becomes a more regular character.
Sat, 01-05-2008, 07:13 PM about action packed. S4E11 was awesome. more on that later.
Shadow Skill
Sun, 01-06-2008, 07:18 AM
S04E11 was just awesome!
Wish they'd bring back FRAN in the future. :)
Sun, 01-06-2008, 01:30 PM
I was all OMGWTFBBQ at the very end when you know who makes an appearance....and it was on hell of an appearance. Looks like this will be a very interesting season.
It was awesome seeing the 3 diff armies all working together....that attack on the replicator homeworld was several magnitudes of awesome. And also, lamo at giant replicator godzilla.
Shadow Skill
Sun, 01-06-2008, 03:25 PM
AHAHAH! Ya, I don't quite understand the relevance of comparison between Godzilla and the Replicator ball of mass. :/ Maybe I'm just as dense as that Nuetronium they speak of. :P
Be more interesting if they bring FRAN back, she owns. She almost seemed "Human" even though she was stripped of most commands and literally, learned as the hours went by. Kind of gave her a sense of being human. Definately had a lot of room to grow as a character.
Ya, I was surprised when she made an appearance at the end. I wonder what kind of season the remaining 9 episodes will bring. Sounds really interesting now. :)
Sun, 01-06-2008, 04:42 PM
it's out?? finally! *runs off to download*
Sun, 01-06-2008, 09:09 PM
pretty good episode! the fran thing seemed like such a bad idea to me, so i was surprised when the plan went off alright. i bet she comes back later in the show as a bad guy, like atlantis' version of replicarter. although elizabeth seems to be filling that role at the moment. actually, i'm unsure as to whether elizabeth is good or bad, though the music suggests she's bad. that'll be interesting.
Mon, 01-07-2008, 02:32 AM
AHAHAH! Ya, I don't quite understand the relevance of comparison between Godzilla and the Replicator ball of mass. :/ Maybe I'm just as dense as that Nuetronium they speak of. :P
The replicator virus made them all want to stick close to each other, but they would still be able to communicate as well as move themselves in a structured way. If they hadn't reached critical density in time they would have been able to shape shift their giant mass and basically become a giant monster replicator with tentacles of doom or some such.
I miss the Milky way replicators though, they could make their own ships out of blocks instead of having to build them and man them like humans. Having human forms was cool, but not utilizing blocks in everyday construction made the Pegasus replicators somewhat weaker.
Shadow Skill
Mon, 01-07-2008, 03:32 AM
Ohh ok, makes sense, Thanks! :)
Mon, 01-07-2008, 08:26 PM
Im thinking she'll be good but in a bad, she'll want to destroy the wraith and help atlantis prosper, but wont have the 'humanity' that she once had. So her and the atlantis team will butt heads.
Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:29 PM
why did no one comment on the last two episodes?? wraith clone armies, teyla's character development, and keller and ronan! that's some solid stargate-style entertainment there!
Shadow Skill
Sat, 01-26-2008, 01:58 AM
There was no FRAN so no need to comment. :P
I dunno, the last 2 episodes were ok.
Sat, 01-26-2008, 04:35 PM
MCkay and Sheppard are immortalized in time!!!
Shadow Skill
Sun, 01-27-2008, 05:59 PM
Lol, I just watched it, good episode.
Mon, 01-28-2008, 08:50 PM
"what's your status?"
"...real good?"
Tue, 01-29-2008, 12:02 AM
i really, really want that girl to die.
Tue, 01-29-2008, 01:07 AM
lol i know. i wanted to punch her in the face.
Tue, 01-29-2008, 09:50 AM
i really, really want that girl to die.
I second that
Sat, 02-02-2008, 07:01 PM
this weeks episode sucked...episodes involving earth and conspiracies always suck.
Mon, 02-11-2008, 05:45 PM
Well one more sucky ep.
Mon, 02-11-2008, 06:18 PM
i didn't mind this one too much....nothing monumental happened. but somehow mackay managed to save the ep. I would've liked more mackay/carter back and forth, but oh well.
Fri, 02-15-2008, 02:13 PM
Teal'c Ronan Duo ? Meh
Sat, 02-16-2008, 04:58 PM
teal'c <3
Sat, 02-16-2008, 05:07 PM
the fist bit of the episode seemed weird...the whole 'angry for no reason' thing didn't suit ronan. and the haircut didn't suit teal'c.
however the massive amounts of ass kicking was fun to watch.
Sat, 02-16-2008, 05:34 PM
Teal'c and Ronin made a badass wraith killing duo, however I'm really starting to lose my respect for the wraith foot soldiers. They just lumber along in straight lines with 0 reaction time and get shot all the time, much like the Jaffa used to. But at least the Jaffa would put up a decent fight and use cover and teamwork on occasion. The wrath usually just wait for someone to see and shoot them, then, despite their supposed regeneration abilities they just die and stay dead.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 03:05 PM
Did not see that coming. But im really glad he's back. He an awesome character. Im guessing he's a clone, unless Micheal somehow went back in time and saved him from dying. The next ep should be interesting.
Sun, 02-24-2008, 06:52 PM
afsdifjzpohbpaehjr DR. BECKETT!!!! <33333 he was the first one i thought of when michael said he had help, but i still wasn't actually expecting him.
i love michael's character. he seems borderline insane, until you think about what he's been through, and then it's so easy to empathize with him. sucks for teyla that her boyfriend's become a stoic wraith zombie, though.
this episode might quite possibly be the best episode of season 4 so far. maybe.
Sat, 03-01-2008, 04:02 PM
This show really needs MOAR Teal'c like pwnage.
" Oh I'm pregy, my man went Zombie, and I got captured by my old childhood friend that went mad scientist. " plot need to be nuked ... twice.
Sun, 03-02-2008, 02:52 PM
i liked this week's episode. lots happened, and the last scene with carson was very touching.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 12:27 AM
so, was that last episode the season finale? because i haven't seen any new episodes in a while now. if that was the finale, i'm going to be very disappointed
Fri, 04-11-2008, 07:36 PM
if you're talking about the time travel thing with sheppard, then ya i think that was....or atlaest the midseason finale, before the strike happened.
Fri, 04-11-2008, 08:02 PM
yeah, but i was under the impression that the strike didn't involve canada. and stargate is a canadian show, isn't it?
Fri, 04-11-2008, 10:26 PM
filmed in canada, but the show itself is american i believe.
Sat, 07-26-2008, 04:10 PM
so, has anyone been catching the new season? the first two eps are already out. continuum's coming out on tuesday too, though that's already been leaked
Sat, 07-26-2008, 05:26 PM
i've been following...but i gotta say its losing its touch. Its becomming just another sci-fi show and losing that SG appeal. Its the same thing that happened to SG1 in the last 2 seasons.
And continuum wasn't that great either was alrite and could've worked well as an episode, but as a movie it didn't quite live up to the standard.
Thu, 08-21-2008, 11:09 AM
stargate atlantis has been cancelled D:
honestly, i'm sad about this, but it's not as big a blow as when sg-1 got cancelled. i agree with you a bit, assassin. the show was losing the appeal that made the stargate franchise so special for all this years. still, it's been one of my favourite shows for long enough that quitting it cold turkey would be bad for my heart. thank goodness there's the movies.
Shadow Skill
Fri, 08-22-2008, 07:33 AM
I agree, I'm not really surprised at all. The show's been on a downward spiral since the end of Season 3 when they got rid of Doctor Elizebeth Weir. At least we got 100 episodes out of it. :)
Sat, 08-23-2008, 05:52 AM
im actually kinda happy...i'd rather they end the show before it gets too ridiculous and fans start hating it. i am looking forward to the movie though, cuz i know they'll be fun to watch.
Sun, 08-24-2008, 07:24 AM
Well, how about some good news for you guys then? A new Stargate series is being made.. Stargate Universe:
Stargate reopens new Universe
Day after SG Atlantis is given end date, Sci-Fi greenlights Stargate Universe.
All is right with the world--actually, universe--again! The whole fabric of space and time as it relates to science-fiction television was momentarily ripped asunder yesterday, when the Sci Fi Channel dropped some bad news for Stargate fans: at the conclusion of the currently airing fifth season, the network was retiring Stargate Atlantis.
Thankfully, the thought of television without a Stargate-branded series only had to last one day. This morning, Sci Fi sent out a blast that was a blessing to Stargaters everywhere--a new Stargate series is in the works.
Stargate Universe will take over the reins of the franchise sometime next summer, says the network. The idea was initially pitched last year, but was forced to take a backseat due to other Stargate projects as well as complications from the writers' strike.
The series will be in good hands; Brad Wright and Robert Cooper, the duo that created and produced both Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, will serve as executive producers and writers on Universe.
In a statement, the pair said, "In Universe, we plan to keep those elements that have made the franchise a success, such as adventure and humor, while breaking new ground in the relationships between mostly young and desperate explorers, thrust together and far from home. Above all, we believe the Stargate itself remains an enduring icon with infinite potential as a jumping off point for telling stories."
Universe will debut with a two-hour television event before heading to a weekly series, and will see a group of explorers board an abandoned, Ancients-built starship called The Destiny. Of course things won't go smoothly, and the crew soon finds itself essentially trapped onboard The Destiny and heading to strange worlds.
Previous intel on Universe said that the show will deal with the ninth chevron, and that the cast will be new, with a possibility that a familiar face may show up.
Phew! Stargate lives on! Comment party!;title;0
Sun, 08-24-2008, 08:07 AM
woow, a new SG show?
I stopped atlantis around Tao of Rodney... maybe a little later. Season 3 if I'm correct.
Maybe I'll catch up someday or try and stick to the new one?
Sun, 08-24-2008, 04:01 PM
after watching the last few eps of season 5, im actually kinda impressed. i guess the idea of cancellation made the writers step up for the final season of the show. i really enjoyed the latest episodes, cuz it went back to what made SG-1 so great. Its always more fun seeing the crazy sci-fi adventure side of it, rather then the 'alien invaders' side. I tend to dislike most episodes that involve the wraith. I'd much rather see crazy ancient tech going haywire and the like.
As for SG: Universe, the concept seems interesting. And as long as they dont create a central villian and keep it a 'planet of the day' thing, i think i'll really enjoy it.
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