View Full Version : Pet Peeves that make you seem like a crazy person
Sun, 09-02-2007, 10:48 PM
Does anyone else have any of these? Stuff that just bugs the shit out of you, but isn't really that important. I've got a few things that bother me, but no one else seems to get annoyed about and then look at me funny when I tell them about it:
1. When people put something in the microwave, set the timer for like 5 minutes, then take out the food before the timer runs out and then DOESN'T RESET THE TIME. Man! The number of times I've been briefly fooled into thinking it was 1:28 in the afternoon when it was really around 7 or 8 is way too high. And then I have to go over to the microwave and press "End" to reset the time. Y'know, just because.
2. People adding movies they've just recently seen to their "favorite movies" lists on Facebook or Myspace or what-have-you. Damn people, stop saying Transformers is your favorite movie. It just came out! It wasn't even that great. This goes for a lot of movies. Recent ones I've seen: Knocked Up, Superbad, Spiderman 3. "Favorite movie" isn't supposed to be such a fleeting title.
3. When you pay for something in cash, and then the cashier hands you the change with the bills and receipt in your palm and the change on top of those. Fuck. Not only does it slip and slide around, often out of your hand and onto the Goddamn floor, but I also don't keep change in my wallet so I have to fumble with taking the change off the top, putting it in my pocket, and then putting the bills into my wallet. It's just such and unnecessary hassle. 90% of cashiers do this, so when I run into one that doesn't, I always thank them for it. They always are confused.
What about everyone else? Does Gotwoot have some crazy Pet Peeves?
Sun, 09-02-2007, 11:09 PM
People who put ketchup on steak >>... I don't know why but when there is steak sauce right next to it.. there is no excuse...
People who don't know how to prewash dishes on an old dishwasher. OMG so annoying.
People who won't stop reminding you whose weed it is.
Sun, 09-02-2007, 11:22 PM
I got the same peeve going about the microwave. I mean it's not hard to hit "End" to reset it... seriously. I've been late or too early for things a few too many times because of the time not being there. Stupid enough to fall for it mostly because of being half asleep but still. RESET THE DANG THING!
Another minor one of mine is where I work we have this "club card" that gives you the sales price when scanned. I'll be scanning the customers food junk... when they suddenly freak on me "THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE 3.99!!!!!" and spazz for a good five minutes before I get the simple words in "Club card." Their answer? "Oh. Ok" Lame really... all the regulars do it. I mean damnit you've been to this grocery store how many times this week alone... never mind in total... and you STILL don't understand you have to give me your club card to get the sale. Not that hard. >.>;;; Disgruntled employee rant.
Sun, 09-02-2007, 11:50 PM
that make me "seem" like a crazy person? I am a crazy person.
My pet peeves:
The guy/girl at the very front of a traffic light, who is doing their hair or makeup and makes me honk at them when the light changes. It makes me want to kill a fool.
People parking their cars on the street when they have an unoccupied driveway.
Pretexts hiding one-sided rants/conversations. Don't say that you wanted to see me, or that you wanted to talk with me, or other BS if all you want is someone to sit there and listen to your shit. I'm willing to listen, but don't waste my time beating around the bush.
Floaters. Especially when fuckers put their cigarette butts in them.
People who never drive anywhere, even though they have a car.
People who won't stop reminding you whose weed it is.
Share and share alike, I say. I go nuts on people like that also, but only slightly worse are the ones who never, ever, EVER offer to pay for things like that. The number of times I've brought beer to a party and people are just like, "Can I have some?". What the fuck do you think I'm going to say? No? And whenever I ask for them to throw me some money, they try to act like they don't have any (i'm the one without a fucking job!), or that they aren't going to drink enough to merit paying, or that it's insulting because 'it'll come back around'. It especially pisses me off when these fuckers have the money, but not the common courtesy to try to keep the cycle flowing...
Sun, 09-02-2007, 11:58 PM
I got the same peeve going about the microwave. I mean it's not hard to hit "End" to reset it... seriously. I've been late or too early for things a few too many times because of the time not being there. Stupid enough to fall for it mostly because of being half asleep but still. RESET THE DANG THING!
I thoguht you both would like to know.. that I'm that guy D;
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:07 AM
I thoguht you both would like to know.. that I'm that guy D;
The one that doesn't reset...? *Mauls*
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:08 AM
@Masa: A few of those seem like perfectly legitimate pet peeves. The 1st, 3rd, and 4th and last ones are things that would bug anybody. I'm looking for the really bizarre ones, though I must agree with your point about not parking cars in the driveway. A buddy of mine does this. Fucking why??
lol @Hikyuu and steak sauce. I don't even like steak sauce. Stop telling me to use steak sauce.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:10 AM
People who put ketchup on steak >>... I don't know why but when there is steak sauce right next to it.. there is no excuse...
I eat ketchup with all my meat (Steak/Pork/Chicken/... some other meat I can't think of right now...) I love the taste of ketchup, and personally can't bring myself to eat meat without it anymore. I simply am, addicted.
And, I simply don't like the taste of steak sauce.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:11 AM
Well don't use damn ketchup.. that's like spitting in the stake's proverbial eye.. it totally covers up the flavor and shows how much of an uncultured backwater hick the applier of ketchup is. Or they are a freaky European.. like my friend Miguel.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:15 AM
Well don't use damn ketchup.. that's like spitting in the stake's proverbial eye.. it totally covers up the flavor and shows how much of an uncultured backwater hick the applier of ketchup is. Or they are a freaky European.. like my friend Miguel.
The ketchup adds another flavor.
Beside, my meat don't have much flavors in them.. since I like it, well/over cooked(burnt?). (which remove almost entirely the juicy flavor)
Now stop dising the ketchup! Not because you don't like it, mean everyone should do the same.
And don't go saying i'm an idiot or something for loving my meat well/over cooked, I like it that way, like many other people.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:20 AM
So you kill the meat.. and then add a generic flavor.. ahah.. I think this just supports my theory about Europeans and backwater hicks..
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:23 AM
Having people stab you in the back whenever they have means to, especially when it's anonymous and they do this just for the heck of it.
And I'm sure it will happen right after I wrote this.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:44 AM
Well you know what they say about Anonymous. He does not forgive.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 02:22 AM
Most people who order medium rare steaks, it isn't even that fucking good, because it's the only way they know a steak to be cooked, thanks to movies and what not.
and most complain that it still has pink/red in it, geez.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 05:36 AM
it pisses me off when people I'm eating with overtip for blatantly terrible, slow service at a restaurant in non-busy hours, just because the waitress was female.
Seriously, 23% doesn't send the message "service was inexcusably bad" -- It sends the message "your moderate cuteness has completely made up for ... uhh ... what was it again? nevermind, you're cute, but I'm too nutless to actually say that to your face, so I'll just give you money and pretend like you showed up sometime within fifteen minutes of us sitting down".
Mon, 09-03-2007, 06:16 AM
Another minor one of mine is where I work we have this "club card" that gives you the sales price when scanned. I'll be scanning the customers food junk... when they suddenly freak on me "THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE 3.99!!!!!" and spazz for a good five minutes before I get the simple words in "Club card." Their answer? "Oh. Ok" Lame really... all the regulars do it. I mean damnit you've been to this grocery store how many times this week alone... never mind in total... and you STILL don't understand you have to give me your club card to get the sale. Not that hard. >.>;;; Disgruntled employee rant.
I get this all the time at work. But I don't work at the checkout, one of the service counters with no registers, so it's not nearly as bad. My biggest work pet peeve is that people don't read! They ask me the dumbest questions, and everything they wanted to know is right on a sign. Or ask if I work in the department next to mine (despite the fact that I'm standing behind my counter and don't really leave it). I understand that old people can't read small print, so they're generally not a problem. That's what I get for working in a nearby town full of white trash.
I'm pretty laid back, but the one thing that really gets me is when people pull out in front of me on the road when there was plenty of room behind me, go ten miles per hour under the speed limit, and then immediately turn off on the next road. That, and tailgaters, but I just go 5 under the speed limit for them, speeding up at all the passing zones. If you tailgate, yes, I'm that asshole.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 06:38 AM
I'm pretty laid back, but the one thing that really gets me is when people pull out in front of me on the road when there was plenty of room behind me, go ten miles per hour under the speed limit, and then immediately turn off on the next road. That, and tailgaters, but I just go 5 under the speed limit for them, speeding up at all the passing zones. If you tailgate, yes, I'm that asshole.
For Tailgaters I had a car with a very neat "unwanted" function.
The washing spray for the windshield was so strong, that even at full (legal) speed, the spray was splashing the windshield of the tailgating car. Droplets on the tailgating car were
large engough for them to be forced to use their wipers (not very annoying, but you know
that when there are drops on the shield, you tend to only see them...)
By the time the guy searches their wiper command, the car was back in the safe zone. Repeat as many times as needed for the guy to understand :D
Mon, 09-03-2007, 09:47 AM
Hmm...for me, its jackasses that gloat about doing dumb stuff that anyone can do, people that order me around without any legitimate claims to do so, and people who touch or play with styrofoam or balloons. The last one is actually quite debilitation to me, as it cases me mental and physical distress. Like, really, Ive gone comatose from heaing someone playiwith foam for like 5 minutes :\
Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:21 AM
Droplets on the tailgating car were
large engough for them to be forced to use their wipers (not very annoying, but you know
that when there are drops on the shield, you tend to only see them...)
...or large enough for them to get distracted while they natter away on their cell phone, and they don't notice the stop sign you are both approaching. They rear-end you, and then blame you.
Using the insurance money, they purchase a large SUV, and then inadvertently kill the next person they are tailgating, or pedestrians.
The only way to deal with these people is to piss them off more by going the speed limit, or slower. I happily move out of the way on the highway, unless I'm already going 75mph, they *really* piss me off, and no one is behind them. Then I slow down to match speeds with a large truck.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:32 AM
it pisses me off when people I'm eating with overtip for blatantly terrible, slow service at a restaurant in non-busy hours, just because the waitress was female.
Seriously, 23% doesn't send the message "service was inexcusably bad" -- It sends the message "your moderate cuteness has completely made up for ... uhh ... what was it again? nevermind, you're cute, but I'm too nutless to actually say that to your face, so I'll just give you money and pretend like you showed up sometime within fifteen minutes of us sitting down".
I totally agree. Why the hell should I tip someone well, if at all, if they were terrible? A tip is supposed to be for a job well done, not for a job done. This reminds me of the diner scene in Reservoir Dogs:
Mr. Pink: Look, I ordered coffee. Now we've been here a long fucking time and she's only filled my cup three times. When I order coffee, I want it filled *six* times.
Mr. Blonde: Six times. Well, what if she's too fucking busy?
Mr. Pink: The words "too fucking busy" shouldn't be in a waitress's vocabulary.
Servers should never be "too fucking busy" enough to at least pass by your table and explain why your order is late. The biggest piss-off is when a group of people arrive 15 or 20 minutes after your group (both equally sized) and they get their orders first. So what? Your server is too busy for your table but not the other?
Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!
Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?
Mr. Pink: Nah, I don't believe in it.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?
Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make shit.
Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit.
Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a fucking Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?
Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.
Mr. Blue: Hey, our girl was nice.
Mr. Pink: She was okay. She wasn't anything special.
Mr. Blue: What's special? Take you in the back and suck your dick?
Nice Guy Eddie: I'd go over twelve percent for that.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:55 AM
I don't like it when people leave their greasy fingerprints on computer screens. It's not like they absolutely need to press the screen surface to point out something. It would be quite enough to point in the general direction from a few of centimeters off.
The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 09-03-2007, 11:10 AM
...or large enough for them to get distracted while they natter away on their cell phone, and they don't notice the stop sign you are both approaching. They rear-end you, and then blame you.
Using the insurance money, they purchase a large SUV, and then inadvertently kill the next person they are tailgating, or pedestrians.
The only way to deal with these people is to piss them off more by going the speed limit, or slower. I happily move out of the way on the highway, unless I'm already going 75mph, they *really* piss me off, and no one is behind them. Then I slow down to match speeds with a large truck.
I've literally had to go about 5 miles an hour in a 55 mph zone sometimes before people would get off my ass. Especially those with their brights on. Yeah, flood my fucking car because for some reason you can't see the road ahead of you thanks to my headlights. BUT DON'T PASS ME OR ANYTHING. Now I tailgate with my brights on for people such as those.
And weed scavengers are the worst. They have a better nose for it than I do, for some reason they can smell me smoking it from the next town over.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 11:18 AM
I don't like it when people leave their greasy fingerprints on computer screens. It's not like they absolutely need to press the screen surface to point out something. It would be quite enough to point in the general direction from a few of centimeters off.
Oh man, yes.
Also similar, when people double-click on everything. It's usually older people who do this, and I guess maybe it's just because they haven't grown up around computers. But still, I just hate that sound when it's unnecessary.
*hovers cursor over a hyperlink*
*hovers cursor over a small picture to enlarge it*
*hovers cursor over the Start button on the desktop*
Mon, 09-03-2007, 11:55 AM
when you're talking to a customer while at work and someone comes up to you from behind and interrupts you in mid-sentence to ask you where the goddamn pencils are. didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to interrupt people when they're talking? and i'm a computer associate, you retard, hence i'm standing at the very end of the computer department. try asking someone who actually works in that department where the pencils are.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:16 PM
Along with all those computer hates.. I HATE IT when I let people borrow my laptop and they slam the screen down.. In fact, I am pretty sure that my screen is loose from this ...:/
Mon, 09-03-2007, 12:46 PM
If for example i say: "hey dude don't buy that its a bit expensive, you can buy it over there for half the price". And they reply: "i don't care i'm not paying for it... my parrents do."
I fucking hate this... so what your saying is that you like to screw your parrents?
Mon, 09-03-2007, 01:49 PM
Oh man, yes.
Also similar, when people double-click on everything. It's usually older people who do this, and I guess maybe it's just because they haven't grown up around computers. But still, I just hate that sound when it's unnecessary.
*hovers cursor over a hyperlink*
*hovers cursor over a small picture to enlarge it*
*hovers cursor over the Start button on the desktop*
That reminds me of the sound of the scroller on top of mouses.... and people who instead of using sidebar to move text in a blink of an eye, use this very noisy scroller for 10 seconds or more... At work and at home, I had to dismantle every mouse, get rid of the tiny metallic bit reponsible for the noise, reassemble the mice. Ok, the feel is not the same, but they can't do anything about it:D and I don't hear that sound anymore.
...or large enough for them to get distracted while they natter away on their cell phone, and they don't notice the stop sign you are both approaching. They rear-end you, and then blame you.
Using the insurance money, they purchase a large SUV, and then inadvertently kill the next person they are tailgating, or pedestrians.
The only way to deal with these people is to piss them off more by going the speed limit, or slower. I happily move out of the way on the highway, unless I'm already going 75mph, they *really* piss me off, and no one is behind them. Then I slow down to match speeds with a large truck.
Well law system in France is a tad different, you can not win on anything..
Plus I did this only on highways... limiting the risks (turns, stops and so on)
Mon, 09-03-2007, 03:55 PM
I get this all the time at work. But I don't work at the checkout, one of the service counters with no registers, so it's not nearly as bad. My biggest work pet peeve is that people don't read! They ask me the dumbest questions, and everything they wanted to know is right on a sign. Or ask if I work in the department next to mine (despite the fact that I'm standing behind my counter and don't really leave it). I understand that old people can't read small print, so they're generally not a problem. That's what I get for working in a nearby town full of white trash.
Finally someone who knows what I'm talking about. Usually the dumb questions I get are "How much is this with the sale price?"... as they hold up the item off a pile of them riiiight there with a BIG sign face level. Or a fun one, "How much is this?" without even giving me the item to do a 'no sale' scan to find out... do I look psychic? I'm a cashier. I check your things through and stuff em into bags. THAT is my job. Not memorizing the price of that specific brand of juice that no one's heard of :P
Mon, 09-03-2007, 04:30 PM
When you meet a jackass idiot of a cashier that doesn't understand the concept of not wanting loose change. It comes out to like 19.01, and I hand them a $20 with a penny and what do they do? "What you trying to pull?" They hand back the fucking penny that I won't ever use elsewhere, and give me 99˘. What the fuck am I gonna do with that?
When people try to give you advice on shit they clearly know nothing about.
And finally, when people try to bother you about gas prices. You go into a station for a fillup and some asswipe who may be in your car will go "dude, the station at *obscure place* is like 5˘ cheaper." Well that's great, I'm gonna go 5 miles out of my way, burning up gas on the way, to save 5˘ per gallon of gas.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 05:54 PM
When you meet a jackass idiot of a cashier that doesn't understand the concept of not wanting loose change. It comes out to like 19.01, and I hand them a $20 with a penny and what do they do? "What you trying to pull?" They hand back the fucking penny that I won't ever use elsewhere, and give me 99˘. What the fuck am I gonna do with that?
That has never happened to me. I do that all the time, and the cashiers always know what's going on.
I guess the con artists are still so rare here that usually the cashiers don't even come to think of such a possibilty.
Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:00 PM
Con artists confuse things by making several transactions happen at once, while the drawer is open, causing the cashier to lose track of the transaction totals and start paying out. Smart cashiers can prevent this by simply refusing to do more than one thing at a time and making sure to put the money in, take the change out, and close the register drawer before being interrupted.
Stupid cashiers can't figure out that a penny and a twenty gets you a nice amount of change. There's several approaches you can take to inform them of such. The first is, give them the penny first. If they try to hand it back to you, tell them that they should just type it into the goddamned register and see what happens. If that doesn't work, then I suggest throwing every damned penny that they handed you back at them. Aim for the eyes. Amazing what five cents worth of copper and zinc in the cornea does to a person's willingness to listen...
Tue, 09-04-2007, 12:26 AM
o.O; I'm suddenly thankful I'm one of those smart cashiers who take the penny... especially since I'm the customer usually doing that to get the even amount.
Tue, 09-04-2007, 11:13 AM
I hate slugs, dead birds, ladders (especieally decending them) and when people treat me as if they think they are superior in some way.
It annoys the crap out of me when people dress in things just because they want to stick out. They don't even think it looks good themselves they just want to be "non conforming" or whatever.
I avoid talking on the phone as much as possible. I really dislike calling customer service and stuff like that.
Bikes in traffic. Those fuckers think that they're invincible or something.
Stupid people in general.
Fat ugly girls that think they're "all that".
When weird people sit next to me on the bus/subway.
Tue, 09-04-2007, 12:10 PM
2. People adding movies they've just recently seen to their "favorite movies" lists on Facebook or Myspace or what-have-you. Damn people, stop saying Transformers is your favorite movie. It just came out! It wasn't even that great. This goes for a lot of movies. Recent ones I've seen: Knocked Up, Superbad, Spiderman 3. "Favorite movie" isn't supposed to be such a fleeting title.
Along that same vein....
I hate when people don't write their facebook status message in the 3rd person.
Nancy is doing homework so I can go to the party tonight!!!!
Tue, 09-04-2007, 12:23 PM
About the cashier thing, it doesn't happen a lot, just here and there you'll meet a retard.
Tue, 09-04-2007, 01:48 PM
1. Uninvited people overstaying their welcome. You just randomly bump into this one person you barely know and have a conversation for a few minutes, then when you say your goodbyes and think you're going to get back on schedule, the person just has to have a bright idea and fuck up the plans with his/her own plans.
2. Going to a restaurant and your friend says "I'm not that hungry", but end up eating their food, then eating yours. If you're hungry, just say so! I don't mind if the person wants to try it, but don't sit there and tell me you're not hungry.
3. Cashier problem would be the customer coming in, you tell them the price, they say it's cheaper over there and complain, then end up buying it from here anyway.
Tue, 09-04-2007, 02:30 PM
1. Uninvited people overstaying their welcome. You just randomly bump into this one person you barely know and have a conversation for a few minutes, then when you say your goodbyes and think you're going to get back on schedule, the person just has to have a bright idea and fuck up the plans with his/her own plans.
Following this idea:
People who go on and on with the conversation, even when you have given clear hints
that you're in a hurry or the conversation is boring and you'd like to be free to do something else...
And for the cashier thing, when there are a lot of lines you can choose from, why is it in the one you choose there's someone before you with problems: ie no price for an article, the card system doesn't work, they need a very long time to find their change... or whatever.
Tue, 09-04-2007, 04:08 PM
Along that same vein....
I hate when people don't write their facebook status message in the 3rd person.
Nancy is doing homework so I can go to the party tonight!!!!
Ah, that too. One of my old status messages was actually ragging on people for that because it happens so often. Especially if they don't use any punctuation or transitions whatsoever.
This fool I knew from High School recently had his status as "Nick is awww damn i fukked up my ankle again thats what i get for going to the lake two weekends in a row."
Christ. No one cares you retard.
Edit: lol, el_boss just outright hates strangers.
Fri, 09-07-2007, 04:09 PM
The status feature on Facebook pisses me off also (same reason as Assertn and Xan). One of my friends ALWAYS updates his status every fucking day. And everytime its:
"Tim is going to work".
and once work is over...
"Tim is at home".
Seriously, nobody gives a shit about if you're at work or not.
Another pet peeve of mine happens at work. I work at a CVS in the pharmacy and what pisses me off the most is when customers come in hours early to pick up their prescription. Like a customer will say they'll pick it up at around 6:00 but instead come at 4:00. And it's already in the fucking system for 6:00 so I wouldn't have to fill it just yet because of all the other tons of prescriptions that need to be filled up. Granted it takes 15 minutes (thats the general wait time and filling medication does take awhile) to fill a prescription but still, stick to your word already. We have other prescriptions that patients are either waiting for or going to be picking up soon. Customers really piss me off...:mad:
Fri, 09-07-2007, 06:05 PM
I have a pet peeve that's more of a personality trait. I hate being ordered to do anything. Doesn't matter what it is, could be as simple as going out with friends. If someone tells me I'm going to be doing something, I get pissed, obstinate, and definitely do not want to do it. Not simply not feel motivated, I mean stonewalled against it. I may even enjoy doing it under normal circumstances.
The flip side is that if you ask me to do something, unless I've already got something planned, or don't have the skill to do it, I'll do whatever it is far more often than not. I'll even go out of my way to get it done.
There's a big difference between asking and telling.
Fri, 09-07-2007, 06:15 PM
I'm the same way about that Ryllharu... if I'm told I'm going to be doing it I just plain won't for the most part. Could even be a game I enjoy.
Fri, 09-07-2007, 08:03 PM
ooo Pet peeve.. I can't STAND THE SOUND OF MY PARENTS EATING..... Oh my god.. The sight and sound.. just... erks me so much that for a brief moment I want to smash their head against the pavement.
Sat, 09-08-2007, 12:06 AM
I cannot stand it how almost every passenger that gets into my car is too lazy to lift their outer leg so they don't drag their shoes along the side skirts. I just had my car repainted a couple of months ago and it's white. I already have a few scuffs on the front part of the passenger side skirt. Thank goodness it's just me in my car 95% of the time.
And any time I've mentioned it to my passengers I feel like I'm totaly anal-retentive and an asshole....but I admit to being both so I guess I shouldn't feel bad. I mean, it is my car after all.
Sat, 09-08-2007, 12:20 AM
people saying "who" where you should say "what" or any other word.
ie. You tell the person something, they dont quite hear it... so they say " blah blah WHO?" as if they're asking about a person when in fact they are asking about anything. not just black people... all sorts of people are doing it. stop that shit.
people not using blinkers (yes, they come with any make/model car ! omfg !)
people parking huge suvs in compact car parking spots
people parking too close to my car
people tailgating me
people making me repeat myself
people talking way too loud and obnoxious on the train... or anywhere else, as if people other than the ones they're actually talking to want to hear what they're saying
people asking me for money when i work 2 jobs for the money i have
Sat, 09-08-2007, 01:32 AM
i hate it when im concentrated on a movie or video game and then someone comes bursting into my room without knocking and starts asking you a question or for help and u lose focus and miss out on a part of the story of the video game and movie making me play that part over again
edit: this thread is a lot like the bitching thread lol
Sat, 09-08-2007, 03:12 AM
I hate it when I'm in a café or a restaurant, and someone lights a cig...
Come on, wait 30 minutes and light it outside!
I almost want to kill when people do this when they are on a non smoking part of the restaurant... In France, no one dares to pest them... and they won't get a fine...
There's also the waitress/waiter that tells you this is a non smoking part, and the next person she sits, she says it's ok to smoke...
That one I want to kill with burning cigarets on their body.
Then there are these restaurants where smoking and non smoking area are separated with thin air....
Hopefully, starting january 1st 2008, it will be prohibited to smoke in any café, restaurant and so on.
The problem is, if it's not enforced, the situation will remain as awful as today...
We've had a law for over ten years, that was here to help respect beetween smokers and non smokers. The thing is smokers never ever cared, no enforcement, so non smokers were just plainly fucked...
I've been tripping to Italy, where the non smokig rule is enforced. You can't even imagine how nice it is for me to be siping a ristreto, without some cig smoke going up my nostrils... Actually, the ristreto is even better.
The same goes with what you eat...
Sat, 09-08-2007, 04:30 AM
edit: this thread is a lot like the bitching thread lol
No. I wanted this thread to list out strange pet peeves that people have. Ones that are generally beyond comprehension. If you don't have any, there's absolutely nothing wrong with complaining about customers at work, or about people being obnoxious in general, but that wasn't the intent of this thread. All of that can go in the bitching thread.
Like, don't say your pet peeve is people talking loudly on their phones in restaurants. That's boring, and a pretty common thing to get annoyed about. I was really looking for things that might seem pretty simple or unimportant to everyone else, but cause you inexplicable rage. Like putting ketchup on steak, scuffing the side skirts of cars, or when people wear shoes on carpets.
Don't get me wrong though! I'm not trying to be restrictive, 'cause I think there have been some funny answers in this thread.
You tell the person something, they dont quite hear it... so they say " blah blah WHO?" as if they're asking about a person when in fact they are asking about anything.
Board of Command
Sun, 09-09-2007, 08:17 PM
One thing that really pisses me off is when people ask "What's the best _____ to buy?" How the hell am I supposed to know if that's all the information they provide you with? The "best" as in the most appropriate, the best bang for the buck, or the best performance/quality? I usually answer with "The best one is probably the most expensive one."
I hate those dumbasses...
Sun, 09-09-2007, 10:02 PM
people thinking it is ok to text while in the movie theater... a bright screen is as distracting as the phone ringing itself...
couple months ago this asshole had a bluetooth ear piece on a few rows in front of me and every 5-6 seconds it would brightly flash... this guy had no clue of what a complete asshole he is.
Sun, 09-09-2007, 10:31 PM
couple months ago this asshole had a bluetooth ear piece on a few rows in front of me and every 5-6 seconds it would brightly flash... this guy had no clue of what a complete asshole he is.
That's what usually makes someone an asshole...being completely oblivious to their assholery.
Sun, 09-09-2007, 10:44 PM
i can't stand it when people confuse the "i" and "e" in certain words. "recieve", "wierd", "kieths". i mean, bad spelling usually makes me cringe, but this mistake in particular really makes me want to hurt someone.
Board of Command
Sun, 09-09-2007, 11:00 PM
ORLY? What about the ever-so-popular "your" instead of "you're"?
Mon, 09-10-2007, 01:05 AM
That bugs me, but not as much as the hypercorrection of "you're" when "your" is the appropriate spelling. I see it all the time. Dumb kids know that the two are often confused and then apply one rule to every instance, as if they're trying to seem intelligent.
"Pick up you're stuff man."
i can't stand it when people confuse the "i" and "e" in certain words. "recieve", "wierd", "kieths". i mean, bad spelling usually makes me cringe, but this mistake in particular really makes me want to hurt someone.
This made me laugh. Especially since I spelled "weird" as "wierd" for the longest time. I honestly thought I had it right.
Tue, 09-11-2007, 01:00 AM
I have a pet peeve that's more of a personality trait. I hate being ordered to do anything. Doesn't matter what it is, could be as simple as going out with friends. If someone tells me I'm going to be doing something, I get pissed, obstinate, and definitely do not want to do it. Not simply not feel motivated, I mean stonewalled against it. I may even enjoy doing it under normal circumstances.
The flip side is that if you ask me to do something, unless I've already got something planned, or don't have the skill to do it, I'll do whatever it is far more often than not. I'll even go out of my way to get it done.
There's a big difference between asking and telling.
I hate people that neglect to do something for you if you ask them, but if you keep asking them they are less likely to do it for you. You basically can't win.
Tue, 09-11-2007, 11:37 PM
My pet peeve is that for the longest time, my sister would eat cheerios with her mouth wide open. That stuff smells like ass when it is consumed. Whenever she eats it I have to leave the room, it disgusts me.
Also, people who think MS Paint is a legitimate image editing program. I had an acquaintance who was in charge of the high schools literary magazine, and he did the majority of his work in MS Paint. It was aggravating to say the least.
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