View Full Version : Naruto Shippuuden Episode 24
Thu, 08-09-2007, 07:08 PM
Naruto Shippuden - 24 - [NarutoBuzz] ( 1C16%5D.avi.torrent)
Naruto Shippuden - 24 - [Flomp] (
Naruto Shippuuden - 24 -{Dattebayo} (
EDIT: WTF masa? I can add releases to my own post you know...or is this the common thing to do in Naruto ep threads?
Thu, 08-09-2007, 07:48 PM
Wow. the Gai on Gai scene is probably the lamest thing I have ever seen.
They are going all out with this new movie advertising.
Edit...Actually, I will go with DB on this one. Thanks though....
Thu, 08-09-2007, 09:50 PM
ahhh so it's the movie they're advertising. i thought it was an upcoming filler arc, and became a little worried.
anyway, episode was alright, i guess. sakura's fight is still the only interesting thing going on.
Thu, 08-09-2007, 10:01 PM
Okay episode, though as usual the clone fights take a large bite out of the enjoyability of the whole. At least with Naruto and Kakashi they start talking about doing something instead of just doing the same thing over and over and rambling about nothing.
Sakura pwning the Hokage puppet was pretty pimp, but from the next ep it looks like Sasori's got even more with him so the fight drags on...
Lol @ the movie girl in the ED. She reminds me a lot of Inuyasha. She dresses and looks like Inuyasha and is carried around everywhere like Kagome.
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:07 PM
Whoever animated Gai and Lee in this episode seriously needs to be fucking shot. I mean, they just need to die right now.
Aside from that, this episode was great. Sakura not sucking. Awsome.
Although, I knew right away she was faking being poisoned. Seriously, Sasori is retarded for using the puppet for the killing blow. Er, she's surrounded in giant metal blades you have control of. WHY couldn't you have used one of those? But no, your a dipshit, and now your badass toy is busted.
Board of Command
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:09 PM
The Sasori fight got interesting at the very end, but everything leading up to that was a bit strange from a strategic point of view. The whole point of iron sand is that you can shape it to whatever you want, and manipulate each individual piece to your will. When you have a weapon like that, quantity is far more valuable than quality (i.e. size). He should use it like Kuchiki's flower petal zanpakutou instead of shaping them into two massive blocks.
And as already mentioned, the Team Gai stuff has reached new levels of absurdity. Now they don't even bother making new scenes. Each fight is just 3 second sequences played over and over...
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:21 PM
Sakura usually underwhelms me, even when she has the upper hand in a battle.
But that last strategy of hers was probably the smartest thing I've seen Sakura manage in the whole series. When she first pocketed the antidote, I figured she'd just predictably use it to revive herself after battle, not employ it as her trump card.
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:39 PM
going with DB.... not that teh other 2 are bad but.... DB. Anyhow.. im dead tired and if this dl's in the next 10 minutes im going to stay up and watch it tonight.
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:47 PM
Episode was made of fail. LOL at Sakura getting punched in the stomach by Tsunade. Priceless. I just realized that Hiruko's tail sounds like a Zerg egg.
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:56 PM
Good episode most of the time.
Team Gai's battles were bad because they over used frames this time.
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:59 PM
I'm pretty sure this episode has the worst animation of any episode of Naruto EVER. That aside the oh 3 or so minutes of plot that took place were pretty decent but they might as well have just had children running around with paper cutouts of the characters.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 01:44 AM
Did someone at the studio to forget to release the replay button during the Gai fight? Seriously, I had more enjoyment pouring apple cider vinegar on my junk than watching that shit.
Naruto Crapuuden episode 24 and counting.
Edit - I also liked how when Neji tries to pinpoint the explosions, it shows the same animation from earlier in the episode only it's in some shitty translucent Byakugay vision.
I only watch this crappy series thinking that they are making the anime with the bare minimum of production costs and saving up to make a super episode. But then again, Naruto is synonymous with failure.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:56 AM
Wow.. The Gai fight was horribly animated. Like I've said many times, Ten-ten is the coolest Kunoichi of the rookies, but they give her such a horrible role.
Finally, the next 1 or 2 episodes should end this fight with Sasori. What's that little vial or whatever he seemed to be holding? Does he surrender and give Sakura a cure or something?
And LOL at the name Ino. I didn't know it meant boar. Hah, she's a boar!
Fri, 08-10-2007, 03:07 AM
Eh, my opinions have pretty much already been expressed by the other posts.
For the most part a good episode, except of course the clone fights.
I think it would have been hilarious though if a chunk of the puppet hit her square in the eye though, lol.
P.S. Long haired Sakura in the flashbacks is cuter.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 04:02 AM
man you guys whine a lot
Fri, 08-10-2007, 04:58 AM
Sakura usually underwhelms me, even when she has the upper hand in a battle.
But that last strategy of hers was probably the smartest thing I've seen Sakura manage in the whole series. When she first pocketed the antidote, I figured she'd just predictably use it to revive herself after battle, not employ it as her trump card.Oh...I'd actually completely forgotten that she had an antidote for his poison.
I just thought she cut herself to make it look like Sasori had got her, but she wasn't really poisoned at all.
But that thing you just said makes even more sense.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 05:11 AM
The Sasori fight got interesting at the very end, but everything leading up to that was a bit strange from a strategic point of view. The whole point of iron sand is that you can shape it to whatever you want, and manipulate each individual piece to your will. When you have a weapon like that, quantity is far more valuable than quality (i.e. size). He should use it like Kuchiki's flower petal zanpakutou instead of shaping them into two massive blocks.
It rather seems to me it's because he's lacking that kind of control that he forms big objects out of it and flings them at his opponents. The man sized metal spikes were the smallest effective forms, I suppose. This would suggest his control over the movements is pretty limited and he can't give them more than a limited speed either. So, anything small would just tickle the opponent (or jam puppets). Still, I'm not saying his battle tactics with the iron sand were anywhere near optimal.
Other than that, Sasori probably owns the largest medicine consortium in the Naruto universe if he indeed was able to produce highly efficient toxins so much that he was able to coat all the particles of that impressive amount of sand (tons of it) with it. You don't cook up that much poisons in your kitchen.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 06:39 AM
I can't do anything else but to agree with all previous posters on the majority of things mentioned.
Though I wondered why Sakura has long hair in the learning-flashback?
Fri, 08-10-2007, 07:14 AM
I also thought it was strange that Sakura had long hair in the flashback. Considering she started training with Tsunade when Sasuke left. Maybe she grew her hair back to chop it off again? Or something equally retarded.
But the clone fighting scene...5 mins of repeated movement and Neji's "insight" just really killed it. I should edit all the previous 5 episodes to take out those unnecessary scenes and create a super-mega-hyper-global-lameless episode(s) that should have been done.
I agree with DarthEnder that the animators should be shot, but why stop there? The directors should also be shot for allowing this to happen and the way that they edited these past few episodes have seriously undermined the quality of the show before the time jump.
There....that felt better. :D
Board of Command
Fri, 08-10-2007, 12:01 PM
But the clone fighting scene...5 mins of repeated movement and Neji's "insight" just really killed it. I should edit all the previous 5 episodes to take out those unnecessary scenes and create a super-mega-hyper-global-lameless episode(s) that should have been done.
Or someone can do the opposite - remove all the crap from the last 10 episodes and make remaining scenes into a single episode packed with real content.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 12:56 PM
truly a disappointing episode. The entire "Did you hear that sound?" "Yeah" "Yeah" "Wonder what it was?" "Neji, check!" etc. etc. sequence was terrible. Gai and Lee looked like some kind of retarded kung-fu ballet and it took the entire first half of the episode to establish that, yes, the cave is collapsing.
Massive chunks of iron sand don't really seem to be a good idea, especially if the opponent deflects them all the time without much difficulty. The second form in this episode was cool. Kudos to Sakura for using her head. Other than that, I wasn't very happy with this episode.
I'm gonna really start reading the manga now. I prefer watching just the animes, as the two mediums and fluid animation offer alot more potential to wow, but Shippuuden really hasn't done that for me, only in a few places.
@Yuki- I figured updating the top post in a thread wouldn't be that big a deal, especially to add link to the version most people are used to. And we can do what we want with the OP if we feel it makes the discussions flow better or provide essential information of interest to the thread.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:01 PM
It rather seems to me it's because he's lacking that kind of control that he forms big objects out of it and flings them at his opponents. The man sized metal spikes were the smallest effective forms, I suppose. This would suggest his control over the movements is pretty limited and he can't give them more than a limited speed either. So, anything small would just tickle the opponent (or jam puppets). Still, I'm not saying his battle tactics with the iron sand were anywhere near optimal.
Sasori underestimated Sakura and Chiyo. He was hoping to finish off the fight quickly and save chakra so that he could join in the Naruto/Deidara fight. He says something along the lines of "I guess I'll need to use more chakra" before he uses that iron-tree attack.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:02 PM
Bad everyone said before, the Gai scene was so bad i thought my eyes were gonna bleed...
I really didnt enjoy the 1st half of the episode, I think they dragged out the Sakura punching iron sand chunk scene way too long. I thought the opening was a upcoming filler so I was about to have a heart attack until I learned that it was for a movie
AND holy shit they made the iron sand "law" move looked so lame!! In the manga, it actually gave me the "omfg holy shit" feeling and made me feel like it was one of Sasori's trump cards but in the anime, they made it seem like a small technique that Sasori has...
Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:05 PM
Hi, just wanted to say again how bad Naruto is.
Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:08 PM
i'm ready for team gai to finish fighting their clones... but its awesome to see that sakura is no longer a useless tool, i liked how she played possum then pwnd sasori's kazekage ;).
there is no choice left... i will finish it with 'this'
there is no choice left... i will finish it with 'that'!!
Fri, 08-10-2007, 05:14 PM
Sakura kicked some ass in this episode even when the puppet bitch got her ass beat
Fri, 08-10-2007, 09:05 PM
The beginning was pretty mediocre, the middle was so bad I'm still considering dropping Shippuden from my watching list and just read the manga and the end was alright.
The movie looks like the standard naruto crap standalone storyline with "Whiny-and-useless-character-who-needs-protection-and-encouraging". Hasn't like every naruto movie had one, not to mention almost 95% of the fillers that made me stop watching naruto the first time?
Fri, 08-10-2007, 10:03 PM
I read over this fight in the manga again, and damn, it has to be 1000x better than the anime.
Sat, 08-11-2007, 12:02 PM
i really hate the way chiyo-ba says sakura's name. and the way she keeps repeating it.
Sat, 08-11-2007, 04:54 PM
I really hated the clone fighting, AGAIN. Nothing interesting happens, the Gai fight was lame, switching from one hill to another. The Lee fight was dramatic, you just saw the exact same movement over and over again but in a different place...
The ending was great. I was thinking Sakura made a bunshin and (like Naruto) crawled through a burrow and sneak op on the enemy.
Sun, 08-12-2007, 05:52 AM
there is no choice left... i will finish it with 'this'
there is no choice left... i will finish it with 'that'!!there is no choice left...I will finish it with a wiffle-ball bat!
Sun, 08-12-2007, 12:20 PM
I'm so dissapointed now, I was looking forward to Shippunden and the first episode was massive, and now, I can't watch it anymore..
I hate Naruto.. Aint going to buy there shit anymore!:mad:
Sun, 08-12-2007, 03:01 PM
haha, they're really milking this for all it's worth. I'm not naive enough to believe that they'd care about the show's integrity, but seriously, what the hell was that. The Gai/Lee clone fights were absolutely brutal. They're stretching out the material so far just to fit one episode that there's barely anything in it, and it's absolutely messed up the pacing. It's unbearable. The show has lost it's soul, and i'm never watching the anime again... until they release a well animated ep, which happens once every 20 or 30 eps anyway, which i'm sure i'll hear about from you guys. My god.
Sun, 08-12-2007, 06:31 PM
I can't do anything else but to agree with all previous posters on the majority of things mentioned.
Though I wondered why Sakura has long hair in the learning-flashback?
Maybe to show us that time had passed since Naruto left and finally she was too busy training to cut her hair! -dg-
Sun, 08-12-2007, 07:56 PM
i like to compare the manga with the animation and I like how they add little things here and there to make the scenes more exciting. it's not surprise that the team gai fight scenes are boring, but I think the sakura fight is always worth watching because of the new jutsu's. i like it.
Mon, 08-13-2007, 12:31 AM
On a different note, one of us mentioned Team Guy's clones may have all been genjitsu. I took that seriously for a while, until I saw them radio each other again. They haven't really shown us what those clones are at the moment, have they? I'm thinking they're like the itach/kisame zero technique, and somehow gain your stats when you touch the seal. But they why didn't Kakashi have a clone too? If the idea was to make sure two teams had to be there to dispel the seal, then why not hold up the team at the entrance as well?
And I don't know what the Third Kazekage's/Sasori's limitations on the control of Iron Sand are, but I would have done a Gaara and used Desert Coffin on Sakura, but I guess that would just add to the repetition.
Mon, 08-13-2007, 08:55 AM
Maybe to show us that time had passed since Naruto left and finally she was too busy training to cut her hair! -dg-
All right, convinced! :)
On a different note, one of us mentioned Team Guy's clones may have all been genjitsu. I took that seriously for a while, until I saw them radio each other again. They haven't really shown us what those clones are at the moment, have they? I'm thinking they're like the itach/kisame zero technique, and somehow gain your stats when you touch the seal. But they why didn't Kakashi have a clone too? If the idea was to make sure two teams had to be there to dispel the seal, then why not hold up the team at the entrance as well?
Maybe Akatsuki thought that if they could take on anyone who removed the seal on the boulder and didn't bother to make a trap there?
Mon, 08-13-2007, 10:24 AM
On a different note, one of us mentioned Team Guy's clones may have all been genjitsu. I took that seriously for a while, until I saw them radio each other again. They haven't really shown us what those clones are at the moment, have they? I'm thinking they're like the itach/kisame zero technique, and somehow gain your stats when you touch the seal. But they why didn't Kakashi have a clone too? If the idea was to make sure two teams had to be there to dispel the seal, then why not hold up the team at the entrance as well?
Neji's byakugan should be able to see through the genjutsu though.
Mon, 08-13-2007, 03:29 PM
Maybe to show us that time had passed since Naruto left and finally she was too busy training to cut her hair! -dg-
If time has passed and her hair grew back, we should've seen some growth as well. All we saw was little 12 year old Sakura from the first arc.
I'm just going to take it in as the animators screwed up.
Mon, 08-13-2007, 06:13 PM
On the Gai's team clones = genjutsu theory... didn't Tenten's clone rise up from the water? They seem to be clones made of whatever was nearby (Gai's = earth clone, Tenten's = water, Rock Lee's = earth/wood, etc.). I'm not sure if this is the same as in the manga, but their opponents seem to be just clones with a lot of chakra in them.
Tue, 08-14-2007, 06:37 PM
Neji's byakugan should be able to see through the genjutsu though.
i thought byakugan was only for physical material? and its zooming ability?
Tue, 08-14-2007, 09:46 PM
If time has passed and her hair grew back, we should've seen some growth as well. All we saw was little 12 year old Sakura from the first arc.
I'm just going to take it in as the animators screwed up.
She has long hair in the manga flashback as well.
Wed, 08-15-2007, 01:31 AM
And I don't know what the Third Kazekage's/Sasori's limitations on the control of Iron Sand are, but I would have done a Gaara and used Desert Coffin on Sakura, but I guess that would just add to the repetition.Heh, all that made me think what it would be like if Akatsuki put Shukaku inside Sasori. One-tails unlimited chakra powering the iron sand? Sweeeeeeet.
Wed, 08-15-2007, 10:44 AM
i thought byakugan was only for physical material? and its zooming ability?
No...that's the reason kage bunshin worked on Neji, because it wasn't a genjutsu.
What do you mean by physical material anyway? Genjutsu isn't physical material, so that would be all the more reason why he'd be able to differentiate.
Wed, 08-15-2007, 11:03 AM
If time has passed and her hair grew back, we should've seen some growth as well. All we saw was little 12 year old Sakura from the first arc.
I'm just going to take it in as the animators screwed up.
Or she was only working on Healing Jutsu's for the first part of the training and the second part was more battle training. So I dont think that the animators screwed up, I just think that they were showing exactly what I said, which was training on medical jutsu's and then got her ass beat by Tsundae! -dg-
Wed, 08-15-2007, 09:37 PM
Or she was only working on Healing Jutsu's for the first part of the training and the second part was more battle training. So I dont think that the animators screwed up, I just think that they were showing exactly what I said, which was training on medical jutsu's and then got her ass beat by Tsundae! -dg-
She cut her hair in the Chuunin Exam arc, well before she met Tsunade. Though it's possible she let it grow during her time with Tsunade, it doesn't seem likely since cutting it was such a big deal for her in the first place. It was supposed to show her committment to becoming a better ninja.
Wed, 08-15-2007, 09:55 PM
maybe she just likes growing it out and then chopping it all off symbolically every now and then. *shrugs*
Wed, 08-15-2007, 10:24 PM
She cut her hair in the Chuunin Exam arc, well before she met Tsunade. Though it's possible she let it grow during her time with Tsunade, it doesn't seem likely since cutting it was such a big deal for her in the first place. It was supposed to show her committment to becoming a better ninja.
It wasnt the short hair that was the point. It was her not wasting her time with hair and spending more time on training. That is why Kin was all..."You hair is soo lusty, you should spend more time training and less time on your hair."
Hence why it was so ragged in the flashback. She hasnt had time to cut it or style it. She was working that hard on becoming a better ninja. -dg-
Thu, 08-16-2007, 04:19 AM
Exactly. If she kept worrying about keeping it short, then she'd be fussing over unimportant things again.
Thu, 08-16-2007, 09:00 AM
Byakugan lets the user see chakra, which makes noticing genjutsu fairly straight forward. Since genjutsu involves a user manipulating the chakra of their victim a Byakugan user should be able to perceive the abnormal flow by just looking at the victim. However a skilled enough gnejutsu user ought to be able to fool even that by manipulating the chakra going through they Byakugan users eyes and thus tricking even them. Though this hasn't really been tested so it's possible the Byakugan eyes are somehow immune/resistant to chakra manipulation.
Thu, 08-16-2007, 11:13 AM
To all those who're saying this fight in the manga was so much better or cooler than the anime, etc.... I seem to recall many complaints about this fight when the manga was being released each week :p
Just sayin'.
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