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Mon, 05-16-2005, 11:16 PM
E3 2005: PS3 Specs
All the technical data.
by IGN Staff
May 16, 2005 - PlayStation 3 Specifications
Product name: PlayStation 3
Cell Processor
PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
1 VMX vector unit per core
512KB L2 cache
7 x SPE @3.2GHz
7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE
* 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy
total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS
RSX @550MHz
1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance
Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels
Multi-way programmable parallel floating point shader pipelines
Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell- base processing)
256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz
System Bandwidth
Main RAM 25.6GB/s
VRAM 22.4GB/s
RSX 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
SB< 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)
System Floating Point Performance
Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1
USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
Memory Stick standard/Duo, PRO x 1
SD standard/mini x 1
CompactFlash (Type I, II) x 1
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2)
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Bluetooth (up to 7)
USB 2.0 (wired)
Wi-Fi (PSP)
Network (over IP)
AV Output
Screen size: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI: HDMI out x 2
Analog: AV MULTI OUT x 1
Digital audio: DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) x 1
Disc Media
CD PlayStation CD-ROM, PlayStation 2 CD-ROM, CD-DA, CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW, SACD, SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD, DualDisc, DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side)
DVD: PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM, PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW
Blu-ray Disc: PlayStation 3 BD-ROM, BD-Video, BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE
for some ps3 pictures
Tue, 05-17-2005, 12:38 AM
This is ridiculous. The Killzone demo APPEARS to be real time, and looks absolutely stunning.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 12:43 AM
Yeah, killzone demo was most definatly the best of the bunch. Although is it just me or do I notice a trend with most of the PS3 games being FPS's featuring huge battles with hundreds of generic soldiers fighting against each other. Really does make me wonder what bungie is cooking up for halo 3 especially in that they have about a year to finish it up before PS3 is released since that's when it's supposed to be released in order to counter the PS3 launch.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 01:00 AM
wow, thats one kickass design.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Although is it just me or do I notice a trend with most of the PS3 games being FPS's featuring huge battles with hundreds of generic soldiers fighting against each other.
If by "most", you mean "1", then you're correct.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 08:46 AM
Tue, 05-17-2005, 09:15 AM
I don't like the new controller........ but it's really hard to come up with some thing better than the Dual Shock 2.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 09:24 AM
Tue, 05-17-2005, 09:27 AM
FUCK. I don't want to buy another new console... i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Tue, 05-17-2005, 09:38 AM
i know, im just gonna go download every xbox game out there and pray i never hear the words "new console" again
Tue, 05-17-2005, 09:45 AM
what the, thats fucking ugly
its got Spiderman font as the logo and the controller is ugly
its just another gay scam to make us spent tones of muney
Tue, 05-17-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by: basey_69
i know, im just gonna go download every xbox game out there and pray i never hear the words "new console" again
You may want to seriously do that, considering Microsoft has not touched the topic of whether or not the XBox 360 is backwards compatible. Anything for them bastards to get more money.
And, the PS3 Controller is seriously in need of remodelling and restructuring. The current PS2 DS Controller is perfect.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
what the, thats fucking ugly
its got Spiderman font as the logo and the controller is ugly
its just another gay scam to make us spent tones of muney
For the appearance of the PS3 I'll reserve my comments first. Remember when the PS2 first came out and people were complaining about it's deisgn? I hated it as well back then but now I think the PS2 looks great.
You're right about the Spider-man font however....... It struck me immediately when I saw the logo. The PS1 and PS2 logos were more unique.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 10:50 AM
i've always liked the ps2 design also with the ps1 i dont like to many curves
Tue, 05-17-2005, 11:15 AM
The new design looks cool, I think. But the controller looks like some crappy controller that MadKatz or someone would make. I like the DualShock 2 better.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 11:33 AM
whow looks badass. only like mentioned above the controler looks terrible.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:12 PM
Square is evil for showing such a great tech demo that will never see the light of a release i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif. I agree with every one else bout the controllers having a crappy design but the system itself looks pimp. Plus 3 different colors dunno which to choose.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:44 PM
nah, the controller looks decent. I think they just overdid it a lil bit with those two ends sticking out too far. Other then that, I think it's pretty good, considering the button placement and comfort for the hands with the design.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:00 PM
Although is it just me or do I notice a trend with most of the PS3 games being FPS's featuring huge battles with hundreds of generic soldiers fighting against each other.
If by "most", you mean "1", then you're correct.
I counted at least three. First there was that new game from insomniac where all the soldiers were running around fighitng alien monsters, then there was incognito's warhawk which featured even more infantry action in the beginning, and of course the killzone demonstration rounded off things quite nicely in the generic soldiers category. Plus Xbox 360 had a few games as well that followed this theme with gears of war, call of duty 2, and Quake 4. I'm getting a bit tired of all the damn soldiers and the epically big battles that are trying to outdo each other
Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:26 PM
Warhawk is an aerial combat game, so scratch that off. Two games is not "most".
Update: none of the videos except the Unreal Engine 3 and some of EA's stuff were in real time.
Swallow Your Soul
Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:29 PM
Personally I don't like the design, especially the pad, which I'd have been happy had they kept the old PS2 pad style...the controller doesn't look comfortable to me, but I guess I won't find that out until it is released...
As long as its good for playing games then I'll be happy though, the FFVII demo looked amazing.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 06:28 PM
The reason the controller design is changed is because Sony is in the middle of a lawsuit regarding their Dual Shock controllers.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
The reason the controller design is changed is because Sony is in the middle of a lawsuit regarding their Dual Shock controllers.
Really? Why is that?
Wed, 05-18-2005, 06:53 PM
wow i'm pretty cool with the design like i dont care much for those aspects but that controller looks pretty gay. It looks like their trying to take the XBOX style of controllers and i hated XBOX controllers...the curves are compeletly irrevelent.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 06:56 PM
The vibrational technology they used was apparently patented. They lost a $90+ million lawsuit and are currently appealing that verdict, so I assume they can't sell more Dualshocks until the litigation is resolved.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 12:25 AM
thats only for the motor system, not for the controller design though
Thu, 05-19-2005, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
thats only for the motor system, not for the controller design though
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure the reason they have that larger casing is to hold the different vibrational system.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 09:56 PM
How much do you think it's gonna be? I think it'll be like 400 dollars or more ... which I will probably never buy.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 11:35 PM
Above $400 wouldn't be marketable, in my opinion. This system is more than a year away. The prices for this hardware will be far more reasonable by the time they actually begin manufacturing it.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 08:11 AM
Well i have to wait and see.. I heard that Final Fantasy XI will be released to the new Xbox.. So then i wonder if they have stopped doing the FF-series exclusive to PS.. Or if they maybe are planning to switch console.. Also i heard that the GT series will go over to Xbox.. And those was the 2 main game-series that makes me buy PS.. If both switch to Xbox, i might as well..
Also i want to see what capabilitys they going to have for modding and chipping.. But if FF and GT-series remain at PS, it will be the console of my choise..
Sat, 05-21-2005, 11:20 AM
i think they will price it in the 300-350 range. i cant wait to get my hands on this machine...i heard the cell processor in it kills the x-box 360. i dont know much about technical stuff so i dont really know. i seen that killzone 2 demo and it looks crazy, and they say its gameplay and not sony ends up beating microsoft at E3 again imo.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by: TwisT
Well i have to wait and see.. I heard that Final Fantasy XI will be released to the new Xbox.. So then i wonder if they have stopped doing the FF-series exclusive to PS.. Or if they maybe are planning to switch console.. Also i heard that the GT series will go over to Xbox.. And those was the 2 main game-series that makes me buy PS.. If both switch to Xbox, i might as well..
Also i want to see what capabilitys they going to have for modding and chipping.. But if FF and GT-series remain at PS, it will be the console of my choise..
Well Squaresoft's gotta release FFXII soon or else it's gonna look inferior to the PS3 demos/games.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
i think they will price it in the 300-350 range. i cant wait to get my hands on this machine...i heard the cell processor in it kills the x-box 360. i dont know much about technical stuff so i dont really know. i seen that killzone 2 demo and it looks crazy, and they say its gameplay and not sony ends up beating microsoft at E3 again imo.
Yep, Killzone 2's the one I"m waiting for. Also the next GT.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
i seen that killzone 2 demo and it looks crazy, and they say its gameplay and not cgi
It isn't gameplay.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 06:53 PM
i was watching e3 live coverage on G4 and they were talking to one of the sony spokesmans and thats what he said. they asked him about 3 times if it was a cgi cinematic and he said it wasnt.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 01:53 AM
[23:51] <Mut[at]t[at]> KILLZONE 2 LOOKS AWESOME
[23:51] <Mut[at]t[at]> I FELT LIKE I WAS THE GUY WITH THE GUN
[23:51] <Mut[at]t[at]> GOING BAMBAMBAMBAM
Tue, 05-24-2005, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
i was watching e3 live coverage on G4 and they were talking to one of the sony spokesmans and thats what he said. they asked him about 3 times if it was a cgi cinematic and he said it wasnt.
He wasn't telling the truth.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 03:20 AM
more specificly, he avoided there questions, its how the game will be, in gameplay and ai and events, not gfx, it was a cg demo, EVERYthing that was shown on ps3 was prerendered, everything that was shown on xbox360, where games made on alpha devkits running on specializeds G5's, meaning they were running at only 30% power....xbox360 is gonna own, even if its power is lower than the ps3's
5) Summary
So normalising and apples to apples figures for the above total system spec for PS3 are,
PS3 vs X360
PS3 ~ 100 billion shader ops per second (<--RSX+CELL)
X360 = 67.2 billion shader ops per second (<--xCPU+xGPU (ati))
PS3 CELL 8*3.2GHz ~ 25.6 billlion shader ops per second
X360 xCPU 6*3.2~ 19.2 billion shader ops per second
PS3 ~ 51 billion dot products per second
X360 ~ 33.6 billion dot products per second
X360 ~ 1+ TFLOPS
PS3 normalised total system + VRAM =412.5 MB (total 512)
X360 normalised total system + VRAM = 326 MB (total 512)
Tue, 05-24-2005, 03:31 AM
Not everything that was shown on the PS3 was pre-rendered. The stuff shown by Phil Harrison is in-engine, the Unreal Engine 3 demo and some of EA's stuff is also real engine footage.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 03:33 AM
dunno what the phil harrison thing is, but yeah the UE3 and EA stuff was realtime, sry, but i was more refering to the ps3 specific demos
Tue, 05-24-2005, 08:22 AM
this looks like gameplay, see for yourself ( 3+Game+Demo+Showcase+2& x&pid=928389&ppath=ps3/action/fifthphantomsaga&ksubmoid=&urdate=1167552000)
sorry but microsoft is done...gta on ps3 is going to release at the same time as halo 3 i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Tue, 05-24-2005, 09:44 AM
I think its all about the gameplay, but man when I 1st saw the PS3 I was like, is that a vcr?
Tue, 05-24-2005, 11:45 AM
i think it looks pretty cool, its almost just like the ps2 only rounded edges on some parts. the controllers are...ok, atleast they arent horrible like the x-box controllers.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 05:46 PM
dont diss controllers, its always a matter of taste
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
this looks like gameplay, see for yourself
Read my last post - it isn't. No one *ever* says "This is a game engine running on the PS3." Because it isn't.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:48 PM
also read my post
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
this looks like gameplay, see for yourself ( 3+Game+Demo+Showcase+2& x&pid=928389&ppath=ps3/action/fifthphantomsaga&ksubmoid=&urdate=1167552000)
sorry but microsoft is done...gta on ps3 is going to release at the same time as halo 3
Huh? So?. People who have the xbox will get Halo3, people who have the ps3 will get GTA. And people like me, will get both.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:27 PM
youre missing the point, some people (a lot of people) will only buy 1 console, a deciding factor for a lot of people will be the games for each.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:31 PM
So pretty much they're even then. I'll be buying the xbox since I need Halo3 badly (ending purposes from the last game, and its a good game). And with GTA, Its just a good, popular game (thats all I know from that game).
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:36 PM
for gta, i would rather w8 for pc version ( but im getting al three consoles )
Tue, 05-24-2005, 08:33 PM
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
Edit: Oh btw Sharingan-Kakashi, those controllers look horrendous. You must be retarted if you thing they look better than Xbox 360. And why does everyone still say the controllers for xbox are too big? Do they even make the original controllers anymore? The Xbox 360's controller is the same size as the current Controller S. So right now it looks like you better go get a third hand if you wanna use that controller effectively.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
You might wanna look at the sales for GTA vs Halo. The whole point wasn't if YOU liked it but rather if more people like GTA than Halo.
I don't see why so many people think that Killzone is such a large leap from current that it must be pre-rendered. I'm not saying it isn't but claiming it looks too good to defend X-Box's "upgrade" might leave you disappointed I think.
I'm not saying that you guys are defending x-box but you might be, some people at my school were. *shrug* =)
P.S. Rubber duckies own x-box =P
Wed, 05-25-2005, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
Rubber duckies own x-box =P
Xbox is the most powerful gaming system out right now. Missed that detail, didn't you. Sarcasm is not your thing.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:31 AM
thank you jessper, theyre x-box fanboys and cant seem to grasp what i am saying because theyre so busy defending their soon to be dead console. btw san andreas outsold halo 2 in 2004 just so you know.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 10:26 AM
of course it outsold, there are more ps gamers than xb gamers, so a "it outsold" comparison isnt gonna cut it, cause it isnt objective
Wed, 05-25-2005, 12:31 PM
It is true X-BOX360 is the powerful gaming system out so far, just wait till the PS3 fully finishes. I also like the idea of the X-Box Live allowing you to download games onto your hardrive
Wed, 05-25-2005, 02:20 PM
people only buy ps3 because all there friends have it so they can borrow games they don't have, whats with the trend on playstations half the people who own one dont even have the games which are only sold for PS2
Wed, 05-25-2005, 03:50 PM
Okay, Halo Vs. GTA. I pick Halo, thats, that. Don't give us that shit of graphics, gameplay, and which one sold more. You pick a game, play it, and decide if you like it or not. People have different tastes.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 04:18 PM
dumbest. comment. ever. obviously a game needs good enough graphics and good gameplay to say if you like it or not. also, i doubt a shitty game would sell a lot of units.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 04:32 PM
deblas heres a question, WHY do u like halo if its not for graphics and gameplay?
EDIT: and sry to bring down crashes but PS3 will be around $500. i dunno if this was alrdy said but i did see the question b4...
Wed, 05-25-2005, 04:40 PM
link or your lying. i say $400 most.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Xbox is the most powerful gaming system out right now. Missed that detail, didn't you. Sarcasm is not your thing.
Excuse me? I'm not sure I follow you here... I was talking about the 360, I'm assuming you are as well? The rubber duckie tech demo showed a practicly perfect physics chip for the PS3. I havn't seen anything along those lines for xbox 360, perhaps I missed them or they didn't show them?
But maybe you were putting that "fact" (xbox being most powerful system) out as proof that it would sell more? Regardless you should explain your self better =)
Itachi, do you have some studies or something to back up your claim or are you going from a limited set of test including only your friends?
Anyways, back to you people not understanding why GTA being a release title is very threatening to X-Box. If the main game for X-Box comming out at launch is Halo 2.5 and the Halo seires is selling less copies than the GTA seires, then we can assume that more people will buy a PS3 to get the GTA game with it than people will buy X-Box 360 to get Halo 2.5. If the PS3 sells more copies than the X-Box 360 then the xbox will not do as well and they will have less funding later and my end up not being able to continue in the console area. Not that this is probable (them stopping consoles) because Microsoft has enough money to throw at it until people buy it to survive. Otherwise they might have become the next sega.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
link or your lying. i say $400 most.
even better, ps3 will have the ps2 launch price of just under 40000 yen , which is 370$ or even lower
Wed, 05-25-2005, 05:03 PM
I'm not a xbox fanboy, I have all three systems. So in reality I could play any game I want right now. I just choose to play xbox more because it offers the largest amount of time that I will be be hooked playing it with Xbox Live. Now now ghetto hoodlums dont get mad, but all Im saying is that gta will not sell as well as it did for the ps2 because:
1. If it is not online in any way it will be the exact same thing with a few added bonuses and better graphics.
2. If #1 is true then why would anyone want to pay around 400+ dollars (including the game) for just yet another sequel to gta.
I will be getting ps3 because of stuff like Killzone and such games because the graphics blow away 360's and ps3 will still have great games just like ps2 does. But Halo 2.5 or whatever will sell extremely well because of the new free live and because Halo is just an overall great game that can be upgraded infinite times.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 05:05 PM
^^ again, that was not realtime gameplay
Wed, 05-25-2005, 06:44 PM
sony says different. i hear the developers are real excited about that chip in the ps3, supposedly will be most realistic physics in a video game console. btw rockstar has said they are interested in making gta online (read that in psm,) why not on ps3? im not a big fan of video game consoles being all about online, i like playing with friends better...
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
dumbest. comment. ever. obviously a game needs good enough graphics and good gameplay to say if you like it or not. also, i doubt a shitty game would sell a lot of units.
LOL!. Who are you to say what's a dumb comment!! Obviouslyyour too stupid to not understand my post. Graphics are not that important, example: FF7. If you can't get over graphics then you will miss out on good games. I'll give an explanation of my post kay, for the kiddies. Again, you buy a game, play it, and decide whether you like it or not. Period. I like Halo, I hate GTA. When I said don't give us that shit of graphics, etc. I was talking to the people here who are arguing which is better. Get it now?
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
deblas heres a question, WHY do u like halo if its not for graphics and gameplay?
Don't start thinking you can be a smartass, cause your not. I like Halo for those exact same reasons. If you couldn't grasp what I meant with my first post. Then the quote above is for you too.
Any More Questions?
Wed, 05-25-2005, 08:27 PM
lol look at deblas trying to act like a big boy now. roflmao. youre contradicting yourself left and right, you do realize that right?
Wed, 05-25-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
lol look at deblas trying to act like a big boy now. roflmao. youre contradicting yourself left and right, you do realize that right?
My first post wasn't for bashing GTA so you know, Its you and your so called IQ of whatever that misunderstood my post. But if you want to start a discussion, be my guest. Cause you will be burned to the ground. Your post as far as I'm concern is spam. That is, if you can tell me how I contradicted myself.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 12:38 PM
hmm, nice design looks cool.
Controller looks weirded out, but it should fit the hand nicely though, I hope.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 12:58 PM
lol deblas you make me chuckle with your stupidity.
Originally posted by: Deblas
Don't give us that shit of graphics, gameplay, and which one sold more.
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
deblas heres a question, WHY do u like halo if its not for graphics and gameplay?
Originally posted by: Deblas
I like Halo for those exact same reasons.
see the problem? you made a statement about not caring about graphics or gameplay to like a game, yet to like a game these must be factors in your judgement. you even said you liked halo because of those reasons.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
lol deblas you make me chuckle with your stupidity.
Originally posted by: Deblas
Don't give us that shit of graphics, gameplay, and which one sold more.
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
deblas heres a question, WHY do u like halo if its not for graphics and gameplay?
Originally posted by: Deblas
I like Halo for those exact same reasons.
see the problem? you made a statement about not caring about graphics or gameplay to like a game, yet to like a game these must be factors in your judgement. you even said you liked halo because of those reasons.
*sigh* How many times am I gonna have to explain it to you. Allright, here we go, Again. I didn't make a statement about not caring about graphics idiot. I was saying (yet again) that people shouldn't compare Halo and GTA and decide which is better amongst the two,]meaning don't compare each other in terms of graphics and gameplay, and say Halo sucks, GTA owns, or the other way around because, People have different tastes!!! I cannot make my post any simpler!
Thu, 05-26-2005, 01:47 PM
ah i see you were having a gta vs halo discussion with yourself i guess, since no one was discussing which were better. we were contemplating which would push their console to sell more units.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
ah i see you were having a gta vs halo discussion with yourself i guess, since no one was discussing which were better. we were contemplating which would push their console to sell more units.
Ohh really? I'm sorry, I didn't notice that. Ohh yeah, then whats this:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
And this:
Originally posted by: Jessper
You might wanna look at the sales for GTA vs Halo. The whole point wasn't if YOU liked it but rather if more people like GTA than Halo.P.S. Rubber duckies own x-box =P
Can't forget this:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
san andreas outsold halo 2 in 2004 just so you know.
Here's where I come in:
Originally posted by: Deblas
Okay, Halo Vs. GTA. I pick Halo, thats, that. Don't give us that shit of graphics, gameplay, and which one sold more. You pick a game, play it, and decide if you like it or not. People have different tastes.
Here's where you decided to be a smartass:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
dumbest. comment. ever. obviously a game needs good enough graphics and good gameplay to say if you like it or not. also, i doubt a shitty game would sell a lot of units.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 02:27 PM
jezuz fucking christ you still dont get it. we werent talking about what we liked more we were talking about what the consumers in general like.
like jessper said, "The whole point wasn't if YOU liked it but rather if more people like GTA than Halo"
now please shut the fuck up, youre just making yourself look more like an ass.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 05:03 PM
<YTheAlien> watching deblas and sharingan kakashi fight is like watching two kids with downs syndrome try to cut each other with rusty butter knives
Thu, 05-26-2005, 05:04 PM
hahaha y made me lol.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 05:32 PM
Discussion won, SK owned. Mission accomplished. Moving on.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 05:36 PM
yeah you so owned me deblas, im now emotionally scarred.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 05:47 PM
That is enough. We have already put our reasons of who was wrong and right and now its finished. Who was right, I don't know and I don't care, but I'm stopping this now. If this continues now, we'll be posting shit that will spam this thread.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 05:50 PM
Thu, 05-26-2005, 06:07 PM
I don't want to spam. That is why I said we should stop. So don't try bait posting me.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 06:08 PM
you know who takes the bait...
edit: I OBJECT!! this is not spamming, it is flaming.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 06:09 PM
thread destroyed
This ends now. If it continues, I will be banning you all for awhile. Samanosuke has been warned for spamming. Now all of you, knock it off and let this thread get back on topic.
GotWoot Moderator
Thu, 05-26-2005, 07:31 PM
I can't wait for GTA4 on PS3. Hope this time R* makes the game have graphics like Max Payne 2, or at least make it a little less cartoonish looking.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 10:21 PM
SK better shut the balls up thinking hes so much more intelligent then everybody. And BTW SK I was talking about halo vs gta IMO also. Way to go put words in my mouth.
Can't drop the argument even after a mod has stepped in. User has been warned.
GotWoot Moderator
well since you wont accept private messages moderator.....
If someone quotes me wrongly I'm gonna tell them about it. Stop being so uptight about everything. This place is a forum and at forums people have discussions (not arguments). Anyway I wasnt even the one Sharingan Kakashi was having a discussion with so why was I not aloud to talk about something. Stop "stepping in" unless people are screaming obscene profanities continuesly. You are seriously just wasting your time with this excessive moderator stuff, and it's ruining the only forum I enjoy posting on.
It doesn't matter if someone quotes you wrongly or flames you on 18 different posts. If a mod steps in tells everyone to drop the off topic bickering, everyone should stop. Don't bring up the argument again so you can get in your last word in because that'll provoke others to get their last word in. Try letting it go for once, be the bigger man. Now if you come back to this subject again, I'll warn you again.
GotWoot Moderator
Thu, 05-26-2005, 10:33 PM
Can PS2 controller be used for PS3?
Thu, 05-26-2005, 11:36 PM
i know sony is big on making everything backward compatible, so im thinking it would be able to. but thats just a guess.
Fri, 05-27-2005, 01:13 AM
How funny would that be if sony apes nintendo's connectivity idea with the PS3 and PSP and actually makes a profit from it. I would so laugh my ass off.
Fri, 05-27-2005, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Can PS2 controller be used for PS3?
I figure that either it will or a 3rd party will make dual shock esqu ones that work for PS3. That is my hope at least because these controllers look retarded =)
Fri, 05-27-2005, 11:12 AM
Heres the price link..... (http://
and also, it said in "gamerzpro montly magazine...."
Fri, 05-27-2005, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
Heres the price link..... (http://
and also, it said in "gamerzpro montly magazine...."
link doesn't work.
Fri, 05-27-2005, 02:20 PM
Here's the real link (, which is just speculation from some random japanese magazine anyway.
Fri, 05-27-2005, 03:21 PM
interesting...but i dont believe it until an official sony announcement or credible souce.
Sat, 05-28-2005, 04:52 PM
oops yeah, i screwed up my link, well what i was meaning here was expect the new system to cost a lot of dough.
Tue, 06-07-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
Can PS2 controller be used for PS3?
I don't think so because PS3 is bluetooth powered, so that goes for the controllers as well.
Thu, 06-09-2005, 09:04 PM
then again, its sony i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif nobody knows what to expect...
Mon, 06-13-2005, 03:35 PM
" is reporting that Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, has disclosed in an interview that PlayStation 3 will natively run Linux. In fact, it will come bundled with it, if you purchase the HDD peripheral." From the article: "But while Linux would require a hard drive to run on, Kutaragi told Impress PC Watch, 'We're not going to equip [the PS3 with] a HDD by default, because no matter how much [capacity] we put in it, it won't be enough.' It was unclear whether he was referring to the previously known fact that the PS3 would not have an internal hard drive or whether he was indicating that the device would not come with the external 2.5-inch detachable HDD outlined in the specs revealed at E3."
Source: Slashdot
Thu, 06-16-2005, 11:58 PM
Why does the PS3 look like a fucking scanner?!?!?!?!?!
Sat, 07-09-2005, 01:40 PM
any of u guys watched the E3 preview of all the systems? So far for me PS3 is in the lead in hardware
this is wat the said
PS3-no pre-playing available,wat it doesnt make up for beuty makes up in brawn pre view of killzone prerendered or no?according 2 sony wat u saw is wat ur gonna c in the game
Xbox 360-pre-play was available went against ps3 (i think doa vs killzone) it was killzone hands down
Revolution-no games available no controler either,but nintendo said u can download all the old school snes games and etc, nintendo was a tad behind in the race
in my books ps3 is the 1 2 look out fori/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
ow yea rumors on price is like 399$ so save up
Sat, 07-09-2005, 05:21 PM
This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
Sat, 07-09-2005, 06:26 PM
i found out awhile ago that the killzone 3 footage was real ingame, BUT it was running at lower than 5fps, and than later sped up to 60fps, so still doesnt clasify as real footage for me
Sat, 07-09-2005, 07:16 PM
just thought i might add, the PS3 disk drive will be a "blu-ray disk drive" which means the games on PS3 have the potential to be 3-4x bigger than the normal DVDs. (blu-ray disk drive is sony's creation, xbox doesnt use it)
PS3 is going to have the highest powered CPU using a new CPU called "CELL" designed by IBM and...(crap i forgot other company) which is supposely 3.2Gigz Its release is fall 2006 though... meeh.
tinks what do you mean PS2 looks worse than dreamcast? the pics look a hell lot better. PS3 has capibility to run on all kinds of HDTV resolutions (thats awsome!!) and of course, backwards compatibility. PS3 supports WiFi yada yada, a hell lot of other crap...yada yada.
oh and its predicted that XBOX 360 will hold the crown of the next generation systems until the end of 2007 where its predicted sony will bypass it once again and become crown (whad you expect? the release dates are 1 year apart!)
note: all information obtained for electronic gaming monthly
Sat, 07-09-2005, 07:36 PM
maybe ps3 EXCLUSIVE games will be slightly bigger, but i cant really c a game reaching 30gbs, y??
multiplatform games will need to fit, and nobody wants to go BACK to the old gen with multiple discs ( gc OK its only got 1.7gb)
how the hell can you dig up 30gbs of game content?????, or you would need to pack it with tons of HD cg scenes
the pc holds the crown on space, yet the biggest game i have encountered is ut2k4 which is 7gb's after install( 2k7 will prolly be like 12gb's for pc, and 9gbs for consoles)
the blu-ray is NOT intended for games, but for HD movies, which is stupid cause wmvhd is also 1080p and fits on a normal single layer dvd, there is also another codec, which is just as good as wmv hd
the blu-ray is a waste on ps3, really
yes ps3 can run at a max of 1080p, but who has a tv that supports that? there arent alot of hdtvs that support that reso, and there wont be, until like 2 or 3 years
cell is designed by IBM and SONY, but you have to understand its a NEW architecture, devs have also said it, it will be harder to develop for, because its new, so the quality games that REALLY showcase the power of the ps3 wont be out until like minimally a year after release
xb360 makes use of a unified pipeline, not sure about all the details ne more, but that really boosts its performance
i say xb360, 2005-2006-2007 and in 2008 ps3 and xb360 will be completly on par WITH ps3 having a slight advantage, than at end 2008 ps3 will take over ( in terms of POWER), but by that time xb360 will already have a enormous fanbase etc...
Sat, 07-09-2005, 10:05 PM
I agree with Dark Shadow
What do I mean Dreamcast looks better than PS2? Developers have had problems for years with anti-aliasing for the PS2 because its so difficult to develop for just like Dark Shadow says is going to happen with the PS3. Also the PS2 isnt any more powerful than the Dreamcast when it comes down to it because it was easier to make better looking games, even current gen PS2 titles still dont look as good as games like Resident Evil Code Veronica on Dreamcast.
Frankly we wont know if PS3 or 360 will be more powerful untill both of them are released because they just keep throwing numbers back and forth without giving us alot of facts. Things like the unified pipeline are true but whether that means more power we dont know, also Sony's machine wasnt completed that long ago so who even knows about any of that either.
I think whichever company has the best online service will make a major difference as well, Xbox had a big positive over Sony and thats Xbox Live.
One thing Sony had over Xbox was its RPGs, but now Square Enix is putting its Final Fantasy series on 360 along with the Japanese companies bought, so what Sony had over Microsoft is gone. The only games I can think of that Sony would still have would maybe be God Of War and Katamari to make sequels for in terms of franchises, or Ratchet and Clank.
Sun, 07-10-2005, 03:50 PM
yep yep,wont kno till both of em come out but ill say that i think the ps3 controller looks kinda wierd. Also 360 suppossed 2 come out next fall ,and ps3 suppossed 2 come out next spring,dont kno if sony can afford 2 wait that long cuz the 360 might be already won over.We'll c tho
Mon, 07-11-2005, 04:12 PM
360 will have major advantage in terms of sale over any next generation system for the sheer reason that humans of no patience. Xbox 360 is currently supposed to be released fall 2005. while the revolution and PS3 will all be later in 2006 (Sony will do the usual "release in japan, then bring it to US half a year later")
These new systems arent exactly cheap so by the time everybody already owns a xbox360 will anybody still buy a PS3? (well yes, but will they perform well?)
on a side note: Kingdom Hearts II is set to be released november 2006!!! (THATS AWSOME!!) I FUCKIN LOVED the first 1 except for its camera which is said to be improved. Also, it was said (some magazine reviewers played japanese demo) that they managed to make a better fighting system and also, the gummi ship wont be as crappy. On the plus side, square managed to load up a shitload of enemies in this disk, and made it good quality too (its released for PS2 not PS3)
Mon, 07-25-2005, 12:17 PM
the graphics on the ps3 are done by nvidia and is said to be more powerful than 2 6800 ultras. not sure where i read the view, i think it might have been at tom's hardware. this review was made a while back so im not sure how comparable it is to the new 7800. but more powerful than 2 6800 ultras? thats some powerful stuff i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
EDIT: From Tom's Hardware (
On the graphics side, the partnership with Nvidia has led to an amazing processor christened the RSX "Reality Synthesizer," which can carry out its calculations for pixels with 128 precision bits and with a resolution of 1080 lines (that is, the precise norm for "true" high resolution). By comparison, according to Nvidia, this RSX graphics processor based on a 90-nm process, with a speed of 550 MHz and no less than 300 million transistors, is <u>more powerful than two GeForce 6800 Ultras</u>. This means that the sky's the limit for developers and guarantees even more visual pleasure for gamers.
Mon, 07-25-2005, 09:39 PM
it was in "gamerz pro" magazine (i'm not sure if you receive it) but my brother ordered a bunch of magazines with the "Bill me later" function so i receive a lot of news about the new systems.
Wed, 07-27-2005, 05:47 AM
the ps3 design rocks and the controll looks lika a bommerang
Fri, 07-29-2005, 02:41 PM
i like the ps3 not the controll it looks nasty i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif
Tue, 08-02-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by: Tinks
This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
u`re kidding right...
God of War, DMC3, Knights of the Old Republic( I and II), Jade Empire, Destroy All Humans, GT4(all of them), Forza, GTA...
and that`s just to name a few...
BTW, no games shown by MS or Sony were running on real hardware...they were both displayed on high-end PCs...
but at least they showed something...
Tue, 08-02-2005, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by: fox_t
but at least they showed something...
And that's why you'll believe anything that George W. Bush tells you.
Sony is making a joke out of all of you. 10 year life span for the PS3? What shit is that. Maybe they shouldn't be making a supercomputer so people can actually afford it. They try to pigeon hole Xbox 360 as "Xbox 1.5" when PS3 won't even have any applications to actually utilize the vague benefits of its Cell chip. They probably have an ugly boomerang controller for now so they can rip Nintendo off again at next year's E3.
What kind of home entertainment system is it really going to be when it doesn't even come with an internal hard drive? Oh, right, because it has Blu-ray? I can't wait for the day when Blu-ray loses to HD-DVD the same way Betamax lost to VHS. Sony's done.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by: fox_t
Originally posted by: Tinks
This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
u`re kidding right...
God of War, DMC3, Knights of the Old Republic( I and II), Jade Empire, Destroy All Humans, GT4(all of them), Forza, GTA...
Destroy All Humans? Please
GT4? Its just like every GT game with some better graphics and more cars, if I wanted rehashed games with very little change I'd buy EA's sports games
GTA? I prefer not to buy games that thrive on perverse content
Really any of these games offer nothing new aside from a choice on good or evil on Old Republic that alter your character... even that theres very little freedom.
Sun, 08-07-2005, 04:47 AM
Originally posted by: sharoon0
Originally posted by: fox_t
but at least they showed something...
And that's why you'll believe anything that George W. Bush tells you.
Sony is making a joke out of all of you. 10 year life span for the PS3? What shit is that. Maybe they shouldn't be making a supercomputer so people can actually afford it. They try to pigeon hole Xbox 360 as "Xbox 1.5" when PS3 won't even have any applications to actually utilize the vague benefits of its Cell chip. They probably have an ugly boomerang controller for now so they can rip Nintendo off again at next year's E3.
What kind of home entertainment system is it really going to be when it doesn't even come with an internal hard drive? Oh, right, because it has Blu-ray? I can't wait for the day when Blu-ray loses to HD-DVD the same way Betamax lost to VHS. Sony's done.
George Bush????
I'm not american...
on top of that HD-DVD will never see the light of day...u're obviously behind on your tech...check out Toshiba's new investment...and then get back to me on that one...
trust me when i say this...nobody will rip Nintendo's controller...the system will cater to such a niche market that no one will touch it with a ten foot pool...they're isolating themselves and shooting themselves in the foot by brigning out some specialized system long after the PS3 and Xbox 360...on top of that they're keeping it secret not trying to counter Sony or MS in anyway because fanboys like you will buy their system no matter what...u're already stating Nintendo's controller will be ripped and u have no idea what it is...not one single iota...and u say i'm being duped by Sony????
BTW...MS is thinking of not including an HD...
and i don't know about u...but i would rather see a 10 year console life means better bang for my buck...MS already shortened the Xbox's life...can't say i'm happy about that...but if it's possible i would be more than willing to accept 10 i think it's then again if you had any idea how powerful the Cell processor was maybe u wouldn't be saying that...if you knew anything about CPUs...maybe just maybe u'd realize just how powerful 3 general purpose CPU cores are...but then again judging from your post...probably not...
Sun, 08-07-2005, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by: Tinks
Originally posted by: fox_t
Originally posted by: Tinks
This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
u`re kidding right...
God of War, DMC3, Knights of the Old Republic( I and II), Jade Empire, Destroy All Humans, GT4(all of them), Forza, GTA...
Destroy All Humans? Please
GT4? Its just like every GT game with some better graphics and more cars, if I wanted rehashed games with very little change I'd buy EA's sports games
GTA? I prefer not to buy games that thrive on perverse content
Really any of these games offer nothing new aside from a choice on good or evil on Old Republic that alter your character... even that theres very little freedom.
right're obviously a Nintendo fan...nothing wrong with that...but to write off the game libraries of the Xbox and PS2 and say only two games from the entire set are good...i think that's a little far fetched...
"perverse content"
i hope you apply that to music, movies, TV shows, and books as well..otherwise u're just being a hypocrite.
Sun, 08-07-2005, 05:15 AM
lol refuses to play because of perverse content, i refuse to play gta:sa cos its basically the same as gta3 but with a couple of extras added in. i mean come on theyre still using the same graphics in SA as they did in 3 and VC
Sun, 08-07-2005, 02:47 PM
I refuse to play the PlayStation 3 because Sony and all its products are perversely homosexual.
Sun, 08-07-2005, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by: sharoon1
I refuse to play the PlayStation 3 because Sony and all its products are perversely homosexual.
so this is where all the intelligent gamers come to discuss gaming...
Sun, 08-07-2005, 03:50 PM
sharoon is a banned member who keeps reregistering. Pay him no mind.
Sun, 08-07-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by: sharoon1
I refuse to play the PlayStation 3 because Sony and all its products are perversely homosexual.
So, I see you have not yet came to the IRC channel yet. I guess it's true then.. You're just a retarded 16 year old. Listen it's ok, I mean not everyone can be intelligent. Just use the webchat link and when you come by I'll help you set up your mIRC client. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 08-07-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by: DragonOutlaw
So, I see you have not yet came to the IRC channel yet. I guess it's true then.. You're just a retarded 16 year old. Listen it's ok, I mean not everyone can be intelligent. Just use the webchat link and when you come by I'll help you set up your mIRC client.
LMAO. Dude, get off of my ass already. Will somebody ban this clown? All right, send me the webchat link so you can finally shut up.
Originally posted by: fox_t
check out Toshiba's new investment...and then get back to me on that one...
u're already stating Nintendo's controller will be ripped and u have no idea what it is...not one single iota...
BTW...MS is thinking of not including an HD...
and i don't know about u...but i would rather see a 10 year console life means better bang for my buck...MS already shortened the Xbox's life...can't say i'm happy about that...
Thank you. Now I can reply and evade the moderator's accusations of being the cause of flaming.
Are you talking about this latest investment ( KTHXBAI.
Isn't that the point of keeping it secret? How can I rip them off if I have not a "single iota" of an idea about what the Revolution controller is like? Sounds like mission accomplished.
Did I say anything about MS including an HD-DVD? No, I did not. KTHXBAI.
Contrary to popular yet inherently mistaken belief, a longer life span is not directly proportional to bang-for-buck. The Xbox is a bang for your buck when Microsoft is losing $150+ on each Xbox sold, even if its life span has been four yours (are you seriously complaining after four years? -- think Dreamcast and count your blessings). Can Sony stand to lose that much on each PS3 sold, and against Microsoft? Nope. Again, Sony's done.
Originally posted by: fox_t
if you had any idea how powerful the Cell processor was maybe u wouldn't be saying that...if you knew anything about CPUs...maybe just maybe u'd realize just how powerful 3 general purpose CPU cores are...but then again judging from your post...probably not...
Um, how can you judge that from my post? Really, that was a dumb comment. Back in the year 2000, I was writing my own C and C++ compiler on my 500 MHz P3 for the x86 architecture, just for kicks. I've dabbled in porting the Super Nintendo emulators over to the PPC architecture. I'd rather not be told by some punk about how powerful three general-purpose CPU cores are when I've debugged the Linux kernel source code for symmetric multiprocessing. Oh, and Xbox 360 is the one with the three general-purpose cores, not PS3. Again, there won't be a single PS3 application to utilize the vague benefits of the Cell chip.
Now, shut the fuck up.
Sun, 08-07-2005, 04:54 PM
Sun, 08-07-2005, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by: Y
sharoon is a banned member who keeps reregistering. Pay him no mind.
thx for the heads up.
edit: sharoon
do your homework that's not their last investment (and a 30 GB HD-DVD is really nothing special)'s a technology beyond HD-DVD and Blu-Ray...i shouldn't say that HD-DVD will never come out...but with a capacity of only 30GBs it will quickly become obsolete especially when HD-TV hits it's stride...30GBs is just not enough unfortunately...but like i some research and you'll come across what i'm talking about...
and toshiba knowing that it is an inferior product has already invested in a technology to replace it...they've already conceeded defeat by moving onto the next great thing...
and i know the PS3 consists of one general purpose PPE and 7 specialized SPEs
and i know the Xbox360 is 3 general purpose PowerPCs...reread the post and you'll see I was making a general point...
also generally speaking those who really know what they're talking about don't have to list their accomplishments on a msg comes out in their posts.
on top of that...gamers like games...consoles don't matter...designers don't matter...and yes a 10 year life span is good (especially with development cycles increasing to 2 years...a longer life span would allow developers to further tap the power of the console) many times have u read a review or seen an interview where a developer claims to be getting all they can out of a console and then another game comes along that looks better than all the previous ones.
Mon, 08-08-2005, 11:36 AM
Check the date on the story I linked to, and then check the date on the story you linked to. Tell me now which one is the latest investment. Also, consider that I linked to Yahoo!, and you linked to a shithead niche magazine.
And don't tell me that 30GBs is just not enough; that shit is more than enough. "When HD-TV hits its stride." *Scoffs* When HD-TV hits its stride, there'll be some enthusiast in France who hacks a codec to fit HD-TV content onto a DVD. That's what the industry standard H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec is for. Dude, I did my homework, and Blu-ray:HD-DVD::Betamax:VHS.
Finally, if development cycles are gonna be two years, then good. It'll weed out all the faggots who don't know shit about game design. Let us see ... EA stock quote goes down, way down. Take Two dies a welcomed death. Activision gets spider webs caught in its ass. Nintendo continues to produce masterpieces. Ah. A breath of fresh air.
Now, why don't you put some more thought into your posts so that you drastically reduce the chances of introducing red herrings into your arguments? That would be helpful.
Mon, 08-08-2005, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by: sharoon3
Now, why don't you put some more thought into your posts so that you drastically reduce the chances of introducing red herrings into your arguments? That would be helpful.
Try reading the article...what did you just glance at the date?
Seriously did you even read it?
Originally posted by: sharoon3
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec
Do the 1080p...that`s barely enough space for the movie, not to mention all the bonus features that everyone wants on a disc.
Quite frankly I don`t really care which format wins, but I can clearly see the benefit of Blu-ray over HD-DVD and if you had even glanced at the article I passed onto you you would clearly be able to see the advantages of HVD over everything.
But whatever clearly you're not capable of discussion your constant need to sign up under new account names shows that you're just a board troll who can`t seem to effectively communicate with others.
Wed, 09-06-2006, 07:16 AM
Bad news for our European Gotwooters, the PS3 has been delayed till March 07.
06/09/2006 06:40
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Announces New March 2007 date for European Launch of PLAYSTATION 3
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Announces New March 2007 date for European Launch of PLAYSTATION 3
No change in launch date for Japan and North America
London, Wednesday 6 September 2006 – Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced that it would revise the launch date of its PLAYSTATION® 3 computer entertainment system in the PAL territories of Europe, Russia, Middle East, Africa and Australasia from 17th November 2006, as previously announced to March 2007.
Launch dates for Japan and North America will remain the same, which are November 11th and November 17th respectively.
The revision of the launch date in the SCEE territories is caused by the delay in the mass production schedule of the blue laser diode within the Sony Group, thus affecting the timely procurement of key components to be utilised in PLAYSTATION 3.
The previously announced PLAYSTATION 3 shipment forecast of 6 million units globally within the fiscal year ending 2007 is not changed.
But far fewer machines will be available for the launch dates in Japan and the U.S. because of the production problem, Kutaragi said.
In the U.S., about 400,000 PlayStation 3 machines will be available when they go on sale Nov. 17. About 100,000 will be available on the Nov. 11 Japan launch date.
Wed, 09-06-2006, 12:33 PM
According to one post on Blu-Ray jumped in size to 200GB.
Additionaly as to discussion of which will win it may be neither, a new format bacteriorhodopsin (bR) a new way of storing data found in Florida International University is currently capapable of storing 200GB but has the potential to store 50TB (around 50,000 GB).
Wed, 09-06-2006, 06:07 PM
so what are you gettin at there zibo?
Wed, 09-06-2006, 06:31 PM
Too bad no device can read such 200gb Blu-Ray discs (stated on the very same article)
Wed, 09-06-2006, 07:24 PM
For now, in near future there most likely will be.
Zinobi: I'm saying that bR may be the winning format not Blueray or hd-dvd.
Mon, 09-25-2006, 11:29 AM
Sony Cuts Ps3 Prices... but only for Japan... (
*goes and reserves a copy of the Wii*
Mon, 09-25-2006, 01:53 PM
PS3 Games to Cost Near $100 (
Better go pre order quick before everyone else does!
Mon, 09-25-2006, 03:31 PM
PS3 Games to Cost Near $100 (
Better go pre order quick before everyone else does!
...What the fuck? 75-85 bucks for one game?!
Mon, 09-25-2006, 04:39 PM
constantly buying consoles must suck. wonder who's the next dumbass to get a ps3 box for $800 on ebay. have fun wasting your money guys.
Mon, 09-25-2006, 04:49 PM
800? They're going to probably go for atleast 5 grand. People were buying the 360 for 3000+. If you wanted to make some quick money, all you'd have to do is pre order some around town at various stores/online and then sell them all on ebay.
Edit: Oh, after reading RyougaZell's post, I realized you said ps3 BOX. Nevermind.
Mon, 09-25-2006, 05:52 PM
800? They're going to probably go for atleast 5 grand. People were buying the 360 for 3000+. If you wanted to make some quick money, all you'd have to do is pre order some around town at various stores/online and then sell them all on ebay.
wish I had saved the auction...
I just remembered that one guy put the xbox 360's "box" on sale on ebay that week... and it sold on 600 dlls.
the buyer didn't pay at the end, having noticed his mistake (the auction DID state it was the empty box) and got banned from ebay...
Mon, 09-25-2006, 07:25 PM
PS3 games are only costing 70-85$ in Japan to offset the cheaper system cost. They will still be 60$ here. 70+ is what they pay for blockbuster PS2 games there so it's prob not a major thing to them.
Also with the 500$ version now having HDMI output my system will only be lacking 40gigs and wifi which I'll never use :).
Tue, 09-26-2006, 07:26 PM
PS3 games are going to cost $60
Yes you dont have to give and arm and leg for one (
Tue, 09-26-2006, 07:33 PM
Aren't you already giving them an arm and a leg for a ps3?
Tue, 09-26-2006, 07:37 PM
Not really
A better way to look at it is that it is an expensive game console, but a cheap Blu-ray player.
Thu, 10-19-2006, 04:50 AM
Seems like the PS3 could be able to replace a computer in many aspects
"Under basic agreement with SCEI, Terra Soft was granted a unique opportunity to develop and bring to market a complete Linux OS for the Sony PLAYSTATION 3. In development of Yellow Dog Linux v5.0, Terra Soft integrated and enhanced code from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Sony Group, and Fedora in order to offer the following:
- kernel 2.6.16
- gcc 3.4.4 and glibc 2.4
- Cell SDK 1.1
- 2.0.2
- FireFox 1.5.0 and Thunderbird 1.5.0
- Nautilus 2.1.4
-... and a suite of Personal Accessories, >Development Tools; Sound & Video, Internet, and Networking applications.
A single-click installer enables absolutely anyone to install without instruction. Post-install, the default suite of applications presents an intuitive, self-guided means of exploring Linux without the confusion of multiple applications in the same family. An Advanced installer mode enables selection from greater than fifteen hundred packages, as is expected from a complete Linux distribution."
It's a very cheap alternative compared to a computer with the same power, though the computer still have many more different benefits, but i might be considering changing my pc into a ps3 in the future.
Sat, 10-21-2006, 03:28 PM
That is awesome. Thanks for the info Sandldan.
Sat, 10-21-2006, 07:50 PM
Yes thanks for the info. I'm still thinking about getting it but I might wait till the prices drop before I buy it and I want to see the reviews for it. Nintendo Wii is also coming out next month and that would be fun too.
Sun, 10-22-2006, 07:03 AM
Wont even try to get one at launch myself, will wait until the first price drop maybe. With the ps3 running a fully fledged linux os the homebrew possibilites becomes endless, depends on how open sony is willing to have it.
With the ps3 you'll also be able to buy ps1 games for under 14.99$ then transfer them to your psp and play them there. The price becomes more and more worth it
Sun, 10-22-2006, 10:03 AM
Screw waiting, Im going to try to get it when it first comes out :p
>.< Its a good thing there are tons of stores around me :D
Sun, 10-22-2006, 11:22 AM
I'll definitely buy the PS3, but only when one of the following comes out:
-Confirmed Games-
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Makai Wars
White Knight Story
-Hopeful games-
Kingdom Hearts 3
Star Ocean 4
Sun, 10-22-2006, 12:57 PM
Yeah, the launch titles arent too impressive
Genji: Days of the Blade
NBA 07
Resistance: Fall of Man
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Call of Duty 3
EA Sports Fight Night Round 3
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Full Auto 2 Battlelines
Madden NFL 07
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
Untold Legends Dark Kingdom
Ridge Racer 7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
Sonic the Hedgehog
Need for Speed Carbon
Tony Hawk's Project 8
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Those are the ones available at launch, most of them are multi platform titles. The only title that's a must for me is resistance fall of man. By the time the second batch of ps3 arrives to the stores there'll be alot more ps3 exclusive games to get.
A list of games and their release date, the list goes on up to 06/04/07
Heavenly sword, assassin's creed and warhawk are the ones that stand out for me on that list.
But still miss some good rpg's :confused:
Sun, 10-22-2006, 01:12 PM
Yes not much good launch titles. I have Xbox 360 and I already own some of those games and Xbox 360 is releasing Call of Duty 3 and Gears of War on November too, and the still unknown release date of Halo 3. Nintendo Wii which is also coming out next month and is cheaper to buy is looking good with the fun games like Red Steel, Super Smash Bros.Brawl, New Zelda, Avatar: The Last Airbender and some others.
The PS3 games I looking forward to is :
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto IV
Resident Evil 5
Tekken 6
Final Fantasy XIII
Assassin's Creed
Resistance: Fall of Man
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (maybe)
Sun, 10-22-2006, 03:11 PM
Although the computer aspect sound delicious, I think I'll stick with an actual computer. Again, I'm one of those people who is very unsure on how well the ps3 will do in the market.
Sun, 10-22-2006, 04:25 PM
Wont even try to get one at launch myself, will wait until the first price drop maybe. With the ps3 running a fully fledged linux os the homebrew possibilites becomes endless, depends on how open sony is willing to have it.
With the ps3 you'll also be able to buy ps1 games for under 14.99$ then transfer them to your psp and play them there. The price becomes more and more worth it
I am getting one when it releases. I think its a good excuse to miss school =P
The PSP transfer is pretty sweet, glad i got a PSP.
-Hopeful games-
Kingdom Hearts 3
Star Ocean 4
Yes i do to hope for those also.
The PS3 games I looking forward to is :
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto IV
Resident Evil 5
Tekken 6
Final Fantasy XIII
Assassin's Creed
Resistance: Fall of Man
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (maybe)
Im with you on that one =P
Sun, 10-22-2006, 04:30 PM
The PS3 games I looking forward to is :
Metal Gear Solid 4
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto IV
Resident Evil 5
Tekken 6
Final Fantasy XIII
Assassin's Creed
Resistance: Fall of Man
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (maybe)
Marvel UA
those are also on xbox360, where gta4 will have exclusive x360 content ;)
Sun, 10-22-2006, 04:42 PM
those are also on xbox360, where gta4 will have exclusive x360 content ;)
Ps3 will also receive the same "exclusive" content the x360 receives ;)
Just came over a small fact sheet that sony actually made themselves
Sun, 10-22-2006, 05:52 PM
Oh that is interesting Sandldan. I think that will come in handy when my friend tells me about how much im spending on the ps3 compared to what he has spent on his 360.
And that is the first place i saw that the Wii is going to have internet access free for only the first 6 months, i thought it was going to be free like the ps3.
Sun, 10-22-2006, 06:22 PM
The factsheet that Sony distributed is filled with inaccuracies.
Not even going into all the things they misconstrued about the 360, the Wii has free internet gaming access from launch. The 6 months refers to the Opera browser.
Source ( ree)
Mon, 10-23-2006, 12:44 PM
Sony VS Microsoft (keep reading till bottom for comments about the whole thing on the site)
We hear Microsoft ain't too happy about this chart either and is preparing certain legal action
Europeans who want to import PS3 not good news for you
Mon, 10-23-2006, 04:53 PM
We hear Microsoft ain't too happy about this chart either and is preparing certain legal action
Microsoft is just mad, a lot of companies release data sheets saying that their product is better then the others. If you wanna make you 360 as high end as a PS3 then you will be spending more that's always been known when the HD-DVD player was first announced and people knew it was gonna be 200.
Mon, 10-23-2006, 11:07 PM
Who cares about exclusive content on certain games or charts (that prove xbox360 isn't cheaper).
I care about games. And the games I expect aren't on Wii or Xbox360.
Period :D
I got this neg rep on this post
"Pretty sad to spend $1000 of 2 games that aren't even fun."
My response:
Pretty sad people are so close-minded we all need to like their games.
Im not even badmouthing Wii (maybe Xbugs) and I get that because I don't like the games they are developing or announcing (sp?).
Grow up.
Just to show what kind of games I play... this is my psone/ps2 games list (all original, no copies)
Final Fantasy V & VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Star Ocean 2nd Story
Valkyrie Profile
Legend of Legaia
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Rival Schools
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy VII - Dirge of Cerberus
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Xenosaga II
Xenosaga III
Disgaea 2
Makai Kingdom
Star Ocean Till The End of Time
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2
Valkyrie Profile 2
Gran Turismo 3
Devil May Cry
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil 4 - Collector's Edition
Final Fantasy XII - Collector's Edition
.hack//G.U. Rebirth - Collector's Edition
Tue, 10-24-2006, 08:28 AM
I'll have to wait until the price comes down to buy one, unfortunately I have bills to pay these days :mad:
Tue, 10-24-2006, 09:45 AM
Who ever neg repped me on this needs to either grow up or actually try to defend Microsoft who are trying their hardest to make their system match the PS3. If you don't think the HD-DVD player wasn't developed to match the PS3's Blu-Ray player or the fact that they are now coming out with an HDMI add on as well which will prob cost no less then another 30$ then I feel bad for you. Next Christmas I can see them releasing a redesign with all this included as well as the rumored 100gb hard drive that was revealed by them. And if a 20gb HD cost 100$ I'm scared of the price for a 100gb one.
Tue, 10-24-2006, 10:59 AM
I also got neg repped the rep I got : "The Cheating King is mad? (MS-DOS) uhh how scared." I'm not even supporting Microsoft infact I support Sony way more been playing PS1 since I was young and PS3 is going to be so much better and will be the best next-gen console in my opinoin. I got neg rep just for posting a link and a quote from the site?
Tue, 10-24-2006, 12:49 PM
Next Christmas I can see them releasing a redesign with all this included as well as the rumored 100gb hard drive that was revealed by them. And if a 20gb HD cost 100$ I'm scared of the price for a 100gb one.
Seems like there wont be a 100gb HD for the xbox 360 : /
Tue, 01-16-2007, 10:11 PM
Any other wooters plying PS3 online? My PSN is Aeon712, feel free to add me as it's kinda lonely only having 1 friend :(.
Wed, 01-17-2007, 05:18 PM
I have a PS3 but haven't set up the WiFi part yet...I need to move the router closer (or vice versa...) but expect it coming soon. :D
Also, Aeon since you've been playing online maybe you can tell me, can you play split screen while online for multiplayer?
Wed, 01-17-2007, 06:21 PM
The only game I bought that I didn't download from the Playstation store was Resistance and it doesn't support online multiplayer which sucks since my friend loves this game just as much as I do.
Shadow Skill
Wed, 01-17-2007, 08:52 PM
I'm only buying a PS3 for Final Fantasy XIII. :/
The controller looks like it went back 11 years. :/
Hopefully when FFXIII is released, it looks better than the teaser videos. :/
Thu, 01-18-2007, 06:06 PM
The only game I bought that I didn't download from the Playstation store was Resistance and it doesn't support online multiplayer which sucks since my friend loves this game just as much as I do.
What do you mean online multiplayer... go to "mutiplayer" "online"...
Thu, 01-18-2007, 07:13 PM
Seems Kind of silly to argue with that fact sheet as its fairly accurate. Assuming PS3 allows free online multiplayer and Xbox360 charges $100 a year for that then its easy to say people payed the same price for the Xbox 360 as they would pay for a PS3 base system.
As far as the WII goes it states the fact that for atleast the first 6 months online with the WII is completely free but in June that might change. The statement isn't truely false so much as it needs a footnote.
Honestly I wouldn't be happy without a wireless network option because in my house there is no other way to play the thing online. I also think its completely fair to count a HD-DVD player into the price of a Xbox 360 when compairing. systems side by side, It should however say optional rather then required. Now the real question is that pic seems quite small was it simply cut out of a bigger ad to make sony look bad or what?
Anyway a serious question for those with a PS3. The system seems to require a LOT of power has anyone gotten a powerbill after getting a PS3 and if so what kind of increase are you looking at. I read one artical that insisted it could raise your power bill by a good $100 a month and if thats remotely true its a factor for me.
As far as all this rep stuff goes generally you get neg repped by people who just want to be trolls and are to lazy to type. I get lots of them without any comment as to why. Your not suppose to talk about rep in here though so my recommendation is to make a habit of positive repping people who you agree with expecially when they take a controversial stand that way the random negatives sting less.
Fri, 01-19-2007, 12:20 AM
What do you mean online multiplayer... go to "mutiplayer" "online"...
What I meant was two people on one system can't go on. So no splitscreen on Resistance online. Dunno about games like Call of Duty 3.
Fri, 01-19-2007, 01:16 AM
xblive costs 50 a year not 100 lol, plus ps3 online quality and features really depend on the developer, resistance turned out nicely, but armored core 4's online is a serious joke, its not even good enough to be free, they should be paying us to attempt that shit.
MS at least enforces what kind of features the xblive games need, thats why all the live titles are splendid online, and meh, who cant afford 4 dollars a month?
Fri, 01-19-2007, 01:33 AM
xblive costs 50 a year not 100 lol, plus ps3 online quality and features really depend on the developer, resistance turned out nicely, but armored core 4's online is a serious joke, its not even good enough to be free, they should be paying us to attempt that shit.
MS at least enforces what kind of features the xblive games need, thats why all the live titles are splendid online, and meh, who cant afford 4 dollars a month?
The $100 price tag was listed purely for Xbox live Gold membership. Being the silver doesn't allow online multiplayer atleast from what I read quickly. I honestly haven't done any real research on it.
Also in the end games have various levels of multiplayer support for any system. Simply put a crap game is going to be bad reguardless of system and you should be checking reviews before wasting your money anyway.
As for $4 a month. Can I afford that? Of course. However I refuse to pay for anything I've already purchased and that would include paying in order to use my system online. Plus thats after I have to purchase a Wifi adapter for said Xbox. To me these certainly factor into purchase price. Considering a console should be a 5 year investment paying for online services means adding $250 to the purchase price of the Xbox 360 over that time. This is of course assuming that its $50 a year and not including the wifi adapter.
Its certainly a consideration for me and its the reason I won't bother with FF11 or WoW.
Fri, 01-19-2007, 09:52 AM
MS at least enforces what kind of features the xblive games need, thats why all the live titles are splendid online, and meh, who cant afford 4 dollars a month?
I can.
I can even afford the 10dollar montly on games like FFXI.
But the question is... even if I can pay it... do I have time to use it?
NO! I can work 16 hours a day if needed. 9 hours is the standard, but when we have a lot of work we can work up to 16 hours. So I wouldn't have time to use the paid online.
So... you won't catch me playing online. Ever.
Fri, 01-19-2007, 09:49 PM
Anyway a serious question for those with a PS3. The system seems to require a LOT of power has anyone gotten a powerbill after getting a PS3 and if so what kind of increase are you looking at. I read one artical that insisted it could raise your power bill by a good $100 a month and if thats remotely true its a factor for me.
I'm not sure accurate my example is but there wasn't really a significant surge in cost...then again I'm not one who sits down to play PS3 non stop and some people may be.
Sat, 01-20-2007, 12:30 AM
The $100 price tag was listed purely for Xbox live Gold membership. Being the silver doesn't allow online multiplayer atleast from what I read quickly. I honestly haven't done any real research on it.
Also in the end games have various levels of multiplayer support for any system. Simply put a crap game is going to be bad reguardless of system and you should be checking reviews before wasting your money anyway.
xblive gold IS 50$ >_>, xblive silver = 0$, i dunno where you got the 100 from, anyway
im not talking about crap games having crap multiplayer, its good games having crap multiplayer, armored core 4 is really an awesome game, AAA title perhaps even, but online its lacking a build in friendslist, and voice chat, also if you do get to invite ppl into a game, it screws up sometimes, this is cause Sony doesn't enforce anything, and this is also why the x360 version of AC4 WILL have voice chat and build in friendslists.
just because psnetwork is free online ( still.. up to the devs), doesn't mean its any good, xblive is 4 dollars a month and its a freaking great experience, friends of mine that before were sceptical, don't even want to pirate the system if it means that they won't be able to use live anymore.
It's just a great service, with awesome features and content and an interface that is even greater.
oh and yes, the idioit wi-fi adapter is indeed expensive, but meh, just hook up a cable.
Sat, 01-20-2007, 07:22 PM
oh and yes, the idioit wi-fi adapter is indeed expensive, but meh, just hook up a cable.
My house is very large and its brick. Its physically impossible for me to run a cable from the "Music room" over to the living room and they are next to each other. So for my personal use I'd require a wireless option to be able to play online period. I'm only talking about myself here but we are talking $250 to play online plus as you stated the expensive wi-fi adapter. So in the end there is no savings for me between the two systems.
From the Xbox webpage aka
Note: Silver level requires Xbox 360 storage device and broadband connection. Xbox Live Marketplace downloads and MMO games may require an additional fee.
So because I require a storage device I would assume that means the harddrive to be realistic meaning the only version of the system is really the $400 version. The Core system is worthless.
So unless its a MMORPG or a game thats only playable online you require a gold membership to play online anything based on the following info from the page
Click this link for specifics
Also of note MMORPG's and the same sort of games can have fee's in addition to the Xbox live gold membership price. So suddenly if I want to play a game like WoW or FFXI I'm paying that $4 on top of any other costs such as a $15 a month membership to the specific game.
As for costs apparently this is the 12 month package
Thats what I'd be getting if I intended to get online. Being its $60 I have to assume that $4 a month is 100% correct in the standard cost for it. Its honestly not a terrible deal and has lots of coupons your very likely to use.
The Network adapter on the other hand is $99.99 and this is where the costs really start adding up. At this point without a game I'm upto $560 for my 360.
Now I still can't play HD-DVD's and I have recurring fee's for the future. With this alone I'd say the two systems cost virtually the same amount but the PS3 has a lot more packed in with it and less recurring fee's mandatory to play my system. Pricing is much much closer then Microsoft wants to admit and I think thats a very fair statement for sony to make. Note I'm ignoring the HD-DVD player and wireless controller and only stating things that would be 100% mandatory for me to be able to use the system on and offline.
Sat, 01-20-2007, 08:25 PM
the wireless controller is in the 400$ pack, you btw dont NEED the HDD for a storage device, there are mem cards available too, but then you would miss out on demo's.
And yes if you purchase all the things the then pricing would be more or less the same, but what is unfair about sony's statement, is that MS at least gives you a choice, cause you might need all the extra equipment, but i, for instance, don't im fine with my 400€ ( yes euro even), system and 12 monthly xblive.
This is also why im getting hte 500€ ps3 and not the 600€ system, i have no need for wi-fi at all, i wouldnt need the blu-ray player either, but sony is forcing me to go with that >_>.
But yeah, they really need to cut down on the price of that adaptor, the price is way too high.
And lets be reasonable, MMO's will always have an subscription fee ( with some exceptions here and there like guild wars ), the 4$ a month is just paying for the smooth xblive multiplayer service itself, i don't think MS can go around the subscription fees for MMO's.
Sat, 01-20-2007, 10:03 PM
Ah man I know what you guys are saying. Remember the time when Nintendo and Sega consoles were cheap and games were only like $5-$10? Or sometimes even cheaper. Well technology has advanced and damn consoles reaching a maximum $600 plus the games are like $60. If I was to choose, I would definitely choose ps3 because of the gaming library but jeeze I hate how the prices are going so high. As much as I like WII and the 360 which all 3 companies are trying to compete, I give them propers for working so hard on these consoles. When I get the ps3 I plan to get Resistance and the new Final Fantasy :).
Mon, 01-22-2007, 03:42 PM
Not sure if this contributes to your little chat, but....
The bathrooms in Sony's San Diego corporate office smells of cinnamin and sawdust.
Thu, 01-25-2007, 08:56 PM
for the Europeans (and Aussies) here who care:
PS3 Release Date for Europe set for March 23 (
About 1 million units of the newer model, which features a 60 GB hard drive, will be on sale in Europe starting March 23 and will come with a US $775 price tag, which comes out to nearly €600 at the time of this writing. The model will also be released in Africa, the Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand on the same day.
Wed, 03-07-2007, 04:18 PM
Sony recently officially announced the new rumored feature "Home" at GDC. It's a free virtual world similiar to The sims. Where players can interact with other players to talk through normal chatting or with microphones. You also get your own house which you can design by yourself with downloadable material, there you can add your mp3's to the cd player and videos to your Tv. You can also invite friends over.
It also has a wide variety of games like bowling arcade games etc, there'll be a hall of fame section and much more.... Well instead of me repeating what the video said go watch it
Ps3 Home (
They also announced this multiplayer game, cant recall how it would be integrated though.
Little Big Planet (
Mon, 03-12-2007, 06:50 PM
Chaoskiddo have you set your PS3 online yet?
Also Motorstorm online may be gimped but once you get some friends all in the same room it's noting but laughs and fun.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 09:18 PM
I saw this in the best buy ad this morning, $100 price drop on the 60gb PS3 making it 499 instead of 599. This doesn't really effect me though because i'm not likely going to buy a ps3 ever unless i win the lottery and dont have to work... then i will consider buying one.
Shadow Skill
Sun, 07-22-2007, 09:25 PM
I'm not buying a PS3 until Final Fantasy XIII is released.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 09:43 PM
Its probably because the 80 gig is comming soon.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 09:52 PM
Doesn't affect too many people at all. The price drop is on the 60 gigs...which Sony announced they won't be producing any more of. What's on the shelves is it. They're switching their main SKU to the formerly exclusive to South Korea 80 gig model, the one lacking the emotion engine chips.
If you want a fully backward compatible ps3, find the 60 gig ones fast before they are all gone. It's tempting, but I don't have that kind of cash even with the drop.
To Sony's credit, a single SKU is really the only way to go. Microsoft really only made it confusing to the average consumer with the Core and Premiums (thankfully I own the latter).
Mon, 07-23-2007, 10:22 AM
Sadly the price drop is not happening in Asia. I'll get my PS3 the day MGS4 gets released. Which is scheduled to be in early 2008, as stated in the new trailer.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 12:34 AM
If only FFXIII and MGS4 went also on to the Xbox 360 there would be no reason for me to get a PS3.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 02:38 PM
i wish i could be excited about ffxiii but i just dont see myself having enough time to put into it.... i've completely given up on consoles and squeeze in counterstrike when i can, but i really dont have the time to complete a long rpg
Tue, 07-24-2007, 09:43 PM
i wish i could be excited about ffxiii but i just dont see myself having enough time to put into it.... i've completely given up on consoles and squeeze in counterstrike when i can, but i really dont have the time to complete a long rpg
I know what you mean, a few years ago I used to play many RPGs or games for that matter but nowadays I only play the big games (Zelda, Mario, FF, MGS etc) as I dont have the time to play many games.
Wed, 07-25-2007, 02:22 AM
Did this really need a thread?
Wed, 07-25-2007, 09:55 AM
Yeah... it would be better on the PS3 thread that is somewhere here.
Anyway... I was pleased to see the console dropping in price, but when I learned it was because they are taking that model out of the market I saw it as a bad move.
True... I want it, but none of the titles I expect will be released soon.
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasty Versus XIII
- Makai Wars
- Disgaea 3
- Star Ocean 4 (?)
- White Knight Chronicles
- Resident Evil 5
- The Last Renmant
- Tears of Tiara
So I hardly see myself buying it soon, even though I already have the money for it. Maybe I should... just because the 80gb model will emulate PS2 instead of having its chip...
Wed, 07-25-2007, 10:09 AM
I was just thinking that perhaps emulation might be a better option, in terms of visually enhancing what the PS2 wasn't capable of previously, such as HD compatibility. I'm not sure, but as much as backward compatility is a "must", how often do people really play PS1 games on the PS2?
Wed, 07-25-2007, 10:51 AM
Personally I do often.
Games I played 100% on a PS2 (never on a PSone) include Final Fantasy Tactics, Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears and Star Ocean 2.
Plus have replayed FF7, FF8, FF9, Resident Evil 2 and 3.
But actually I am considering not sending the PS2 to the 'bunker' alongside my Atari, Nes, SuperNes and Playstation... because the Siaxaxis controller won't have the rumble for the PS2 games...
So I guess... emulation or chip isn't really necessary.
Will just have to make space to fit the PS2, PS2 and Wii under the same television set...
Wed, 07-25-2007, 10:58 AM
merged because... well, just because...
even with the price drop, I'm torn on when/if I'll buy a PS3. I'd like to get my job and living situation under control first, and none of the current titles are that engrossing.
I do really like what I've seen from the Metal Gear Solid 4 demos, and that's currently the one and only reason I can see myself getting a PS3 (and is that reason enough?). Also, being a Final Fantasy fanboy, I'm looking forward to XIII (as XII was the first one to really impress me in a long while), but I'll wait to see before regarding that one as a reason to go out and get this console...
Wed, 07-25-2007, 11:37 AM
At the end of the day, you're still paying five hundred dollars for a video game console.
Wed, 07-25-2007, 02:27 PM
Rockband will the greatest game ever. Must... buy... PS3!
Wed, 07-25-2007, 03:19 PM
At the end of the day, you're still paying five hundred dollars for a video game console.
your point being?
I own a Wii, PS2 and NDS currently (in use that is). Will get PSP and PS3 later this year/next year. Expensive? Yes. But I have a job. And currently saving money for a house as well. Currently at 10%-15% (pointing this out to show I don't care its expensive... )
Wed, 07-25-2007, 03:29 PM
Well, there's lots of things you can get with $500....
Like some sweet speakers for your entertainment center, for example.
....OR two Wiis =o
Apparently $500 isn't enough for el_boss, however, who intends to drop another $200 for his rock band equipment!
Wed, 07-25-2007, 04:00 PM
Eh... Evern after the pricedrop $499 is still a lot. I guess if you have the money then why not right?
I want to get one eventually because the game list looks good for the future. But right now I got too much shit to take care of.
Wed, 07-25-2007, 08:56 PM
in many ways, yes final fantasy is better than cs... however. For people like me who for instance just got home at nearly 9 pm, having left my home this morning at 6:30 am.... i just dont have the time to invest in final fantasy like i did when i was younger, and unemployed. i have invested hundreds of hours into the final fantasy franchise but counterstrike allows me to just join up, play and then quit playing when i need to. I dont have to worry about trying to find a save point or anything of that nature. i did however almost get the urge to buy a psp when i saw they were re-releasing final fantasy on it.. i still may get one
Thu, 07-26-2007, 01:42 AM
At the end of the day, you're still paying five hundred dollars for a video game console.
Still, I've had tons of friends that've jumped on the XBOX360 bandwagon, only to be met by the red rings of death more than once.This isn't a console war thread though, so I'll leave it at that.
PS3 is starting off a little slow, but watching the trailer for MGS4 really got me pumped. MGS2 was the first game I got on PS2 and, as much as people said it sucked, I really liked it. Other games I look forward to are, as to be expected, FF and RE5 (even though it's being released on XBOX360 as well).
... But I can't even afford a Wii right now. Oh well. xD
Thu, 07-26-2007, 06:41 PM
Ah, this thread was made back in 05, when the PS3 looked like it wasn't going to blow a barrel full of dicks. Too bad about that, huh?
The list of interesting 360 games coming out vs interesting PS3 games that I compiled from E3 is just fucking pitiful, Microsoft has an absolute stranglehold on online console gaming with Live, and Sony's bullshit weasely "price cut" has dragged their name through the mud yet again. Sony, remember you established the Playstation with Final Fantasy 7 by getting Square to get it out the door QUICKLY. Having your system-selling games drop well over a year after the console's release is just bad news.
Thu, 07-26-2007, 08:52 PM
I agree Y.
Sun, 07-29-2007, 12:28 PM
Apparently $500 isn't enough for el_boss, however, who intends to drop another $200 for his rock band equipment!A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do :/
Actually the PS3 costs almost $900 here in sweden. Electronics are fucking cheap in america. It sucks that almost no american stores (that I know of) ship to sweden.
Sun, 07-29-2007, 12:45 PM
Dunno if you guys saw it or not but Kojima showed off a 15 min playable demo of MGS and it looks freaking sweet. I'm not a Metal Gear fan but even I'm interested in it now. And after seeing E3 and seeing the games that PS3 and 360 have coming out I'm happy I made the decision to get a PS3 :D.
Tue, 08-21-2007, 04:18 PM
I have a question about the console. Is it region locked? I mean, can you play european games on a US ps3? I haven't been able to find any good source about this.
Wed, 08-22-2007, 12:08 AM
PS3 isn't region free.
But... since the Blu-Ray region of America and Japan is the same... you can play japanese ps3 games on an american PS3.
Europe has its own region thus they cannot play japanese and american games.
Wed, 08-22-2007, 12:54 AM
I'm chipping in $150, my other bro $150, and my other bro $300. (Yeah, this one is done with school and is makin money so he pays the most. :D )
But yeah... PS3's future games look really nice.... This sounds like a lot of money, but shit I'm bringing home $200 a week on my part time job so I don't really care much. Plus I'm living with my parents so they provide food and shelter for me. :D
I just need to pay the school bills.
Oh, I'm not 30 living with my mom, I'm only 18.
Wed, 08-22-2007, 11:12 AM
I don't think anyone really cares how old you are.....
Wed, 08-22-2007, 03:05 PM
PS3 isn't region free.
But... since the Blu-Ray region of America and Japan is the same... you can play japanese ps3 games on an american PS3.
Europe has its own region thus they cannot play japanese and american games.
Yeah I thought that, but I remember it being a big deal that the ps3 was gonna be region free before it got released.Guess it was just speculation
@Id3aLiStiC: I nominate that for the weirdest post ever.
Wed, 08-22-2007, 04:44 PM
It was never mentioned as region free.
It was reported wrongly due to japan and usa having the same blu-ray region.
Wed, 08-22-2007, 06:14 PM
Since when have dvd regions have ANYTHING to do with game regions? game regions go by PAL, NTSC and NTSC-J.
Ps3 is REGION FREE for games, the only region encoding in there is the Blu-ray dvd region, which happened to be the same for the US and JP, so you can play imported games on any ps3 console, but with movies you will run into trouble.
you might also run into trouble if you are gaming on an SDTV (PAL SD is 576i where as NTSC is 480i) , since composite/s-video frequencies are affected by ntsc or pal, you should have ZERO problems with HD gaming though
Thu, 08-23-2007, 07:45 AM
Doesn't the PS3 or 360 require HD TV's anyways?
Thu, 08-23-2007, 10:11 AM
Sat, 08-25-2007, 02:13 AM
Since when have dvd regions have ANYTHING to do with game regions? game regions go by PAL, NTSC and NTSC-J.
Ps3 is REGION FREE for games, the only region encoding in there is the Blu-ray dvd region, which happened to be the same for the US and JP, so you can play imported games on any ps3 console, but with movies you will run into trouble.
you might also run into trouble if you are gaming on an SDTV (PAL SD is 576i where as NTSC is 480i) , since composite/s-video frequencies are affected by ntsc or pal, you should have ZERO problems with HD gaming thoughGood answer. Thanks :)
Sun, 01-20-2008, 02:26 AM
I just recently bought a PS3, Call of Duty 4, and Guitar Hero 3.
PSN is Vi3tboiwiz
Add me :p
Sun, 01-20-2008, 07:24 AM
I think PS3 is going to have another price drop.
I heard that Sony won the rights to the blueray thing or some crap like that. Soooo they'll be mass producing the PS3 which means a price drop is likely.
Sun, 01-20-2008, 04:35 PM
I think PS3 is going to have another price drop.
I heard that Sony won the rights to the blueray thing or some crap like that. Soooo they'll be mass producing the PS3 which means a price drop is likely.Are you maybe referring to that bluray won the hd-format war?
Mon, 01-21-2008, 07:15 PM
Are you maybe referring to that bluray won the hd-format war?
Oh.. Maybe. Hah I forgot what my friend had said, but it was something along the lines of that.
Tue, 02-26-2008, 07:03 AM
A few days ago a new gaming store opened here that let's you trade in games, so after selling my old wow account and trading in a little over 20 games it wasnt so expensive anymore. Got 2 games with the purchase, uncharted and heavenly sword. Will most likely get an online game next.
Feels a bit lonely there so go ahead and add me "Sandldan"
Thu, 02-28-2008, 03:30 PM
A few days ago a new gaming store opened here that let's you trade in games, so after selling my old wow account and trading in a little over 20 games it wasnt so expensive anymore. Got 2 games with the purchase, uncharted and heavenly sword. Will most likely get an online game next.
Feels a bit lonely there so go ahead and add me "Sandldan"What store was that?
Sat, 03-01-2008, 08:39 PM
It's just a small chain with maybe 4 stores in finland now, named "pelimies"
Sun, 03-02-2008, 09:39 AM
It's just a small chain with maybe 4 stores in finland now, named "pelimies"Dang it :/
I have like 50+ ps2-games, it would be welcomed to get rid of 20 of them.
Sun, 03-02-2008, 02:47 PM
eb games lets you trade games for credit towards other things too
Tue, 03-11-2008, 12:37 PM
eb games lets you trade games for credit towards other things too
Even crap games?
Tue, 03-11-2008, 01:02 PM
yeah. they put values to games though, so if it's a crap game, you shouldn't expect it to be worth much. they had a thing going before smash bros brawl came out where you could trade three games worth $8 or more each and get smash bros for free. don't know if they're still doing it.
Tue, 03-11-2008, 01:10 PM
Even crap games?
Last time I checked, it was like $5 for sports games. Even brand new ones.
Thu, 03-13-2008, 11:31 AM
A sexier PS3?
Im still waiting for the PS3 cord with 2 exclusive games to choice it costs approximately 435 euro's
Fri, 08-22-2008, 08:18 AM
From magicbox: Sony announced a new wireless PS3 keypad add-on for the DualShock 3 and Sixaxis controller, which attaches to the top of the controller. The keypad will also include a touch mode for mouse input.
Looks good but I think most people would go for a real keyboard, which would cost much cheaper and easier to hook up...
Fri, 01-23-2009, 03:42 AM
I don't know if I should make a thread or just post here but anyways, all of you know that the update 2.60 will allow divx 3.11. But I found out an exciting bad ass program (maybe im late here or whatever). Ever since the update the mkv's and hdtv streaming from PS3 Media player and Tversity is 2x better. Lets say you want to watch Casshern Sins Episode 6.
Or my favorite Casshern Sins Episode 10
Instead of of converting and all that nonsense, how about we use Tversity and PS3 Media, somehow it streams and transcodes automatically. When I watched episode 10 on Media it was good but on Tversity tweaked up, it was way better. Not true HD quality on Tversity but barely any pixels and all that other bs. On the forums I found out I had to have a dual core to watch hd quality on my hdtv. I tested other movies like What Just Happened and Into The Wild from Mininova. Anyways I wanted to let you guys know, I probably found out too late. Trust me they are both good programs but Tversity was made for XBOX360 mainly.
Links: - Installation help if you need it. - Tweak, its pretty simple just follow the directions.
Basically you just install no other codecs needed other than java. But you must have a bad ass computer to run HD. MKV's are fine.
Just to let you know, you won't be dissapointed :). I like to watch my anime on my HD.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 10:03 AM
I did something better instead of searching hacks, installing them or whatever. I connected the computer to the TV :P
Guess I'll need to download yet another useless update if I want to keep logging to the PSN store...
Fri, 01-23-2009, 10:30 AM
I've never connected my PC to the TV once I set up the PS3 with Tversity. With all the added support with new firmware, it's become really convenient to download and watch anime on HD televisions.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 11:23 AM
Well... in my case my TV is my sole monitor. HDMI connection too.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 02:50 PM
I thought about doing the whole connecting my computer to my HDTV, but I would have to get a new computer :) and a cable. Other than that I think its convenient to use Tversity and PS3 Media. If I wanted a perfect quality, would it be better to use the connection from computer to tv? Or just wait for an update from PS3? Which would hopefully take 2 months.
Thats why im a little jealous of the 360 :(.
Sun, 01-25-2009, 12:11 PM
I have one problem with PS3 or my PC. after updating PS3 and my X-Fi drivers i get no sound via optical connection, its all set on in ps3 and in my pc. and i have no idea where problem lies. and before you ask - yes i tryied other cable. and PS3 dosen't output sound on TV too.
Sun, 01-25-2009, 02:29 PM
Wait a second, what are you trying to do? You didn't specify anything. Are you trying to hook up your pc to the tv or are you trying to use a media server?
Sun, 01-25-2009, 04:59 PM
I had my ps3 hooked up to my pc(via front panel of X-Fi sound card) using optical cable, and now for some weird reason i don't any sound of it, i tried all combination of optical cable modes in ps3, set up everything in my pc too, and still no sound
Tue, 03-17-2009, 01:41 PM
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 has been announced for PS3 in the new Famitsu.
- It will be an upgraded version of Ninja Gaiden 2 (not a direct port)
- Set to release in autumn 2009
- The magazine will be reporting new elements in coming issues
- Producer and director: Yosuke Hayashi (From Sigma)
- Development: Team Ninja
New features in the PS3 version:
- New weapon - spiked hammer "Genma"
- New giant boss battles not in the 360 version
- New playable character - female ninja Ayane
IGN Story (
Looking forward to it since I didn't play the 360 version. There's also a new Gundam game coming for PS3 called Kidou Senki Gundam Senki.
The game will feature cooperative and network options, a brand new original story and scenario mode and more. The scenario mode will feature the exact same characters revealed in Gundam Ace as well as the RX-78-7. Of course, the game will feature HD animation with a hybrid of 3D models and 2D character animation.
Tue, 03-17-2009, 06:07 PM
I hope the gundam game turns out good.
Anyway, ng2 on ps3 is a real backstab loophole from Tecmo man, fuck. NG2 is published by MS and the name "Ninja Gaiden II" is owned by them, making it"Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2" is just such an idiot loophole, I bet MS is very fucking displeased with this.
If Tecmo at least brings the extra content to 360 aswell (which should be entirely possible) I'll get it, but I definitly won't buy ngs2 just to get to play with Ayane ( how awesome she might be ).
Sun, 03-22-2009, 08:27 PM
El oh el @ Itagaki. The biggest Xbox fanatic on earth is getting his game ported to PS3. It just makes me smile inside.
Tue, 03-24-2009, 10:14 AM
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 interview (;thumb;1)
Well I must say now that they added not only ayane, but momiji, 2 new bosses AND an online coop mode, this will pretty hard to pass up, still I hope they add this as DLC for the 360 version aswell, I mean they should be able to.
And for the person that neg repped me with "pfft. live with it. with everything microsoft steals, allow others to steal from them."
Uhm why didn't just post that in here? So you know, we could have an intelligent discussion? I guess thats too much too ask from gotwoot nowadays.
Wed, 03-25-2009, 03:51 AM
Something tells me it's Stitch, but I think DS just dissed all of GW in general.
Wed, 03-25-2009, 05:29 AM
In the words of Shaggy, it wasn't me.
If I wanted to say something, I'd flame and troll the shit out of you.
Anyway, if online co-op is something you can just patch in with DLC, that would be great. I know a bunch of games I'd like that to happen to.
Wed, 03-25-2009, 06:18 AM
Sounds like stitch's work to me. He brings this place down a notch with his juvenile antics and PS3 fanboyism.
X360 for LIFE!!!!!
Wed, 03-25-2009, 10:55 AM
The irony of your entire post seems to be lost on you.
That's an all too common occurrence with you.
Fri, 04-24-2009, 03:28 PM
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta Acess with ( Purchase (
This news has me hyped, because I loved the first Uncharted and now they're adding multiplayer. :)
Reserve inFAMOUS and receive a code that unlocks the GameStop exclusive Gigawatt Blades Power. With electric blades extending from his wrists, a single blow annihilates any foe and transforms Cole's hands into instruments of sheer destruction.
Can't wait for inFAMOUS and the UC2 beta.
Fri, 04-24-2009, 04:26 PM
So, last week I was wondering wether I would by a PS3 or not.
Strange... because I'm not interrested in playing at all.
But I thought this could be a nice media station with PlayTV that decodes DVB-T HD streams (TV for short), its blu-ray abilities and relatively low prices for all of those functions as opposed to other products. Another bonus was the ergonomics of use and polished interface.
But all of that was put to a halt because:
A PS3 is too noisy for me
PlayTV isn't able to record HD streams yet.
I guess that in time the HD recording will be available.
Regarding noise, Maybe someday we'll have a slim PS3 when the cell RSX processor goes 45nm, as well as the gpu and other parts.
I'll wait and see if there's any announcement in E3
Anyhow, I'm not that eager too.
Flat screens get cheaper by the day, even for some with more than enough qualities for me.
The only thing is I also want a media station/tank with nice ergonomics and polished interface, reliabilty and blu-ray without being more expensive than the flatscreen itself. Maybe I'm asking for too much.
Fri, 04-24-2009, 04:45 PM
Huh? I don't know where you got the noisy part from, but my PS3 makes absolutely no sound whatsoever. My 360 on the other hand, is quite the beast.
Fri, 04-24-2009, 05:00 PM
Huh? I don't know where you got the noisy part from, but my PS3 makes absolutely no sound whatsoever. My 360 on the other hand, is quite the beast.
well maybe I was unlucky when at friends to hear the fan being quite noisy for my tastes.
It's all the more a problem if someday PlayTv can record in HD and I need to record things at night, in my bedroom. I have a low tolerance for noise. That could explain why I pinpointed that.
Also, the other benefit of waiting is that SSD will continue to get cheaper and cheaper. So by the time the PS3 does all I want, I might be able to put a SSD inside to not even hear a disk spinning (at night again) and supress the last moving part, other than the optical drive of course.
Fri, 04-24-2009, 05:36 PM
Ofcourse the ps3 makes sound, but it should be so low that it gets drowned out by other sounds easily, like from a tv. An xbox 360 should be a lot louder since the drive spins at 12x ( its like a pc drive).
Seriously, perhaps your friends ps3 is gathering too much dust or something, getting too hot and thus making the fan work harder.
I just tested it, and my Wii actually makes more sound then my ps3, its so low that its practically inaudible with any other source of sound in the vicinity.
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