View Full Version : TV: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sun, 07-22-2007, 12:37 PM
The first episode of The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been leaked: 1bc19f3efcecb
I must say, that the first episode was much better than I thought it would be. My only complaint is that it disregards all the events that occured in T3. Although, it might actually not be all that bad, since the T3 storyline was obviously missing Sarah, and that was all Linda Hamilton's fault for not wanting to take part of the movie. Other than that, I thought it was pretty solid. The acting is not bad... just a couple of scenes that really make you question their acting skills, but I've seen much worse. There's plenty of action and the sub-storylines are not bad. I think I will enjoy the series.
The Terminator franchise arrives on TV with this serial drama. Set a year after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day the series follows Sarah and John Connor as they hide from the authorities and Skynet's army of Terminators.
In an interview on June 22, 2007, Josh Friedman revealed that the events of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines have no bearing on this timeline, but do occur in an alternate timeline.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 10:07 PM
I believe the episode was pretty good. The occasional bad acting didn't bother me at all, except I think they could've done a bit better for Sarah Conner's role. I'm also glad that they disregarded everything from T3, because that movie was just horrible.
I only have to say is pretty good episode, and I can't wait for it to premiere on TV.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 03:37 AM
I believe the episode was pretty good. The occasional bad acting didn't bother me at all, except I think they could've done a bit better for Sarah Conner's role. I'm also glad that they disregarded everything from T3, because that movie was just horrible.
I only have to say is pretty good episode, and I can't wait for it to premiere on TV.
Thinking about it, I think that the acting was really good... just that some of the lines they made the actors say they were just aweful. I hate John's actor, but I really like the castings for Sarah and the terminator. The actress for Sarah is the chick from 300, and from what I've read around she's a boxer, so I think she can become pretty ruthless throughout the series. And Summer Glau as the terminator is great... she was awesome in Serenity kicking ass, so I can see her kicking more ass in this series.
Now, Arnold better do some guest appearances.
Mon, 07-30-2007, 12:42 AM
well im only half way through the ep, but i gotta say, summer glau in anything is awesome. She's just so damn cute. And a great actor as well.
Tue, 07-31-2007, 06:09 AM
Tue, 07-31-2007, 08:09 AM
Thought it was pretty decent, definitely going to keep following this.
Thu, 08-02-2007, 12:05 AM
This was awesome...
Love the terminator girl... Summer Glau you say eh?
When does this series premier?
I mean... I understand this was a pre-air episode...
Thu, 08-02-2007, 07:53 AM
It should start around January. So, it'll be a while.
Thu, 08-02-2007, 05:17 PM
I'm glad they disregard T3 since I do also.
Thu, 08-02-2007, 09:37 PM
It should start around January. So, it'll be a while.
Plus, a week more, since we already know what's going to happen. Damn it all!
Fri, 08-03-2007, 07:52 AM
I think they are reshooting some scenes though, for the worst in my opinion, but I doubt it'll be exactly the same pilot.
Date set for the premiere:
Premiere of small-screen Terminator spin-off set for Monday, January 14 as lead-in for 24.
Tue, 01-08-2008, 01:52 PM
Well, for those of you interested... the series will premiere on January 13th instead of the 14th. Hopefully the changes made to the pilot, if any, were good.
Sat, 01-12-2008, 01:31 AM
Actually it seems they pushed it back to Febuary 18th
Sat, 01-12-2008, 02:05 AM
No, they didn't move the premiere date... Just the finale date. The series will still premiere on Sunday.
It's a two-night special, one episode on Sunday and one on Monday:
Sun, 01-13-2008, 08:33 PM
well, watching it rite now. the only change i notice is the terminators hair is spiked. but it mite just be my imagination
Edit: i think the last scene was changed. i dont remember the scene at the house and the whole dog fight thing.
Sun, 01-13-2008, 11:55 PM
Well, here are the changes I noticed:
1) Her fiance changed from Tim Guinee to Dean Winters (Rescue Me)... quite a good change in my opinion, he's more badass.
2) Don't really know about the spiked hair for the Terminator... though for some reason this time around he didn't look as moronic as he did the first time around.
3) Don't remember Sarah getting shot and getting treatment from the Summer Glau, I bet that's a new scene.
4) Maybe that last scene you mentioned at the house, surely don't remember it... don't know if it's new though.
I think that's pretty much it... new episode tomorrow, let's see where this shit is going.
Mon, 01-14-2008, 12:10 AM
Anyone have a torrent for the NEW version of episode 1? I missed the premier tonight :(
Mon, 01-14-2008, 12:33 AM
Here's the torrent: 9c7c4e3dae442
Also, you can watch the previews for the next episode here, looks quite good:
Mon, 01-14-2008, 01:02 AM
Quite good is an understatement. The series looks like its going to be awesome though nothing is without flaws but I'm not going to bitch.
Mon, 01-14-2008, 09:44 AM
sarah getting treatment is in the dvd rip of the pilot, just not in the episode itself, it comes after the credits, when some extra scenes show up.
Mon, 01-14-2008, 01:05 PM
you guys liked this?
i thought it was about as craptacular as you could get. The Terminator chick shows too much emotion, John Connor not enough, and his mother, while steadfastly delivering dramatic and foreboding lines to try to orient you to the bleakness of it all, seems to have really lost a step, especially with how she tried to be more of a 'mother' to John.
Yeah, there's action. Music and SFX were excellent.
But, yeah, I actually was laughing while watching the premiere episode more than anything else. And it wasn't funny laughing with them laughter.
Further proof that I should just give up on any post 1991 additions to this franchise. Wholly unsatisfying.
Mon, 01-14-2008, 02:53 PM
Yes, Yes, Yes. We've all noticed the changes in the characters while completely unnecessary they are not uncommon when there is an adaptation of a movie into a series. Mostly due to the fact that writers like to have malleable characters to work with rather than the rigid ones that were used in the movies. I was endlessly complaining while watching the episode but like I said before I'm not going to bitch, well atleast not much.
But as you said there are other very good things about the series so I'll continue to watch it, actually I probably won't because of the time its going to be airing but I'll try to. In any case yes I like the series the music and the SFX were great, some of the action scenes were alright but there is alot to complain about there especially in the fight scene and already there are alot of plot problems but its the first episode so I'll wait and see.
So atleast for now its still worth watching cause there is alot of potential, although I remember saying the same thing about god awful Moonlight but this is Terminator, its good even when its bad.
Mon, 01-14-2008, 10:19 PM
Second ep answered a lot of questions. They did hint at T3 and a pretty clearly explained that this show's time line is divergent from the original movies due to the time skipping. The fembot is definitely more than just a protector, she was most likely altered to try and make her more human. She is very much like a child, learning by mimicry and then attempting to improvise along the lines of what she's experienced (like Arnold in T2 but to a much greater degree).
One glaring inconsistency that bothered me was that Sarah and John were able to pick her up, she has to weigh a good deal more than she looks like she should.
Anyway, I like Sarah, I like fembot (couldn't make out her alias) and John doesn't seem central to the stoy anyway so his lameness doesn't bother me much. The Hobominater was another big plot hole...if it came back fully functional but headless why the hell didn't the gun or pieces of the vault come back... still I'll watch for the fembot's growth and Sarah's ass kicking, I only made it 3 eps on Bionic Woman before I had to give it up doe to boredom, hopefully this won't have that effect.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 02:34 AM
Well she's certainly heavier than she looks, but how much heavy? This is some sort of new model, so she can surely be much lighter than what we would think. Still, she was carried by two people and placed on a chair with wheels to move her around. Nothing really wrong with it to really take issues with it.
As for the head thing, the "big plot hole" is not that gun or pieces of the vault didn't make it back... the plot hole is how did the head go through without being surrounded by living tissue. In the first movie, Reese said "nothing dead would go through", and the important portion of what he said that could go through is the "field" that is generated by a living organism that make time travel possible. So the question is, did the time travel thing already accept the head as "acceptable to travel" BEFORE his skin was removed? Everything was happening at pretty much the same time, so anything is possible.
The important thing is that the machine felt that the head generated some field that was either the same or similar to a living organism... why was that is the question. The head was certainly functional, so that might factor in it especially when the head had some living tissue still on it. The other explanation is that it was simply an error in production, not really a big plot hole as made out to be, just a small error that is not easily fixable once you have the episode ready for airing. It's costly to fix, so it's an error they'll have to live with... but an error that they could easily explain with some bullshit that really wouldn't contradict what little we have previously learned from the movies, just as I did here. Also, keep in mind that what wen through time travelling was the head, not the full body.
That aside, I really enjoyed this episode, the action was good... even though I hate the actor who plays John, he showed he can kick a bit of ass if given the chance... if the show goes for a couple of season, I'm pretty sure, at least I hope, he won't look as such a dweeb as the actor grows older and hopefully build a bit of muscle. He's certainly a bit better than what I originally gave him credit for. He won't keep me from watching, and hopefully will grow on me a bit as the show progresses. The scene when Summer Glau gets run over by the car was nice, and the scene when she kills "El Finito" was quite good too.
I read the interview a while back that this show won't be a "Terminator of the Day" show, hopefully they'll keep their promise. So far I think they've done a fairly good job in limiting the Terminator chase scenes, I'd say.
Bionic Woman was simply a piece of shit... awfully written and boring. It had no direction, this series does have direction so at least it won't suffer from that.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 01:07 PM
I don't know Munsu, continuity and plot holes are a big problem for me. John is dweeb and a complete idiot too why oh why did they change his character so much. In T2 when he was a kid he was much smarter than he is now, he even had the makings of a badass. Looking for the guy was dumb enough, going to his house was even dumber then getting caught, at that point I just wrote him off. Looks more like T3 John to me. Anyway since fembot, I guess thats what we're calling her, said that this John is not her John then I hoping he will have some major changes and she is not just referring to the fact that her John was essentially the leader of the human race after Judgment Day.
So none of you had a problem with a headless robot walking around I mean who writes this crap.
I loved, just loved how she just put an end to "El Finito" its what Sarah should have done and the T2 Sarah would have done it without hesitation. I mean it doesn't take a robot to understand that if you are trying to save the entire human race that you can't afford to spare the lives of a few people regardless of whether they are friends or not. Especially if they would hinder you from accomplishing that goal.
Bionic Woman was simply a piece of shit... awfully written and boring. It had no direction, this series does have direction so at least it won't suffer from that.
I concur.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 01:31 PM
I don't know Munsu, continuity and plot holes are a big problem for me.
In order for there to be a plot hole, there has to be some sort of "hole" in the first place. What we currently have are unexplained events, not necessarily plot holes. All we know about time travel is information gathered in about 10 seconds of talking from Kyle Reese in the first movie... a Kyle Reese that admited to really not knowing how the whole thing works in the first place.
John is dweeb and a complete idiot too why oh why did they change his character so much. In T2 when he was a kid he was much smarter than he is now, he even had the makings of a badass. Looking for the guy was dumb enough, going to his house was even dumber then getting caught, at that point I just wrote him off. Looks more like T3 John to me.
Yeah, it was dumb... but come on, that guy was like a father to him... pretty much the only father figure he's had in his whole life aside from the Arnie Terminator. Can you really blame him for searching him out? As for him being a dweeb, well you know not many people can measure up to Edward Furlong, and him being currently a dweeb gives the writers plenty of space to develop the character... so I don't mind him being currently being a dumb fuck right now, as long as he develops throughout the series and doesn't stay a dumb fuck for the whole time. He has an over-protective mom, so of course he's going to become a dweeb mama's boy. I don't like him, but he's not going to keep me from enjoying the series.
So none of you had a problem with a headless robot walking around I mean who writes this crap.
Didn't really like it, but what's the problem with it? These are machines you know, is it so hard to believe that the head can control the body without being attached to it; kinda like a remote control? I think it brings a new side to the Terminators, making them that much harder to kill.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 01:50 PM
Granted that the show is just beginning and we don't know much, going against what was already established doesn't make sense. I don't think its going to be explained but I hope it is.
Actually yeah I sure as hell can blame him for it. Father figure or not means nothing to me. He is not going to keep me fromm watching the show either and other than the fact that machines are trying to kill him there isn't much focus on him. I mean it is Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. The only characters of importance are Sarah, Fembot and the other machines. I don't think they really wanted to add John to the mix put the plot and the timeline dictated it.
Its not that its hard to accept its just that they could be capable of such a thing. It just the fact that it was a headless robot that apparently could see even though the only eyes we know of are in the head. You can't say that you didn't have a problem with it walking around with a human head in a motorcycle helmet on top of it. Where is the originality.
If they wanted the robot to be in the future they could have simply said that the entire thing was transported to the future. I could even have said that the head was transported but when it got there, the body was activated and it then found and reattached the head. Since Fembot did say that they were in the same location just a different time and then all that would be necessary is some lame explanation why the body was not found.
Speaking of the body, how did it end up where it was. They broke into the bank and they blasted it but after they went to the future the body should have been deactivated until it caught up to the heads timeline. Not only that but I thought the FBI guy was heading to the bank and after a crime like breaking into the bank he would have done a thorough investigation and would have undoubtedly found the body. Unless both the head and the body were transported to the future but they didn't immediately come online because of the damage from the attack.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 02:14 PM
Speaking of the body, how did it end up where it was. They broke into the bank and they blasted it but after they went to the future the body should have been deactivated until it caught up to the heads timeline. Not only that but I thought the FBI guy was heading to the bank and after a crime like breaking into the bank they would have done a thorough investigation and would have undoubtedly found the body. Unless both the head and the body were transported to the future but they didn't immediately come online because of the damage from the attack.
I very much doubt that the body time travelled, for the simple fact that the body was under a pile of rubble... I doubt that's how this shit is supposed to work lol. We don't know what happened in the bank after the time device was used right? Maybe the whole vault got destroyed and all that was left was a pile of junk. Yeah, I don't like the body going undiscovered, but whatever, shit happens. The body could've easily been burried under a ton of shit and left undiscovered for whatever reason... In the newspaper it said that there was a huge explosion in the vault that killed them, how can they make that statement without having found the bodies? Either they weren't thorough enough, or simply the place was a huge mess... a wreck.
Its not that its hard to accept its just that they could be capable of such a thing. It just the fact that it was a headless that apparently could not only see even though the only eyes we know of are in the head. You can't say that you didn't have a problem with it walking around with a human head in a motorcycle helmet on top of it.
Yeah, sure... but nothing prevents the Terminator from having an advanced GPS device on inside its head which would enable him to know specifically where the body is and to manuver him accordingly. Sure much is a stretch, but whatever. How does Skynet control all its robots without being intouch with them? The technology is there... we just don't know how it works. The good thing is that that the Terminator lost all it's flesh, so we won't see that lame actor from the first episode playing this particular Terminator. I do have a problem with it, but not to the point that I'm going to bunch up my panties worrying about it. It's dumb and executed poorly, I'd say... but it's a bit intriguing and interesting at the same time.
I like how the Summer Glau Terminator is called or was called Cameron... probably a tribute to James Cameron. I also wonder if John will fall in love with it, which I think has a high possibility of happening... I bet she was modeled after someone John cared about or even loved. The other thing I find interesting is that the Terminators don't recognize the model and she has been reluctant to give her model number. Which begs the question... who built her, since she probably isn't simply a remodification as the Arnie Terminators.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 05:31 PM
I'm thinking she was built or at least completely programmed by humans. Her core personality is so different from any of the other Terminators. When she rubbed John's neck for instance, she did it in the casual manner someone who was playfully touching someone might have done it. T2 Arnold would have simply walked up to him, touched him, and continued on.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 07:23 PM
Arnie would've choked him actually, picked him up in the air, and turn him around to examine him lol. That model number thing is pretty interesting...i never really thought about it, but you're rite it could be foreshadowing the fact that she wasn't built by skynet....or atleast not programmed by skynet.
Tue, 01-15-2008, 08:50 PM
One thing to think about is that her eyes glow blue right? When usually the Terminator's eyes glow red... so that's something else that hints at her having a mysterious origin.
I think it showed a bit of guts killing off "El Finito"... if I remember correctly, he was a cool character in T2; so to kill him off shows that the series has a bit of balls.
And here's small trivia I just figured out... the next paragraph may contain small spoilers for Prison Break, but nothing really big:
The person who originally played Salceda on T2, Castulo Guerra, was just on an episode of Prison Break last night... kinda curious the sort of development that goes on Prison Break with his character and the developments of Salceda on the tv series.
End of Spoiler
Mon, 01-21-2008, 05:01 AM
This show is awesome. It's like Terminator 2 that just goes on and on and on. Every week a it just continues. And great actors. I like both John and Sarah. And the terminator is hot. It will probably be 2008 best new show. Can't see any concept that could beat this.
Mon, 01-21-2008, 11:04 PM
Any thoughts on last night's episode?
I thought it was quite good, and a bit graphic for tv which is good. I especially liked the girl's busted head, and the final scene of the episode was great... some may even find it a bit disturbing.
With all its flaws, this is a really cool show... d3f5e38f8d9d8
Tue, 01-22-2008, 10:37 AM
Really was a nice episode don't have any complaints other than hormonal John who can't make up his damn mind about who he is. One minute he wants his mommy to save him, next minute he wants to be a hero, then he's sad, then he's angry, then he wants his mommy to save him again.
Some nice developments though. I liked the Andy character alot, I have no idea why she thinks destroying his work would stop anything. At this point Sarah should be ready and willing to kill although I'm sure she already knows it would all be for naught.
I think Agent Ellison is going to become my favorite character in this show.
Tue, 01-22-2008, 03:10 PM
who else thinks andy's computer is the origins of the fembot? Its been hinted that she's different, and that fact that she's learning/making jokes is further proof that she's not from the same assembly line as the other terminators.
I think someone suggested that the fembot is a human creation as opposed to a skynet creation....i wonder if this moody chess playing computer is how it all started. Maybe 10 years down the line, andy recreates his computer with future tech, and the result is fembot.
.............just a crazy theory.
ps: what was the deal with those drawings. i mean its obvious the girl had fucked someone and whatever, but drawing it on the wall?
Tue, 01-22-2008, 03:26 PM
Maybe if it did turned out that Andy was the one that built her or was responsible for her creation I doubt she would want him killed. I'm guessing we will find out more about her next week.
Yeah its looks like Yuki may be right and she may have been built by humans.
ps: what was the deal with those drawings. i mean its obvious the girl had fucked someone and whatever, but drawing it on the wall?
Seriously that was just stupid, there could have done many different things with those scenes and still get the same effect and they didn't even execute it properly. The high school girl acting up and saying her parents are going to kill her is played out. When she just burst out and started crying I was like what the hell is she talking about, when she walked out I thought it would be over and done with but no.
Then she jumps off the building and commits suicide and no one knew why the hell she did it which was funny atleast John didn't get to save her.
Tue, 01-22-2008, 04:32 PM
Actually, some people knew... in those scenes you could hear the people murmuring "she's a whore, she's a skank..." and what not. I'm sure this is not the last of it, and I liked how they just let her die. I thought that the tactic was a bit clever and made some of the viewers actually think a little bit, which is always good. Which is what I usually find funny, when the plot is laid out for you and is simple many critic it as being dumb, then they try something new and get a subplot that actually makes some viewers think then they say it's just too complicated and poorly written. They can't win no matter what. I thought it was quite obvious what was going on, it just needed you to pay a little bit of extra attention to details, that's it. Sure, they may have been better ways to go about it... but I thought this version was quite clever in some ways.
Just as parallel, if you go around you'll hear a ton of people complaining about how horrible the show is because they had a girl kill herself, etc. But if John had actually gone up and saved her, then the same people would be calling the show cheesy. I find that hilarious.
And yeah, I think Agent Ellison is great.
Tue, 01-22-2008, 07:30 PM
I liked that they let her die, I'm all for the blood, gore and death. Really I didn't notice all of that going on in the background I was attempting to do too many things at the same time much like I am now.
Wed, 01-23-2008, 12:25 AM
Indeed, I loved that the way she died and showing the head splattered on the floor was nice.
That aside, what about the painting spelling out "Guidance" as in "guidance cancellor"? Going further on Agent Ellison, I thought his conversation with Salceda Jr. was good... especially when they started talking about Kobe and shit, I think he did really well on this episode. I like how they've been trying to give him some development and focus... especially when they infer that he has been treated like "Spooky Mulder" from X-files, and he's just been handed down shitty assignments after shitty assignments.
Wed, 01-23-2008, 12:40 AM
hmm...i just saw DAN and IDAN....never realized it could've been 'guidance'. Atleast that clarifies who the man was.
ok, crazy theory #2. Could fembots appearence be based someone john knew/knows in the future? Im thinking wife/girlfriend. When they went to meet the future soldiers, sarah asked if they'd know who she (fembot) was, and she said "they've seen me before", instead of a simple yes or "ya, they reprogammed me".
Wed, 01-23-2008, 12:54 AM
I'm pretty sure that's the case... and I won't discount the possibilty either of Cameron being terminated, and then John and Sarah running into some girl played by Summer Glau a couple of episodes later.
I wish Sarah would've killed Andy Goode though... I want to see her kill someone herself, maybe with a pencil or some hardcore shit like that.
I want to see what type of development goes one with the blonde chick in the chemistry class, I'm quite curious on how they are going to use her because I'm quite sure this show won't have John staying in that school very long and that the school scenes will be quite minimal.
Thu, 01-31-2008, 02:23 PM
Well, with little to watch on tv as of late, here's a clip of Lena Headey on Letterman:
She looks hot here... she really isn't looking as hot on the tv show for some reason. Also, Letterman was clueless about Terminator... I don't know if it was all show, or if he really doesn't know shit about it.
Thu, 01-31-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm hoping that the show comes back next week... don't know why they took a break after only 3 weeks on the air
Thu, 01-31-2008, 04:58 PM
Because of the State of Union Address.
Here's a nice article about Summer Glau and Terminator while we wait for the next episode:
Here's a clip from the next may contain spoilers, but nothing major:
And here's an interview with our favorite FBI Agent:
Tue, 02-05-2008, 04:52 AM
Did you guys see the Terminator kicking the Super Bowl's robot ass during the Superbowl? I thought it was great stuff. You can see it here, it's on the "Fox/NFL Promos" section:
Last night's episode had a ton of action, I thought it was a good episode. We learn a bit from Cameron's past and we also learn how Skynet plans to take control of the world after it explodes all those nukes. John kicked a bit of ass, and I thought that he taking the key from the Terminator on standby was good stuff. The new Cromartie is great, I like that actor plenty... seen him a lot as of late (No Country For Old Men, The 4400, Deadwood, etc.). He gives a Robert Patrick vibe... it was cool when he went to the house of the dude he was impersonating and kicked his ass... the mirror scene was good stuff. Oh and Cyborg from Smallville is an FBI agent; he looks like he'll be an interesting character alongside Agent Ellison. I wonder if Cameron has some ulterior motives other than protecting John, seeing as she kept some metal bar apparently in secret from the Connors. Sarah also landed a couple of nasty punches on the episode... those were nice to see.
As always, you can check the next episode's preview here:
Tue, 02-05-2008, 02:22 PM
Im guessing the bar was for self repair incase she needed it at some later date....but the way that scene was filmed, it was sort of implied that there was more to it.
Also, i guess the 'cameron was made by humans' theory doesn't hold up anymore....she said that she was made by skynet in this episode. I guess she was just reprogrammed like the rest of the terminators. However theres definately more to her then her previous counterparts. the way she said "john somtimes does these things" when sarah was complaining about him being get the vibe that she's known him on a more personal level then any of the other models. especially since she keeps saying "my john".
Tue, 02-05-2008, 08:41 PM
So what's the general opinion on how the series is so far? Been looking for something new to watch. I'd read through the comments, but I don't like/want to be spoiled.
Tue, 02-05-2008, 08:46 PM
I think most people following it are liking it. Its a pretty good seires, a unique concept (in its own way). It has a healthy dose of action and mystery to keep you comming back for more.
And ofcourse summer glau (the friendly terminator) is just gorgeous.
Tue, 02-05-2008, 10:16 PM
Indeed, if you ignore all the little bitches who think the world is going to end because this is not a James Cameron project, for the most part everyone is enjoying the series. I have to say that I'm really hooked with it... and I'd say it's the series as of late that I've been more eager to watch the next episode of.
As for episode 4:
I'll say it again Garret Dillahunt will make a great Terminator... I might even go as far as say he might become the greatest Terminator ever. He has a creepy voice and he always has that psycopath look that will work great for this character. He seems to have bulked up a bit too. I think he's one of the most underrated actors around... in all the places I've seen him, I thought he has nailed the character perfectly. I tell you, having him around as the Cromartie is going to take this series to a higher level.
Tue, 02-05-2008, 11:00 PM
I love this series; it like 45 minute terminator movie each week. And a terminator of the week showcase. I would have liked it more if there were different terminator models.
PS. Munsu you went too far heretic! Correct your ways or be terminated for the name of Schwarzenegger.
Wed, 02-06-2008, 05:43 AM
Lol, as awesome as Arnold is he can't act for shit... still a great Terminator. I just think that this guy will pull off an awesom Terminator with his creepy voice and psycopathic demeanor.
Wed, 02-06-2008, 10:34 AM
Yeah i must say that he is an awesome actor. Last i saw him in was The Assassination of Jesse James. and he was awesome in that too. Like Munsu said, he will take this to a whole new level.
Mon, 02-11-2008, 04:33 PM
With the next episode being hours away, here a couple of clips from tonight's episode in case you're interested:
Looks like it'll be an action packed episode.
Mon, 02-11-2008, 05:39 PM
Ahahaha loved the second clip.
"I call Shotgun!"
"I call 9mm!"
Looks awesome.
Mon, 02-11-2008, 10:45 PM
Here's a good blog post by the series creator and executive producer Josh Fieldman:
It explains some of the concerns we were having earlier, especially the head time-travel thing. Now that we have the official explanation, we can move on... I know I had a while ago.
Anyways, tonight's episode was great, plenty of action and some funny moments... but I'm really waiting for next episode, since apparently it has some future scenes. You can check the previews as always on this site:
Tue, 02-12-2008, 11:20 PM
ya, that was a good ep. i hope they keep the new reese around for a little bit. it would be kool to have someone from the future to help them out every now and then.
also, major character develpment for cameron....she felt grief! :o. Also, the uncle obviously knows here from somewhere. I wonder what thier story is. maybe she was the one that tortured him in that labour camp or something.
Tue, 02-19-2008, 06:40 PM
Well, I liked last night's episode.
We got to see plenty from the future, quite a few cool scenes here and there. So what is in the basement? Is Cameron "going bad"? I liked the ending with Derek killing Andy, and then knowing that he lied to Sarah. I like that he's not as "noble" as his brother was or appeared to be.
As always, previews for the next episode:
Tue, 02-19-2008, 08:18 PM
She definitely has something else going on but I don't think she is going bad. The one I would be worried about is Reese that dude just screams psychopath. I wouldn't put trying to kill John past him. If he decides that the future would be better off without John Connor I'm sure he would just put a bullet in him and if he already blames John for his brother's death then thats even more motivation.
Tue, 02-19-2008, 08:27 PM
She definitely has something else going on but I don't think she is going bad. The one I would be worried about is Reese that dude just screams psychopath. I wouldn't put trying to kill John past him. If he decides that the future would be better off without John Connor I'm sure he would just put a bullet in him and if he already blames John for his brother's death then thats even more motivation.
I feel just the same, and I think that's what the writers were going for... especially with having him aloof from John in the future, not knowing him, and pretty much pissed off at him (because of Kyle).
I certainly don't think that Cameron is turning bad, though I'm sure she'll do some stuff that will mess things up, but I think the writers certainly want us thinking she will.
Wed, 02-20-2008, 09:15 PM
i got the impression that once he finally met john in the future and got his mission he understood what happened to his brother, and was at peace with it. I can't see him killing john. But he probably will try to mess with cameron. i wonder what thier history is....he said she's a liar and stuff. and cameron said she didn't know what she'd done to him cuz they'd reprogrammed her, but everything shown in the episode was after she was reprogrammed.
Sat, 02-23-2008, 11:34 AM
Here's some Summer while we wait for the next episode:
Mon, 03-03-2008, 04:39 AM
Well, last episode was interesting... we saw the return of Dr. Silberman and him being a complete whackjob.
The ballet scenes were nice, Summer looked very hot, and the scene with the Russians were good too, especially when she walked away... letting them get killed off.
Any of you watched the episode? Just so you know, tonight is the season finale... a 2 parter, 2 hours.
Here are a couple of interviews with the producer that may be of interest:
Here's one with Summer and another with Green:
Mon, 03-03-2008, 01:17 PM
Yeah I watched the episode it was good, the last scene with her dancing and Reese watching her was especially creepy. I could only imagine how disgusted he much have felt.
The ballet scenes were nice, Summer looked very hot,
:eek: Did you see the bones jutting out of her back?
Mon, 03-03-2008, 04:57 PM
Meh, it takes more than a couple of bones to scare me.
Anyways, a couple of things I almost missed when I watched the episode:
1. When Derek was talking to John about how some people do uncharacteristic things under pressure, things they come to regret, when he was talking about Sarah and her time at the hospital made me think of Derek in the basement and if maybe he did something he regrets, like betraying the resistance.
2. The last ballet scene where Cameron is dancing, she's dancing to the same music that was playing in the basement.
Here's one of those shitty petitions that really don't matter, but sign it if you want:
Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:05 PM
icey weather so i got to watch the 2 hour special on tv instead of downloading it.
i'm not going to go into details for those who haven't watched yet.... but omfg, if they don't make another season i may rip my hair out. good 2 eps
Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:34 PM
Seriously two great episodes I haven't been this interested in a show since Supernatural began and looks like New Amsterdam should be very good as well. Anyway that birthday present Reese gave to John was tight and the scene with the terminator killing all of those people and dumping them in the pool was epic. Really one of the most memorable scenes I've ever seen period.
Did they really kill Cameron, I think she probably survived but will need some serious repairs or something like that but who the hell was that guy. He seemed to be human and I wonder why Cromartie didn't kill Ellison?
Reese has alot more depth than I thought his character would have, there is alot more to him than meets the eye. Will be interesting to see what direction he is going to go in gotta say I love his style though, for all his talk about Cameron and the machines sometimes he acts just like them. Speaking of Cameron she is one bad mutha......
Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:35 PM
I loved the pool scene with the Johnny Cash song... found it very well and uniquely done. It was something fresh.
Thought this were two great episodes, and I really really hope this gets a second season. Fox would had to be fools if they don't renew it...
As to why Cromartie didn't kill Ellison, well one has to wonder if Ellison plays a part in creating Skynet, but I think the main reason is because Ellison is after Sarah Connor as he learned in the episode, and Ellison has all the case files involving her... so, Cromartie might see him as a tool to finding her and John.
Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:43 PM
Makes sense gotta say though these new breed of machines are alot more human than anything we've seen in the movies. Their logic and intelligence is down right scary not to mention that they are freely roaming the earth and acting independent of each other.
And yes the music in this series has been awesome, like I said that was one of the best scenes ever.
Sat, 04-19-2008, 06:52 PM
Good news, looks like it got renewed for a second season:
Season 2 promo picture:
Right off the bat, I like the John Connor haircut. At least more than the gay cut he had before.
And here are some trailers... looks good:
Thu, 07-31-2008, 11:16 AM
Nice...the blond on the right mite be a love interest for john, bu i wonder who the two new faces in the green are?
Atleast one of them is a terminator, but i wonder if both are. (haven't seen the trailers yet, they mite have answers)
Thu, 07-31-2008, 03:19 PM
The redhead is the lead singer from Garbage.
But go watch the trailers... they look quite good. Seems like we'll have some Connors vs. Cameron.
Here's a new trailer:
2 more weeks till the premiere...
Here are some air dates:
11/3/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-206) First Episode After MLB Playoffs
10/20/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-2??) Repeat or Pre-Empted (R)
10/6/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-205) Goodbye to all That (Last Episode Before MLB Playoffs)
9/29/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-204) N/A
9/22/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-203) The Mousetrap
9/15/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-202) No Good Deed
9/08/08 (Mo.) 8:00 PM FOX (SCC-201) Samson and Delilah
Mon, 09-08-2008, 08:02 PM
Wow... the season premiere was fucking awesome. You guys got to get this shit as soon as you can.
Mon, 09-08-2008, 08:09 PM
that was pretty amazing. actually better then the last couple movies i've gone to see.
2-hour premeir would have been nice but they did 10x's more in 1 hour then prison break did in 2 hours last week imo.
Mon, 09-08-2008, 10:05 PM
So now we have a T1000 as head of the project for making Skynet. And Cromartie is still out there. Awesome!
Also i loved that Cameron started to beg for her life in an attempt to play on John's emotions for her and for life itself. Shows a weapon in terminators arsenal that have not been shown before. Also we got to see just how much John really care for Cameron. She's not just another machine that is expendable.
But man was the T1000 a shocker. I suspected that it could be a terminator, and even that i was 50-50 on, but a T1000. Wonder how they will beat her (if they ever do).
Tue, 09-09-2008, 06:19 AM
Well, we don't know if she's actually a T1000... but it's clearly something similar to it.
As for Cameron, it seems that her chip is still messed up. You have to parallel what happened to her with what Weaver was saying about people and street lights, and finding a machine that could break the rules (the programming). This seems to be what Cameron did. Her rules were telling her to terminate John, but she apparently overrided it herself.
So Cameron could snap at any given moment and kill John. She may no longer be limited to her programming. It also brings into question how much reprogramming future John did. Did he ever actually reprogram Cameron, or to what extent did he do it? Or did he simply teach her things?
Fri, 09-12-2008, 06:01 PM
Are you still watching?
Unfortunately no, I've been much too busy and too tired to watch anything lately, not even football:(
I'll try to catch back up once things settle down but I have no idea when that is going to happen.
Mon, 09-15-2008, 02:42 PM
That's too bad cause this season seems better then the previous one.
For those interested you can catch the first episode online here:
It seems to be a US service only, but you might get lucky. Also, watching it there should help a bit in keeping the series alive.
Second episode tonight.
Mon, 09-15-2008, 08:10 PM
Divx quality, and no border limits. Lots of other shows there too.
Tue, 09-16-2008, 11:50 AM
Well here's episode 2:
I didn't enjoy this episode much, especially with that new crappy character that was introduced. Some scenes were cool, like Cameron playing pool and some incidents in the power plant. Other than that I hated John's scenes for the most part, they made me cringe a couple of times.
Sun, 09-28-2008, 04:08 PM
Okay so I finally caught up and I gotta say I'm really liking what I've seen so far, I've just got one question. Why are they making John's character back into that whiny little emo he was in the beginning of season one. As soon as I saw him cut his hair I said, oh boy here we go again.
Sun, 09-28-2008, 04:39 PM
Okay so I finally caught up and I gotta say I'm really liking what I've seen so far, I've just got one question. Why are they making John's character back into that whiny little emo he was in the beginning of season one. As soon as I saw him cut his hair I said, oh boy here we go again.
Yeah, John still sucks... but he at least looks less like a jackass with his hair cut. I don't think this phase of his will last long, especially after the latest episode. I have hope that within the next two episodes Derek will set him straight and make him become something that ressembles a man (or something close to it). Though I don't think I'll ever like John as long as this actor is playing him, so as I mentioned a while back... I'll simply ignore him.
I liked Cromartie's plan, and the scene with Michelle dying in the van was pretty good I thought.
Riley at the moment sucks too (how bad are the scenes with her and John?). I really hope something really cools happen with her in order to reward me with my patience with her.
Summer still looks hot. And man, how huge is that pregnant Busy Phillips? Is she having 10 babies?
Sun, 09-28-2008, 05:14 PM
Yeah, John still sucks... but he at least looks less like a jackass with his hair cut. I don't think this phase of his will last long, especially after the latest episode. I have hope that within the next two episodes Derek will set him straight and make him become something that ressembles a man (or something close to it). Though I don't think I'll ever like John as long as this actor is playing him, so as I mentioned a while back... I'll simply ignore him.
I don't know about that, they all seem to be far too willing to please him and are all afraid to stand up against him about anything for fear that it'll change what he'll become in the future. That scene with him putting Cameron back online in the first episode is a perfect example.
I liked Cromartie's plan, and the scene with Michelle dying in the van was pretty good I thought. I loved, loved his plan. I was wondering where they were going with him last season with him sparing Ellison and everything but I like the way its playing out and I like that he is finally aggressively pursuing John. Last season it seemed like he was there just for the sake of being there. The scene with Michelle dying was good yeah but I didn't really like the fact that she actually stopped although I completely expected her to.The one where she told Michelle that she expected her to be dead was my favorite.
Riley at the moment sucks too (how bad are the scenes with her and John?). I really hope something really cools happen with her in order to reward me with my patience with her.
Now here we have the character I ignore.
Summer still looks hot. And man, how huge is that pregnant Busy Phillips? Is she having 10 babies?
Yeah I know its ridiculous. They are really overplaying it, if she doesn't have that baby or babies in the next couple episodes then something is seriously wrong.
I'm surprised you didn't mention our T-1001. I like how she is setting things in motion, that was something I hoped to see more of from the series. Shynet sending Terminators back to change the way things are in the future and not just to kill people.
Sun, 09-28-2008, 05:45 PM
I don't know about that, they all seem to be far too willing to please him and are all afraid to stand up against him about anything for fear that it'll change what he'll become in the future. That scene with him putting Cameron back online in the first episode is a perfect example.
Well, even though he's still an emo bitch, there's a fundamental difference from him this season and the second season. For better or worse, he's now making decisions for himself instead of just doing what his mother tells him to do (and being a little bitch about it). That's why we see him fooling around with the girlfriend. Why I think the latest episode will have an impact on John and on when he'll finally start to grow up is because he decided to fool around, and because of his fooling around he almost got himself killed. I also think that Michelle's death will have a big impact on him mainly because while he was fooling around, someone that was very important to someone he really cares about died because of him. Seems to me like this will be kidna like the final straw. Anyways, I have high hopes that he'll soon start doing some real military training, with Derek, by his own accord. I think that's what his character has been building to... hitting bottom of lameness in order to realize that he needs to step up.
What a piece of shit paragraph, good luck understanding it.
I loved, loved his plan. I was wondering where they were going with him last season with him sparing Ellison and everything but I like the way its playing out and I like that he is finally aggressively pursuing John. Last season it seemed like he was there just for the sake of being there. The scene with Michelle dying was good yeah but I didn't really like the fact that she actually stopped although I completely expected her to.The one where she told Michelle that she expected her to be dead was my favorite.
I love Garret Dillahunt as a character. In all the places I've seen him he's been awesome, so I'm glad that they're starting to use him more. His plan was quite clever for a Terminator.
I'm with you on the Sarah thing. I hated that she stopped. It would've been 10 times more awesome if she would've have just said to Charley "suck it" and just kept accelarating.
Now here we have the character I ignore.
Yep. I won't comment on her any further or on her scenes with John. Thinking about them makes my head hurts.
Yeah I know its ridiculous. They are really overplaying it, if she doesn't have that baby or babies in the next couple episodes then something is seriously wrong.
Well, the actress is really pregnant so there's no faking it here. That's her real belly.
I'm surprised you didn't mention our T-1001. I like how she is setting things in motion, that was something I hoped to see more of from the series. Shynet sending Terminators back to change the way things are in the future and not just to kill people.
Well, not much to mention at the moment other than that awesome scene in the bathroom. But yeah, it seems like this Terminator series is more of a chess match through time, rather than a closed time loop like the movies suggested at times.
A couple of things of interest... the plane crash with the Terminator hand. The "other one" she wants Ellison to find. Though I didn't like the second episode much (because of the character I don't want to mention any more), I liked the whole nuclear plant dilemma. It was a no win situation.
Cameron seems like she's still fucked up with her chip, and looking at the previews it seems like we'll get a ton of backstory on her... even about her origins.
Sun, 09-28-2008, 07:28 PM
Well, even though he's still an emo bitch, there's a fundamental difference from him this season and the second season. For better or worse, he's now making decisions for himself instead of just doing what his mother tells him to do (and being a little bitch about it). That's why we see him fooling around with the girlfriend. Why I think the latest episode will have an impact on John and on when he'll finally start to grow up is because he decided to fool around, and because of his fooling around he almost got himself killed. I also think that Michelle's death will have a big impact on him mainly because while he was fooling around, someone that was very important to someone he really cares about died because of him. Seems to me like this will be kidna like the final straw. Anyways, I have high hopes that he'll soon start doing some real military training, with Derek, by his own accord. I think that's what his character has been building to... hitting bottom of lameness in order to realize that he needs to step up. Thats just it, I think its going to have a big impact on him and I think he is going to change, I just don't think its going to last. That last sentence is John in a nutshell, the thing is once he steps up its only a matter of time before he becomes complacent again. I remember there was something similar last season when that girl commited suicide.
What a piece of shit paragraph, good luck understanding it.
Perfectly fine really:o
I love Garret Dillahunt as a character. In all the places I've seen him he's been awesome, so I'm glad that they're starting to use him more. His plan was quite clever for a Terminator. His plan was brilliant. I figured he was just luring them away from John, but the fake bomb, disabling their car, listening in on their call and then destroying the cell tower. That was just brilliant, I really like seeing more intelligent Terminators rather than the kill everything in your way Terminators from the movies. The only thing I didn't like about the plan is that he made him go to the pier, I don't know why he would pick such a crowded area when he could have met him somewhere with a bit less foot traffic where he would have been easier to spot. Although I guess he picked such a crowded place so that John wouldn't see him coming.
I'm with you on the Sarah thing. I hated that she stopped. It would've been 10 times more awesome if she would've have just said to Charley "suck it" and just kept accelarating. Really it would have, because they knew she was going to die anyway. Stopping in the middle of the desert when she is bleeding out does not help anything.
Well, the actress is really pregnant so there's no faking it here. That's her real belly. OMG, you've got to be kidding. I take back what I said.
Well, not much to mention at the moment other than that awesome scene in the bathroom. But yeah, it seems like this Terminator series is more of a chess match through time, rather than a closed time loop like the movies suggested at times.
A couple of things of interest... the plane crash with the Terminator hand. The "other one" she wants Ellison to find. Though I didn't like the second episode much (because of the character I don't want to mention any more), I liked the whole nuclear plant dilemma. It was a no win situation.
Chess match through time is the perfect way to describe it. It was established since the very first movie that the battle against Skynet likewise Skynet's battle against man, isn't won in the future its won in the past. So what they do now determines the outcome, I have no idea why the movies didn't do more with this but I'm glad the series is.
Cameron seems like she's still fucked up with her chip, and looking at the previews it seems like we'll get a ton of backstory on her... even about her origins. I love this, I didn't really like the fact that they had a Terminator, much less some kinda hybrid one, on their side. Kinda defeats the theme of trying to destroy the machines and I'm loving that as soon as John starts getting too attached to Cameron, they take her away by throwing in a little plot twist, so he can't trust her anymore. And like you mentioned, from the previews it seems like they are not going to just leave it at that either. (See I started a sentence with and)
Tue, 09-30-2008, 04:41 AM
I loved this episode. The fact that Cameron is not just a random machine but she is actually based on another human. At first i started to think that Cameron might have been a kind of cyborg or that she somehow was made from Allison and that she had her full memory or something. But it looks like she just got the info from interrogations.
What confuses me though is that she actually thought she was Allison and at that time she actually acted as a human being. She laughed, got happy, got sad. She wasn't just a stiff terminator with a very awkward human behavior. So is that just a unique ability to Cameron (keeps getting back to the fact that the other terminator got an "Unknown model" reading, which indicates she might be a prototype) or does all have it? I would like to think only she has it.
How does it work? Does she have like two different modes? A terminator-mode that is the Cameron we see and a human-mode that was the Allison Young impersonation we just saw?
Also it looked like she actually remembers that she is supposed to kill John even when he's around her. That she's acting "reprogrammed". Or do you guys think she forgot about that after that conversation? Or that the reprogramming took over at some point?
No wonder Cameron is the best. I haven't felt this excited after watching a TSCC-episode except the S1 finale. And this might actually even be better then that. An episode with so little action (if you can even call any of it action) and it was actually this good.
I have no clue about the ratings other then that the premiere had a bad rating. Would be nice if anyone would share info on this. But i so do hope it has gotten better. Really want this one to get a season 3.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 07:23 AM
I loved this episode. The fact that Cameron is not just a random machine but she is actually based on another human. At first i started to think that Cameron might have been a kind of cyborg or that she somehow was made from Allison and that she had her full memory or something. But it looks like she just got the info from interrogations.
What confuses me though is that she actually thought she was Allison and at that time she actually acted as a human being. She laughed, got happy, got sad. She wasn't just a stiff terminator with a very awkward human behavior. So is that just a unique ability to Cameron (keeps getting back to the fact that the other terminator got an "Unknown model" reading, which indicates she might be a prototype) or does all have it? I would like to think only she has it.
How does it work? Does she have like two different modes? A terminator-mode that is the Cameron we see and a human-mode that was the Allison Young impersonation we just saw?
First, we saw that Cameron wasn't simply learning from Allison by interrogation. She was treating her as a lab rat, testing how she would act and behave in certain situations. When Allison is trying to escape, she's still in a controlled environment... she was led to believe she could escape to be able to study her.
The other thing you need to remember is that Cameron's chip is currently fucked up. So the way I look at it, is that Cameron inside her has a program that enables her to imitate to perfection this Allison person. There was some sort of glitch that caused that specific program to take over. So I really don't see Cameron as being as human as it was made out to be, it's simply that this "Allison program" started running by itself without Cameron's control. Because it would be one thing to have Cameron's program access this other program or whatever to imitate Allison. It's another to have that Allison program somehow takeover Cameron. So I don't see it as there being two modes. I see it as Cameron having one main program and various others that she can access in order to perform certain tasks. I see it as a program suddenly going rogue.
I parallel this situation to the "sometimes they go bad thing". It's pretty much the same phenomenon. An underlying program overtakes another.
Another good thing from this episode is that we really don't see that angsty John, but see a more angry one. I think that's a step in the right direction.
As for the ratings, they have been quite bad. Second episode had worse ratings than the premiere, 3rd episode went up from the 2nd episode a little bit. One good thing is that the DVR viewings (which the numbers came out for the first episode yesterday) were quite good. For that particular week, Terminator was 3rd in DVR viewers behind Fringe and Bones. But ratings are still the main thing networks look at.
Prison Break isn't performing well. Monday Night Football has had some record breaking viewership, so that hurts. A hurricane 1 or 2 weeks or so left 8 markets or so without power. It's like the universe is working against Terminator.
So, we only have one more episode before Terminator goes on a 1 month break because FOX is airing MLB Playoffs. Hopefully this break will help the show somehow. It can give an illusion of "premiere" when it returns (hopefull next episode is a very strong one). Maybe they can have a ton of advertising, promos, commericals, during the playoffs. People will have the time to catch-up to the latest episodes, etc.
We'll see. I'm not overly worried, but things are not looking that hot at the moment.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 10:40 AM
I didn't particularly like this episode, the scenes with Sarah in the hospital were kinda boring and I don't think the whole thing with Allison was significant, other than the fact that they mentioned that not all the machines want to exterminate the humans. Which made me think they would put them in an exhibit in a zoo or something which I don't think is any better than just being killed. I enjoyed Ellison's dialogue with Weaver but then again I enjoy anything with Ellison.
John definitely seems to be getting more serious and from the previews it seems like you're going to get what you wanted Munsu, Derek training John to be a soldier. Speaking of Derek, why was there no Derek this episode?
Like you I'm not too worried about Terminator being terminated but Fox does have a tendency to just pull the plug on things and the surprisingly bad ratings are making me kinda nervous.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 10:59 AM
Yeah, the Sarah scenes sucked. We'll see where it goes from here with having a cop for a neighbor. I also get the feeling that they're building up these characters to die or something.
They might be correct in not wanting to exterminate all humans (that's why there has always been work camps in the Terminator universe), but I don't buy the whole "some want peace" thing. It was really a lie that "Cameron" was telling Allison in order to gather information of John's camp, else she wouldn't have killed Allison nor would've mentioned that she's going to kill John when she finds him.
Next episode looks action packed.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 07:36 PM
I wonder what sort of significance Allison has/had to john in the future. Cameron said that both the machines and john had picked her...and the fact that cameron later goes on to infiltrate the camp and john reprograms her instead of destroying her seems to imply him and allison had a romantic relationship.
It makes you wonder though, if that is the case, did john like allison because as a kid he had met cameron who was created in the future and based on an adolecent allison? its a fucked up paradox.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 09:26 PM
I really doubt it's a romantic relationship... I mean, John Connor has like 26 years on her. I doubt that's the case. It's plausible, but... I really don't see John having this sort of relationship with someone that young.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 11:38 PM
Isn't it more of a situation where there's huge, glaring, time parodoxes? They mentioned something similar in the third movie (not going to spoil).
[Ignore any continuity errors in the following paragraph. It is supposed to be a paradox]
If John has some sort of familiarity with Cameron's appearance as a Terminator, much like he had with the older model (the T-101) it would be useful to create a terminator with the appearance of that model sent into the past. Still, in the Future Time before John sends Cameron the Terminator back, John (sympathetic human that he is) brings Allison close into his circle because she physically resembles the terminator Cameron. Skynet makes this connection, and creates a terminator for the purpose of becoming Allison. This Terminator later becomes Cameron after John captures it, and reprograms it. It is then sent into the past, starting the whole cycle.
The paradox being that these two causalities must occur at the same time.
I think I just popped something in my brain...
Wed, 10-01-2008, 03:08 AM
Thing is that the tv show, unlike the movies, don't seem to work in a closed loop. What this means is that John was never familiar with the Cameron Terminator design. We know this because of how Judgement Day had been pushed back. In the timeline from which future John is operating, there was no Cameron sent to the past, so he was never familiar with her model.
I could be wrong about this, but that's what I assume at the moment.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 09:46 AM
I have to agree with Munsu, things just wouldn't make sense otherwise and would just become way too convoluted and I don't think that situation we saw a couple episodes ago with them sending someone back to stop Skynet from taking over the power plant would have been possible otherwise.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 02:45 PM
Even though I didn't like the whole hospital thing, after thinking about it, I'm seeing it now from a different perspective and it's not that bad. I actually liked how Sarah became at the end a complete manipulator, and it's interesting to see how she's doing it to someone who she's starting to think of as a friend. Someone that she can relate to because of being a single mom.
But, at the end of the episode, you see Sarah manipulating her towards being a single mom, in order to prevent her from getting together with the cop boyfriend. A cop boyfriend who seems like a really cool/good guy, so Sarah is being a total bitch to her. She's clearly not thinking of her best's interests and her happiness, but her own. I also liked how she told her "I'll always be here for you", when we know that's a complete lie, completely bullshit. It was nice to see this side of Sarah after her horrible emotional mistakes in the previous episodes.
So from that side of it, the hospital scenes aren't half bad. Though still, I'm an action guy.
For those interested, here's a campaign to save the show:
Tue, 10-07-2008, 01:15 PM
I'm wondering if cameron was there the whole time watching them fight the terminator and doing nothing about it... thats how it looked.
no ep next week : (
Tue, 10-07-2008, 01:24 PM
Last episode was awesome, one of my favorites of the whole series.
I wonder the same thing about Cameron. There are no episodes until November, when the MLB Playoffs are over.
Edit: Looks like FOX changed their plans... there's now an episode October 20. I remember a while back that they had planned to put Terminator off after the 5th episode until November.
Sat, 10-18-2008, 09:11 AM
Sorry for the double post, but I have great news.... the show has been picked up for a full season. Fox just ordered the back 9 episodes, so we'll now have 22 episodes this season. Hopefully the ratings and viewership increases so that we get more seasons:
So all you Nielsen motherfuckers, and you fuckers with DVR's start watching and recording.
Tue, 10-21-2008, 11:12 PM
so, whats the deal with reese's gf? any thoughts?
and how about the turk, and the joke...things are moving along nicely.
Wed, 10-22-2008, 04:56 AM
There's two options in my mind of what Reese's girlfriend will do. But she's a traitor either way.
- It's possible that she was telling the truth, that she bribed someone inside John's Organization to send her back, but now she plans on stopping John for some shallow, stupid reason. "He trusts machines too much," or something stupid like that.
- More insidious, she's completely lying. Skynet captured her during the assault she was injured in, and made a deal with her. Skynet would send her back, and she could enjoy the easy lifestyle of pre-Judgment Day, provided she kill John. She already feels betrayed, so it wouldn't be too hard to tempt someone like that. It also is a rather ingenious plan by Skynet, since John and Sarah are always expecting machines to come after them. If there is someone they know is human, they might drop their guard.
Wed, 10-22-2008, 10:30 AM
i like the second possibility, although it would be a little cliche if it happened. still, would be fun to see. but i dont think sarah will ever drop her guard, human or machine. she was wary of reese even, and they're related.
Wed, 10-22-2008, 05:32 PM
I don't think it would ever work, but maybe Skynet really isn't that smart if it has taken so many times to kill the Conners. Sarah is just way too paranoid, and John is just very, very lucky (because he has been very, very stupid in these seasons). Skynet has shown the desire to try different things and methods though, so maybe it figures that it can't hurt. Or perhaps she would serve as one more distraction, futile as the effort might be, which in Skynet's logic patterns would be one more reason that a terminator could succeed.
Sun, 10-26-2008, 03:09 PM
Whatever the reason, I don't think she's one to be trusted and she will surely get in the Connor's way. It will also be a test for Derek... he'll clearly be made to choose sides.
Mon, 11-17-2008, 10:41 PM
So, any theories on the braniac marking and shermans role in all of it?
i liked how they went full circle and put fisher in a result he'll hunt down reese in the future and that'll start the events of this episode all over again. atleast i think...unless maybe now the future will change.
Tue, 11-18-2008, 01:45 PM
Oh, the Mayan leader from Sons of Anarchy made an appearance as the Mexican cop in this episode.
Tue, 11-18-2008, 02:02 PM
Oh, the Mayan leader from Sons of Anarchy made an appearance as the Mexican cop in this episode.
I think you're one episode behind lol. Or did he appear again?
Tue, 11-18-2008, 02:30 PM
Yeah, I'm one episode behind, I forgot =/.
Thu, 11-20-2008, 05:03 AM
Well, looks like we'll be having 2 more episodes, then a break till February when the show is moving to Fridays. Usually this isn't a good thing, since shows are moved to Friday to die. But considering that it will be airing with Dollhouse in what looks like an attempt at "Sci-fi Friday" at FOX, it might be a good thing. The show was doing bad ratings wise currently anyways, so hopefully the move will do it some good.
I loved the Fisher scenes, especially with that actor from The West Wing... he's great. I like the introduction of the possibility of the future changing as things get in motion. Maybe the judgement day has changed... they surely need to ask the chick for a date.
I wonder if the 3 dots has anything to do with Cyberdyne, since I'm pretty sure its logo was 3 connected triangles... like a pyramid.
Riley needs to be killed, and soon.
Wed, 12-17-2008, 02:42 PM
the last 4-5 eps had me confused somewhat. Plus, I somehow missed some eps.
They showed a flashback of ellison meeting cromarty-reborn and i did not see that ep, but i've been watching every week. idk what the deal w\ riley and that asian girl is... good thing she /wrists.
Fri, 02-13-2009, 02:01 PM
New Terminator tonight at 8, followed by Dollhouse.
Fri, 02-13-2009, 05:07 PM
Ayay, still have half of season 2 left to watch on my hd tho.. :P
Sat, 02-14-2009, 03:47 PM
Well, I enjoyed the episode quite a bit. They used Sarah's mental health to bring Kyle to the present, which I thought was a nice touch to see her use him as a crotch to deal with things.
John Henry (future Skynet?) was cool to seem him playing with toys. Once can see how it may become Skynet and why Skynet does the things it does in the future.
Riley still sucks. Why didn't she fucking die????
Most awesome part were the final scenes with Weaver as she was mass murdering everyone and blowing up the place. I thought those were some cool scenes, and I liked the bathroom scene because some would've expected her to materialize from there, so they certainly foolsed some people with that. I thought it was clever. I really liked how she went on a killing spree without talking.
Anyways, the ratings were quite bad, and if more people don't start watching this, this will surely be cancelled.
Mon, 02-16-2009, 04:28 PM
Yeah, that was an awesome 8 episode watchathon i just did over 2 days :P
And yes, why can't Riley just die...shes like the fucking Lana Lang of Terminator -.-
They used Sarah's mental health to bring Kyle to the present, which I thought was a nice touch to see her use him as a crotch to deal with things.
I believe you meant Crutch (
Tho using him as a crotch to deal with things would be hilariously random :P
Tue, 02-17-2009, 09:05 PM
Lol, I misspelled it on purpose. Always liked using the word crotch, it's hilarious... reminds me of Naked Gun.
Oh, man... she's worse than Lana Lang. Lana is likable at times, and was quite good earlier in the series.
Wed, 02-18-2009, 06:43 AM
That is true, i didnt really mind Lana in the beginning, and she's hotter than Riley, so she's got that going for her, but really, i just want them both gone :P
Speaking of Lana... there was one episode in the earlier Smallville seasons, cant remember the specifik one, but she was affected by something (red cryptonite?) and put the moves on Clark, then they showed her in some red underwear in what i think was the school's swimming hall, and damn, her ass was like ka-pow!
But that was then, at the moment being hot is just not enough to overcome her suck factor..
Wed, 02-18-2009, 07:17 AM
Let's not talk specifics from another series in this thread, that would considered spoiling. And yeah, I remember that episode in the swimming pool, she was hot.
But Riley does indeed suck, and from I remember from interviews from earlier in the season, it seems like FOX executives kinda forced the show to introduce her character.
Networks should stay away from things like this. More often than not they fuck things up for a show.
Wed, 02-18-2009, 10:08 AM
How can they force a show to introduce a new character, wtf kinda bullshit is that...retarded FOX -.-
And yeah i kinda went abit OT there :P
Sat, 02-21-2009, 09:30 PM
Oooh flying drone things, now this is getting more interesting :P
Sun, 02-22-2009, 03:31 PM
Episode was a bit slow during the early portions, and I still find the dialogue in this series a bit weak... but towards the end it was a bit exciting.
It seems like the guy stole one of the flying drone things, which is why Weaver is after him. I wonder what his plans for him are.
I'm also wondering if John Henry will become Skynet, or if this something to rival Skynet... like Weaver plotting on taking over Skynet or something like that.
Ratings improved a bit, but really something insignificant.
Thu, 02-26-2009, 09:40 PM
thats because all the idiots who watch fox just want to see shit blow up, and can't understand anything that requires you to pay attention.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 05:45 PM
Mhmm...latest ep was abit weird, dunno why but it seemed....confusing, then again maybe its just me :P
It did have Summer Glau in underwear tho ^^
Sat, 02-28-2009, 05:55 PM
No it was utterly confusing. I was quite sure the part about her being in the clinic was a dream, then they came right out and said the exact opposite so I'm like, I got it wrong okay, then it turns out the clinic was a dream, or was it? Either way that left me utterly confused and it doesn't seem like it moved the plot forward either so not only was it confusing, it was pointless.
Sat, 02-28-2009, 06:39 PM
It was a weird ep... i was more confused at the end, knowing that her being kidnapped by the guard was real, i thought he was dead.
im ready to see how cromarty develops
Sun, 03-01-2009, 01:57 AM
i think they're trying too hard to make a character based show...but terminator's not really like that, it needs to be story based. At the least, they should be trying to develop johns character before sarah's.
Sun, 03-01-2009, 07:43 PM
This episode was completely boring.
Sat, 03-07-2009, 03:39 PM
Well unlike last time, this ep was awesome! Fuckin' intense shit ^^
A ton of stuff happened and not only did the bitchy chick hanging with Derek get a good beating, Riley is out!
Just a brilliant episode, i loved it ;D
Mon, 03-09-2009, 03:50 PM
Yeah, finally a good episode after several fluffy action devoid eps.
I still don't understand what the asian girls goals are or if she was sent back by the machines, or if she's just some idealistic nut who thinks john conner needs to die ?
My wifes reaction to coming home to me watching it " I thought they got shot last episode?! " I then had to do my usual suspects reference to " why did they set the boat on fire? " since she fell asleep watching it and woke up toward the end.
Mon, 03-09-2009, 04:02 PM
I still don't understand what the asian girls goals are or if she was sent back by the machines, or if she's just some idealistic nut who thinks john conner needs to die ?
Neither, in the future John has machines running all over the place and she thinks he trusts them and relies on them too much, particularly Cameron, so she came back to split John and Cameron up. Her reasoning is that John relies on machines so much in the future because he spent so much time with Cameron in the present time, so she had planned on John falling in love with Riley and then having Cameron kill Riley thus John destroys Cameron and never trusts machines again. Apparently at some point in the future one of John's machines goes haywire and kills a bunch of people, at least that is how I remember it, and she is trying to make sure that something like that never happens again.
Mon, 03-09-2009, 04:05 PM
Abdula is pretty much spot on ^^
Also, i thought i recognized that asian(is she really asian..seems kinda half-asian or something) chick from somewhere before and now i think she was in Battlestar Galactica: Razor, the movie(?) that wasnt so much about 'Galactica' per-se but that other ship with the female commander...
Anyhoo, went somewhat offtopic but whatever :P
Mon, 03-23-2009, 07:38 AM
Finally watched the latest 3 episodes, and they were great. These episodes needed to happen like 9 episodes ago, instead of all that fluff crap that was in the middle of the season.
Even though I still think John sucks, mainly because the actor sucks, I think he was good in these episodes. I enjoyed the Future scenes quite a bit... is that particular T-1001 the same that is currently in the present?
Mon, 03-23-2009, 12:55 PM
No clue, but it could very well be... my guess is that there isnt that many T-1000/T-1001's, they seem kinda rare but thats just my guess..
Maybe theyre jsut really hard to make, they are infact liquid computers that can switch between solid and liquid state at will... must be some nano-technology going on there cuz i cant figure out where the "chip" is in one of those :P
Mon, 03-23-2009, 02:54 PM
.. is that particular T-1001 the same that is currently in the present?
I was wondering the same thing.
I was confused though about them meeting the machines out in the middle of nowhere via submarine... was it all a ruse? i mean.. had john conner opened the case, then he would have been killed and copied.
I don't see how or why they would be asking the machines to join them.
Mon, 03-23-2009, 06:29 PM
I was wondering the same thing.
I was confused though about them meeting the machines out in the middle of nowhere via submarine... was it all a ruse? i mean.. had john conner opened the case, then he would have been killed and copied.
I don't see how or why they would be asking the machines to join them.
Well, that Cameron was aware of what was in the package makes me believe that John knew what was in it. Remember, that he's already seen the T1000 in action since he was a teenager, so he won't be surprised by it. I bet that he wouldn't have opened the box without being fully prepared.
Sat, 04-04-2009, 08:13 AM
i loved the latest ep! thats some first class entertainment right there!
Shitload of stuff happened, Sarah getting arrested is big but the huge thing is Derek getting killed, just like that. I'll miss him in the series but i gotta give it to the writers, i did not see that coming.
And the ending was great, when Jonh-Henry sang and they showed the whole arresting chaos without soundeffects and kinda slowed down, really reminded me of when Pippin sang infront of Denethor in Lord of the Rings...really liked it.
All in all, fucking fantastic episode!
Sat, 04-04-2009, 01:50 PM
i can't believe they killed off Derek so suddenly.
The other terminator has me really wondering whats going on though... I mean, the T1000 w\ john henry... still not totally sure what her end game is.
But who is this other terminator who killed derek? and what is his mission? I started to wonder too if they're going to setup the series to end in a way where it would place the series in line w\ terminator 3... john living on the streets, alone, etc.
Sat, 04-04-2009, 03:09 PM
i can't believe they killed off Derek so suddenly.
My first thought was that he had pissed someone off and they had just written him off the show. I mean damn, that is the only reason I could think of to justify him dying like that. He was such a central character and they usually get better send offs. Charlie, Cromartie, even Riley got a better send off.
Tue, 04-07-2009, 08:23 AM
well they can always use derek for "flashbacks" into the future, i hope they do since derek was my favourite in this series so far. as for that other terminator it seems he was after savannah(sp?) was he not? that means she is gonna play a part in the future mhm.
david silver halleluljah! :P
Fri, 04-10-2009, 10:14 PM
Holy crazy finale's batman!
an action packed episode with alot of plot advancement. Its good to have a reminder of why i liked this show in the first place.
Someone please tell me this isn't the end of the show
Sat, 04-11-2009, 12:38 PM
That ep was amazing...
It seemed like the future without John conner had his father as the leader... that was awesome.
Sat, 04-11-2009, 02:02 PM
But why did cameron give john henry her chip? and whats the deal with the weaver being in the future?
Sat, 04-11-2009, 02:28 PM
That was great on all fronts, and i did not see Weaver being against Skynet, nice twist there.
A big w000! for the return of Derek! and im guessing that isnt metal-Cam but the actual human Cameron was designed after, but i could be wrong.
Also, when Johns "checking" to see if Camerons damaged....sexual tension anyone? ;D
Now im really psyched for season 3 and i hope whoever the fuckers in charge are that they decide not to cancel it. (ive read rumors it might get cancelled, along with some other shows i like)
God i hate it when shows i like gets cancelled. Hate it ALOT.
Sat, 04-11-2009, 05:00 PM
about weaver being from the future, i was assuming she was the same one from the submarine episode because of them asking cameron to join them but I could be way off.
i started thinking about infinite universes but, i think the one john was in could have been the same one since he jumped over judgement and straight into that point in time where it seemed like kyle reese was leading the resistance.
Wed, 04-15-2009, 08:41 AM
my wife told me they cancelled it : (
but i feel like they ended it in such a way that while open ended in a way, it gave closure to that series.
Thu, 04-16-2009, 09:04 PM
Just watched the latest/last episodes, and they were amazing. Read some details from what is/was being planned for season 3, and man it sounds great.
You can read some here:
Fri, 04-17-2009, 06:33 AM
ooh ooh so they lied when they said it was completely cancelled, those sneaky bastards!
Anyhoo, good news all around! I'm glad theres still hope for both the series!
This could be put in the "Bad News Thread" and rename that thread to "Good/Bad News Thread" instead :D, but only admins/mods can rename threads or have i just not discovered how to rename my own threads yet?
Fri, 04-17-2009, 11:09 AM
ooh ooh so they lied when they said it was completely cancelled, those sneaky bastards!
Anyhoo, good news all around! I'm glad theres still hope for both the series!
This could be put in the "Bad News Thread" and rename that thread to "Good/Bad News Thread" instead :D, but only admins/mods can rename threads or have i just not discovered how to rename my own threads yet?
I don't think it's coming back... but we can hope, even if it's just a little.
Fri, 04-17-2009, 11:13 AM
Munsu, what did you think about the way they wrapped up the season?
Fri, 04-17-2009, 02:38 PM
I thought it was great, the only problem I have is that we'll probably never get a chance to know why Cameron did what she did and Weaver's true purpose. Other than that, I thought everything else was quite interesting, and season 3 would've been awesome with the promise of a ton of future scenes.
If this gets cancelled, I hope the producers and the writters give us their detailed plans for the series had it been continued.
Tue, 05-05-2009, 09:04 AM
Just to let you guys know that Terminator won the EOnline Save One Show poll:
It includes an interview with show runner/producer Josh Friedman. There's some hope.
I've seen various campaigns to save the show if you guys are interested: (this site never works for me) (apparently sending electronic chips)
Anyways, we should get an announcement on May 18.
Tue, 05-05-2009, 11:37 AM
Yay for hope :P
Still.. if i had to pick only one show to return(or not get cancelled) it would be Dollhouse.
That latest ep was so good i watched it again last night, its crazy. crazy awesome!
Mon, 05-18-2009, 02:30 PM
Well, TSCC is now officially cancelled.
More info here ( and here (
Mon, 05-18-2009, 02:44 PM
meehhh... I think they did a good job with the ending. There were still loose ends, but the terminator universe w\ time travel has infinite possibilities anyhow.
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