View Full Version : Naruto Shippuuden Episode 16

Mr. Roboto
Thu, 05-31-2007, 06:57 PM
DB: http://yhbt.mine.nu/t/ns016.torrent

Thu, 05-31-2007, 08:16 PM
Why did i saw that one coming..

Mr. Roboto
Thu, 05-31-2007, 08:23 PM
i liked this episode. not a lot of action, but they advanced the plot pretty well. the name of the next episode doesn't bode to well for gaara.

so is 'zero' possibly the missing kage from the sand village?

Thu, 05-31-2007, 08:26 PM
Good job Sakura, right after Kakashi states you guys need to hurry you should ask a bunch of unnecessary questions that'll take a third of the episode to explain.

Thu, 05-31-2007, 09:09 PM
By far the most worthless ep of the new series. Absolutely nothing happened. And all that shit in the Sand village? Come on now! I get it, you dont like Gaara. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Didnt like it.

Mr. Roboto
Thu, 05-31-2007, 09:40 PM
By far the most worthless ep of the new series. Absolutely nothing happened. And all that shit in the Sand village? Come on now! I get it, you dont like Gaara. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Didnt like it.

the stuff at the sand village was a little drawn out but they also revealed some good stuff. like one of the kages (regarded as the most powerful ninja in the history of the village) had gone missing and they never found him. also, for some reason they sent temari and some other ninjas to protect a building that none of them have any reason why they should protect it. but it was important enough in the past to have enemies try to take it over. and it looks like they are planning to appoint a new kage to take over in gaara's absence. maybe the old guy will fill in until a better replacement can be found.

Thu, 05-31-2007, 10:08 PM
Though there wasn't any action i thought it was a good ep at the very least it answered some questions and opened up some new plot possibilities. Apparently the "meat puppet" technique was infact Zero's and the 30% of their chakra needed was infact for use in that technique rather than for the extraction of the Bijuu. On top of that the possibility that the Sands Third Kazekage is the leader of Akatsuki. A much more likely possibility than some previous guesses that it was the dead and buried Fourth Hokage. And to top it all off we learned that if they extract shuukaku Gaara is going to die. Personally i like the fact that they took the time to explain/present these things to us and enjoyed the ep.

So, who thinks Gaara is actually going to die next episode? I can't really see them actually killing him off, but on the other hand i kind of hope they do since that would be much more interesting to the over all plot than Naruto and the gang charging in just in the nick of time to save him.

Thu, 05-31-2007, 10:28 PM
i heard maaya sakamoto in this episode! and she's in the next episode too, by the looks of it! (edit) i didn't realize since i didn't watch that filler arc, but apparently it's the girl in the filler arc with gaara. matsuri, i believe. i just heard maaya sakamoto and got all excited :D (/edit)

hopefully next episode will be a little more exciting than this one.

Thu, 05-31-2007, 11:12 PM
Yes. That is Matsuri. So far the only character presented in the fillers that was kept. And I'm glad, cause since her filler arc I've liked her character. Heck... I think even fanfictioners are using her.

Anyway... great episode. A lot of info revealed, and a change of pace from full fight episodes.

Was Zetsu eating the dead guys? o_O
Cannibal Akatsuki o_O

Thu, 05-31-2007, 11:29 PM
Decent episode I guess. The story is moving along.

The best part of the episode was seeing Temari in the hot springs.

Thu, 05-31-2007, 11:29 PM
Too bad i really dont think they will get far into developing / giving a back story to each akatsuki member... zetsu is now very intriguing, having seen him what... 80-90 eps ago when sasuke and naruto fought and now he's eating bodies... and has a split personality thing going on... interesting.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 12:27 AM
I think Zetsu's "split personality" might actually be one of the demons.

They did say a couple of Akatsuki members already caught their demons. And Zetsu looks pretty inhuman. I think he's got his already and we just heard it speak at the end of the episode.

Anyway, liked the episode. Drank in all the information.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 12:51 AM
Word up to Kisame for perfectly explaining what happened with Zero's Shapeshifting jutsu and the infusing the “sacrifices” with chakra. Sasori brings some interesting attitude, asking for gratitude towards him, when it was these two poor fools that took the bullet instead. That's pretty cold... Zero, on the same note, is just a real icy motherfucker. If I were Sasori, and my grandma was coming to whoop my ass for committing desertion and high treason, I would be shitting my wooden pants, or whatever the hell puppets have. Oh, that makes me think of a horrible question about Sasori's Ken-doll anatomy...

I think this episode was bombing. Much love for the music, especially the eerie funeral for Puppet and Anon at the very start and the sad string track when Old Sand Vag was explaining what Jinchuuriki are to Sakura (i thought she said she'd read Tsunade's files, the dumb bitch... didn't she just say that Gaara's ass is gonna be toast if you wait around too long?). I really liked how Old Sand Vag just stood there calmly filling out her report while giving it.

That's Ikuko Tani (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=9860). I think she's proven to be one of the strongest new characters in these past three episodes. Her VA really is fucking amazing. Thinking back, I remember that she was Sally in the Hard Luck Woman episode of Cowboy Bebop, and she's an old lady who appears at the climax. I remember watching that episode and it being one of the first non-action related moment of an anime that I really enjoyed.

Why do the Sand never summon live creatures? Naruto gets a frog, Kakashi dogs, but all the Sand seem to have are puppets...

Kakashi's face at 8:31 (DB version) is priceless. He seems to always know these things, yet he almost always lets other people explain them to Naruto if somebody else is around who can...

Sakura's right to worry, it was a mistake to send Naruto out on this mission. It makes him far too vulnerable, especially cuz he's such a hothead...

Does that one council leader from the Sand have a name? He's the one who talks about making Gaara Kazekage so he could be kept under wraps, who obviously doesn't see the enormous power as something to be utilized. He seems to be a leftover loyalists from the Fourth Kazekage's era... Would be interesting to know more about this strategically important weak spot that Temari is deployed to... We really don't know jack shit about the geographical makeup of the five villages.

Gai's George of the Jungle re-enactment made me lol, and i'd already seen the screenshot of it.

Okay. I officially apologize for making fun of Zetsu. I only saw him and thought, “that guy looks fuckin silly!”, how was I to know that he's instead some split-personality, motherfucking cannibal badass? Seriously, that's some Destroyer of Elru shit right there, crazy splitster. I still don't get why he looks like a bug/plant. But that scene was perfect, how they showed the tattered cloth of Yuura's cloak, then Zetsu in that big green moon glow. When he started to eat Anon I almost lost it. Really has been awhile since i appreciated a Naruto episode like this one.

edit to above- good theory on Zetsu there

edit about the preview. I thoroughly enjoyed the off-focus horse race commentary over the preview, especially as it was followed disturbingly succintly by Naruto telling us that Gaara is worm food next week.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 02:37 AM
Why do the Sand never summon live creatures? Naruto gets a frog, Kakashi dogs, but all the Sand seem to have are puppets...Temari summons ferrets.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 02:50 AM
Very big possibility that The third kazekage has something to do with akatsuki. Maybe the founder of the akatsuki.

Now, who of you thought that Gaara would still be alive when they've fully extracted Shukaku? You think Zero would go like: Ok, thanks Gaara for your Bijuu. That's all we needed from you, you can go along now. We'll see you around in the sand village. Have a nice day?...

Fri, 06-01-2007, 04:19 AM
Well, I didn't think he'd die.

I was honestly expecting them to pull the Shukaku out, then, he'd be rescued before he'd be disposed of. And he'd have to learn to use his own chakra instead of shukaku's.

Now I guess they'll just rescue him before he loses Shukaku, since I doubt they're gonna kill him off.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 05:10 AM
it was the worst episode ever. all the details and the explanations were useless and we already knew it like what chiyoba-sama said.i'm starting to hate NS and its director or staff.in bleach even if there was no events in the episode u feel progress in the story but here it became so boring and i think that the episodes became much smaller with so minimal details as if there were no fillers for 2 and ahalf years:mad:

Fri, 06-01-2007, 05:37 AM
Pretty weak episode, even with the character building. It was like the Bleach 127 episode except without the humor and excitement of new developments. They just rehashed stuff we already know, like how weak the Sand Village is and what the bijuu are for.

How does one of the most powerful ninja in the history of your village go missing?? And they want to pick another Kazekage? You have a choice of Temari or Kankurou. Really this village should have been destroyed already.

Once again, the basic tactic of not rushing into battle when you're hurt or tired has to be explained to our buddy Naruto. Also as others have said, we're in a hurry, but let's stand around and talk about stuff we already discussed.

The best parts of the episode are the preview and tourism scenes.

Animation was bad, but not the worse we've seen. Background music was great at times, lacking at others.

Episode rating: C-

Fri, 06-01-2007, 07:14 AM
I'm surprised there talking about the third sand's kaze kage so early in the series. It's an interesting choice seeing how the in the manga it was something that wasn't mentioned until much latter.

I'm not going to spoiler anything but I can say that these piece of info Shouldn't be discussed here, even vaguely. My guess is that Seriously, I'm getting a little tired of manga prophesizing here, when there's two separate sections to do it in. If it hasn't come up yet in the anime, DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT.


Fri, 06-01-2007, 09:17 AM
Okay episode, pros and cons balanced out I think.

Previous speculation was that Itachi couldn't use his M. Sharingan because of the clone's normal eyes. If these clones of Zero's are "perfect" replicas, with every bit of anatomical detail mimicked, then the M.Sharingan should work, leaving the only real limit being the chakra sacificed, as they put it.

But in the case where it can't be replicated, then the same should apply to the regular sharingan, shouldn't it? Bloodline Limit- Can't be learnt or copied. Genetic.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 09:22 AM
Buffalo: I thought the same thing, that Anon shouldn't have been able to use Kisame's sword, Yuura not be able to do Sharingan. But as Kakashi mentions about the Fireball jutsu, it's a trademark of the Uchiha clan and the one made by the "sacrifice" was the real deal. It makes me think that chakra has some genetic, along with physical and mental aspect to it, since putting Itachi's in Yuura's body gave him Sharingan.

I think it was more the limit on the chakra, only being 30%, that caused "Itachi" to say that he couldn't use Mangekyou Sharingan, hinting that he'd be unable to fight and use that jutsu all at the same time with just under a third of his chakra.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:05 AM
Even Kakashi was surprised about the Jutsu used so Yura became Itachi.

Yet, this isn't the first time we have seen something like this. Remember Orochimaru's Edo Tensei, resurrecting Chodaime and Nidame... the difference is that they were dead.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:18 AM
Even Kakashi was surprised about the Jutsu used so Yura became Itachi.

Yet, this isn't the first time we have seen something like this. Remember Orochimaru's Edo Tensei, resurrecting Chodaime and Nidame... the difference is that they were dead.

If you look at the whole, then Edo Tensei is a much better jutsu than the shapeshifting jutsu (Shouten no jutsu). Where you are limited with the death of the possessed, Edo tensei doesn't have that. When limbs are severed they would grow back, all the jutsu's the former shinobi had are still usable. Seems like Oro would win this one thanks to his research :)

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:26 AM
Maybe. But the user of Edo Tensei must be dead to be resurrected.
This technique used by 'Zero' (who started to call him this?) allows someone alive to battle away from battle.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:36 AM
Decent episode I guess. The story is moving along.

The best part of the episode was seeing Temari in the hot springs.

When are they gonna stop with that stupid end? I want one more minute of Naruto instead of that "introduction" thing about what happened in the past of Naruto...

Well, I didn't think he'd die.

I was honestly expecting them to pull the Shukaku out, then, he'd be rescued before he'd be disposed of. And he'd have to learn to use his own chakra instead of shukaku's.

Now I guess they'll just rescue him before he loses Shukaku, since I doubt they're gonna kill him off.

Maybe it's just me then. I assumed it immedeately when they started extracting.

Maybe. But the user of Edo Tensei must be dead to be resurrected.
This technique used by 'Zero' (who started to call him this?) allows someone alive to battle away from battle.

I think you mean the one that's resurrected? Didn't know that oro was dead :P
True, the flaw is you cannot use someone alive, but you can use so many great shinobi's from the past. If it is possible, you can use all the kages as your personal army. Although we don't know what the restrictions are.

I think most of the people started calling him that after they started the extracting jutsu. It's easier to call him zero instead of the leader of the akatsuki.

uhicha neji
Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:41 AM
What I don't understand is how Neji saw Kisame's enormous amount of chakra, when the sacrafice only had 30% of his max power. :confused: :confused:

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:44 AM
What I don't understand is how Neji saw Kisame's enormous amount of chakra, when the sarafice only had 30% of his max power. :confused: :confused:

Maybe it just means that Kisame has a really enormous amount of chakra. Or a flaw from the producers. Even the great Byakugan couldn't see that it was just a jutsu. The universe is doomed :p

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:58 AM
What I don't understand is how Neji saw Kisame's enormous amount of chakra, when the sacrafice only had 30% of his max power. :confused: :confused:
Neji observed that Kisame's chakra was comparable to Naruto's when Naruto went kyubi against Neji.

This is to say, that Kisam'e chakra is 3x that of the initial-form Kyubi Naruto...so maybe it's 2x 1-tailed kyubi naruto?

Fri, 06-01-2007, 02:53 PM
Buffalo: I thought the same thing, that Anon shouldn't have been able to use Kisame's sword, Yuura not be able to do Sharingan. But as Kakashi mentions about the Fireball jutsu, it's a trademark of the Uchiha clan and the one made by the "sacrifice" was the real deal. It makes me think that chakra has some genetic, along with physical and mental aspect to it, since putting Itachi's in Yuura's body gave him Sharingan.

It's a trademark, but that doesn't mean others can't use it. Maybe some bad examples, but Kakashi and Sarutobi could use them too. I think if Naruto trained in it he could do it too. As it was explained, you concentrate the chakra in your throat or mouth (whatever) and blow it out.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 03:04 PM
I think there's a plothole, how does Kisame infusing his chakra into a sacrifice allow that sacrifice to magically grow Samahada? (Kisame's sword that shaves). It's not like it's a sword made out of chakra that he than materialize. Maybe the sacrifice was given the actual sword, and when he died, like in a previous episode Kisame recalled his sword away from Gai after it pierced his hands, just like Harry Potter summoning his broom? >_>

Fri, 06-01-2007, 03:07 PM
I think there's a plothole, how does Kisame infusing his chakra into a sacrifice allow that sacrifice to magically grow Samahada? (Kisame's sword that shaves). It's not like it's a sword made out of chakra that he than materialize. Maybe the sacrifice was given the actual sword, and when he died, like in a previous episode Kisame recalled his sword away from Gai after it pierced his hands, just like Harry Potter summoning his broom? >_>

Maybe a henge of a clone or some sorts. Just transforming stuff into other stuff isn't that hard. It's academy graduation test.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 03:15 PM
Hm, that's true. I didn't see any chakra-eating from the sword, probably cause it wasn't the original.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 04:54 PM
a wizard did it

Fri, 06-01-2007, 05:44 PM
I did wonder why Zero didn't ask Kisame what he found out about his opponents. I think the unlocking gates of Gai are quite interesting to know off.

Fri, 06-01-2007, 08:08 PM
I did wonder why Zero didn't ask Kisame what he found out about his opponents. I think the unlocking gates of Gai are quite interesting to know off.

I don't think Kisame realised what the hell Gai did... he was just in total shock during the whole water evaporation thing...

Fri, 06-01-2007, 10:51 PM
i believe it was masa that started calling him Zero, back when we first got a glance at all thier rings.

anyway, fairly good ep. i liked it better then the last couple of eps. I always thought the magic clone jutsu was zetsu's.....but apparently its zero's technique. Was it ever stated in the manga that it's zero's technique? cuz i dont remember him saying that.

Sat, 06-02-2007, 12:33 AM
If you look at the whole, then Edo Tensei is a much better jutsu than the shapeshifting jutsu (Shouten no jutsu). Where you are limited with the death of the possessed, Edo tensei doesn't have that. When limbs are severed they would grow back, all the jutsu's the former shinobi had are still usable. Seems like Oro would win this one thanks to his research :)I also think that is the people being cloned by his technique weren't so tied up extracting Gaara beast that the fight would have been alot more even.

I mean, whats to say you can't, say, give your clone 95% of your chakra while you go relax someplace?

Sat, 06-02-2007, 10:46 AM
I knew Zetsu was a badass from the moment I saw him. Now we have him running around eating corpses while making conversation with his plant friend. Seems like he was really keen on the idea of devouring Kisame's sacrifice, too.

I seriously cannot wait to see this guy actually fight. He, in my opinion, has some of the most ideal ninja skills out there. Not to mention the fact that his whole body is seemingly embedded into that plant of his. Now that just screams ultimate defense.

Sun, 06-03-2007, 04:37 AM
I also think that is the people being cloned by his technique weren't so tied up extracting Gaara beast that the fight would have been alot more even.

I mean, whats to say you can't, say, give your clone 95% of your chakra while you go relax someplace?

We saw Itachi and Kisame "waking up" when their "clones" were dead. So this meand they were very vulnerable at that time. If they get attacked and they manage to be alive, then I think the chakra you used for the clone will just vaporise into the air. So leaving the user with only 5%. At least that's what I think.

But the fact that they did this with a middle man (Zero) is interesting.

Sun, 06-03-2007, 09:42 AM
This episode was awesome, I liked it.

Zetsu is totally badass with the corpse eating... I dont know about you guys but Gaara seems pretty damn dead to me... Hell even his eyes have gauged out

Sun, 06-03-2007, 11:23 AM
We saw Itachi and Kisame "waking up" when their "clones" were dead. So this meand they were very vulnerable at that time. If they get attacked and they manage to be alive, then I think the chakra you used for the clone will just vaporise into the air. So leaving the user with only 5%. At least that's what I think.Oh I agree with you that that's how it works. But I would think that having a clone fight your enemies with 95% of your enemies with the offchance that someone else comes up on your real self is still preferrable to fighting your enemies in person with 100% of your power and dying if you lose.

Sun, 06-03-2007, 03:57 PM
Oh I agree with you that that's how it works. But I would think that having a clone fight your enemies with 95% of your enemies with the offchance that someone else comes up on your real self is still preferrable to fighting your enemies in person with 100% of your power and dying if you lose.

Unless the jutsu is limited to 30% chakra in its nature, and wasn't just decided on so they could continue to perform the extraction. The way I see it, every jutsu in the Naruto world has to have a counter, or a weak point. What if the weak point of the "Meat Puppet Jutsu" (I like that name...) is that no more than 30% of the user's Chakra can be used under any conditions? I think that would make a suitable weakness, and it would limit the jutsu to allow Akatsuki to defeat weak enemies, create distractions, and reconnaissance. On the other hand....what if the jutsu were limited by the container (the possessed body) being only able to hold the maximum amount of chakra which the original body was able to hold? Though that's unlikely, as Neji was able to see Kisame's enormous chakra....but still, it's a thought.

Sun, 06-03-2007, 10:42 PM
Oh I agree with you that that's how it works. But I would think that having a clone fight your enemies with 95% of your enemies with the offchance that someone else comes up on your real self is still preferrable to fighting your enemies in person with 100% of your power and dying if you lose.
Unless someone coming up on your real self and killing you is more likely than you dying without the use of clones.

Mon, 06-04-2007, 03:48 AM
Unless the jutsu is limited to 30% chakra in its nature, and wasn't just decided on so they could continue to perform the extraction. The way I see it, every jutsu in the Naruto world has to have a counter, or a weak point. What if the weak point of the "Meat Puppet Jutsu" (I like that name...) is that no more than 30% of the user's Chakra can be used under any conditions? I think that would make a suitable weakness, and it would limit the jutsu to allow Akatsuki to defeat weak enemies, create distractions, and reconnaissance. On the other hand....what if the jutsu were limited by the container (the possessed body) being only able to hold the maximum amount of chakra which the original body was able to hold? Though that's unlikely, as Neji was able to see Kisame's enormous chakra....but still, it's a thought.Kisame said during the episode that "we didn't give them as much chakra as we could have". So I'd say, no, 30% is not the limit.

Mon, 06-04-2007, 04:57 AM
Also a question yet unanswered. How many of clones can they make with the Shouten no jutsu? Who says it has to be limited by 1? If it is so, then it definately loses to Edo Tensei (for me).

Mon, 06-04-2007, 07:39 AM
Also a question yet unanswered. How many of clones can they make with the Shouten no jutsu? Who says it has to be limited by 1? If it is so, then it definately loses to Edo Tensei (for me).

Well, I don't think either is really inferior, they are merely different techniques. The Shouten is designed to give the user complete control over the bodies sacrificed. So much control, that their chakra takes over entirely, shifting the shape of the 'possessed' to suit the appearance and technical level of the user.

On the other hand, the Edo Tensei is a jutsu which morphs sacrificed bodies to bring back the souls of the dead in those bodies, at which point, it appears the souls still contain their own personality and consciousness. (Remember that Orochimaru had to place kunai with exploding scrolls attached into the minds of the first and second hokage before they would even fight the third.) I especially like the way in which Orochimaru turned that jutsu to his advantage: having the third battle his respected predecessors certainly unnerved him quite a bit.

Essentially, these two jutsu are complete opposites: the first mentioned uses living sacrifices to allow a living person to take control over the possessed body. And the latter utilizes a dead sacrifice to give the soul of the dead control of the body. They both have advantages and disadvantages.

DarthEnder: thanks for pointing that out, I must have forgotten that bit of dialog. Good point.

Mon, 06-04-2007, 09:37 AM
Well, I don't think either is really inferior, they are merely different techniques. The Shouten is designed to give the user complete control over the bodies sacrificed. So much control, that their chakra takes over entirely, shifting the shape of the 'possessed' to suit the appearance and technical level of the user.

On the other hand, the Edo Tensei is a jutsu which morphs sacrificed bodies to bring back the souls of the dead in those bodies, at which point, it appears the souls still contain their own personality and consciousness. (Remember that Orochimaru had to place kunai with exploding scrolls attached into the minds of the first and second hokage before they would even fight the third.) I especially like the way in which Orochimaru turned that jutsu to his advantage: having the third battle his respected predecessors certainly unnerved him quite a bit.

Essentially, these two jutsu are complete opposites: the first mentioned uses living sacrifices to allow a living person to take control over the possessed body. And the latter utilizes a dead sacrifice to give the soul of the dead control of the body. They both have advantages and disadvantages.

DarthEnder: thanks for pointing that out, I must have forgotten that bit of dialog. Good point.

Were those kunais with explosive notes? I thought it was something to "brainwash" and take full control. Make the mind go blank.

Also, the floating Gaara took like a half an episode by now. Why do they have to show him everytime. He's not gonna change into a purple colour or something... The time we watched Gaara suffering we could have had some more action (or dialogue :p )

Mon, 06-04-2007, 11:23 AM
Yeah, I don't think those were exploding tags. Sure they look like exploding tags, but that's just the way those generic little japanese scrolls look. You could put any kind of spell on those tags.

Mon, 06-04-2007, 03:26 PM
I did wonder why Zero didn't ask Kisame what he found out about his opponents. I think the unlocking gates of Gai are quite interesting to know off.
Probably because Itachi fought a jinchuuriki, and Kisame didn't.

Mon, 06-04-2007, 04:29 PM
I would guess there is a time limit to the jutsu or you have to be near the actual sacraficed body/clone. Otherwise you could place almost all your chakra into a sacrafice and have no worries of dieing.

Darth Zin
Wed, 06-06-2007, 07:44 PM
well i do believe more than 30% chakra can be placed in the clone and to prove kisame said "we only placed 30% chakra into them", it was a bold statement giving us our answer.
Know some things to think about...

-with 30% chakra into the clone, what about the clones chakra, does their chakra add to the 30%?
-why is itachi so strong, he isn't a jinchuuri (sorry for spelling) nor did he so something like sasuke did, so why is he so strong?
-One of the clones is from the sand village, he was there for four years, and when the old lady said something about when the clone joined the sand vill. the timing was just right when akatsuki was making their move or something like that, does that mean the clone was under control the whole time or was he a spy for akatsuki not being controlled?

Wed, 06-06-2007, 11:27 PM
Edo Tensai is the most broke move in the entire series. So far we have not seen any possible way to beat it aside from summoning the death god.

Thu, 06-07-2007, 12:22 AM
-why is itachi so strong, he isn't a jinchuuri (sorry for spelling) nor did he so something like sasuke did, so why is he so strong?
-One of the clones is from the sand village, he was there for four years, and when the old lady said something about when the clone joined the sand vill. the timing was just right when akatsuki was making their move or something like that, does that mean the clone was under control the whole time or was he a spy for akatsuki not being controlled?

1. We don't really have a lot of other Uchiha to compare him to. All we know is that the Uchiha were once the villages strongest clan and I think it was said that only 2 or 3 other people in the Clans history had achieved Mangekyu. We have no idea how strong those others were in comparison. On top of that he can use Tsukuyomi which seems to be a stronger version of the Mangekyou, and something that was never mentioned as being used by the others who had achieved Mangekyou. Basically for all we know he's just simply reached the maximum strength possible for a member of the Uchiha clan.

2. If you go back to the Episode where Sasori and his partner approach the sand village there is a part where Sasori activates some kind of technique he had placed on Yurra. It appears that until that technique was activated he was loyal to the sand and had no memory of whatever interaction he'd had with Sasori previously. So i suppose the answer is that he was being controlled, but not until Sasori showed up at the Village of the sand and reactivated his technique.

Thu, 06-07-2007, 02:04 AM
Edo Tensai is the most broke move in the entire series. So far we have not seen any possible way to beat it aside from summoning the death god.You could always just be more powerful that the guy doing the summoning and all the dead people he summons.

Thu, 06-07-2007, 03:18 AM
When I rewatched Naruto, I skipped the Orochimaru vs Third battle simply because I can't understand the Edo Tensai. The past Hokages were supposed to be really great people, yet if you summon their spirits, it seems to be child's play to make them go against everything they believed in while living in full power? What the heck is that? I have to agree with Assertn even if for different reasons: I can't consider it but a broken move until it's explained in such detail that even I can figure it out.

Oro is certainly powerful, but if one of his best moves is one I can't accept, then I have troubles considering him really strong compared to people who give me no such troubles.

Thu, 06-07-2007, 03:49 AM
Well this could water down to "ninjas are tools", which was examined in the Zabuza arc (credit to XanBCoo for the reminder). Even though they have their original spirits, they are still the attack dogs for whoever controls them.

It's like in Bleach, Byakuya's single-minded following of the rules of Sereitei and the judgment of the office of 46, even if it means his little sister dies.