View Full Version : Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica

Thu, 05-24-2007, 05:15 AM
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica

"Based on the light novel `crimson` Polyphonica series by Sakaki Ichiro. Writer of the Scrapped Princess and Straight Jacket novel(s)

Human beings rely on the miracles of fairies, while the fairies that have materialized in this world survive on the music played by humans. The fairies` powers are directed by Dantists, who play special music and are widely respected.

Most fairies don`t usually appear, but some have enough power to materialize in the shapes of human beings or animals to spend their time living in peace together with mankind.

This is a story of the budding love between Conticarte and a new Dantist, Phoron, who reside in Polyphonica, a continent where people and fairies live together in harmony.

From Anime Nfo"

First episode (http://a.scarywater.net/yesy/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_01_%5Bxvid%5D%5B2D770F94%5D.avi.torrent) subbed by Yesy. Total episode number 12.

ANN classification: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural.

Some links.
AniDB (http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=4792)
ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=7479)
Official (http://www.polyphonica.tv/)

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Well, I decided to have a look because ever since Utawarerumono I've trusted Yesy, and on the other hand Ayako Kawasumi has a role in this (though not the main role). The idea sounds somewhat cheesy to me, and honestly I've sometimes troubles with series like this that sound so artificial, but anyway, I had a look. The first episode wasn't anything epic, but it looked at least of decent quality and while no grander story was yet revealed, it showed some potential. I guess I'll give it a couple of more chances. Seeing how this is only half-length the story should appear in the next episode, no doubt.

Thu, 05-24-2007, 01:04 PM
Not bad, fairly interesting. Reminded me of the manga, Kurohime with the chibi-version of the female in casual form, and the adult and voluptuous combat form.

Thu, 05-24-2007, 01:35 PM
During the intro I was wondering if this is going to be a shota show, because the dude was quite young indeed when Corti was the first time... presenting her feminine attributes to him, but then the time jump occurred.

Mon, 06-11-2007, 04:21 PM
Episode 2 - NEET (http://tracker.neetfansubs.com/torrents/%5bNEET-Fansubs%5d_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_02_%5bA8C4 7CF7%5d.torrent)

Finally, been waiting quite awhile for this new episode. After seeing 3 other groups pick up the first episode, and no sign of activity from yesy since 5/24, I'm a bit relieved. There're already 10 episodes of this raw so far.

Fri, 07-27-2007, 03:52 AM
Yesy decided to release a few episodes at once. No complaints from me.

Episode 3 - Yesy (http://bt.yesy-fansubs.net/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_03_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5B0698DC65%5D.mkv. torrent)
Episode 4 - Yesy (http://bt.yesy-fansubs.net/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_04_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5BD366136D%5D.mkv. torrent)
Episode 5 - Yesy (http://bt.yesy-fansubs.net/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_05_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5B52E185AE%5D.mkv. torrent)

Edit: The links to the first two episodes in h264:
Episode 1 - Yesy (http://bt.yesy-fansubs.net/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_01_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5B2669AEEA%5D.mkv. torrent)
Episode 2 - Yesy (http://bt.yesy-fansubs.net/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_02_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5B5CC45C67%5D.mkv. torrent)

Fri, 07-27-2007, 11:25 AM
Is the episode 5 release the latest subbed one? I remember this series finishing quite a while ago.

Fri, 07-27-2007, 11:58 AM
Yeah, it is. I watched all the raws, and it wasn't a very good series as a whole. Could've done so much better given what the shows about.

Fri, 07-27-2007, 05:30 PM
Sometimes loser main characters just piss me off royally. After four episodes I keep hoping Phoron would be even a bit more of a loser so that he would get himself killed and that other guy would switch to the role. But unfortunately he has friends that keep him alive. Goddam bloody airhead.

Fri, 07-27-2007, 09:06 PM
Its not just that. This series simply betrays all expectations. I was hoping for another Shana when I watched this, and was horribly disappointed.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 03:15 AM
Expectations? Heh. I have to confess I never had any real expectations for this series. I found it slightly intriguing when in the beginning the kid (Phoron) and Corti formed the contract. It looked like a fateful premise or foundation for a story, and fatefulness always gets me interested. Other than that, I couldn't really think anything of all of this.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 05:35 AM
I was just thinking that fans of Shana and the like will tend to expect something from a show with a bratty tsundere little girl with amazing powers partnered with some wimp. But I guess it all depends on the viewer in the end.

Sat, 08-04-2007, 10:30 AM
The story of spiritual techno troubadours continues:

Episode 6 - Yesy (http://a.scarywater.net/yesy/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_06_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5B83BB18EE%5D.mkv. torrent)

Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:03 AM
It's somehow to be expected this weird series doesn't acquire a cult following, but I'll keep posting updates nonetheless. I guess I have to, because I created the whole thread...

Episode 7 xvid - Yesy (http://a.scarywater.net/yesy/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_07_%5Bxvid%5D%5B0CC15A06%5D.avi.torrent)
Episode 7 h264 - Yesy (http://a.scarywater.net/yesy/%5Byesy%5D_Shinkyoku_Soukai_Polyphonica_-_07_%5Bx264_aac%5D%5B960x720%5D%5B523EA04E%5D.mkv. torrent)

Sun, 02-03-2013, 05:16 AM
Seems this one died out before completion... Tried a couple places but can't find any decent batches of this. Has anyone actually finished it?

Sun, 02-03-2013, 06:35 AM
Seems this one died out before completion... Tried a couple places but can't find any decent batches of this. Has anyone actually finished it?

Didn't watch it, but here are batches:

Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica [Exiled-Destiny] (http://bakabt.me/150149-shinkyoku-soukai-polyphonica-exiled-destiny.html)
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S (http://bakabt.me/147718-shinkyoku-soukai-polyphonica-crimson-s-imur88-nekomimi.html)

Sun, 02-03-2013, 11:57 PM
derp... my bad thought baka was down cause I forgot they switched to .me thank a lot though Buffalo