View Full Version : Looking for Naruto the Movie Subbed

Fri, 05-18-2007, 07:23 PM
I don't want to see the crappy American version in theaters this summer. Does anyone have a link for the movie right off the Japanese boat?

Fri, 05-18-2007, 09:54 PM
Ok, please for the love of God learn how to use a forum, No offense. If you are that passionate about getting the movie you would have taken the extra 5 seconds to search the forums or read the Naruto section. Even the thread right above yours has more than enough resources to find what you are looking for.

But, since I am feeling nice right now since I just Graduated from High school, I feel I will help you. Here is a website where you can find all three Naruto movies subbed and ready.

DB Fansubs Tracker (http://yhbt.mine.nu/t/)

Please enjoy and try a little harder next time, It saves you more time as you can be watching sooner rather than later waiting on us.

Mon, 05-21-2007, 10:23 PM
Well, you could always get the 1st movie from us. It's pretty sweet~