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Testarossa Autodrive
Wed, 05-16-2007, 09:21 PM
Oh my goodness! I cannot believe there's no thread for this (unless I'm completely missing it).

Anyway, I don't watch the UK version. I have, but couldn't really get into it. So I'm just going to discuss the American version instead. UK version can be discussed as well.

Right, well then. This is one of my top three favorite shows to watch at the moment. It's always a pleasure to sit down every Thursday night just to watch. I'm definitely starting to get pissed now, though, about the whole Jim and Pam thing. All of this back and forth, none of them actually admitting that they still like each other...it's just so frustrating to have to see.

Oh and Jim's pranks? I think, so far, the best one has to be when he came in as Dwight. That was some classic stuff and right off the bat, too. I mean, it's up there with tricking Dwight into thinking the CIA is requesting his assistance and finding his wallet yet doing nothing.

So, which version do you guys watch?

Wed, 05-16-2007, 09:50 PM
Yup I watch the American version too, been following since it first started. I love this show, one of the best comedy show I've seen. Steve Carell is awesome, he just does all these things that makes you laugh out loud, and I love his character. Jim and Dwight are also really great too, it's funny seeing Jim always doing pranks and stuff on Dwight. I think the actors for Jim and Dwight are really good, especially the one that plays Jim. Creed is one weird but hilarious character too, he only has short appearances, but during that short time he just cracks you up.

The last episode was great, Michael taking them to the beach, and doing the Survivor thing was funny.

I agree with you about the whole Jim and Pam relationship thing, like seriously they should stop avoiding each other, because we all know they are meant for each other.

Looking forward to the one hour Season Finale on Thursday!

Testarossa Autodrive
Wed, 05-16-2007, 11:12 PM
Looking forward to the one hour Season Finale on Thursday!

Yes, definitely! I always make a sort of "Office Night" out of it. :) It's always fun and hopefully something good will happen this time.

Thu, 05-17-2007, 01:13 AM
yea, i shouldve made a thread, but i didnt think anyone watched it, since a lot of gotwooters aren't american....anyway, yea the awkward humor, while sometimes painful to watch, is indeed hilarious, creed's always funny, and angela is an evil little bitch...but it works (esp when she let andy float away).

Testarossa Autodrive
Thu, 05-17-2007, 01:53 AM
I had a hard time getting used to the way Steve Carrell's character Michael acted. It was uncomfortable for me almost, to watch him be so clueless and just...hahah, well you know what I mean. But now that I'm used to it I just kinda ignore the fact. It's still hilarious, though, to know that some people are actually like that.

Thu, 05-17-2007, 02:41 PM
i haven't watched the UK version of the office but i really like the us version. Dwight Shroot FtW ^^

Sat, 05-19-2007, 02:44 AM
the whole creed blog thing was hilarious, because ryan wants to protect the world from the insides of creed's brain...i think those creed scenes have made me laugh out loud moreso than anything else on the show.

Mon, 05-21-2007, 08:33 PM
I'm pretty sure there was a thread for this at some point......

But anyway, Creed is the worst character in the show. It's like the writers don't know what to do with him half the time so they just give him various short, exaggerated skits.

Mon, 05-21-2007, 09:32 PM
I'm pretty sure there was a thread for this at some point......

But anyway, Creed is the worst character in the show. It's like the writers don't know what to do with him half the time so they just give him various short, exaggerated skits.

:eek: That's the magic of creed!! There's no real reason to be there...yet he is. Thats y its so funny

Testarossa Autodrive
Tue, 05-22-2007, 03:05 AM
I love the fact that Creed's past on the show is pretty much his past in real life. That fool is so crazy and it's just great to see.

I especially liked the bet everyone pooled in on that if they switched Creed's apple with a potato, he would eat it without noticing. Sure enough, he did. :)

Tue, 05-22-2007, 10:27 AM
well, pam did distract him with her...i'm not sure why she's boinkable...but she is

Sun, 11-23-2008, 11:20 AM
Not sure why there's so little discussion about this series. It's my favorite show.

How many of you have worked in an office like this, with a clueless boss like Michael Scott? I can say I have, and they capture the awkward workplace friends feeling perfectly, where you're friends at work but not outside work. I'm surprised they actually go out for drinks after hours, but that might be more of a story device than trying to create a reflection of real life.

Yes, Pam is hot. I love her Maura Tierney-type face, with her eyes looking like she could break down crying at any time. I admit I liked her character better when she was more pathetic and down-trodden. Seeing happy and outspoken Pam is great and all, but I miss the early version of her character that needed a hug and a shoulder to cry on.

Sun, 11-23-2008, 11:27 AM
I started watching this series last summer... good stuff. The humor is very very dry, so I can understand there not being much appeal to it, but otherwise good stuff.

Last episode was hilarious, especially the ending monolgue of Dwight. The dude is insane.

Sat, 12-06-2008, 08:00 AM
Just watched last Thursday's episode, the Surplus one...

It was a good one. As soon as I saw the german dude doing the wedding I knew that Dwight was really doing a trick to marry Angela. I liked the Jim and Pam scenes too. I also heard that after the Superbowl there's going to be a one hour The Office special... that should be a cool episode. I'm also hearing something about a The Office Spin-Off.... don't have any details on it thought.

Sat, 12-06-2008, 08:32 AM
I watched that today too, good episode with a good situation. I think they could have handled the Jim vs Pam disagreement more interestingly, and it made me unhappy seeing Pam go into a whore mode trying to further her agenda. I was half expecting it to end with them deciding on a new copier but Jim getting Pam a new chair out of pocket. That would have been a great ending.

I don't like the idea of a spin-off. I think they could use the story ideas on the current series, since they seemed to run out of ideas for the last few episodes of season 4. Season 5 has been good so far, but not as good as 1-3.

Tue, 12-09-2008, 06:29 PM
I watched that today too, good episode with a good situation. I think they could have handled the Jim vs Pam disagreement more interestingly, and it made me unhappy seeing Pam go into a whore mode trying to further her agenda. I was half expecting it to end with them deciding on a new copier but Jim getting Pam a new chair out of pocket. That would have been a great ending.

I don't like the idea of a spin-off. I think they could use the story ideas on the current series, since they seemed to run out of ideas for the last few episodes of season 4. Season 5 has been good so far, but not as good as 1-3.

Yeah a spin off doesnt seem like it is that good of an idea to me either. Awell.

The thing that I really didnt like about this ep was the fact that there are what, 15 people in that office, how much do chairs really cost? Why couldnt they buy chairs and a copier?

Tue, 12-09-2008, 11:13 PM
Yeah a spin off doesnt seem like it is that good of an idea to me either. Awell.

The thing that I really didnt like about this ep was the fact that there are what, 15 people in that office, how much do chairs really cost? Why couldnt they buy chairs and a copier?
Office chairs are not cheap. The Herman Miller Aeron chair that you see at a lot of offices costs $750. Even simple typical office chairs are ridiculously expensive at $200-300 each. The $100 ones you see at Office Depot don't last and are uncomfortable for 8 hours a day of use. Copiers are even more expensive, around $10k, though most offices usually lease them.

Mon, 12-15-2008, 09:39 PM
http://www.hulu.com/watch/20337/saturday-night-live-snl-digital-short-the-japanese-office Hilarious

Sun, 01-18-2009, 08:59 PM
The office returned last Thurday and the episode as completely hilarious. Any of you guys seen it yet? On top of the funny moments, there was some key plot points to move the story forward. Dwight and Michael were awesome.

Sun, 01-18-2009, 10:57 PM
Personally I don't like the Andy Bernard character, especially the personality switch from sycophantic snake to preppy schmuck. The duel was funny, and Michael in NY is always hilarious. He's such a fish out of water there.

I miss Pam/Jim but I realized back in season 3 that once they hooked up it would be this way, and I hope they don't try to spice it up with relationship troubles. But unless they do, one of the biggest plots of the show is finished and it'll be tough to make up for it.

Sun, 01-18-2009, 11:04 PM
i actually do like andy's character, but i guess i hadn't given much thought to the personality switch, crediting it to the anger management. that's why i was thrown by his reaction when he found out about angela and dwight. i was expecting him to fly off the handle and punch through a wall again or something.

the duel was hilarious, though. "i think my leg's falling asleep". angela's getting what she deserves.

Fri, 01-23-2009, 12:25 PM
Personally I don't like the Andy Bernard character, especially the personality switch from sycophantic snake to preppy schmuck. The duel was funny, and Michael in NY is always hilarious. He's such a fish out of water there.
I think what was more tragic was Dwight's change from socially awkward power-hungry corporate goon to socially awkward eh-i'll-just-do-whatever-the-fuck-I-want goon.

Also, I still wish Michael fired Creed back in season 1.

Fri, 01-23-2009, 12:29 PM
I think what was more tragic was Dwight's change from socially awkward power-hungry corporate goon to socially awkward eh-i'll-just-do-whatever-the-fuck-I-want goon.

Also, I still wish Michael fired Creed back in season 1.
Creed is awesome.

Sat, 01-24-2009, 02:31 AM
Latest episode was pretty good. The Michael/Dwight excursion was great, showed us some more of Michael's good guy side. The office antics while the boss is away was funny too.

Mon, 01-26-2009, 08:30 AM
Latest episode was pretty good. The Michael/Dwight excursion was great, showed us some more of Michael's good guy side. The office antics while the boss is away was funny too.
I didn't think much of this episode, though the Michael/Dwight portions were good. I really could care less about the whole Swank debate... I really didn't find much funny in it.

Mon, 01-26-2009, 10:34 AM
Shrug, one man's meat is another man's murder. It may not have been that funny but it was a depiction of how much time is wasted in your typical working office on nonsense, kind of like the office olympics from season 1. I think they could have worked a better angle on it, but the Michael/Dwight parts were endearing and funny.

I wonder what office romance they'll add next to spice things up? And where has Ryan been since Pam came back as the receptionist?

Mon, 01-26-2009, 10:51 AM
I have no clue where Ryan is... probably scoring some drugs somewhere. As for the next romance, I don't know but probably they'll keep exploring the Pam/Jim relationship as they get closer to the wedding; maybe have some 'Meet the Parents' moments. They'll probably bring Holly back, if they can sign the actress up, for some episodes. And I don't think the Dwight/Angela thing is done yet.

Maybe they'll make Andy gay and explore something with Oscar, remember they bonded on their road trip with Michael.

Mon, 01-26-2009, 01:24 PM
I read somewhere that Ryan was taking time off of the show. He is one of their writers actually from what I remember.

Mon, 01-26-2009, 01:56 PM
He should go get a job at a small business office somewhere to get some more story ideas for the show. To be completely honest, without the office romances, as in real life, the show gets kind of boring.

Tue, 01-27-2009, 10:11 AM
He should go get a job at a small business office somewhere to get some more story ideas for the show. To be completely honest, without the office romances, as in real life, the show gets kind of boring.

I agree with that to an extent. Always cool to see pranks and random office ongoings every now and again.

About last weeks ep; I really didnt think that Michael was going to turn in that information...

Tue, 01-27-2009, 11:26 AM
I like the pranks when Dwight or Andy do something to deserve it, but sometimes Jim just seems like an assh*le who screws with people, especially when they start the show with a prank. Dwight's been more likable lately, so unless he does something obnoxious, he doesn't deserve the pranks.

I didn't think Michael would do it either, but I can see more storylines developing because of it than if he had made up some excuse and not turned in the info.

Tue, 01-27-2009, 01:14 PM
The pranks on Dwight are priceless, and really the last one was unwarranted, but if he would have just let it go it wouldnt have been that big of a deal. It is the fact that he takes it to the next level and has to look for the 500 ft of wire that makes it that much funnier!

Tue, 02-03-2009, 10:37 AM
So, who watched the Superbowl Special Episode last Sunday? I thought it was hilarious, Dwight is completely nuts. I really couldn't stop laughing through most of the episode, good stuff in my opinion.

Tue, 02-03-2009, 12:13 PM
I just saw it, excellent episode. Dwight is masterful and on top of his game and really makes this episode hilarious. You get everything you expect from him.

I didn't like how dumb they made Michael in the early going, mistaking simple things like "thirty-five hundred" for "five thousand three hundred" and other nonsense like that. They've always done a good job of making his misunderstandings plausible and funny, but in this episode it was just obnoxious at times, though some of it was funny.

They should have extended the Pam and Jim story over the next few episodes, and the payoff could have been that much more endearing after a couple episodes of tension and heartache between them.

Wed, 02-04-2009, 08:29 PM
Michael's gay jokes were particularly good in this episode... they cracked me up every one of them.

Thu, 02-05-2009, 01:52 AM
I was surprised at how offensive the jokes were. I thought the FCC would be all over funny jokes that aren't PC. I'm sure the show will get some flack from various anti-defamation groups.

Michael saying Jim is 6'11" and weighs 90lbs was gold.

edit: just watched it again, Dwight's "Silence of the Lambs" scene was hilarious. The fake movie was funny too. Gross but funny.

Wed, 02-11-2009, 09:24 AM
Anyone see last episode? Good episode, particularly the Michael/Pam/Karen part, and the Jim/Dwight/Kelly side story. Making Jim and Dwight the party planner committee is great and has a lot of potential for hilarity. Also the Karen/Pam stuff was sweet.

The part I didn't care for is Dwight with the client. There were some funny moments, but don't try to force me to believe a white yuppie from Cornell would be interested in a black chick, hot or not, and she wasn't hot. It's almost as bad as in the first episode of this one show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" where the same thing happens.

Next episode should reintroduce Holly and Michael and continue the party planning committee fun.

Thu, 02-12-2009, 05:46 PM
Yep, last week's episode was golden. You pretty much said everything that needed to be said. Except for that racial crap you put in there.

I wonder how long this Holly arc will be, or if she's only making a 1 episode appearance.

I loved that Dwight line "What kind of cake, dumbass?" or something like that. For some reason that scene made me laugh quite a bit.

Thu, 02-12-2009, 11:38 PM
It wasn't meant to be racial, just real. I'm tired of Hollywood PC crap misrepresenting reality.

I also don't like where they've decided to take the Andy Bernard character. They need another schemer in the office so when Jim messes with him it's funny. Instead we get another dolt who you just feel sorry for.

Michael's relationship troubles have been a good laugh, so maybe they'll draw out the Holly story, though since it's a relatively healthy relationship, it might go the way of Pam and Jim, where it's no longer really a storyline.

Fri, 02-13-2009, 07:09 PM
This season is so much better than last season.

Fri, 02-13-2009, 07:30 PM
Last episode was kinda of a letdown.... though I enjoyed some of those cat scenes.

Sat, 02-14-2009, 07:03 AM
Agreed, it felt like they had enough for maybe 1.5 episodes, but they stretched it to 2. It might have been better if they had crammed all that into 1 episode.

They did set it up for future storylines with the Holly/Michael relationship still blooming and the Jim/Dwight/party planning committee, but I felt they ended the Karen/Pam conflict too soon and too cleanly. I'd love to see more inter-office competition, led by Karen and Michael's branches.

And I'm still wondering who got Ryan's corporate job, and when he or she will be introduced to add some wackiness.

Also I wonder why they didn't go with a Valentine's Day theme this episode.

Sat, 04-25-2009, 07:24 AM
Holy shit, who thought Michael Scott had it in him to be such a gangster? That dude, out of nowhere, told the CFO what it really do with the shareholders and then said if he wants to get all up in their bidness, Pam gets a sales job and Ryan gets a job too... with benefits and all that shit. Wow. So fucking awesome.

Sat, 04-25-2009, 05:12 PM
I was so scared he would mess everything up horribly.

Sun, 04-26-2009, 12:08 PM
Nicely played Michael Scott. Nicely played.

Sun, 04-26-2009, 09:36 PM
I was so scared he would mess everything up horribly.


The best part was when Dwight was actually right and about to blow their whole cover up but Jim played it off like Dwight was a kooky douchebag so that nobody should believe him. It was just so good.

Next time David will answer each and every Michael Scott call personally. They might even give him his own direct line.

Michael Scott just made him his bitch, for life!

Thu, 04-30-2009, 11:11 PM
Last night's episode had a couple of good moments.

I especially liked the one with Meredith and the skank dress. I also liked the fake firing scene.

Other than that, it was a so-so episode.

Tue, 05-12-2009, 03:20 PM
Last night's episode had a couple of good moments.

I especially liked the one with Meredith and the skank dress. I also liked the fake firing scene.

Other than that, it was a so-so episode.

That was awesome...

"Meredith! Where are your underwear?!"

"What? It is casual day!"

Sat, 05-16-2009, 10:04 AM
Season finale was aight...

Pam is preggo, Michael let Holly go (kind of), Meredith got drunk, Dwight defended Angela.

Sat, 05-16-2009, 03:22 PM
I didn't care much for the finale myself to tell you the truth, though I would've liked to see the conclusion of the volleyball game. Looking forward to what the new baby will bring to the show.

Mon, 05-18-2009, 10:14 AM
I didn't care much for the finale myself to tell you the truth, though I would've liked to see the conclusion of the volleyball game. Looking forward to what the new baby will bring to the show.

I just wonder how long it will take for Pam and Jim's relationship to have some trouble again. Seems like no one stays happy forever on TV, simply because it just isnt good TV.

Wed, 09-16-2009, 12:01 PM
Just a heads up, season 6 starts tomorrow. Here's a promo:

Wed, 09-30-2009, 01:27 PM
Just watched the first 2 episodes, and I really liked them. Really funny in my opinion, particularly the first episode with Michael spreading all those rumors and Andy questioning wether he was gay or not. Got start to the season as far as I'm concerned.

So Jim now is co-manager, I wonder how that will affect Michael who just got "promoted" to co-manager.

Testarossa Autodrive
Thu, 10-01-2009, 12:15 AM
One thing I really miss, although I still love the show, is Jim and Pam playing pranks on Dwight. Jim is all seri0s now, perhaps because he's trying to get ahead and becoming a father, but it's kind of disappointing as that's where a lot of the humor came from; at least with his character.

Thu, 10-01-2009, 03:50 PM
I think the show is missing the romance angle. For most of the previous 5 seasons, there was a coupling or romantic connection between at least a few of the characters. Now the only one is the blissful Jim/Pam relationship, but bliss doesn't make for entertaining storylines.

Maybe it's time for someone to shack up with the new cute receptionist. Though who in the office would have the chemistry with Erin? Or they'll introduce another interesting female to the show. The intern chick was kind of hot.

Testarossa Autodrive
Thu, 10-01-2009, 04:44 PM
I kind of detest the romance. Really, the only one I absolutely adored was Michael and Holly. I don't think I've seen a cuter more awkward and hilarious relationship. It was awesome and then they go and rip it away from us. D: Jim and Pam is just, ehhh...

Fri, 10-02-2009, 07:49 AM
You didn't enjoy the Dwight/Andy/Angela love triangle? And early Jim/Pam was great. Blissful Jim/Pam not so much.

Testarossa Autodrive
Fri, 10-02-2009, 02:22 PM
Dwight/Andy/Angela was okay, but only as ha ha funny entertainment; not 'omg, that's so sweet, i'm in love!'

The only relationship I actually thought was interesting and done uniquely was Michael and Holly's. I really detest romance and all that disgusting BS, but this I was touched by, even if it was awkward and sad.

Sun, 10-04-2009, 10:56 AM
I'm fine with no real romance at the moment, we've had plenty of it during the previous seasons. We'll have something in time.

This weeks episode was kinda boring, not funny at all. At least we saw Jim in his new role and how the relationship between him and Michael will change. So, while probably a necessary episode to establish Jim as a boss, I didn't find it particularly funny.

Sun, 10-04-2009, 12:13 PM
A lot of the Office's charm is not it's comedy. In fact I think sometimes they ruin good character development scenes with ill-timed or self-defacing humor. That's why I like the romantic entanglements as much as the funny stuff.

I liked this week's episode. It was entirely relationship/character development, but helped you sympathize better with Michael, though it started out badly for him.

Fri, 10-09-2009, 07:41 AM
Never really got into the show, always liked it, never recorded it. But the more channels they syndicate it on the more I saw and the more I enjoyed it.

Still, last nights ep was great. Even though I havent followed the whole Jim/Pam thing from the start, like everyone else and their mom, I was still drawn in by the whole love story.

And of course it had me laughing more than a few times like most office episodes.

Testarossa Autodrive
Fri, 10-09-2009, 07:36 PM
I guess you can already assume how I feel about that kind of stuff, but I really was touched by Jim and Pam's wedding last night. It was very cute, heartwarming and I loved the parody of the youtube wedding dance video.

Fri, 10-09-2009, 07:40 PM
I loved the wedding and the vomit fest. Very touching.

Testarossa Autodrive
Fri, 10-09-2009, 07:47 PM
Yeah, that defiant vomiting in the trashcan was hilarious.

Sat, 10-10-2009, 10:45 AM
hahaha yeah dwights face at the end of the madness.

and the dancing to the alter was the best. I wanna go to a wedding like that... as long as its not mine.

Sun, 10-11-2009, 08:04 PM
I couldn't dance to the altar like that; that kind of free-spirited joy just isn't in my nature. Maybe if I was drunk, but even then the prohibition on unadulterated mirth in my life would probably make me reserved and self-conscious the entire time. Life is suffering after all, as they say.

I enjoyed the episode, even though at first I didn't see how a wedding had anything to do with the office and office life. I think they mixed in funny and heart-warming moments with the serious character-building scenes very well, meanwhile creating some new storylines for the future.

One goof: Pam calls Jim to take Andy to the hospital and he can't because he's drunk, then they flash to his night out with Michael and Dwight and he seems completely sober.

The Mighty BamBam
Wed, 10-14-2009, 05:48 PM
This show is amazing. It is funny and has characters I actually care about. The Office wedding (between Jim and Pam if you didnt already know) was one of my favorite episodes of any show I have seen....ever. It is one of the few shows thats on that dares to be different and is spectacular as a result.

Fri, 10-16-2009, 05:06 PM
Saw the episode on channel 27 about Ryan burning the building down and Dwight singing that hilarious song at the end. But the best one of the new season was PARKOUR!!!

Fri, 10-23-2009, 10:02 PM
Just saw this week's episode "The Lover". Excellent episode. All of the humour and awkwardness of the early Office seasons, with Pam getting to show a little emotion and Michael endearing himself to the audience in spite of his foolishness. Dwight and Jim have a great side story, with Dwight showcasing both his cleverness and ridiculousness at the end of the show.


Testarossa Autodrive
Sat, 10-24-2009, 02:22 AM
The father-daughter like tension between Michael and Pam was absolutely hilarious. Kind of frightening at first to see Pam so upset, but I guess I could dig it. I'm still not over Holly leaving Michael, though! I still think she was the best. D:

Sun, 10-25-2009, 06:52 PM
Just saw this week's episode "The Lover". Excellent episode. All of the humour and awkwardness of the early Office seasons, with Pam getting to show a little emotion and Michael endearing himself to the audience in spite of his foolishness. Dwight and Jim have a great side story, with Dwight showcasing both his cleverness and ridiculousness at the end of the show.


Lol it suprised me..... "Why would I leave a listening device in a wooden duck" or something like that, way too genius. Oh yah also downloaded season 1 and 2. Didn't know Michael was a great salesman I thought he got that job by luck or some stupid chance, now I see why Dwight looks up to him.

Sun, 10-25-2009, 07:21 PM
Lol it suprised me..... "Why would I leave a listening device in a wooden duck" or something like that, way too genius. Oh yah also downloaded season 1 and 2. Didn't know Michael was a great salesman I thought he got that job by luck or some stupid chance, now I see why Dwight looks up to him.
I waited until the show was in season 3 to start watching from season 1 and I feel ridiculous for waiting so long. It's a great series. At the end of season 5 I was thinking the series could be wrapping up soon, but season 6 has been pretty great. Let's hope the show continues for a while and continues to be entertaining.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 03:40 PM
I think the show needs to wind down and go out in style. The 6th season has been pretty bad, with only a few good episodes that do the series justice. They need new writers or just to stop before this show fades with a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

The Erin/Andy romance is pointless and soulless. Who really cares if these two get together or not? The Andy character sucks period. He was funnier as a schemer/sycophant than as the bumbling dunce they've turned him into.

And the entire "Dunder Mifflin going out of business" has been one long boring setup to what is hopefully a worthwhile conclusion, but it's doubtful.

Testarossa Autodrive
Fri, 02-12-2010, 12:21 AM
Yeah, so this last episode was pretty boring. I hardly laughed at any of the jokes, which is a shame because this show is so funny; at least it used to be. They either need to get their act together or just start winding down and, as Animeniax suggested, go out in style.

Sat, 02-13-2010, 10:41 AM
The last episode where either Jim or Michael has to return to sales was actually pretty funny. I laughed out loud several times.

But it looks like the writers are still going week by week instead of thinking long term, which might suggest the show is on its last legs. They could have easily extended the material in this episode for 2 or 3 shows, but instead they resolve the issues too quickly and easily in this one episode. Michael and Jim could have been fighting for the sales job for a few episodes and Jim could have had a lot of fun as manager. Kelly and Andy could have had a fun non-relationship for a few episodes. Would have been great material.

Kathy Bates' character has no soul and she doesn't work well with Michael's character like Jan or David Wallace did, but that could also be because the Michael character has evolved into an unlikable dunce instead of a likable one.

Testarossa Autodrive
Sun, 02-14-2010, 03:13 AM
I was the complete opposite. I barely even chuckled watching this episode, except for maybe when the dogs were sniffing and licking everyone's crotches. Otherwise, there were just crickets in here, which was disappointing because usually I'm dying of laughter.

Testarossa Autodrive
Fri, 03-05-2010, 12:51 AM
M'gonna double post here since the last episode just aired.

I was very happy with the return. I laughed way more than I did when they left off before the Olympics aired. It was so refreshing to be able to laugh again like I used to watching this show. I just wonder how long it's going to last.

Sat, 03-06-2010, 08:46 AM
I wonder is it a problem with the writers or the characters? We know them so well at this point, they can't expand on them much without changing them into different people and that would suck anyway.

I don't like how the writers are resolving issues/relationships so quickly and efficiently. There's gold in some of the material that only got an episode and was done.

Sat, 03-06-2010, 08:58 AM
I haven't watched this season yet, but the show has been renewed for next season.

Sat, 03-06-2010, 02:23 PM
I just watched the latest episode, it was about the same as recent episodes. Dwight is back in form, the Jim/Pam pregnancy thing is the central story of the episode, and Michael is as obnoxious as ever.

I think I've figured out why the show isn't as funny as before, and it's all about the Michael character. He's no longer endearingly funny, more obnoxiously unfunny, like he's trying too hard but failing miserably. Without the lead character leading, this show stumbles.

Thu, 09-23-2010, 12:20 PM
I just watche whole season and loved it, this show really just makes me laugh. I agree with Michal being obnoxious, but he's still very funny to me.

I loved the episode where he goes to the company conference where they handle questions by the employees and also the episode where he has to face the students he promised college tuiton to.

I'm actually liked Andy a lot this season, he wasn't as annoying, but just an idiotic character that one actually roots for a bit.

Dwight was awesome last season I thought.

Anyways, new season starts tonight and it's Steve Carell's last one for the show. Surely going to miss him, but I'm also very interested in seeing how they go about replacing him. Do they promote from within or bring a new dude. I heard rumors of bringing the dude from the UK, that would be sweet. I don't know who here watches Loiue on FX, but he kills it there.

Sun, 09-26-2010, 04:07 AM
new season premiere was pretty awesome.

When I mentioned to someone the other day that this is gonna be Steve's last season, they said that the show was gonna fall apart then. But I think they've actually done a pretty good job of building up all the other characters. I think it could still run without Steve.

Awman, his nephew "I love cinema. My favorite movies are Citizen Kane, and The Boondock Saints" lol, too good. rofl, and the double negative thing "that's as clear as I can make it."

Also that ending to the episode was hysterical. A great way to close it out. Michael sitting there, seriously contemplating between his job or Toby xD

Testarossa Autodrive
Sun, 09-26-2010, 09:49 PM
I really, really, really cannot wait until Holly comes back. As sad as I am to see Michael go, I hope they do it wonderfully. But I trust these guys. The writers are awesome and even though some of the plots have lost their momentum after Dunder-Mifflin went under, I still adore the series. Again, I am super hyper anxious for Holly's return. :3

Mon, 09-27-2010, 08:37 PM
I enjoyed this season opener more than most of the episodes from last season, but it was still far from the heyday of the series. The opening sequence was terrible and felt forced. I think I'm way past forgiving the hubris afforded Michael Scott in running the business and pissing off his employees. What could have been a great running topic about nepotism was handled poorly and then disposed of too quickly. Also, the prankster-Pam subplot was also introduced and then quickly remedied. It would have a been a good way to develop the Pam/Jim relationship (which is stagnant) and start a Pam/Dwight relationship that could have been gold.

It seems the writers are working on an episode by episode basis, fully expecting to be canceled at any time. That's no way for a good series to be written.

Wed, 05-04-2011, 05:39 PM
Well, Steve is done with the show. Last week was his last one. I thought it was a pretty good episode with some good comedy and emotional moments that were quite fitting I thought. I've been underwhelmed with Will's guest spot at the moment. I think we're going to see a couple of more until the season is over.

So, who's going to be the next boss do you guys think? Or am I the only one up to date?

Thu, 10-27-2011, 06:21 PM
Anyone miss Steve Carrel's character? I think the show is still pretty good without him. James Spader is awesome.