View Full Version : Bleach 124
Wed, 05-02-2007, 08:23 PM
Wed, 05-02-2007, 10:28 PM
Ichigo's hollow form is fun. Bird's feet, high-speed regeneration and from preview a laser canon.
Wed, 05-02-2007, 11:22 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO! Talk about leaving it hang at a really good point in the battle. Like a drug addict needing thier next fix, im feeling instant withdrawls after that episode. Some great stuff in this episode next week looks to be amazing =)
Wed, 05-02-2007, 11:27 PM
Yea, man. Hollow Ichigo is like Terminator. Kariya's appearence surprised me.
Wed, 05-02-2007, 11:28 PM
ugh it was an ok episode i guess, but can someone explain to me why Byakuya gets just a few min and they give the crappy Bounto guy like half the episode? I wish they'd stop giving all these filler characters so much damn attention, they don't deserve it.
Wed, 05-02-2007, 11:55 PM
Ok episode.
Did anybody else notice that the animation dropped during Ichigo's scene with Kariya?
Thu, 05-03-2007, 02:02 AM
Ok episode.
Did anybody else notice that the animation dropped during Ichigo's scene with Kariya?
I know man Kariya appering ruin the whole thing for me just when I was forgetting about the whole bounto fillers they have to put him in
Thu, 05-03-2007, 02:18 AM
Wow...if you're going to make a 2 manga chapter episode at least fill the time with stuff that both makes sense to have happened and is entertaining. Why rehash old fights when they could have just had Ichigo and Hollow-Ichigo battling the whole time with Ichigo thinking about things as the fight progressed?
The Byakuya and Kariya scenes did do a good job of conveying what might have been going on in Ichigo's head as he fought...but they came at the cost. Almost nothing was animated for the Ichi vs HIchi fight that wasn't simply making smooth transitions between manga panels, no creativity :(
Thu, 05-03-2007, 02:49 AM
Great ep. But what the hell: cliffhanger :mad:! Bah stopping at this point was cruel. Now I can't say I liked the appearance of Kariya but I could bear it. Next ep is going to be insanely good: Inner Ichigo with blue eyes (!) and Zangetsu claiming back his place whilst "real world" Ichigo turns berserk mode :D
Thu, 05-03-2007, 05:12 AM
I loved the episode. I liked how they portrayed Ichigo's though processes through his old fights. Mainly because they WEREN'T just flashbacks. They were actually new scenes, which where pretty cool especially in Byakuya because Senbonzakura still kicks ass, Gaara ripoff and all.
Question for the manga people, Kariya was obviously filler, was the Byakuya scene also filler?
Thu, 05-03-2007, 05:27 AM
yes...most of the episode was a filler...but it had some of the main story...i think they are trying to let the magna have more chapters or else they will end up catching up with it and we are going to have filler season just like naruto but i wouldn't like that(who would)
Thu, 05-03-2007, 06:19 AM
Ahhh cliffhanger! Now I cant wait till next week. Wanna know why? Zaraki!
Thu, 05-03-2007, 07:37 AM
Next Episode
Captain of Squad 11 is in ! (Preview)
Thu, 05-03-2007, 07:39 AM
DarthEnder: Pretty much all of the "Ichigo spaces out" scenes were filler. All the stuff with the vizards and Hollow Ichigo talking about the king & the horse were from the manga.
Personally, I was a bit disappointed at the filler material because I didn't watch the Bounto arc and have no idea who this Kariya guy is. However, I thought that the adaptation of Ichigo fighting the vizards was done really well and the voices for Ichigo's hollow inside and outside of his inner world are great.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 08:07 AM
Surprisingly enough I didn't mind Kariya that much in this episode. Of course when he appeared, I almost cursed aloud thinking it would ruin everything, but then when the scene progressed, it was just as meaningful as the scene with Byakuya, and no worse. While they apparently were filler material, they fit in well enough to not be bothersome.
Otherwise I think this powering up sequence is exceptionally cruel but also that much better. Ichigo surely doesn't have it offered to him via the easiest route. But at least this makes it appear like he really must conquer something inside himself and not only by raw power.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 08:50 AM
Remembering the episode... were Byakuya and Kariya representations of Old man Zangetsu? Inside of Ichigos mind of course. (A mind scene inside a mind scene?? wow... Nice!) I mean... when Kariya said he was dissapointed in Ichigo he dissapeared just the same way his Zanpaktou was dissapearing after HIchigo touched it.
I didn't mind Kariya like others in the episode. But it dissapointed me that the animation had a lower standard in that scene (like I said in my previous post here)
Thu, 05-03-2007, 11:14 AM
I've been disappointed with the last 2 episodes, as I thought the manga to anime transition wasn't really well done. The animation was a little choppy at times, but more importantly I thought the manga was more dramatic at crucial scenes than the anime, which is strange because it would normally be the other way round.
Kariya's appearance also surprised me, but just not in a very positive way.....
Thu, 05-03-2007, 03:26 PM
Even with all the filler material, I still thought it was a pretty decent episode.
I'm actually glad the animators cut corners when it came to the spacey out scenes with Kairiya, it's not as if many people actually cared about his screentime to begin with. The way I see it, it's better to save up a good budget for more important and memorable scenes like the Ichigo and Grimmjow fight, (God, I loved that episode) rather than share it out evenly.
Even if it would have been more enjoyable to see Ichigo and his hollow just fight the whole episode instead. Somehow the whole idea of Ichigo confronting his past enemies while in a mind daze seems kinda clichéd.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 04:25 PM
The only thing I'm thinking about is what type of hollow is Ichigo, I mean those attacks he did in "semi-hollow" form don't look at all normal compared to the other hollows we have seen.
The ep in general was alright
Thu, 05-03-2007, 04:27 PM
You saying he could be like a Menos Grande type hollow?
Thu, 05-03-2007, 04:39 PM
You saying he could be like a Menos Grande type hollow?
I don't know, It's just what he did there was very different from anything we have seen. We also don't know what a Menos grande or Vasto lord can do
Thu, 05-03-2007, 06:21 PM
Sorry I meant Vasto Lorde, not Menos Grande... but I see you got the gist of what I was saying anyway.
It could well be possible he is of a higher order than the normal crap you get raiding his neighbourhood. The instant regeneration, weird worm and laser techniques that we have seen him do are something that no other hollow has done. Only time will tell I guess.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 06:36 PM
Well... every Hollow has an special ability.
For instance Grand Fisher could transform part of himself in his victims, to lure others.
The one that killed Kaien could fuse with other beings.
While most Hollows are indeed just brainless beasts, many have special abilities. So thus, Ichigo's special abilities could be the regeneration and the worm, while not needing to be a Vasto Lorde.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 06:48 PM
True, but his power level seems insanse, unlike the ones you mentioned.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 07:20 PM
Also consider the fact that Ichigo acquiered Hollow powers through a way not related to the Hogyouku (sp?).
Althought we really don't know a Vaizard is born either... for all we know Hiyori, Hirako and cia's Hollows could be similar.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 07:48 PM
Vaizard's hollows are swords' spirits that doesn't acknowledge them as their masters and want to take control for themselves. Well that what i got mostly from episode and current discussion.
Thu, 05-03-2007, 08:02 PM
Vaizard's hollows are swords' spirits that doesn't acknowledge them as their masters and want to take control for themselves. Well that what i got mostly from episode and current discussion.
But one would have to assume that the sword spirits that don't acknowledge them as masters probably were tainted with hollow powers at one point...I mean, the definition given by the anime of a vaizard was a shinigami stepping into hollow territory, so they has to be exposure to the hollow part.
Fri, 05-04-2007, 03:27 AM
Well, Hollows are just what happens to Spirits when they become lost to dispair, or they get eaten by another hollow.
Zanpaktou's are spirits? Maybe a Vizard is what you become if your Zanpaktou becomes a hollow.
Are Zanpaktous separate spirits? Or are they just, like, estentions of the shinigami's own spirit?
Fri, 05-04-2007, 08:53 AM
i was sorta left feeling empty and therefore disappointed with this episode. It had some nice stuff (the fight against Kensei, he's badass) and I didn't mind the whole "battle within a battle within a battle", although the first time with Byakuya was cooler than the second with the filler arc whoever...
And I might just be saying that because it was hard to tell what exactly was happening during the first time, but by the second you've figured it out and it's not as cool cuz it's not a SS guy.
Looks like the "manifestations" will keep on rolling next episode, which is too bad, even if it is Kenpachi. I think we get the point after the first one, and like someone mentioned, they could have shown it another way. I felt bored listening to all of Kariya's carrying on and on...
A necessary episode, but not going to be my favorite. Sounds like the manga was better...
Fri, 05-04-2007, 11:14 AM
Surprised no one mentioned the striking resemblence of Ichigo's hollow transformation arm to Chad's arm. It was the first thing I noticed when he started to transform further. Think there is any connection?
Fri, 05-04-2007, 11:17 AM
I'm sorta disappointed that they didn't even imply that Ichigo got his arm blown off when Kensei kidoued the shit out of him. (
At the very least they could did the same thing that they did with Yami -_-
Fri, 05-04-2007, 12:45 PM
lol that's funny... do you think Kensei did that move whilst knowing Ichigo's arm would regenerate or he he just didn't care and did it anyway?
Fri, 05-04-2007, 11:11 PM
Knives : very interesting :) It has been a long time since i read tha part of the manga... i will have to go back and see it. I dont know why they would have not included that in the anime...
that guy is a total bad ass though, i like his dagger like zanpaktou.
Sun, 05-06-2007, 11:05 AM
I liked this ep. I can't wait to see what the heck the ending was about. I'm totally lost and loving it. I hope Ichigo comes out with some different moves. I hope it's true what imaginary Byakuya (sp?) said, that Ichigo still can't use Bankai. If we see Ichigo's different Bankai forms (or better use of the current one), if they exist, I will totally flip out in a good way.
Sun, 05-06-2007, 02:01 PM
ee Ichigo's different Bankai forms (or better use of the current one), if they exist, I will totally flip out in a good way.
I think it's safe to say that Ichigo hasn't mastered Bankai. As we learned with the Renji vs Byakuya fight there is a large difference between attaining bankai and mastering it. In the SS arc Ichigo merely attained it, but i'm sure just as Renji he has quite a ways to go before he truly masters it and can make use of it's full potential as Byakuya did in their fight.
If i had to guess though, i'd say the Bankai mastering would have to come sometime after he tames his inner hollow, not during. After all if they are going to keep the arc interesting then they are going to have to leave him some room to grow. Seems to me that after attaining Vaizard power that having him gain strength through mastering his abilities would be the next logical place to move.
Sun, 05-06-2007, 08:09 PM
that guy is a total bad ass though, i like his dagger like zanpaktou.
He had an actual sword when they were all peeling off Ichigo's hollow mask...
Oh yeah I realized, Vaizards don't change forms (like Ichigo does between being human and shinigami) yet, Hirako and Hiyori both can be seen by human eyes...and they never do any physical transformation.
Sun, 05-06-2007, 10:51 PM
Pretty good episode. Not being a manga reader, I couldn't tell if this was mostly filler or not. I figured the Kariya material might have been a re-do of Ichigo's battle with someone else, or like a Byakuya part2 (ie, in the manga it would be Byakuya fighting Ichigo the whole time).
Animation was great for the most part. Seeing Kariya drawn non-filler-style made the character a little less unlikable. I see so many ways for them to draw out fights and extend manga material without resorting to filler crap, but the studio seems to prefer doing it the cheap way.
To Young
Tue, 05-08-2007, 11:37 PM
off topic. But I could not help but think about it.
At the end of episode just before "to be continued" text, you hear a small bell sound.
when I heard it for first time I said to myself, "Itachi ! what the hell are you doing here?".
It just reminded me of Itachi's hat bell sound at the end of destruction of Konoha arc in Naruto.
Wed, 05-09-2007, 04:35 AM
That bell sound should have made you think of Zaraki Kenpachi. Next episode should revisit Ichigo's fight with Zaraki when he started to understand his link to Zangetsu.
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