View Full Version : Game: Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst

Fri, 04-20-2007, 06:35 PM
I've been meaning to pick this game up for a while and finally did yesterday. I'm currently playing on a private server under the name Vasch.

Anyone else play this?

Fri, 04-20-2007, 07:04 PM
I played PSO on the dreamcast, then pso on hacked servers on pc, and cheated the shit out of it ( with valid reasons mind you). then i played episode 2 on the GC, so i simply skipped blue burst, since its basically episode 2.
I would play it if i could cheat my way up to a reasonable level, don't feel like doing everything over again.
And now im ocassionally playing PSU open beta on x360.

Fri, 04-20-2007, 07:46 PM
I would play if you tell me where i can find the private server/game. (If it is not allowed, tell my in PM)

Is there any PSU private server yet?(Is there a Offline mode to that game?) last time i checked, there was like.. none?

Fri, 04-20-2007, 11:11 PM
Since August, I believe. I sent you a PM, although it's pretty easy to just google it.

If anyone's looking for me, I'm usually in Nebula on Schthack's private server. I'm a level 11 (currently) RAmar named Vasch.

Sat, 04-21-2007, 12:38 AM
Alright, I'm currently downloading it.
Only 1 min left. (The speed is slow... only 560~Kb/s... but that is probably because I'm also downloading at the same time Death Note live action the last name, at 600 kb/s, :) )

Edit: done downloading.
Gonna try to install it.
I did the Hosts thing, now... to try to connect...
It won't let me type in my Login/Password (I press enter to start typing, but when i press a key, it does.. nothing. Only ESC work and it send me back to the previous menu)

Edit 2: Never mind that, i got it, it work, i can play now.
But why is there some stuff are in Japanese..? (or Chinese?.. or some whatever language from Asia.)

*Look at xfire game supported list*

Why is Xfire doesn't support it!?

Other than that,
Just a quick question, in the Option, Graphics/Advanced.
What is the difference between each Fog type?

My screen name is " BioAlien " (Come on, you so didn't saw that name coming.)

Sat, 04-21-2007, 11:11 AM
the differnce should obvious.
emulation fog, should be fog that is merely emulated to appear real.
vertex fog, should be fog that is rendered per vertex ( more precise)
pixel fog, should be fog that is rendered per pixel (best precision, most taxing on the system).

Sat, 04-21-2007, 11:55 AM
Sweet. I'll be on Nebula for a lot of today, so just look for me there. If you're on AIM, just send an IM to profFabulous 26.

Sat, 04-21-2007, 08:18 PM
Sadly, I'm not on AIM.
I'm on xfire, under the name : biosims

And since i just woke up... he he.. you are probably not online anymore, i will go and check anyway.

(I am level 10 now)
The nurses in this game sure are good looking. :)

Is there somekind of "buddy" list in this game?
It would be easier to find each other ' >_>

And darkshadow, Blue Burst is also Episode IV (4)