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Harima Kenji
Fri, 04-13-2007, 05:00 AM
Funimation Acquires One Piece
An interview at animeOnline with Funimation brand manager Lance Heiskell reveals that Funimation has acquired the broadcast and DVD rights to One Piece; an uncut, subtitled version of the show will be available, as well as a newly dubbed version for television broadcast. Funimation's version of the show will begin with episode 144. Further details are available in the interview.
source: ANN

At least there will be uncut DVDs now.. and the series won't be slaughtered any further.
But since it's Funimation, I'm afraid they'll start sending angry letters to the fansub groups very soon.

What do you guys/gals think, a blessing or a curse?

Fri, 04-13-2007, 05:42 AM
newly dubbed version for television broadcast

Does that mean, new voice actor? better english script? etc..?

Harima Kenji
Fri, 04-13-2007, 08:13 AM
Looks like it... I haven't seen the 4kids version, so I dont know hów much it sucked, but what i read here...

Fri, 04-13-2007, 08:31 AM
Great news, I just wish they got to start back with episode 1.

Too bad that, for now at least, the beginning of the series is still only availible in dogshit.

Hopefully they'd get the rest of it eventually like they did with DBZ.

Mr. Roboto
Fri, 04-13-2007, 10:21 AM
source: ANN

At least there will be uncut DVDs now.. and the series won't be slaughtered any further.
But since it's Funimation, I'm afraid they'll start sending angry letters to the fansub groups very soon.

What do you guys/gals think, a blessing or a curse?

it would be bad if they sent letters to the fansub groups. if they don't then i don't really care. i've only caught bits of the dubbed version and it was unbearable, not to mention that they were so far behind k-f.

Fri, 04-13-2007, 01:48 PM
it would be bad if they sent letters to the fansub groups. if they don't then i don't really care. i've only caught bits of the subbed version and it was unbearable, not to mention that they were so far behind k-f.

Did you just said the Subbed version is unbearable?

Mr. Roboto
Fri, 04-13-2007, 01:50 PM
Did you just said the Subbed version is unbearable?

ah, typo. i meant the dubbed version. the subbed version is great. i'll go back and fix that.

Fri, 04-13-2007, 04:47 PM
Interview with Funi rep Lance Heiskell. Answer a few question as to the new dub:


Fri, 04-13-2007, 07:07 PM
If it's Funimation, it also means we're back to 3 eps per DVD, which sucks. :(

*Edit: After reading through that interview after posting, I may be wrong, woot!

Fri, 04-13-2007, 09:19 PM
sucker will be there but CORKS ARE GONE!!!!! in TV version and i finaly will be able to injoy the show.

Sat, 04-14-2007, 04:28 AM
Also, they're using a whole new cast. Which is awsome, because we know the old one was ball sack.

Sun, 04-15-2007, 02:00 PM
I guess they are starting just after the filler arcs and into Skypea. I didn't bother reading the interview, cause I don't really care about this being licensed or what not, but does it mention anything of them acquiring the rights to earlier episodes and doing them? Like from episodes 1-143.

Sun, 04-15-2007, 08:33 PM
Everything but TV version vill continue from 144 most likely. And most likely will release DVD from begining (I hope).

Thu, 07-05-2007, 01:56 AM
The released their cast of new VA.

Immediatly noticed that Yamcha is playing Zoro, Trunks is playing Sanji, and Krillin is playing Usopp. :p

Thu, 07-05-2007, 09:24 AM
Yamcha = Zoro? What the fuck were they thinking? Even Piccolo's VA would be a better choice than....Yamcha....

Thu, 07-05-2007, 12:50 PM
that they are going to redo the entire show in a new dub is a pretty cool idea if they pull off a good dub. I read the interview that somebody posted and it sounds like they're going to leave it in the same kind of time slot on CN, and still be pretty much leaving the tv-aired version for kids although it should be better than the current one.

Although, this doesn't really matter to me. I can't see myself watching the entire series (currently on ep 147 or 148) in dub after seeing it all subbed, i will only be disappointed by the voices used.

Thu, 07-05-2007, 09:47 PM
Yamcha = Zoro? What the fuck were they thinking? Even Piccolo's VA would be a better choice than....Yamcha....

Yamcha's VA (Christopher Sabat) also did the voice of Piccolo as well as Vegeta and many other DBZ characters.

Thu, 07-05-2007, 11:22 PM
It does not matter if they send letters, there will always exist groups releasing OP, and it's not funicrap that will stop them =).

Mon, 08-13-2007, 05:11 PM
I have mixed feelings about this... I guess it depends on who directs the show. Funimation used to be almost as bad as 4kids (just go back and look at the middle of DBZ - season 3 and on) and you'll see what I mean. DBGT had the same kind of rap opening that One Piece had. But Funi did a hell of a job on Fruits Basket and Yu Yu Hakusho, for the most part. So if the guy that did those two gets to produce One Piece, then it'll probably be good.

Tue, 08-14-2007, 04:19 AM
To be fair, back when Funimation was doing a shitty job on the middle of DragonballZ, almost everyone was still doing a shitty job on anime. Back then everyone was still trying to americanize it before giving it to us.

Since then, Funimation has learned how to cater to anime fans. And they haven't done a really shitty series since then.

It's a lesson 4Kids will never learn because they still try and retarget every anime they get to 8-year-olds.