View Full Version : Baccano!

Wed, 03-28-2007, 02:30 AM
The official site looks nice, and from the description it sounds very interesting too, will probably have to look out for this.

TIAF07 Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls9xj7T78ok)

A.D. 1711 - Crossing the Atlantic Ocean, alchemists left their home countries heading for a new world. They obtained the “Immortal Drink” from a devil. Those who drank it became immortal, and can only be destroyed by being absorbed into another immortal's right hand.

1930s, New York - People living in the shadowy side of society, a boy named Filo and his boss, the Miser of Martillo Family, a stupid thieving couple, Isaac and Millia, the three Gandol mafia brothers, a delinquent boy named Dallas and his sister Eve, the 200 year old alchemist Cerrad and his assistant Ennis, lived unrelated lives until Cerrad rediscovers the “Immortal Drink”, and their fates become intertwined.

Aboard the Flying Pussy Foot, a transcontinental train from Chicago to New York, there are many kinds of people. For example, Goose and Sharne of the terrorist group “Remlace”, street gangs led by Jacuzzi and Nice, a murderer, Ladd, and his fiancée Lua, Senator Beriam and his daughter Mary, a delinquent boy, a conductor, an informer, etc. There are not only humans on the train, however… The legendary “Rail Tracer”, a ghost who removes passengers from the back cars, also appears.
(From AnimeNfo)

Links :
AniDB (http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=4897)
AnimeNfo (http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,3946,fhjkbs,baccano_.html)
ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=7492)
Official Site (http://www.baccano.jp/)

dark maginn
Wed, 03-28-2007, 06:16 AM
yea it sounds really interesting i will look forward for this

Mon, 04-02-2007, 05:55 AM
Just watched the trailer, this certainly looks interesting...

Seems like we'll have a lot of gangsters and mobsters in the series, hopefully it won't be short on murders, assesinations, and action. I wonder if they'll use some real people from the time period... Al Copone (even if he's from Chicago), John Dillinger, The Brady Gang, etc..

Wed, 08-01-2007, 11:16 AM
First episode and trailer by Ayu:


http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_Trailer_%5BDAE8173E%5D.mkv.torr ent

Wed, 08-01-2007, 12:50 PM
This is pretty unique, and was quite enjoyable I must say. There's so many damn characters though.

Wed, 08-01-2007, 01:14 PM
So many things happening, i guess it will be take sometime to get to actual plot.

Wed, 08-01-2007, 02:22 PM
The shows definatly interesting but it has a hell of alot going on. I'll stick with it a few more eps.

Wed, 08-01-2007, 11:23 PM
sounds crazy i give it a shot

Thu, 08-02-2007, 10:52 AM
also just watched the first episode , and indeed it has alot of interesting characters all with their own story going on, I hope next episode is going to explain alot of things.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 04:10 PM
whoa... i really liked the ep. immortals eh? i guess a LOT of things could happen. this and the VP has the best VA ever!

Thu, 08-02-2007, 05:07 PM
Oi, this is not half bad, if it developes it might actually replace FMA in my heart ..somehow the style reminds me..

Mon, 08-13-2007, 06:52 PM
no one posted this?


awesome ep (even though the beginning was slightly annoying... but introduces the characters i guess).

can't wait for the next one.

Thu, 08-16-2007, 08:48 PM
Baccano! ~ Episode 3 (version 2) ~ Ayu ~ mkv format (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano%21_-_03v2_%5B21C87935%5D.mkv.torrent)
decided i'm going to go with the speed subbers for now, i really don't have the patience to hold out on the possibility that a better group will pick it up...

Fri, 08-17-2007, 04:58 PM
ep3 started like the writers went completely crazy... i have no idea what went on.

after that... why were Miria and Isaac in the hat shop? i'm confused (and highly entertained!)

Sat, 08-18-2007, 01:44 AM
This is one crazy series. Temporal linearity is an unknown concept to the script, and even though they do seem to randomly drop those 1930 and 1931 year marks on the screen, still it's half the time impossible to know if the things being displayed were in the past or the present. And the number of characters is of course daunting. Though at the same time, because it's such a crazy series, it's remarkable how you still can, kind of, keep track of all of them. After all, if you can't expect any clearly advancing story of clear main characters, it's useless to even try to, which alleviates the viewer's situation considerably.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 03:30 AM
Just watched the first 3 episodes. This series is fucked up... that's all I'll say for now. So who's the lead character?

Sat, 08-18-2007, 10:12 PM
Yeah, Munsu took the words right out of my mouth, this series is pretty fucked up. I think the main character is Firo...they indicated that he was an "ideal" main character in the first episode and in episode 3 Firo saved Szilard Quates(the scientist who made the immortality potion). Its been good so far though and Ayu is subbing the series at a good pace, though I'll probably archive Solar's version.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 10:58 PM
No main character. I think what this mode of storytelling is trying to do is a Bokurano style of narration. The story is being told from many POVs, and there is no single character truly standing out. Everyone is practically sharing the spotlight equally as of now.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 11:11 PM
If I had to choose someone it would be Isaac and the chick with him.

Sun, 08-19-2007, 05:45 AM
Confusing as hell. The timeline keeps jumping around. Damn enjoyable show though.

I'm for Isaac and Maria.:cool:

Tue, 08-21-2007, 03:54 PM
etymology time
it just came to me today that the title is an Italian word. I was reading a book and the word was in there and i'd just finished watching.

I dug a little deeper (while seeing which VAs are which characters) and found that Narita, the creator, translates the title to "Stupid commotion!" (literally it is: "uproar/din", but 'commotion' is spot on as well.) 'Ruckus' would also be a good one.

The most common spoken expression seems to fit the creator's definition, as it's usually a derisive term: Che cos'e tutto questo baccano!?' - What is all of this
ruckus about!?

You can also fare baccano - (literally 'to do uproar') but is often understood as 'To start/create an uproar'

and, for the main character thing, I'm tempted to go with the 'no main character' thing... but the OP seems to focus so much on the duo of Isaac and Maria that, well, it just almost has to be them...

Sun, 08-26-2007, 08:48 AM
Episode 4 - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_04_%5B1093909D%5D%5B500th_Release%5D.mkv.torrent)

I don't understand why they do that, why give the black lady a different accent. Everyone in the show's white anyways and speaking English, so I see no need to do something so silly.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 02:54 PM
okay... the 1931, 1930 things are not completely random, but even when they aren't there the show skips... but they replay scenes to let us understand. it actually works, but it kinda dilutes the action a bit I think (although it could/will get really interesting)

Sun, 08-26-2007, 04:49 PM
Episode 4 - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_04_%5B1093909D%5D%5B500th_Release%5D.mkv.torrent)

I don't understand why they do that, why give the black lady a different accent. Everyone in the show's white anyways and speaking English, so I see no need to do something so silly.

Why is it silly? Because everyone in the the United States speaks the same way? There are such things as dialects you know.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 05:24 PM
And every white person in the show were of the same ethnic background? They aren't. Dialects refer to a subcategory of a major language. As we know it now, there are no dialects of English. If they were going to differentiate between the accents atleast have it varied for the other japanese VA's as well since there're New Yorkers, Italians, Southerners, and other ethnicities present that are homogenized, bar the Black woman.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 05:54 PM
We wouldn't be able to tell anyways because we don't undertand Japanese enough to see how they pronounce words differently between the characters. Kansai-ben is usually used for people from rural places, and that black woman probably is from the South, so I don't see the problem here. There are distinctions between the VAs, just hardly noticeable to us... you also have to consider that the available pool of VAs are not talented enough to make for 10 or so different dialects to satisfy your expectations. The changes in dialect in English are very subtle to Japanese speakers, just as their changes in dialects are subtle to us. The difference in the dialect from rural (the south) and urban areas are more pronounced, and easier to mimic.

Also if you notice, she's the only black lady that has that "accent". The other black dude in the show doesn't have it, since he's probably from a more educated background and probably from another area. Anyways, the main point is that Japanese usually relate rural backgrounds with the Kansai-ben version of Japanese, that's all there's to it.

You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 06:27 PM
I wouldn't say it's nothing, and I'm not black so it's nothing personal. Anyways, her accent doesn't sound anything like Kansai-ben. I wasn't making a big deal anyways, I said it was just silly. I don't disagree on the fact that there aren't many accent facets of the Japanese language catering to my expectations, but singling her out when they could've just had her speaking normally since she gets 2 lines anyways is a bit odd. Whatever, this isn't an arguement I can win, rather it wasn't supposed to be an arguement in the first place, just my opinion.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 04:46 PM
i think that's the reason why she gets the accent. to differentiate those two lines. they probably felt the voice was not enough

Fri, 08-31-2007, 06:02 PM
so this is officially rising to the top of my list right now, since the guys subbing Bokurano and Zetsubo seem to be on a vacation...

I LOVE Keiji Fujiwara as Ladd! He delivers the craziness in awesome doses and each line you feel like he really has lost it. Watching him choke that guy to death sealed it, as before I wasn't so sure whether I liked him or not.

I laughed fit to cry when Miria and Issac got hit by that car.

Strange that the one guy, Quates, says "ever since Maiza lost his senses..." because he seemed perfectly sane and normal to me in the first three episodes. I wonder what he was like, two hundred years ago or so, if he's so different now...? He's younger than that though, probably... Quates could be referring to Maiza's trust in Firo and the younger generation, which Maiza exudes in episode three

Ennis seems to be one of the oldest, especially from what she wrote to Miria and Issac in episode two... (how did she not recognize them, btw?) and because she's hanging around with Quates, who seems to be some kind of pimp-daddy of immortals.

Wtf was that thing outside the train? That one girl who was sitting in the dining car and slipped outside, did she turn into that? I'd be a little disappointed if this show turned into something where these immortals can only kill each other by fighting 'in their true forms'...

following this show isn't easy... and there's only four episodes out so far...

Fri, 08-31-2007, 09:01 PM
that "thing" might just be a stylized way of drawing someone fishy... or it could be a vampire show

Wed, 09-12-2007, 02:33 PM
5 by Ayu:

Wed, 09-12-2007, 05:06 PM
The series is really interesting due to it's unique setting, and the random gore/action. But man, it's just so confusing with their flashbacks and randomly going back to the present.

Wed, 09-12-2007, 05:09 PM
Confusing is indeed a good word to describe this series. However, I feel with this fifth episode things started to get a little bit more clear.

Wed, 09-12-2007, 08:09 PM
episode 5 was kinda freaky with the Rail Tracer and the immortal guy sucking out the other guy... but i'm getting more and more interested in this show

Fri, 09-14-2007, 12:35 AM
I have always wanted to watch anime series like this.. Baccano! is those type which makes you pause and think for a while. Well, I did that a few times.. or maybe I just can't understand without watching the same scene twice. Lol.

Fri, 09-14-2007, 01:16 AM
There is a difference between an intelligently constructed mystery and a confusing storyline presentation. Whether Baccano will fall into either one will be determined soon enough.

Fri, 09-14-2007, 01:39 AM
While that is true, unquestionably, it's still good to remember there also exists the question of style, character, and individuality (uniqueness). And you can already say Baccano succeeded in all of those categories. While anybody could create a unique show (just make it bizarre enough), it's another trick completely to do it with style.

Fri, 09-14-2007, 06:18 AM
With that I agree completely, which is what makes Baccano one of my (and should be everyone else's, well those with good taste) favorites this season. Style is something Baccano is overflowing with to the point that it can share it with the other shows this season that desperately need it (ie. *E** ** *S*K***A)

Sat, 09-22-2007, 03:10 PM
Episode 6:

Sat, 09-22-2007, 05:32 PM
It looks like just about everyone knows about the immortals. Well, it's kind of natural it's so central to the story but fortunately there's also a lot of other things going on. Even if some of those other things still are deep down connected to the immortality.

Also, I thought Miria and Issac were tougher. It's kind of hard to figure out their characters because of their 100% irrational behavior and reasoning. They'll try to do anything regardless of if they have what it takes. But still considering everything they have done I though they could at least kick some punk ass. But perhaps they have been so succesful so far because of the surprise factor and unpredictability.

One more great episode.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 12:00 PM
caught up last night...

good sweet lord in heaven, did you see Szilard "eat" Barnes with HIS HAND?!? That part was freaking absurd. So far he's the most badass motherfucker out there, although I still suspect that he's not 'the top guy'... Also, because he refers to Ennis as a Homunculis, does that mean others are potentially like her too? That is, they're created immortal, not humans who obtain immortality?

I'm actually starting to get interested in the Dallas Genoard story, although I completely could have cared less about it in the beginning.

Jacuzzi is also now tolerable in my book. That kid Czes is freaking going to be bad news... Also, what exactly is going on outside of that train?

I have a sneaking suspicion that Isaac and Miria will be very tough if they ever get serious. They got beat up by a bunch of punks, true, but I highly doubt that they're so completely helpless as they let on. Also, I'm absurdly confused because I thought Isaac and Miria received a letter from Ennis when they were out in the mountains, in 1929, but now they don't seem to know each other at all, and it's 1931... Did I miss something?

I like the story-telling style. It's confusing, but you can still follow along. It's also doing an excellent job with getting us familair with alot of the characters, and that's no small task considering how many of them there are. Also, I like the contrast between the vibrant, in-your-face gore and the old-school tension builders. I've never seen hands so totally mangled or wounds that looked so convincing. And then you'll have the old fashion pre-1969 'scare me with what you don't show' style, with long pauses in animation, focusing on sounds and music (opening the door to the bloodbath, when the girl is hiding in the closet). It's a bang-up job.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 01:33 PM
It would be nice if anyone here was bored enough to type up a simple timeline with some key events so it would be easier for us to keep up with the stories. The Ennis letter came in 1930. And it also seems that the year that Dallas was causing a lot of trouble (when he got into a fight with Isaac) was also 1930. So the mining scenes were probably a couple of months after they met Ennis.

Can you remind me when they get aboard the Flying Pussyfoot? I imagine it would be late 1930 or early 1931.

I'm tempted to rewatch the first episode again, there are a shitload of clues that we overlooked. Like this nice picture:
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5504/baccanojt0.th.jpg (http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=baccanojt0.jpg)

Isaac and Miria are there too (his ear just got cut and it healed).

Who do you guys think is Rail Tracer? I for now am leaning towards Dallas.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 02:02 PM
Dallas, eh? Well, it would nicely bring him into the latest events, but it would also require someone performed some grand experiments on him. So far I don't think anyone has even mentioned anything like that (even without names). Unless he unwittingly just drank an imperfect immortality potion somewhere.

Wed, 10-03-2007, 03:00 PM

Wed, 10-03-2007, 04:59 PM
I have to admit I was really engrossed with this episode.

Wed, 10-03-2007, 05:42 PM
Quite a history lesson.

The rail tracer was already aboard the ship? Or was it just the usual nonlinearity?

Sat, 10-06-2007, 11:20 AM
I thought Szilard was the one eating people on the ship... I thought that was pretty clear... Then again, there could have been two eaters... Also, I expect that the bit of the immortality potion that Sylvie didn't drink will become important...

Now we know Maiza and Szilard's roots... and since Szilard only has half of the knowledge, it makes me think that Ennis, who he claims to have created, is not quite immortal... She was referred to as a Homunculus, so she's not even human... but is she immortal?

However, I'm very confused about what happened with Elmer (the optimist who tried to convince Szilard and fell into the ocean) and with Huey (the guy who recited the alchemist creed and was talking with The Entity at the end). Neither of them seem to have been around in the 1900s... unless one is Rail Tracer... But The Entity seemed to take a liking to both of them. I wonder what 'wish' he granted Elmer?

Sat, 10-06-2007, 12:00 PM
When we first saw the ship, the eatings began almost instantly. Or at least you could assume they were eatings, like the dude that was snatched from the stairs. So, unless those things actually happened after the potion drinking scene, following the nonlinear nature of this show, it couldn't have been Szilard but someone else.

Sat, 10-06-2007, 12:21 PM
When we first saw the ship, the eatings began almost instantly. ... unless those things actually happened after the potion drinking scene, following the nonlinear nature of this show

There's a quick transition after the ship scene starts where it goes "The previous night"... and then that's where Maiza summons the demon and they drink the potion.

Mon, 10-08-2007, 01:09 PM
If you say you have had enough of the craziness, Miria won't agree:

Episode 8 - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_08_%5B5A345B0B%5D.mkv.torrent)

Mon, 10-08-2007, 01:15 PM
I thought Szilard was the one eating people on the ship... I thought that was pretty clear... Then again, there could have been two eaters... Also, I expect that the bit of the immortality potion that Sylvie didn't drink will become important...

Now we know Maiza and Szilard's roots... and since Szilard only has half of the knowledge, it makes me think that Ennis, who he claims to have created, is not quite immortal... She was referred to as a Homunculus, so she's not even human... but is she immortal?

However, I'm very confused about what happened with Elmer (the optimist who tried to convince Szilard and fell into the ocean) and with Huey (the guy who recited the alchemist creed and was talking with The Entity at the end). Neither of them seem to have been around in the 1900s... unless one is Rail Tracer... But The Entity seemed to take a liking to both of them. I wonder what 'wish' he granted Elmer?

I think Huey's still around. Remember those Black Suits on 1931 Flying Pussy Foot? They kept talking about completing Huey-sama's goals. Elmer was around, at the end of that episode you see Maiza talking to a much more stoic, serious looking Elmer.

Mon, 10-08-2007, 02:08 PM
Isaac and Miria are totally crazy. This was an awesome episode. The author of this story is a bloody genius.

I don't actually feel like this episode revealed that much new material as such, but at least we learned a bit more about those two wackos and the Dallas incident moved forward a bit.

Mon, 10-08-2007, 03:34 PM
Haha yeah, i love Isaac and Miria.

Did Nice blush after Jacuzzi kissed her?

Tue, 10-09-2007, 01:23 AM
It was very subtle, but I'm pretty sure I saw a bit of blushing. Anyways, Isaac and Miria are awesome, hopefully they'll kick a bit of ass before the show is over, with their 100 guns.

Tue, 10-09-2007, 04:10 AM
Definitely blushing. She just didnt show any expression. I guess that would make anyone double check (I actually did).

I miss Filo. Im hoping for some Ennis and Filo interaction soon.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 01:02 PM
man, Jacuzzi keeps getting better and better. And, animus, good point about Huey and the 'jailed leader' that the Black-suits were talking about... Guess Huey becomes a pretty important guy over those two hundred years...

Isaac and Miria are so insane. They crack me up, but I'd probably want to smack them if i met them in real life.

It was nice to see more of the Dallas and Eve story. Can someone tell me what is up with the Runorata guy who is always eating candy? Did he just let Eve go at the end? Looked like it to me.

also good character development with Ennis

Thu, 10-11-2007, 01:07 PM
It looked like he let her go on purpose. Still, it seems unlikely they would think the girl knows where Dallas is; their intelligence can't be that bad (nor should they even think a girl like that could fool anybody, anyway). So, it's a good question what they have in mind by letting her run.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 11:05 PM
I cant get enough of Ennis dammit! She is my favorite in the show as of yet.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 11:30 PM
Strange how we like the same characters......
Ennis is my favorite too.

Wow, though not all that original, Miria and Isaac are awesome.:cool:

Sun, 10-21-2007, 04:22 PM
Let none say a sane episode would have marred the beauty of this series.

Episode 9 - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_09_%5BE92E95D8%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sun, 10-21-2007, 07:59 PM
Wow... is all I really have to say about this episode.

Sun, 10-21-2007, 08:32 PM
This show...is really, the shyt.

'Call me Rail Tracer'

Sun, 10-21-2007, 10:13 PM
Next episode will definitely own. :)

Mon, 10-22-2007, 01:03 AM
Yep it was a great episode. A lot of things get revealed. But damnit, only 3 more episodes... that sucks. Here's hoping for an extension or for another season. So many great characters and few episodes to get to know them.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 12:41 AM
yea... this show has a lot of ways it could go for a season two.

but, amazingly enough, they can end a story with so many characters in only 13 eps explaining everything!

Tue, 10-23-2007, 01:48 AM
Yeah. It seems more and more, unsurprisingly, that the story is winding around the train incident, so in that sense it could very well end within the 13 episodes unhurriedly. Not that I'd wish for such a thing, but it's reasonable.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 11:43 AM
The fact that this series is only 13 episodes just breaks my heart.

I honestly think this is a work of pure genius, and many will agree with me soon enough.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 06:34 PM
man, only 3 more episodes? that makes me a sad panda...

but seriously, this episode was awesome. Although I can't seem to remember where exactly Vino / Claire came from... They could so do at least another season... maybe more around the boat voyage and the 200 years in between?

Wed, 10-31-2007, 01:52 AM
Sad pandas and boat voyages:

Episode 10 - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_10_%5B5A6C6744%5D.mkv.torrent)

Wed, 10-31-2007, 03:57 PM
It feels like a perfect length to me. Keeps the storyline fresh and the vignette format can get a little confusing the longer it goes on.

Wed, 10-31-2007, 04:12 PM
I really don't think there's any fear of this series not being confusing, short or long...

Nevertheless, Isaac and Miria are in a pinch!

Wed, 10-31-2007, 07:16 PM
Wow, I bloody love this show. Isaac and Miria are the best.

The openings so addicting. :confused: Chane and Ennis are ownage tooz.

Thu, 11-01-2007, 01:06 PM
I can't agree more about the opening being addictive. Ladd just can't stop killing. lol.

Fri, 11-02-2007, 04:57 PM
wow, this episode was so freaking awesome.

The conversation between Ladd and Csez was something wicked. Csez, as wicked and evil as he is, simply fears the true immortal (the Shadow) and those who he might ally with. He's still weak physically, and knows he's naturally at a disadvantage going up against almost every other Immortal... A kid still, but really fucked up...

Also, Huey is the man. That scene with him and Chane was something else. I suppose that ability has something to do with the "gift" he recieved from the Entity at the end of the 1700 boat voyage.

I've already said how the strange cohesion of brutal gore (kid getting shotgunned in the face!, all the blood) and the cutesy, whimsical foppery (the guy faking getting tied up, Nice and Jacuzzi's first kiss) make this show something special. But the other thing that gets to me is the sheer vast amount of unaccounted for time, unaccounted for events, between things. I mean, you could fill a dozen series just connecting the dots between the boat voyage where Maiza summoned the Entity and the 1900s crime family drama. Some characters haven't even had their origins explained, and the ones who have origins have huge missing gaps that could be a twelve episode series unto itself for each of them!

In short, I WANT MOAR!!!

Finally, did anyone else think it was weird when Eve Genoard was running away from the Runorata family, and the black guy working for the newspaper pulled her into the car? I mean, they both disappered offscreen for almost a full minute, and when they got back up in frame it was like a football player's prom night had just went down... I thought that was really strange...

Mon, 11-05-2007, 12:57 PM
If I didn't know any better I could almost believe people paid no heed to the release of the 11th episode. But of course such a thing would be impossible.

Episode 11 - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_11_%5B7A0A6E8A%5D.mkv.torrent)

Mon, 11-05-2007, 02:59 PM
PAIN, Pain, pain?!?!? Well being immortal mean you have to have no fear to pain but to what degree? Oh and don't touch ground with your hand when you are on a moving train (I LOVED that moment!).

Sat, 11-17-2007, 01:06 PM
EP 12 Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_12_%5BAEAFB556%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sat, 11-17-2007, 03:03 PM
Christ I love this show! Isaac and Miria for best characters o the year. Hooray for vehicular manslaughter Isaac!:D

Ennis had better revolt next episode.

Sun, 11-18-2007, 04:29 AM
After episode 12 I can only nominate Vino for the biggest douchebag in history award. Seriously, I've not hated a character so strongly in ages. The dude is just a prick beyond the act of prickery. I can't even find a word to accurately describe how fucking vile that guy is. Imagine the worst douchebag protagonist out there ( Kira from Gundam fame comes to mind ) then strip him of all conventional ethics and morals and add a God complex. Needless to say, this guy is nasty... yet I can't help but watch with a giggle.

Major props to Ryohgo Narita for creating such a deplorable motherfucker. The Fermet scene was made out of pure awesome too. So twisted yet so beautiful.

Ennis had better revolt next episode.
Considering she only lives because Szilard wills her to live I sincerely doubt she can revolt.

... And I hope she doesn't as it would just be so cliché.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 10:51 AM
Argh. It's over. Much too soon.

Episode 13 Final - Ayu (http://www.ayu-anime.net/torrents/%5BAyu%5D_Baccano!_-_13_FINAL_%5B98092FFB%5D.mkv.torrent)

- - - - - -

Edit: The ingredients of this show were very simple: 100% win.

I have to say, though, that it probably would take another view to really connect every detail, but even so after this last episode it doesn't feel so confused at all anymore. In the end there weren't that many separate timelines and you more or less got to know the people present in all or just some of them.

A very nice and happy ending. It suits this show well. Also having Isaac and Miria in the very last scene and as witless as ever was a fine closure indeed.

Sun, 11-25-2007, 04:57 AM
The ending was quite disappointing to me considering how bloody awesome the show had been up to it. It was just a bit too happy for my tastes and I really did not like how Huey was left hanging as the guy totally screamed awesome villain material. When he popped up during the conversation between Vino and Chane I just got some amazing goosebumps. I just know I'd love this guy so it's a shame they showed so precious little of him. What they did show was totally awesome though.

The whole Ennis deal came off as painstakingly cheesy and I have no idea why the hell Szilard was dumb enough to let the broad live despite her gradually spilling all of his secrets to Firo and crew. Sure, he wanted to kill the bitch slowly but considering she was living on his will alone I think it would have been appropriate of him to shut her blabbering mouth up. Granted, I doubt it would have mattered much as Maiza was there too. Oh well, I wish the old geezer had gone out with a bit more style.

Isaac and Miria were as usual absolutely hilarious. I rarely enjoy characters who are designed more or less purely for comical appeal but these two managed to win me over with their zany antics. All in all Baccano! definitely ends as one of the most enjoyable shows I've watched in a long time. Awesome character gallery, rich plot, delicious violence and an opening that puts pretty much everything out there to shame. Loved it!

Sun, 11-25-2007, 05:21 AM
It was pretty much given that not nearly all characters would get as much screen time as they really would have deserved. Low episode number and high number of characters can't lead to any other result. So, keeping that in mind, I didn't count that as a negative factor for the show.

What comes to the cheesiness of the ending, I hardly expected anything else. While the show presented some really gruesome graphical violence and deaths, it didn't give me, for a second, the kind of impression it would end with any sadness. That would have clashed with the style, especially considering Isaac and Miria were such central characters and they were incarnations of happy-go-luckiness. And only the worst kind of sadist worth a permaban would have hoped something bad would happen to either of those two, or to anyone close to them causing them grief.

Wed, 11-28-2007, 04:44 AM
Well finally watched the last couple of episodes, not much to say just that it was a great series. I've seen that there are quite a few novels for this series, so maybe we can get more in the future. That aside, here are the first two episosdes from a dvd source:

Also, it seems that there will be some dvd only episodes released in 2008, can't wait for them.

Tue, 05-13-2008, 03:18 AM
An inherent quality of excellence is not diluted by numbers:

Episode 14 - BSS (http://e.coli.kamosuzo.net/download.php/192/%5BBSS%5D%20Baccano!%20-%2014%20%5Bh264%5D%5B3D128607%5D.mkv.torrent)

- - - - - -

Edit: An interesting episode. Doesn't look like some empty extra one, either. This was as full of... um... well, whatever Baccano episodes are filled with as the actual series eps. It was also good to see more of Huey and Chane Laforet. Especially Huey was left a bit mysterious character in the original series. Although it's not like this clip would have revealed everything but nevertheless it was good. The wrench dude was strange and I don't remember such a dude from the first 13 eps, but he surely fits the series... (Although he got too much screen time and Miria and Isaac too little.)

Tue, 05-13-2008, 11:31 AM
Well, I'm going to wait and see if Ayu releases in the next couple days, else I'll just grab this version and watch it.

High Wind
Tue, 05-13-2008, 10:27 PM
Baccano 14 huh? Wiki says there are other ones past 13 too. Wonder when those will be out.
Anyways, it was nice to see Isaac and Miria again. Also good to see Elmer, the smile guy. I always wondered where he was during the series original run. I didn't really like that wrench guy, seems almost like a carbon copy of Ladd, who talks a bit more.

Tue, 05-13-2008, 11:38 PM
Ive seen up to 15, and it isn't finished, so at least 16 should come out. I hope for much more though.

Board of Command
Tue, 05-13-2008, 11:48 PM
Baccano needs more Chane and Rachel.

Board of Command
Sun, 05-18-2008, 11:54 PM
[BSS] Baccano! 15 (H264) (http://e.coli.kamosuzo.net/download.php/202/%5BBSS%5D%20Baccano!%20-%2015%20%5Bh264%5D%5B704C2C59%5D.mkv.torrent)

Mon, 05-19-2008, 08:55 AM
Aww... Chane has totally bewitched Rail Tracer, and completely unintentionally, no less. Poor girl has no idea what to do with the dude. A great ep even if it was devoid of Isaac and Miria.

Board of Command
Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:56 PM
[BSS] Baccano! - 16 (http://e.coli.kamosuzo.net/download.php/223/%5BBSS%5D%20Baccano!%20-%2016%20%5Bh264%5D%5B4CD8A442%5D.mkv.torrent)

We've finally reached the conclusion to this crazy story...or is there more?

I liked the scene with Rail Tracer and Rachel at the cafe. Rachel is win.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 01:56 PM
We've finally reached the conclusion to this crazy story...or is there more?

This story had no beginning or end, Carol.

It was a good episode. Certainly had the feeling of a final episode, as well, which is in a sense pretty sad, considering we already got three extra eps.

Rail Tracer might be my favorite character after Isaac and Miria, despite the little screen time he got before these extra eps. He's crazy for sure but only seemed to punish the bad guys and even made the sad Chane happy.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 09:34 PM
Favorite characters in order:

Rail Tracer