View Full Version : So I had sex with a guy last night.

Tue, 02-06-2007, 09:37 PM
Since I've been offline quite a bit lately because I'm a lazy son of a bitch I feel I owe you guys some sort of apology. This apology comes now in the form of my condensed events from last night. Prepare yourself for some really juicy stuff!

I've made out with guys before, but I haven't actually *point to the topic title* yet, until tonight that is. I was at this middle-of-the-week party, but that didn't matter to me since I've caught a cold so I'm not going to school anyway. I just walked around, minded my own business and stuff and this rather nice looking guy comes up to me and slaps my behind (I was wearing leather pants). I was like "hey, what do you want?". And he said "you". At that point I laughed quite a bit since I assumed he was one of the many anti-homo people in today's society.

Later during that night I was fucking wasted (as usual) and the guy comes up to me again and says "remember me?". I said "yeah, you were the one who slapped my ass". And he said "yeah, want me to do it again?". And I laughed. And he slapped quite a few times. I said "okay, you can stop now." He followed it up with "what, it's not turning you on?". I said "well it doesn't do it for me". Then he started kissing me without any warning and I was like OMGWTF but since I was drunk I continued. Then he dragged me along to a secluded room and well I think I'll just stop there. If anyone perchance wants a more detailed story then feel free to ask! :D

Let's just say that damn, that was better than I thought. I guess you can count me as truly flamboyant now!

God I'm so gonna get neg repped for this.

Tue, 02-06-2007, 09:48 PM


Umm... I don't really have anything to say... just "wow" and "WTF"

Tue, 02-06-2007, 09:56 PM
Do you want me to PM the details? ;D

Tue, 02-06-2007, 09:57 PM
You seriously had to make a thread about it didn't you?


Tue, 02-06-2007, 09:59 PM
Would it be me otherwise?!

Tue, 02-06-2007, 10:01 PM
Probably not.......but I didn't expect it this soon. I guess I'm losing my touch.....whatever that means.

Tue, 02-06-2007, 10:10 PM
Holy shit?! I thought this was a thread about some parody of some show until I saw it was made by Terra...

Wait Terra were you the one being fucked or the one fucking?

Tue, 02-06-2007, 10:19 PM
uh... Congrats?

Tue, 02-06-2007, 10:26 PM
part of life's mystery is figuring out yourself.

send me the gory details terra, it takes alot to make me uncomfortable.

Tue, 02-06-2007, 10:50 PM
Holy shit?! I thought this was a thread about some parody of some show until I saw it was made by Terra...

Wait Terra were you the one being fucked or the one fucking?

Both. :D :D :D

Tue, 02-06-2007, 10:54 PM
Despite having a fight with the mods and swearing on not posting here Gay sex terra brought me back. Blame Chaoskiddo for telling me.

I'll be honest. First, this is in no way unexpected. Anyone who sees otherwise please refer to many of terra's posts. Second, Gory details in this thread, making people ask for pm's is way to much work. Third, as a funny note, this makes so many flames seem so much more funny.

Tue, 02-06-2007, 11:22 PM
awkward :confused:

well at least you enjoyed it?

Tue, 02-06-2007, 11:29 PM
Despite having a fight with the mods and swearing on not posting here Gay sex terra brought me back. Blame Chaoskiddo for telling me.

It went something like this

Me: Woofcat
Woofcat: what
Me: Terra had sex with a guy
Woofcat: what?
Me: I mean...what's new?

I'll be honest. First, this is in no way unexpected. Anyone who sees otherwise please refer to many of terra's posts. Second, Gory details in this thread, making people ask for pm's is way to much work. Third, as a funny note, this makes so many flames seem so much more funny.

Ok, good job woof, your demand for the gory details has scared everyone away...although the thread title might've done that as well.

Tue, 02-06-2007, 11:47 PM
You had sex.


Tue, 02-06-2007, 11:49 PM
I believe PA says it best...


Tue, 02-06-2007, 11:55 PM
So is this the best thread ever or what?

LMAO @ the PA comic :D & everybody's reactions

You guys are a funny bunch (I'm one to talk there huh?)

dark maginn
Wed, 02-07-2007, 12:25 AM
good job......GAY POWER

(im not gay tho)

Wed, 02-07-2007, 12:27 AM
damnn this thread at first freaked me out lol

Board of Command
Wed, 02-07-2007, 12:35 AM
Terra, you bring dishonor to your family!

Wed, 02-07-2007, 12:35 AM
Holy **** omg man I did not think you would go to the gay side, wtf. The make-up I thought that was supposed to be gothic or something but you being gay is acutally hard to believe. Lets hope you did weren't the one being but rapped.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 01:06 AM
.... errr.... WTF? o__O

err... congrats?

best thread of the month...

Wed, 02-07-2007, 01:41 AM

Burn the unclean! Shun the Defiler!! AIDS AND PHAIL!!!

(so, how was it?)

Wed, 02-07-2007, 02:00 AM
someone should forward this to mut

Wed, 02-07-2007, 03:51 AM
Well, I suppose in a certain sense this is better for Terra than being just a theoretical sexfiend. And maybe for the rest of us so that when ever we refer to Terra, it's not just joking anymore.

Needless to say, there's not a single member other than Terra among the thousands who would have ever made a thread like this. And I didn't mind missing the deeper details... >_<

Wed, 02-07-2007, 04:01 AM
Uh huh...

All things aside, I hope he didn't catch your cold.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 05:50 AM
Damn, that guy has some serious pick-up skills. He got you (a non gay guy at that) to have sex with him with two sentences. That's pretty amazing... or maybe it's just that easy to pick-up drunk guys :P

I applaud you on having the guts to try it out, and admit that you liked it. high-five

Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-07-2007, 06:12 AM
Hah! Who's the flaming purple dinosaur now?! Well, perhaps not a dino but uh...purple mascara maybe? Heh, haven't posted in quite some time, but this kind of announcement tends to bring people out of the woodwork. Didn't see this coming, but somehow, I'm not surprised. Flame on!

Wed, 02-07-2007, 06:44 AM
Wow I'm still amazed by this thread, Terra. Anybody who slaps my behind is going to get something from me too. Just something unpleasant instead.....

Anyway we need more posts from you!

Wed, 02-07-2007, 08:12 AM

Not gonna comment....
"Anybody who slaps my behind is going to get something from me too. Just something unpleasant instead....."

Wed, 02-07-2007, 08:17 AM
I was thinking more of a punch or somthing but well...... that's the culture around here. We're still quite conservative about such things.....

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:37 AM
Holy **** omg man I did not think you would go to the gay side, wtf. The make-up I thought that was supposed to be gothic or something but you being gay is acutally hard to believe. Lets hope you did weren't the one being but rapped.

Well I'm not gay par se, still not fond of the thought of having a relationship with a man, it was really just a funny thing to do.

I'd comment all replies because most of them are hilarious but let's just say that I find this to be insanely stimulating. :D

I'm the true original!!!

Wed, 02-07-2007, 12:27 PM
Funny thing to do?? Hmmm....usually thats like kicking children, or putting laxitives in ur friend's drinks, not u know, anal penetration. But, more power to you for going through with it. Ur a braver man than me.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 01:37 PM
I want the details!

BTW yaoi is wowey lol.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 01:39 PM
You just had to outdo yourself didn'tyou?

Terra, you have balls...mighty swedish balls.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 03:23 PM
oh wow eww gross totally horrible you make me sick homophobia ftw!

But, makes me think and wonder, maybe I like it with guys too? Maybe dress up like schoolgirl on a football player's prom night? Details I want, will gross out the stupids and that always = roflcoptor. How big was he? Did it hurt? These are the important questions.

Terr should start posting stories of gay buttsex and many many yaoi girls flood Gotwoot, again ftw!

Seriously, it don't mean he is gay. He may just be more in touch with doggish horniness that cares not whether hole is for baby-batter or delivering mud babies to outhouses. But, if he came from having rod up poop-shoot it probb means he at least bi. Nothing like red hot flesh poker in asshole to make learn if queer or no.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 04:17 PM
oh wow eww gross totally horrible you make me sick homophobia ftw!

But, makes me think and wonder, maybe I like it with guys too? Maybe dress up like schoolgirl on a football player's prom night? Details I want, will gross out the stupids and that always = roflcoptor. How big was he? Did it hurt? These are the important questions.

Terr should start posting stories of gay buttsex and many many yaoi girls flood Gotwoot, again ftw!

Seriously, it don't mean he is gay. He may just be more in touch with doggish horniness that cares not whether hole is for baby-batter or delivering mud babies to outhouses. But, if he came from having rod up poop-shoot it probb means he at least bi. Nothing like red hot flesh poker in asshole to make learn if queer or no.

Wow....this post just exhausted me

Shadow Skill
Wed, 02-07-2007, 04:24 PM
Wait... umm... wtf...

Terra!!! After all our many hours of talk about hot Swdish babes and and and... more women in the world for me then. :) :P

Now make a comment about Choujin Locke. Hopefully someone will be interested in finding it and subbing the movies. :P

Sorry to hijack your thread for that. :P

Winged Dancer
Wed, 02-07-2007, 05:07 PM

So I just read the first post, and, uh.....

Well... you see.... I....

Well, I'm hot now. Excuse me while I go download yaoi or something.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 05:16 PM
I was almost suprised this time. It's not that hard to believe that you would do something like this. If i remember correctly guys hit on you on a regular basis when you are out partying.

And i have to agree with the people who want the details cause i want em to. Tell us everything Terra.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 05:35 PM
This doesn't really suprise me, but damn, if some guy tried to kiss me or whatever, he would find himself waking up in the hospital 3 days later >_>.
But yeah this isnt really suprising.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 05:36 PM
Whow SICK FUCKING disgusting. The scary thing of this all is everybody complimenting you.. Weird.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 06:04 PM

So I just read the first post, and, uh.....

Well... you see.... I....

Well, I'm hot now. Excuse me while I go download yaoi or something.


Well everybody part of the reason to why I didn't give a detailed summary right away is because I honestly don't remember the exact procedure. What I do know is however that we did "everything", yes, not only penetration but also oralsex. And I remember liking it. But the rest of it is like a blur, don't know how long we kept doing it and stuff.

Also, it didn't hurt. That might also be because I was fucking drunk because I hear that is a great way of nullifying pain. :S

It's pretty strange that I get hit on by guys, though. I mean I don't really look like a girl other than the fact that I use make-up. My build is rather manly. But I guess I give off those special vibes. And I did wear leather pants. And well my ass is pretty hot too...

Wed, 02-07-2007, 06:45 PM
Turkish, were you picturing it happening to you? I bet you liked it ;).

Terra, it had got to hurt the day after right?

I know of people who play around acting "gay" while drunk but i have never heard a story quite like this. I mean alot of guys have made out with guys but for something like a straight guy to do something like this. Are you really straight?

What would happen if you had the chance to do it again? Would you do it?

Wed, 02-07-2007, 06:47 PM
@Terra: Yeah it's weird. I guess people think you're gay when you're not just standing around looking cool. Cause you know, having fun = being gay.

And btw what's up with all the hostility?

"If a guy so much as looked at me I'd cut his heart out and feed it to his whore of a mother."

Come on guys. Gay guys have high standards, you should be flattered that they hit on you. :D

Wed, 02-07-2007, 06:53 PM
Well this is interesting enough to drag me out being the trolling whore that i have become. Wow terra this doesn't surprise me at all, it was bound to happen since you look so much like a woman anyway(a sexy woman). As long as you had fun, and used a condom (STD's suck).

Wed, 02-07-2007, 07:27 PM
(STD's suck)I always find it funny (ironic) when people say that something sexual sucks. "That porno sure sucked" "Damn she sucks".

I know it's not funny, it's an internal joke I have with myself...

Wed, 02-07-2007, 08:07 PM
Then again, it's hard resisting this... (BRIGHTNESS FTW!!!)




Linking the rest cuz they get a little worse:



There's room for all of you, boys ;)

Edit: Seems like this little escapade got me banned from IRC >_<

Wed, 02-07-2007, 08:40 PM
Edit: Seems like this little escapade got me banned from IRC >_<

Everyone is jealous that you got laid and they didn't.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 08:45 PM
Everyone is jealous that you got laid and they didn't.

No he just couldn't find the channel See here (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showpost.php?p=323633&postcount=709)

Wed, 02-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Seems like this thread brought out Lefty, WD, and PSJ.

Terra is becoming "shock value" incarnate.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:09 PM
Seems like this thread brought out Lefty, WD, PSJ, and, Kage

Terra is becoming "shock value" incarnate.

Yep. I want to hear mut's response.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:20 PM
I bet it would get Mut going. :D

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:35 PM
Very strange that so many people magically showed up once this thread was made...

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:37 PM
Very strange that so many people magically showed up once this thread was made...

They're all surrendering to his love..I mean with a thread that titles "So I had sex with a guy last night" who the hell could resist?

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:38 PM
....still waiting on those gritty details T-coz. I understand that that mass of gray matter between your ears might have some difficulty overcoming the damage from the alcohol, but surely you remember something! Hell, worse comes to worst, you can always ask the guy you hooked up with.

I mean alot of guys have made out with guys but for something like a straight guy to do something like this. Are you really straight?

What would happen if you had the chance to do it again? Would you do it?

These questions might take a while for you to figure out, and it'd be totally normal for you not to want to post the responses, but I'm with PSJ, these are the big questions and I want the juicy answers.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:53 PM
terra, did you start taking happy pills? because you seem more energetic than before..

i saw the thread, read the post, then had a blank look on my face for like 20 minutes. i didn't know if i should laugh or not.. the randomness..

Wed, 02-07-2007, 10:16 PM
TMI man, TMI...

Wed, 02-07-2007, 10:30 PM
....still waiting on those gritty details T-coz. I understand that that mass of gray matter between your ears might have some difficulty overcoming the damage from the alcohol, but surely you remember something! Hell, worse comes to worst, you can always ask the guy you hooked up with.

These questions might take a while for you to figure out, and it'd be totally normal for you not to want to post the responses, but I'm with PSJ, these are the big questions and I want the juicy answers.

I'd ask him, but I don't know who he is really. I might meet him again soon.. hmm...

As for the questions, I see myself as straight still since I don't want a relationship with a man, so far this was only a fun thing.. but hey.. who knows what might happen?

And if I'd do it again? under the right circumstances (=alcohol), definitely.

As for the happiness, I've been laughing nonstop lately since I downloaded a piece of porn called "Whorecraft" in which elves have sex with dwarves, warcraft style. I find it hilarious and somewhat arousing.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 10:32 PM
[21:45] <Knives> I'm gonna get one of those beds that teach me while I sleep
[21:53] <Terracosmo> it is not the bed which teaches you
[21:53] <Terracosmo> it is you who teach the bed
[21:54] <Chaos> ...touche`
[21:54] <Terracosmo> thank you
[21:54] <Terracosmo> I have acquired wisdom from sleeping with men
[21:54] <Chaos> man*
[21:54] <Chaos> unles you have more stories...
[21:54] <Terracosmo> well only hugs & kisses
[21:55] <Knives> no more stories
[21:55] <Chaos> wisdom is like AIDS
[21:55] <Chaos> or HIV
[21:55] <Chaos> you can only get it through sex
[21:55] <Chaos> or needles
[21:55] <Terracosmo> well said

there was some idiocy involving z's impression that apparently people squirt blood outta their necks normally...:rolleyes:
[21:59] <Chaos> how the hell did we get on the topic of AIDS anyway?
[21:59] <Terracosmo> because I had sex with a man?
[22:00] <Chaos> sure...
[22:00] <Chaos> let's go with that one
[22:00] <Knives> which in itself is distrubing..
[22:01] <Chaos> people are not satisfied with that
[22:01] <Terracosmo> they want to know about how I used grape juice to make me easier to access
[22:02] * Terracosmo laughs loudly
[22:02] <Chaos> Terracosmo i don't think gotwoot will be content until you draw diagrams
[22:02] <Chaos> explaining exactly what you did
[22:08] <Chaos> i give you all the diagram! http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1928/btttwu6.jpg
[22:08] <Terracosmo> butt buddy johnny lmao
[22:09] <Terracosmo> I like how I look backwards and see Knives and go like "wtf are you doing here" and Knives is like "just watching"
[22:09] <Chaos> knives, wtf you doing there?
[22:13] <Chaos> http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/4135/gfasdph7.jpg
[22:14] <Assassin> you're enjoying that way too much chaos
[22:14] * Assassin thinks terra's found a new "budyy"
[22:14] * Chaos 's name isn't johnny
[22:15] <Assassin> thats what he'll call you when hes ramming you up the pooper
[22:16] <Terracosmo> don't call it the pooper, call it the lesser gloryhole
[22:16] <Chaos> uhh
[22:17] <Assassin> lol
[22:17] <Chaos> i poop out knive's ass
[22:17] <Terracosmo> that's like calling a vagina the pisser
[22:19] <Assassin> chaos gives a shit
[22:19] <Assassin> thru knives' hole
[22:21] <Chaos> knives
[22:21] <Chaos> have you ever been sitting in class
[22:21] <Chaos> and wondered where the fuck a shit in your pants came from?
[22:21] <Chaos> now you know
[22:22] <Assassin> lol
[22:24] <Spiegel-GameComp> http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/6800/terrastoryhd9.png
[22:24] <Spiegel-GameComp> I thought i would join in on the MSPainting
[22:25] <Terracosmo> ROFL
[22:25] <Assassin> >.>
[22:25] <Terracosmo> I love the expressions
[22:25] <Assassin> my eyes dont look like that!

Wed, 02-07-2007, 10:50 PM
all i have to say to terra is:


Wed, 02-07-2007, 10:57 PM
LMAO i can't stop laughing at those pictures hahahahaha! I love it how knives is watching you from both the front and the back. lol look at knives' eyes!

Anyway, i'm just a little surprised that a slap on the ass worked on anyone! I woulda thought that being so forward would usually blow up in the persons face. Oh well, as long as you enjoyed yourself. I don't know why so many people are such homophobes in this day and age. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing as long as you want to :)

And oh i think Terra might give the Yatta boy's a run for their money.

Wed, 02-07-2007, 11:19 PM
So, Terra...

... does this mean we can go out now?


Wed, 02-07-2007, 11:24 PM
Anyway, i'm just a little surprised that a slap on the ass worked on anyone! I woulda thought that being so forward would usually blow up in the persons face. Oh well, as long as you enjoyed yourself. I don't know why so many people are such homophobes in this day and age. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing as long as you want to :)

And oh i think Terra might give the Yatta boy's a run for their money.

Well one will have to remember that Terra is not "anyone". I'm quite unique I think.
Also I'm much hotter than the Yatta boys!


I can't think of anything I want more!

Wed, 02-07-2007, 11:33 PM
What? I thought you've already done it with men. I recall you saying you've done it a couple of times; however... you were drunk, or something.

I guess you just didn't remember. >: |

Wed, 02-07-2007, 11:39 PM
And another random person arrives from magic appearance land. I guess terra's threads are like gold or something..

Wed, 02-07-2007, 11:46 PM
Speaking of random people coming from magic land..

* Y has joined #gotwoot
<Assassin> i think you should combine your channel with gotwoot
<Y> terra let's fuck


Thu, 02-08-2007, 01:01 AM
As for the questions, I see myself as straight still since I don't want a relationship with a man, so far this was only a fun thing.. but hey.. who knows what might happen?

And if I'd do it again? under the right circumstances (=alcohol), definitely.

A guy wakes up one morning with a massive hangover and the smell of sex smothering the air. He rolls over to find another guy in his bed, and his mouth drops as he hazily recalls the events of the night before as best he can.

The other guy rolls over and says, "morning there, soldier. you ready for round 2?"

The first guy freaks out, jumps out of the bed and stammers, "woah! woah! now i'm not gay or anything! I was just really drunk... and, and... I was really drunk, and I guess I'm curious about trying it with guys, at least somwhere deep down inside."

Gay guy: "Well, that's impossible."

'straight' guy: "What do you mean? I've slept with lots of women, do it all the time. I guess I'm just curious about guys too."

Gay guy: "Listen kid, I know it was your first time, but you can't just be 'curious' about being gay or not anymore. You just tried it last night, so now you know how it is and if you liked it or not."

'straight' guy: "... I suppose that makes sense."

Gay guy, after giving him a minute to think it over: "So, do you think you're gay?"

'straight' guy: "... I still dunno... I mean, yeah I guess it was fun..."

Gay guy: "Want to do it again?"

No longer 'straight' guy: ".... ... ... yup. But it still doesn't make me gay! I still like chicks, honest."

Gay guy: "shut up and suck my dick again, for crying out loud..."

This was a story reccounted to me by a friend after his first sexual experience with a guy. Today he is out and living in San Fran. I think it might apply somewhat to the discussion at hand, since figuring that shit out is sometimes just a matter of listening to your emotions. On the other hand, whether you want a relationship with a guy is difficult to figure. I've met (and dated) some pretty 'masculine' chicks (ROTC girl's abs I will never forget...and the shit she made me do...), and seen plenty of gay guys who are all sorts of feminine. All in all, if you're attracted to both sexes, the relationship thing is just a matter of finding the right person, gender being a flip of the coin. If you really enjoy sex with girls, or guys, more than with the other sex, yeah it's going to impact the utility yielded from the relationship, as sex is at least the second most important thing in most relationships. But, you never know until you try...

The one obstacle that can really bring down a same-sex relationship is dealing with homophobia and finding a comfortable space to live "out of the closet". But that's a societal problem, not a personal one.

i used 'utility yielded' to talk about a gay relationship...

Thu, 02-08-2007, 01:10 AM
you can live next to me :) I don't know about my neighbors but i have absolutely no problems with gay men/women.

You'd probably like the concerts I go to as well :)

Thu, 02-08-2007, 01:49 AM
i think Danad_Corps is hitting on terra

Thu, 02-08-2007, 02:07 AM
haha couldnt help but laugh thru all 4 pages... guess this topic really does attract people. i saw the title n didnt want to read it and then a couple mins later found myself laughin at this thread.

and uh... congrats terra?

Thu, 02-08-2007, 10:04 AM
i should really get back on irc..just to see the hilariousness...and 'magical appearance land' LOL!!!

Thu, 02-08-2007, 10:13 AM

Thu, 02-08-2007, 10:45 AM
I can't believe it took four years for him to make this thread.

Thu, 02-08-2007, 11:06 AM
lmao@ Y hitting on Terra, and Knives' voyeurism.

Neg repped for being an attentionwhore.
Just try and make him deny it!

Thu, 02-08-2007, 12:26 PM
Note to myself, do not post in a thread named "So I had sex with a guy last night" when on the main computer connected to the projector in the room that's on from the last lesson...

Thu, 02-08-2007, 03:16 PM

this guy made me think of you terra.

Thu, 02-08-2007, 06:40 PM
I really don't know what to say except congratulations? Things must be a riot in irc right now...lol.

And Terra, even if you decide to swing the other way, you will still be my best Swedish friend.

Thu, 02-08-2007, 07:26 PM

this guy made me think of you terra.

:confused: I just watched that and i'm.....speechless.


Please tell me that is NOT an actual music video. It looked/sounded like an advertisement for chiquita bananas! i really don't know what to say about that...ima go read now :confused:

Thu, 02-08-2007, 10:38 PM
wahey. i see how it is. leaving me for another guy :(

Thu, 02-08-2007, 10:45 PM
wahey. i see how it is. leaving me for another guy :(

Who the fuck are you?

Thu, 02-08-2007, 10:46 PM
Earth shattering revelation.

Fri, 02-09-2007, 12:26 AM
Look who crawled out from the depths, or at lesat a very convincing replica.

Fri, 02-09-2007, 10:39 AM
wahey. i see how it is. leaving me for another guy :(

terra's lovers are as numerous as the stars in the sky!

and roflcopter at mut coming back.... to get banned again...

Fri, 02-09-2007, 11:05 AM
terra's lovers are as numerous as the stars in the sky!

and roflcopter at mut coming back.... to get banned again...

Mut and Y aren't allowed here...they bring too much fun to the forums

Fri, 02-09-2007, 11:12 AM
Mut and Y aren't allowed here...they bring too much fun to the forums

And we just can't have that....:rolleyes:

Fri, 02-09-2007, 12:21 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen.

... Really, I can't believe that I'm the first to say it after nearly nine pages.

Fri, 02-09-2007, 02:29 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen.

... Really, I can't believe that I'm the first to say it after nearly nine pages.

Yeah, I'm sure we all like to see pictures of two swedish men having gay sex. :rolleyes:

Fri, 02-09-2007, 05:21 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen.

... Really, I can't believe that I'm the first to say it after nearly nine pages.

Why would we need pictures? It's Terra.

Sat, 02-10-2007, 04:39 AM
For some reason it just doesn't seem to be real until it's imortalized for ever on the internet for all to see.

OT: I got neg rep for posting in this thread, makes me want to go back into self enforced exile.

Sat, 02-10-2007, 12:17 PM
Theres only one thing that need to be said about this ........ OUCH!

Sat, 02-10-2007, 03:40 PM
I take a little break from the forums and this is what happens, I can't say I am surprised.

Well you had fun Terra and i guess that is all that you wanted out of it.

It is hard to believe that this is actually normal when talk about a person. I guess Mr. Cosmo is the exception.

All i have to say is, Terra you may not be gay, but you sure are bent....

Another day in the life of terra..... well it certainly isn't boring. :p

Sun, 02-11-2007, 05:00 PM
DB_Hunter you suck. I used to like you. I think.

Also, for the rest of you, get out of my thread. You're ruining my flamboytant self-promoting attention whore thread-thingy.

Oh and I had sex outdoors yesterday. It was fucking cold. But I'd do it again.

It was with a woman btw.

Sun, 02-11-2007, 07:31 PM
DB_Hunter you suck. I used to like you. I think.

Also, for the rest of you, get out of my thread. You're ruining my flamboytant self-promoting attention whore thread-thingy.

Oh and I had sex outdoors yesterday. It was fucking cold. But I'd do it again.

It was with a woman btw.

Hope your Bollox aren't frost Bitten. That doctor visit would be memorable.

Sun, 02-11-2007, 08:23 PM
Off-topicness moved to its own thread (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=14354).

Mazaltov, Terra.

Mon, 02-12-2007, 06:19 PM
I think Terra's gay.

Wed, 02-14-2007, 01:58 PM
I haven't been so much on GW lately. It was a funny surprise. Well I skimmed through the thread, it was pretty fun. I don't think I saw the word: bisexual. Maybe your just bi.

Anyways grats Terra.

Shadow Skill
Wed, 02-14-2007, 11:18 PM
Just waiting for a thread titled "So I had sex with a Terracosmo last night." to popup and watch the community get into a jealous uproar. :P

Terra's not gay, he's confusued. :P (j/k)

Wed, 02-14-2007, 11:57 PM
I prefer the term "positively fucked up"

Thu, 02-15-2007, 10:32 AM
Terra, just to let you know, If I was Gay, I would totally be all over your ass before you would be able to stop me.


Fri, 02-16-2007, 01:53 PM
I've been gone from the forums for a bit and this is what I see when I come back. Terra you just gave me an awesome laugh.

Mon, 02-19-2007, 07:13 PM
I'd ask him, but I don't know who he is really. I might meet him again soon.. hmm...

As for the questions, I see myself as straight still since I don't want a relationship with a man, so far this was only a fun thing.. but hey.. who knows what might happen?

And if I'd do it again? under the right circumstances (=alcohol), definitely.

As for the happiness, I've been laughing nonstop lately since I downloaded a piece of porn called "Whorecraft" in which elves have sex with dwarves, warcraft style. I find it hilarious and somewhat arousing.