View Full Version : My address banned on irc? Could use some help
Thu, 01-11-2007, 08:31 PM
I havnt even used IRC for ages but i tried to jump on ther to DL some manga and it says im unable to connect to channel because my adress is banned. Doesnt say why or anything, and I have no clue cause I havnt used IRC in almost a year. If someone could help me resolve this issue it would be greatly appreciated.
Thu, 01-11-2007, 10:17 PM
Well If your going to any of the channels on our server there are no bots you can download anything off, if that is what your refering too.
Second the ban list has been cleared, try again.
Thu, 01-11-2007, 10:26 PM
I should warn you if you do get in and try to download anything you take a risk...some people don't take kindly to people spamming download commands in the channel.
Fri, 01-12-2007, 12:33 AM
wow feeling some hostility, when all i did was even try to connect to a channel and it wasnt gotwoot. It was for the latest manga release for Fairy Tale @ kifi on irc.highway whatever its called. Also I had tried to visit a Channel for a gamming forum i visit and couldnt get on there either, and like I have said before then, I had not used IRC for atleast 8 months so I have no clue as to why i would be banned or even how i would be banned. I dont do things im not supposed to do, how would i get unbanned, is there a way to find out for what reason i was banned? Im rather clueless when it comes to IRC, last time i was on i barely learned to regiter my nick so i could visit gotwoot's IRC chan. Stuff like this sucks, I dont know what I did wrong.
Fri, 01-12-2007, 12:36 AM
Second the ban list has been cleared, try again.
Read above, Deadfire cleared it. Try again.
Fri, 01-12-2007, 01:29 AM
Guys... he isn't referring about gotwoot's chan, but Irc in general.
I think that, since you haven't used irc on 8 months, you got an outdated irc client that got banned because of poor security. Try another client.
Fri, 01-12-2007, 02:14 AM
im surprised ryouga is the only guy who could figure out that foomanchew wasn't talking about our irc channel. either the rest of you dont bother reading posts, or you're all stupid.
anyways, what he said was probably correct, an updated version, or a completely different client might help resolve the issue. It could also be that the server you're trying to connect to has banned your isp due to abuse or an influx of retarded users.
if i recall correctly wilik almost banned a country from accessing MT once cuz of some mega leechers or some such. Could be something similar heppening here.
Fri, 01-12-2007, 02:27 AM
Outdated Mirc program? That makes sense. I will have to find a new client to use, any suggestions, was using Mirc. Also as said I could not connect to irc.highway or Rizon I believe, cant remember but two different servers. Will try new client tomarrow, thanks for the suggestions guys =) I use IRC rarely but I do like to be able to use it.
Sun, 01-14-2007, 06:50 AM
Outdated Mirc program? That makes sense. I will have to find a new client to use, any suggestions, was using Mirc. Also as said I could not connect to irc.highway or Rizon I believe, cant remember but two different servers. Will try new client tomarrow, thanks for the suggestions guys =) I use IRC rarely but I do like to be able to use it.
You can continue to use mIRC, you can just get the latest version 6.21 from their site
Sun, 01-14-2007, 01:41 PM
it might be the change from to just
connect to channel because my adress is banned.
Channel is specified, i did read the post.
Sun, 01-14-2007, 02:10 PM
Woofcat, he already explained himself as not trying to get in to #gotwoot nor into the gotwoot server. He's trying to get in elsewhere.
@Foomanchew: Next time you try, copy paste here the exact messages you're getting and also do tell the exact commands you're entering.
Sun, 01-14-2007, 04:32 PM
Bud, If you read my post (and you didn't) you would note that i suggested it might be the change from to And if he had his client set to auto join the server it would not resolve.
Then i proceeded to point out that earlier he had specified the term "Channel" leading me to believe he could already connect to the server and this was a channel based problem.
Sun, 01-14-2007, 04:51 PM
Bud, If you read my post (and you didn't) you would note that i suggested it might be the change from to And if he had his client set to auto join the server it would not resolve.
Then i proceeded to point out that earlier he had specified the term "Channel" leading me to believe he could already connect to the server and this was a channel based problem.
I did read your post, and everything posted is immaterial to his problem. And that's my point, I don't know why you keep bringing and up. Wether he's using or doesn't matter because he has no interest in joining the GotWoot server. He's trying to join some channels in and in and apparently to those servers themselves, so again stop bringing up and anything having to do with the gotwoot server because it's not of importance to Foomachew's problem. So, if someone needs to learn how to read it would be you.
And just for argument sake, does resolve to the gotwoot server. So once again, you're mistaken.
Sun, 01-14-2007, 04:53 PM
True, and thank you for pointing out my error.
So why the fuck is he asking us about rizon and some groups release channel?
Sun, 01-14-2007, 04:57 PM
He simply has some trouble using IRC, and as he explains, he is entirely clueless on his understanding of IRC. Doesn't matter where he's trying to join, but until we know what specific commands he's entering we can't be entirely sure of what his problem is, hence why I asked him to post those.
He could very well be banned from some channel unrelated to us, which we would be of no help. But it could be the case that his problem lies on something he's entering wrong and something he's doing wrong on IRC in general, and that we can help him with.
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