View Full Version : Bleach 109 Discussion

Sat, 01-06-2007, 12:17 AM

Here it is. Can not wait to see what happens. I hope it isn't more filler. :cool:

Sat, 01-06-2007, 02:01 AM
And thus... the fillers end!

Nice episode btw. Although I wonder why they left one bounto alive and Yoruichi helped...

Sat, 01-06-2007, 02:14 AM
Finally its about time fillers ended.

Sat, 01-06-2007, 02:31 AM
yay its over.. whats up with the troll bleach?!?

Sat, 01-06-2007, 02:51 AM
FIllers are at an end, Always a happy moment!
Also I have to say that I could not help but laugh at the opening scene between Renji, Ichigo and Byakuya.

Edit: I just realized I had not watched the Preview for next Ep. and it just had to prove me right in my assumption of Kenichi and my favorite little vice-captain as the best combo in Bleach.

Sat, 01-06-2007, 02:56 AM
great ep, not just cause it ended the filler ( oh god those animated manga scenes looked freaking wicked! :O:O:O), but also cause of the second half, with ichigo looking back at how it started and all ( i really like the bleached out spirit world look back then =( )

Sat, 01-06-2007, 05:01 AM
Its certainly about time these ended and I can't help but be happy about tha much.

On the other hand this episode was really odd for me everything in it was all over the place. On top of that they still left factors around that could cause some issues in future episodes... I mean the filler mod souls are still around and from the looks of it not going anywhere. I really didn't like the way they managed this episode there was no reason to have a Bounto survive after we watched them all die.

That being said atleast next week we finally have what looks to be a nonfiller to look forward too.

Sat, 01-06-2007, 06:35 AM
It was a bit sleepy episode, but I suppose it ended the filler arc nicely enough. Headphones surviving was, on the other hand, somewhat to be expected since good guys rarely have died in this series, as was demonstrated in the SS arc already, when none of the victims of Aizen ended up dead, just wounded. And Headphones did, at the end, turn against Kariya, making him a better man than the rest of the ilk. He would have been better-off dead in my opinion, but what can you do...

The preview didn't tell that much to me, but then again, I haven't read the manga. So, I'm just eagerly looking forward to it with the word development on top in my mind.

Golden cup was great once again. It's nice how they had somebody among the writers who could keep 'em fine during this full year.

dark maginn
Sat, 01-06-2007, 08:08 AM
good eps great that fillers ended

Sat, 01-06-2007, 11:37 AM
End of fillers, yay! This just made my day. ^_^

Now if only Naruto would follow...

Sat, 01-06-2007, 12:09 PM
i actually watched this episode, and have no clue what the heck went on in the whole filler arc.... but i'm glad i missed it and that I can start watching this show again!

Sat, 01-06-2007, 03:06 PM
A really nice episode which reminded me of why I love the show to begin with... I'm guessing they left headphones alive so they could potentially use him in a future filler section and by bringing him back making it seem less of a filler.

Kon needs to get back into ichigos body, he was awesome back then... So this is now non-filler? (non-manga-reader)

Sat, 01-06-2007, 03:58 PM
YESS, and its gonna be badass beyond words =D

Sat, 01-06-2007, 04:16 PM
A wonderful episode, the prequel vignettes were a nice touch and the Bounto arc feels like it got complete closure.

Now to reprise my role as filler Devils Advocate, just because some things that we manga readers recognize are in one episode preview doesn't mean the fillers will definitely end. I distinctly remember a few scenes in one Naruto filler ep that I'd seen somewhere else but that was near the beginning of those fillers and they kept right on going with the fillers afterwards. While hope is all well and good I think crushed hopes hurt worse so I think people should be cautious in their optimism.

Sat, 01-06-2007, 09:44 PM
An ok episode.
The last part got me so exited that I actually screamed ALL RIGHT!!!!! when I saw it. I dont know why but I didnt really see it coming at least not yet. This year is going to rock Bleach and Naruto are back on line.

Sat, 01-06-2007, 11:03 PM
I don't like seeing Ichigo serious/emo, it takes away from his character. Although it is very unlikely that the would continue filler (based on the end of this episode), I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm looking forward to the movie more than this next arc for some reason.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 12:23 AM
Be optimistic! Even though the fillers could continue for 600 more pointless arcs *coughnarutocough* I think they are finished here. And, for those that are doubtful of the quality of the next bit of the story, you can't possibly comprehend how f'ing awesome it will be. I'm serious.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 01:58 AM
Now to reprise my role as filler Devils Advocate, just because some things that we manga readers recognize are in one episode preview doesn't mean the fillers will definitely end. I distinctly remember a few scenes in one Naruto filler ep that I'd seen somewhere else but that was near the beginning of those fillers and they kept right on going with the fillers afterwards. While hope is all well and good I think crushed hopes hurt worse so I think people should be cautious in their optimism.

No one will listen, they all believe fillers are over because of the last scene and the preview and because they're 12 year olds. Next week their hopes will be crushed when the next filler arc starts, then we'll get months of incessant whining because the fillers didn't end on cue. Pretty pathetic.

Nice episode, though confusing to follow at times. I love their closure episodes because everyone is so laid back and cool. Once again, the difference between a good episode and a bad one was the background music.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 02:58 AM
thats just being pessimistic, all of the preview scene was manga, plus the way ichigo and co went back was almost in the same manner as in the manga ( same place, same gate same etc... )

Sun, 01-07-2007, 03:12 AM
I have not watched any of the fillers, do I have to watch them to understand what is going on?

Sun, 01-07-2007, 03:14 AM
Be optimistic! Even though the fillers could continue for 600 more pointless arcs *coughnarutocough* I think they are finished here. And, for those that are doubtful of the quality of the next bit of the story, you can't possibly comprehend how f'ing awesome it will be. I'm serious.

I think you proved my point more then I would ever have too

Naruto killed my Optimism of when fillers well end

This was a nice ep though...

Sun, 01-07-2007, 03:40 AM
I have not watched any of the fillers, do I have to watch them to understand what is going on?

I seriously hope not. While I watched them all, I only hope not a trace of them is left in the next arc, or just a few inconsequential references that you can shrug away (like the fate of some filler characters - they could run out of batteries for all I care).

Sun, 01-07-2007, 03:47 AM
Animeniax, still intentionally generating negative rep like it's water and he's lost in the desert.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 04:10 AM
Can anyone take a guess as to how many episodes ahead the manga is? Or at least at which chapter the story broke off?

Sun, 01-07-2007, 11:11 AM
Animeniax, still intentionally generating negative rep like it's water and he's lost in the desert.

Darthender, still making useless posts with zero contribution to the topic to bash on others.

Anyway, I liked this episode, not only because it's the end of fillers, it was just a nice episode. And I really liked that whole "Is fate a line extending forward, or is it a closed circle from which we must break free?" bit. I only listened to it once and didn't really analyze it, so to me it sounded profound :)

Sun, 01-07-2007, 11:57 AM
Animeniax, still intentionally generating negative rep like it's water and he's lost in the desert.
Nah, it's not my intent, but I realize it will happen and don't care. The truth must be spoken.

I checked this thread for a recap of episode 109, and all I read is "fillers are over" over and over. No real contribution to the thread *ahem mods, do your job*, just repeated adamant claims of something that can't be proven until next episode.

The animation of the main characters was awesome, then they reverted to filler animation quality for the filler characters. Or maybe the filler chars just always look poorly done.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 03:18 PM
well if it continious with the blond guy i believe it's gonna be the main story from now on

Sun, 01-07-2007, 03:42 PM
To whoever asked about chapters. The last chapter I remember seeing animated before the filler arc was volume 21 chapter 181, and the things that people seem to think indicate the end of fillers are coming from volume 21 chapter 184-185. Read if you dare...

Also the most recent chapter was volume 29 chapter 257 so 77 chapters divided by about 2.5 chapters per episode comes to around 30 eps, but there's probably room for more padding in certain places.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 04:02 PM
Be optimistic! Even though the fillers could continue for 600 more pointless arcs *coughnarutocough* I think they are finished here. And, for those that are doubtful of the quality of the next bit of the story, you can't possibly comprehend how f'ing awesome it will be. I'm serious.

Thats the thing. I read the manga and I don't find it to be all that appealing for reasons I won't post here. Maybe the animated version will make it better, who knows?

Sun, 01-07-2007, 05:27 PM
Thats the thing. I read the manga and I don't find it to be all that appealing for reasons I won't post here. Maybe the animated version will make it better, who knows?

I read the manga as well (So I'm not counting unhatched eggs as far as fillers being over), and I think the next bit is pretty darn good, or great when compared to what we've been seeing in this filler arc. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 06:29 PM
A question sorry.

The Fillers are Over, everyone is Saying. Meaning that 109 is NOT a filler?
Or.. ?
I have stopped watching Bleach since these fillers started and simply wondering should I get 109, or is 110 where it continues?

Sun, 01-07-2007, 06:35 PM
The last 10 seconds or so of 109 is non filler.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 07:02 PM
I read the manga as well (So I'm not counting unhatched eggs as far as fillers being over), and I think the next bit is pretty darn good, or great when compared to what we've been seeing in this filler arc. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Oh I definitely think the next bit is much better than filler, but it isn't as good as the Soul Society story. The Soul Society arc seemed to have more of the suspense/surprise factor, which I think the next arc is lacking. Thus, I'm not as excited as I originally thought I would be.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Well gee thanks dorkmetal505 for ruining the next arc for me. Isn't there a rule against spoiling like that?

@okyd: You have to watch episodes 66-109, they added some storyline to each episode. Otherwise, you'll miss out on what happens.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 09:09 PM
Well gee thanks dorkmetal505 for ruining the next arc for me. Isn't there a rule against spoiling like that?

@okyd: You have to watch episodes 66-109, they added some storyline to each episode. Otherwise, you'll miss out on what happens.

Besides the fact that I just posted an opinion and nothing about the actual content of the next story line...

How the heck are you claiming that he'll miss out on what happens if you yourself have not read the manga.

Don't listen to him Okyd because the filler added nothing, unless you want to think that intergrating the filler story line will be essential to understanding future events.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 09:35 PM
When your opinion involves future arcs, then that's spoiling. You've just ruined the entire next thread for me and everyone else. Way to go! Enjoy being banned for a while.

@okyd: You can't get the whole story unless you watch all the episodes. Might as well just watch the odd numbered shows if you're not going to watch them all.

Wow, the animation in 109 is really good. Did anyone notice that Rukia sat closer to Renji than Ichigo when they were sitting together? Could it be because she sees Renji as more of a brother than a possible love interest?

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 01-07-2007, 10:21 PM
He didn't ruin anything, stop being such a fucking infant all the time.

I enjoyed the Bleach fillers quite a bit in the end, but I'm glad they're over. I can't believe everyone was included in the fillers except the two greatest characters, Don Kanonji and Ichigo's dad. Shameful.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 10:31 PM
Besides the fact that I just posted an opinion and nothing about the actual content of the next story line...

darkmetal has done nothing wrong that would warrant a ban. He only posted an opinion about the next arc, not any actual CONTENT (aka spoiling) of what is to come. So please, stop getting all worked up over this Animeniax. Just because he may not like it doesn't mean that you won't either. Now, let's get this thread back on topic here.

Sun, 01-07-2007, 11:40 PM
ok guys calm down. This is not the thread for it. let it slide. Please.

This episode what nice I really enjoyed it. There was alot of back stories and prior information in it. So I am guessing that is why it is not considered a filler episode. But whatever you may classify it as, it was o good episode.

Some intense emotions and times and a few questions that is left to be contemplated upon for both the characters and us the Bleach watches.

All in all it was a good way to finish/ begin and arc. Very nice. It gave the series time to breath and us the anime fans a little time to reflect and re-remember some of the past events. A little refresher if you will of the main storyline.

Looking forward to the next episode. Can't wait to see what the come up with next, both story wise and animation wise.

Mon, 01-08-2007, 12:32 AM
Sweet, 10 neg reps in a row and I'm still under -500. The people who neg rep me must have little rep power. Shows how much I should listen to them.

I'm just worried you people are so hyped up that the fillers are over that if they don't end next week, then the bashing and whining begins again, just like with the Naruto fillers. I don't think I could take another round of that.

109 was a great episode, with a lot of material from the past and some for the future. I always wished they had expanded more on the past material. That'd be a great way to make each anime episode cover fewer manga chapters so there could be more anime episodes. Like I always felt Rukia got busted by the shinigami too soon, so there wasn't enough time to develop her relationship with Ichigo. So when Ichigo goes to SS to save her, I'm like, why does he care so much, they hardly know each other. Plus, her living in his closet was too funny.

Mon, 01-08-2007, 06:35 AM
cause he thought rukia was gonna die ( which she was ), ichigo doesnt abbandon his friends, also his name means protector, or something ( no not strawberry), he was compelled to save her =D

Mon, 01-08-2007, 07:54 AM
Left to right, the Western way.
http://forums.gotwoot.net/gallery/files/9/7/6/2/tenthousandyears_thumb.jpg (http://forums.gotwoot.net/gallery/files/9/7/6/2/tenthousandyears_original.jpg)

- - -

Also, I believe Inoue answered that question best: Rukia not only saved Ichigo's life but changed his world by granting him the power to defend and fight for his friends. So, she's a very important person for him. Even if they haven't known each other for such a long time, Rukia changed profoundly Ichigo's life, and it was for the better, like Ichigo himself said.

Mon, 01-08-2007, 07:31 PM
Some one give Kraco a bone, cause that dog sure dug up the truth. What Kraco said is right, not only did she save and change his life she gave him some place that he belongs and could actually do something with his powers. You could say that she was the first person to truly see him for what he is. Also she saved his family or a better way to put it she gave him a way in which to protect them, where as he was powerless to protect his mother.

Remember he use to be a really cheerful kid and he wanted to protect his Mom, cause no matter the what the situation was she was one that brought a smile to his face.

/me gives Kraco a KitKat home made cookie...... don't tell her i was lurking in her oven.....

Tue, 01-09-2007, 11:07 PM
Sometimes I kept seeing Rukia as a pedophile... she is way older than Ichigo (hehehe).

But yeah, she must mean a lot to him. He did go to Soul Society to save her (duh to Dragon Rage, hehe)

/me steals all the KitKat home made cookies that Dumbass stole, and eats em.


Wed, 01-10-2007, 02:41 AM
Well, she does have similarities to R.Kelly. You know... being trapped in a closet and all. =D

Wed, 01-10-2007, 11:41 AM
I have always thought Rukia liked Ichigo but being from the two different societies she put her self under the impression it could never work out. Her "brother" just seems to re-enforce that Idea every time he forces Ichigo out of Soul Society because he "Doesn't belong here."

Sometimes I kept seeing Rukia as a pedophile... she is way older than Ichigo (hehehe).

I Thought of that too, it just kinda makes me laugh and think of Ichigo as a MILF Hunter.

/me wishes he had some homemade KitKat cookies, The taste still lingers lingers from the last time he ate the delicious fruit of her labor.

Wed, 01-10-2007, 01:00 PM
/me has had Kitkat cookies, brownies and other baked goods before (In real life BTW)

Rukia's attitude towards Ichigo varies throughout the series. At times, she is a bickering adversary, and at other times, she worries about him and dispatches advice like a wise old sage. Most scenes are shown with her and Ichigo yelling and making faces at each other. Despite these quarells, the two have a deep understanding of each other, often being the only ones able to talk each other out of a event. However, there is a deeply serious side to Rukia as well, best shown during the time she was taken back to Soul Society for giving her powers to Ichigo. In her time in Soul Society, which she spent in various holding cells, she is constantly seen resigned to her fate or in deep thought. She and Ichigo also have similar feelings of loss and guilt. Ichigo thought he was responsible for his mother's death and Rukia's execution. Rukia thought she was responsible for the death of Kaien Shiba and considered Ichigo's death (Because she thought he died) her fault. These two are very much a like, however I'm thinking that it's more friendship or comradeship then anything else.

However I could be wrong and looking at it the wrong way...

Wed, 01-10-2007, 01:20 PM
These two are very much a like, however I'm thinking that it's more friendship or comradeship then anything else.

However I could be wrong and looking at it the wrong way...

Let's hope you are wrong. For a knife between shoulder blades doesn't feel good, and that's what you will get for predicting Ichigo and Rukia aren't anything but friends.

Wed, 01-10-2007, 08:02 PM
/me pokes Deadfire the eye..... flaunting the fact that you had the real thing.... damn commie... :mad:

Deadfire, I believe that you're wrong about the friendship thing. It is a very dysfunctional relationship but they do have deep feeling for each other. It is not a a physical one (duh... fucking Deadlast :p ) but it is an emotional one. Both of them recognizes that they both try to shoulder their problems and the problems of others by themselves and in turn want to help the other one out. But it is even more than that, from the beginning; the first time they met, their relationship has been unique, and I believe that this is the foundation for a very strong bond between them. He gave her a place where she could once again be herself and experience new things and she in turn did the same for him. It is not yet a boyfriend/girlfriend love type thing, but it is certainly love, and a little more than friendship. But I think that it will become so in the future, they haven't had enough time for it to have grown but there were moments were it could be seen throughout the series..... (I could be totally wrong since I don't read the manga...) Anyways that is what I think.

Edit: LMAO This is just priceless...... Thanks guys/ girls.


Wed, 01-10-2007, 08:22 PM
I got the same neg rep one minute before you.
There's a little idiot around here. Oh well.

Back on topic...

I agree with you Dumbass. They definitely have feeling growing between them, they just haven't had the time with Hollows and the Execution.

Sadly, this is another Shounen series where if something were to happen between characters it will only be shown as flashbacks after time jumps or whatever.

Happens everytime.