View Full Version : Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Fri, 12-22-2006, 01:05 PM
Fri, 12-22-2006, 01:20 PM
So it finally has a title huh. I can't wait for this book to come out :p
Fri, 12-22-2006, 03:10 PM
Lol Bleach meets Harry Potter
Cant wait for this book to come out. I hope its the best one yet :D
Fri, 12-22-2006, 03:31 PM
interesting title... sure foreboding...
oh, and let this be the first and only warning: Spoiling on this book will not be tolerated. You can link to articles, make theories, all that, but no spoilers on the actual forums. You can link to something, but it has to be labeled properly and I don't want people discussing any spoiler contents lying within those links.
If you do spoil I will permaban you. I'd do much worse things if I could find out where you live. No excuses, no leniency, no drama. This is the only warning.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 08:36 PM
If you do spoil I will permaban you. I'd do much worse things if I could find out where you live. No excuses, no leniency, no drama. This is the only warning.
I love his dedication to that end.
On another Note, I cannot wait till it comes out. I am reading the previous book again right now to refresh my memory.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 08:54 PM
Interesting name.
But Im more interested on the publishing date.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 11:48 PM
I'm getting the feeling that a lot of forum members like the Harry Potter series. Personally I've never been interested in the books and at first thought they were just some childish prattle that was the rage in England and with WASP mothers in the US. However I've never craked the cover on any one of them so I haven't fully closed my mind to them. Since so many people here share in my tastes i'm wondering if I should give them a try, can anyone think of something they compare to so I might get an idea wheather I'd like the series or not?
Sat, 12-23-2006, 12:50 AM
how about you just watch the 4 movies. if you like then, go for it, id you dont, well then dont.
but dont base your decision on the second movie, cuz that was utter crap. the 3rd and 4th are pretty decent.
Sat, 12-23-2006, 01:32 AM
how about you just watch the 4 movies. if you like then, go for it, id you dont, well then dont.
but dont base your decision on the second movie, cuz that was utter crap. the 3rd and 4th are pretty decent.
I don't know about that man. I really hated the movies because they take out a whole bunch, and just add w/e they want at times. Read book 1 if you dont like it just stop there. It is also the shortest of the 6 out,so you won't have as much trouble with it.
Sat, 12-23-2006, 01:36 AM
can anyone think of something they compare to so I might get an idea wheather I'd like the series or not?
Hmm... trying to compare Harry Potter to something is a bit tough. It's a fantasy series and with any good fantasy, the world the author creates needs to be pretty damn convincing. I'd say that JK Rowling does a great job in that department... not to mention how fun it is to read about how a clock works in a certain house (for example). I mean, if a sci-fi book pauses to explain to me how a stupid clock works, I'll yawn and move on to something else. The world Rowling creates is convincing AND fun to read about. It tickles the kid in you.
Also, the books mature a lot as you keep going. The first book may have been exclusively geared towards your average grade school kid but by the 3rd or 4th one in, you realize that this storyline isn't just shits and giggles. Of course, you'll have to let pass some cheesy drama every once in a while but I didn't ever think that those mishaps detracted from the main storyline. JK Rowling is really good at capturing the attitudes and viewpoints of different age groups. Her character work is quite solid.
Basically, if you a lot of time on your hands (winter break?), start borrowing your friend's copy of book 1 and give it a try. If that doesn't suck you in, put it down and move on with your life. No biggie. But you really should just give it a shot and see for yourself.
Sat, 12-23-2006, 02:04 AM
I didn't get hooked until I read book 4. After that I couldn't stop reading :p
Sat, 12-23-2006, 02:15 PM
I actually got hooked on the first one, but I also thought it was a gay children's book and I always said that my friends and other kids that they were fags reading a children's book. Damn, its actually a good series to read and yeah it matures when the series goes on so don't be disappointed.
Sat, 12-23-2006, 04:18 PM
Movie 1 made me curious, and when I saw it I thought is was somewhat acceptable.
I was reading the Lord of the Rings at the time and my parents decided to give me the Potter books (4 at that time).
I started book 1 and got hooked... it was way better that the movie (obviously... duh for me) and a month later I was waiting for the 5th book. I initially readed them in spanish... but bought the 5th in english, hardcover.
Several months later I bought the first 4 in english hardcover.
I've readed the first 5 books about 3 times each, while the 6th im still on my 2nd re-read.
Family later bought the other 2 books in spanish... so I kind of have each book twice, in different languages =P.
Sun, 12-24-2006, 01:52 AM
Seems like a slightly weird title - but I guess we can assume people will die, so it's probably appropriate. The book will have to be an almighty brick though, considering all the stuff it has to cover.
Sun, 12-24-2006, 04:12 AM
Seems like a slightly weird title - but I guess we can assume people will die, so it's probably appropriate. The book will have to be an almighty brick though, considering all the stuff it has to cover.
'Almighty brick'?? sounds like somethin that happens as a result of too many burritos. but yea, i am looking forward to it, im really eager to see what happens after the last book's ending
Thu, 02-01-2007, 07:32 PM
release date has been announced: july 21, 2007
Fri, 02-02-2007, 07:16 PM
release date has been announced: july 21, 2007
Sweet. I thought she would go for the 7/7/07 (7th book). That would've been awesome.
Fri, 02-02-2007, 08:51 PM
Isnt harry's b-day in July? anyway, I preordered my deluxe edition this afternoon >.<b
Sat, 02-03-2007, 12:49 AM
I think harry's bday is july 31... either that or the 13th... :p
The significance of july 21 is that it's exactly the 10 year anniversary since the first book release.
Otherwise, I was predicting a 07/07/07 myself.
Sat, 02-03-2007, 01:51 AM
July 31, 1980 indeed.
Too bad they couldn't go for the 7/07/07 date... it was the Warner's fault, because they scheduled the movie on 13/07/07.
Need that book, now.
Sun, 02-04-2007, 05:10 PM
What is so special with the deluxe edition, carnage?
Sun, 02-04-2007, 06:17 PM
What is so special with the deluxe edition, carnage?
I think it comes with a case and extra pictures and such.
Tue, 02-06-2007, 02:24 PM
I love this series. Just finished reading the 6th book. I keep on picturing the Dumbledore from the first two movies instead of the new one whenever I read.
Tue, 02-06-2007, 06:22 PM
I love this series. Just finished reading the 6th book. I keep on picturing the Dumbledore from the first two movies instead of the new one whenever I read.
Holy shit so do I! He seems to fit dumbledor's personality much more than the new actor.
Sun, 04-01-2007, 11:49 AM
covers are out.
they're pretty big, so it takes a while for loading, but they're worth it :D
Sun, 04-01-2007, 01:05 PM
It so nice and pretty!!!! I wonder what the big sphere snake thing is.
Sun, 06-24-2007, 07:00 PM
I just had to say the book is only 26 days away from release! As for me, I have already pre-ordered at my local Borders :p
Mon, 06-25-2007, 04:43 AM
I like how they're doing a worldwide simultaneous release. Luckily for me, the midnight of England works out to be 9am the next morning here in Australia. So I can be home reading within half an hour of picking up my copy.
I'm planning to wear headphones with loud music while in my local Borders, though. I'm sure there will be many people turning to the back of the book and screaming out what they read.
Mon, 06-25-2007, 05:25 AM
if somebody did that i would want to punch them in the face... im looking forward to a great book. luckily i read the first 6 books before having watched any of the movies, for me when i was reading it i would picture dumbledore as gandolf from lord of the rings haha
Mon, 06-25-2007, 09:48 AM
Already have my separated copy on a local bookstore... Estrella I think was its name...
Wed, 07-18-2007, 11:36 PM
2 more days guys! Who's pumped?!
Thu, 07-19-2007, 12:24 AM
I am I am!!
Im picking up my book at the local borders at the stroke of midnight :p
Thu, 07-19-2007, 01:44 AM
Hay guys wanna know some harry potter spoilerz??
Oh man.....they're already spreading throughout the internet. If you stand in line on opening day, make sure to cover your ears.....I'm sure some kids will run around shouting out spoilers like they did last year.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 02:36 AM
I'll make sure to bring my mp3 player and put it on blast
Thu, 07-19-2007, 07:03 AM
I've experienced several of what appears to be actual spoilers throughout these last days, and I'm not even actively searching. I wish you guys good luck in managing to finish the book without getting spoiled. It seems to be fucking tough :D
Thu, 07-19-2007, 08:24 AM
When my book comes on Saturday the only things Im going to do is eat, shit, and read. No internet, no tv, no friends; nothing that offers a chance of me being spoiled.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 08:29 AM
Picking my book Saturday 9am... damn it! Why couldn't Estrella do a midnight sale like others? Oh yeah... its inside a damn mall thats why...
Heck... I should have asked for vacations this week so I could read....
Thu, 07-19-2007, 10:33 AM
Going to get mine Friday.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 11:03 AM
I'm out of town this weekend but I'm making my brother pick it up for me while I'm away. Fortunately, I took Monday off so that's what'll be doing all day. And oh yes, will be avoiding the Internet til Monday night, probably =P
Thu, 07-19-2007, 12:11 PM
I'm having mine shipped to my house as to minimize risk of spoilers.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 03:14 PM
This book has already been spoiled for me sadly. At least certain parts of it have been, thanks to some asshole friends of mine. I'm still picking it up and midnight and reading it though, I like these books a lot and I want to read how everything happens myself.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 04:05 PM
This book has already been spoiled for me sadly. At least certain parts of it have been, thanks to some asshole friends of mine. I'm still picking it up and midnight and reading it though, I like these books a lot and I want to read how everything happens myself.
How is that possible? Has it already been released in England or something?
Thu, 07-19-2007, 04:12 PM
When the book was being printed someone working in the factory might have stolen a book or made copies of every page.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 04:53 PM
spoilers are floating around the internet if you look hard enough. also a bunch of newspapers have already released book reviews (ie, nyt), much to j.k. rowling's chagrin (
Thu, 07-19-2007, 06:07 PM
Gah, I guess no matter how much they beefed up their security, someone managed to photo some pages. Bastards.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 10:24 PM
Stupid shipping companies... (
Fri, 07-20-2007, 02:58 AM
God, people suck so very much. Why would they purposely ruin the enjoyment of so many people? Because they can?
I have been so concerned with shielding myself from spoilers after the book is released, it didn't occur to me to be careful about before it was. Luckily I've managed so far to avoid all the spoilers, so goodbye internet. I will return once the book is finished.
Fri, 07-20-2007, 07:23 AM
^^ Yea my plan is pretty much the same. I already learned how many pages there are in the book and I'm already in a fit. :mad:
Fri, 07-20-2007, 08:06 AM
^^ Yea my plan is pretty much the same. I already learned how many pages there are in the book and I'm already in a fit. :mad:
Haha really? If you went to any BN in the last few months, those stores had cardboard set ups advertising with the line that went something like, "you've read 15,386 pages. Only 764 more to go" (i'm making the numbers up, can't remember off the top of my head). How is knowing the length of the book a spoiler?
Fri, 07-20-2007, 08:52 AM
Stupid Mexican television just passed the title of several of the last chapters... DAMN IT!! I had avoided spoilers till now! Damn News normally focus on murders, soccer and stupid actors... so why the fuck did they suddenly decided to spoil us!? Damn them!
It was the same bi*** that decided to pass screens of Shrek 3rd's movie secrets... bleh!
Fri, 07-20-2007, 10:31 AM
I just couldn't wait anymore. I dl'ed the leaked version.
Reading on.
Fri, 07-20-2007, 12:03 PM
We've lost darkmetal. Who else shall last? Oh the humanity! :(
Fri, 07-20-2007, 03:24 PM
It's not that hard avoiding the spoilers...unless of course you're country's television broadcasts them (sorry Mexico). But here, anytime they mention the spoilers, they mention the source and then don't go into detail because they knew it would cause uproar.
Basically stay away from google, go to sites you visit regularly that you know won't have spoilers. For the past few days I've only been visiting Gotwoot, Penny Arcade, VGCats, and Gamefaqs.
It's funny, days after the 6th book was released, there was a mob going around the internet searching for any information about the next book, even if it was "Ron is allergic to dungbombs". Now if someone says "Harry and the gang had a round of drinks at the three broomsticks" people are going "HOLY CRAP KILL THE TRAITOR!!!111!!ONE!"
Fri, 07-20-2007, 03:44 PM
^^ Its because this is the last book. People want to find out how the story finishes by themselves.
Sat, 07-21-2007, 03:24 AM
I finally got the book in my hands. Im going to spend this whole weekend reading it nonstop :p
Sat, 07-21-2007, 09:45 AM
i just got the book lucky im in hong kong visiting my dad so there were english version of the book left :)
Sat, 07-21-2007, 01:10 PM
I must say, I loved this book from start to finish.
edit: spoilers ahead
After my initial excitement/sorrow of finishing the last installment of a cultural phenomenon, I have this to say about the book:
The whole Deathly Hallows concept was a little awkward from their introduction to the end, maybe over the top. It took me a re-read or two to fully understand the whole ordeal of the Elder Stick and its ownership passage towards the end of the book.
I really wanted someone really important to die, more specifically Ron, Hermione, or Hagrid. Although I must say the deaths in this book made the war much more real. Snape's murder was awesome until he turned out to be Mr. Goody Two Shoes.
Dumbledore's back story was interesting to say the least and showed that even he could be power hungry and selfish at times.
Oh, who knew that Harry had such a pwnage cloak?
Sat, 07-21-2007, 07:24 PM
the only thing about this book that i didn't like was the concept of the deathly hallows that popped out of nowhere and just convoluted the story unnecessarily, i think. the rest of the book was amazing, even the parts i saw coming from a mile away, like snape secretly being good and in love with lily for all this time.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 07:01 AM
Wow, done. Got it yesterday at 2 pm, had an hour break at 4, went out with a friend at 7, came back at 9 and finished at 12, so 7 hours?
I never turned on my computer yesterday morning as I was actually in fear that someone had managed somehow to infiltrate all of the computers in the world with a virus and that, on the day the book was scheduled to come out, would reveal the ending to me the minute the computer booted up.
and now, my thoughts, so SPOILERS AHEAD DON'T READ
A good ending to the series, I think. I thought, though, that the seemingly wanton killing-off of many characters was unnecessary (Hedwig? Dobby??)
However I absolutely loved the backstory on Dumbledore! While the introduction of the Deathly Hallows seemed a little out of place this late in the game, as Harry was already in search for Horcruxes, they fit marvelously into Albus' story. Personally I was able to relate to him better, knowing even he wasn't the pure good kind of guy we thought he was. I can see how some might see that as a bit of a let-down though.
Anyone else see the epilogue as a little too cliche? Perhaps I'm not cut out for happy endings but the likelyhood of those couples getting married, even after what happened to them seemed low.
Anyhow a good end to a good series, let's see if (or should I say how) they get away with anything less than an R rating for the movie :D
Sun, 07-22-2007, 01:20 PM
@ eat_toast
The ending did seem cliche. I wish Rowling would have focused on some of the other characters like the Dursleys.
After seeing the 5th movie, I'm under impression that the 7th is going to be dreadful. For one, it's non stop action. Also, almost every detail becomes important in explaining either previous references and/or future events.
One major mistake they made in the 5th movie: not showing the locket when they were cleaning the house! In this book, it was confirmed that R.A.B was indeed Regulus Black, which most people were thinking. Lots of speculation was going on about how the locket that they found while cleaning was indeed the original one. At the end of the 6 movie, they're going to show the fake horocrux and in the 7th movie they are going to reveal that it was Regulus who had planned to destroy it. Without any reference from the 5th movie, how is Hermione supposed to remember the locket and subsequently talk to Kreacher about it?
Sun, 07-22-2007, 02:40 PM
Spoilers Ahead
So about five solid hours of reading, and I'm done :D.
Like everyone else, I'm wondering, why the fuck did they bring in the Deathly Hallows out of nowhere, and then never mention them for another 400 pages? And then suddenly in the end, it's a vital point to the destruction of Voldermart.
Also, am I the only one who's disappointed that Harry never used Avada Kedevera (sp?) on anyone? I would've at least thought he would defeat Voldermart with it, I mean...using expelliarmus in a duel that he knows one of them has to die in?
The book was nicely done though, I liked how since the beginning, the story got darker, I mean, Moody was killed off in the first 50 pages! George freaking lost an ear too. I liked how Voldermart overthrew the minstery and Kingsely told them in the middle of a wedding in a sort of ominous way, ensuing panic everywhere.
But also like eat_toast I felt there were many unnecessary deaths. I mean Hedwig certainly didn't need to die, although I felt Dobby's death was actually very well placed and actually sad. I thought they were gonna kill off Percy but they killed Fred instead. Of course the battle of Hogwarts wouldn't have seemed so dramatic if people didn't die but still, I felt either Lupin or Tonks should've survived...
Must say, the book was much different than I had expected. I thought once they embarked on the journey, it would go to plan (going to Godric Hollow, then finding Horcruxes) and they would only run into resistance from Death Eaters and Voldermart around the Horcruxes, never expected everybody to be on the hunt for Harry.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 02:55 PM
I stayed up all night to finish that book from about 12 - 9 am. I savored every little bit!
I thought this was the best book by far. It was completely different from the rest. There were a small number of cliches, but they were very small and bearable. The way Rowling was able to reveal everything and have Harry find the last horcuxes 750 pages was amazing. There was only 1 thing that I thought should have changed, and not to this book but the previous ones:
Unless my memory is failing me and he mentioned before, Grindelwald should have been hinted and more analyzed in at least 2 previous books. Even if it were one of the earlier books, it would be much better than kind of pulling him out of nowhere. The same with the Deathly Hallows. Just a few small hints, maybe even rumors between students, would have been appreciated from the previous books.
But all in all I can definitely say I liked this book best.
@CK: I thought the deaths were necessary to capture the loss in war. I think the reason Rowling could easily kill off the owl (which I thought was a good choice) was because it was something close to Harry yet unusable for the rest of the story. They were on the run so they would never have used Hedwig, and so the perfect opportunity to give Harry even more grief arose.
The point of the expelliarmus spell was that it was Harry's signature move, and so he won his battle his own way, in his own style. Voldemort ended up aiding his death not only by using Harry's blood, but by using a killing spell, otherwise if it were a stun spell that backfired on him he would not have died.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 04:31 PM
Just finished the book, thought it was incredible, by far one of the best I've ever read. Man, I don't think its really sunken in for me yet that its really over. I think I will be able to enjoy it more once some people I know have finished it and we can discuss Horcruxes and Hallows. It was really great though, I don't mind cliches, she was putting the Greek influence in our faces, quoting Aeschylus before the novel even began. The creativity of the entire series and this being the final book made them entirely insignificant for me, I actually appreciated them in some ways. I think its great our generation has a new series of books that uses classical elements in new original ways. Ended very well, gave you the climactic final duel that was you knew was going to come, that could have ruined the series if it did not. I thought Rowling implemented everything very well. One of the top series of all time..
Sun, 07-22-2007, 09:02 PM
I want a mind-eraser tool so that I can forget the contents of the book and re-read it all over again. And I want it now! :p
Sun, 07-22-2007, 09:03 PM
I want a mind-eraser tool so that I can forget the contents of the book and re-read it all over again. And I want it now! :p
Points wand at Carnage's head, "Obliviate."
Sun, 07-22-2007, 10:50 PM
Book was good. I will now re-read it to pick up details I didn't bother with. Personally, I was rooting for Harry's death but was totally upset when it actually happened... and then realized I still had about 50 more pages to read =P So I guess the length of a book can be a spoiler haha :D
Btw, I wonder how Griphook felt when he realized Godric's sword was no longer in his possession... nasty shock, I might surmise.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 10:55 PM
I'm not sure about Harry's or any of of the core gang dying, would have been pretty cliche imo.
Sun, 07-22-2007, 11:31 PM
Hmm...did i miss something? How did Neville get the sword, or did he use the replica?
Mon, 07-23-2007, 01:07 AM
Hmm...did i miss something? How did Neville get the sword, or did he use the replica?
I know Harry gave him the sword but I have no idea how Harry got the sword from Griphook...
Mon, 07-23-2007, 02:45 AM
No one can own the sword, it appears to Gryffindors, Neville was able to pull the sword from the Sorting Hat because he was in dire need.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 03:55 AM
thought it was excellent, was slightly disappointed by some of the absolutely crazy accidents (there's that word again...) that get Harry and crew answers and info... and those Death Eaters really can't seem to win duels when it really counts...
Draco let me down. I kept rooting for him to do the right thing, and there were several moments when he appeared on the verge of doing so, but it never happened... He unwittingly played a vital role (or did the wands not really matter? i think they did...), and really never stepped it up... His mom, on the other hand, was the (lucky) definition of clutch
Brillaint stuff, Rowling totally had me with the 'fake death' thing. Luna and Neville were great (goes without saying for Hermione, that girl is the Harry Potter incarnation of Jack Bauer on the spot improvisation) and I thought even Ron brought more than just comic relief to the tale...
Mon, 07-23-2007, 09:55 AM
No one can own the sword, it appears to Gryffindors, Neville was able to pull the sword from the Sorting Hat because he was in dire need.
yea, i forgot that half the shit at hogwart's just conjures up very convenient things all the time.
edit....i wonder if the room of requirement could make a condom machine....just throwing that out there :p
Mon, 07-23-2007, 12:10 PM
How did they revive the sorting hat? Didn't Voldemort burn in it?
On a side note, Im glad there was a happy ending. A nice change, especially when almost everyone thought Harry would die. The scene with Harry and Dumbledore talking with the squiriming Voldemort behind them was my favorite in the entire series :rolleyes: .
Mon, 07-23-2007, 12:30 PM
They didn't revive the hat. Neville pulled the sword while it was still set on fire.
"In one swift, fluid motion, Neville broke free of the Body-Bind Curse upon him: the flaming hat fell off him and he drew from its depths something silver, with a glittering, rubied handle---"
Mon, 07-23-2007, 12:57 PM
The hat wasn't destroyed, you'll see in the epilogue that the sorting hat is mentioned.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 04:31 PM
Can someone help me?
I have been trying to find this book in the last 2 days in a not so legal way. (No, I am Not asking for a download link or anything of that sort)
3 simple question:
How many chapters is there? (So many fakes out there..)
What is the name of the First and Last Chapters? (So many fakes..)
What is the exact last sentence from the last chapter? (Not many real, and yet they can be incomplete)
I would buy the book.. but i'm poor.. and I can't see a shit if it is writing too small.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 06:22 PM
Hm, finished the book, then re-read some of the latter portions...
btw BioAlien, it's probably going to be tough to not get spoiled in this thread anymore since we're already a page into discussion (spoilers below)
I'm still a bit confused about why (by what mechanism, and if it was "used up" or not) Harry survived. So Harry has within him his own soul and a portion of Voldemort's (the 7th horcrux). And Voldemort's revived body has a portion of Lily's protection because he used Harry's blood. Voldemort shoots a killing curse and hits Harry, thus destroying the horcrux and leaving Harry's soul & body unscathed.
Why is that the only part that is destroyed?
Is it because he's using the elder wand?
Is it because Harry is "master of death" by uniting the three Hallows?
Would he have survived in the Great Hall if he had not defended himself?
And what is significant about Voldemort using Harry's blood?
Aside from this bit of my confusion, I really enjoyed reading this, especially the entire last quarter where Hogwarts was in constant siege. Parts that stand out for me was McGonagall's brief duel with Snape and Snape's death (totally cold...)
Something else that occurred to me, though, is that despite being in a state of war, the Death Eaters aren't really taking casualties (or if they are, at a much lower rate) because they're the only ones using killing curses. The only way to feasibly defeat them is to either make them run and imprison their stunned or completely wipe them out... Seems like a pretty big disadvantage to me.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 06:42 PM
btw BioAlien, it's probably going to be tough to not get spoiled in this thread anymore since we're already a page into discussion (spoilers below)
The fact that I'm on the Internet, mean that I have already seen every possible spoiler already.. so I don't care about that.. can you answer my questions please?
Mon, 07-23-2007, 07:09 PM
Hm, finished the book, then re-read some of the latter portions...
btw BioAlien, it's probably going to be tough to not get spoiled in this thread anymore since we're already a page into discussion (spoilers below)
I'm still a bit confused about why (by what mechanism, and if it was "used up" or not) Harry survived. So Harry has within him his own soul and a portion of Voldemort's (the 7th horcrux). And Voldemort's revived body has a portion of Lily's protection because he used Harry's blood. Voldemort shoots a killing curse and hits Harry, thus destroying the horcrux and leaving Harry's soul & body unscathed.
Why is that the only part that is destroyed?
Is it because he's using the elder wand?
Is it because Harry is "master of death" by uniting the three Hallows?
Would he have survived in the Great Hall if he had not defended himself?
And what is significant about Voldemort using Harry's blood?
Aside from this bit of my confusion, I really enjoyed reading this, especially the entire last quarter where Hogwarts was in constant siege. Parts that stand out for me was McGonagall's brief duel with Snape and Snape's death (totally cold...)
Something else that occurred to me, though, is that despite being in a state of war, the Death Eaters aren't really taking casualties (or if they are, at a much lower rate) because they're the only ones using killing curses. The only way to feasibly defeat them is to either make them run and imprison their stunned or completely wipe them out... Seems like a pretty big disadvantage to me.
I think what happened was, that Lilly's protection wouldn't allow Harry to kill himself , therefore, the killing curse only destroyed the part of harry that wasn't actually Larry. Or it could also be the case that the elder wand wouldn't actually destroy its master, since Ollivander said that the wands are somewhat sentinent (similar to the golden flames thing in the beginning). So maybe what happened was, that the wand destroyed the foreign element that remained in Harry's body (or soul), and the second time that he attacked harry, the bond between them was broken, and he died from that lack of connection.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 08:41 PM
Hm, finished the book, then re-read some of the latter portions...
btw BioAlien, it's probably going to be tough to not get spoiled in this thread anymore since we're already a page into discussion (spoilers below)
I'm still a bit confused about why (by what mechanism, and if it was "used up" or not) Harry survived. So Harry has within him his own soul and a portion of Voldemort's (the 7th horcrux). And Voldemort's revived body has a portion of Lily's protection because he used Harry's blood. Voldemort shoots a killing curse and hits Harry, thus destroying the horcrux and leaving Harry's soul & body unscathed.
Why is that the only part that is destroyed?
Is it because he's using the elder wand?
Is it because Harry is "master of death" by uniting the three Hallows?
Would he have survived in the Great Hall if he had not defended himself?
And what is significant about Voldemort using Harry's blood?
Aside from this bit of my confusion, I really enjoyed reading this, especially the entire last quarter where Hogwarts was in constant siege. Parts that stand out for me was McGonagall's brief duel with Snape and Snape's death (totally cold...)
Something else that occurred to me, though, is that despite being in a state of war, the Death Eaters aren't really taking casualties (or if they are, at a much lower rate) because they're the only ones using killing curses. The only way to feasibly defeat them is to either make them run and imprison their stunned or completely wipe them out... Seems like a pretty big disadvantage to me.
two of your questions have the same answer. harry survived because voldemort was still alive, who took harry's blood and lily's protection. it seems confusing, but it's really very simple if you think about it. lily died to save harry, and her sacrifice became harry's protection. voldemort took harry's blood, thus taking in some of that enchantment with him. voldemort then tried to kill harry, but since he himself was keeping lily's protection alive within him, harry couldn't die unless voldemort died too. this is the significance of voldemort and harry sharing blood, and why harry survived. and since harry didn't defend himself and faced death head on, he was given a choice of living or dying.
another significance of voldemort and harry sharing the same blood is that it connected the two of them very closely, and when they fought at the end of the fourth book, their wands "echoed the relationship between their masters." the paragraph at the top of page 570 (in my copy anyway) explains it more thoroughly. because of this connection, harry's wand reacted to the presence of voldemort and did magic on its own at the beginning of the book.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 11:16 PM
Ah... so since Voldemort shares Harry's blood then wasn't Harry perfectly safe in the last duel? If Voldemort managed to land a spell on him (ignoring the Elder Wand) then he'd still live yea? I don't recall any explanation towards why accepting death would allow him to return; Dumbledore just says that's how it is.
The problem is that with that logic, Voldemort shouldn't have died either since he has the same blood... so I guess he was just sent to that white dreamy area and couldn't go back because he wasn't expecting to die.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 01:01 AM
Yea, it kind of doesent make some sense, because if your own spell backfires on you, it can still kill you, hence the "golden flames incident". However, it could be possible that since both the elder wand and the wand harry had were rightfully his, that the reflected spell could harm voldemort , even with the protection.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 01:26 AM
By the way I was just wondering if any of you could explain this from when Harry "died" and was at "Kings Cross" before talking to Dumbledore.
He recoiled. He had spotted the thing that was making the noises. It had the form of a small, naked child, curled on the ground, its skin raw and rough, ayed–looking, and it lay shuddering under a seat where it had been left, unwanted, stuffed out of sight, struggling for breath.
He was afraid of it. Small and fragile and wounded though it was, he did not want to approach it. Nevertheless he drew slowly nearer, ready to jump back at any moment. Soon he stood near enough to touch it, yet he could not bring himself to do it. He felt like a coward. He ought to comfort it, but it repulsed him.
“You cannot help.”
Who's the child...Is it there for Dumbledore to tell Harry he cannot help those who have died? (as the child is a dead abandoned baby?)
Tue, 07-24-2007, 01:43 AM
By the way I was just wondering if any of you could explain this from when Harry "died" and was at "Kings Cross" before talking to Dumbledore.
He recoiled. He had spotted the thing that was making the noises. It had the form of a small, naked child, curled on the ground, its skin raw and rough, ayed–looking, and it lay shuddering under a seat where it had been left, unwanted, stuffed out of sight, struggling for breath.
He was afraid of it. Small and fragile and wounded though it was, he did not want to approach it. Nevertheless he drew slowly nearer, ready to jump back at any moment. Soon he stood near enough to touch it, yet he could not bring himself to do it. He felt like a coward. He ought to comfort it, but it repulsed him.
“You cannot help.”
Who's the child...Is it there for Dumbledore to tell Harry he cannot help those who have died? (as the child is a dead abandoned baby?)
I'm pretty sure that was the piece of Voldemort's soul that was mixed in with his. I think its a small child to show voldemort's emotional immaturity or something...but i'm pretty sure it represents voldemort's piece of soul.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 07:13 AM
agree with Rockmanj. That image of the 'pseudo-baby Voldemort' reminded me horribly of the 'demon child' in Berserk... ugh...
Also, I'm still a bit hazy on exactly why Voldemort was still alive after Nagini got sliced up by Neville, as he'd already 'killed' the Horcrux in Harry and Nagini was his last piece... probably from all that dark magic that gave him his body back in the first place...
Good question about how Harry could come back from the dead like that, which I'm still not sure I fully grasp. Dumbledore suggested that it was because Harry accepted death before the duel, but maybe it was because he had all three Hallows? I believe the ending duel was a result of both Voldemort's and Harry's new wand (Draco's) giving their allegiance to Harry.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 08:43 AM
Finished the book yesterday, and wow... excellent book... Now if I only had time to re-read the full series...
Voldemort had 6 horcruxes + himself = 7 Parts of his soul.
Diary, Locket, Cup, Diadem, Ring, Nagini and Himself.
Voldemort didn't know that his soul had ripped yet another part, creating an eight piece... thus there were 7 Horcruxes + Voldemort.
That is why when Neville destroyed Nagini, Voldemort was still alive...
Diary - Harry with Basilisk fang
Ring - Passed to Dumbledore's hand... destroyed by Snape's Killing Curse?
Locket - Slashed by Ron with Gryffindor's Sword
Cup - Basilisk fang by Hermione
Diadem - That wierd fire spell by Crabbe
Nagini - Slashed by Neville with Gryffindor's Sword
Harry's Horcrux - Killing Curse by Voldemort
Voldemort - Rebounded Killing Curse
Heck... Crabbe helped bring down Voldy...
Tue, 07-24-2007, 09:19 AM
i guess neville did indeed kill a way..huh
Tue, 07-24-2007, 10:34 AM
Ring - Passed to Dumbledore's hand... destroyed by Snape's Killing Curse?
Actually, in the "prince's tale" chapter, it's implied that Dumbledore used the Gryfindor sword to break the ring, which Dumbledore found in the Gaunt shack. Then he was tempted to wear it to see his dead relatives again. Hence dead arm.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 11:10 AM
Hmm... I thought the blackened hand was because of Voldy's Soul... but I guess it was the curse
Tue, 07-24-2007, 11:42 AM
Ah... so since Voldemort shares Harry's blood then wasn't Harry perfectly safe in the last duel? If Voldemort managed to land a spell on him (ignoring the Elder Wand) then he'd still live yea? I don't recall any explanation towards why accepting death would allow him to return; Dumbledore just says that's how it is.
that may be true, that harry was perfectly safe. but probably since harry didn't know it, he was willing to accept death, and because of that courage his wand was able to win. and i don't think his acceptance of death allowed him to return. just that instead of automatically surviving, he got the choice between life or death. i could be completely wrong though. it'll take a few more reads to figure out completely.
The problem is that with that logic, Voldemort shouldn't have died either since he has the same blood... so I guess he was just sent to that white dreamy area and couldn't go back because he wasn't expecting to die.
well, no, lily died to save harry, not voldemort, so voldemort wasn't protected. he was just harbouring harry's protection with him.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 03:25 PM
i was pretty sure Dumbledore got his hand messed up by trying to wear the ring, rather than in his attempt to destroy it. some kind of counter-curse / safety precaution on Voldemort's Honoko said.
so it's 7 Horcruxes (other containers for the soul) plus Voldemort. That was what was bugging me, because Voldemort, upon dying originally (in his attempt to kill Harry) was able to remain on Earth because of his Horcruxes, then taking up residence in Quirrell and, well, you know the rest... But I'd just assumed that Voldemort was completely supported by the Horcruxes, and that he would instantly die when the seventh and final one was destroyed.
finally, i'm still confused about Harry surviving and whether or not he was in actual danger when fighting Voldemort in the Great Hall, at the very end. It does seem that Voldemort's killing curse rebounded back onto him (once again, as 17 years ago), but if that was due to Harry having all three Hallows (including being the rightful owner of the Deathstick (what a bad name...), despite Voldemort actually holding it)... or if the spell rebounded on Voldemort from Lily's protection.... I'm still not sure.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 04:07 PM
finally, i'm still confused about Harry surviving and whether or not he was in actual danger when fighting Voldemort in the Great Hall, at the very end. It does seem that Voldemort's killing curse rebounded back onto him (once again, as 17 years ago), but if that was due to Harry having all three Hallows (including being the rightful owner of the Deathstick (what a bad name...), despite Voldemort actually holding it)... or if the spell rebounded on Voldemort from Lily's protection.... I'm still not sure.
Harry survived because he was the rightful owner of the Elder Wand.
"Harry saw Voldemort's green jet meet his own spell, saw the Elder Wand fly high, dark against the sunrise, spinning across the enchanted ceiling like the head of Nagini, spinning through the air toward the master it would not kill, who had come to take full possession of it at last."
Sun, 07-29-2007, 10:27 AM
The following while not on the book, are considered spoilers because they refer to things that were cut of from the book.
Rowling said her original epilogue was “a lot more detailed,” including the name of every child born to the Weasley clan in the past 19 years. (Victoire, who was snogging Teddy — Lupin and Tonks’ son — is Bill and Fleur’s eldest.)
“But it didn’t work very well as a piece of writing,” Rowling said. “It felt very much that I had crowbarred in every bit of information I could … In a novel you have to resist the urge to tell everything.”
But now that the seventh and final novel is in the hands of her adoring public, Rowling no longer has to hold back any information about Harry Potter from her fans. And when 14 fans crowded around her in Edinburgh Castle in Scotland earlier this week as part of TODAY’s interview, Rowling was more than willing to share her thoughts about what Harry and his friends are up to now.
Harry, Ron and Hermione
We know that Harry marries Ginny and has three kids, essentially, as Rowling explains, creating the family and the peace and calm he never had as a child.
As for his occupation, Harry, along with Ron, is working at the Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic. After all these years, Harry is now the department head.
“Harry and Ron utterly revolutionized the Auror Department,” Rowling said. “They are now the experts. It doesn’t matter how old they are or what else they’ve done.”
Meanwhile, Hermione, Ron’s wife, is “pretty high up” in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, despite laughing at the idea of becoming a lawyer in “Deathly Hallows.”
“I would imagine that her brainpower and her knowledge of how the Dark Arts operate would really give her a sound grounding,” Rowling said.
Harry, Ron and Hermione don’t join the same Ministry of Magic they had been at odds with for years; they revolutionize it and the ministry evolves into a “really good place to be.”
“They made a new world,” Rowling said.
The wizarding naturalist
Luna Lovegood, the eccentric Ravenclaw who was fascinated with Crumple-Horned Snorkacks and Umgubular Slashkilters, continues to march to the beat of her own drum.
“I think that Luna is now traveling the world looking for various mad creatures,” Rowling said. “She’s a naturalist, whatever the wizarding equivalent of that is.”
Luna comes to see the truth about her father, eventually acknowledging there are some creatures that don’t exist.
“But I do think that she’s so open-minded and just an incredible person that she probably would be uncovering things that no one’s ever seen before,” Rowling said.
Luna and Neville Longbottom?
It’s possible Luna has also found love with another member of the D.A.
When she was first asked about the possibility of Luna hooking up with Neville Longbottom several years ago, Rowling’s response was “Definitely not.” But as time passed and she watched her characters mature, Rowling started to “feel a bit of a pull” between the unlikely pair.
Ultimately, Rowling left the question of their relationship open at the end of the book because doing otherwise “felt too neat.”
Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom: “The damage is done.”
There is no chance, however, that Neville’s parents, who were tortured into madness by Bellatrix Lestrange, ever left St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies.
“I know people really wanted some hope for that, and I can quite see why because, in a way, what happens to Neville’s parents is even worse than what happened to Harry’s parents,” Rowling said. “The damage that is done, in some cases with very dark magic, is done permanently.”
Photos by Andrew Kandel for
Rowling said Neville finds happiness in his grandmother’s acceptance of him as a gifted wizard and as the new herbology professor at Hogwarts.
The fate of Hogwarts
Nineteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the school for witchcraft and wizardry is led by an entirely new headmaster (“McGonagall was really getting on a bit”) as well as a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. That position is now as safe as the other teaching posts at Hogwarts, since Voldemort’s death broke the jinx that kept a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor from remaining for more than a year.
While Rowling didn’t clarify whether Harry, Ron and Hermione ever return to school to finish their seventh year, she did say she could see Harry popping up every now and again to give the “odd talk” on Defense Against the Dark Arts.
More details to come?
Rowling said she may eventually reveal more details in a Harry Potter encyclopedia, but even then, it will never be enough to satisfy the most ardent of her fans.
“I’m dealing with a level of obsession in some of my fans that will not rest until they know the middle names of Harry’s great-great-grandparents,” she said. Not that she’s discouraging the Potter devotion!
“I love it,” she said. “I’m all for that.”
Sun, 07-29-2007, 04:41 PM
Well, with that post, RyougaZell, you cleared some question I had about the epilogue..
Overall I thought the book was great, except maybe the last chapter and the epilogue.. I thought they were a bit.. rushed. They missed some details in my opinion.
I kinda wish she would make a side story of Harry Potter, About what happened during those 19 years, and what happened after. Maybe, even a small side story about what happened at Hogwarts, if Harry's child's ever learned the truth about their father from the other student at school.. etc..
It would also be nice to know what happened to George and Fred joke shop now that Fred is dead..
Tue, 07-31-2007, 02:55 AM
I don't get why she stops the whole thing anyway. Apparently she has been through depressions and both Rowling herself as well as a myriad of fans are suffering from separation anxiety. The world of Harry Potter is also interesting enough for there to be lots more stuff. Prequels, sequels, sidestories and whatnot.
Sure in a way it would be milking the concept, but would somebody complain?
Feels to me like she just sat down and decided "yep, 7 books" and then just rolled with it. Then again I know what it's like to have a definitive ending to something in mind and just pave the way there. So I suppose in a way, more from the Harry Potter world is impossible.
But it would kick ass though.
Tue, 07-31-2007, 09:58 AM
7 books = the 7 years of Hogwarts for magic students.
No Im glad she ended it. I really dont want to see this milked, which thankfully it wont be. She said she might work on something new though. But I want a series where I can say the whole thing was good.
Tue, 07-31-2007, 11:11 AM
Seven years not just for Hogwarts, but also because it's often a special number in magic lore. Also, the main story has been dealt with, that between Voldemort and Harry. I'll admit that there's alot more that could be done, but she seemed to have a very concrete idea of what the books would be about when she started, and that's been reached.
She's gotten rid of the main story-line that created any tension/threat/problem. Unless the other books would be pure comedies or less interesting dramas (cleaning up the Ministry could be a story, but who really cares about that?) there's nothing to do except prequels. On that note, though, the prequels could be pretty good, but there wouldn't be as much suspense, since we all now know how things turn out.
Tue, 07-31-2007, 11:45 AM
She (Rowling) stated that she may write a Potter Encyclopedia, just to show all the other stories she had and never used, or what happened to other characters after the end in those -19 years-
Like Dean Thomas Death Eater father.
Tue, 07-31-2007, 09:27 PM
some douche i was playing counterstrike w\ had the name "sombody kills somebody.......t" i banned him from the server.... what a prick..
i have only gotten about 50 pages into the book because i've been pretty busy w\ work and school *sigh*
Mon, 08-06-2007, 01:05 PM
Cool, finally got my copy in the mail. Already read a few chapters, pretty amazing story. Still haven't been spoiled yet (I skimmed most of this thread and skipped the posts warning of spoilers). Hope this ends well.
Sat, 10-20-2007, 06:52 PM
Dumbledore is gay! Not that it really matters though. Just thought you guys would like to know :p,8599,1674069,00.html?imw=Y
Sat, 10-20-2007, 09:03 PM
goddamn i was just about to post this.
i certainly didn't expect this. i just overlooked the idea that Dumbledore never had a female love interest.
Sat, 10-20-2007, 10:45 PM
I thought she was just fucking with us at the beginning of the article.
But wow, I never even considered his sexual orientation. I didn't think it would play much of a role in the story, since his use of the term "love" applies to all kinds of love, i.e. relatives, spouses, etc.
Tue, 10-23-2007, 10:20 PM
I had a feeling he was...but who cares?? FYI, the snazzy dressing tipped me off...
Tue, 10-23-2007, 10:33 PM
That actually does explain one awkward part of his character - why the reasonable and tolerant Dumbledore was hanging out with Grindewald who was basically Wizard Hitler.
Tue, 10-23-2007, 11:03 PM
was i the only one upset by this news? i mean, i don't care that dumbledore liked men, but the fact that the biggest mistake of his life was made not because of anything else, but because he was just another love-struck teenager? i know he's only human, but i don't know, i thought he was smarter than that.
maybe i'm just one of those people who thought too highly of dumbledore.
Wed, 10-24-2007, 12:22 AM
saman, i just went through a conversation with a friend who was thinking along the same lines you are. I kept saying, "if anything, this should have been explained in the books", because now we actually know WHY Dumbledore's history with Grindewald is so complicated and why he sorta went along with him when they were younger.
Dumbledore never made too many mistakes, but I for one like him more knowing more about when he was younger and what shaped him into the "sentimental old fool", to use his own words, that we get from the beginning of the first book.
if anything, the fact that his biggest mistake was because he was in love with what should have been his enemy makes that big mistake so understandable that it almost seems like an insurmountable cruelty of fate that nobody could have beaten. i mean, can you imagine if you had to either kill or imprison for life the person you were in love with? the fact that dumbledore had to do just that makes his beating Grindewald much more of an accomplishment
Shadow Skill
Wed, 10-24-2007, 04:18 PM
So that's why he took quite a liking to Harry Potter. Here I thought he was trying to play Daddy and be all nice and stuff. I think there was even eye winking going on between the 2. Now it all makes sense! :P
Wed, 10-24-2007, 09:33 PM
i dont think he was pulling a "Chairman from Memoirs of a Geisha", and getting Harry while he's young. That does give some insight into why he helped out Snape, and was able to empathize with him so much.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 12-08-2007, 12:44 PM
book came out in hebrew wensday. I had a preorder and picked it yesterday, and after re-readin "half blood prince", I read the new one today.
really good, it's a great feel when a series you love is truely complete.
things that shouldv'e been closed were finally closed, shallow charecters evolved into deep human beings, like a journey coming to an end.
I don't want to see any new "plot" books, I don't mind if JR milks it around for a while, with a collection of side stories and all. But, I'd like to see a new line of books in the next few years, it's still possible to keep track and own all of her books.
I never cared for Dumbeldore sexsual orientations, I assumed, that like most mature charecters (teachers, Hagrid and co.) he was either a widower or had a spouse waiting for him in home, or was married to his work. I don't think he's anymore or anyless of a 'rolemodel' now. he was a jerk as a teenager, and came to his senses afterwards, stuff like this happens (same as harry cousin Daddly, who hinted some signs of remorse towards Harry).
Beny, the thread necromancer.
Thu, 08-14-2008, 08:54 PM
so this isn't exactly limited to deathly hallows, but i'm planning to reread the entire harry potter series soon, and i was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a group reread and discuusion of the series?
Wed, 08-20-2008, 07:29 PM
Co-incidentally, I just finished reading book 7 again. Can't really be bothered reading the first six at the moment, sorry.
I have to say though, book 7 is much better the second time through. I picked up a whole lot more.
Thu, 08-21-2008, 08:54 AM
Im kinda like re-reading them right now...but not book-wise.
I mean... Im reading a fanfiction where the Marauders get the books and start reading them, giving their reactions... and the full books are written there as well. Im currently on book 4, although the author is just about to finish book 5.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 08-22-2008, 04:30 AM
it's a fancy way of copyrights pirating, isn't it?
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