View Full Version : Bleach 108 Discussion
Thu, 12-21-2006, 12:48 AM
New Bleach
Thu, 12-21-2006, 02:20 AM
I loved the ending, it made everything make a little more sense. Almost made a little sad :(
Thu, 12-21-2006, 04:44 AM
Finally end of fillers. Atleast i think so.
Thu, 12-21-2006, 10:23 AM
Seems like there will be more fillers because of the characters in the opening seem like filler characters. Good episode none the less.
Thu, 12-21-2006, 10:46 AM
Seems like there will be more fillers because of the characters in the opening seem like filler characters. Good episode none the less.
isn't that for the bleach movie? (they did the same to annonce Naruto 3 movie)
Thu, 12-21-2006, 11:17 AM
isn't that for the bleach movie? (they did the same to annonce Naruto 3 movie)
Yep it's from the movie! So it will be non filler in the new year YAY!!!
End of kariya was quite gay though. The ,only Ichigo can beat him BS, was stupid.
Btw since when is byakugan yoruichi bitch?
Thu, 12-21-2006, 11:40 AM
Well thats good. Yay no more fillers.
Thu, 12-21-2006, 02:49 PM
There is one irrefutable law of the universe: Filler writers love lightning swords.
Really good fight though. No complaints. I'm glad Ichigo didn't have to go Hollow to win(sorta).
I really liked how Kariya just disintigrates while making his dying remarks. When he started talking I was like, "Man, here comes some cliche death line" and then *poof*! I just enjoyed that.
I was kinda expecting the filler stuffed animals to die. Like Kariya was gonna be beaten, but was still gonna explode and Nova would have had to use his teleportation powers to zap away with him and die.
Guess I'm glad that didn't happen. I like Nova. I wonder if they're gonna be around in the non-fillers too. Shoehorned into the show like that baby dragon in DBZ that was originally from one of the movies.
Yep it's from the movie! So it will be non filler in the new year YAY!!!
End of kariya was quite gay though. The ,only Ichigo can beat him BS, was stupid.
Btw since when is byakugan yoruichi bitch?Obviously never since she kept yelling at him to do stuff and he just ignored her.
Thu, 12-21-2006, 05:28 PM
Just one more filler to go :D
Thu, 12-21-2006, 05:55 PM
Yeah... I really enjoyed this ep. It was a good ending to a good arc (good to be filler), and I think I enjoyed it even more thinking about how the naruto filler arcs allways gives us a crappy ending. Props to the bleach filler-writers for this ending, and for an more than ok arc overall! :D
However, I dunno if the fillers are going to end, does anyone have some confirmation of this? Other than the fact that this arc is over?
Thu, 12-21-2006, 08:04 PM
^Yep, decent ending to a decent filler arc. Of the big three Naruto, OP and Bleach, this one was by far more entertaining that fillers from the other series. I did think the fight, although fun to watch, was less dramatic than other Bleach fights, but I think the filler arc is over.
Please refer to a previous post i made:
If you don't read the manga then you could be wondering why I think that title implies the end of the fillers. If you do read the manga, then I think we'll all agree that this title implies the start of the manga story line.
Thu, 12-21-2006, 08:43 PM
Meh, While the filler ARC ending was okay I didn't like that whole Only Ichigo can stop Kariya mentality, it was just too unrealistic. I can buy it when the Shounen Hero is all alone and there's no hope for rescue and that's why he has to do it or the world will end. But to just Deus Ex Machina in a potential relief for the Hero and then Deus Ex Machina that relief out of fighting for some lame reason like honor or kindred spirits was just dumb. And the worst part, Yoruichi gave a viable excuse when she first stopped Byakuya, but Renji also has a Bankai and could have assisted, seeing as his home would have been blown up if Ichigo lost.
But of course, they have to maintain the Shounen Hero's anti-villain pimpness even though he is primarily anti-grunt and his only real anti-villian skills are Shounen Heart (a prerequisite of course) and turning into a semi-evil psycho and who has no regard for his own safety.
All in all it was a good job by the filler writers, they had a decent final battle, But then they had to go and insert some random cameos to take away much of it's credibility.
Thu, 12-21-2006, 09:34 PM
To be fair, considering Kariya's power level, he probably could have instakilled anyone but Byakura and Yoruchi had they interfered(Rukia and Ishida are essentially powerless, and Renji and the others are several arcs behind Ichigo in power).
Thu, 12-21-2006, 10:42 PM
Look like the arc is finally over, it was decent at best in my opinion. I dread the possibility of another drawn out filler arc though.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 12:04 AM
Some parts of this arc were good, some parts were corny. This episode was half and half. Fighting was nice, but the dialouge and reasoning according to the situation was just to unrealistic, as explained in Yukimura's post.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 12:35 AM
does anyone know who the new girl in the OP is? she seems really close to ichigo. i wonder what would happen to the relationship b/w ichigo and rukia when she appears. and the new characters from the OP looks badass! would be nice to see them in the next arc.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 12:40 AM
does anyone know who the new girl in the OP is? she seems really close to ichigo. i wonder what would happen to the relationship b/w ichigo and rukia when she appears. and the new characters from the OP looks badass! would be nice to see them in the next arc.
They are scences from the new movie.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 01:18 AM
You guys who keep claiming that the fillers are over are f*cking idiots. They will end when they end, not sooner, and definitely not when you say they will.
Pretty good almost ending to the arc. I don't understand why there's so much whining about Ichigo beating Kariya, but I guess you guys need something to whine about, or your lives would be happier. This is Bleach, after all, and Ichigo is the hero. To hear you people, one would expect Naruto to join the fight and beat Kariya. Anyone besides the obvious hero.
Off my high horse, I liked the comparison of Kariya and the Bounto to Ichigo and his friends. However, we know Ichigo's pals will stick with him, even if he becomes freakishly powerful. Still, it was cool that Kariya introduced that doubt into the group's otherwise rosy relationship. Like when Ichigo goes Hollow-mode and needs to be pulled back from the brink, will his friends still be there for him?
Fri, 12-22-2006, 04:19 AM
I have got to say I enjoyed this episode. Kariya's power has finally found a limit and can no longer collect spirit particals. I cant wait for the next episode.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 09:57 AM
I have got to say I enjoyed this episode. Kariya's power has finally found a limit and can no longer collect spirit particals. I cant wait for the next episode.
I wish they had explained better how Ran'tao disabled this feature in Kariya. They showed her stabbing him with that turkey baster a couple episodes ago, but didn't say how it works.
The next episode is the warm and fuzzy goodbye episode that ends the arc. Not much will happen except maybe to explain and reminisce. Animation quality looks good though.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 02:08 PM
@ Animeniax: I don't think anyone complained about Ichigo winning, but I am only 100% sure about what I said. I was upset that they offered up a very reasonable explanation of why Ichigo had to save the day all alone against the big bad guy, then they threw a wrench in that by having Yoruichi and Byakuya show up for no good reason. Of course Ichigo was going to be the one to beat Kariya, he's the main charachter, however it felt more right when he was the only person who had a chance to do it at the time. Even Naruto usually gets his big wins when there's no one else around to help him out or defeat the person for him.
Because the writers unessecarily bloated the barrier between realistic behavior and anime charachter behavior it made me irritated and I expreessed my frustrations.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 04:35 PM
but I guess you guys need something to whine about, or your lives would be happier.
lol. I agree, a very good ending to this arc has been given and you still manage to find something to whine about. I actually liked the reason, and if for about a minute you turn off your real-o-meters, you can notice that the explanation sounded very profound and cool and you might just actually enjoy the entire episode.
Off my high horse, I liked the comparison of Kariya and the Bounto to Ichigo and his friends. However, we know Ichigo's pals will stick with him, even if he becomes freakishly powerful.
That's an enormous rip from spider-man, when the goblin tells him that soon everyone will grow to fear him. But still cool nonetheless.
Fri, 12-22-2006, 08:33 PM
I wish they had explained better how Ran'tao disabled this feature in Kariya. They showed her stabbing him with that turkey baster a couple episodes ago, but didn't say how it works.
When I saw that scene, I figured that it worked sort of how Ichigo had his chain link and such severed in an earlier episode. Maybe the Bounto had a sort of link that could be severed to stop the absorption of spirit particles.
Sat, 12-23-2006, 06:44 PM
I was upset that they offered up a very reasonable explanation of why Ichigo had to save the day all alone against the big bad guy, then they threw a wrench in that by having Yoruichi and Byakuya show up for no good reason.
Well one of the tenets of anime fights is the one-on-one dual to the death. Sure the others could have joined in, but they don't out of respect for whoever is already engaged in the fight, unless he's losing badly. They always say that "your opponent is ME!" And since Ichigo is the hero of the show and was the first to fight Kariya, the others stayed back. I see no problem with this, so I didn't appreciate hearing gripes about it, but feel free to vent.
Sun, 12-24-2006, 07:29 PM
"your opponent is ME!"They DO always say that don't they.
That and "I'm on a completely different level than you." They say that all the time too.
Sun, 12-24-2006, 08:04 PM
They DO always say that don't they.
That and "I'm on a completely different level than you." They say that all the time too. I see it all the time, but that makes me wonder: is that a loose translation, or is it actually what the characters are literally saying each time?
Sun, 12-24-2006, 10:08 PM (
Captain Obvious strikes again
Seriously wtf is with this statement when hasn't it been black ?
Sun, 12-24-2006, 10:18 PM (
Captain Obvious strikes again
Seriously wtf is with this statement when hasn't it been black ?
It's usually blue. Ichigo should't be able to use that right? I always thought only in hollow form he could use it, thats why it is more powerful then his regular one.
Sun, 12-24-2006, 10:24 PM
No! First, Ichigo's regular Getsuga Tenshou is white not blue, you may be thinking of when he was blue when he went up against Zaraki. Secondly, he can still do GT after Bankai, but it becomes black and spikey, and also seems to be more controlable. If I remember correctly Hollow Ichigo was over using the attack (it drains his spirit power quickly) when he took over in the Byakuya fight which is what Byakuya is talking about when he says Ichigo was reckless.
Sun, 12-24-2006, 11:49 PM
Obviously either Renji hasn't seen Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou in bankai/bankai+hollow mode before, or the writers are trying to make an emphasis on the power of the attack, by denoting the change in color outright. I did not pay much attention to the beginning this arc, and maybe missed an ep. where he did reveal Bankai Getsuga to Renji, but I think the first option is more likely, because the only other time as far as I can recall that Hollow Ichigo used that attack was against Byakuya waaay back in the last arc.
Sat, 12-30-2006, 04:02 AM
Yeah, the first time he did it black was when he was in Bankai. Not Hollow. Even though it was obvious he was drawing on his Hollow power to do it. I think the writers got confused.
And no, Renji had never seen him use it before.
Renji has however, experienced the white one first-hand. :p
He's probably like, 'Hey, that's that attack that almost cut me in half that one time, only now it's black."
Sat, 12-30-2006, 11:59 AM
Well, it was better than I expected, although I suppose not as good as it could have been, if the points Yuki mentioned had been dealt with appropriately. Still, I did enjoy this episode (but considering I hadn't watched any anime, save Nausicaa on dvd, for a little less than two weeks before seeing this, so my mind wasn't probably as critical as usually).
But I'm looking forward to the next episode as it might have some Ichigo-Rukia interaction. I always liked that, despite the shounen show restrictions.
Sun, 12-31-2006, 01:20 PM
But I'm looking forward to the next episode as it might have some Ichigo-Rukia interaction. I always liked that, despite the shounen show restrictions.You mean because it's a Shounen show he won't be able to flip her upside down and jackhammer her vagina?
I imagine that's what you mean.
*sage nod*
Mon, 01-01-2007, 11:04 PM
This episode wasn't a total waste of time. As stated there were parts that could have been done better and the animation was lacking at some points. But it wasn't that bad. As for the whole ren tao stabbing Kariya with a turkey baster thingy, she was the one that created the seal that kariya absorbed and the one that knows the most about the bounto, an explanation was not necessary.
But if you want to debate something. Why was it that when she stabbed him and the quincy blew him up., why was he still able to absorbed spirit particles then and not now. Time delay reaction maybe, I'll just chalk it up to a plot hole.
The feel of the battle was not as intense as i though it would be nor do i think maki's presence was needed but i do understand why he wasn't killed off by Zaraki, he is a twisted bastard, but he doesn't pick on the weak. Both mentally and physically.
I really miss the whole raitsu thingy, you know like when a person with weak raitsu is to close to a captain class and above shinigami, they actually have a hard time just breathing. I think that effect should have been used. it would have been nice especially since there were 2 persons that were severely injured and were standing right there, but whatever.
All in all it wasn't a bad arc, ridiculous to watch at times but I would say that there more more good points than bad.
looking forward to what is next. hope that it is something good.
Tue, 01-02-2007, 04:11 AM
I really miss the whole raitsu thingy, you know like when a person with weak raitsu is to close to a captain class and above shinigami, they actually have a hard time just breathing. I think that effect should have been used. it would have been nice especially since there were 2 persons that were severely injured and were standing right there, but whatever.
Ichigo supposedly has a very high reiatsu, but people rarely are affected it in that manner. Perhaps just during the fight against Byakuya, when his school mates couldn't even get very close to the fight, but had to stay on the other side of the forest. Otherwise at least Rukia is apparently so used to her man's spiritual force that she can probably charge her own batteries by standing in it... Such a nice couple.
Wed, 01-03-2007, 01:14 AM
From dust to dust. Amusing considering Kariya never amounted to more than just that.
I loved Ichigo's little "perhaps he just wanted to put an end to his eternal time" pity speech at the end. Yes, that's why he killed all of his treasured comrades instead of just impaling himself on something sharp. He was a douche. He just didn't have enough class to be the sexy kind of douche like Aizen is.
Thu, 01-04-2007, 11:12 AM
Actually isn't that the same premise behind "The Sealed Sword Frenzy" OAV? super-powered "Beyonder-type" who is tired and/or bored and just wants to die.
@dragonrage: This was a pretty good arc, especially for filler. Usual complaints apply though, like the poor animation, plot holes, forgotten character traits from the manga, and the lack of character development. Still, it had a good story, good fight scenes, decent action, and some likeable characters.
I miss the reiatsu effect too, but it's one of those details they forgot about. I always liked dragon-fear in D&D. Cringe in fear of my awesomeness ye peons!
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