View Full Version : uTorrent error message

Sun, 12-10-2006, 04:31 PM
"Error: The system cannot find the path specified." Is exactly what it says in the status bar of uTorrent. I'm downloading Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 and I'm constantly getting this message. I then right click and say start and it will download for a few minutes, then stop. Any ideas as to why this is occuring? Advice is greatly appreciated.

Sun, 12-10-2006, 05:15 PM
Straight off of utorrents main FAQs page.

"This problem may be caused by a limitation in Windows with path lengths. Windows unfortunately limits the maximum length to 255 characters (which includes the filename). Try saving the torrent to a location closer to the drive's root, such as C:\torrent."

I would also make sure you haven't deleted the folder you are DLing it to or moved anything.