View Full Version : MY FUCKING BAND (the demo is finally out)

Sun, 11-19-2006, 04:32 PM

So yeah, this is it. Our first demo. The quality? LOW. We spent the weekend in an extremely poor studio. But the studio had a very significant advantage: it was free (and it shows).

So basically the studio experience was fucking neat overall and we felt like bums when it was over (as one should), and we had to re-record the songs several times over, only to be faced with the horror that was the recording quality. And this isn't because of bad mike placement or anything like that, it's just plain and simple bad stuff.

So is it listenable? Yes, definitely. But it's much better live, and we sound much better than we do here. But still, it would be awesome if you guys checked it out and perhaps would be so kind as to give some comments, positive, negative, constructive criticism, anything really. Except "you suck and should die"-style comments. Because seriously, we have worked our asses off to get where we are now and while we all still have years and years to go until we reach a level which we might be even remotely satisfied with (I for one will probably never be satisfied) we still beg for mercy so to speak. Listen to it with a, uh, grain of salt? I dunno.

That being said I still like it, despite my disappointment. Some comments people have supplied so far are:

"The twin guitars don't sound like they are matching each other"
"Great drummer (:D!) except that the double bass drumming is very low" (which is because of the studio sound... otherwise, that's a compliment, which makes me happy although I was hoping for the entire demo to sound great too)
"Bad vocalist" (this might be because people in general don't dig thrash metal..?)
"Bad sound quality" (duh)

So yeah, add to the list. If this kind of music isn't your cup of tea, it would be great if you could consider whether or not you find the playing to be tight or not and stuff like that...

The demo has a story sort-of, lyrically. See our singer/rhythm guitarist is a fan of war and stuff like that (who'd guess), so he has written this 6-song epic about a group of vietnamese soldiers (how about that! vietnam war songs from the vietnamese point of view!). It's pretty decent I suppose, although it's not really my type of stuff... maybe I'll get around to upload the lyrics eventually (truth be told I don't even have them here). Out of these 6 songs, 4 are available on Myspace (the intro isn't, and the upcoming song Angel of Vengeance is not ready to be played yet). The name of the demo is "Warmonger".

A quick rundown on the songs:

1. We Hate You All (WTF)
This is the intro, and it's not on Myspace due to lack of space. Story-wise, this is the "build-up for a war" kind of thing. The name is just a funny thing I came up with, because "WTF" is how I reacted when I heard the guitar in this one (maybe I'll show you later).

2. Advance in Vietnam
This is a mid-tempo song with a pretty fast chorus. It's the song that quality-wise came out the best (except for low volume), but maybe also (ironically) the song I like the least. Story-wise this is like "let's advance and kill stuff".

3. Tonight They Will Die
This one you'll hear first. It's a great song, although quality kills it by ruining the excellent recurring speed metal parts. BLEH. Story-wise there's this commander who is telling his soldiers that they are probably going to die tonight but they'll have to fight anyway.

4. With Pain
My favorite song when it comes to my performance. I really nailed this one perfectly in my opinion. A few nice fills in there. Overall a pretty good song but not as good as it should have been (we had a really fun time when we recorded the backing vocals in the end). Story-wise this is the "omfg war is pain" segment.

*Here, Angel of Vengeance is supposed to be and I'm not exactly sure what it's about*

5. God of War
I wrote this drone-like riff and our lead guitarist turned it into a slow "end of the demo" type track. I HATE the drum mix in this one. I wanted to change it but the rest of the band insisted that it felt "good in a raw way". BAH. I can't wait 'til we re-record the whole thing... oh and story-wise this song is... what the hell, I don't know what it is. People talking about the gods and wars maybe? Who knows lol.

(also a hidden track after God of War, some minute after the song's end, with our bassist sounding funny)

Yeah that's it. Enjoy or something...

Sun, 11-19-2006, 05:16 PM

Sun, 11-19-2006, 06:24 PM
I wouldn't blame the studio that much...

Elaborate, please.

Note: I'm not trying to say that we're a perfect band, just saying that evidently it degraded the experience quite a lot.

Sun, 11-19-2006, 07:59 PM
I listened to the first song: pretty catchy~

Sun, 11-19-2006, 08:24 PM
I listened to the first song: pretty catchy~

Much appreciated!

Mon, 11-20-2006, 02:24 AM
I don't see any fucking in the video. :( I want a refund for my time. I personally don't like it. Not my style I reckon.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 04:55 AM
I don't see any fucking in the video. :( I want a refund for my time. I personally don't like it. Not my style I reckon.

What video? :S

Mon, 11-20-2006, 07:53 AM
It's difficult to say anything since I really can't tell what it's "supposed" to sound like, the low sound quality makes it all kind of blur together. This is what I got out of it though.

I like the vocalist, he kind of reminds me of Max Cavalera of Sepultura. My initial feel was that it would sound good if he mixed in some higher pitched parts.

The bass drum sounds muffled.

There's something about the guitars that I can't quite put my finger on. I don't know how to explain it, but the sound is a little out of place, but of course that might just be the sound quality's doing.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 08:56 AM
The Bad: You sound just like every other upstart metal band.

The Good: You have potential? (Took me a while to think of this.) :)

Mon, 11-20-2006, 09:40 AM
The bass drum sounds muffled.

There's something about the guitars that I can't quite put my finger on. I don't know how to explain it, but the sound is a little out of place, but of course that might just be the sound quality's doing.

Yeah the bass drum sound is horrible. I wish the bass drum was bigger, and that the studio allowed a heavier sound. But hey. On the guitar issue, a lot of people think so too and even I have problems pointing out exactly what I'm not satisfied with... partly the sound quality, but also partly nervosity and experience is my guess.


"The Bad: You sound just like every other upstart metal band."

Well, duh. Everything has been done already! Not that I don't agree in a way though... I'm the same when it comes to other upstart metal bands, only reason why I think we sound differently is probably because I'm part of the band.

"The Good: You have potential? (Took me a while to think of this.)"

Thanks... I think? :S

Mon, 11-20-2006, 03:05 PM
I don't think everything has been done, it just takes some creativity to be unique. Often you will hear kids say things like, "Man, it must have been easy to invent things 1000 years ago, but now nearly everything has been invented!", which of course isn't true at all. It does get harder to be unique as the years progress, though.

"Classic thrash metal revival with a twist!"

So what is the twist? By the way, can you post the lyrics?

Oh yeah, the main thing I don't like (and what I think ruins a lot of songs) is the repetitiveness of the music. It seems like the same thing gets played over and over a lot. Also, what is the point of having vocals if the words aren't discernable? I know the sound quality may play some part in this, but there are a lot of professional metal bands that are like this too. Doesn't it defeat the purpose of having vocals if you can't understand them even while reading the lyrics? Also #2, aside from your vocalist making weird noises during the openings, they're pretty good. I think they're (the grunts in the opening, or whatever they are) are rather misplaced.

I would definitely like to hear the music in better quality, though!

Mon, 11-20-2006, 08:12 PM
I don't think everything has been done, it just takes some creativity to be unique. Often you will hear kids say things like, "Man, it must have been easy to invent things 1000 years ago, but now nearly everything has been invented!", which of course isn't true at all. It does get harder to be unique as the years progress, though.

Well true. Hopefully as we progress as musicians we might find a path which will make us different from others in the eyes of the general public. Although, again, we don't really feel like we sound like everybody else.

So what is the twist? By the way, can you post the lyrics?

The twist is... my wig, maybe? I don't know. :S It felt catchy. I don't have the lyrics on me but I'll post them when I get them.

Oh yeah, the main thing I don't like (and what I think ruins a lot of songs) is the repetitiveness of the music. It seems like the same thing gets played over and over a lot. Also, what is the point of having vocals if the words aren't discernable? I know the sound quality may play some part in this, but there are a lot of professional metal bands that are like this too. Doesn't it defeat the purpose of having vocals if you can't understand them even while reading the lyrics? Also #2, aside from your vocalist making weird noises during the openings, they're pretty good. I think they're (the grunts in the opening, or whatever they are) are rather misplaced.

I would definitely like to hear the music in better quality, though!

That kind of vocals, known as growl, is pretty much based on the words not being discernable and to make the whole thing more "chaotic" I suppose. It's a style. Either you like it or you don't I guess. :S

We'll be sure to let you hear more as we record it!

Mon, 11-20-2006, 09:09 PM
I listened to it a little, I just can't get passed that the guitars aren't really congruent with the overall sound. It feels like they should be heavier, both the riffs and the actual sound.

Mon, 11-27-2006, 07:36 AM
I listened to it a little, I just can't get passed that the guitars aren't really congruent with the overall sound. It feels like they should be heavier, both the riffs and the actual sound.

I agree with you, and it will be, eventually!

I've uploaded a properly tagged zip file of the demo (including the previously unheard intro!) if someone wants it for their collection or something (it might be gay quality but it's still metal! also, it will be worth super points when we get famous). So yeah, grab it and feel free to spread the link if you want ...

YEAHHH (http://valethcosmo.free.fr/2006%20-%20Perfektor%20-%20Warmonger%20Demo%20%5b192%5d.zip)