View Full Version : Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

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Thu, 08-02-2007, 09:16 PM
Whew I was about to summon the C.C. fanboy army.

Board of Command
Thu, 08-02-2007, 09:24 PM
Your little CC army has nothing on The Brigade.

If you want to re-enact 300, you're more than welcome to try.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 09:31 PM
The Brigade? Those little pansy azzed nubs?! Feel free to try! The spartans themselves can't hold a candle to C.C. fanatics world wide. We'll roll over them.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 09:40 PM
Hmm...as I remember the Spartans all died. Dont compare us to the Persians, we will own all.BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Board of Command
Thu, 08-02-2007, 11:10 PM
I'm done here. You folks are hopeless.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 11:11 PM
Hopelessly huge fans of C.C. :)

Thu, 08-02-2007, 11:19 PM
Hahaha, Indeed. Its useless to try to convert C.C. Fanatics. It just can't be done.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 11:24 PM
Yes, impossible it is. Its like trying to rid us of anime altogether.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 11:25 PM
I think it official that the C.C. fanboy army has won this war :)

Fri, 08-03-2007, 12:22 AM
Well, it is in the code geass forum, so it may be unfair to judge just with that. How does a poll sound?

Fri, 08-03-2007, 12:30 AM
Sounds good to me. I predict a Landslide Victory for C.C. Devouts.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 04:35 AM
Uh... Sure. All shall know the love of C.C. But from afar!
*Smuggles C.C. back to his place.

Flame on !!! :D (yes it's just funny how this can be read two ways :D )

Fri, 08-03-2007, 05:22 AM
I know i admit at first I was stuck between choosing Kallen and C.C.(dont kill me Lucifus)
But now its all C.C. for me.

my vote:C.C.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 12:19 PM
Picture books are intriguing especially 4.33

Fri, 08-03-2007, 12:34 PM
I dont think all of them are subbed. All the extra geass material is great, especially the sound episodes. Unfortunately, most of them are not translated.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 01:23 PM
Of the Picture Books released, I believe only the newest, 9.33 has been unsubbed. It's also a totally pointless one who's only purpose is to see Lelouch in a dress (obviously Milly's idea). Some are enlightening, many are just omakes.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 09:20 PM
Yeah, its just too bad the sound episodes arent being translated. Ive seen one of them translated in youtube with pictures , I think it was one in the first batch. They are really funny, and some actually have good development for the characters. I cant seem to find them though...

EDIT: I found an example of a sound episode edited with pictures, but unfortunately without translations.

EDIT EDIT: Its the same sound episode as before, only this time, translated by yours truly. This is my first time doing this, and it was a rush job that took just about an hour, so be understanding.


Sat, 08-04-2007, 09:21 AM
Not bad for your first try at subbing. The timing needs a bit of work though, but overall, well done.

That was a pretty funny sound episode, especially when they all went crazy for Lulu. Thanks for subbing it!

Sat, 08-04-2007, 09:49 AM
Thanks for the sub! It was perfectly understandable even if it was just a rush job.

Sat, 08-04-2007, 09:56 AM
Thanks guys. Makes going through the trouble worth it.

Ive seen another sound episode edited with pictures before, and it had C.C. in it. I cant seem to find it in youtube anymore. If anyone can find the raw, please send the link so I can translate it.

Sat, 08-04-2007, 11:54 AM
Arthur (The Cat) was one of my favorites, cause he inflicted pain on Suzaku throughout the series.

I liked him for that reason aswell

Mon, 08-06-2007, 11:41 AM
Here's a new sound episode. This time, both the video and subbing was done by me. Unfortunately, I used an evaluation version for video editing, which is the reason there is a huge tag on top of the screen. Still, its not like it hinders understanding of the sound episode, and its not like anyone will want to archive this anyway. The main goal is just to at least let people know some extra info from the sound episodes of code geass, and I think it will do its job.


Mon, 08-06-2007, 11:55 AM
Good work, in all aspects! Too bad about the trial tag, but can't be helped. And in any case, there was so much talk (and consequently text) that it's not like I would have had time to be bothered about it while watching...

At least this revealed the origin of C.C.'s weird costume in the Mao arc.

Mon, 08-06-2007, 11:59 AM
Yeah, it was quite interesting, especially since everyone was asking about that costume when it first appeared. Apparently, its Lelouch's tastes that are weird, not C.C.'s.

Im planning on doing another one, this time, with Kallen and C.C., might take some time though because of the lack of easy to use software (yes, I am a noob) and good pictures to make it understandable.

Mon, 08-06-2007, 01:00 PM
Yeah. I can imagine without any prior experience getting the hang of video editing softwares for a sudden project might not be any small cookie to crack. Well, I haven't used them myself either. Only After Effects, but that's a video effect software, not video editing. And I can only imagine looking for suitable screenshots is tedious work. That's actually something I do have a little experience with from elsewhere, and it took serious efforts...

Nevertheless, I'm very much looking forward to the next one! I hope you get it subbed and released despite everything!

Board of Command
Mon, 08-06-2007, 03:55 PM
You can compile the picture/audio portion of the video with Adobe Premiere, then make the subs using Aegisub.

Mon, 08-06-2007, 09:16 PM
You could also use windows movie maker.It's very user friendy. Good for starters

Tue, 08-07-2007, 06:06 AM
Another sound episode brought to you by yours truly. Used the same software as before, since my PC seems to not want to let me use any other video editing software. The end part is a bit off timing, and I dont really understand why. Must be a technical problem. Anyway, here it is.


Tue, 08-07-2007, 06:35 AM
Hahaha, nice. That was pretty awesome. Something to get me by while I wait for the 2nd season. More C.C.! Thanks for the subs Shinta.:cool:

Tue, 08-07-2007, 06:47 AM
Time and time again, Kallen proves she can only drive Knightmares. I wonder if C.C. likes messing with Lelouch or Kallen more? I'm guessing Lelouch.

Great work as always.

Tue, 08-07-2007, 08:35 AM
Great work! Thanks! It's jolly good we have here our own Geass subber and editor when the regular groups fail.

And it was very interesting to get an episode that put Kallen and C.C. in the same packet. Not bad choices of images, either.

Tue, 08-07-2007, 08:36 AM
Anyway to share this files that is not youtube?
Kinda blocked at the office, and well... I could see them at home... but I kinda wanted to download them without resorting to flv videos and ipod/psp converters.

Tue, 08-07-2007, 10:59 AM
Finally caught up. Haven't watched since ep 14 or so but had faithfully downloaded the releases as they came out. I really hate cliffhangers and to end an entire season like that made me nearly pull out my hair in frustration... in a good way =P

It's so fun to see two characters who're so similar and fail to recognize those similarities in each other. But I would probably argue that Lelouch has a better grip on reality than Suzaku. And that whole Geass with Euphie thing was unbelievable. If Lelouch ever loses Nanali then he'll become truly insane, as I find her the only thread tying down his conscience. I don't really see C.C. as one to help him make moral judgments. Kinda makes me root for Nanali's death just to see what happens :p

Tue, 08-07-2007, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the comments about the sound episodes. Im glad people are enjoying them, since that is really the reason why I started translating those things.

Wed, 08-08-2007, 06:59 AM
Maybe you can try some other software so that you wont have a problem with the tag.

Thanks for the subs!

Wed, 08-08-2007, 07:07 AM
Another one done! This time, its a love triangle between C.C., Lelouch, and Suzaku!

Forgot to put my name on the thing, but trust me, I made it, video and translation. Its quite obvious from the noobness.


Wed, 08-08-2007, 07:36 AM
Heh. A complicated girl indeed... Somehow these clips that suggest C.C. and Lelouch really are a pair are such teasers.

Good work, once again. But don't forget to add your credits. After all, you are the only guardian of your own rights.

Wed, 08-08-2007, 07:46 AM
I dont really mind if anyone else uses them. I do these sound episodes just for the fun of it, and for the people enjoying them anyway. But ill keep that in mind.

The clips with C.C. in it are my favorites, but I think only one other sound episode has her appearing (and only a very short time too). Its a series I believe, composed of a few parts. The other sound episodes are about the supporting cast, and are mainly comedy.

Sun, 08-12-2007, 11:42 PM
somehow i've still yet to watch the last two episodes of this show...

however, i'm rewatching it with my sister. And we just finished having a full-blown debate about Lelouch. She, being the high and mighty virtuous Christian that she is, says she hates him because he is so manipulative and is "an absolute complete asshole who doesn't care about anyone"

Now, granted, he's manipulative and uses people like chess pieces, but I tried to defend our protagonist a little. We just watched episode 14 (first episode with Mao and when Lelouch wipes Shirely's memory at the end) and I tried to convince her that he actually does care about her (too much so). She would have none of it and is convinced that his only wiping her memory instead of killing her is no proof that he's still not terrible.

It got me to thinking, why does he erase the rest of her memories about him? At this point, it's painfully obvious to him that she's in love with him, and she's torn up because she still loves him (enough to save him from Viletta) even though she knows he's Zero and her father's murderer. So, why not just wipe her memory of the past few days? Why make her forget all about him? I think it is because he feels terrible that she's in love with him, and Geassing her is his quick fix to not have that terrible guilt weighing on him.

man, i do love this freakin' show... once I finish catching up with the Naruto manga (infinitely better than the anime) I'll gladly watch the climax of this season.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 02:12 AM
I think its also for Shirley's sake. If she is still in love with Lelouch, she will eventually stick her nose in his business like she did which placed her in grave danger. By erasing himself and her love for him, that whole issue is avoided. Granted its an easy way out, but is still effective, and the motives were not completely selfish.

A lot of people can say that Lelouch is an asshole and manipulative because he is. But the reason that they can hate him for it is because they do not understand his character, his hatred and his pain, mainly because most people do not go through what he has gone through. Many people underestimate the hardships Lelouch faced because it was not elaborated in the series. Two sound episodes shed more light to this, and also fleshes out Lelouch's good side. If I find the time I will translate and upload it, but that wont be for a while.

Lelouch does care about people, namely and in order of importance, Nunnaly, Suzaku, C.C., Shirley, the rest of the people he knows (sorry Kallen). This has been proven time and time again. I hope people dont mistake Lelouch for Light, since they are fundamentally different.

@Masa - Id recommend watching the sound episodes (well at least the ones I posted so far since I think they are the only ones translated) before the season ender, just to give a bit more background before the climax, instead of the other way around.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 06:55 AM
Following post will be episode 24-25 spoiler-free.

Shinta hit it just about dead on on both counts. Lelouch is a villain. You're supposed to hate him. However, the audience can't help but like him as well, seeing him succeed and later that his motives are very much the product of his immense desire to protect Nunnaly. Watching Lelouch is like watching a con-artist or heist film, you feel good about watching the plan succeed. But you can also hate Suzaku as much as you like, like most of us do. He is Lelouch's balance point. Lelouch thinks he needs to do everything by force, and only at the point with Euphie does he see there may be another solution. Suzaku is of course, the world's greatest hypocrite. He professes peace and slowly changing everything, trying to keep everyone alive. He plays the role of The Hero. But we learn that deep down, he's no better than Lelouch. He readily kills to stop the killing. What makes the series really interesting is that we see Suzaku and Lelouch slowly gravitate towards being the same person. It climaxed at the end of episode 23, and in 24 and 25, you'll see how that drift turned out.

As for Shirley, most of us agree that what Lelouch did was the stupid thing. He got emotional about it, didn't take the time to think, and on impulse, gave her a poorly thought out Geass order. But he had good intentions. He saw how incredibly tortured Shirely had become. She was still very much smitten with him, but couldn't bring herself any closer like she clearly wanted to because he killed her father inadvertently. Tying in with above, consider it a moment of Lelouch's weakness, the slow shift toward Suzaku's personality. As Shinta said, he no longer wanted to see her suffer, and especially since it was his fault, he made a snap decision during her emotional fit and put her out of that pain. Maybe it was ill-guided mercy, perhaps it was a reaction to how powerless Lelouch felt about her in his guilt.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 08:36 AM
You're supposed to hate him.

Hmm... I never hated him. While he is an anti-hero, or even a villain, he's still not out there like Light, for example. Like you said, Lelouch still has people who are important to him and he protected them. Even Suzaku who is also one of his worst enemies. Suzaku believes in changing the system, Lelouch believes in a revolution. Neither are inherently good or bad solutions, but revolution obviously can turn bloody much easier and thus requires a leader who is not afraid, internally or externally, of blood spilled.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 08:42 AM
I never hated Lelouch either, and I think people who do are quite naive, or are too idealistic, or are too attached to the hero image to appreciate a good anti-hero. Still, its everyones freedom to like or hate anything.

Then again, maybe Im just a villain myself, and am forced to defend one who shares my ideals.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 09:20 AM
You're both correct. I should have written it "You're supposed to hate him," or even more appropriately, "He's not the kind of person you should be rooting for."

The mainstream populace is supposed to agree with Suzaku's methods. Slowly, peacefully, changing things from inside. What makes his character interesting is that Suzaku preaches that method while making many exceptions along the way. He's no different from Lelouch.

What makes this series great is that you can see that visible change is only possible from Lelouch's method. Suzaku's method would take a long time, if not generations. The only reason we see any progress at all with his method is he convinces someone in "power," Euphemia. Lelouch claims he's willing to make any sacrifices and take all the weight from his actions, which of course he isn't able to. He has one huge weakness in Nunnally, Suzaku, and his other friends, which is of course why he made the stupid decision dealing with Shirley.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 09:59 AM
I think it's good to root for the Lelouch types, because with them the results they get feel more real. Suzaku's results come being a goody goody and then lucking into having a member of the royal family like him. He gets 'Flashdanced' to a position of authority and then mistakes that for real progress. Lelouch on the other hand does some pretty bad things, but gets results using his own power and by 23 he has managed to do the unthinkable, set up a situation where an Area has declared independence from Britannia and might actually be able to hold it. I don't think either method is exclusively right or wrong, but I can at least get behind Lelouch's way because he earned it through working hard towards his goal, not smiling and going out on dates with Princesses.

As to calling him a villian...how exactly does that work? Did he ever kill civilians wantonly? Sure he's taken hostages and destroyed tons of property, but he seems to avoid harming non-combatants when possible showing that he does have a heart (a proper villain should never avoid civilian causalities if it interferes with their goals). I think Lelouch falls firmly in either the anti-hero or anti-villain category, with the only real difference being do you think he's a 'generally good guy using bad methods (anti-hero)' or a 'generally bad guy with a heart (anti-villain)'.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 10:36 AM
Lelouch falls very much into a grey area. He uses people a lot to meet his ends. No hesitation in killing all those soldiers when he first obtained the Geass, planned to kill the leaders of the Japanese Liberation Front, while ensuring he could have Todou join him later. He often kills people off himself, blames Britannia or someone else to further solidify his organization.

He's been using everyone from the beginning. I doubt he really cares at all if Japan is free, he just wants a safe place for Nunnally and revenge for Marianne. He didn't even fight on the front lines until he obtained overwhelming dominance with the Gawain. You can call it smart, but at least Suzaku risks his own life before all else, even if it's for the cowardly reason of guilt.

There really is no true correct way in this series. Everyone has their flaws.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 10:50 AM
Lelouch's fighting style is tactical, and practical. Suzaku owning everyone in an overpowered mecha isnt exactly risking his life, and is quite idiotic and unbelievable (though common in anime). At least Lelouch thinks and gives effort and sacrifices to win. Suzaku is somehow winning just for being himself.

Lelouch is a definite anti-hero. I think what separates heroes from villains are basic motives. Lelouch's motives dont really qualify as selfish villain motives (conquer the world for power, kill everyone he doesnt like etc.). Granted he does want to conquer the world, but not as a motive, but as a method in order to create a place for his sister. And if you ask me, the world he will create will probably be 10x better than the world his father (the real villain) fosters. Lelouch is not an anti-villain, his motives dont fit that category.

I really believe that the delivery of code geass is in fact biased towards Lelouch (well he is the main character) since they tend to humanize him a lot.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 10:59 AM
I doubt he really cares at all if Japan is free, he just wants a safe place for Nunnally and revenge for Marianne.

That doesn't matter at all. What he was thinking deep inside is irrelevant if it had brought the Japanese back their independence. We may never know what would have happened after that, though, and it would indeed have been the decisive point: whether Lelouch would have shamelessly (and using geass) used the independent Japan to crush the Empire or whether he would have proceeded through other ways. If he had ruined Japan for his own purposes, then it all would have been a wicked act from the beginning, for sure, but not otherwise.

He didn't even fight on the front lines until he obtained overwhelming dominance with the Gawain. You can call it smart, but at least Suzaku risks his own life before all else, even if it's for the cowardly reason of guilt.

Risking one's own life for no purpose is no courage but foolishness. Suzaku was but one pilot and not in any command position even. Thus he was doing exactly what he was supposed to do. Lelouch, on the other hand, was the leader of a resistance movement right from the beginning. He still risked much, if you probe your memories a little, but tried not to risk too much. He wasn't certainly any exceptional pilot and thus he wouldn't have gained anything at all by recklessly throwing himself at enemies - quite the contrary, he would have deprived the resistance of their irreplaceable leader.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 11:14 AM
to me villains and heroes are situational identifiers.

Because the Britannian Empire is so evil and their methods of colonization so racist and oppressive, people in the modern day will see almost anyone opposing them as a 'good guy'. If this show was viewed by a society of British nobles in the 18th Century, they might be more accepting of Britannia and see Lelouch as a villain.

Lelouch has done alot of bad things. He uses people, murders people, manipulates and lies and, yeah, if you just looked at his actions, you'd immediateley call him a villain, pure and simple. But because the story takes great pains to show you his background, gaining sympathy and understanding for his motives, and sets him up against an even more manipulative, evil opponent in the Britannian Empire, the old "the ends justify the means" maxim springs up to viewers and they suddenly cheer him as a hero. I do also think that Ryl has a good idea about 'watching a heist film', because in real life we wouldn't want to be so condoning of those things, but the tension and feeling aroused in us while watching it makes us root for the heist to be pulled off.

Suzaku is really the flip-side of Lelouch. He'd normally be a hero, if it weren't that the country he serves is so evil, and without his backstory (him killing his father), we'd not be aware of his shortcomings so much. Opposed from the start by the very institution he supports, Suzaku has worked his way up after (fortunately) receiving the Lancelot and even managed to attract a powerful sympathizer in Euphie who would realize the 'change from the inside' scheme. But, as mentioned, he does primarily rely on his Knightmare's power as his greatest tool. He makes a point of trying to go about things with the right methods.

Still, the thing about this show is that nobody is perfect. Suzaku can't resist using the power of violence and methods that he despises. Lelouch can't put his personal vengence aside. Even Nunnaly, the only really 'pure' character in the entire show (and, in her relation with Lelouch, one of the biggest reasons we can come to see him as a hero and not a villain) is physically crippled.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 11:29 AM
Suzaku didnt work his way up. He was just plain lucky to get everything set up for him (Lancelot, Euphie). He believed that things could be changed from the inside, but he had no plans or strategy. He had nothing, but pure hypocrisy.

Lelouch had a plan, though it got moved forward with geass. Lelouch isnt evil nor stupid. He believed that what he was doing was necessary, and is done in consideration of other more peaceful alternatives. Lelouch is practically a genius, and if he wasnt able to come up with a peaceful solution that was feasible at that time, there probably was no such solution. He basically had no choice. Its not like he wanted to use the more violent way.

Suzaku did not believe in the Machiavellian method, so he CHOSE (in ignorance of course, since he, unlike Lelouch, is an idiot) to take the practically impossible justice approach. Lelouch KNEW that there was no other choice, and was thus forced to do what he did, and I agree with him.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 02:20 PM
@shinta|hikari you left something out. Suzaku was also given the "I Can Pilot A God-Level Mech Better Than Anyone Ever Just Because I'm In The Opening" (© 2007 Sunrise) package.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 04:33 PM
This show needs a calm character, siding with neither Brits or OBKs that just pwns Suzaku and kills VV for god sakes, it don't fucking matters who does the job, just kill VV.
And after rewatching the end, I wonder if it's Nanaly that gets shot.

Ps : Just kill VV

Edit: Kill the guy doing her voice acting
Edit2 : Strangle the guy that gave the idea of that char.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 05:48 PM
What fun would a mecha series be if the main characters had to actually like ... a learning curve? :p

Anyway, yeah. You're basically indicting Suzaku for being a hypocritical pacifist with a fundamental disconnect between his ideals and his own reality. But Lelouch is exactly the same way! He wants to come in and destroydestroydestroy to create a peaceful world. The difference is that Suzaku doesn't realize that he's embracing the path of destruction, where Lelouch does.

What makes this series interesting is that everyone in it with the exception of Lelouch's father is depicted as a good person. They all have their hearts in the right place. They all want peace and justice. They're all loyal to their friends and families. Nobody's maliciously betraying others. I think even Lelouch's father can be justified, from a certain perspective. As Lelouch got closer to finding out about his mother's assassination, it seemed like he was right on the verge of discovering that perspective and shattering his whole worldview.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 06:48 PM
Lelouch never claimed he was a pacifist and he's never seemed to think he was somehow blameless or heroic for doing what he does, he does what he wants to do and acknowledges that it's only being done because he wants it done. This mentality I ca get behind on the grounds that he is at peace with what he is and he has accepted that the means to his end will be bloody and violent and terrible.

What is annoying about Suzaku is that he is so similar to Lelouch, (Might makes Right) but seems convinced that he's got some lofty noble reasoning behind his actions. He acts like his reasoning is right because it's the 'natural order' and he's just a pawn in the grand scheme of keeping things going the way they are supposed to. When you look at all the people Suzaku kills he seems to blame their deaths on them going against Britannia instead of on him denying them their right to be free and make their own choices. He runs around screaming "don't fight the system, join it and change it" but it never seems to cross his mind that he and Britannia are wrong for telling people how to live their lives and killing them when they don't agree.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 08:12 PM
Lelouch is not a hypocrite. If anything, he is too accepting of his ways even at the expense of his conscience. Suzaku fools himself into thinking he is doing the right thing while his actions say otherwise. Lelouch may be a liar, but at least he doesnt lie to himself. Suzaku may be "honest", but since he lies to himself, he is practically fooling everyone else as well.

Oh, and Lelouch doesnt agree with "might makes right". He is changing the world precisely because he wants to change that mindset. But he realizes that using power is the only real way to effect that change. He should know the irony there, but realistically, its the only way (with the information he has). Suzaku is just a fool who cant go against the system. Heck, he was about to kill himself with Zero once (which should go against his pacifist ideals and "good nature") just because he was ordered to.

More than being a hypocrite, I guess Suzaku is so irritating because he is a naive idiot.

Tue, 08-14-2007, 04:38 PM
hey i didnt feel like scrolling through the pages but i got a question .does anyone else think that vv is to the emperor( lelouch dad) as cc is to lelouch? his dad probably has geass...............he knew as lelouch accepted contract from cc in first episode

Thu, 08-23-2007, 05:18 PM

I loled.....

Christ I need CG.

Board of Command
Thu, 08-23-2007, 05:54 PM
Christ I need CG.
I have some CG if you know what I mean. PM me for further details.

Sat, 08-25-2007, 05:44 AM
I have some CG if you know what I mean. PM me for further details.
Will do. ;)

Sat, 08-25-2007, 10:20 AM
You people suck at finding porn. Its the internet! How hard can it be!?

Sat, 08-25-2007, 10:36 AM
My friend and I discussed about Suzaku.. and we concluded that Suzaku = Kira (GS)

Sat, 08-25-2007, 12:50 PM
No, Suzaku is nowhere as good as Kira *Jesus Christ* Yamato, at least he didn't need a cat to bail his ass out spoilerz lol.
O yeah, and regardless how stupid Kira's idea was, at least he did something about it... like disabling MS's instead of just blowing the crap out of everything.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 10:43 AM
I like Suzaku more because he finally became honest after realizing he was powerless to save Euphie the way he was. But I think Kira is the better character (in terms of being a hero) since despite having been powerless to protect Flay, he doesnt go all berserk and lose all his ideals and principles like Suzaku did.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 08:10 PM
Gundam Seed Kira was a hell of a lot better than Suzaku. At least you could understand Kira's bitching, it seemed logical since he was a civilian, and Kira made some good choices by the end of the series. Suzaku just can't help being a dumbass. It makes me sick every time I have to watch him talk to himself out loud about rebellions not improving the situation. And to make things worse, he's the one helping the enemy, making him an even bigger asshole. At least Kira wasn't an asshole. I mean, even if the pink haired princess was being controlled while killing all of those Japanese, you can't deny that she had to be put down. I would actually complement this series if it were not for that worthless ass wipe of a character.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 01:15 AM
Heh. Seems like it's a bad conclusion after all =\

Mon, 09-03-2007, 09:07 PM
So finally downloaded and watched the last two episodes. Jesus this show has got to be the king of cliff hangers, it makes me want to pull my hair out.

Regarding the discussion here, i have to agree with the "Suzaku is a douche" crowd. Lelouch at the very least recognizes that though his intentions are good, the means he's using to achieve his goals are morally wrong. We've seen him struggle with his own morality several times. On top of that his goals are a lot easier to identify with, i mean who wouldn't want to find and kill the person who murdered their mother? As well as trying to make a world where you and your outcast sister could live without worrying about the royalty who thinks your dead finding out your not?

Suzaku on the other hand is just a lapdog of the system, he has no real solid reason for turning on his own more or less enslaved people. He just preaches "peace" and "non-violence" all the while smashing around in is uber God-mech killing whoever he's ordered to and justifying himself by blaming it on them. The guy killed his own dad and justifies it by saying it was for "peace". There is just very little i can find redeemable, much less likable, about a hypocrite who justifies his actions with his own self-righteous nonsense.

Mon, 09-03-2007, 09:31 PM
Have they posted a date when season 2 starts?

Board of Command
Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:12 PM
I'm almost certain it's mid to late October. Can't give you the source but I did read that somewhere.

Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:23 PM
@Crash - and another person sees the light.

Sun, 10-07-2007, 12:42 PM
I'm almost certain it's mid to late October. Can't give you the source but I did read that somewhere.

I'll break your board in two if your wrong.

I'd had morning wood all day thinking about how Code Geass is just around the corner.

Is that strange?

Sun, 10-07-2007, 02:04 PM
There's no release date for season two. Unless you can find an open spot in a broadcaster's schedule, it's not happening this season.

source: http://www.moonphase.cc/Html/anime.html
(search for "コードギアス" . If you don't have Japanese fonts installed, it's two entries above ARIA the Origination)

Sun, 10-07-2007, 02:35 PM
I'd had morning wood all day thinking about how Code Geass is just around the corner.

Is that strange?

Yes, strange enough that you should just stop watching CG.

Meh, Im kind of looking forward to it. Its another 20 minutes to spend on every Saturday night.

Tue, 10-09-2007, 10:12 PM
I'll break your board in two if your wrong.

I'd had morning wood all day thinking about how Code Geass is just around the corner.

Is that strange?

Lol is this your way of asking the C.C. fanboy army, to get ready for a attack?

Sat, 10-13-2007, 07:41 PM
I can't wait for Code Geass. I just hope Lelouch is victorious in the end and does not end up becoming a complete "badguy" or anything.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 09:35 PM
I can't wait for Code Geass. I just hope Lelouch is victorious in the end and does not end up becoming a complete "badguy" or anything.

They've done an excellent job of keeping the lines of "good and evil" extremely blurred in this show. I'd expect them to keep it that way until the end. It's simply a matter of individual perspective, as neither side is standing on any kind of moral high ground at this point.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 09:53 PM
I just wanna see some Lelouch x Cornelia action...

And the rest of the Code Geass plot while they're at it...

Fri, 11-02-2007, 12:08 AM
I'm almost certain it's mid to late October. Can't give you the source but I did read that somewhere.

Gave me false hope.....your a bastard.

Go jump off a cliff.:(

Fri, 11-02-2007, 12:11 AM
.....Same here, I saw the thread, ans almost shat my pants. Dangit, watch one after another the C.C. fanboy army will come here with hopes of news about the second season of CG only to have it dashed.

@Lucifus, iv noticed that you keep changing you sig around, The sig you gave me needs no changing, cant mess with perfection now can you? :)

Fri, 11-02-2007, 01:25 AM
isnt the VA for Lelouch doing Rental Magica?

Fri, 11-02-2007, 02:31 PM
Yep, the main character's voice. It is quite easy to tell.

Thu, 12-06-2007, 09:58 AM
Second season of Code Geass starting in the spring (April) of 2008, according to Moon Phase.

Check this page out

Thu, 12-06-2007, 10:30 AM
Good to finally have confirmation on a date, but so far away......

Thanks for the info/update jaguar.

Thu, 12-06-2007, 10:51 AM
Check this page out

Lol I ran that page through babelfish and this line popped out at me. I think it's in reference to Dragonaut the Resonance but I'm not sure

The next time, whether the woman the ideal metamorphosis prince who the spoon is done, what kind of disgrace behavior is forced to ���� is the pleasure, (laughing). Before the communicating with the brown breast, is that samurai woman burying the face between the metamorphosis Oji's crotch, has done ���� is?

Anyway April is close, but yet so far. I can't wait to see C.C. again, and hopefully a dead Suzaku.

Thu, 12-06-2007, 11:41 AM
Anyway April is close, but yet so far. I can't wait to see C.C. again, and hopefully a dead Suzaku.

that would be just great... i hate these "i m all friendly and i love everyone and don't want war =]" characters...

Thu, 12-06-2007, 11:57 AM
Suzaku wasnt exactly like that, but yeah, I hate him all the same.

Thu, 12-06-2007, 01:04 PM
Anyway April is close, but yet so far. I can't wait to see C.C. again, and hopefully a dead Suzaku.

that would be just great... i hate these "i m all friendly and i love everyone and don't want war =]" characters...

Suzaku wasnt exactly like that, but yeah, I hate him all the same.

so much hate for Suzaku...

It's to bad really as I have to show you all this (http://img471.imageshack.us/img471/1724/njewfrbl8.jpg)

Thu, 12-06-2007, 04:03 PM
He just pisses me off, what can I say?

As to that pic: Suzaku wearing black gloves, seems like hes goin Anikin in S2. And I wonder who that kid in the middle is.

Thu, 12-06-2007, 05:27 PM
It would be too weird if he died, no matter how detestable he is. I don't know if my views of Code Geass will be different once it starts because by then I've watched a Gundam series, but I hope not so much will change. It was getting a kind of a tradition in Code Geass that Lelouch concocted a clever scheme and Suzaku ruined it. So much of the series was built on that theme that honestly what would be left of it otherwise...

But most of all I'm, naturally, looking forward to seeing C.C. once again!

Thu, 12-06-2007, 11:58 PM
Well, Ive always wanted Suzaku to die the most horrible death, that is, until he actually became more like the thing he hates. Now, I dont dislike him as much. Even so, it would be better for him to die near the end of the storyline.

I sure hope that Suzaku ruins Lelouch plans thing doesnt continue in the next season. That can get repetitive and irritating. Putting Lelouch on the run and Suzaku in the position of power which leads to himslowly being corrupted would be a good way to go.

Fri, 12-07-2007, 01:18 AM
That kid somehow looks like a younger Lelouch...

Fri, 12-07-2007, 08:50 AM
Well, considering Gundam00 (another graphics heavy, mecha production by Sunrise) stops airing around that time, I'm not too surprised that Code Geass is resuming.

And, I do hope that we actually learn some things about C.C.'s "race" or whatever they are, along with the Thought Elevators, that weird shadow planet that's been in all the OPs, and the like... I'm also incredibly intrigued to see what happens to Shirley. Surprisingly, one of my least favorite characters turned out to be central to one of the most interesting storylines in all of the first half. And Lelouch won't be able to Geass her this time...

On a related note, I hope the storyline, and all further events involving my least favorite character (Nina) end. Now that Euphie's dead, I wishfully can't see much of a purpose for her anymore. I also hope Orange-kun dies. That character started waxing cliche since Narita... Super strong enemy pilot who is mentally unstable and obsessed with beating the protagonist? Please, was that archetype ever anything but an excuse for flashy fights?

I hope to see more out of Suzaku. Yes, I still like him. (Remember, this is coming from Kira Yamato's #1 hater) And although I'm not willing to debate it with you all, I don't see him as being any worse than Lelouch or C.C., especially by the time the first season ended. Different sides of the same coin, if you ask me. Let's see if he can lead troops as well as dish it in combat.

Fri, 12-07-2007, 02:02 PM
After all, Cornelia appointed him officially as a knight, one of her own no less. I'm happy to see him leading the charge against the Black Knights. Despite the advantage of the Lancelot, Suzaku is still an incredibly capable pilot in his own right. He fought off both the Gurren and the Burai (was going to put 'samurai' units when the name clicked). Not to mention all the stunts he pulls off outside of the cockpit.

I'll agree that Orange-kun needs to go, but Nina may still have a place. She may be a mentally unstable lesbian, but she's also appears to be the smartest of all the inventor characters. While Lloyd and Raksharta have made very impressive devices, Nina was able to create a nuclear bomb (and enhance it with sakuradite). Lloyd in particular only saw it as theoretical, and we assume Raksharta as well because they both recognized it immediately when she brought it out and when Lloyd yelled a vague warning.

I could see Nina siding alongside Lloyd to develop devastating weapons for Britannia in an effort to kill Zero. Plus, we never did find out what Milly was referring to when she said during the kidnapping episode, "We won't leave you behind like the last time."

I'm no fan of hers, but there's still a lot more that can be done with Nina.

Fri, 12-07-2007, 02:58 PM
I really don't understand how people can 'like' Britannia but whatever, but I guess liking villainous governments isn't exactly a new thing. I would agree that Nina's brain has some good potential and I'm all about the lesbian crush, but her personality is just so annoying. If she does get a decent role in season 2 I hope they use her insanity as an excuse to eliminate her more annoying personality traits.

Sat, 12-08-2007, 02:46 AM
Im pretty sure Suzaku is damn pathetic when it comes to strategy and leading troops. He isnt exactly a leader or a thinker. If he can do that, he would technically be a broken character. That doesnt make him dumb though. He was sharp enough to figure out Zero was Lelouch after all.

I hope he leads an assault and fails miserably causing numerous deaths of his subordinates and preferably someone he knows/cares about. IMHO, Suzaku doesnt have to die. He can just suffer immensely and go nuts before the show ends and I will be satisfied.

Sat, 12-08-2007, 03:05 AM
Im pretty sure Suzaku is damn pathetic when it comes to strategy and leading troops. He isnt exactly a leader or a thinker. If he can do that, he would technically be a broken character. That doesnt make him dumb though. He was sharp enough to figure out Zero was Lelouch after all.

I hope he leads an assault and fails miserably causing numerous deaths of his subordinates and preferably someone he knows/cares about. IMHO, Suzaku doesnt have to die. He can just suffer immensely and go nuts before the show ends and I will be satisfied.

He didnt figure it out, V.V. told him. And I completely agree with you that he needs to suffer more before he bites it in this show. I really hope that he does turn out to become some kind of great leader, or slow learns to be come one. That would make him a lot more annoying IMO.

On to another topic:

So with the 2nd season coming about, I went looking for the code geass manga. Not for spoilers or anything, though the manga comes after the anime so no point in looking, but I wanted to see If there were any differences between the anime and the manga. So after looking through the titles that had code geass in it, most were doujins >.<, I stumbled across one called: Code Geass: Suzaku of the Counterattack, I read the synopsis and apperently its just the same story but from Suzaku's persepctive. Now I know they wouldnt do this in the anime but I got concerned that Suzaku would become the main char for S2. Am I just overthinking this or does anyone else share the same concerns? I dont know why I came to this theory about S2, maybe its just that pic of Suzaku that made me think he might step up as the new main char.

Sat, 12-08-2007, 08:32 AM
V.V. didnt tell him. He figured it out. It was in one of the sound episodes. He already had a hunch, but denied it because Lelouch was his bestfriend. Doesnt make him any better a character though.

Sat, 12-08-2007, 09:41 AM
V.V. only told Suzaku that Zero had the Geass, which explained to Suzaku why Euphie went berserk.

Tue, 12-11-2007, 01:59 PM
Apologies for the double post, but I found this relevant:

The official announcement for the show came at Otakon, and the localization of the series is being done by Zero Limit. The show will be aired on Adult Swim in the spring of 2008. According to Iyadomi, Mr. Goro Taniguchi, the show's original director, helped select the English voice talent for the dubbed release.

The English Language cast is as follows:

Lelouch: Johnny Yong Bosch

C2 (CC): Kate Higgins

Kallen: Karen Strassman

Suzaku Kururugi: Yuri Lowenthal

Lloyd: Liam O'Brien

Tohdoh: Steven Blum

Bartley: Peter Spellos

Clovis: Dave Wittenberg

Emperor: Michael McConnohie

Shirley: Amy Kincaid

Milly: Julie Ann Taylor

Nina & Sayoko: Kim Mai Guest

Not that I have ever been a particular fan of dubs (Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon being the exception, though I still like the Japanese on the later) but the localized version is making some progress, and you may be able to pick up the dvds should you choose to do so.

One thing that caught my eye in this little newsbite was C.C.'s name being listed as C2. I had always wondered why if her name in the credits was always listed as "C.C." why Lelouch always pronounced it "shi-tsu." After seeing as "C2," it finally all clicks into place. Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch's VA) has always called her "C-two." The engrish pronunciation changes it into "Shi-tsu."

Tue, 12-11-2007, 02:22 PM
Im incredibly surprised that you only figured that out now. Dont get me wrong, I know a lot of people who didnt get it, but I kind of expected you to.

Tue, 12-11-2007, 02:43 PM
Sorry for disappointing you. :p I was kind of keeping my eyes on her and not the way Jun Fukuyama was pronouncing her name.

Tue, 12-11-2007, 02:44 PM
I might check some clips on YouTube - if I remember. It could be interesting to hear how they sound like in English. At least it sounds promising the original director helped in the selection process.

Tue, 12-11-2007, 02:46 PM
I've heard complaints that the casting of Lelouch and Suzaku should be switched, as Yuri Lowenthal has the deeper voice, more suitable for Lelouch and his Zero voice. I'm largely unfamiliar with most of the cast, so I can't say one way or the other about it.

I'll watch an episode or two on Adult Swim and see how they turned out.

Tue, 12-11-2007, 11:17 PM
A deep voiced Suzaku? Maybe I will hate himmore with that.

Wed, 12-12-2007, 12:04 AM
What the fuck? Yuri Lowenthal as Suzaku?
That guy is awesome... but Suzaku? damn... I can imagine him as Lelouch... not Suzaku.

(Skeeeith!!, hehehe)

BTW... they just HAD to give Kallen to someone called... Karen... right?

Wed, 12-12-2007, 12:16 AM
This feels like Death Note dub all over again. I have a feeling the voices affect the perception of their words. Johnny Young Bosh is an okay VA in my opinion, but he always sounds like a kid, even when he's trying to sound more mature, he sounds like a kid who is trying to sound mature. Then you have Yuri Lowenthal who can actually sound like a mature adult.

Suzaku will probably sound like a mature adult, and Lelouch will sound like a hid...hmm I wonder which charachters words will carry more psychological impact for the dub watchers? My hope is that the stupidity of Suzaku's lines will be strong enough to counter than the masculine coolness I suspect his voice is going to have so those poor ignorant dub fans will not be duped into thinking Suzaku is cool.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 12-12-2007, 01:04 AM
Oh worry not, it would actually be better for them to think that Suzaku is cool. They will hate him even more than we do after getting half way through.

Wed, 12-12-2007, 08:11 AM
Oh worry not, it would actually be better for them to think that Suzaku is cool. They will hate him even more than we do after getting half way through.

Hmmm, you have a good point. Thinking back i really didn't start to think of him as a complete douche until quite a few episodes into the show.

I may check out the english dub, but chances are i wont like it no matter how good it is. Once i hear the original i just cant watch the english. Not necessarily because the voice acting is bad, but because i identify the characters with those voices so the new ones just don't mesh for me.

Fri, 12-14-2007, 12:02 AM
Wow you guys really hate Suzaku. I personally think he is awsome. Why do you guys think he is so terrible. I mean the only thing I thought he ever did wrong was point a gun at/threaten Karen. Other than that he is a pretty cool guy.

On the point of VAs I think the choices are pretty good. I do think they should've gotten someone with a deeper voice than Johnny to do Lelouch, but he has done done excellent work in the past. Should be interesting to see how he does this. Suzaku's voice is completely acceptable. I really liked his work in Tales of the Abyss and Soul Nomad. Seems to be a perfect fit for Suzaku. Might make me like him more than I already do. Liam doing Lloyd's voice is perfect. C.C.'s VA as well as Karen's VA are excellent choices as well. I was kinda hoping that Stephanie Sheh would do Shirley's VA. I've never heard Amy Kincaid before. Shirley is an important character so I hope she does a good job. I can't wait to see who voices Nunnally and Euphemia. I just hope that Chantal Strand doesn't do Euphemia.

Fri, 12-14-2007, 12:41 AM
I hate Suzaku for being a sanctimonious hypocrite. From childhood he was apparently spoiled into the belief that nothing is more important or more right than his own ideas, whatever they me be. He thinks he is the righteous hand of God no matter what horrible thing he might be doing. He indiscriminately kills anyone who gets in his way yet all the while he justifies it by saying he's trying to 'do the right thing' but those people were in his way so they deserved to die. He killed his own father because he (an 8-12 year old boy) decided that he knew what was best for Japan.

I don't hate him for most of his actions though (mainly just the patricide), I hate him for his stupid justifications that try to mask the fact that he is trying to force his ideals and will onto everyone around him regardless of what they want. In the final ep he finally admitted that he was doing something just because he felt like it, but I think even then he felt that his actions were somehow justified by some higher power that absolves him of any guilt.

Fri, 12-14-2007, 04:03 AM
That, and the fact that he keeps getting in the way of two of my favorite characters ever.

Fri, 12-14-2007, 05:48 AM
I hate Suzaku for being a sanctimonious hypocrite. From childhood he was apparently spoiled into the belief that nothing is more important or more right than his own ideas, whatever they me be. He thinks he is the righteous hand of God no matter what horrible thing he might be doing. He indiscriminately kills anyone who gets in his way yet all the while he justifies it by saying he's trying to 'do the right thing' but those people were in his way so they deserved to die. He killed his own father because he (an 8-12 year old boy) decided that he knew what was best for Japan.

I don't hate him for most of his actions though (mainly just the patricide), I hate him for his stupid justifications that try to mask the fact that he is trying to force his ideals and will onto everyone around him regardless of what they want. In the final ep he finally admitted that he was doing something just because he felt like it, but I think even then he felt that his actions were somehow justified by some higher power that absolves him of any guilt.

QFT, its like you read my mind :eek:

Shinji Ikari
Sat, 12-15-2007, 09:24 PM
What I hope for the most is for the emperor to bite the dust, it is apparent that he knows the most about CC and the powers they possess. Also, knowing CC's name would be nice.

I find it very easy to hate Suzaku, 'cause unlike Kira from Gundam, he is spouting out words without thinking, and he can't follow through. He is a part of an army who brings nothing but destruction and oppression and he is naive enough to think that he could make a difference from inside the system.

Sun, 12-16-2007, 05:22 AM
What all of you have said about Suzaku is very true. He is indeed a hypocrite. He flaunts his ideas around as if they are top priority and kills anyone in his way. In fact his idea of moving up in the system is a silly dream at best. Had Suzaku not been given the chance to pilot the Lancelot he would still be a lowly grunt. Then whenever he does something he comes up with some stupid justification. He was even willing to give up his life just to kill Zero which would have meant all of Japan being screwed. Even after all that I can't bring myself to hate him though. I still think he has room to grow. He just lost Euphemia and found out his best friend is Zero. As long as his quest of revenge doesn't lead him to completely forsake Nunnally or kill Karen I don't think I'll be hating him anytime soon. Hopefully next season he gets a Geass himself from V.V.. If he does I'm looking foreward to see what Suzaku does with all that power.

The emperor will surely get his. Sure won't be easy though see how far up the latter of power he is. Since he obviously must have a Geass or something of the sort I wonder what it does. Can't wait to find out. We probaly won't get C.C.'s name till the last couple of episodes. I'd really like to know.

Shinji Ikari
Sun, 12-16-2007, 07:35 AM
How about this, We have seen it being implied that the emperor projected the images CC and Leleouch saw when Euphemia. Maybe he is the one who ultimately gave Leleouch his powers by sending an image oh her in the trailer in the beginning. Or even that the reason he could see CC was because of what happened to his mother. I still think Leleouch might have been the one to murder his own mother, having a distorted memory or something. Although I wish that's not the case because I don't want another Light ala Death note walking around claiming ultimate power and justice. Because so far (although now swaying) Lele has been righteous and in the service of justice. Taking back that which has been taken from you is right after all. And the road to a greater goal is never clean.

Damn it, I find myself justifying Griffith from Berserk whom I hate dearly.

Sun, 12-16-2007, 07:43 AM
Lelouch was never righteous, and he knows it. Thats what makes him so likeable. Lelouch suffers for what he does, both emotionally and mentally. This is another reason why I hate Suzaku. He and Lelouch are doing practically the same thing, but Lelouch has to suffer guilt from it while he puffs his chest all proud. I was literally celebrating when Mao told him that he killed his own father, since it kind of extinguished any shred of reliability he had.

Sun, 12-16-2007, 12:14 PM
What I need to know is who got shot at the end...
I mean... we know both Susaku and Lelouch are still around... but I hope the one shot wasn't Kallen...

Shinji Ikari
Sun, 12-16-2007, 04:14 PM
To me it seemed as if Nanaly appeared in the middle for some strange reason. Maybe VV pulled a trick or something. Anyway, that would be cool, although very tragic. It might get both Lelouch and Suzaku to realize the errors of their acting and make them come to hate brittania equally so they would join forces :P

Mon, 12-17-2007, 12:07 AM
And that my friend is probably the worst possible twist to ever happen to code geass.

Mon, 12-17-2007, 12:40 AM
I re-watched ep 24 and 25...
Suzaku needs to die. Period.

And Kallen needs more screentime...

Mon, 12-17-2007, 04:12 AM
True on both accounts. But the person that needs more screentime is C.C., considering her miniscule role in episodes 24-25.

My bias here should be taken into consideration.

Tue, 12-18-2007, 11:37 PM
On the note of who shot who I think that Karen will shoot Suzaku. Though she is very confused at the moment I'm sure she'll act on instinct. She knows that all of Japan needs Lelouch at the moment so she can't let him die. I don't like the idea of Nunally just appearing in between them. I'll be pissed if Nunally dies at Suzaku and Lelouch's hands.

I also really want to know what they will do about Nina since she is about to eliminate everyone in the city.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 06:34 AM
At this point, the person I suspect to die the most is Karen. We know that the Lelouch/Suzaku conflict must continue, but with a shot fired, someone had to have been hit.

She knows that all of Japan needs Lelouch at the moment so she can't let him die.
Karen already feels betrayed. I don't think she believes in Zero at all anymore. Despite being a half-breed herself, she knows that Lelouch is fairly important as Britannian Society goes.
She felt strung along. She has known he wasn't Japanese for a while, but she didn't expect him to be a high ranking (or at least formerly) Britannian. That may make her do something stupid.

I'm more curious about what happens with Viletta and Shirely. The two of them both know Zero is Lelouch. Viletta will only need a short time to figure out that Lelouch is the Lelouch. If Shirely confides in Milly (which to me seems likely in light of the events) Shirely may also be told Lelouch's true identity. What will the two of these do with this information?

Wed, 12-19-2007, 06:43 AM
The shot could miss. Even if it did hit, it need not be fatal.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 09:41 AM
Karen was too far away to take a shot for either Lelouch or Suzaku.
Lelouch couldn't have been shot since he was holding the Sakuradite.
Therefore... Suzaku is the one shot, but like shinta said, it does not have to be fatal. With Suzaku shot, Lelouch will go looking for Nunnally. What is Karen's reaction then? Dunno... but she currently does not know anything about Lelouch's heritage, like Ryl said.

My ideal escenario, for Karen still following Lelouch, is him telling her how his father used him, and Nunnally, as an excuse to invade Japan, and tried to kill him. At least this way
she would understand he trully hates Britannia. Hey... that old guy, whatever his name was, told her and Ougi his hate for britannia was geniune.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 09:49 AM
Karen is overreacting. I bet almost everyone was surprised at her reaction. She automatically assumed the worst that doesnt even make much sense. I just hope she gets a grip and act accordingly.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 09:52 AM
Who's to say that Suzaku doesn't get out of the way and Lelouch hits Karen? He's facing the proper way, and we know Suzaku is ridiculously athletic (ref. final eps with Mao).

Granted, she's a little off to the side when they start to focus only on Suzaku and Lelouch, but there is the outside possibility.

That said, there are three guns in that scene. Karen could be the shooter.

True, Karen does not know that Lelouch is royalty, but she knows he's higher society. She's spent enough time on the student council to know that Milly and Lelouch are close. Milly's family may be a little on the disgraced side, but they are still incredibly prominent. And you said it yourself, Karen knows that by face alone, Lelouch is known by one of the most important people in Japan.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 10:50 AM
The outside possibility is the outside possibility because it probably wont happen. It would be too unbelievable if it did.

If Karen is the shooter, then she couldnt have been shot.

Lelouch and Suzaku are the only ones likely to get shot. Neither one will die, so it doesnt really matter much.

Lelouch's heritage doesnt matter much in the situation. True it is partly because he is a britannian that Karen reacts in such a manner, but it is mostly because Karen knows Lelouch as a pro-britannian anti-11 jerk since she slapped him in the park. Despite this, doesnt it even enter her head that the real Lelouch is the Zero one and not the one at school? Talk about shallow trust, or rather blind trust, which easily shatters when exposed to truth.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 11:37 AM
Maybe Kallen shot herself in her confusion.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 01:11 PM
If Karen is the shooter, then she couldnt have been shot.

Lelouch and Suzaku are the only ones likely to get shot. Neither one will die, so it doesnt really matter much.
In that instance, I obviously meant Karen shoots one of the others. An entirely separate case compared to her getting shot by Lelouch. She certainly could kill herself, but why do that when she can fulfill her feelings of betrayal and try to kill Lelouch, or prove her loyalty and try to kill Suzaku. No, she obviously won't succeed, but she might be the one who shoots.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 01:53 PM
I never said Karen would commit suicide. Animus did, and probably as a joke.

I said the first quoted line because

At this point, the person I suspect to die the most is Karen. We know that the Lelouch/Suzaku conflict must continue, but with a shot fired, someone had to have been hit.

Saying that she is probably the one who gets shot and proposing that she may be the one who shoots is confusing. I just pointed it out.

The second quoted line simply points out that the scenario makes it improbable for that (karen getting shot/dying by that last gunshot) to happen.

EDIT: No one ever opposed the idea that Karen may be the shooter. I dont get the need to stress it.

Tue, 12-25-2007, 09:17 PM
Code Geass DVD Magazine 001 RAW

Info on it:

Besides the randomness from the 1st series, a short teaser for season 2 reveals the boy we saw on the promotional page (several pages ago) as Rollo. Rollo Lamperouge.

Sun, 12-30-2007, 11:15 PM
5 days later... so no double post.

According to ANN, Code Geass Season 2 will be aired Sunday's at 5pm, and will NOT be taking Gundam 00's slot as previous speculated.


Also... an interesting point... at the end of the news they say four Code Geass straps, with the most popular characters, will be put on sale...

I want Kallen's...

Mon, 12-31-2007, 12:11 AM
That CC strap will be mine. Maybe Ill get a Suzaku one... and burn it.

Mon, 12-31-2007, 04:13 AM
Those popularity stats are quite alarming. Lelouch > Kallen > Suzaku > C.C. ? What are the Japanese people smoking? Kallen is cool and all, but she's certainly not better than C.C. and Suzaku....I don't think I even need to even say anything.

Mon, 12-31-2007, 06:35 AM
My guess would be that Kallen is one of the only Japanese main characters in the show (even if she's a half), she does pilot the coolest looking Knightmare (in my opinion), and she's voiced by Ami Koshimizu (who has been in everything lately, and is in everything next season too).

But I really don't see how C.C. is fourth either. I could understand 3rd, as usually the main characters with the most screentime (Lelouch and Suzaku) take the first places, but how could Kallen be so popular with how little she actually appeared?

Mon, 12-31-2007, 09:58 AM
Popularity reasons:
Kallen - big boobs and tons of fanservice.
Lelouch and Suzaku - the millions of geass fangirls (yaoi anyone?)

Yes, I also believe that kind of thinking is screwed up, which is why I quote Lelouch in saying (read sig).

Mon, 12-31-2007, 10:54 AM
Japanese are always weird in their polls. But whatever.

This are the straps... if they aren't a 'preliminary' (like they often are) and at the end they do not get painted, I think I won't look for them =P

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v241/RyougaZell/th_886ca1cd.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/RyougaZell/886ca1cd.jpg?t=1199116323)
Click to enlarge.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 08:28 PM
Three previously unreleased Picture Book Specials by gg:

Picture Book 9.33 (http://www.moelicious.be//bt/torrents/%5Bgg%5D_Code_Geass_-_Picture_Book_9.33_%5B394DC3FF%5D.mkv.torrent)
Picture Book 22.25 (http://www.moelicious.be//bt/torrents/%5Bgg%5D_Code_Geass_-_Picture_Book_22.25_%5BE776C879%5D.mkv.torrent)
Picture Book 23.95 (http://www.moelicious.be//bt/torrents/%5Bgg%5D_Code_Geass_-_Picture_Book_23.95_%5B3FA61019%5D.mkv.torrent)

I know overall these are fanservice (either Cornelia, Lelouch, etc) but some of them are plump with secret character development.

EDIT: Okay, only 9.33 is fanservice on this bunch. Given the numbers on the other two, that alone should hint at their darker tone. 23.95 is particularly revealing.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 08:33 PM
Interesting. I'll have to get my hands on these straps.

About the polls. I'm surprised that Kallen beat C.C. But if you think about it C.C. hasn't done anything really amazing to garner the attention that Kallen has. I mean Kallen drives one really amazing Knightmare and can match Suzaku. Heck she is almost better than him. If she had two arms to match Suzaku's beefed up robot she'd be unbeatable. It's also been a while since you have managed to see an awsome female pilot with an awsome robot who actually wins battles. With the coming season though we should finally get that backstory that C.C. needs to push her foreward in the rankings.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 09:25 PM
CC eats pizza. CC wins hands down.

But seriously. Kallen is such a common character type, and she really isnt that interesting. CC didnt even need a robot to kick ass, and she was hot without needing to take off her clothes in two shower scenes.

Heck, even CC pilots a mech, a godlike one at that, near the end. If they really wanted an awesome female pilot with a cool character, Cornelia is much much better, including piloting skills. Unfortunately, she didnt show enough skin or had a whole episode dedicated to her (the only filler episode in code geass excluding recap ones I believe) to climb that high in the polls.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 09:58 PM
It's also been a while since you have managed to see an awsome female pilot with an awsome robot who actually wins battles.There's actually been a lot of series the past couple years with strong, female pilots. The tradition even goes all the way back before the legendary Gunbuster. Yes, they're less common, but there's been at least one every year. Eureka of Eureka 7, Sarah Werec and Lottie of Soukou no Strain being the most recent.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 10:54 PM
Heck, there's even one in the same series (Cornelia, like I said).

Wed, 01-02-2008, 11:00 AM
Those picture books needs more Cornelia >_<

Wed, 01-02-2008, 12:38 PM
The last one had more Suzaku self-reflection than the whole first season combined. Still, as long as he doesn't do anything about his own folly, just recognizing it won't do any good.

And since Cornelia isn't cute at all, I don't think she's ever going to win any polls.

Wed, 01-02-2008, 12:48 PM
Actually, his self reflection is more of a self justification, which actually makes it worse.

And Cornelia can be cute, like when she is with Euphie. She just needs to show more skin and she will hit the polls.

Wed, 01-02-2008, 02:43 PM
Suzaku's self-justification did make me hate him more, but it does sort of make sense from his perspective. As near as I can figure his thought process was: "Maybe I was wrong to decide the fate of Japan at 10 years old, I wish things hadn't turned out like they did... Well they are what they are so I'm going to stick with my actions to the end instead of facing the pain of feeling remorse."

Good job Suzaku, avoid the greater pain or accepting responsibility for a wrong choice by convincing yourself you made the right choice and accepting the lesser pain associated with that choice being a hard one. This way not only does he justify his actions to himself but he can even pat himself on the back for being noble and self-sacrificial for bearing the pain of his hard choice on his conscious...

*bangs head against table*

P.S. We need a 25.15 picture book of C.C.'s reflections while escaping from Gawain.

Wed, 01-02-2008, 03:03 PM
I didn't take it that way at all. I saw Suzaku's speech as remorseful acceptance. He blamed himself for everything that happened. He tried to justify killing his father back then, thinking it would end the war and bring a "peaceful" occupation faster.

Here, he realized it did not make any difference at all. People still died, maybe more, because he killed his father. Then he went on to blame himself for everything. His actions made it safe enough to bring Euphie here, not responding to Lelouch back then gave Lelouch no sensation of support, making him into the monster Suzaku thinks he may have become.

Suzaku ends it saying that since he started all of it, it is his responsibility to end it all, by killing Lelouch, his best friend. Similar to what he did to his father long ago, but there is no choice in the matter because it was all his fault to begin with.

Wed, 01-02-2008, 05:32 PM
Your analysis of the thought process makes a lot of sense, and I missed the fact that he admitted he might have been mistaken, but when he resolves to continue along the same path he admits was probably a mistake it just pisses me off. There is always a choice between the continuing to work with a broken system and trying to overturn that system in favor of a better one.

Suzaku's actions demonstrate a value system that holds a peace and tranquility as more important than anything, including the personal feelings and lives of people who suffer under said peace and tranquility. No matter how sorry he feels or how much blame he decides to shoulder his actions are still those of a person who believes that those who are unwilling to maintain the peace, regardless of their personal circumstances, deserve death.

Wed, 01-02-2008, 07:07 PM
I definitely agree.

Suzaku's actions demonstrate a value system that holds a peace and tranquility as more important than anything, including the personal feelings and lives of people who suffer under said peace and tranquility. No matter how sorry he feels or how much blame he decides to shoulder his actions are still those of a person who believes that those who are unwilling to maintain the peace, regardless of their personal circumstances, deserve death.
This part of course, is what makes Suzaku and what has happened so far so interesting. Lelouch has always understood that the only way to change all this was overthrow Britannia by force. Until the beginning of the series, he only lacked the resources to do so. He said that within the first three episodes.

Suzaku however, despite killing his father, was always publicly of the persuasion that change must come from within. Slowly and through the proper methods. It's why he supported Euphie so readily.

But in this speech, we see that Suzaku has utterly turned his face from that. He needs to "end it himself" by killing. Everything he denounced Zero for, he's just vowed to commit. At last, he's absolutely no different in how he acts, and what he thinks. He's become another Zero, just on the other side and without the mask.

Wed, 01-02-2008, 11:29 PM
He has changed, and I must admit that this change would have made me hate Suzaku less, but unfortunately, he still thinks that he is on the side of "right", despite him throwing away his ideals and opting for revenge. That just makes everything worse.

It is absolutely sickening when he was pointing the gun at Zero in the last episode and he goes whining about how Zero's existence is a "mistake" or is "wrong" that he needs to "correct" himself, when he himself has become the same way. Ignorance is bliss, and Suzaku deserves to get punished for being so damn happy..

Thu, 01-03-2008, 03:19 AM
According to that picture book he isn't ignorant anymore. However, he made the decision a long time ago by killing his father, and now he just decides to see that road to the very end. It's also a kind of natural decision because their world is in a chaos and Suzaku especially isn't the kind of person who would bear to do nothing in such a situation. And having his love interest (no matter how unrealistic) killed probably pissed him off.

Lelouch and Suzaku became pretty much the same. Suzaku fought for the evil-doers to justify his own decision, and Lelouch abandoned to death and destruction his own forces - and country as well as his ideal to crush Britannia - just to go and save his little sister. While that's admirable on personal level, he practically speaking did what Suzaku did: Betrayed his own.

Thu, 01-03-2008, 08:11 AM
What I meant by ignorance is the fact that he does not realize that he has become what he hates the most, and that he has no right to label anyone as wrong.

Thu, 01-03-2008, 09:03 AM
He has always hated himself, ever after he killed his old man. That was pretty evident from the time we first learned about it. Maybe he hates Lelouch more now because from his point of view Lelouch became tainted as well, and probably he had hoped that wouldn't happen.

Fri, 01-04-2008, 01:27 AM
He hates himself for what he has done, not for what he is. He actually thinks that what he is doing at present is right, even if it is obvious that such is not the case. He is ignorant of his own situation at present. The past is not the issue.

Fri, 01-04-2008, 03:24 AM
I partly disagree, partly agree. What he is doing now is nothing but a continuation of what he did when he killed his father, and that's the one act in the history of mankind that he hates the most, and he did it himself. So, you can't really say he wouldn't hate what he is doing now. However, he still sees it as a necessary thing because he pledged himself to it when he committed his crime in the past.

It has been also said many times he doesn't enjoy killing at all, and killing is what he's mostly doing these days. Killing anybody who would disturb the uneasy "peace" the British occupation brought. However, there is a difference between liking killing and killing because one must.

Fri, 01-04-2008, 02:31 PM
Something else that really bothers me about Suzaku, even with his self-hate he's still willing to accept more and more blood on his hands for the peace of Britannia but he hasn't ever shown any willingness to dirty his hands for the sake of the Japanese. Even if he hates himself for killing people and even if he's ultimately doing what he's doing in an effort to somehow save lives instead of to soothe his conscious by continuing down this road, he still made and supports, the decision to value Britannian domination over Japanese freedom. I can't find a cause to support this notion, considering he is Japanese and I don't remember there being much of anything terribly wrong with life in Japan before it was invaded that would validate a forced change in direction.

Fri, 01-04-2008, 04:20 PM
That is why Kallen hates him so much. I suppose from his point of view at the time he killed his father, ending a war with a clearly superior (due to knightmares) force in turn for their occupation did save lives. Starting the war up once more won't get anyone anywhere. There never has been a black and white set of good and evil in Code Geass. Everyone settles into some shade of grey. Even the angelic Euphemia was accused by someone in the Black Knights of belittling the Japanese with her little peace plan. I suppose Viletta when she was 'Chigusa' was innocent and filled with goodly ideals of living peacefully, but we all saw how that turned out.

It's funny she thought Zero forced her to do that. I'm very interested how her plotline turns out next season.

I'm sure it was discussed to death somewhere in this thread, but just in case it hasn't, I rewatched parts of the series and have a few wild speculations about C.C.'s conversations with the empty air.

We know from a few lines in the latter half of the series that she is talking with two different people. One is V.V. where she says some line about him playing "pranks" that brought Kallen, Euphie, Lulu and Suzaku to Kamejima. Later, she addresses Marianne (Lelouch's mother) directly.

Is it possible that Marianne was also a "witch" like C.C.? According to Cornelia and some of the Picture Books, she was killed for a completely unexplained reason, her body carted off to some unknown place for an unknown reason. Lelouch was incredibly angry at hearing this from Cornelia. Yet, she still somehow communicates with C.C. Also not unlike C.C., references to her relate how great a person she was, skilled at seemingly everything, despite rising from the ranks of the commoners (which I find very telling after finding out it wasn't a plot by one of the other Queens, which Lulu or Cornelia easily would have found out).

I also get the inkling that V.V. is either related to the Emperor the way C.C. is to Lelouch, or is the Emperor himself. There can't be two assholes in the series this smug.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 07:58 AM
Did C.C. ever indicate that she was talking to V.V. ever? She even claimed that she did not know who kidnapped Nunnaly in episode 24-25, and she seemed pretty sincere at that point. I think she has some sort of connection with V.V. since she managed to feel that something happened to Nunnaly, but the invisible one that she was talking to was probably Marianne alone.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 08:34 AM
As I mentioned in my post, in the Kamejima (everyone trapped on the island) episode, C.C. talks to one of the invisible people about "playing pranks again" and they flash a quick image of V.V. at the thought elevator.

It's possible she could only be taking to Marianne, as some of the specials and discussions between the other nobles talk about how very un-Queen like Marianne was (which, in fact, was why all the children liked or admired her so much).

The quick flash of V.V. seems more telling to me.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 10:25 AM
I think the two events are unrelated, at least not directly, but simply came in sequence of each other. Either way, there is no sure way to tell for now.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:23 PM
Promo for CG R2 is out:

Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:27 PM
Oh Kallen...you minx.

I also note the appearance of the Chinese Federation guy we only ever saw from behind in season 1.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:30 PM
Oh Kallen...you minx.

I also note the appearance of the Chinese Federation guy we only ever saw from behind in season 1.

WOW THAT WAS FAST, I post this, move to another tab then come back and already a reply.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:16 PM
Was that Lelouch talking with Kallen, with Kallen looking all Dere?

Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:36 AM
Judging from the hair style, it does look like Lelouch indeed.

Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:56 AM
Promo for CG R2 is out:

w00T! Kallen!

And the hairstyle does look like Lelouch... although I thought he was going to go missing for a while... leaving the spotlight for Rollo for the first eps...

Board of Command
Sat, 01-26-2008, 01:48 AM
Suzaku dead?

Sat, 01-26-2008, 01:55 AM
No hes not, no way hes dead

Sat, 01-26-2008, 11:11 AM
man.... fucking A
I see what looks like the Lancelot, so unless they got someone new to pilot it...

Toudoh and crew show up on a list of "captured" criminals... (and Rakshata and Diethard show up as still being 'Wanted')

some more backstory on Marianne finally? plus, a kiss and blatant Kallen fan service.

doesn't tell us much, but it does get my blood pumping

Sat, 01-26-2008, 12:07 PM
Who was that black haired dude/Marianne? that cut up those 2 shoulders in lightning speed at the end?

Sun, 01-27-2008, 03:26 PM
And here people is the abomination of such a great show:

The english dubbing preview: http://www.crunchyroll.com/showmedia?id=260840

Sun, 01-27-2008, 04:27 PM
Hmm... the link for the season two promo doesn't seem to be working. The dub promo, on the other hand, unfourtuneately is...

Sun, 01-27-2008, 07:50 PM
Well, personally, from the few sparse lines (maybe only a few sentences each), Lelouch and Suzaku actually fit pretty well. Given their ages and personalities, it's one of the better castings I've heard in a while outside of Black Lagoon. I had heard some people believed the two actors should have been switched, but it sounded about right to me. The narration at the beginning, who I assume is still supposed to be C.C., was pretty terrible.

Granted, it's impossible to match Yukana's performance (in any language).

Kallen was just a scream, so there's no idea there. I'm sure I'll pick up the dvds anyway, to make sure Sunrise gets whatever income Bandai gives them for Region 1 sales. It's definitely worth supporting shows as well done (or at least as engaging) as this.

Sun, 01-27-2008, 09:45 PM
Im actually impressed... it sounds good in english... although I will probably not watch it dubbed...

When are the DVD due to be released? And have they said how are the handling the series?

I mean... remember DVD version on Japan was uncensored on several scenes...

Mon, 01-28-2008, 11:12 AM
They didn't play enough of Lelouch's voice to be sure, but the one line he did have gave me strong Death Note impressions. Since Lelouch is the naughty one for standing up against authority and the system I think they're giving him the more immature sounding voice so that people will not identify with him as a person of wisdom, just like they did with Light. I abhor this practice in dubbing more than anything else about it, but I'll probably still watch it on [as] just to see the story again.

Tue, 01-29-2008, 12:55 AM
Well, just finished ep25. Lets just say I can't believe I missed this last year.

Tue, 01-29-2008, 01:00 AM
Dont feel bad Buffalobiian, I watched Haruhi a year after everyone did >.>

Tue, 01-29-2008, 02:23 AM
Short previews of Season 2. First doesn't show much except for character designs, second shows a bunch of quick, half-second clips.

Preview.torrent (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=9991)

Tue, 01-29-2008, 08:56 PM

Did anyone else see Lelouch play chess without his geass in that preview?

Wed, 01-30-2008, 12:14 AM
Some of the scenes are from season 1.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 12:51 AM
Did anyone else see Lelouch play chess without his geass in that preview?
Yes there is a rumor goring around that *PM ME FOR THE RUMOR I HEARD* which would explain that.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 03:32 AM
I just watched the code geass DVD 2. They revealed some interesting information, particularly about who C.C. keeps talking to, and some relatively pointless trivia information as well. Code Geass has so many secrets in it, which shows the extent of the planning that goes on in its production.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 09:11 AM
The official site was released supposedly and it came with a new trailer:

He's not dead (dir!) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jibpVCNG83E)

Could the wait for R2 possibly get any longer?

Wed, 01-30-2008, 10:00 AM
April 5, 2008... how I want that day to arrive! (LOL)

Translation of the trailer (according to the guys at youtube...)

1 year after the gunshot
To make that day end
To make that day continue
To raise an objection to the world
And then, the judgement of everything begins

If the translation is accurate... this is what I believe happened...

Kallen shot Suzaku and helped Lelouch escape, but they never found Nunnally. One year has passed and Suzaku is now a high-ranking-sheep of britannia, while the other two have worked underground...

How did Lelouch get his geass off is a mystery that probably will take some time to explain. The whereabouts of CC are probably unknown as well. And why didn't Cornelia or Suzaku tell Zero's identity? Probably they think they died or something (Suzaku probably didn't see Lelouch and Kallen escape), because Lelouch is seen wearing the Ashford uniform once again...

Wed, 01-30-2008, 03:11 PM
The official site was released supposedly and it came with a new trailer:

He's not dead (dir!) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jibpVCNG83E)

Could the wait for R2 possibly get any longer?

If that trailer is correct, then Geass will start in April (YAY!), but Gundam 00 will pause then also (>_<), but its alright cause Geass will start again (^_^).

Board of Command
Wed, 01-30-2008, 03:18 PM
Gundam 00 should be finished by then. It's only 25 episodes long.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 05:08 PM
Hmm I believe C.C. broke the contract that they had. It would explain why his Geass is off. Or he simply learned how to supress it. With that other Geass guy who's were permanent. She said she let him go but never said she broke the contract so that might be possible.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 05:12 PM
If the translation is accurate... this is what I believe happened...

Kallen shot Suzaku and helped Lelouch escape, but they never found Nunnally. One year has passed and Suzaku is now a high-ranking-sheep of britannia, while the other two have worked underground...

How did Lelouch get his geass off is a mystery that probably will take some time to explain. The whereabouts of CC are probably unknown as well. And why didn't Cornelia or Suzaku tell Zero's identity? Probably they think they died or something (Suzaku probably didn't see Lelouch and Kallen escape), because Lelouch is seen wearing the Ashford uniform once again...
I've got no evidence to support what happened with Suzaku vs Lelouch + Crying Kallen, but I'm guessing something quite different.

If Suzaku seems so intense upon capturing Lelouch, Kallen helping him escape is a possibility, but I figure she was still paralyzed from the revelation of Zero's identity, and Lelouch quickly strapping a bomb to his chest. Suzaku is under a geass compelling him to "live" as we all know, so I figure that Lelouch was shot in his arm, thus explaining why he was hiding for over a year. Somehow, he and Kallen escape, but separately.

Why separately? Kallen seems excessively relieved to see him in her bunny suit (when talking to whom we can only assume is Lelouch from behind). I'm speculating from that that she, Lelouch, Diethard, and Raksharta all escaped their separate ways. She has since gotten over the shock that her idol is someone she had little respect for and perhaps mildly despised due to his relatively high social status at the academy. Now she's back into full blown idolization/devotion/love(?) for Zero/Lelouch.

Perhaps they have met up in the Chinese Federation, as no doubt reinforcements have arrived to take back Area 11.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 06:16 PM
Good point on Kallen's expression.

She probably made contact with the Chinese, since they knew about her, while Lelouch was hiding... and as you point out... they meet again in that scene...

If Kallen reacted badly upon seeing Zero's identity... I just hope she doesn't have another bad reaction when she learns Lelouch is one of the son's of the 'evil-reborn-emperor' =P

Wed, 01-30-2008, 08:14 PM
Gundam 00 should be finished by then. It's only 25 episodes long.
Thats just the first season.....

Im glad Im not the only one that noticed kallens relieved expression. Im am also in agreeance that she is over the whole "lelouch was using the entire rebellion for his own means" thing.

Also, is everyone getting the whole "lelouch lost his geass" thing from the chess scene? Isnt that just a flashback?

Wed, 01-30-2008, 10:57 PM
Also, is everyone getting the whole "lelouch lost his geass" thing from the chess scene? Isnt that just a flashback?

Because the Geass wasn't activated in any of Lelouch's shots in trailer 3. They can't all be flashbacks. I'm going with the fact that they somehow broke the contract. Also, who's this Rollo guy. Lelouch's surname is made up right? Lamperouge.

Wed, 01-30-2008, 11:07 PM
Its his mom's maiden name, I think.

Wed, 02-27-2008, 07:40 PM
gg's site used to have some picture about Snape Dumbledore and Grindelwald, then was gone for a while... now it says All Hail Britannia, Domino's supports the Empire. Weird. Are they gone, or are they?

www.ggkthx.org (http://www.ggkthx.org)

Thu, 02-28-2008, 05:57 AM
Um, while this topic is on, what about the second season? We´re waiting quite some time now, arent we?

Thu, 02-28-2008, 06:26 AM
The R2 will start once Gundam 00 s1 ends. Then when R2 ends, Gundam 00 second season will start. That's how it looks like according to what I've read.

The latest 00 episode aired is 20, and it has 25 eps, so you can do approximate math.

Thu, 02-28-2008, 08:10 AM
Shinsen and Menclave have announced plans to sub R2, so we can look forward to a decent speedsub and quality archives.

Thu, 02-28-2008, 01:17 PM
Hmm maybe I am wrong but its named R2 right? And I think its in Episode 10 around 14:38 that they mention Code R. You also see a pod similair to the pod that C.C. came out of. They also mention that General Bradley put them in that location. That means he has alot more to do with it.Connection? or am I just rambling here? xD

Thu, 02-28-2008, 04:49 PM
If anything in Geass has shown it so far, there's always a connection.

C.C. and Marianne, Marianne and the Ashfords, Shirely's family and the Black Knights landslide, Viletta being a xenophobe and the irony of her amnesiac state falling in love with Ougi, Suzaku and Euphie vs Lelouch and Kaguya (all four come from two families), Lelouch and everyone someway, somehow.

Even the lack of a connection can be important. The entire "Orange" scandal from Lelouch casually tossing that remark off to throw them off guard.

Board of Command
Thu, 02-28-2008, 08:20 PM
Shinsen and Menclave have announced plans to sub R2, so we can look forward to a decent speedsub and quality archives.
I hope gg subs it again. Menclave is quality but they're kinda slow.

Thu, 02-28-2008, 08:51 PM
They're not as much slow as extremely erratic on releases. Sometimes they'll release within a few hours of the shitty subs (Nyoro~n) and other times 4-5 days later.

Board of Command
Thu, 02-28-2008, 09:48 PM
And for the extreme cases, such as Shigofumi, they're more than a month behind.

If only every group was like Eclipse...

Fri, 02-29-2008, 01:33 PM
Indeed, anyway last I heard gg wasn't doing much of anything ever again because someone important either ran off or got a life or something. Their website is just an image and the topic of their irc claims they're dead so...take that as you will

Menclave seems like the best bet for Geass, if they can keep the pace they have for 00 for Geass I wouldn't really mind. gg wasn't exactly weekly either IIRC, and for the quality they (Menclave) bring I don't mind downloading twice. As long as they don't fall too far behind of course.

Fri, 02-29-2008, 02:00 PM
gg fell behind so much at one point YourMom had like 4-5 subbed episodes out before they started again.

Board of Command
Fri, 02-29-2008, 05:07 PM
gg only fell behind for a little stretch when they were stalled for whatever reason, then released all the episodes that were delayed in a span of a few days. Your-Mom only started the series when gg was stalled. They didn't sub the whole thing.

Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:52 AM
Your Mom is a horrible sub group IMO. I'd rather stick with GG if they decide to continue.

Mon, 03-03-2008, 12:09 PM
For all those CC Fans...


And the Kallen Ones...


Mon, 03-03-2008, 05:06 PM
The Kallen is very nice, but I wasn't that much of a Kallen fan. Now if the C.C. statue had her in the straitjacket, I'd be on it in a heartbeat.

Board of Command
Mon, 03-03-2008, 05:08 PM
I'm more fond of the geared up "serious" Kallen. The innocent schoolgirl look doesn't cut it.

Mon, 03-03-2008, 05:12 PM
I just finished this whole season yesterday/night. I must say.... This is one of the most intriguing animes I've seen in a long time.

What's cool is I only have to wait 1 month for s2. :D

One thing though.. I hope Lelouch doesn't end up like Light... I mean loses his power and then starts trying to be a good and innocent person. I never finished Death Note though, so I don't really know what happens to Light after that part.

Board of Command
Mon, 03-03-2008, 07:00 PM
One thing though.. I hope Lelouch doesn't end up like Light... I mean loses his power and then starts trying to be a good and innocent person. I never finished Death Note though, so I don't really know what happens to Light after that part.
How can he become someone like Light if you don't even know what happened to Light?

Mon, 03-03-2008, 07:57 PM
How can he become someone like Light if you don't even know what happened to Light?

Ummm... Become like Light up to the part where I've seen so far? The whole gaining a power and then losing it type deal.

Board of Command
Mon, 03-03-2008, 08:24 PM
Finish watching Death Note. It's pointless to discuss with you since you don't know what really happened to Light.

These are two very different scenarios.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 11:39 PM
Third trailer for Code Geass R2


And Lelouch really doesn't have his perma-geass on

Mon, 03-10-2008, 05:44 AM
CODE GEASS - An R2 Primer

With the release of CODE GEASS R2 less than a month away, I’ve thrown together a primer (http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/03/10/code-geass-an-r2-primer/) to help anyone who’s interested in getting ready for the new series. Everything here is based on information that’s been released via magazines, trailers, the official site(s), and 2ch. Be forewarned, there are some spoilers. At the same time though, there’s a lot of information here that I think would be useful to know going into the series, so proceed at your own risk. A lot of this is cut and paste from a post made by AmuroNT1 made on the GameFAQs messageboards, but I’ve reorganized it, corrected some stuff, added more information, and added some images. Thus, a big thanks goes out to AmuroNT1 and also to Celiss Galvea for all of the hard work done translating the tons of stuff coming down the pipeline.

I’ve also included the four trailers and three commercials that have been released so far, so if you’ve missed one, you can find those videos under a spoiler tag at the bottom of this post. (http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/03/10/code-geass-an-r2-primer/)

I'm still deciding whether or not to read this. Really don't wanna spoil CG. Also, should we start a new thread for R2, or use this? I'm sorta going for the new one.

edit: screw it, just read it.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 07:05 AM
I never read those blogs, except rarely for episodes / series I've already seen to remind myself of whatever detail I forgot. I know some people who read blogs written by raw watchers, and I doubt I will ever understand their reasoning. Especially with series like Code Geass that actually offer surprises. I mean, if you had read beforehand Lelouch is going to shoot Euphemia, would that episode have been nearly as powerful as it was? It's like reading the last pages of a novel first and then proceeding to read it from the beginning, already knowing how it ends. Insanity.

And this thread will do just fine, in my opinion. It's still the same series, mostly same characters, and same story continuing. Or at least I think it is.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 08:00 AM
I have read it.. most of it doesn't make sense to me though.. well of course it doesn't since I don't even remember the first season. (Or hardly remember it)
Heck, I had totally forgot everyone's name except for C.C.
I hope they recap the story a bit during the first episode, I don't really want to watch the first season again.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 08:36 AM
I've been losing the habit of reading that blog since uni started again, but I always read it after I've watched the episode to see if there was anything I missed, or just for plain leisure. To read the episode summary before watching the episode would seem..........pointless. That primer wasn't too bad. It pretty much gave you a layout of what characters are doing what, like each character's rank if they're serving the Brittanian Army and so on, but read at your own risk.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 09:55 AM
I just passed over the images, without reading and fuck... so many spoilers... I was tempted to read but held back...

As much as I like Gundam 00... I wish it had ended already =P I want my weekly Geass fix back...

Board of Command
Mon, 03-10-2008, 10:08 AM

Mon, 03-10-2008, 10:32 AM
Read it all, loved it. Spoilers like that only serve to make the experience of watching the show better for me. I like knowing who characters are and a little bit about what makes them tick from the get go. Also it gave me good material to plan out my anti-Suzaku arguments in advance. I'm also really looking forward to seeing some of the situations described in the 'where are they now' synopses played out. That said, the pics were the best part, Certain people look extremely awesome and I can't wait to see them.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 10:39 AM
For the love of god, please finish the series before you start comparing him to people. If you don't know what happened at the end, then the middle and beginning really don't matter as much.

And I also just realized I am a few posts behind.

Ninja Edit: Yes, that may pertain to the point to which you have seen, but please finish the series before you compare, because the rest of the world may know Light in a different perspective.

Board of Command
Mon, 03-10-2008, 10:46 AM
For the love of god, please finish the series before you start comparing him to people. If you don't know what happened at the end, then the middle and beginning really don't matter as much.

And I also just realized I am a few posts behind.

Ninja Edit: Yes, that may pertain to the point to which you have seen, but please finish the series before you compare, because the rest of the world may know Light in a different perspective.
Your response is a tad late? But better than nothing.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 12:05 PM
Also it gave me good material to plan out my anti-Suzaku arguments in advance.

ROFL. You have things well in hand!

Mon, 03-10-2008, 12:40 PM
Unless Suzaku does a 180 in R2, I think the old arguments will pretty much suffice. But hey, new info can always lead to some fresh bashing.

Why is there so little info on C2 on there? She looks too hot in her new outfit. I need to have a large version of that.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 01:51 PM
Unless Suzaku does a 180 in R2, I think the old arguments will pretty much suffice. But hey, new info can always lead to some fresh bashing.

That's what I'm talking about. My need to bash Suzaku transcends my desire to make reasonable or worthwhile bashes. Not only will I bash him for the traditional reasons, I plan to also bash any institution or situation that supports him or his ideology, and any character(s) that may agree with him, or even like him (unless they're hot), and any situation where a non bad thing that happens to him, and certainly anything that might come out of his mouth. Unless by some freak happenstance he does actually do a complete 180, recognizes how utterly wrong every breath he's taken since the invasion has been, denounces Britannia, and tries to take his own life in some way I will never forgive him.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 01:56 PM
Unless Suzaku does a 180 in R2, I think the old arguments will pretty much suffice. But hey, new info can always lead to some fresh bashing.

That's what I'm talking about. My need to bash Suzaku transcends my desire to make reasonable or worthwhile bashes. Not only will I bash him for the traditional reasons, I plan to also bash any institution or situation that supports him or his ideology, and any character(s) that may agree with him, or even like him (unless they're hot), and any situation where a non bad thing that happens to him, and certainly anything that might come out of his mouth. I also hold in reserve the right to bash any clothes he wears, any food he eats, anywhere he hangs out and his hair.

The only way I''ll ever forgive him is if by some freak happenstance he does actually do a complete 180, recognizes how utterly wrong every breath he's taken since the invasion has been, denounces Britannia, begs for forgiveness, and tries to take his own life/throw it away in some spectacular way against Britannia. And even if he does all that, he'll still have to be forgiven by Lelouch and Kallen before I'll even consider taking him off the shit list.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 10:13 PM
And I thought I hated Suzaku. I must admit defeat if you do a double post just to emphasize your point haha.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 11:22 PM
Haha, damn Yuki. I share your hate but probably not to that extent.

AnywayZ, I havn't been keeping up to date; whens S2 supposed to begin?
Gotta make some new graphics o C2.

Shinta, since when did you contract Horoism?

Mon, 03-10-2008, 11:45 PM
April 5th Lucifus. That is day we get to hate Suzaku-bitch again.

PS: Your imagerotation signature is broken
PS2: Did ya get the One Piece wallpaper?

Mon, 03-10-2008, 11:50 PM
April 5th...oh wow that makes me happy. So close! ^^

Thanks for the heads up; sites now charging, switched hosts.

Got the wally and loving it. Thank yee kindly. =)

Tue, 03-11-2008, 11:25 PM
That's what I'm talking about. My need to bash Suzaku transcends my desire to make reasonable or worthwhile bashes. Not only will I bash him for the traditional reasons, I plan to also bash any institution or situation that supports him or his ideology, and any character(s) that may agree with him, or even like him (unless they're hot), and any situation where a non bad thing that happens to him, and certainly anything that might come out of his mouth. I also hold in reserve the right to bash any clothes he wears, any food he eats, anywhere he hangs out and his hair.

The only way I''ll ever forgive him is if by some freak happenstance he does actually do a complete 180, recognizes how utterly wrong every breath he's taken since the invasion has been, denounces Britannia, begs for forgiveness, and tries to take his own life/throw it away in some spectacular way against Britannia. And even if he does all that, he'll still have to be forgiven by Lelouch and Kallen before I'll even consider taking him off the shit list.

I think my hate has gotten to the point where I just want him to get shot and bleed to death. To have in wallow in his ignorance even in death.

Wed, 03-12-2008, 01:09 AM
Dam so much hate for Suzaku...any rules for making a hate thread for a anime character?

Wed, 03-12-2008, 02:54 AM
i want suzaku to turn into a villain... something like a maniac.

it would be nice to see him turn mad because he hates "war" so much and kills everyone who is against his point of view for great justice and peace.


well, i think everyone hates him because he is obviously gay.

Sat, 03-15-2008, 06:20 PM
Suzaku FTW!

this is the only reason why i watch this show... I cheer every time i see Suzaku in Lancelot!

Sat, 03-15-2008, 09:00 PM
it would be nice to see him turn mad because he hates "war" so much and kills everyone who is against his point of view for great justice and peace.

He already did that starting at the first episode he got the Lancelot.

Sun, 03-16-2008, 12:23 AM
He didnt kill people in that episode. They all ejected out of their knightmares.

Sun, 03-16-2008, 06:55 AM
there was only 1 time, when i thought that he's a cool guy and that was when he was a normal soldier and "round-housekicked" lelouch...

Tue, 03-18-2008, 07:10 AM
actually, I'd be more likely to say that Lelouch would be the likeliest one to go crazy and turn into a maniac... We've seen what out of control Geasses can do to a person, and now Lelouch might very well have to deal with losing his best friend on top of already having killed two of his cousins (who weren't even involved in his mother's death) and his half brother (who probably did deserve it), while having to lead a crippled and dispirited resistance group. Plus, it's pretty easy to see what kind of plot event would lead Lelouch to completely lose it.

And then you'll have a super smart, super powered, military and organizational genius who has no problems killing upwards of thousands to see his goals met (he already has this trait). And then you'll also have a very proud Emperor of Britannia...

but, since bishounen main character can never = the clear cut bad guy, it's more likely that Lelouch loses it only a little, if at all.

Tue, 03-18-2008, 10:31 AM
He didnt kill people in that episode. They all ejected out of their knightmares.

Indeed. They escaped.

But I don't remember Suzaku telling the rebels: "Please eject, because I am about to destroy your frames"

Tue, 03-18-2008, 01:00 PM
Of course not, since that is the obvious action and reaction when in battle.

If Suzaku really wanted to kill them, he could have easily done it. Considering his concern for the person that fell from the building in that episode, as well as the fact that none of the enemies died despite the number of them taken down, I think it is safe to assume that he does not enjoy killing, and would try to avoid it (at least at this point in the story)

While I hate Suzaku as much, or even more than the next guy, it would be foolish to simply throw around blame or criticism where it is not deserved. That will only give Suzaku fans a rebuttal saying that most of the stuff against him is pointless. A thousand stupid arguments can never stand up to a single decent one. His ultimate demise is the only reason for this defense.

Tue, 03-18-2008, 04:42 PM
I misspoke, he didn't start the rape party the first ep he got in the Lancelot, however by the end (even before Euphie) he was blowing up enemies left and right with no regard whatsoever for their lives since they were 'enemies' and he continues to do so in all the clips of R2 I've seen.

Wed, 03-19-2008, 12:24 AM
Indeed. Now, add the fact that he is being emo over euphie's death plus his extremely favorable position in Britannia, he is gonna be bashed to baby food consistency once R2 begins.

I think he is going to be gradually corrupted (even more so than he is now) and have a sort of role reversal with Lelouch, with Lulu slowly becoming more humane, while him inching towards being an actual "Britannian".

Sun, 03-30-2008, 01:11 AM
gundam has ended the wait is just about over

Sun, 03-30-2008, 04:30 PM
I'm kinda sad that there's no more 00 next week... but then... we get Geass and Macross... then more Gundam... this is the best mix since the GS/FMA one...

Sun, 03-30-2008, 06:53 PM
02 opening, really bad quality. But you can hear it all and stuff. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVUWlAMNfhU)

Board of Command
Sun, 03-30-2008, 11:10 PM
Aww...no animation.

Shinji Ikari
Sun, 03-30-2008, 11:21 PM
this might be an old question but... When is the first ep aired and subbed?

Mon, 03-31-2008, 03:07 PM
One of the best anime I've seen in awhile. currently my fav. Where else can I get a match up between Light Yagami (Lelouch) and Kira Yamato (Suzaku).

I too, must join the hate Suzaku band wagon. lol although I do think he's got the coolest fight scenes.

Mon, 03-31-2008, 07:13 PM
Lelouch isnt light, and Suzaku isnt Kira for numerous reasons, but I get your point. I just have to make it clear.

Mon, 03-31-2008, 07:46 PM
True, but Light also has a witch of a girlfriend who imposes herself on him and has stronger powers, and Kira also has a fluffy princess to care for whos outwardly vapid personality is a bit of a lie and has a blood relationship to "the bad guys."

EDIT: Yay! Code Geass thread 1000th post.

...and of all things it's comparing Code Geass to Gundam SEED...ugh.