View Full Version : Naruto 202
Thu, 09-28-2006, 05:36 AM
that is the link...
i was kinda ammased that it wasnt on gotwoot jet...:confused: :confused:
i havent see it my self i am downloading it.....:( :( :( :(
Read the rules please or you'll find your stay here short lived.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 05:58 AM
So, you were surprised that a link to a raw hadn't been posted here yet..? I take it you haven't really looked around here at all. Most of the people here watch subbed episodes, not raws, because most of us don't know enough Japanese for raws. You are fortunate that you do, but still it might be more prudent to wait for the subbed episode (and learn how to use the edit button to avoid double posting). Better luck next time.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 06:12 AM
ahh well i tried lol atleast i have somhing to look couse normally the subbed epp is one day later than the raw and couse i couldnt find the subbed one srry..
Read the rules please or you'll find your stay here short lived.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 07:51 AM
Now there's actually DB's sub already out:
Episode 202 - DB (
Thu, 09-28-2006, 08:36 AM
o.0 i though it was an 1 hour special, but is only 170 mb...
Thu, 09-28-2006, 09:37 AM
One hour special? I wasn't even sure there would be an episode this week, because they were advertising the 90 mins special of October 5th already last week. But this 202 was very light-weight one. Just recapping some prefiller fights plus not so brilliant humour from Naruto and Sakura. The best part was probably the special guests portion, although even that was a bit cheap what comes to the humour. They must have just recorded a couple of extra lines from Noriaki Sugiyama while doing Bleach recording... As Sasuke hasn't made that many appearances during the fillers.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 10:36 AM
It's official. Every kid in japan is a retarded faggot.
Top 5 battles as voted for them. And neither of the actually two best fights, the two Lee fights, was on the list.
In fact, all 5 of the fights that got picked were from the Sasuk'e chase arc.
No Lee vs. Lee vs. Kimimaru...
I wish cancer for all of them.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 11:27 AM
Yeah, I was shocked that not a single Lee fight made it on to the list.
This episode was pretty pointless. I guess they threw Sasuke and Orochimaru in for ratings, but... uh... it was boring and stupid anyway.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 12:57 PM
:( no Lee fight...
it was nice seeing those old fight once again, too bad for the Naruto vs Sasuke (top 1), they just showed the end of that amazing fight
omg Orochimaru!?! that was totally lame. And ero sennin... if he could just Come Back already and start naruto 3 years of training god damn it!
Thu, 09-28-2006, 01:13 PM
yes....!!! omg the 90min special is next week.......
the episode isnt that cool (in jap) i havent seen the subbed one yet but i am almoast sure the end is only cool couse u see sasuke again afther a long time ^^ i am going to download the subbed one now :D :)
Thu, 09-28-2006, 01:21 PM
what did sasuke say in the end.. :S i had jap version...:(
Don't double post.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 01:21 PM
ya that last part was just retarded. The Lee fights where better then the chouji and roof top fight hands down thats was gay it wasn't up there. i guess japanese kids dont like lee.
Thu, 09-28-2006, 01:39 PM
Well, at least there was the highly exciting, suspenseful Kakashi - Gai fight...
Thu, 09-28-2006, 03:34 PM
what did sasuke say in the end.. :S i had jap version...:(
"Orochimaru, if you have enough time to stand there and talk, you should come back to bed."
Mr. Roboto
Thu, 09-28-2006, 11:19 PM
"Orochimaru, if you have enough time to stand there and talk, you should come back to bed."
and didnt he mention something about summoning his giant snake? :D
Fri, 09-29-2006, 12:27 AM
yes....!!! omg the 90min special is next week.......Hooray! Triple the normal dose of ass!
Fri, 09-29-2006, 02:12 AM
Man the last Real Episode was 135 "The Promise I Could Not Keep." and it was released MAY 18, 2005 that means we have gone 16 MONTHS and 67 EPISODES of nothing but crap :mad: what really surprices me is that I still dowload the episode every single week :confused: DAMN IT
Fri, 09-29-2006, 02:14 AM
Speaking of Orichmaru (not sure if spelt right), but didn't he switch bodies after he lost the battle to the Third Hokage? Why in the hell did they show him back with his old body?
Fri, 09-29-2006, 02:27 AM
That Orochimaru fellow is pretty good with disguises. And he probably knows very well his original face and voice are the ones bringing most discomfort to his enemies.
But only 67 episodes of fillers so far..? Man it feels much more. Like an eternity of fillers, but it has only been half of the number of the manga based episodes that preceded the fillers. When you look at it that way, even more and more fillers doesn't seem impossible. But I hope it is...
Fri, 09-29-2006, 04:54 AM
Yeh, knowing Orochimaru, he loves bringing fear to other people.
Man 67 eps sound very far in my opinion. We get like an episode a week. 67 weeks for the fillers to end! :eek: That's saying if it is exactly 67 eps. I don't know about the impossible fact of more fillers coming, but I just hope as much as everyone else that they stop.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 07:19 AM
so from this point on will the story continue??sorry,i got confused with this episode,also i heard the next episode's name is 3 years to train,true?false?
Fri, 09-29-2006, 07:45 AM
Man 67 eps sound very far in my opinion. We get like an episode a week. 67 weeks for the fillers to end! .
No, the fillers started 67 episodes ago.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 08:40 AM
lol he prob. say that.... i saw the subbet one that one is prob rong then..
Fri, 09-29-2006, 08:45 AM
Having just seen episode 201 and declared that the worst episode so far, I see this. This pile of rubbish and complete nonsense. Naruto & Sakura, the two most annoying main characters in anime history, being all happy-go-lucky and trying to be witty, ridiculing all those great fights no less. The Sasuke/Oro thing was so fucking stupid that I have come to the conclusion that the anime staff has zero respect for the original source. Also, yes, japanese kids are even dumber than the people who write the manuscript for this rubbish. Completely shitty choices of battles, generally.
The only redeeming factor of this episode, well three actually, were:
1) Kiba, and his subsequent beating up Naruto
2) Neji, and his subsequent beating up Naruto
3) And I can't believe I'm saying this, the video where Sakura beats Naruto up, just too bad it wasn't followed with an encore of the best scene in the entire anime - where Zaku beats the shit out of Sakura. God I miss Zaku. He knew how to treat that bitch
God I hate this show right now.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 09:51 AM
Wow terra, you sure devote a lot of time and energy to an anime where you can't stand the material and/or two of the main characters. I imagine you spend the rest of your time overanalyzing and criticizing Puffy Ami Yumi. What a life you must lead!
The same goes for the rest of you. If these latest episodes aren't a light at the end of the tunnel, then you kids are as gay and ridiculous as the Japanese kids you're bashing for their fight selections. What's worse is that most of you are probably in your 20s and 30s, and still spend waaay too much time over-analyzing a cartoon show.
Let's see, a long arc after a string of short arcs, followed by a special with teasers, followed by a 90-minute special... if that's not leading somewhere, then we might as well all slit our wrists. Terra, you and mage can go first.
Back to the episode, I liked it, even though the choice of fights wasn't that great. But who knows, maybe the studio only listed certain fights in the poll, and the kids had to pick from a limited selection. I thought the Naruto and Sakura interaction was funny, as well as Naruto eating his words with the guests appearing for their clips. It was nice to see Jiraiya and Orochimaru and Sasuke again too.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 10:06 AM
Wow terra, you sure devote a lot of time and energy
Yes, writing my reflections and opinions about an episode of a 20 minute long anime episode weekly sure has me on my knees, the amount of time and energy devoted to that is definitely legendary and unfathomable for the rest of you mere mortals!
Fri, 09-29-2006, 10:24 AM
I totally agree with Terra in fact the only reason I still follow Naruto is becuase of the Manga. Whats happening there is so cool that its kept me from totally giving up on Naruto
Fri, 09-29-2006, 11:08 AM
bla bla bla
this shows us there are people who can't stand reading bad things about bad episodes :D
episode was crap
re-cap eps are crap always
Fri, 09-29-2006, 11:09 AM
I kinda liked this episode for a couple reasons
first, clips of non-filler is the farthest we've gotten from filler in over a year. I also like the fact that no filler fights made the top 5. also, the stuff at the end with jiraya, sasgay, and trousersnake-man - while it was kinda lame - implies that they will go back to the manga at some point, maybe soon?
Fri, 09-29-2006, 11:21 AM
...implies that they will go back to the manga at some point, maybe soon?
That's the way I saw it: an affirmation that they would continue the story, and soon. Like I said, they're not going to show a bunch of fillers, then show specials, then show more fillers. At least I hope not, because it wouldn't make any sense, unless they were just teasing us, to keep us following the show.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 11:32 AM
i have pretty much stop watching , everything has been a dissapointment, it's just lasted far to long to my liking, sure one or two sub stories fine, but what we at like 12 + toni the tiger as mizuki,
LOL, i don't know why i expected more outta of it..but i see no end to the fillers in sight..
i awaate the day the manga plot returns to the TV episodes.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 01:47 PM
jiraiya was in oro's layer and didnt beat the shit out of him? Infact he even handed him a mic.
Naruto script writers, you can suck my balls.
P.S. I get a negative rep for this post? Whoever did that needs to find a life or something better to do than negative rep a random selection of my posts. Oh well, I thank you by the way. I like the color red better anyway =D
Fri, 09-29-2006, 04:03 PM
personally it sucked... Didnt even show the whole fights <_<
Fri, 09-29-2006, 05:27 PM
jiraiya was in oro's layer and didnt beat the shit out of him? Infact he even handed him a mic.
Naruto script writers, you can suck my balls.
Exactly what I was thinking...
Although it was refreshing to see the Neji and Chouji fights.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 06:38 PM
Compared to the fillers, the idea behind this episode was very good. However, the implementation of that idea was so horrible that I could barely watch this whole episode. First of all, if you are going to have a vote for the top 5 battles, and the voters themselves are apparently clueless, thats one thing. But if you decide to then show like 30 seconds of each fight, rather than the fights in their entirety, you ruin the whole idea.
I would honestly be happy if they just had re-runs of old Naruto episodes. Then at least the fansubbers wouldn't have to waste their time on this garbage. It's not like anyone with half a brain enjoys the fillers even remotely.
And after Sasuke vs. Naruto was voted number one, why did they show only the gayest part of that fight, where Chidori goes against Rasengan in what can only be described as "filleresque" or lacking any sort of interesting qualities that fights between ninjas should always have.
Fri, 09-29-2006, 10:09 PM
I think a lot of people here are watching the fillers for the sole purpose of bitching about it to pass the time now.
Mr. Roboto
Fri, 09-29-2006, 11:26 PM
is there a reason why the show is moving to thursday? i.e. to make room for a new show, compete against a different show on thursdays, to get a better time slot, just for the hell of it...
Sat, 09-30-2006, 01:47 AM
Even though this ep was reaking of crap, because of those flshbacks I did remember a little bit of why I liked Naruto. My main beef was that the fight selection was not up to my standards.
Thy Yukimura Edition would make the following changes.
Rooftop Scene: Why bother with Sasuke's capoeira ripoffs when you could just show more of the actual fight?
Kiba and Akamaru fight: No disrespect to Kiba, but he lost and had to be saved. More importantly Neji and Chouji's fights actually meant something. Chouji showed heart and sacrificed himself (and should be dead) and Neji's fight was probably the best ninja on ninja fight I've ever seen in the whole anime, they were both actually thinking instead of just pounding on one another.
The entire stupid Oro and Sasuke can' t have the charachters 'hosting' as if they aren't playing their actual roles and then have them take up the roles near the end for no reason.
Garaa vs X: It doesn't matter who, but Garaa's fights are all pretty ridiculous. Garaa/Kimi is probably the best, thought I don't like the fact that Garaa won on a plot device.
Drunk Lee vs Kimi: I mean....come....on! Fuck all thos Lee haters in Japan, that kid just can't fight without making it look amazing.
The rest of the time would be devoted to highlights from the final battle besides the flying Rasendori of friendship.
That's just my two cents.
Sat, 09-30-2006, 05:28 AM
I pretty much agree with everyone's attitude towards this ep, not even sure if its even worth being called an ep. I mean the flashbacks were at crap parts, Oro being in his old body, Ero-Sennin in Oro's lair, the jap kids (no offence to japs) voting on the fights. Can't believe it was even shown on tv!
By the way, the opening scene of ep of 198 and 199 were completely different to the other eps. My friends think it is the opening of Naruto Movie 3. Can anyone clarify that for me? Cheers in advance ;)
Sat, 09-30-2006, 06:28 AM
Is next week still a filler episode?
Sat, 09-30-2006, 07:04 AM
Rumour has it, yes. Unfortunately its a 90min special filler. If by miracle it is not, I would down on my knees thanking the heavens lol
Sat, 09-30-2006, 08:02 AM
yea...but i mean they've been disappointing us for over a why not do it again with a 90 min filler ::sarcasm::
if by some chance it actually start with the 6 manga chapter arc that many of us want to see or even part 2 episodes, then all i can so is "WOOOOOOOT"!!!!
but from the looks of it, it's pretty much a "perfect" chance for the animators to piss us off again with 90 mins of non-stop filler, give them more time to animate non filler stuff which will hopefully come in the near future, add more dvd's for more revenue, etc..
they can pretty much do what they want with the naruto anime. but at the same time, i'm sure they realize how many fans they've been losing since the long long fillers have started.
even i'm getting sick of fillers these days. i mean i handled it and thought they were ok up until this week's epi..
Sat, 09-30-2006, 09:44 AM
No spoilers allowed here. Read the rules next time.
Sat, 09-30-2006, 02:46 PM
Compared to the fillers, the idea behind this episode was very good. However, the implementation of that idea was so horrible that I could barely watch this whole episode. First of all, if you are going to have a vote for the top 5 battles, and the voters themselves are apparently clueless, thats one thing. But if you decide to then show like 30 seconds of each fight, rather than the fights in their entirety, you ruin the whole idea.
I would honestly be happy if they just had re-runs of old Naruto episodes. Then at least the fansubbers wouldn't have to waste their time on this garbage. It's not like anyone with half a brain enjoys the fillers even remotely.
And after Sasuke vs. Naruto was voted number one, why did they show only the gayest part of that fight, where Chidori goes against Rasengan in what can only be described as "filleresque" or lacking any sort of interesting qualities that fights between ninjas should always have.
Actually... they DO have re-runs.
This is last week's schedule.
19:27-19:54 BS Japan #199 的外れ 見えてきた標的
6:30- 7:00 テレビ新広島 #199 的外れ 見えてきた標的
22:00-22:30 キッズステーション #44 赤丸参戦!!負け犬はどっちだ? 再
22:00-22:30 キッズステーション #45 ヒナタ赤面! 観客あんぐり、ナルトの奥の手 再
19:27-19:55 テレビせとうち #202 本日発表! 汗と涙の名勝負ベスト5 お楽しみの番外編もあるってばよスペシャル
19:27-19:55 テレビ東京 #202 本日発表! 汗と涙の名勝負ベスト5 お楽しみの番外編もあるってばよスペシャル
次回放送は10/5 19:30~(放送枠移動)
22:00-22:30 キッズステーション #46 白眼開眼!!内気なヒナタの大胆決意! 再
22:00-22:30 キッズステーション #47 憧れの人の目の前で!! 再
18:30-18:59 キッズステーション #25 出たとこ勝負!踏ん張りどころの10問目
22:00-22:30 キッズステーション #48 我愛羅粉砕!!若さだ!パワーだ!爆発だ!
Sat, 09-30-2006, 07:44 PM
My favorite part of the show: "a battle between a fatty and a fatty". HAHAHAHAHAH!
I guess that irked more than a few of the fatties on this forum.
Sat, 09-30-2006, 08:09 PM
No Lee versus Kimimaro, no Wave Country awesomeness, no Itachi just owns shit, no Sannin battle, no Orochimaru versus Sarutobi, no Neji versus Naruto, no Neji versus ( "unconditionally raping" would be far more apt, I admit ) Hinata and no fucking Gaara versus Lee? Justice must be on vacation. Frankly, I'm fucking surprised Ino versus Sakura wasn't in there.
The only redeeming factor of this episode, well three actually, were:
1) Kiba, and his subsequent beating up Naruto
2) Neji, and his subsequent beating up Naruto
3) And I can't believe I'm saying this, the video where Sakura beats Naruto up, just too bad it wasn't followed with an encore of the best scene in the entire anime - where Zaku beats the shit out of Sakura. God I miss Zaku. He knew how to treat that bitch
God I hate this show right now.
Aptly spoken. I would however challenge you on the best scene in the entire anime! Personally, I prefer the scene in which Kabuto kicks the shit out Naruto while our beloved hero is helplessly down on the ground shitting himself. I swear, I literally cried out in sheer happiness during that one awesome scene.
I demand more Naruto abuse from this show and I demand it now!
Sun, 10-01-2006, 02:51 AM
I guess that irked more than a few of the fatties on this forum.
Uh, hopefully not...
Sun, 10-01-2006, 06:44 AM
Uh, hopefully not...
Umm, why not? Fatties suck. Have some self control, for crying out loud. We had this safety meeting at work today and the medics were talking about obesity and poor diet, so I started looking around at all the fat people (more than half the people in the room). They were all embarassed and looking down in shame. I felt bad for them, but it's their own fault. Put down the twinkie, fatty.
Chouji is a good fatty though. However, I don't like the way the anime advocates the use of "pills" for him to get lean and strong, like when he beat that other fatty in the clip. Bad message to the kids.
The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 10-01-2006, 10:54 AM
I'm fat, and I bet I could beat your skinny ass with 2 hamburgers in my hand.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 11:09 AM
I'm fat, and I bet I could beat your skinny ass with 2 hamburgers in my hand.What are you, an internet tough guy?
No need to go off topic here, let's keep our eyes on the prize. Fat people need to eat less and work out more. You think there's a lot of fatties in Japan-land? Besides the Akimichi family, there are very few other fatties in Konoha/Naruto's world.
Besides, just because I'm not fat, doesn't mean I'm skinny. There's a nice wide range in there, tough guy.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 11:37 AM
but it's their own fault. Put down the twinkie, fatty.
Are you retarded? Many people are fat because of genetics or illnesses, not because of "eating twinkies"
The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 10-01-2006, 11:50 AM
That dude is just having fun.
I know second grade was the most fun I've ever had.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 12:28 PM
Are you retarded? Many people are fat because of genetics or illnesses, not because of "eating twinkies"
Many more are fat because they can't stop eating twinkies. I'm not disputing a lot of it has to do with genetics, but diet and lifestyle play a large part. Like Chouji for example. His family is hefty, so he is too. But rarely have you seen him without a bag of chips or two drumsticks in his hands.
That dude is just having fun.
Some of it is fun, but it's mostly serious. Like I said, we had that meeting at work and the large number of overweight people was disturbing. Plus, I'm around a lot of American military people, so I see what exercise and proper nutrition can do for you. Of course, you see plenty of fatties in the military too, but mostly national guard and reservists. In contrast, you see very few fatties among the Australian and Japanese soldiers.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 12:46 PM
Chouji eats a lot for his ninjutsu.
And people cant stop eating because that is the way their metabolism works. I would like to see you eat half of what you eat for dinner and stay hungry every meal without complaining.
Never insult all fat people in general again. Someone I know is fat. Not because of genetics or illnesses, but because he has no time to excersize or make healthy foods because he works 6 days a week, usually 2 or 3 extra shifts to support his family. More people are like this then you know, so before you make an idiot of yourself again, do some research.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 12:54 PM
Are you retarded? Many people are fat because of genetics or illnesses, not because of "eating twinkies"
That's bullshit. If everyone is overweight because of genetics, why wasn't 60+% of the American population overweight 50 years ago? Canada is on a fast rise too. It's not because of genetics or metabolism, it's because people lead horrible lifestyles with no exercise and eat nothing but the most horrible food they could put in their body (fast food, softdrinks, etc).
Someone I know is fat. Not because of genetics or illnesses, but because he has no time to excersize or make healthy foods because he works 6 days a week, usually 2 or 3 extra shifts to support his family.
He doesn't have one or two hours per week to exercise? He can't goto bed earlier and wake up an hour earlier to goto the gym for a bit? He can't switch out softdrinks and coffee for water? He can't take 30 mins to cook his own food for work, or have his wife do it? Bullshit. No matter what the circumstance, it's very easy to make time to exercise and eat healthy. The only reason he doesn't have enough time to do any of these things is because he's not making an effort to do them. BTW, we all know this "friend" is actually you. You're a shitty liar.
PS. Fat people are disgusting and ugly. Yep, I just insulted all fat people in general. I have not in my life ever seen one fat person that isn't disgusting and ugly. I'm sure you can agree.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 01:04 PM
I know you don't care about the rep system, but I'd pos rep you for your last post if I could, mage.
@Mizuchi: Chouji does not eat a lot for his ninjutsu. His ninjutsu is to enlarge either parts of or his entire body. Being naturally fat has nothing to do with it. He eats a lot because he's a fatty. Maybe it's his home environment (children of professional cooks are usually fat), or maybe he has no self-control, but either way, he's disgustingly fat. I'd post scenes of him gourging on bbq, but you get the idea.
As for your one fat friend (I'm sure you know more), it's his choice and weakness to remain fat. His family sure will appreciate it when he drops dead at 50 from complications related to obesity. If he has to work two or three jobs, why not work jobs where you get a workout? The fact is, like too many obese people, he's lazy and has poor will power. So tell your buddy to put the twinkie down, and pick up some healthy food. The excuse that he has no time to eat healthy is pure bullshit. It takes just as long to order a big mac with fries as it does to order a McSalad with low cal dressing.
Shinji Ikari
Sun, 10-01-2006, 01:45 PM
I know you don't care about the rep system, but I'd pos rep you for your last post if I could, mage.
@Mizuchi: Chouji does not eat a lot for his ninjutsu. His ninjutsu is to enlarge either parts of or his entire body. Being naturally fat has nothing to do with it. He eats a lot because he's a fatty. Maybe it's his home environment (children of professional cooks are usually fat), or maybe he has no self-control, but either way, he's disgustingly fat. I'd post scenes of him gourging on bbq, but you get the idea.
Actually, he does use it for his jutsu. If you remember the fight he had when he used warriorpills, He was as thin as a toothpick afterwards because he used up all acumulated body fat and strength.
However, Being fat is also his choice, he eats a lot and his diet isn't the best having snacks everywhere he goes. Any normal person in real life who would train like a ninja would never ever grow fat for many reasons, So applying real logics into the world of anime is out of the question anyway.
And if talking about the real world, Mc donalds and other fastfood suppliers should be one reason combined with people not caring about what they put in their mouth. More people aren't getting fat because their genes are a bit "off" so to speak, more % of every population in the world get fat because they can't take care of themselves.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 02:17 PM
im not european but i thot that pic was pretty good.
people are fat mostly because of fast food. people also claim they dont have enough time to exercise which is just an excuse for being lazy.
attitude towards food also can make ppl fat. some ppl load their plate up and they stop eating when the plate is empty instead of when their stomache is full. then there are those that will stop when they dont feel hungry anymore, but they eat so damn fast that their stomache has 3 cheeseburgers in it before the first one can begin being digested and absorbed. "its my genes!" sure, buddy.
David Craft
Sun, 10-01-2006, 02:18 PM
*sighs* well that ep made no sence. The whole Jiraiya with Oro was stupid
The fights were a refreshing bit of nonfiller HOWEVER they runed it in 3 main ways.
1) only like 30 seconds of the clip. And teh worst part, many times it wasnt even teh BEST 30 seconds. I mean I personaly LOVE teh Naruto vs Sasuke fight... but they only showed the last bit... which wasnt the best part. The middle of the fight and when Naruto first pumps out the first tail... now THATS the good part of that fight.
2) Not picking better fights. Now the roof top fight with Naruto and Sasuke WAS a good fight... but how the HECK was it in teh top five. MABEY it could make the top 10... MABEY. Like ppl posted earlyer, where was the gaara fights? the lee fights? They showed a bit of the Kakashi vs Zab in there but where was more of that? that was an awsome fight. Bah... Or what about teh Naji vs Naruto fight? or the 3 Sennin battle. *sighs*
3) THE DAMN TALKING! I mean im trying to soak up the few moments of nonfiller here and I have Naruto and Sakura blabbering about dumb shit. I mean its only 30 seconds as it is... but you couldnt even hear the battle! I almost just turned my sound down! lol.
Anyways wasnt the WORST ep (Id give THAT prize to the fake lee/guy ep or the money ep or the "rassengen a rock" ep, or the... etc) but meh... it could have been better.
Anyways PLEASE GOD OR PLEASE let them get back on track SOON. I mean with this time slot move im so worried that the popularity is going way way way down. I dont want it to be canceled over this crap.
Well later folks
Sun, 10-01-2006, 02:24 PM
People aren't overweight because of genetics. To say so is indeed bullshit. Genetics do however play the deciding role in which body type you end up with and endomorphs do have a much easier time getting overweight. Still, just because you're an endomorph you shouldn't use it as an excuse for overeating and not taking proper care of your body. Besides, EVERYTHING isn't stacked up against you. Endomorphs generally have better hair, smoother skin and much more attractive facial features so stop thinking you're some kind of victim due to your bloody genetics.
Anyway, isn't this whole discussion slightly off-topic? Not that anyone gives a shit. We're in the Naruto forums after all.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 02:54 PM
*Back on topic*
I'm pretty much mad because I didn't get to see drunken Lee fight it out with Kimimaru. For weeks I anticipated that they would actually pick what was commonly seen as the BEST fights. They picked the dumbest fights ever. I can handle the gay freaking Gai vs. Kakashi flashback rock paper scissors fight, but they could have at least stuck some Naruto vs. Sasuke episode-133-action in there to make up for it. And as David Craft said, WTF they didn't even put the BEST clip of the fight, mostly rising or falling action... Whyyyyy?!
Kiba/Akamaru and Chouji didn't need to be in that episode. Substitute that with Hinana & Nejiness and people are way happier, I would think. Maybe they can't think past that Sound Ninja miniarc, or something.
I read on some random site that Chouji eats a lot because that's where a lot of his chakra comes from. I never saw this stated in the anime or manga, but that would explain why he stuffed his face like a fat cow when they were caught by Jirobo (The fatter ninja). *not really on topic* Responding to others, there's a bajillion ways why people are the shape they are, be it genetics or environmental/cultural factors. It's no "one thing".
I must admit that I was mildly excited to see Orochimaru again [orochi fan girl!!], but seeing sasuke look and act EXACTLY the same and all emoey was just overkill.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 03:17 PM
How has this thread started degerating into an obesity discussion....this is a Naruto thread. We should be talking about Naruto not the obesity of people in America. There's a General Discussuion topic for stuff like this.
Anyway, I came in here to give mention to the awesomeness that was the Sannin fight, which I neglected to mention before.
Upon further recollection everything Sakura said in the entire episode was completely pointless and could have easily been dropped. Sakura is useless and until they decide to show us whether or not she grows up by moving back to the original story she should just not be mentioned at all.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 03:44 PM
I love how none of the characters in Naruto are immediately lovable. Of course there are some exceptions like Gaara and Neji. (<3!) In Naruto, we learn to love the characters, or least understand them.
But Sakura is just in there so we can hate her. I hated her at the beginning of the series when she was a stuck up snob and made fun of Naruto for being an orphan. The I sort of forgave her when she tried to make a name for herself against those female ninja in the chuunin exams. Now I hate her all over again because she's generally snobby, and tried to run off with Sasuke.. *rantrantrant*
Maybe Kishimoto will kill her off in the next filler?
Sun, 10-01-2006, 03:55 PM
No, he is my uncle you idiot. And no he has no time, because 3 days a week he goes to work at 7 in the morning and finishes at 11. When he gets home, he wants to watch TV for 30 minutes to relax and quickly makes himself whatever he can. He then goes to sleep and repeats his cycle. On the other 3 days, he goes to work at 2:30 and finishes at 11. Before 2:30, he runs errands for his entire family. On his one day off, he spends time driving his kids and nephews to sports or to friends houses or wherever they want, and also spends his entire time running errands, and barely has any time to relax. If you would ever see him, you would notice he is suffering severe stress and exhaustion. Never insult him again you fucking moron, and don't talk shit you don't know. Maybe if you would spend less time watching 50 animes and commenting on them and instead going out and getting friends, you would know what it's like to care for someone with an imperfect body. Infact, why don't you post a pic of yourself? I bet your uglier than anyone here could imagine.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 04:02 PM
Nope, if he wanted he could still be able to fit in time for exercising. The fact that he doesn't proves that he simply puts forth no effort.
If you want to see my picture, go read the picture thread in GD.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 04:35 PM
He barely get any sleep you moron. In one day alone he puts more effort than you do in 5 years. Instead of trying to be an internet thug and an anime junkie who complains about bad cartoons, why don't you put in more "effort" into doing something healthy or useful.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 06:04 PM
I'm in college, a lifeguard, and I goto the gym to exercise 4 days per week, rofl. shut the fuck up fatty.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 06:23 PM
More like your name is steve, you're 30 years old, and you live in your mother's basement. Don't try and give yourself a profile on a forum moron.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 06:24 PM
What the motherfuck are you talking about?
Sun, 10-01-2006, 06:26 PM
Alright, this was amusing while it lasted... keep this fucking thread on topic.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 01:05 AM
Wow, I knew I'd piss off some fatties on this forum. I got like 10 neg reps from this thread!
@Sapphire: I don't think Chouji can just eat food to gain chakra. Those pills were specially formulated, like steroids. But regular food is not known to produce chakra, otherwise, there would be a lot of fat ninjas. What power-hungry ninja wouldn't pack on 50 lbs of fat, if it meant having more chakra to perform ninjutsu techniques with?
I don't know why you guys don't like Sakura. She's a sweet girl who has been hurt by teasing and lack of self-confidence her entire childhood. Only now is she growing up and finding her place in the world. Sure she could be nicer to Naruto, but sometimes guys like the fish that are harder to catch, instead of the freaks who are all over you (like Sakura acts towards Sasuke).
Back to the episode, I give it a B/B-.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 03:16 AM
Well, I don't have any special problems with Sakura. The main gripe is that she has been quite useless in battles and does absolutely nothing but cry for Sasuke. However, her main function seemed to be to keep the group together. Without her, Naruto and Sasuke might have been at each others throats much more often and more vehemently. Perhaps the teachers foresaw that and thus placed Sakura in that team.
What comes to Chouji... Maybe being able to use extra body weight to produce chakra is his family's bloodline limit... It wouldn't be the strangest ability in Konoha.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 09:35 AM
lol the stramges ability in konoha is brob. the bug thing lol
David Craft
Mon, 10-02-2006, 10:29 AM
Alright, this was amusing while it lasted... keep this fucking thread on topic.
damn strait
I got neg rep because I inteupted their "precious discussion about fatties"
Anyways as I said not the worst ep... but damn... they really did screw it up.
You know it wouldnt be that bad if they actualy TOLD us when the fillers were goign to end. If they said "Yah in 4 months the fillers would end" we could all just bite down and deal with this crap. But actualy SEE teh light at the end of the tunnal
What we are doing NOW is going through the damn tunnal blind folded lol.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 12:31 PM
If they told us when the fillers were going to end, people would stop watching until that date. That would be bad for ratings and revenue, so that won't happen.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 09:26 PM
no need to get annoyed mage it's only an anime forum. learn to relax
Mon, 10-02-2006, 11:19 PM
How about you be constructive in criticism and quit being a fag? Go away.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 11:36 PM
last warning people. stay on topic and quit the flaming.
Wed, 10-04-2006, 05:04 AM
Dame I missed out a lot while I was away lol. Guess its over now.
In my opinion I don't find Sakura any good apart from being the living crap out of Naruto at times. Yes, she does hold the group, but she is always talking about Sasuke. Like Kakashi says in the early eps when the group is formed, 'More girls are interested in love, then they are at becoming a ninja.'
I'll probably find Sakura useful being useful in a ninja, when she has mastered the healing techniques.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 03:03 AM
Exactly. Sakura is going to be invaluable once she starts being the senzu bean of Naruto.
Naruto: "Oh crap, that badguy just beat the shit out of me! Lee, go fight him for 2 episodes while Sakura magics me back to full health!"
Thu, 10-05-2006, 05:26 AM
I don't know if it's been played out in other manga\anime, but the Sakura character development from useless tag-along to vital squad member is brilliant and part of what makes Kishimoto a genius. That is, if he actually makes her an integral part of the storyline with her healing abilities. Since I haven't read the manga, I can't say for sure yet.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 07:05 AM
I don't know if it's been played out in other manga\anime, but the Sakura character development from useless tag-along to vital squad member is brilliant and part of what makes Kishimoto a genius.
Except she's still a useless tag-along only now she can heal people.
Jesus Fing Christ, you really are insane. (nothing new there actually, but you just keep on amazing me)
Thu, 10-05-2006, 09:42 AM
Yeah, a "useless tag-along that can heal". Is that an oxymoron or a paradox? Oh wait, you're just a moron. I've played enough RPGs to know a group isn't complete without a healer. Just like DarthEnder said, she's now the senzu bean of Naruto. Does someone need to explain what that means to you?
Thu, 10-05-2006, 09:46 AM
I don't think you understand what makes a character useful or not..
Thu, 10-05-2006, 09:58 AM
I guess he (she?) means a character is useful if they are likeable or has some cool power or something. Personally, I think he (she?) has an issue with women, which is weird since his (her?) avatar is somewhat effeminate.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 10:10 AM
Kabuto and Shizune are useful squad members that can heal. Sakura would need three things to reach the next level: Gain good healing skills, gain mediocre combat skills (so that the other members could concentrate on beating the enemies and not defending her), and get rid of the Sasuke obsession. Now, as she obviously loves Sasuke very much, it would be unreasonable to imagine she would forget him, but as she is right now, there's nothing she could do for him.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 10:16 AM
I think her feelings for Sasuke is puppy love, or first love, and she will grow out of it. I haven't read the manga to see if this is true or not, but I think it'd be a good way for Kishimoto to develop the character.
She's already on her way to becoming a good healer and has excellent genjutsu skills. All she needs is more confidence, which she will also gain with age and experience.
They've also already established that she's very intelligent, so learning new techniques will help her become a stronger fighter. If you mean just taijutsu skills, then yes, she needs to improve there, but that's asking a lot of one character.
With these conditions in mind, do you guys not think someone like Rock Lee is a good team member? After all, all he has is great taijutsu skills, but no ninjutsu or genjutsu.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 10:46 AM
i would like to know what genjutsu skills does sakura has? all i can remember is doing kai during the konoha invasion
Thu, 10-05-2006, 10:52 AM
I think her feelings for Sasuke is puppy love, or first love, and she will grow out of it. I haven't read the manga to see if this is true or not, but I think it'd be a good way for Kishimoto to develop the character.
She's already on her way to becoming a good healer and has excellent genjutsu skills. All she needs is more confidence, which she will also gain with age and experience.
They've also already established that she's very intelligent, so learning new techniques will help her become a stronger fighter. If you mean just taijutsu skills, then yes, she needs to improve there, but that's asking a lot of one character.
With these conditions in mind, do you guys not think someone like Rock Lee is a good team member? After all, all he has is great taijutsu skills, but no ninjutsu or genjutsu.
this mayb j0r best post ever. Idea bout Sakura not drooling for Sasuke's wang grow her character is good one. Rock Lee ownz joo though, ownz most Naruto people. May be one-sided, but same for Gai, Tenten, Chouji. Sakura = useless, maybe get better, but now she only look good on my floor.
Sakura smart, but book smart only. She often fail at adapting to tough skeet in her face, fail at restrain PMS "Inner", crying woman emotions.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 11:27 AM
@uchessmaster: Sorry, I forgot Genjutsu was use of illusion, not just recognizing that you were being tranced. So she has the basics down, and can at least recognize when genjutsu is being used against her (and her team).
@suckitdry: You freakin' rule, man! And not just because you're an alien spore from another planet. You actually speak logic like none of these other squares. Funny thing is, Ino is my favorite female character, not Sakura.
The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 10-05-2006, 11:47 AM
Yeah, a "useless tag-along that can heal". Is that an oxymoron or a paradox? Oh wait, you're just a moron. I've played enough RPGs to know a group isn't complete without a healer. Just like DarthEnder said, she's now the senzu bean of Naruto. Does someone need to explain what that means to you?
You're so cool, please teach me how to call people names because of a Japanese cartoon. I could never dream of being that hip.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 11:49 AM
You're so cool, please teach me how to call people names because of a Japanese cartoon. I could never dream of being that hip.
I don't see how your post contributes to this thread. Please refrain from off-topic discussion and flaming.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 12:09 PM
Take a vacation redcat.
Except she's still a useless tag-along only now she can heal people.
Jesus Fing Christ, you really are insane. (nothing new there actually, but you just keep on amazing me)
shouldnt you be cross dressing or something?
The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 10-05-2006, 04:59 PM
I don't really see how calling someone a moron contributes to this thread, but whatever.
(I watched Naruto episode 202)
Thu, 10-05-2006, 08:41 PM
Yeah, a "useless tag-along that can heal". Is that an oxymoron or a paradox? Oh wait, you're just a moron. I've played enough RPGs to know a group isn't complete without a healer. Just like DarthEnder said, she's now the senzu bean of Naruto. Does someone need to explain what that means to you?
And turning Sakura into "the senzu bean of Naruto" (truly an honorable title), after 130 episodes of uselessness, makes Kishimoto a genius?
I'm beginning to think you actually are the car in your avatar IRL, having somehow gained the ability to type using your wheels or something (funny thought actually, but not too far-fetched).
Thu, 10-05-2006, 11:41 PM
@Animeniax: If you have to bring up how you haven't read the manga twice within 5 posts and you think Kishi is such a genius why don'y you just read the damn thing and be done with it.
Thu, 10-05-2006, 11:50 PM
@heretic: way to get your post count up. I especially like how you post two flames and don't get banned, and redcat gets banned for one. Btw, sorry if saying "moron" offends you. I know it's a very harsh slander. I'll try to be nicer next time.
@Terra: Dude, that would make me a Transformer! That would be freakin wicked. Transformers... more than meets the eye... Transformers... robots in disguise...
About Sakura, since she's really just a side character, waiting for that many episodes to develop her character isn't anything to leak mascara about.
@yuki: I like to reiterate my points for those here with short attention spans. Kids often have that problem.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 03:00 AM
It looks like the release of the 90 mins special might take a little longer:
The release of episode 203-205 of Naruto has been delayed due to circumstances beyond Dattebayo's control.
The episode is a 90 minute special with new opening and ending songs. Translation and timing for all parts including the opening and ending is complete, however due to unavailability of proper quality source video (raw) we made a decision to delay the release.
Dattebayo will release the 3-episode Naruto special as soon as we are able to do so while still maintaining our standards for quality releases.
For one reason or another I was actually a bit looking forward to this (be it for the fact that you can't beat red eyes or for some other even more obscure reason), so for my own part I hope the delay won't be too long. It seems like the usual raw providers compressed more heavily or something, but you would think somebody would have recorded a nicer one as well, somewhere out there.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 05:23 AM
Sakura will only be good like 5th Hokage in strength, seeing through genjutsu and healing powers. Apart from that she is pretty much a tagger. Through most episodes she hasn't done much compared to the other Naruto characters. I just think the writers need to make Sakura a better character in the upcoming episodes. Would you guys and girls agree?
Fri, 10-06-2006, 07:54 PM
Sakura will only be good like 5th Hokage in strength, seeing through genjutsu and healing powers. Apart from that she is pretty much a tagger. Through most episodes she hasn't done much compared to the other Naruto characters. I just think the writers need to make Sakura a better character in the upcoming episodes. Would you guys and girls agree?
Sakura annoys the hell out of me. All she does is scream for sasuke and hit naruto, when sasuke doesn't give a damn about her and naruto repeatedly saves her life. Oh well, maybe the filler writers will take matters into their own hands and kill sakura off in the fillers.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 08:12 PM
sakuras training right now, and shes despirately wants to pull her weight now. if she brings anything to the team then shes not just filler. if you wanna get really critical you could say shes been trying to pull her on weight since the chuunin exam. she was perfectly willing to help sasuke and naruto on that a rank mission during the exam... but she got out classed by gaara. i mean seriously... did we expect her to do ANYTHING against gaara? im sure that after her training sakura will bring a lot more to the team.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 08:26 PM
sakuras training right now, and shes despirately wants to pull her weight now. if she brings anything to the team then shes not just filler. if you wanna get really critical you could say shes been trying to pull her on weight since the chuunin exam. she was perfectly willing to help sasuke and naruto on that a rank mission during the exam... but she got out classed by gaara. i mean seriously... did we expect her to do ANYTHING against gaara? im sure that after her training sakura will bring a lot more to the team.
Yes well it will be a little late, seeing how it will be almost 4 years since she became a genin, Squad 7 has already had to complete many high rank missions one man short, and sasuke has left Konoha. I still say kill her off and replace her with a shinigami ninja who can be seen by souls in the konoha world.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 08:32 PM
as much as you hate her, she will never be killed off.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 09:42 PM
as much as you hate her, she will never be killed off.
Yes unfortunately that is the truth, no matter how twisted and wrong it may be
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