View Full Version : Game: What's Everyone Buying 4th Quarter

Sun, 08-27-2006, 08:39 PM
Buy Okami

Now that the summer drought is finally ending what upcoming releases is everyone looking forward to buying(downloading for some)? Here is what I'm picking up.

Sept 13-Black DS Lite(darn ipod broke and gonna take like a mth to get fixed)
Sept 13-Mega Man ZX(DSL)
Sept 19-Okami(PS2)
Sept 26-Valkyrie Profile Silmeria(PS2)
Oct 31-Final Fantasy XII(PS2)
Nov 3-Final Fantasy III(DSL)(May wait on this since I'll have FF12 and hopefully my ipod back)
Nov 17-PS3(500)
Nov 17-Madden(PS3)
Nov 17-Resistance Fall Of Man(PS3)

Sigh:( looking at 960 before tax. Oh yea if you are reading this then you need to buy Okami.

Sun, 08-27-2006, 08:45 PM
PS2 Final Fantasy 12
GBA Final Fantasy V
GBA Final Fantasy VI

Possibly will pick up a used DS and get FF3.

Sun, 08-27-2006, 08:49 PM
I'll be buying....well...I won't actually be buying any of these except the Wii and FFIII

Xenosaga Ep 3
Disgaea 2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy III
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA
Tales of the Abyss
Nintendo Wii

Sun, 08-27-2006, 08:50 PM
Oh yeah, forgot about the Wii. I'll be getting that and whatever good games it has. Probably just Twilight Princess and possibly Dragon Quest Swords, Elebits, and Trauma Center if they're any good.

Sun, 08-27-2006, 08:53 PM
these are the game titles i will be looking foward to and getting.

megaman zx(ds)(this has been on my list for a very long time, 18 more days to go)
final fantasy 3(ds)(was supposed to come out the same day mmzx came out, but has been pushed back to late october)
star fox(ds)(maybe)
children of mana(ds)(december? maybe?)
the legend of zelda: phantom hourglass(ds)(release date has not been confirmed, yet, but is said to be either december or early next year)

last, but not least..
nintendo wii(twilight princess and super smash bros brawl?)
ps3(depending on my situation)

i guess that's all the things i'll be getting this year, unless i'm missing something.

Sun, 08-27-2006, 09:08 PM
Aeon is sad at the lask of Okami love this thread has received so far, atleast no one has mentioned Yakuza. And is Smash Brothers brawl a launch for Wii? If so I might have to look into getting one by Summer 07 by then Tennis and Kart should be out plus they finally showed footage of Strikers.

Sun, 08-27-2006, 09:21 PM
I want to get FF12 and if I would have money I'd get Ps3 then Metal Gear Solid 4 and FF13
if I had even more money I'd get FF3 and DS,

I might get battery for my old gba and try FF5 and 6

Sun, 08-27-2006, 09:24 PM
And is Smash Brothers brawl a launch for Wii?
Wii launch titles:


Sun, 08-27-2006, 10:39 PM
Well i'm definitely getting Zelda, Rayman, and something else for the Wii when it comes out.

Sun, 08-27-2006, 11:58 PM
FF XII is definately on the top of my buying list for this quarter.

Mon, 08-28-2006, 12:44 AM
ugh......i need to get 100% in echoes before i get metroid prime 3

Mon, 08-28-2006, 03:17 AM
Oh snap! Xeno 3 and Disgaea 2 are tomorrow! WTF am I doing replaying DQ8? (well, except killing time, I guess)

Other than that, SMT: Devil Summoner (can't go wrong with SMT games) and God Hand (seems like a spiritual successor to DMC) in October, Guitar Hero 2 (3-note chords! new songs!) in November, I'll probably pick up FFXII around the end of the semester.

Mon, 08-28-2006, 10:24 AM
Let's see
Saint's Row(x360)
Dead Rising(x360)
Just Cause(x360)
Enchant Arm(x360)
Lost Planet(x360)
Viva Piñata >_>(x360)
Gears of War (x360)
Armored Core 4 (x360)
RainbowSix: Vegas(x360)
Splinter cell 4 ( either pc or x360)
A PS3(600)
Genji: Days of the Blade (Ps3)
Heavenly Sword (Ps3)
Devil May Cry 4(Ps3)
Virtua Fighter 5 (Ps3, if on x360, ill get it for 360)
Nintendo Rev ( i refuse to call it you know what )
Zelda ( Rev)
Metroid Prime 3 ( Rev)
wow, now i realize ^^ is gonna cost me ~1800-1900€.

Lair (ps3)
resistance (ps3)
tekken 6 (ps3)
rayman raving rabbits(x360 or whatever)
Red steel (rev)
FF crystal chronicles 2(rev)

God Hand (ps2, and no comp its NOT a spiritual successor to DMC, not in the slightest.)
FF XII US version (ps2, i already have 10+ hours on the jap version)

Mon, 08-28-2006, 11:02 AM
Staple games(games I know for sure I'm getting):
Gears of War(360)
Heavenly Sword(PS3)
Lost Planet(360)
Just Cause(360)
Wii(what ever the price is)

That's all I can think of right now, I'll probably get most of the things everyone else is......with the exception of Okami :p

Mon, 08-28-2006, 11:18 AM
SSBB(rev) and MGS4(ps3) are 2007, not q4 2006 :/

Mon, 08-28-2006, 11:20 AM
-_-....I made that list regardless of when they were coming out.

Mon, 08-28-2006, 01:34 PM
Did anyone actaully learn here a bit or a lot of japanese so they can play imported jap games ? or are you all native speakers ?

Mon, 08-28-2006, 04:36 PM
-_-....I made that list regardless of when they were coming out.

lol if i did that, my list would've been HUGE :P